예제 #1
    def add_values_to_data_buffers(buffers_to_add, nan_buffers_to_add):
        curr_zoom = 0

        data_buffers[0] += buffers_to_add
        nan_data_buffers[0] += nan_buffers_to_add

        curr_time = time.time() - t1
        percent_progress = (positions[curr_zoom] + 1) / float(assembly_size)
            "position: {} progress: {:.2f} elapsed: {:.2f} "
            "remaining: {:.2f}".format(
                positions[curr_zoom] + 1,
                curr_time, curr_time / (percent_progress) - curr_time

        while len(data_buffers[curr_zoom]) >= chunk_size:
            # get the current chunk and store it, converting nans to 0
            print("len(data_buffers[curr_zoom])", len(data_buffers[curr_zoom]))
            curr_chunk = np.array(data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])
            nan_curr_chunk = np.array(nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])

            print("1cc:", sum(curr_chunk))
            print("1db:", data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])
            print("1curr_chunk:", nan_curr_chunk)
            print("positions[curr_zoom]:", positions[curr_zoom])

            curr_pos = positions[curr_zoom]
            dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos:curr_pos + chunk_size] = curr_chunk
            nan_dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos:curr_pos +
                                 chunk_size] = nan_curr_chunk

            # aggregate and store aggregated values in the next zoom_level's
            # data
            data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(
                ct.aggregate(curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step)
            nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(
                ct.aggregate(nan_curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step)

            data_buffers[curr_zoom] = data_buffers[curr_zoom][chunk_size:]
            nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom] =\

            # data = data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]
            # nan_data = nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]

            # do the same for the nan values buffers

            positions[curr_zoom] += chunk_size
            curr_zoom += 1

            if curr_zoom * zoom_step >= max_zoom:
예제 #2
def _bedgraph(
    if output_file is None:
        output_file = op.splitext(filepath)[0] + ".hitile"

    print("output file:", output_file)

    # Override the output file if it existts
    if op.exists(output_file):
    f = h5py.File(output_file, "w")

    # get the information about the chromosomes in this assembly
    if chromsizes_filename is not None:
        chrom_info = nc.get_chrominfo_from_file(chromsizes_filename)
        chrom_order = [
            a.encode("utf-8") for a in nc.get_chromorder_from_file(chromsizes_filename)
        chrom_sizes = nc.get_chromsizes_from_file(chromsizes_filename)
        chrom_info = nc.get_chrominfo(assembly)
        chrom_order = [a.encode("utf-8") for a in nc.get_chromorder(assembly)]
        chrom_sizes = nc.get_chromsizes(assembly)

    assembly_size = chrom_info.total_length
    print("assembly_size:", assembly_size)

    tile_size = tile_size
    # how many values to read in at once while tiling
    chunk_size = tile_size * 2 ** chunk_size

    dsets = []  # data sets at each zoom level
    nan_dsets = []  # store nan values

    # initialize the arrays which will store the values at each stored zoom
    # level
    z = 0
    positions = []  # store where we are at the current dataset
    data_buffers = [[]]
    nan_data_buffers = [[]]

    while assembly_size / 2 ** z > tile_size:
        dset_length = math.ceil(assembly_size / 2 ** z)
        dsets += [
                "values_" + str(z), (dset_length,), dtype="f", compression="gzip"
        nan_dsets += [
                "nan_values_" + str(z), (dset_length,), dtype="f", compression="gzip"

        data_buffers += [[]]
        nan_data_buffers += [[]]

        positions += [0]
        z += zoom_step

    # store some meta data
    d = f.create_dataset("meta", (1,), dtype="f")

    print("assembly:", assembly)

    d.attrs["zoom-step"] = zoom_step
    d.attrs["max-length"] = assembly_size
    d.attrs["assembly"] = assembly
    d.attrs["chrom-names"] = chrom_order
    d.attrs["chrom-sizes"] = chrom_sizes
    d.attrs["chrom-order"] = chrom_order
    d.attrs["tile-size"] = tile_size
    d.attrs["max-zoom"] = max_zoom = math.ceil(
        math.log(d.attrs["max-length"] / tile_size) / math.log(2)
    d.attrs["max-width"] = tile_size * 2 ** max_zoom
    d.attrs["max-position"] = 0

    print("assembly size (max-length)", d.attrs["max-length"])
    print("max-width", d.attrs["max-width"])
    print("max_zoom:", d.attrs["max-zoom"])
    print("chunk-size:", chunk_size)
    print("chrom-order", d.attrs["chrom-order"])

    t1 = time.time()

    # are we reading the input from stdin or from a file?

    if filepath == "-":
        f = sys.stdin
        if filepath.endswith(".gz"):
            import gzip

            f = gzip.open(filepath, "rt")
            f = open(filepath, "r")

    curr_zoom = 0

    def add_values_to_data_buffers(buffers_to_add, nan_buffers_to_add):
        curr_zoom = 0

        data_buffers[0] += buffers_to_add
        nan_data_buffers[0] += nan_buffers_to_add

        curr_time = time.time() - t1
        percent_progress = (positions[curr_zoom] + 1) / float(assembly_size)
            "position: {} progress: {:.2f} elapsed: {:.2f} "
            "remaining: {:.2f}".format(
                positions[curr_zoom] + 1,
                curr_time / (percent_progress) - curr_time,

        while len(data_buffers[curr_zoom]) >= chunk_size:
            # get the current chunk and store it, converting nans to 0
            print("len(data_buffers[curr_zoom])", len(data_buffers[curr_zoom]))
            curr_chunk = np.array(data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])
            nan_curr_chunk = np.array(nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])

            print("1cc:", sum(curr_chunk))
            print("1db:", data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])
            print("1curr_chunk:", nan_curr_chunk)
            print("positions[curr_zoom]:", positions[curr_zoom])

            curr_pos = positions[curr_zoom]
            dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos : curr_pos + chunk_size] = curr_chunk
            nan_dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos : curr_pos + chunk_size] = nan_curr_chunk

            # aggregate and store aggregated values in the next zoom_level's
            # data
            data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(
                ct.aggregate(curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step)
            nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(
                ct.aggregate(nan_curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step)

            data_buffers[curr_zoom] = data_buffers[curr_zoom][chunk_size:]
            nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom] = nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom][chunk_size:]

            # data = data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]
            # nan_data = nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]

            # do the same for the nan values buffers

            positions[curr_zoom] += chunk_size
            curr_zoom += 1

            if curr_zoom * zoom_step >= max_zoom:

    values = []
    nan_values = []

    if has_header:

    # the genome position up to which we've filled in values
    curr_genome_pos = 0

    # keep track of the previous value so that we can use it to fill in NAN
    # values
    # prev_value = 0

    for line in f:
        # each line should indicate a chromsome, start position and end
        # position
        parts = line.strip().split()

        start_genome_pos = chrom_info.cum_chrom_lengths[parts[chrom_col - 1]] + int(
            parts[from_pos_col - 1]

        if start_genome_pos - curr_genome_pos > 1:
            values += [np.nan] * (start_genome_pos - curr_genome_pos - 1)
            nan_values += [1] * (start_genome_pos - curr_genome_pos - 1)

            curr_genome_pos += start_genome_pos - curr_genome_pos - 1

        # count how many nan values there are in the dataset
        nan_count = 1 if parts[value_col - 1] == nan_value else 0

        # if the provided values are log2 transformed, we have to un-transform
        # them
        if transform == "exp2":
            value = (
                2 ** float(parts[value_col - 1])
                if not parts[value_col - 1] == nan_value
                else np.nan
            value = (
                float(parts[value_col - 1])
                if not parts[value_col - 1] == nan_value
                else np.nan

        # we're going to add as many values are as specified in the bedfile line
        values_to_add = [value] * (
            int(parts[to_pos_col - 1]) - int(parts[from_pos_col - 1])
        nan_counts_to_add = [nan_count] * (
            int(parts[to_pos_col - 1]) - int(parts[from_pos_col - 1])

        if closed_interval:
            values_to_add += [value]
            nan_counts_to_add += [nan_count]

        # print("values_to_add", values_to_add)

        values += values_to_add
        nan_values += nan_counts_to_add

        d.attrs["max-position"] = start_genome_pos + len(values_to_add)

        curr_genome_pos += len(values_to_add)

        while len(values) > chunk_size:
            print("len(values):", len(values), chunk_size)
            print("line:", line)
            add_values_to_data_buffers(values[:chunk_size], nan_values[:chunk_size])
            values = values[chunk_size:]
            nan_values = nan_values[chunk_size:]

    add_values_to_data_buffers(values, nan_values)

    # store the remaining data
    while True:
        # get the current chunk and store it
        chunk_size = len(data_buffers[curr_zoom])
        curr_chunk = np.array(data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])
        nan_curr_chunk = np.array(nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom][:chunk_size])

        print("2curr_chunk", curr_chunk)
        print("2curr_zoom:", curr_zoom)
        print("2db", data_buffers[curr_zoom][:100])

        curr_pos = positions[curr_zoom]
        dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos : curr_pos + chunk_size] = curr_chunk
        nan_dsets[curr_zoom][curr_pos : curr_pos + chunk_size] = nan_curr_chunk

        # aggregate and store aggregated values in the next zoom_level's data
        data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(ct.aggregate(curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step))
        nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom + 1] += list(
            ct.aggregate(nan_curr_chunk, 2 ** zoom_step)

        data_buffers[curr_zoom] = data_buffers[curr_zoom][chunk_size:]
        nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom] = nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom][chunk_size:]

        # data = data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]
        # nan_data = nan_data_buffers[curr_zoom+1]

        positions[curr_zoom] += chunk_size
        curr_zoom += 1

        # we've created enough tile levels to cover the entire maximum width
        if curr_zoom * zoom_step >= max_zoom:
예제 #3
def get_data(hdf_file, z, x):
    Return a tile from an hdf_file.

    :param hdf_file: A file handle for an HDF5 file (h5py.File('...'))
    :param z: The zoom level
    :param x: The x position of the tile

    # is the title within the range of possible tiles
    if x > 2**z:
        print("OUT OF RIGHT RANGE")
        return []
    if x < 0:
        print("OUT OF LEFT RANGE")
        return []

    d = hdf_file["meta"]

    tile_size = int(d.attrs["tile-size"])
    zoom_step = int(d.attrs["zoom-step"])
    max_zoom = int(d.attrs["max-zoom"])
    max_width = tile_size * 2**max_zoom

    if "max-position" in d.attrs:
        max_position = int(d.attrs["max-position"])
        max_position = max_width

    rz = max_zoom - z
    # tile_width = max_width / 2**z

    # because we only store some a subsection of the zoom levels
    next_stored_zoom = zoom_step * math.floor(rz / zoom_step)
    zoom_offset = rz - next_stored_zoom

    # the number of entries to aggregate for each new value
    num_to_agg = 2**zoom_offset
    total_in_length = tile_size * num_to_agg

    # which positions we need to retrieve in order to dynamically aggregate
    start_pos = int((x * 2**zoom_offset * tile_size))
    end_pos = int(start_pos + total_in_length)

    # print("max_position:", max_position)
    max_position = int(max_position / 2**next_stored_zoom)
    # print("new max_position:", max_position)
    print("start_pos:", start_pos)
    print("end_pos:", end_pos)
    print("next_stored_zoom", next_stored_zoom)
    print("max_position:", int(max_position))

    f = hdf_file["values_" + str(int(next_stored_zoom))]

    if start_pos > max_position:
        # we want a tile that's after the last bit of data
        a = np.zeros(end_pos - start_pos)
        ret_array = ct.aggregate(a, int(num_to_agg))
    elif start_pos < max_position and max_position < end_pos:
        a = f[start_pos:end_pos][:]
        a[max_position + 1:end_pos] = np.nan
        ret_array = ct.aggregate(a, int(num_to_agg))
        ret_array = ct.aggregate(f[start_pos:end_pos], int(num_to_agg))
    print("ret_array:", f[start_pos:end_pos])
    print('ret_array:', ret_array)
    # print('nansum', np.nansum(ret_array))

    # check to see if we counted the number of NaN values in the given
    # interval

    f_nan = None
    if "nan_values_" + str(int(next_stored_zoom)) in hdf_file:
        f_nan = hdf_file["nan_values_" + str(int(next_stored_zoom))]
        nan_array = ct.aggregate(f_nan[start_pos:end_pos], int(num_to_agg))
        num_aggregated = 2**(max_zoom - z)

        num_vals_array = np.zeros(len(nan_array))
        num_summed_array = num_vals_array - nan_array

        averages_array = ret_array / num_summed_array

        return averages_array

    return ret_array