예제 #1
def get_temp_and_humidity_history(device_uuid):
    humidity_array = []
    temp_array = []
    result_json = {"RH": humidity_array, "temp": temp_array}
    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is "None":
        return result_json

    temp_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_temp_KEY,
    rh_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_rh_KEY,
    if 0 == len(temp_vals) or 0 == len(rh_vals):
        return result_json

    for val in temp_vals:
        ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        result_json["temp"].append({"value": value, "time": ts})

    for val in rh_vals:
        ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        result_json["RH"].append({"value": value, "time": ts})

    return result_json
예제 #2
def get_temp_and_humidity_history(device_uuid):
    humidity_array = []
    temp_array = []
    result_json = {'RH': humidity_array, 'temp': temp_array}
    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is 'None':
        return result_json

        # First, try to get the data from the datastore...
    device_data = get_by_key_from_DS(DS_device_data_KEY, device_uuid)
    if device_data is None or \
            (DS_temp_KEY not in device_data and \
                         DS_rh_KEY not in device_data):
        # If we didn't find any data in the DS, look in BQ...
        return get_temp_and_humidity_history_from_BQ(device_uuid)

    # process the vars list from the DS into the same format as BQ

    # Get temp values
    if DS_temp_KEY in device_data:
        valuesList = device_data[DS_temp_KEY]
        for val in valuesList:
            ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val['timestamp'])
            value = utils.bytes_to_string(val['value'])
            result_json["temp"].append({'value': value, 'time': ts})

    # Get RH values
    if DS_rh_KEY in device_data:
        valuesList = device_data[DS_rh_KEY]
        for val in valuesList:
            ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val['timestamp'])
            value = utils.bytes_to_string(val['value'])
            result_json["RH"].append({'value': value, 'time': ts})

    return result_json
예제 #3
def get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, key):
    if dd is None or key not in dd:
        return '', ''
    valsList = dd.get(key, [])  # list of values
    # return latest value and timestamp
    value = valsList[0].get('value', b'')
    value = utils.bytes_to_string(value)  # could be bytes, so decode

    ts = valsList[0].get('timestamp', b'')
    ts = utils.bytes_to_string(ts)  # could be bytes, so decode
    return value, ts
예제 #4
def get_co2_history(device_uuid):
    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is "None":
        return []

    co2_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_co2_KEY, device_uuid, count=1000)
    if 0 == len(co2_vals):
        return []

    results = []
    for val in co2_vals:
        ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        results.append({"value": value, "time": ts})
    return results
예제 #5
def get_DeviceData_active_last_hour_count_from_DS():
    DS = get_client()
    if DS is None:
        return 0
    query = DS.query(kind=DS_device_data_KIND)
    entities = list(query.fetch())  # get all entities
    count = 0
    utc = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(hours=1)
    one_hour_ago = utc.strftime('%FT%XZ')
    for e in entities:
        # status message are sent every 5 min.
        status = e.get(DS_status_KEY, [None])[0]
        #print( e.key.id_or_name )
        if status is not None:
                ts = status.get('timestamp', b'')
                ts = utils.bytes_to_string(ts)
                if ts > one_hour_ago:
                    count = count + 1

#<Entity('DeviceData', 'EDU-11A8F684-f4-5e-ab-67-5d-ad') {'status': [<Entity {'timestamp': b'2018-11-16T15:58:07Z', 'value': b'{"timestamp": "2018-11-16T15:58:07Z", "IP": "", "package_version": "1.0-4", "device_config": "edu-v0.3.0", "status": "OK", "internet_connection": "True", "memory_available": "98M", "disk_available": "945M", "iot_status": "2018-11-16-T15:46:42Z", "iot_received_message_count": 2, "iot_published_message_count": 2, "recipe_percent_complete": 33.199074074074076, "recipe_percent_complete_string": "33.20 %", "recipe_time_remaining_minutes": 28858, "recipe_time_remaining_string": "20 Days 0 Hours 58 Minutes", "recipe_time_elapsed_string": "9 Days 23 Hours 2 Minutes"}', 'name': b'None'}>,

    return count
예제 #6
def get_co2_history(device_uuid):
    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is 'None':
        return []

    # First, try to get the data from the datastore...
    device_data = get_by_key_from_DS(DS_device_data_KEY, device_uuid)
    if device_data is None or DS_co2_KEY not in device_data:
        # If we didn't find any data in the DS, look in BQ...
        return get_co2_history_from_BQ(device_uuid)

    # process the vars list from the DS into the same format as BQ
    results = []
    valuesList = device_data[DS_co2_KEY]
    for val in valuesList:
        ts = utils.bytes_to_string(val['timestamp'])
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val['value'])
        results.append({'value': value, 'time': ts})
    return results
예제 #7
def get_led_panel_history(device_uuid):
    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is "None":
        return []

    led_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_led_KEY, device_uuid, count=1000)
    if 0 == len(led_vals):
        return []

    results = []
    for val in led_vals:
        led_json = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
    return results
예제 #8
def decode_url(image_entity):
    url = image_entity.get('URL', '')
    return utils.bytes_to_string(url)
예제 #9
def get_list_of_device_data_from_DS():
    res = {}
    DS = get_client()
    if DS is None:
        return res
    res['devices'] = []  # list of devices with data from each
    query = DS.query(kind=DS_devices_KIND)
    devices = list(query.fetch())  # get all devices
    for d in devices:
        device = {}

        device_uuid = d.get('device_uuid', '')
        device['device_uuid'] = device_uuid

        device['device_name'] = d.get('device_name', '')

        user_uuid = d.get('user_uuid', '')
        device['user_name'] = user_uuid
        if 0 != len(user_uuid):
            user = get_one_from_DS(DS_users_KIND, 'user_uuid', user_uuid)
            if user is not None:
                device['user_name'] = user.get('username', 'None')

        # Get the DeviceData for this device ID
        dd = None
        if 0 < len(device_uuid):
            dd = get_by_key_from_DS(DS_device_data_KIND, device_uuid)

        device['remote_URL'] = ''
        device['access_point'] = ''
        if dd is not None and DS_boot_KEY in dd:
            boot = dd.get(DS_boot_KEY)  # list of boot messages

            # get latest boot message
            last_boot = boot[0].get('value')

            # convert binary into string and then a dict
            boot_dict = json.loads(utils.bytes_to_string(last_boot))

            # the serveo link needs to be lower case
            remote_URL = boot_dict.get('remote_URL')
            if remote_URL is not None:
                remote_URL = remote_URL.lower()
                device['remote_URL'] = remote_URL

            # get the AP
            access_point = boot_dict.get('access_point')
            if access_point is not None:
                # extract just the wifi code
                if access_point.startswith('BeagleBone-'):
                    ap = access_point.split('-')
                    if 2 <= len(ap):
                        access_point = ap[1]
                        device['access_point'] = access_point

        epoch = '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
        last_message_time = epoch
        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_rh_KEY)
        device[DS_rh_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_temp_KEY)
        device[DS_temp_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_co2_KEY)
        device[DS_co2_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_h20_ec_KEY)
        device[DS_h20_ec_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_h20_ph_KEY)
        device[DS_h20_ph_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        val, ts = get_latest_val_from_DeviceData(dd, DS_h20_temp_KEY)
        device[DS_h20_temp_KEY] = val
        if ts > last_message_time:
            last_message_time = ts

        if last_message_time == epoch:
            last_message_time = 'Never'
        device['last_message_time'] = last_message_time

        device['stale'] = get_minutes_since_UTC_timestamp(last_message_time)

        device['last_image'] = get_latest_image_URL(device_uuid)


    res['timestamp'] = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%FT%XZ')
    return res
예제 #10
def get_list_of_devices_from_DS():
    res = {}
    DS = get_client()
    if DS is None:
        return res
    res['devices'] = []  # list of devices
    query = DS.query(kind=DS_devices_KIND)
    devices = list(query.fetch())  # get all devices
    for d in devices:
        device = {}
        rd = d.get('registration_date', None)  # web ui reg date
        if rd is None:
            device['registration_date'] = ''
            device['registration_date'] = rd.strftime('%FT%XZ')
        device['device_name'] = d.get('device_name', '')
        device['device_notes'] = d.get('device_notes', '')
        device_uuid = d.get('device_uuid', '')
        device['device_uuid'] = device_uuid
        user_uuid = d.get('user_uuid', '')
        device['user_uuid'] = user_uuid
        device['last_config_send_time'] = 'Never'  # in case no IoT device
        device['last_error_message'] = 'No IoT registration'
        device['user_name'] = 'None'
        if 0 != len(user_uuid):
            user = get_one_from_DS(DS_users_KIND, 'user_uuid', user_uuid)
            if user is not None:
                device['user_name'] = user.get('username', 'None')

        device['remote_URL'] = ''
        device['access_point'] = ''
        if 0 < len(device_uuid):
            dd = get_by_key_from_DS(DS_device_data_KIND, device_uuid)
            if dd is not None and DS_boot_KEY in dd:
                boot = dd.get(DS_boot_KEY)  # list of boot messages

                # get latest boot message
                last_boot = boot[0].get('value')

                # convert binary into string and then a dict
                boot_dict = json.loads(utils.bytes_to_string(last_boot))

                # the serveo link needs to be lower case
                remote_URL = boot_dict.get('remote_URL')
                if remote_URL is not None:
                    remote_URL = remote_URL.lower()
                    device['remote_URL'] = remote_URL

                # get the AP
                access_point = boot_dict.get('access_point')
                if access_point is not None:
                    # extract just the wifi code
                    if access_point.startswith('BeagleBone-'):
                        ap = access_point.split('-')
                        if 2 <= len(ap):
                            access_point = ap[1]
                            device['access_point'] = access_point


    res['timestamp'] = dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%FT%XZ')
    return res
예제 #11
def get_all_historical_values(device_uuid, start_timestamp, end_timestamp):
    print("Getting all historical values")
    co2 = []
    temp = []
    RH = []
    leaf_count = []
    plant_height = []
    horticulture_notes = []

    if device_uuid is None or device_uuid is "None":
        print(f"get_all_historical_values: No device_uuid")
        return temp, RH, co2, leaf_count, plant_height

    co2_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_co2_KEY,
    temp_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_temp_KEY,
    rh_vals = datastore.get_device_data(datastore.DS_rh_KEY,
    if 0 == len(co2_vals) and 0 == len(temp_vals) and 0 == len(rh_vals):
        print(f"get_all_historical_values: No DeviceData for {device_uuid}")
        return temp, RH, co2, leaf_count, plant_height

    # handle None values for date range, in which case we return all
    start, end = None, None
        start = dt.strptime(start_timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        end = dt.strptime(end_timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            f"get_all_historical_values: using date range: {str(start)} to {str(end)}"
        start, end = None, None
        print(f"get_all_historical_values: no date range")

    # make sure the time column is the first entry in each dict
    for val in co2_vals:
        ts_str = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        ts = dt.strptime(ts_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        if start is not None and end is not None and (ts < start or ts > end):
            continue  # this value is not in our start / end range
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        co2.append({"time": ts_str, "value": value})

    for val in temp_vals:
        ts_str = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        ts = dt.strptime(ts_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        if start is not None and end is not None and (ts < start or ts > end):
            continue  # this value is not in our start / end range
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        temp.append({"time": ts_str, "value": value})

    for val in rh_vals:
        ts_str = utils.bytes_to_string(val["timestamp"])
        ts = dt.strptime(ts_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        if start is not None and end is not None and (ts < start or ts > end):
            continue  # this value is not in our start / end range
        value = utils.bytes_to_string(val["value"])
        RH.append({"time": ts_str, "value": value})

    # get horticulture measurements: leaf_count, plant_height
    query = datastore.get_client().query(kind="DailyHorticultureLog")
    query.add_filter("device_uuid", "=", device_uuid)
    query_result = list(query.fetch())
    if 0 < len(query_result):
        for result in query_result:
            ts_str = str(utils.bytes_to_string(result["submitted_at"]))
            ts_str = ts_str.split(".")[0]
                ts = dt.strptime(ts_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
                if start is not None and end is not None and (ts < start
                                                              or ts > end):
                    continue  # this value is not in our start / end range
                if "leaf_count" in result:
                        "time": ts_str,
                        "value": result["leaf_count"]
                if "plant_height" in result:
                        "time": ts_str,
                        "value": result["plant_height"]
                if "horticulture_notes" in result:

                print("Invalid string format:", ts_str)

    return temp, RH, co2, leaf_count, plant_height, horticulture_notes
예제 #12
def get_current_device_status():
    """Get the current status of a device.

    .. :quickref: Device; Get device status

    :reqheader Accept: application/json
    :<json string user_token: User Token returned from the /login API.
    :<json string device_uuid: UUID of device to apply recipe to

    **Example response**:

        .. sourcecode:: json

            "progress": 0.0,
            "age_in_days": 0,
            "wifi_status": "N/A for this device",
            "current_temp": "N/A for this device",
            "runtime": 0,
            "response_code": 200

    received_form_response = json.loads(request.data.decode("utf-8"))
    user_token = received_form_response.get("user_token")
    device_uuid = received_form_response.get("device_uuid", None)
    if user_token is None or device_uuid is None:
        return error_response(message="Access denied.")

    device_data = datastore.get_device_data_from_DS(device_uuid)

    # TODO: should get this from the new DeviceData.runs list.
    # days, runtime = get_runtime_description(current_recipe['date_applied'])
    days, runtime = 0, 0

    result_json = {
        "progress": 0.0,
        "age_in_days": 0,
        "wifi_status": "N/A for this device",
        "current_temp": "N/A for this device",
        "runtime": 0,
    print('device_data', device_data)
    if device_data is not None:
        timestamp = device_data.get("timestamp")  # .decode()
        timestamp = utils.bytes_to_string(timestamp)
        timenow = str(datetime.now())
        fmt1 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
        fmt2 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

        t1 = datetime.strptime(timenow, fmt1)
        t2 = datetime.strptime(timestamp, fmt2)

        _, time_minutes, _ = convert_timedelta(t1 - t2)
        if time_minutes > 5:
            wifi_status = "Disconnected"
            wifi_status = "Connected"

        if device_data.get("air_temp"):
            result_json["current_temp"] = "%s C" % (
                (device_data["air_temp"]))  # .decode())

        result_json["progress"] = int(
                    device_data.get("percent_complete") if device_data.
                    get("percent_complete") else "0.0")) * 100.0)

        result_json["wifi_status"] = wifi_status
        result_json["runtime"] = runtime
        result_json["age_in_days"] = days

    return success_response(results=result_json)
예제 #13
 def read_config(self) -> dict:
     entity = datastore.get_by_key_from_DS(self.__kind, self.__key)
     json_config = entity[self.__key]
     config_dict = json.loads(utils.bytes_to_string(json_config))
     return config_dict