def __init__(self, enable, sid, *a, **k): Button.__init__(self, width=71, height=20, *a, **k) self.selected = False self.state = Button.NORMAL if enable else Button.DISABLED self.color = self.sid = sid self.update()
def __init__(self, skill, sid, enable, view, *a, **k): Button.__init__(self,, width=71, height=20, *a, **k) self._selected = False self.state = Button.NORMAL if enable else Button.DISABLED self.color = self.skill = skill self.sid = sid self.view = view self.params_ui = None self.update()
def __init__(self, game, *args, **kwargs): Screen.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.backdrop = common_res.bg_ingame.get() self.flash_alpha = 0.0 = game self.ui_class = game.ui_meta.ui_class self.gameui = self.ui_class( parent=False, game=game, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720)) ) # add when game starts self.events_box = GameScreen.EventsBox(parent=self) self.chat_box = GameScreen.ChatBox(parent=self) self.panel = GameScreen.RoomControlPanel(parent=self) self.btn_exit = Button( parent=self, caption=u'退出房间', zindex=1, **r2d((730, 670, 75, 25)) ) VolumeTuner(parent=self, x=690, y=665) @self.btn_exit.event def on_click(): box = ConfirmBox(u'真的要离开吗?', buttons=ConfirmBox.Presets.OKCancel, parent=self) @box.event def on_confirm(val): if val:'exit_game', ui_message, [])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Screen.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = common_res.bg_login.get() self.bg_alpha = LinearInterp(0, 1.0, 1.5) self.dialog = LoginScreen.LoginDialog(parent=self) try_game = Button( parent=self, caption=u'试玩', x=750, y=50, width=100, height=30,, ) @try_game.event def on_click(): text = ( u'试玩的玩家有以下限制:\n' u'\n' u'随机的id,不记录游戏数和节操\n' u'固定的头像、自定义签名\n' u'无法使用文文新闻和邀请功能\n' u'无法断线重连' ) confirm = ConfirmBox(text, buttons=ConfirmBox.Presets.OKCancel, parent=self) @confirm.event def on_confirm(val): val and'auth', ui_message, ['-1', 'guest'])
def __init__(self, game_id, *a, **k): Panel.__init__( self, width=550, height=340, zindex=10000, *a, **k ) self.game_id = game_id self.x = (self.overlay.width - 550) // 2 self.y = (self.overlay.height - 340) // 2 self.btncancel = btncancel = Button( u'关闭', parent=self, x=440, y=25, width=90, height=40 ) self.labels = Label( u'邀请游戏', font_size=12, x=275, y=306, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', + (255, ), shadow=(2, 207, 240, 156, 204), batch=self.labels, ) @btncancel.event def on_click(): self.delete()'get_hallinfo', ui_message, None)
def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button( parent=self, caption=u'准备', **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35)) ) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP('NONAME', parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:'cancel_ready', ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.update() else:'get_ready', ui_message, []) #self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u'取消准备' self.btn_getready.update()
def __init__(self, g, *a, **k): Panel.__init__(self, width=550, height=340, zindex=15, *a, **k) parent = self.parent self.x = (parent.width - 550) // 2 self.y = (parent.height - 340) // 2 self.textarea = ta = TextArea( parent=self, x=30, y=30, width=550-30, height=340-60, font_size=12, ) ta.text = u'' winners = for p in g.players: s = u'|G%s|r(|R%s|r, |c0000ffff%s|r, %s)\n' % (, p.account.username.replace('|', '||'), g.ui_meta.identity_table[p.identity.type], u'|R胜利|r' if p in winners else u'失败' ) ta.append(s) if in winners: self.pic = L('thb-win') else: self.pic = L('thb-lose') close = Button( u'关闭', parent=self, x=440, y=25, width=90, height=40, zindex=10, ) @close.event def on_click(): self.delete()
def __init__(self, *a, **k): Frame.__init__( self, u'登陆', x=350, y=165, width=325, height=184, bot_reserve=50, *a, **k ) def L(text, x, y, *a, **k): self.add_label( text, x=x, y=y, font_size=9, color=(0, 0, 0, 255), bold=True, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', *a, **k ) L(u'用户名:', 368 - 350, 286 - 165) L(u'密码:', 368 - 350, 250 - 165) self.txt_username = TextBox( parent=self, x=438-350, y=282-165, width=220, height=20, text=UserSettings.last_id, ) self.txt_pwd = PasswordTextBox( parent=self, x=438-350, y=246-165, width=220, height=20, text='', ) self.btn_login = Button( parent=self, caption=u'进入幻想乡', x=50, y=10, width=100, height=30 ) self.btn_reg = Button( parent=self, caption=u'乡民登记',, x=175, y=10, width=100, height=30 ) @self.btn_login.event def on_click(): self.do_login() @self.txt_pwd.event def on_enter(): self.do_login() @self.btn_reg.event # noqa def on_click(): openurl('')
def process_user_input(self, ilet): g = Game.getgame() me = choices = ilet.mapping[me] for i, c in enumerate(choices): c._choice_index = i w, h = CharacterSorterControl.expected_size(1, ilet.num) w = 20 + w + 20 h = 60 + h + 50 def lbl(text, x, y): Label( text=text, font_size=12, x=x, y=y, color=(255, 255, 160, 255), shadow=(2, 0, 0, 0, 190), anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center', batch=self.lbls, ) lbl(u'请拖动调整角色的出场顺序', w // 2, h - 25) parent = self.parent self.x, self.y = (parent.width - w) // 2, (parent.height - h) // 2 self.width, self.height = w, h self.update() self.sorter = sorter = CharacterSorterControl(ilet.num, ilet.limit, parent=self, x=20, y=60) selectors = [] for i, c in enumerate(choices): selectors.append(GirlSelector(c, selectors, parent=sorter)) sorter.init() btn = Button(parent=self, caption=u'调整完成', x=w - 120, y=15, width=100, height=30) @btn.event def on_click(*a, **k): gslist, = self.sorter.get_result() index = [c.choice._choice_index for c in gslist] ilet.set_result(index) ilet.done() end_transaction(self.trans) b = BigProgressBar(parent=self, x=100, y=15, width=250) b.value = LinearInterp(1.0, 0.0, ilet.timeout, on_done=on_click)
def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == "gameinfo": gid, ul = args[0] if gid != self.game_id: return ul = [i for i in ul if i["state"] not in ("dropped", "fleed")] for i, p in enumerate(ul): y, x = divmod(i, 5) x, y = 30 + 100 * x, 250 - 60 * y acc = Account.parse(p["account"]) s = Button(acc.username,, parent=self, x=x, y=y, width=95, height=30) s.userid = acc.userid @s.event def on_click(uid=acc.userid, un=acc.username):"observe_user", ui_message, uid) self.overlay.chat_box.append(u"|R已经向%s发送了旁观请求,请等待回应……|r\n" % un) self.delete()
def process_user_input(self, ilet): cards = w, h = RanProphetControl.expected_size() w = 100 + w + 20 h = 60 + h + 50 def lbl(text, x, y): Label( text=text, x=x, y=y, font_size=12, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center', color=(255, 255, 160, 255), shadow=(2, 0, 0, 0, 230), batch=self.lbls, ) lbl(u'牌堆底', 50, 122) lbl(u'牌堆顶', 50, 277) lbl(u'请拖动调整牌的位置', w // 2, h - 25) parent = self.parent self.x, self.y = (parent.width - w) // 2, (parent.height - h) // 2 self.width, self.height = w, h self.update() self.rpc = rpc = RanProphetControl(parent=self, x=100, y=60) for i, c in enumerate(cards): cs = CardSprite(c, parent=rpc) cs.associated_card = c rpc.init() btn = Button(parent=self, caption=u'调整完成', x=w - 120, y=15, width=100, height=30) @btn.event def on_click(*a): up, down = self.rpc.get_result() up = [c.associated_card for c in up] down = [c.associated_card for c in down] ilet.set_result(up, down) ilet.done() end_transaction(self.trans) b = BigProgressBar(parent=self, x=100, y=15, width=250) b.value = LinearInterp(1.0, 0.0, ilet.timeout, on_done=on_click)
def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button( parent=self, caption=u'准备', **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35)) ) self.btn_invite = Button( parent=self, caption=u'邀请', **r2d((360, 40, 100, 35)) ) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP('NONAME', parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:'cancel_ready', ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.update() else:'get_ready', ui_message, []) #self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u'取消准备' self.btn_getready.update() @self.btn_invite.event # noqa def on_click(): GameScreen.InvitePanel(, parent=self)
def __init__(self, p): Frame.__init__( self, parent=p, caption=u'当前大厅内的游戏', x=35, y=220, width=700, height=420, bot_reserve=30, bg=common_res.bg_gamelist.get(), ) gl = self.gamelist = ListView(parent=self, x=2, y=30, width=696, height=420-30-25) gl.set_columns([ (u'No.', 100), (u'游戏名称', 200), (u'游戏类型', 200), (u'人数', 50), (u'当前状态', 80), ]) self.btn_create = Button(parent=self, caption=u'创建游戏', x=690-270, y=6, width=70, height=20) self.btn_quickstart = Button(parent=self, caption=u'快速加入', x=690-180, y=6, width=70, height=20) self.btn_refresh = Button(parent=self, caption=u'刷新列表', x=690-90, y=6, width=70, height=20) @self.btn_create.event def on_click(): self.CreateGamePanel(parent=self.overlay) @self.btn_quickstart.event # noqa def on_click():'quick_start_game', ui_message, 'THBattle') @self.btn_refresh.event # noqa def on_click():'get_hallinfo', ui_message, None) @self.gamelist.event def on_item_dblclick(li): # TODO: if li.started:'observe_user', ui_message, li.game_id) self.ObserveGamePanel(li.game_id, parent=self.overlay) else:'join_game', ui_message, li.game_id)
def process_user_input(self, ilet): cards = w, h = KokoroHopeMaskControl.expected_size() w = 100 + w + 20 h = 60 + h + 50 def lbl(text, x, y): Label( text=text, x=x, y=y, font_size=12, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center', color=(255, 255, 160, 255), shadow=(2, 0, 0, 0, 230), batch=self.lbls, ) lbl(u'请拖动调整牌的位置', w // 2, h - 25) lbl(u'牌堆顶', 50, 277) lbl(u'展示并获得', 50, 122) parent = self.parent self.x, self.y = (parent.width - w)//2, (parent.height - h)//2 self.width, self.height = w, h self.update() self.ctrl = ctrl = KokoroHopeMaskControl(parent=self, x=100, y=60) for i, c in enumerate(cards): cs = CardSprite(c, parent=ctrl) cs.associated_card = c ctrl.init() btn = Button(parent=self, caption=u'完成', x=w-120, y=15, width=100, height=30) @btn.event def on_click(*a): ilet.done() end_transaction(self.trans) @ctrl.event def on_update(): putback, acquire = self.ctrl.get_result() putback = [c.associated_card for c in putback] acquire = [c.associated_card for c in acquire] if ilet.is_valid(putback, acquire): ilet.set_result(putback, acquire) btn.state = Button.NORMAL else: btn.state = Button.DISABLED b = BigProgressBar(parent=self, x=100, y=15, width=250) b.value = LinearInterp(1.0, 0.0, ilet.timeout, on_done=on_click)
def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'gameinfo': gid, ul = args[0] if gid != self.game_id: return ul = [i for i in ul if i['state'] not in ('dropped', 'fleed')] for i, p in enumerate(ul): y, x = divmod(i, 5) x, y = 30 + 100*x, 250 - 60*y acc = Account.parse(p['account']) s = Button( acc.username,, parent=self, x=x, y=y, width=95, height=30, ) s.userid = acc.userid @s.event def on_click(uid=acc.userid, un=acc.username):'observe_user', ui_message, uid) self.overlay.chat_box.append(u'|R已经向%s发送了旁观请求,请等待回应……|r\n' % un) self.delete()
def __init__(self, game, *a, **k): = game game.event_observer = UIEventHook Control.__init__(self, *a, **k) self.char_portraits = None self.deck_indicator = DeckIndicator(parent=self, x=30, y=680, width=50, height=25) self.handcard_area = HandCardArea(parent=self, x=238, y=9, zindex=3, width=93 * 5 + 42, height=145) self.deck_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self, width=1, height=1, x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2, zindex=4 ) self.btn_afk = Button(parent=self, caption=u"让⑨帮你玩", zindex=1,, **r2d((730, 640, 75, 25))) self.gameintro_icon = GameIntroIcon(parent=self, game=game, **r2d((780, 610, 25, 25))) self.afk = False @self.btn_afk.event def on_click(): v = not self.afk self.afk = v self.btn_afk.color = (,[v] self.btn_afk.update() @self.handcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.dispatch_event("on_selection_change") self.dropcard_area = DropCardArea(parent=self, x=0, y=324, zindex=3, width=820, height=125) class Animations(, Control): def __init__(self, **k): Control.__init__(self, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, zindex=2, **k) def hit_test(self, x, y): return False self.animations = Animations(parent=self) self.selecting_player = 0
def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'current_users': ul = args[0] ul = [(uid, uname) for uid, uname, state in ul if state in ('hang', 'observing')] for i, (uid, uname) in enumerate(ul): y, x = divmod(i, 5) x, y = 30 + 100*x, 250 - 60*y s = Button( uname,, parent=self, x=x, y=y, width=95, height=30, ) @s.event def on_click(s=s, uid=uid, un=uname):'invite_user', ui_message, uid) self.overlay.chat_box.append(u'|R已经邀请了%s,请等待回应……|r\n' % un) s.state = Button.DISABLED
def __init__(self, text, *a, **k): Panel.__init__(self, *a, **k) self.zindex = 100 w, h = self.width, self.height ta = TextArea( parent=self, font_size=12, x=2, y=60, width=w-4, height=h-4-60 ) ta.append(text) btn = Button( u'关闭', parent=self, x=(w-120)//2, y=20, width=120, height=40, ) @btn.event def on_click(): self.delete()
def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button(parent=self, caption=u"准备", **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35))) self.btn_invite = Button(parent=self, caption=u"邀请", **r2d((360, 40, 100, 35))) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP("NONAME", parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:"cancel_ready", ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u"准备" self.btn_getready.update() else:"get_ready", ui_message, []) # self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u"取消准备" self.btn_getready.update() @self.btn_invite.event # noqa def on_click(): GameScreen.InvitePanel(, parent=self)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Screen.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = common_res.bg_gamehall.get() self.gamelist = self.GameList(self) chat = self.chat_box = GameHallScreen.ChatBox(parent=self) chat.text = u'您现在处于游戏大厅!\n' self.playerlist = GameHallScreen.OnlineUsers(parent=self) self.noticebox = GameHallScreen.NoticeBox(parent=self) self.statusbox = GameHallScreen.StatusBox(parent=self) VolumeTuner(parent=self, x=850, y=660) b = Button(parent=self, x=750, y=660, width=80, height=35,, caption=u'卡牌查看器', ) @b.event def on_click(): openurl('')'get_hallinfo', ui_message, None)
class RoomControlPanel(Control): def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button( parent=self, caption=u'准备', **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35)) ) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP('NONAME', parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:'cancel_ready', ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.update() else:'get_ready', ui_message, []) #self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u'取消准备' self.btn_getready.update() def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'player_change': self.update_portrait(args[0]) elif _type == 'kick_request': u1, u2, count = args[0] self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |c0000ffff%s|r希望|c0000ffff|B%s|r离开游戏,已有%d人请求\n' % ( u1[1], u2[1], count ) ) elif _type == 'game_joined': self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.state = Button.NORMAL def update_portrait(self, pl): def players(): return { p.account.username for p in self.portraits if p.account } orig_players = players() full = True for i, p in enumerate(pl): accdata = p['account'] acc = Account.parse(accdata) if accdata else None if not accdata: full = False port = self.portraits[i] port.account = acc port.ready = (p['state'] == 'ready') port.update() curr_players = players() for player in (orig_players - curr_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已离开游戏\n' % player ) for player in (curr_players - orig_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已进入游戏\n' % player ) if not self.ready and full and orig_players != curr_players: from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 满员提醒', u'房间已满员,请准备。')
def __init__(self, *a, **k): w, h = 550, 485 Panel.__init__( self, width=w, height=h, zindex=1000, *a, **k ) self.x = (self.overlay.width - w) // 2 self.y = (self.overlay.height - h) // 2 self.btncreate = btncreate = Button( u'创建游戏', parent=self, x=440, y=75, width=90, height=40 ) self.btncancel = btncancel = Button( u'取消', parent=self, x=440, y=25, width=90, height=40 ) btncreate.state = Button.DISABLED txtbox = self.txtgamename = TextBox( parent=self, x=95, y=395, width=420, height=22, ) uname = Executive.gamemgr.account.username f = pyglet.font.load('AncientPix', 9) un1 = textsnap(uname, f, 140) if un1 != uname: uname = textsnap(uname, f, 120) + u'…' txtbox.text = uname + u'的游戏' self.labels = batch = Label( u'创建游戏房间', font_size=12, x=275, y=431, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', + (255, ), shadow=(1, 207, 240, 156, 204), batch=batch, ), Label( u'房间名称:', font_size=9, x=30, y=400, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', + (255, ), shadow=(1, 207, 240, 156, 204), batch=batch, ) from gamepack import gamemodes as modes self.selectors = selectors = [] def on_select(): btncreate.state = Button.NORMAL for i, (gname, gcls) in enumerate(modes.items()): y, x = divmod(i, 3) x, y = 30 + 170*x, 275 - 125*y s = ImageSelector( gcls.ui_meta.logo, selectors, parent=self, x=x, y=y ) intro = getattr(gcls.ui_meta, 'description', None) intro and s.init_balloon(intro, width=480) s.gametype = gname s.event(on_select) selectors.append(s) @btncreate.event def on_click(): gtype = ImageSelector.get_selected(selectors).gametype f = pyglet.font.load('AncientPix', 9) roomname = textsnap(txtbox.text, f, 200)'create_game', ui_message, [gtype, roomname]) @btncancel.event # noqa def on_click(): self.delete()
class RoomControlPanel(Control): def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button( parent=self, caption=u'准备', **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35)) ) self.btn_invite = Button( parent=self, caption=u'邀请', **r2d((360, 40, 100, 35)) ) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP('NONAME', parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:'cancel_ready', ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.update() else:'get_ready', ui_message, []) #self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u'取消准备' self.btn_getready.update() @self.btn_invite.event # noqa def on_click(): GameScreen.InvitePanel(, parent=self) def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'player_change': self.update_portrait(args[0]) elif _type == 'kick_request': u1, u2, count = args[0] self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |c0000ffff%s|r希望|c0000ffff|B%s|r离开游戏,已有%d人请求\n' % ( u1[1], u2[1], count ) ) elif _type == 'game_joined': self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u'准备' self.btn_getready.state = Button.NORMAL def update_portrait(self, pl): def players(): return { p.account.username for p in self.portraits if p.account } orig_players = players() full = True for i, p in enumerate(pl): accdata = p['account'] acc = Account.parse(accdata) if accdata else None if not accdata: full = False port = self.portraits[i] port.account = acc port.ready = (p['state'] == 'ready') port.update() curr_players = players() for player in (orig_players - curr_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已离开游戏\n' % player ) for player in (curr_players - orig_players): self.parent.chat_box.append( u'|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已进入游戏\n' % player ) if not self.ready and full and orig_players != curr_players: from utils import notify notify(u'东方符斗祭 - 满员提醒', u'房间已满员,请准备。')
class THBattleUI(Control): portrait_location = [ (60, 300,, (250, 450,, (450, 450,, (640, 300,, (450, 150,, (250, 150,, ] gcp_location = [ (3, 1, 'me',, (669, 280, 'left',, (155+180+180, 520, 'bottom',, (155+180, 520, 'bottom',, (155, 520, 'bottom',, (3, 280, 'right',, ] def __init__(self, game, *a, **k): = game game.event_observer = UIEventHook Control.__init__(self, can_focus=True, *a, **k) self.keystrokes = '\x00' self.char_portraits = None self.deck_indicator = DeckIndicator( parent=self, x=30, y=680, width=50, height=25, ) self.handcard_area = HandCardArea( parent=self, x=238, y=9, zindex=3, width=93*5+42, height=145, ) self.deck_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self, width=1, height=1, x=self.width//2, y=self.height//2, zindex=4, ) self.btn_afk = Button( parent=self, caption=u'让⑨帮你玩', zindex=1,, **r2d((730, 640, 75, 25)) ) self.gameintro_icon = GameIntroIcon( parent=self, game=game, **r2d((780, 610, 25, 25)) ) self.afk = False @self.btn_afk.event def on_click(): v = not self.afk self.afk = v self.btn_afk.color = (,[v] self.btn_afk.update() @self.handcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') self.dropcard_area = DropCardArea( parent=self, x=0, y=324, zindex=3, width=820, height=125, ) class Animations(, Control): def __init__(self, **k): Control.__init__( self, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, zindex=2, **k ) def hit_test(self, x, y): return False self.animations = Animations(parent=self) self.selecting_player = 0 def init(self): ports = self.char_portraits = [ GameCharacterPortrait(parent=self, color=color, x=x, y=y, tag_placement=tp) for x, y, tp, color in self.gcp_location[:len(] ] pl = shift = pl.index( for i, c in enumerate(ports): p = pl[(shift + i) %] c.player = p c.update() ports[0].equipcard_area.selectable = True # it's TheChosenOne self.begin_select_player() self.end_select_player() self.skill_box = SkillSelectionBox( parent=self, x=161, y=9, width=70, height=22*6-4 ) SoundManager.switch_bgm(gres.bgm_game) self.more_init() def more_init(self): pass def player2portrait(self, p): from gamepack.thb.characters.baseclasses import Character if isinstance(p, Character): p = p.player for port in self.char_portraits: if port.player == p: break else: raise ValueError(p) return port def update_skillbox(self): g = skills = getattr(, 'skills', None) if skills is None: # before girl chosen return skills = [ (i, s, s.ui_meta.clickable(g)) for i, s in enumerate(skills) if not getattr(s.ui_meta, 'no_display', False) ] skills.sort(key=lambda i: -i[2]) self.skill_box.set_skills( (, i, e) for i, s, e in skills ) PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES = { 'evt_game_begin', 'evt_switch_character', } def update_portraits(self): for port in self.char_portraits: port.update() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'evt_action_before' and isinstance(args[0], actions.PlayerTurn): self.current_turn = args[0].target elif _type == 'player_change': for i, pd in enumerate(args[0]): p =[i] port = self.player2portrait(p) port.dropped = (pd['state'] in ('dropped', 'fleed')) port.fleed = (pd['state'] == 'fleed') port.update() elif _type in self.PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES: self.update_portraits() elif _type == 'evt_action_after': act = args[0] meta = getattr(act, 'ui_meta', None) if meta and getattr(meta, 'update_portrait', None): pl = set() if act.source: pl.add(act.source) if hasattr(act, 'target_list'): pl.update(act.target_list) elif pl.add( for p in pl: self.player2portrait(p).update() self.more_on_message(_type, args) if _type.startswith('evt_'): effects.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) inputs.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) def more_on_message(self, _type, args): pass def on_text(self, text): # The easter egg ks = self.keystrokes ks = (ks + text)[:40] self.keystrokes = ks from gamepack.thb.characters import characters as chars for c in chars: try: alter = c.ui_meta.figure_image_alter except: continue for i in xrange(len(ks)): if alter.decrypt(ks[-i:]): def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def ray(self, f, t): if f == t: return sp = self.player2portrait(f) dp = self.player2portrait(t) x0, y0 = sp.x + sp.width/2, sp.y + sp.height/2 x1, y1 = dp.x + dp.width/2, dp.y + dp.height/2 Ray(x0, y0, x1, y1, parent=self, zindex=10) def prompt(self, s): self.prompt_raw(u'|B|cff0000ff>> |r' + unicode(s) + u'\n') def prompt_raw(self, s): self.parent.events_box.append(s) def begin_select_player(self, disables=[]): #if self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = True #self.selected_players = [] for p in port = self.player2portrait(p) if p in disables: port.disabled = True port.selected = False try: self.selected_players.remove(p) except ValueError: pass else: port.disabled = False def get_selected_players(self): return self.selected_players def set_selected_players(self, players): for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False for p in players: self.player2portrait(p).selected = True self.selected_players = players[:] def end_select_player(self): #if not self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = False self.selected_players = [] for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False p.disabled = False def get_selected_cards(self): return [ cs.associated_card for cs in if cs.hca_selected ] + [ cs.associated_card for cs in self.player2portrait( if cs.selected ] def get_selected_skills(self): skills = return sorted([ skills[i] for i in self.skill_box.get_selected_index() ], key=lambda s: s.sort_index) def on_mouse_click(self, x, y, button, modifier): c = self.control_frompoint1_recursive(x, y) if isinstance(c, GameCharacterPortrait) and self.selecting_player and not c.disabled: char = c.character if not char: return True sel = c.selected psel = self.selected_players if sel: c.selected = False psel.remove(char) else: c.selected = True psel.append(char) self.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') return True def get_game_screen(self): assert self.parent return self.parent @staticmethod def show_result(g): ResultPanel(g, parent=Overlay.cur_overlay)
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0,, tag_placement='me', *args, **kwargs): self.player = None self.character = None self._disabled = False self._selected = False self.taganims = [] self.tag_placement = tag_placement self._color = color = None self._last_balloon = None Frame.__init__(self, width=149, height=195, bot_reserve=20, color=color, thin_shadow=True, **kwargs) self.x, self.y = x, y self.charname_lbl = self.add_label( u'', 7, self.height - 30, width=16, multiline=True, font_size=9, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', color=(255, 255, 255, 255), shadow=(1, 0, 0, 0, 179), ) from .view import THBattleUI v = self.parent while not isinstance(v, THBattleUI): v = v.parent self.view = v self.portcard_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self.view, x=self.x, y=self.y, width=self.width, height=self.height, zindex=100, ) self.equipcard_area = EquipCardArea( parent=self, x=3, y=6, ) w, h = self.width, self.height self.identity_btn = b = Button( u'?', parent=self, x=w - 42 - 4, y=h - 24 - 10 - 18, width=42, height=18, ) self.cur_idtag = 0 @b.event def on_click(): g = Game.getgame() tbl = g.ui_meta.identity_table colortbl = g.ui_meta.identity_color keys = tbl.keys() try: i = (keys.index(self.cur_idtag) + 1) % len(keys) except ValueError: i = 0 next = keys[i] b.caption = tbl[next] color = getattr(Colors, colortbl[next]) b.color = color self.set_color(color) b.update() self.update() self.cur_idtag = next @self.equipcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.view.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') def tagarrange_bottom(): x, y = self.x, self.y w, h = self.width, self.height x += w + 1 y -= 27 for a in self.taganims: # they are pyglet.sprite.Sprite instances x -= 27 a.set_position(x, y) def tagarrange_me(): x, y = self.x, self.y w, h = self.width, self.height x += w + 6 y += 142 for a in self.taganims: # they are pyglet.sprite.Sprite instances a.set_position(x, y) x += 27 def tagarrange_right(): x, y = self.x, self.y w, h = self.width, self.height x += w + 3 y += 1 for a in self.taganims: # they are pyglet.sprite.Sprite instances a.set_position(x, y) y += 27 def tagarrange_left(): x, y = self.x, self.y w, h = self.width, self.height x -= 28 y += 1 for a in self.taganims: # they are pyglet.sprite.Sprite instances a.set_position(x, y) y += 27 self._tagarrange_funcs = { 'bottom': tagarrange_bottom, 'me': tagarrange_me, 'left': tagarrange_left, 'right': tagarrange_right, } showncard_btn = ImageButton( common_res.buttons.port_showncard, parent=self, x=self.width - 22, y=90, ) @showncard_btn.event # noqa def on_click(): p = self.character if not p: return if not p.showncardlists: return # before the 'real' game_start last = ShownCardPanel.current if last: last.delete() if last.character is p: return ShownCardPanel(p, parent=self.view)
class THBattleUI(Control): portrait_location = [ (60, 300,, (250, 450,, (450, 450,, (640, 300,, (450, 150,, (250, 150,, ] gcp_location = [ (3, 1, 'me',, (669, 280, 'left',, (155 + 180 + 180, 520, 'bottom',, (155 + 180, 520, 'bottom',, (155, 520, 'bottom',, (3, 280, 'right',, ] def __init__(self, game, *a, **k): = game game.event_observer = UIEventHook Control.__init__(self, can_focus=True, *a, **k) self.keystrokes = '\x00' self.char_portraits = None self.deck_indicator = DeckIndicator( parent=self, x=30, y=680, width=50, height=25, ) self.handcard_area = HandCardArea( parent=self, x=238, y=9, zindex=3, width=93 * 5 + 42, height=145, ) self.deck_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self, width=1, height=1, x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2, zindex=4, ) self.btn_afk = Button(parent=self, caption=u'让⑨帮你玩', zindex=1,, **r2d((730, 640, 75, 25))) self.gameintro_icon = GameIntroIcon(parent=self, game=game, **r2d((780, 610, 25, 25))) self.afk = False @self.btn_afk.event def on_click(): v = not self.afk self.afk = v self.btn_afk.color = (,[v] self.btn_afk.update() @self.handcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') self.dropcard_area = DropCardArea( parent=self, x=0, y=324, zindex=3, width=820, height=125, ) class Animations(, Control): def __init__(self, **k): Control.__init__(self, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, zindex=2, **k) def hit_test(self, x, y): return False self.animations = Animations(parent=self) self.selecting_player = 0 def init(self): ports = self.char_portraits = [ GameCharacterPortrait(parent=self, color=color, x=x, y=y, tag_placement=tp) for x, y, tp, color in self.gcp_location[:len(] ] pl = shift = pl.index( for i, c in enumerate(ports): p = pl[(shift + i) %] c.player = p c.update() ports[0].equipcard_area.selectable = True # it's TheChosenOne self.begin_select_player() self.end_select_player() self.skill_box = SkillSelectionBox(parent=self, x=161, y=9, width=70, height=22 * 6 - 4) SoundManager.switch_bgm(gres.bgm_game) self.more_init() def more_init(self): pass def player2portrait(self, p): from gamepack.thb.characters.baseclasses import Character if isinstance(p, Character): p = p.player for port in self.char_portraits: if port.player == p: break else: raise ValueError(p) return port def update_skillbox(self): g = skills = getattr(, 'skills', None) if skills is None: # before girl chosen return skills = [(i, s, s.ui_meta.clickable(g)) for i, s in enumerate(skills) if not getattr(s.ui_meta, 'no_display', False)] skills.sort(key=lambda i: -i[2]) self.skill_box.set_skills((, i, e) for i, s, e in skills) PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES = { 'evt_game_begin', 'evt_switch_character', } def update_portraits(self): for port in self.char_portraits: port.update() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == 'evt_action_before' and isinstance(args[0], actions.PlayerTurn): self.current_turn = args[0].target elif _type == 'player_change': for i, pd in enumerate(args[0]): p =[i] port = self.player2portrait(p) port.dropped = (pd['state'] in ('dropped', 'fleed')) port.fleed = (pd['state'] == 'fleed') port.update() elif _type in self.PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES: self.update_portraits() elif _type == 'evt_action_after': act = args[0] meta = getattr(act, 'ui_meta', None) if meta and getattr(meta, 'update_portrait', None): pl = set() if act.source: pl.add(act.source) if hasattr(act, 'target_list'): pl.update(act.target_list) elif pl.add( for p in pl: self.player2portrait(p).update() self.more_on_message(_type, args) if _type.startswith('evt_'): effects.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) inputs.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) def more_on_message(self, _type, args): pass def on_text(self, text): # The easter egg ks = self.keystrokes ks = (ks + text)[:40] self.keystrokes = ks from gamepack.thb.characters import characters as chars for c in chars: try: alter = c.ui_meta.figure_image_alter except: continue for i in xrange(len(ks)): if alter.decrypt(ks[-i:]): def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def ray(self, f, t): if f == t: return sp = self.player2portrait(f) dp = self.player2portrait(t) x0, y0 = sp.x + sp.width / 2, sp.y + sp.height / 2 x1, y1 = dp.x + dp.width / 2, dp.y + dp.height / 2 Ray(x0, y0, x1, y1, parent=self, zindex=10) def prompt(self, s): self.prompt_raw(u'|B|cff0000ff>> |r' + unicode(s) + u'\n') def prompt_raw(self, s): self.parent.events_box.append(s) def begin_select_player(self, disables=[]): #if self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = True #self.selected_players = [] for p in port = self.player2portrait(p) if p in disables: port.disabled = True port.selected = False try: self.selected_players.remove(p) except ValueError: pass else: port.disabled = False def get_selected_players(self): return self.selected_players def set_selected_players(self, players): for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False for p in players: self.player2portrait(p).selected = True self.selected_players = players[:] def end_select_player(self): #if not self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = False self.selected_players = [] for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False p.disabled = False def get_selected_cards(self): return [ cs.associated_card for cs in if cs.hca_selected ] + [ cs.associated_card for cs in self.player2portrait( if cs.selected ] def get_selected_skills(self): skills = return sorted([skills[i] for i in self.skill_box.get_selected_index()], key=lambda s: s.sort_index) def on_mouse_click(self, x, y, button, modifier): c = self.control_frompoint1_recursive(x, y) if isinstance(c, GameCharacterPortrait ) and self.selecting_player and not c.disabled: char = c.character if not char: return True sel = c.selected psel = self.selected_players if sel: c.selected = False psel.remove(char) else: c.selected = True psel.append(char) self.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') return True def get_game_screen(self): assert self.parent return self.parent @staticmethod def show_result(g): ResultPanel(g, parent=Overlay.cur_overlay)
def delete(self): self.params_ui and self.params_ui.delete() Button.delete(self)
class RoomControlPanel(Control): def __init__(self, parent=None): Control.__init__(self, parent=parent, **r2d((0, 0, 820, 720))) self.btn_getready = Button(parent=self, caption=u"准备", **r2d((360, 80, 100, 35))) self.btn_invite = Button(parent=self, caption=u"邀请", **r2d((360, 40, 100, 35))) self.ready = False l = [] class MyPP(PlayerPortrait): # this class is INTENTIONALLY put here # to make cached avatars get gc'd cached_avatar = {} for x, y, color in parent.ui_class.portrait_location: l.append(MyPP("NONAME", parent=self, x=x, y=y, color=color)) self.portraits = l @self.btn_getready.event def on_click(): if self.ready:"cancel_ready", ui_message, []) self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u"准备" self.btn_getready.update() else:"get_ready", ui_message, []) # self.btn_getready.state = Button.DISABLED self.ready = True self.btn_getready.caption = u"取消准备" self.btn_getready.update() @self.btn_invite.event # noqa def on_click(): GameScreen.InvitePanel(, parent=self) def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == "player_change": self.update_portrait(args[0]) elif _type == "kick_request": u1, u2, count = args[0] self.parent.chat_box.append( u"|B|R>> |c0000ffff%s|r希望|c0000ffff|B%s|r离开游戏,已有%d人请求\n" % (u1[1], u2[1], count) ) elif _type == "game_joined": self.ready = False self.btn_getready.caption = u"准备" self.btn_getready.state = Button.NORMAL def update_portrait(self, pl): def players(): return {p.account.username for p in self.portraits if p.account} orig_players = players() full = True for i, p in enumerate(pl): accdata = p["account"] acc = Account.parse(accdata) if accdata else None if not accdata: full = False port = self.portraits[i] port.account = acc port.ready = p["state"] == "ready" port.update() curr_players = players() for player in orig_players - curr_players: self.parent.chat_box.append(u"|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已离开游戏\n" % player) for player in curr_players - orig_players: self.parent.chat_box.append(u"|B|R>> |r玩家|c0000ffff|B%s|r已进入游戏\n" % player) if not self.ready and full and orig_players != curr_players: from utils import notify notify(u"东方符斗祭 - 满员提醒", u"房间已满员,请准备。")
def __init__(self, game, *a, **k): = game game.event_observer = UIEventHook Control.__init__(self, can_focus=True, *a, **k) self.keystrokes = '\x00' self.char_portraits = None self.deck_indicator = DeckIndicator( parent=self, x=30, y=680, width=50, height=25, ) self.handcard_area = HandCardArea( parent=self, x=238, y=9, zindex=3, width=93 * 5 + 42, height=145, ) self.deck_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self, width=1, height=1, x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2, zindex=4, ) self.btn_afk = Button(parent=self, caption=u'让⑨帮你玩', zindex=1,, **r2d((730, 640, 75, 25))) self.gameintro_icon = GameIntroIcon(parent=self, game=game, **r2d((780, 610, 25, 25))) self.afk = False @self.btn_afk.event def on_click(): v = not self.afk self.afk = v self.btn_afk.color = (,[v] self.btn_afk.update() @self.handcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.dispatch_event('on_selection_change') self.dropcard_area = DropCardArea( parent=self, x=0, y=324, zindex=3, width=820, height=125, ) class Animations(, Control): def __init__(self, **k): Control.__init__(self, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, zindex=2, **k) def hit_test(self, x, y): return False self.animations = Animations(parent=self) self.selecting_player = 0
class THBattleUI(Control): portrait_location = [ (60, 300,, (250, 450,, (450, 450,, (640, 300,, (450, 150,, (250, 150,, ] gcp_location = [ (3, 1, "me",, (669, 280, "left",, (155 + 180 + 180, 520, "bottom",, (155 + 180, 520, "bottom",, (155, 520, "bottom",, (3, 280, "right",, ] def __init__(self, game, *a, **k): = game game.event_observer = UIEventHook Control.__init__(self, *a, **k) self.char_portraits = None self.deck_indicator = DeckIndicator(parent=self, x=30, y=680, width=50, height=25) self.handcard_area = HandCardArea(parent=self, x=238, y=9, zindex=3, width=93 * 5 + 42, height=145) self.deck_area = PortraitCardArea( parent=self, width=1, height=1, x=self.width // 2, y=self.height // 2, zindex=4 ) self.btn_afk = Button(parent=self, caption=u"让⑨帮你玩", zindex=1,, **r2d((730, 640, 75, 25))) self.gameintro_icon = GameIntroIcon(parent=self, game=game, **r2d((780, 610, 25, 25))) self.afk = False @self.btn_afk.event def on_click(): v = not self.afk self.afk = v self.btn_afk.color = (,[v] self.btn_afk.update() @self.handcard_area.event def on_selection_change(): self.dispatch_event("on_selection_change") self.dropcard_area = DropCardArea(parent=self, x=0, y=324, zindex=3, width=820, height=125) class Animations(, Control): def __init__(self, **k): Control.__init__(self, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, zindex=2, **k) def hit_test(self, x, y): return False self.animations = Animations(parent=self) self.selecting_player = 0 def init(self): ports = self.char_portraits = [ GameCharacterPortrait(parent=self, color=color, x=x, y=y, tag_placement=tp) for x, y, tp, color in self.gcp_location[: len(] ] pl = shift = pl.index( for i, c in enumerate(ports): p = pl[(shift + i) %] c.player = p c.update() ports[0].equipcard_area.selectable = True # it's TheChosenOne self.begin_select_player() self.end_select_player() self.skill_box = SkillSelectionBox(parent=self, x=161, y=9, width=70, height=22 * 6 - 4) SoundManager.switch_bgm(gres.bgm_game) def player2portrait(self, p): for port in self.char_portraits: if port.player == p: break else: raise ValueError(p) return port def update_skillbox(self): g = skills = getattr(, "skills", None) if skills is None: # before girl chosen return skills = [ (i, s, s.ui_meta.clickable(g)) for i, s in enumerate(skills) if not getattr(s.ui_meta, "no_display", False) ] skills.sort(key=lambda i: -i[2]) self.skill_box.set_skills((, i, e) for i, s, e in skills) PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES = {"evt_game_begin", "evt_kof_next_character"} def update_portraits(self): for port in self.char_portraits: port.update() def on_message(self, _type, *args): if _type == "evt_action_before" and isinstance(args[0], actions.PlayerTurn): self.current_turn = args[0].target elif _type == "player_change": for i, pd in enumerate(args[0]): p =[i] port = self.player2portrait(p) port.dropped = pd["state"] in ("dropped", "fleed") port.fleed = pd["state"] == "fleed" port.update() elif _type in self.PORT_UPDATE_MESSAGES: self.update_portraits() elif _type == "evt_action_after": act = args[0] meta = getattr(act, "ui_meta", None) if meta and getattr(meta, "update_portrait", None): pl = set() if act.source: pl.add(act.source) if hasattr(act, "target_list"): pl.update(act.target_list) elif pl.add( for p in pl: self.player2portrait(p).update() if _type.startswith("evt_"): effects.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) inputs.handle_event(self, _type[4:], args[0]) def draw(self): self.draw_subcontrols() def ray(self, f, t): if f == t: return sp = self.player2portrait(f) dp = self.player2portrait(t) x0, y0 = sp.x + sp.width / 2, sp.y + sp.height / 2 x1, y1 = dp.x + dp.width / 2, dp.y + dp.height / 2 Ray(x0, y0, x1, y1, parent=self, zindex=10) def prompt(self, s): self.prompt_raw(u"|B|cff0000ff>> |r" + unicode(s) + u"\n") def prompt_raw(self, s): self.parent.events_box.append(s) def begin_select_player(self, disables=[]): # if self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = True # self.selected_players = [] for p in port = self.player2portrait(p) if p in disables: port.disabled = True port.selected = False try: self.selected_players.remove(p) except ValueError: pass else: port.disabled = False def get_selected_players(self): return self.selected_players def set_selected_players(self, players): for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False for p in players: self.player2portrait(p).selected = True self.selected_players = players[:] def end_select_player(self): # if not self.selecting_player: return self.selecting_player = False self.selected_players = [] for p in self.char_portraits: p.selected = False p.disabled = False def get_selected_cards(self): return [cs.associated_card for cs in if cs.hca_selected] + [ cs.associated_card for cs in self.player2portrait( if cs.selected ] def get_selected_skills(self): skills = return sorted([skills[i] for i in self.skill_box.get_selected_index()], key=lambda s: s.sort_index) def on_mouse_click(self, x, y, button, modifier): c = self.control_frompoint1_recursive(x, y) if isinstance(c, GameCharacterPortrait) and self.selecting_player and not c.disabled: sel = c.selected psel = self.selected_players if sel: c.selected = False psel.remove(c.player) else: c.selected = True psel.append(c.player) self.dispatch_event("on_selection_change") return True def get_game_screen(self): assert self.parent return self.parent @staticmethod def show_result(g): ResultPanel(g, parent=Overlay.cur_overlay)