def compute(directory, args): with cd(directory, internal=True): return [ s.strip() for s in check_output(["docker-compose"] + args + ["config", "--services"], internal=True).splitlines() ]
def restore(file, name): """Put the content of name into file By default, put the content of name on a file/directory with the same name. You can provide a different location with --file """ file = file or name[len("refs/git-store/"):] file = os.path.abspath(file) tl = toplevel() prefixfile = os.path.relpath(file, tl) if check_output([git(), "cat-file", "-t", name]).strip() == "tree": call([git(), "read-tree", name, "--prefix", prefixfile]) call([git(), "checkout", "--", file]) check_output([git(), "reset", "--", file]) else: call([git(), "cat-file", "blob", name], stdout=open(file, "w"))"Restored git name {} in location {}".format( name[len("refs/git-store/"):], prefixfile))
def get(blob_ref): ref = "refs/git-store/" + blob_ref[1] res = "Hash: {}".format(blob_ref[0][:8]) try: typ = check_output( [git(), "cat-file", "-t", ref], nostderr=True, internal=True, ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: typ = "unknown" res += " , Type: {}".format(typ) if with_notes: try: note = check_output(notes_command() + ["show", ref], nostderr=True).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: note = None if note: res += " , Note: {}".format(note.splitlines()[0]) return res
def toplevel(): global _toplevel if _toplevel is None: try: _toplevel = check_output( [git(), "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], nostderr=True, internal=True, ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return _toplevel
def attempt1(): info = pool(blob_sha) if info: line, res = info commit, *parents = line print("## {}".format(blob_sha)) print( check_output( shlex.split( "git log --format='%cd %h %s' -n 1 {}".format(commit)) ) ) print(" {}".format(res)) print("-------------")
def current_remote(): global _current_remote if _current_remote is None: try: _current_remote = check_output( [ git(), "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "--symbolic-full-name", "@{u}" ], internal=True, nostderr=True, ).strip().split("/")[0] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return _current_remote
def get_refs(remote=None): ref_command = ["ls-remote", remote] if remote else ["show-ref"] def split(ref): res = ref.split(" ") res[1] = res[1][len("refs/git-store/"):] return res return [ split(line) for line in check_output( [git()] + ref_command, internal=True, nostderr=True, ).strip().replace("\t", " ").splitlines() if line.split(" ")[1].startswith("refs/git-store/") ]
def big_dict(): lines = [ line.split(" ") for line in check_output( shlex.split("git rev-list --parents HEAD") ).splitlines() ] blob_to_commit = defaultdict(set) parenthood = {} with progressbar(lines) as bar: for commit, *parents in bar: for blob in commit_blobs(commit): blob_to_commit[blob].add(commit) for parent in parents: for blob in commit_blobs(parent): blob_to_commit[blob].add(parent) parenthood[commit] = parents return blob_to_commit, parenthood
def pool(blob_sha): lines = [ line.split(" ") for line in check_output( shlex.split("git rev-list --parents HEAD") ).splitlines() ] p = Pool() manager = Manager() end = manager.Value(bool, False) gen = p.imap(find_matching, [ (commit, parents, blob_sha, end) for commit, *parents in lines # NOQA ]) with progressbar(gen, length=len(lines)) as bar: for line, res in zip(lines, bar): if res: p.terminate() p.join() return line, res
def _save(name, file, force, create_hash_file=False): full = os.path.abspath(file) hash_file = full + ".hash" dir = os.path.dirname(full) file = os.path.basename(full) tl = toplevel() prefixfile = os.path.relpath(full, tl) if os.path.isdir(full): call([git(), "add", "-f", "--", file], cwd=dir) blob = check_output([git(), "write-tree", "--prefix", prefixfile]).strip() check_output([git(), "reset", "--", file], nostderr=True) else: blob = check_output([git(), "hash-object", "-w", "--", full]).strip() name = name or (file + "-" + blob[:8]) name = name.replace(".", "_").replace(" ", "_") if create_hash_file: createfile(hash_file, name) refs_dict = get_refs_dict() if not force and name in refs_dict: other_blob = refs_dict[name] if blob == other_blob: LOGGER.warning("The git name {} already exists" " and is associated to the same content".format( name, blob, )) return name else: raise click.UsageError( "The git name {} already exists with hash {}." " You are willing to associate it with the hash {}." " Either choose another name or use --force" " if you know what you are doing".format( name, other_blob, blob, )) ref = "refs/git-store/{}".format(name) check_output([git(), "update-ref", ref, blob]) return name
def evaluate(project, expr): return check_output(shlex.split(expr)).strip()
def note_ref(): global _note_ref if _note_ref is None: _note_ref = check_output(notes_command() + ["get-ref"]).strip() return _note_ref
def git_remotes(): global _git_remotes if _git_remotes is None: _git_remotes = check_output([git(), "remote"]).splitlines() return _git_remotes
def commit_blobs(commit_sha): return check_output( shlex.split("git ls-tree -t -r {}".format(commit_sha)) ).splitlines()