async def _update_old(self, ctx, *, info): """Updates the stats on your review profile (the hard way) Usage: `!update <reviews> <agreements> <accepted> <rejected> <duplicate> <other>` Must include all 6 required counts for this to work. (don't include the < > when running the command)""" if != discord.ChannelType.private and not in self.listen_channels: try: await ctx.message.delete() except discord.Forbidden: f"Did not have permission to delete message in {}." ) f_msg = f"Must include all 6 of these required values:\n**{'**, **'.join(self.info_types)}**." info = re.split(r',*\s+', info) __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( if len(info) == 6: for i in info: if not i.isdigit(): f_msg = f"Please provide only integer values. {i} is not a valid integer." return await utils.fail_out(ctx,, f_msg, 10) ClippyDB._db.execute_sql( "insert into StatsTable " "(user_id, date_submitted, reviews, agreements, accepted, rejected, duplicate, " "other) values " f"({}, {round(ctx.message.created_at.timestamp())}, " f"{info[0]}, {info[1]}, {info[2]}, {info[3]}, {info[4]}, {info[5]}) " ) await ctx.message.add_reaction( return await ctx.invoke('profile')) else: return await utils.fail_out(ctx,, f_msg, 10)
async def set_review_contests(self, ctx, *, info): info = re.split(r',\s+', info) if len(info) != 2: return await ctx.message.add_reaction( winner, count = info[0].strip(), info[1].strip() converter = commands.MemberConverter() try: member = await converter.convert(ctx, winner) except (CommandError, BadArgument): return await ctx.send( f"Could not find a member of the server matching {winner}") __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( updated = ProfileTable.update(review_contests=count).where( ProfileTable.user_id == if updated == 1: await ctx.message.add_reaction(
async def _set_badge_count(self, ctx, count): """ Do '!set_badge_count number' with the number shown on your Ingress or Pokemon Go Wayfarer review badge to set the total number of earned agreements. This is only needed if you use the "Facts Only" setting in Wayfarer+. Also works with '!setbc' """ __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( ClippyDB._db.execute_sql("update ProfileTable set " f"badge_count={count} " f"where user_id = {}") await ctx.message.add_reaction(
async def _update(self, ctx, *, info): """ Updates the Wayfarer stats on your !profile. In order to use this command, please install the Wayfarer+ browser plugin Then navigate to the Profile page in Wayfarer, click "Copy rating stats to clipboard" and paste in that data after the !update command. """ user_id = None if user_id = if not user_id: await ctx.message.add_reaction( return await ctx.send( "Something went wrong, please contact mod for help.", delete_after=20) try: data = json.loads(info) profile, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create(user_id=user_id) ClippyDB._db.execute_sql( "insert into StatsTable " "(user_id, date_submitted, reviews, agreements, accepted, rejected, duplicate, " "other, upgrades_available, upgrades_redeemed, current_progress, extended_type, " "rating) values " f"({user_id}, {round(ctx.message.created_at.timestamp())}, " f"{data['total_nominations']}, {data['total_agreements']}, " f"{data['accepted']}, {data['rejected']}, {data['duplicates']}," f"{data['other']}, {data['upgrades_available']}, {data['upgrades_redeemed']}," f"{data['current_progress']}, \"{data['extended_type']}\", " f"\"{data['current_rating']}\")") if data['extended_type'] == "facts": if not profile.badge_count or profile.badge_count == 0: await ctx.send( "Your stats update has a counting type of '**Facts Only**' but you have not " "set a badge count on your profile. It's recommended that you do " "`!set_badge_count` with the count shown on your Ingress or Pokemon Go " "badge to make sure your profile is correct.") else: if int(data['other']) < 0: await ctx.send( "Your '**Other Agreements**' count is negative. This typically means that you " "need to change the Wayfarer+ '**Extended stat**' setting to '**Facts Only**'." ) print(profile.badge_count) await ctx.message.add_reaction( return await ctx.invoke('profile')) except Exception as e: await ctx.message.add_reaction( return await ctx.send( "In order to use this command, please install the Wayfarer+ browser plugin\n" "Then navigate to the Profile page in Wayfarer, click " "'Copy rating stats to clipboard' " "and paste in that data after the !update command.")
async def _friendcode(self, ctx, *, text=''): user = new_code = "NULL" if len(text) != 0: new_code = text.replace(' ', '') if not new_code.isdigit() or len(new_code) != 12: f_msg = 'Must include exactly 12 digits representing a Friend Code. Or nothing to clear your code.' return await utils.fail_out(ctx,, f_msg, 15) __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( ClippyDB._db.execute_sql( f"update ProfileTable set friendcode={new_code} " f"where user_id = {}") await ctx.message.add_reaction( return await ctx.invoke('profile')) pass
async def _qrcode(self, ctx, *, text): """ Do '!qrcode' followed by your 12 digit Pokemon Go friend code to generate a QR code that others can scan to send you a friend request. Also works with '!qr' and '!qrc' """ friend_code = None converter = commands.MemberConverter() user = try: member = await converter.convert(ctx, text) except (CommandError, BadArgument): member = None if member: user_stats, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( if user_stats.friendcode: friend_code = user_stats.friendcode user = member else: friend_code = text.replace(' ', '') if not friend_code.isdigit() or len(friend_code) != 12: f_msg = 'Must include exactly 12 digits representing a Friend Code.' return await utils.fail_out(ctx,, f_msg, 15) if friend_code: qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data(friend_code) qr.make(fit=True) img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white") filename = f'qrcode_{friend_code}.png''data', filename)) msg_content = f"{user.display_name}'s Friend Code:" with open(os.path.join('data', filename), 'rb') as imgfile: await, file=discord.File(imgfile, filename=filename)) try: await ctx.message.delete() except discord.Forbidden:"Did not have permission to delete message in {}.") else: f_msg = "Could not find the person you're looking for or they haven't set their code." return await utils.fail_out(ctx,, f_msg, 15)
async def contest_winner(self, ctx, *, info): info = re.split(r',\s+', info) if len(info) != 3: return await ctx.send( "Must provide a winner, contest name, and title won") winner, contest_name, win_title = info[0].strip(), info[1].strip( ), info[2].strip() converter = commands.MemberConverter() try: member = await converter.convert(ctx, winner) except (CommandError, BadArgument): return await ctx.send( f"Could not find a member of the server matching {winner}") winner_id = __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create(user_id=winner_id) ContestTable.create(user_id=winner_id, contest_name=contest_name, win_title=win_title) await ctx.message.add_reaction(
async def _profile(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None): """Displays a user's profile. Don't include a name to view your own. Usage: `!profile [user]` (don't include the [ ] when running the command. Use just the command to view your own profile.""" if user and user == profile_embed = discord.Embed( colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(252, 71, 19)) help_channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(self.bot_channel_id) help_channel_txt = "#clippys-corner" if help_channel: help_channel_txt = help_channel.mention profile_embed.description = ( "Hi, I'm Clippy! To learn about the things I can do, head over to " f"{help_channel_txt} and use the `!help` command.") else: if not user: user = __, __ = ProfileTable.get_or_create( results = ( ProfileTable.user_id, ProfileTable.badge_count, ProfileTable.friendcode, ProfileTable.first_saturdays, ProfileTable.review_contests, StatsTable.date_submitted,, StatsTable.agreements, StatsTable.accepted, StatsTable.rejected, StatsTable.duplicate, StatsTable.other, StatsTable.upgrades_available, StatsTable.upgrades_redeemed, StatsTable.current_progress, StatsTable.extended_type, StatsTable.rating).join( StatsTable, join_type=JOIN.LEFT_OUTER, on=(ProfileTable.user_id == StatsTable.user_id)).where( ProfileTable.user_id == StatsTable.date_submitted.desc()).limit(1)) stats_profile = results.objects(StatsProfileInstance) stats_profile = stats_profile[0] profile_color = discord.Colour.from_rgb(255, 162, 48) if if stats_profile.rating: if stats_profile.rating.lower() == "great": profile_color = discord.Colour.from_rgb(43, 214, 46) elif stats_profile.rating.lower() == "good": profile_color = discord.Colour.from_rgb(255, 255, 48) elif stats_profile.rating.lower() == "poor": profile_color = discord.Colour.from_rgb(252, 71, 19) progress_str = "" if stats_profile.current_progress: progress_str = f" (Progress **{stats_profile.current_progress}%**)" agreements = stats_profile.agreements other = stats_profile.other if stats_profile.badge_count and stats_profile.extended_type: if stats_profile.extended_type == "facts": other = stats_profile.badge_count - stats_profile.agreements agreements = stats_profile.badge_count if < 1: percent = 0 else: percent = round((agreements / * 100, 1) upgrade_str = "" if stats_profile.upgrades_redeemed: upgrade_str = f"\nUpgrades Redeemed: ** {stats_profile.upgrades_redeemed} ** {progress_str}" profile_msg = f"Total reviews: **{}**\nApprox. Agreements: **{agreements}** (**{percent}%**)\n " \ f"**{stats_profile.accepted}** Accepted, **{stats_profile.rejected}** Rejected, " \ f"**{stats_profile.duplicate}** Duplicated\nOther Agreements: **{other}**" \ f"{upgrade_str}" else: profile_msg = ( "To fill in your review stats, please install the Wayfarer+ browser plugin.\n " "Then navigate to the Profile page in Wayfarer, click " "'Copy rating stats to clipboard' " "and paste in that data after the !update command.") profile_embed = discord.Embed(colour=profile_color) if stats_profile.review_contests: if stats_profile.review_contests > 0: profile_msg += f"\nServer Review Contests: {stats_profile.review_contests}" profile_embed.add_field(name="Wayfarer", value=profile_msg, inline=False) if stats_profile.friendcode: profile_embed.add_field( name="Pokemon Go", value=f'\nFriend Code: {stats_profile.friendcode}', inline=False) if stats_profile.first_saturdays: if stats_profile.first_saturdays > 0: profile_embed.add_field( name="Ingress", value= f'\nFirst Saturdays: {stats_profile.first_saturdays}', inline=False) contest_wins = ( ContestTable.user_id, ContestTable.contest_name, ContestTable.win_title).where(ContestTable.user_id == if len(contest_wins) > 0: contest_text = "" for w in contest_wins: contest_text += f"**{w.contest_name}**\n{w.win_title}\n\n" profile_embed.add_field(name="🏆 Contests 🏆", value=contest_text, inline=False) profile_embed.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) return await ctx.send(embed=profile_embed)