예제 #1
def _setup_env(env):
    Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This means
    installing required system-level packages (as defined in CBL's
    ``packages.yaml``, or a flavor thereof) and Python dependencies
    (i.e., libraries) as defined in CloudMan's ``requirements.txt`` file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, 'cloudman')
        # Allow flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    # Get and install required Python libraries
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'requirements.txt')
            _create_python_virtualenv(env, 'CM', reqs_url=url)
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    if env.safe_exists("/etc/vim"):
        env.safe_sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
        env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    # Setup profile
    aliases = ['alias lt="ls -ltr"', 'alias ll="ls -l"']
    for alias in aliases:
        _add_to_profiles(alias, ['/etc/bash.bashrc'])
    env.logger.info("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")
예제 #2
def _setup_env(env):
    Setup the system environment required to run CloudMan. This means
    installing required system-level packages (as defined in CBL's
    ``packages.yaml``, or a flavor thereof) and Python dependencies
    (i.e., libraries) as defined in CloudMan's ``requirements.txt`` file.
    # Get and install required system packages
    if env.distribution in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
        config_file = get_config_file(env, "packages.yaml")
        (packages, _) = _yaml_to_packages(config_file.base, 'cloudman')
        # Allow editions and flavors to modify the package list
        packages = env.edition.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
        packages = env.flavor.rewrite_config_items("packages", packages)
    elif env.distribution in ["centos", "scientificlinux"]:
        env.logger.warn("No CloudMan system package dependencies for CentOS")
    # Get and install required Python libraries
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            url = os.path.join(CM_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'requirements.txt')
            _create_python_virtualenv(env, 'CM', reqs_url=url)
    # Add a custom vimrc
    vimrc_url = os.path.join(MI_REPO_ROOT_URL, 'conf_files', 'vimrc')
    remote_file = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
    sudo("wget --output-document=%s %s" % (remote_file, vimrc_url))
    env.logger.debug("Added a custom vimrc to {0}".format(remote_file))
    # Setup profile
    aliases = ['alias lt="ls -ltr"', 'alias ll="ls -l"']
    for alias in aliases:
        _add_to_profiles(alias, ['/etc/bash.bashrc'])
    env.logger.info("Done setting up CloudMan's environment")