class CloudantClientTests(UnitTestDbBase): """ Cloudant specific client unit tests """ def test_constructor_with_creds_removed_from_url(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using a URL """ client = Cloudant( None, None, url='https://a9a9a9a9-a9a9-a9a9-a9a9-a9a9a9a9a9a9-bluemix' ':a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9' 'a9a9a9a9a9a9@d8a01891-e4d2-4102-b5f8-751fb735ce31-' '') self.assertEqual( client.server_url, 'https://d8a01891-e4d2-4102-b5f8-751fb735ce31-' '') self.assertEqual(client._user, 'a9a9a9a9-a9a9-a9a9-a9a9-a9a9a9a9a9a9-bluemix') self.assertEqual( client._auth_token, 'a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a' '9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9') @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cloudant_session_login(self): """ Test that the Cloudant client session successfully authenticates. """ self.client.connect() old_cookie = self.client.session_cookie() sleep(5) # ensure we get a different cookie back self.client.session_login() self.assertNotEqual(self.client.session_cookie(), old_cookie) @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cloudant_session_login_with_new_credentials(self): """ Test that the Cloudant client session fails to authenticate when passed incorrect credentials. """ self.client.connect() with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm: self.client.session_login('invalid-user-123', 'pa$$w0rd01') self.assertTrue( str(cm.exception).find('Name or password is incorrect')) @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cloudant_context_helper(self): """ Test that the cloudant context helper works as expected. """ try: with cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cloudant_bluemix_context_helper_with_legacy_creds(self): """ Test that the cloudant_bluemix context helper with legacy creds works as expected. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'username': self.user, 'password': self.pwd, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name, }] } try: with cloudant_bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEquals(c.session()['userCtx']['name'], self.user) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) @unittest.skipUnless( os.environ.get('IAM_API_KEY'), 'Skipping Cloudant Bluemix context helper with IAM test') def test_cloudant_bluemix_context_helper_with_iam(self): """ Test that the cloudant_bluemix context helper with IAM works as expected. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'apikey': self.iam_api_key, 'username': self.user, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name, }] } try: with cloudant_bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) def test_cloudant_bluemix_context_helper_raise_error_for_missing_iam_and_creds( self): """ Test that the cloudant_bluemix context helper raises a CloudantClientException when the IAM key, username, and password are missing in the VCAP_SERVICES env variable. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name, }] } try: with cloudant_bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) except CloudantClientException as err: self.assertEqual( 'Invalid service: IAM API key or username/password credentials are required.', str(err)) def test_cloudant_bluemix_dedicated_context_helper(self): """ Test that the cloudant_bluemix context helper works as expected when specifying a service name. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-wq' service_name = 'cloudantNoSQLDB Dedicated' vcap_services = { service_name: [{ 'credentials': { 'username': self.user, 'password': self.pwd, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name, }] } try: with cloudant_bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name, service_name=service_name) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEquals(c.session()['userCtx']['name'], self.user) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) def test_constructor_with_account(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using an account name """ # Ensure that the client is new del self.client self.client = Cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) self.assertEqual(self.client.server_url, 'https://{0}'.format(self.account)) @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_bluemix_constructor_with_legacy_creds(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using a VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'username': self.user, 'password': self.pwd, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name }] } # create Cloudant Bluemix client c = Cloudant.bluemix(vcap_services) try: c.connect() self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEquals(c.session()['userCtx']['name'], self.user) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) finally: c.disconnect() @unittest.skipUnless(os.environ.get('IAM_API_KEY'), 'Skipping Cloudant Bluemix constructor with IAM test') def test_bluemix_constructor_with_iam(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using a VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'apikey': self.iam_api_key, 'username': self.user, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443 }, 'name': instance_name }] } # create Cloudant Bluemix client c = Cloudant.bluemix(vcap_services) try: c.connect() self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) finally: c.disconnect() def test_bluemix_constructor_specify_instance_name(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using a VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and specifying which instance name to use. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'username': self.user, 'password': self.pwd, 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name }] } # create Cloudant Bluemix client c = Cloudant.bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name) try: c.connect() self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEquals(c.session()['userCtx']['name'], self.user) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) finally: c.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_bluemix_constructor_with_multiple_services(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using a VCAP_SERVICES environment variable that contains multiple services. """ instance_name = 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-lv' vcap_services = { 'cloudantNoSQLDB': [{ 'credentials': { 'apikey': '1234api', 'host': '{0}'.format(self.account), 'port': 443, 'url': self.url }, 'name': instance_name }, { 'credentials': { 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'host': '', 'port': 1234, 'url': 'https://*****:*****' }, 'name': 'Cloudant NoSQL DB-yu' }] } # create Cloudant Bluemix client c = Cloudant.bluemix(vcap_services, instance_name=instance_name) try: c.connect() self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEquals(c.session()['userCtx']['name'], self.user) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) finally: c.disconnect() def test_connect_headers(self): """ Test that the appropriate request headers are set """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertEqual(self.client.r_session.headers['X-Cloudant-User'], self.account) agent = self.client.r_session.headers.get('User-Agent') ua_parts = agent.split('/') self.assertEqual(len(ua_parts), 6) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[0], 'python-cloudant') self.assertEqual(ua_parts[1], sys.modules['cloudant'].__version__) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[2], 'Python') self.assertEqual( ua_parts[3], '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[4], os.uname()[0]), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[5], os.uname()[4]) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_connect_timeout(self): """ Test that a connect timeout occurs when instantiating a client object with a timeout of 10 ms. """ with self.assertRaises(ConnectTimeout) as cm: self.set_up_client(auto_connect=True, timeout=.01) self.assertTrue(str(cm.exception).find('timed out.')) def test_db_updates_infinite_feed_call(self): """ Test that infinite_db_updates() method call constructs and returns an InfiniteFeed object """ try: self.client.connect() db_updates = self.client.infinite_db_updates() self.assertIsInstance(db_updates, InfiniteFeed) self.assertEqual(db_updates._url, '/'.join([self.client.server_url, '_db_updates'])) self.assertIsInstance(db_updates._r_session, requests.Session) self.assertFalse(db_updates._raw_data) self.assertDictEqual(db_updates._options, {'feed': 'continuous'}) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_billing_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of billing data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = [ 'data_volume', 'total', 'start', 'end', 'http_heavy', 'http_light', 'bill_type' ] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.bill(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.bill() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of volume usage data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = ['data_vol', 'granularity', 'start', 'end'] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.volume_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.volume_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of requests usage data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = ['requests', 'granularity', 'start', 'end'] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.requests_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.requests_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_shared_databases(self): """ Test the retrieval of shared database list """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertIsInstance(self.client.shared_databases(), list) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_generate_api_key(self): """ Test the generation of an API key for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['key', 'password', 'ok'] api_key = self.client.generate_api_key() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in api_key.keys())) self.assertTrue(api_key['ok']) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cors_configuration(self): """ Test the retrieval of the current CORS configuration for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['allow_credentials', 'enable_cors', 'origins'] cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in cors.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_cors_origins(self): """ Test the retrieval of the CORS origins list """ try: self.client.connect() origins = self.client.cors_origins() self.assertIsInstance(origins, list) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_disable_cors(self): """ Test disabling CORS (assuming CORS is enabled) """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test CORS disable self.assertEqual(self.client.disable_cors(), {'ok': True}) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration(save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True) finally: self.client.disconnect() @skip_if_not_cookie_auth def test_update_cors_configuration(self): """ Test updating CORS configuration """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test updating CORS settings, overwriting origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, [''], True) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected = [''] self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Test updating CORS settings, adding to origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, ['']) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) del updated_cors updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected.append('') self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration(save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True) finally: self.client.disconnect()
class CloudantClientTests(UnitTestDbBase): """ Cloudant specific client unit tests """ def test_cloudant_context_helper(self): """ Test that the cloudant context helper works as expected. """ try: with cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEqual(c.r_session.auth, (self.user, self.pwd)) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) def test_constructor_with_account(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using an account name """ # Ensure that the client is new del self.client self.client = Cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) self.assertEqual( self.client.server_url, 'https://{0}'.format(self.account) ) def test_connect_headers(self): """ Test that the appropriate request headers are set """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertEqual( self.client.r_session.headers['X-Cloudant-User'], self.account ) agent = self.client.r_session.headers.get('User-Agent') ua_parts = agent.split('/') self.assertEqual(len(ua_parts), 6) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[0], 'python-cloudant') self.assertEqual(ua_parts[1], sys.modules['cloudant'].__version__) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[2], 'Python') self.assertEqual(ua_parts[3], '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[4], os.uname()[0]), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[5], os.uname()[4]) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_db_updates_infinite_feed_call(self): """ Test that infinite_db_updates() method call constructs and returns an InfiniteFeed object """ try: self.client.connect() db_updates = self.client.infinite_db_updates() self.assertIsInstance(db_updates, InfiniteFeed) self.assertEqual( db_updates._url, '/'.join([self.client.server_url, '_db_updates'])) self.assertIsInstance(db_updates._r_session, requests.Session) self.assertFalse(db_updates._raw_data) self.assertDictEqual(db_updates._options, {'feed': 'continuous'}) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_billing_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of billing data """ try: self.client.connect() expected = [ 'data_volume', 'total', 'start', 'end', 'http_heavy', 'http_light' ] # Test using year and month year = 2016 month = 1 data = self.client.bill(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.bill() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of volume usage data """ try: self.client.connect() expected = [ 'data_vol', 'granularity', 'start', 'end' ] # Test using year and month year = 2016 month = 12 data = self.client.volume_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.volume_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of requests usage data """ try: self.client.connect() expected = [ 'requests', 'granularity', 'start', 'end' ] # Test using year and month year = 2016 month = 1 data = self.client.requests_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.requests_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_shared_databases(self): """ Test the retrieval of shared database list """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertIsInstance(self.client.shared_databases(), list) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_generate_api_key(self): """ Test the generation of an API key for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['key', 'password', 'ok'] api_key = self.client.generate_api_key() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in api_key.keys())) self.assertTrue(api_key['ok']) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_cors_configuration(self): """ Test the retrieval of the current CORS configuration for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['allow_credentials', 'enable_cors', 'origins'] cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in cors.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_cors_origins(self): """ Test the retrieval of the CORS origins list """ try: self.client.connect() origins = self.client.cors_origins() self.assertIsInstance(origins, list) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_disable_cors(self): """ Test disabling CORS (assuming CORS is enabled) """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test CORS disable self.assertEqual(self.client.disable_cors(), {'ok': True}) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration( save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True ) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_update_cors_configuration(self): """ Test updating CORS configuration """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test updating CORS settings, overwriting origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, [''], True) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected = [''] self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Test updating CORS settings, adding to origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, [''] ) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) del updated_cors updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected.append('') self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration( save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True ) finally: self.client.disconnect()
class CloudantClientTests(UnitTestDbBase): """ Cloudant specific client unit tests """ def test_cloudant_context_helper(self): """ Test that the cloudant context helper works as expected. """ try: with cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) as c: self.assertIsInstance(c, Cloudant) self.assertIsInstance(c.r_session, requests.Session) self.assertEqual(c.r_session.auth, (self.user, self.pwd)) except Exception as err:'Exception {0} was raised.'.format(str(err))) def test_constructor_with_account(self): """ Test instantiating a client object using an account name """ # Ensure that the client is new del self.client self.client = Cloudant(self.user, self.pwd, account=self.account) self.assertEqual(self.client.server_url, 'https://{0}'.format(self.account)) def test_connect_headers(self): """ Test that the appropriate request headers are set """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertEqual(self.client.r_session.headers['X-Cloudant-User'], self.account) agent = self.client.r_session.headers.get('User-Agent') ua_parts = agent.split('/') self.assertEqual(len(ua_parts), 6) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[0], 'python-cloudant') self.assertEqual(ua_parts[1], sys.modules['cloudant'].__version__) self.assertEqual(ua_parts[2], 'Python') self.assertEqual( ua_parts[3], '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[4], os.uname()[0]), self.assertEqual(ua_parts[5], os.uname()[4]) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_db_updates_infinite_feed_call(self): """ Test that infinite_db_updates() method call constructs and returns an InfiniteFeed object """ try: self.client.connect() db_updates = self.client.infinite_db_updates() self.assertIsInstance(db_updates, InfiniteFeed) self.assertEqual(db_updates._url, '/'.join([self.client.server_url, '_db_updates'])) self.assertIsInstance(db_updates._r_session, requests.Session) self.assertFalse(db_updates._raw_data) self.assertDictEqual(db_updates._options, {'feed': 'continuous'}) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_billing_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of billing data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = [ 'data_volume', 'total', 'start', 'end', 'http_heavy', 'http_light', 'bill_type' ] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.bill(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.bill() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_billing_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving billing data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.bill(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of volume usage data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = ['data_vol', 'granularity', 'start', 'end'] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.volume_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.volume_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_volume_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving volume usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.volume_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test the retrieval of requests usage data """ try: self.client.connect() now = expected = ['requests', 'granularity', 'start', 'end'] # Test using year and month year = now.year month = now.month data = self.client.requests_usage(year, month) self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) #Test without year and month arguments del data data = self.client.requests_usage() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in data.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_without_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with an invalid month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - None') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_month_without_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only month parameter """ try: self.client.connect() month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(None, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - None, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_invalid_type_year_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with a type string for the year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 'foo' month = 1 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - foo, month - 1') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_set_year_with_invalid_month_for_requests_usage_data(self): """ Test raising an exception when retrieving requests usage data with only year parameter """ try: self.client.connect() year = 2016 month = 13 with self.assertRaises(CloudantArgumentError) as cm: self.client.requests_usage(year, month) expected = ('Invalid year and/or month supplied. ' 'Found: year - 2016, month - 13') self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_shared_databases(self): """ Test the retrieval of shared database list """ try: self.client.connect() self.assertIsInstance(self.client.shared_databases(), list) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_generate_api_key(self): """ Test the generation of an API key for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['key', 'password', 'ok'] api_key = self.client.generate_api_key() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in api_key.keys())) self.assertTrue(api_key['ok']) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_cors_configuration(self): """ Test the retrieval of the current CORS configuration for this client account """ try: self.client.connect() expected = ['allow_credentials', 'enable_cors', 'origins'] cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in cors.keys())) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_cors_origins(self): """ Test the retrieval of the CORS origins list """ try: self.client.connect() origins = self.client.cors_origins() self.assertIsInstance(origins, list) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_disable_cors(self): """ Test disabling CORS (assuming CORS is enabled) """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test CORS disable self.assertEqual(self.client.disable_cors(), {'ok': True}) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration(save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True) finally: self.client.disconnect() def test_update_cors_configuration(self): """ Test updating CORS configuration """ try: self.client.connect() # Save original CORS settings save = self.client.cors_configuration() # Test updating CORS settings, overwriting origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, [''], True) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected = [''] self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Test updating CORS settings, adding to origins result = self.client.update_cors_configuration( True, True, ['']) self.assertEqual(result, {'ok': True}) del updated_cors updated_cors = self.client.cors_configuration() self.assertTrue(updated_cors['enable_cors']) self.assertTrue(updated_cors['allow_credentials']) expected.append('') self.assertTrue(all(x in expected for x in updated_cors['origins'])) # Restore original CORS settings self.client.update_cors_configuration(save['enable_cors'], save['allow_credentials'], save['origins'], True) finally: self.client.disconnect()