def update_current(self): data_id = Data.current data = Data.get_data() Logger.debug('Update data: {}'.format(data)) data = json.dumps(data) RestClient.patch(data, '/{}'.format(data_id)) self.get_all()
def add_data(self): data = Data.get_data() data['id'] = None # чтобы на сервере id сгенерилось Logger.debug('Add data: {}'.format(data)) data = json.dumps(data) RestClient.get()
def create_client(): global client params = (, config_root.port.value, config_root.user.value, config_root.password.value) debug("Creating openHAB client: host=%s, port=%d, user=%s, password=%s" % params) client = RestClient(*params)
def authenticate_dataforseo(): creds = None with open("dataforseocreds.json", 'r') as f: creds = json.load(f) if creds: return RestClient(creds["login"], creds["password"]) else: raise ValueError('No datafroseo credentials.')
class Mapper: def __init__(self): self.client = RestClient(LOGIN, PASSWORD) def save_get_response(self, path): directory = path.split('/') filepath = '' for name in directory: filepath += f"{name}_" filepath = filepath[:-1] + '.json' # get the data response = json.dumps(self.client.get(path), indent=4) with open(filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(response)
if args.advanced: fields.extend(['is_image','is_video','is_featured_snippet','is_malicious','is_web_story','amp_version','rating','sitelinks','faq','items','pixels_from_top']) if args.knowledge_graph: fields.extend(['sub_title','address','phone']) # Output name timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") tag = args.output + "-" + timestr filename = tag + ".csv" with open(filename,'w',newline='') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields, delimiter=";") writer.writeheader() file.close() client = RestClient(user,password) # While there are results, request the next batch next_batch = True while next_batch: response = client.get("/v3/serp/google/organic/tasks_ready") if response['status_code'] == 20000: tasks_available = response["tasks"][0]["result_count"] print("{} tasks available".format(tasks_available)) if tasks_available < 1: next_batch = False results = [] for task in response['tasks']: if (task['result'] and (len(task['result']) > 0)): for resultTaskInfo in task['result']: if(resultTaskInfo['endpoint_advanced']):
def get_all(self): RestClient.get()
def del_current(self): data_id = Data.current RestClient.delete('/{}'.format(data_id)) self.get_all()
# Output headers fields = [ 'keyword', 'location_code', 'language_code', 'search_partners', 'search_volume', 'cpc', 'competition', 'categories', 'monthly_searches' ] # Output name timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") tag = args.output + "-" + timestr filename = tag + ".csv" with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields, delimiter=";") writer.writeheader() file.close() client = RestClient(user, password) # While there are results, request the next batch next_batch = True while next_batch: response = client.get( "/v3/keywords_data/google/search_volume/tasks_ready") if response['status_code'] == 20000: tasks_available = response["tasks"][0]["result_count"] print("{} tasks available".format(tasks_available)) if tasks_available < 1: next_batch = False for task in response["tasks"]: if (task['result'] and (len(task['result']) > 0)): for result_task_info in task['result']:
class GetList: client = RestClient("*****@*****.**", "2iHUO8lhRFD5vqEP") stop_words = set(stopwords.words("french")) stop_words_english = set(stopwords.words("english")) stop_words_multilingual = stop_words.union(stop_words_english) new_stopwords_list = stop_words_multilingual.union(stop) def create_request(self, post_data): response ="/v2/live/srp_tasks_post", dict(data=post_data)) if response["status"] == "error": print("error. Code: %d Message: %s" % (response["error"]["code"], response["error"]["message"])) return [] else: return response def get_results_from_keywords(self, keywords): rnd = Random() #you can set as "index of post_data" your ID, string, etc. we will return it with all results. post_data = dict() post_data[rnd.randint(1, 30000000)] = dict( se_name="", se_language="French", se_localization= 'fr-fr', loc_id= 1006094, key=keywords ) return self.create_request(post_data) def get_results_from_taskid(self, taskId): srp_response = self.client.get("/v2/srp_tasks_get/%d" % (taskId)) if srp_response["status"] == "error": print("error. Code: %d Message: %s" % (srp_response["error"]["code"], srp_response["error"]["message"])) return [] else: return srp_response def get_results(self, keywords): allinfo = [] if (type(keywords) is int): allinfo = self.get_results_from_taskid(keywords) else: allinfo = self.get_results_from_keywords(keywords) return allinfo def extract_url_from_results(self, data): url_result = [] for i in data["results"]["organic"]: url_result.append(i["result_url"]) return url_result def extract_text_from_url(self, list): text = [] count = 0 for i in list: try: html = requests.get(i).text #html = urllib.request.urlopen(i, timeout=3).read().decode("utf8") text.append(get_text(html)) count += 1 except: print("Error: " + i) print("Count = ", count) return text def normalize_text_list(self, textArray): corpus = [] for i in range(len(textArray)): #Remove accents text = re.sub("'"," ", textArray[i]) text = re.sub('"'," ", text) # Removes urls text = re.sub("/(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$])/igm", " ", text) #text = str(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')) #Remove Special characters #text = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', text) text = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9áéèíóúÁÉÍÓÚâêîôÂÊÎÔãõÃÕçÇû: ]', ' ', text) #Convert to lowercase text = text.lower() #remove tags text = re.sub("</?.*?>"," <> ",text) # remove special characters and digits text=re.sub("(\\d|\\W)+"," ",text) ##Convert to list from string text = text.split() ##Stemming #ps=PorterStemmer() #Lemmatisation #lem = WordNetLemmatizer() text = [word for word in text if not word in self.new_stopwords_list] text = " ".join(text) corpus.append(text) return corpus def write_corpus_to_file(self,corpus): with open("corpus.txt", "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(corpus, fp) def write_corpus_to_file_from_keywords(self, keywords): allinfo = self.get_results(keywords) vim = self.extract_url_from_results(allinfo) tex = self.extract_text_from_url(vim) corpus = self.normalize_text_list(tex) self.write_corpus_to_file(tex) def write_corpus_to_file_not_normalized_from_keywords(self, keywords): allinfo = self.get_results(keywords) vim = self.extract_url_from_results(allinfo) tex = self.extract_text_from_url(vim) self.write_corpus_to_file(tex) def read_corpus_from_file(self, filename): corpus = [] with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: corpus = pickle.load(fp) return corpus def get_top_n_ygrams_words(self, corpus, n=None, y=1): vec = CountVectorizer(min_df = 0.1,stop_words=self.new_stopwords_list, max_features=10000, ngram_range=(y,y)).fit(corpus) bag_of_words = vec.transform(corpus) sum_words = bag_of_words.sum(axis=0) words_freq = [(word, sum_words[0, idx]) for word, idx in vec.vocabulary_.items()] words_freq =sorted(words_freq, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) frame = pd.DataFrame(words_freq[:n]) switcher = { 1: "Monogram", 2: "Bigram", 3: "Trigram", } switcherFreq = { 1: "Freq_Mono", 2: "Freq_Bi", 3: "Freq_Tri", } frame.columns = [switcher.get(y), switcherFreq.get(y)] return frame def get_all_ygrams(self,corpus, monograms, bigrams, trigrams): mono = self.get_top_n_ygrams_words(corpus, monograms, 1) bi = self.get_top_n_ygrams_words(corpus, bigrams, 2) tri = self.get_top_n_ygrams_words(corpus, trigrams, 3) monodict = mono.to_dict() bidict = bi.to_dict() tridict = tri.to_dict() all = {} all.update(monodict) all.update(bidict) all.update(tridict) return all def prepare_corpus(self,doc_clean): """ Input : clean document Purpose: create term dictionary of our courpus and Converting list of documents (corpus) into Document Term Matrix Output : term dictionary and Document Term Matrix """ # Creating the term dictionary of our courpus, where every unique term is assigned an index. dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(doc_clean) dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(doc_clean) # Converting list of documents (corpus) into Document Term Matrix using dictionary prepared above. doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in doc_clean] # generate LDA model return dictionary,doc_term_matrix def create_gensim_lsa_model(self,doc_clean,number_of_topics,words): """ Input : clean document, number of topics and number of words associated with each topic Purpose: create LSA model using gensim Output : return LSA model """ dictionary,doc_term_matrix=self.prepare_corpus(doc_clean) # generate LSA model lsamodel = LsiModel(doc_term_matrix, num_topics=number_of_topics, id2word = dictionary) # train model print(lsamodel.print_topics(num_topics=number_of_topics, num_words=words)) return lsamodel def compute_coherence_values(self,dictionary, doc_term_matrix, doc_clean, stop, start=2, step=3): """ Input : dictionary : Gensim dictionary corpus : Gensim corpus texts : List of input texts stop : Max num of topics purpose : Compute c_v coherence for various number of topics Output : model_list : List of LSA topic models coherence_values : Coherence values corresponding to the LDA model with respective number of topics """ coherence_values = [] model_list = [] for num_topics in range(start, stop, step): # generate LSA model print("Number of topics: ", num_topics) model = LsiModel(doc_term_matrix, num_topics=num_topics, id2word = dictionary) # train model model_list.append(model) coherencemodel = CoherenceModel(model=model, texts=doc_clean, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v') coherenceSS = coherencemodel.get_coherence() coherence_values.append(coherenceSS) return model_list, coherence_values def plot_graph(self, doc_clean,start, stop, step): dictionary,doc_term_matrix=self.prepare_corpus(doc_clean) model_list, coherence_values = self.compute_coherence_values(dictionary, doc_term_matrix,doc_clean, stop, start, step) # Show graph x = range(start, stop, step) for i in range(len(coherence_values)): if float(coherence_values[i]) > float("0.4"): print(coherence_values[i]) plt.plot(x, coherence_values) plt.xlabel("Number of Topics") plt.ylabel("Coherence score") plt.legend(("coherence_values"), loc='best') def calculate_optimal_coherence_value(self, doc_clean, start, stop, step): dictionary,doc_term_matrix=self.prepare_corpus(doc_clean) model_list, coherence_values = self.compute_coherence_values(dictionary, doc_term_matrix,doc_clean, stop, start, step) max = 0 topics = 0 for i in range(len(coherence_values)): if float(coherence_values[i]) > float("0.35"): if coherence_values[i] > max: topics = i print(coherence_values[i]) return topics def generate_optimal_topic(self, doc_clean, start, stop, step): topics = self.calculate_optimal_coherence_value(doc_clean, start, stop, step) print(self.create_gensim_lsa_model(doc_clean,topics,3)) def corpus_to_gensim(self,corpus): gensim = [] for i in corpus: token = i.split() gensim.append(token) return gensim def generate_results(self, keywords): allinfo = self.get_results(keywords) vim = self.extract_url_from_results(allinfo) tex = self.extract_text_from_url(vim) corpus = self.normalize_text_list(tex) gensim = self.corpus_to_gensim(corpus) #model = self.create_gensim_lsa_model(gensim,10,3) start,stop,step = 2,10,1 #self.plot_graph(gensim,start,stop,step) self.generate_optimal_topic(gensim,start,stop,step) results = self.get_all_ygrams(corpus, 40, 20, 10) print(results) return results def generate_results_from_file(self, filename): corpus = self.read_corpus_from_file(filename) corpus = self.normalize_text_list(corpus) gensim = self.corpus_to_gensim(corpus) #model = self.create_gensim_lsa_model(gensim,10,3) start,stop,step = 2,10,1 self.generate_optimal_topic(gensim,start,stop,step) results = self.get_all_ygrams(corpus, 100, 40, 10) print(results) return 1 def generate_results_from_url(self, url): rscraper = RecursiveScraper(url) rscraper.scrape() rscraper.urls tex = self.extract_text_from_url(rscraper.urls) corpus = self.normalize_text_list(tex) gensim = self.corpus_to_gensim(corpus) #model = self.create_gensim_lsa_model(gensim,10,3) start,stop,step = 2,10,1 self.generate_optimal_topic(gensim,start,stop,step) results = self.get_all_ygrams(corpus, 40, 20, 10) print(results) return results
def __init__(self): self.client = RestClient(LOGIN, PASSWORD)
from client import RestClient import json, logging, requests, random client = RestClient('*****@*****.**', 'LD87rm8Od9dfWnVn') # Search class has modules for different functions class Search(): # def keywords_related(self, word, location): rnd = random.Random() #you can set as "index of post_data" your ID, string, etc. we will return it with all results. post_data = dict() post_data[rnd.randint(1, 30000000)] = dict( keyword=word, country_code=location, language="en", depth=1, limit=2, offset=0, orderby="cpc,desc", filters=[ ["cpc", ">", 0], "or", [ ["search_volume", ">", 0], "and", ["search_volume", "<=", 1000] ] ] )
# Output name timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") tag = args.output + "-" + timestr filename = tag + ".csv" conf = configparser.ConfigParser() user = conf['general']['user'] password = conf['general']['password'] with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields, delimiter=args.sep) writer.writeheader() file.close() client = RestClient(user, password) i = 0 j = args.batch # Cut the kws list in batches while j < len(kws) + args.batch: post_data = {} post_data[len(post_data)] = dict( language_code=args.language_code, location_code=args.location_code, keywords=kws[i:j], tag=tag, ) response = "/v3/keywords_data/google/search_volume/task_post", post_data)
# Set priority queue priority = {0: 0, 'low': 1, 'high': 2} priority = priority[args.priority] conf = configparser.ConfigParser() user = conf['general']['user'] password = conf['general']['password'] # Send requests with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields, delimiter=args.sep) writer.writeheader() client = RestClient(user, password) # We need to send batches of max 100 tasks i = 0 j = args.batch # Cut the kws list in batches while j < len(kws) + args.batch: post_data = dict() for kw in kws[i:j]: post_data[len(post_data)] = dict( language_code=args.language_code, location_code=args.location_code, keyword=kw, priority=priority, depth=args.nb_results,
## ## Shows number of tasks ready for download. #### import configparser import argparse from client import RestClient if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', default="config.ini", type=str, help='Global config file (default: "config.ini")') args = parser.parse_args() conf = configparser.ConfigParser() user = conf['general']['user'] password = conf['general']['password'] client = RestClient(user, password) response = client.get("/v3/keywords_data/google/search_volume/tasks_ready") if response["status_code"] == 20000: tasks_available = response["tasks"][0]["result_count"] print("{} tasks available".format(tasks_available)) else: print("error. Code: %d Message: %s" % (response["status_code"], response["status_message"]))
#### ## DATAFORSEO SERPS API ## ## Shows number of tasks ready for download #### import configparser import argparse from client import RestClient if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', default="config.ini", type=str, help='Global config file (default: "config.ini")') args = parser.parse_args() conf = configparser.ConfigParser() user = conf['general']['user'] password = conf['general']['password'] client = RestClient(user,password) response = client.get("/v3/serp/google/organic/tasks_ready") if response["status_code"] == 20000: tasks_available = response["tasks"][0]["result_count"] print("{} tasks available".format(tasks_available)) else: print("error. Code: %d Message: %s" % (response["status_code"], response["status_message"]))