def get_object(self, container_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from Swift with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ if not container_name: container_name = self.storage_container url = '/'.join([self.endpoint, container_name, key]) headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.token} headers.update(extra_get_args) try: res = self.session.get(url, headers=headers, stream=stream) if res.status_code == 200 or res.status_code == 206: if stream: data = res.raw else: data = res.content return data elif res.status_code == 404: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, key) else: raise Exception('{} - {}'.format(res.status_code, key)) except StorageNoSuchKeyError: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, key) except Exception as e: print(e) raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, key)
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from Redis with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param bucket_name: bucket name :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ redis_key = self._format_key(bucket_name, key) try: if 'Range' in extra_get_args: # expected format: Range='bytes=L-H' bytes_range = extra_get_args.pop('Range')[6:] start, end = self._parse_range(bytes_range) data = self._client.getrange(redis_key, start, end) else: data = self._client.get(redis_key) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) if data is None: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) if stream: return io.BytesIO(data) else: return data
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from localhost filesystem with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ buffer = None try: file_path = os.path.join(STORAGE_FOLDER, bucket_name, key) with open(file_path, "rb") as f: if 'Range' in extra_get_args: byte_range = extra_get_args['Range'].replace('bytes=', '') first_byte, last_byte = map(int, byte_range.split('-')) buffer = io.BytesIO( - first_byte + 1)) else: buffer = io.BytesIO( if stream: return buffer else: return except Exception: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError( os.path.join(STORAGE_FOLDER, bucket_name), key)
def put_object(self, bucket_name, key, data): """ Put an object in COS. Override the object if the key already exists. :param key: key of the object. :param data: data of the object :type data: str/bytes :return: None """ retries = 0 status = None while status is None: try: res = self.cos_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=data) status = 'OK' if res['ResponseMetadata'][ 'HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 else 'Error' try: logger.debug('PUT Object {} - Size: {} - {}'.format( key, sizeof_fmt(len(data)), status)) except Exception: logger.debug('PUT Object {} {}'.format(key, status)) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey": raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) else: raise e except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError as e: if retries == OBJ_REQ_RETRIES: raise e logger.debug('PUT Object timeout. Retrying request') retries += 1 return True
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from COS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ data = None retries = 0 while data is None: try: r = self.cos_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, **extra_get_args) if stream: data = r['Body'] else: data = r['Body'].read() except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey": raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) else: raise e except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError as e: if retries == OBJ_REQ_RETRIES: raise e logger.debug('GET Object timeout. Retrying request') retries += 1 return data
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from COS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ if 'Range' in extra_get_args: # expected common format: Range='bytes=L-H' bytes_range = extra_get_args.pop('Range')[6:] bytes_range = bytes_range.split('-') extra_get_args['start_range'] = int(bytes_range[0]) extra_get_args['end_range'] = int(bytes_range[1]) try: if stream: stream_out = BytesIO() self.blob_client.get_blob_to_stream(bucket_name, key, stream_out, **extra_get_args) return stream_out else: data = self.blob_client.get_blob_to_bytes( bucket_name, key, **extra_get_args) return data.content except AzureMissingResourceHttpError: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key)
def list_keys(self, bucket_name, prefix=None): """ Return a list of keys for the given prefix. :param bucket_name: Name of the bucket. :param prefix: Prefix to filter object names. :return: List of keys in bucket that match the given prefix. :rtype: list of str """ try: prefix = '' if prefix is None else prefix paginator = self.cos_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=prefix) key_list = [] for page in page_iterator: if 'Contents' in page: for item in page['Contents']: key_list.append(item['Key']) return key_list except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == '404': raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, prefix) else: raise e
def bucket_exists(self, container_name): """ Head container from Swift with a name. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given container does not exist. :param container_name: name of the container :return: Data of the bucket :rtype: str/bytes """ url = '/'.join([self.endpoint, container_name]) try: res = self.session.head(url) if res.status_code == 204: return res.headers elif res.status_code == 404: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, '') else: raise Exception('{} - {}'.format(res.status_code)) except Exception as e: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, '')
def head_object(self, container_name, key): """ Head object from Swift with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ url = '/'.join([self.endpoint, container_name, key]) try: res = self.session.head(url) if res.status_code == 200: return res.headers elif res.status_code == 404: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, key) else: raise Exception('{} - {}'.format(res.status_code, key)) except Exception as e: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(container_name, key)
def bucket_exists(self, bucket_name): """ Returns True if container exists in storage. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given container does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the container """ try: self.blob_client.get_container_metadata(bucket_name) return True except Exception: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '')
def head_bucket(self, bucket_name): """ Head container from COS with a name. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given container does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the container :return: Data of the object """ try: return self.blob_client.get_container_metadata(bucket_name) except Exception: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '')
def bucket_exists(self, bucket_name): """ Returns True if bucket exists in storage. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given bucket does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket """ bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) try: bucket.get_bucket_info() except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket: StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '') return True
def bucket_exists(self, bucket_name): """ Head bucket from COS with a name. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given bucket does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket """ try: self.cos_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == '404': raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '') else: raise e
def head_bucket(self, bucket_name): """ Head bucket from OSS with a name. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given bucket does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket :return: metadata of the bucket :rtype: dict """ bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) try: metadata = bucket.get_bucket_info() return vars(metadata) except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket: StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '')
def head_bucket(self, bucket_name): """ Head bucket from Ceph with a name. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given bucket does not exist. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket :return: Metadata of the bucket :rtype: str/bytes """ try: return self.cos_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == '404': raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '') else: raise e
def list_keys(self, bucket_name, prefix=None): """ Return a list of keys for the given prefix. :param prefix: Prefix to filter object names. :return: List of keys in bucket that match the given prefix. :rtype: list of str """ try: keys = [ key for key in self.blob_client.list_blob_names( bucket_name, prefix).items ] return keys except Exception: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '' if prefix is None else prefix)
def head_object(self, bucket_name, key): """ Head object from Redis with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param bucket_name: bucket name :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: dict """ redis_key = self._format_key(bucket_name, key) try: meta = self._client.debug_object(redis_key) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) meta['content-length'] = meta['serializedlength'] - 1 return meta
def put_object(self, bucket_name, key, data): """ Put an object in OSS. Override the object if the key already exists. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the bucket does not exist. :param bucket_name: bucket name :param key: key of the object. :param data: data of the object :type data: str/bytes :return: None """ if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode() try: bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) bucket.put_object(key, data) except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket: StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '')
def head_object(self, bucket_name, key): """ Head object from OSS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param bucket_name: bucket name :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: dict """ bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) try: headobj = bucket.head_object(key) # adapted to match ibm_cos method metadata = vars(headobj) metadata['content-length'] = metadata.pop('content_length') return metadata except (oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey, oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket): raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key)
def list_keys(self, bucket_name, prefix=None): """ Return a list of keys for the given prefix. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param prefix: Prefix to filter object names. :return: List of keys in bucket that match the given prefix. :rtype: list of str """ bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) # adapted to match ibm_cos method prefix = '' if prefix is None else prefix try: res = bucket.list_objects(prefix=prefix) keys = [obj.key for obj in res.object_list] return keys except (oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey, oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket): StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, prefix)
def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None): """ Return a list of objects for the given bucket and prefix. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket. :param prefix: Prefix to filter object names. :return: List of objects in bucket that match the given prefix. :rtype: list of dict """ bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) # adapted to match ibm_cos method prefix = '' if prefix is None else prefix try: res = bucket.list_objects(prefix=prefix) obj_list = [{'Key' : obj.key, 'Size' : obj.size} for obj in res.object_list] print(obj_list) return obj_list except (oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey, oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket): StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, prefix)
def list_objects(self, bucket_name, prefix=None): """ Return a list of objects for the given bucket and prefix. :param bucket_name: Name of the bucket. :param prefix: Prefix to filter object names. :return: List of objects in bucket that match the given prefix. :rtype: list of str """ # adapted to match ibm_cos method try: blobs = self.blob_client.list_blobs(bucket_name, prefix) mod_list = [] for blob in blobs: mod_list.append({ 'Key':, 'Size': }) return mod_list except Exception: raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, '' if prefix is None else prefix)
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from OSS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param bucket_name: bucket name :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ if 'Range' in extra_get_args: # expected common format: Range='bytes=L-H' bytes_range = extra_get_args.pop('Range')[6:] bytes_range = bytes_range.split('-') extra_get_args['byte_range'] = (int(bytes_range[0]), int(bytes_range[1])) try: bucket = self._connect_bucket(bucket_name) data = bucket.get_object(key=key, **extra_get_args) if stream: return data else: return except (oss2.exceptions.NoSuchKey, oss2.exceptions.NoSuchBucket): raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key)
def head_object(self, bucket_name, key): """ Head object from COS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ metadata = None retries = 0 while metadata is None: try: metadata = self.cos_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == '404': raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(bucket_name, key) else: raise e except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError as e: if retries == OBJ_REQ_RETRIES: raise e logger.debug('HEAD Object timeout. Retrying request') retries += 1 return metadata['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPHeaders']