def initiate_scan(self, server_id, scan_type): """Initiate a scan on a specific server. Args: server_id (str): ID of server to be scanned scan_type (str): Type of scan to be run. Valid scan types: sca - Configuration scan csm - Configuration scan (same as sca) svm - Software vulnerability scan sva - Software vulnerability scan (same as svm) sam - Server access management scan fim - File integrity monitoring scan sv - Agent self-verifiation scan Returns: dict: Dictionary describing command created as a result of this \ call Failure throws an exception. """ sanity.validate_object_id(server_id) if self.scan_type_supported(scan_type) is False: exception_message = "Unsupported scan type: %s" % scan_type raise CloudPassageValidation(exception_message) else: scan_type_normalized = self.supported_scans[scan_type] request_body = {"scan": {"module": scan_type_normalized}} endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/scans" % server_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response =, request_body) command_info = response["command"] return command_info
def list_all(self, **kwargs): """Returns a list of all servers. This query is limited to 50 pages of 100 items, totaling 500 servers. Default filter returns only servers in the 'active' state. Keyword Args: state (list or str): A list or comma-separated string containing \ any of these: active, missing, deactivated platform (list or str): A list or comma-separated string \ containing any of these: \ windows, debian, ubuntu, centos, oracle, rhel, etc... cve (str): CVE ID. Example: CVE-2015-1234 kb (str): Search for presence of KB. Example: kb="KB2485376" missing_kb (str): Search for absence of KB. \ Example: mising_kb="KB2485376" Returns: list: List of dictionary objects describing servers """ endpoint = "/v1/servers?per_page=100" key = "servers" max_pages = 300 request = HttpHelper(self.session) params = utility.sanitize_url_params(kwargs) response = request.get_paginated(endpoint, key, max_pages, params=params) return response
def last_scan_results(self, server_id, scan_type): """Get the results of scan_type performed on server_id. Args: server_id (str): ID of server scan_type (str): Type of scan to filter results for Valid scan types: sca - Configuration scan csm - Configuration scan (same as sca) svm - Software vulnerability scan sva - Software vulnerability scan (same as svm) fim - File integrity monitoring scan Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing last scan results """ if self.scan_history_supported(scan_type) is False: exception_message = "Unsupported scan type: %s" % scan_type raise CloudPassageValidation(exception_message) else: scan_type_normalized = self.supported_scans[scan_type] endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/%s" % (server_id, scan_type_normalized) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) return response
def create(self, fim_policy_id, server_id, **kwargs): """Creates a FIM baseline Args: fim_policy_id (str): ID of FIM policy to baseline server_id (str): ID of server to use for generating baseline Keyword Args: expires (int): Number of days from today for expiration of baseline comment (str): Guess. Returns: str: ID of new baseline """ sanity.validate_object_id([fim_policy_id, server_id]) request = HttpHelper(self.session) endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines" % fim_policy_id request_body = { "baseline": { "server_id": server_id, "expires": None, "comment": None } } if "expires" in kwargs: request_body["baseline"]["expires"] = kwargs["expires"] if "comment" in kwargs: request_body["baseline"]["comment"] = kwargs["comment"] response =, request_body) policy_id = response["baseline"]["id"] return policy_id
def create(self, group_name, **kwargs): """Creates a ServerGroup. Args: group_name (str): Name for the new group Keyword Args: firewall_policy_id (str): ID of firewall policy to be assigned to \ the group (deprecated- use linux_firewall_policy_id) linux_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of linux firewall policy to \ associate with the new group windows_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of Windows firewall policy \ to associate with the new group policy_ids (list): List of Linux configuration policy IDs windows_policy_ids (list): List of Windows configuration policy IDs fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies linux_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies windows_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Windows FIM policies lids_policy_ids (list): List of LIDS policy IDs tag (str): Server group tag-used for auto-assignment of group. server_events_policy (str): Special events policy IDs alert_profiles (list): List of alert profile IDs Returns: str: ID of newly-created group. """ endpoint = "/v1/groups" group_data = {"name": group_name, "policy_ids": [], "tag": None} body = {"group": utility.merge_dicts(group_data, kwargs)} request = HttpHelper(self.session) response =, body) return response["group"]["id"]
def delete(self, policy_id): """Delete a policy by ID. Success returns None""" sanity.validate_object_id(policy_id) request = HttpHelper(self.session) delete_endpoint = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint(), policy_id) request.delete(delete_endpoint) return None
def create(self, policy_body): """Creates a policy from JSON document. Returns the ID of the new policy """ request = HttpHelper(self.session) request_body = utility.policy_to_dict(policy_body) return, request_body)["id"]
def update(self, policy_body): """Update a policy. Success returns None""" request = HttpHelper(self.session) request_body = utility.policy_to_dict(policy_body) policy_id = request_body[self.policy_key()]["id"] sanity.validate_object_id(policy_id) update_endpoint = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint(), policy_id) request.put(update_endpoint, request_body) return None
def list_all(self): """Returns a list of all system announcements """ session = self.session endpoint = self.build_endpoint() request = HttpHelper(session) response = request.get(endpoint) announcement_list = response["announcements"] return announcement_list
def list_all(self, **kwargs): """This method retrieves all local user accounts Keyword Args: os_type (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according os type. username (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according username. admin (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with the according admin. active (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with the according active settings. last_login_at (str): A list of local user accounts \ last login at date in iso8601 format such as: 2017-01-01. never_logged_in (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with never logged in. password_required (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with the according password_required settings password_expired (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with the according password_expired settings comment: A list of local user accounrs with the according comment group_id (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according group id server_id (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according server id server_name (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according server name server_label (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according server label group_name (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according group name locked (boolean): A list of local user accounts \ with the according locked settings gid (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according gid sid (list or str): A list of local user accounts \ with the according sid Returns: list: List of dictionary objects describing local user accounts """ endpoint = "/v1/local_accounts" key = "accounts" max_pages = 50 request = HttpHelper(self.session) params = utility.sanitize_url_params(kwargs) response = request.get_paginated(endpoint, key, max_pages, params=params) return response
def list_all(self): """Lists all policies of this type. Returns: list: List of policies (represented as dictionary-type objects) Note: This query is limited to 30 pages. """ request = HttpHelper(self.session) return request.get_paginated(self.endpoint(), self.pagination_key(), self.max_pages)
def describe(self, issue_id): """Get issue details by issue ID Args: issue_id (str): Issue ID Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing issue """ endpoint = "/v1/issues/%s" % issue_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) return response
def describe(self, policy_id): """Get the detailed configuration of a policy Args: policy_id (str): ID of the policy to retrieve \ detailed configuration information for Returns: dict: dictionary object representing the entire, detailed, policy """ request = HttpHelper(self.session) describe_endpoint = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint(), policy_id) return request.get(describe_endpoint)[self.policy_key()]
def issues(self, server_id): """This method retrieves the detail of a server issues. Args: server_id (str): ID of server Returns: list: issues of the server """ sanity.validate_object_id(server_id) endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/issues" % server_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) return response
def list_local_accounts(self, server_id): """This method retrieves all local user accounts on the server\ specified by server ID Args: server_id (str): Server ID Returns: list: List of dictionary objects describing local user account """ endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/accounts" % (server_id) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) local_accounts = response["accounts"] return local_accounts
def describe_local_account(self, server_id, username): """Get deatils on local user account Args: server_id (str): Server ID username (str): username of the local user account Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing local user account """ endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/accounts/%s" % (server_id, username) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) account_detail = response["account"] return account_detail
def describe(self, server_id): """Get server details by server ID Args: server_id (str): Server ID Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing server """ endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s" % server_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) server_details = response["server"] return server_details
def findings(self, scan_id, findings_id): """Get FIM, CSM, and SVA findings details by scan and findings ID Args: scan_id (str): ID of scan_id findings_id (str): ID of findings to retrieve Returns: dict: Dictionary object descrbing findings """ endpoint = "/v1/scans/%s/findings/%s" % (scan_id, findings_id) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) return response
def list_members(self, group_id): """Returns a list of all member servers of a group_id Args: group_id (str): ID of group_id Returns: list: List of dictionary objects describing member servers """ endpoint = "/v1/groups/%s/servers" % group_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) servers = response["servers"] return servers
def describe(self, group_id): """Describe a ServerGroup. In detail. Args: group_id (str): ID of group Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing group. In detail. """ endpoint = "/v1/groups/%s" % group_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) group = response["group"] return group
def scan_details(self, scan_id): """Get detailed scan information Args: scan_id (str): ID of scan Returns: dict: Dictionary object describing scan details """ endpoint = "/v1/scans/%s" % scan_id request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) report = response["scan"] return report
def command_details(self, server_id, command_id): """This method retrieves the details and status of a server command. Args: server_id (str): ID of server runnung command command_id (str): ID of command running on server Returns: dict: Command status as a dictionary object. Example: :: { "name": "", "status: "", "created_at": "", "updated_at": "", "result": "" } For server account creation and server account password resets, \ the password will be contained in the result field, as a dictionary: :: { "name": "", "status: "", "created_at": "", "updated_at": "", "result": { "password": "" } } """ endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/commands/%s" % (server_id, command_id) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) command_status = response["command"] return command_status
def resolve(self, issue_id): """Resolves an Issue. Args: issue_id (str): ID of issue to be altered Returns: True if successful, throws exception otherwise. """ sanity.validate_object_id(issue_id) endpoint = "/v1/issues/%s" % issue_id response = None body = {"status": "resolved"} request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.put(endpoint, body) return response
def list_all(self, fim_policy_id): """Returns a list of all baselines for the indicated FIM policy Args: fim_policy_id (str): ID of fim policy Returns: list: List of all baselines for the given policy """ request = HttpHelper(self.session) endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines" % fim_policy_id key = "baselines" max_pages = 30 response = request.get_paginated(endpoint, key, max_pages) return response
def describe(self, server_id, gid): """Get local user group deatils by server id and gid Args: server_id = Server ID gid = gid Returns: list: List of dictionary object describing local user group detail """ endpoint = "/v1/local_groups?server_id=%s&gid=%s" % (server_id, gid) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint) group_detail = response["local_groups"] return group_detail
def list_connections(self, group_id, **kwargs): """This method retrieves all recently detected connections in the server\ group specified by Group ID Args: server_id (str): Group ID Returns: list: List of all recently detected connections in the srever group """ endpoint = "/v1/groups/%s/connections" % (group_id) params = utility.sanitize_url_params(kwargs) request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get(endpoint, params=params) connections = response["connections"] return connections
def delete(self, fim_policy_id, fim_baseline_id): """Delete a FIM baseline by ID Args: fim_policy_id (str): ID of FIM policy fim_baseline_id (str): ID of baseline to be deleted Returns: None if successful, exceptions throw otherwise. """ sanity.validate_object_id([fim_policy_id, fim_baseline_id]) request = HttpHelper(self.session) endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines/%s" % (fim_policy_id, fim_baseline_id) request.delete(endpoint) return None
def get_firewall_logs(self, server_id, pages): """This method retrieves the detail of a server firewall log. Args: server_id (str): ID of server Returns: list: firewall log of the server """ sanity.validate_object_id(server_id) endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/firewall_logs" % server_id key = "agent_firewall_logs" max_pages = pages request = HttpHelper(self.session) response = request.get_paginated(endpoint, key, max_pages) return response
def list_all(self): """Returns a list of all groups for an account This is represented as a list of dictionaries This will only return a maximum of 20 pages, which amounts to 200 groups. If you have more than that, you should consider using the SDK within a multi-threaded application so you don't spend the rest of your life waiting on a list of groups. """ session = self.session max_pages = 20 key = "groups" endpoint = "/v1/groups" request = HttpHelper(session) groups = request.get_paginated(endpoint, key, max_pages) return groups
def describe(self, fim_policy_id, baseline_id): """Returns the body of the baseline indicated by fim_baseline_id. Args fim_policy_id (str): ID of FIM policy fim_baseline_id (str): ID of baseline Returns: dict: Dictionary describing FIM baseline """ request = HttpHelper(self.session) endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines/%s/details" % (fim_policy_id, baseline_id) response = request.get(endpoint) result = response["baseline"] return result