예제 #1
def test_kubernetes_discovery(cfgdir, mocker):
    Testing Kubernetes initializaion.

    Is fabric creating Stub by default?
    Does Kubernetes return []?
    k8s = os.path.join(
    k8s_data = os.path.join(
    k8s_pods = []
    with open(k8s_data, "r") as data:
        k8s_pods = yaml.safe_load(data)
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    profile = cloud.configuration_read()
    profile = cloud.merge(profile, cloud.configuration_read(k8s))
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    cloud.fabric(profile, args)
    assert Container.discovery().__class__.__name__ == "Kubernetes"
    mocker.patch.object(Kubernetes, "get_pods", return_value=k8s_pods)
    representation, instances = Container.discovery().run()
    assert len(instances) == 2
    assert representation == [36, 37, 21, 7, 7, 11]
예제 #2
def test_select_single(cfgdir):
    """Testing that Selector automaticaly select the only one available instance."""
    profile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture", "single.cloud.json")
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    args = cloud.parse_args([profile])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    configuration = cloud.merge(configuration, cloud.configuration_read(args.profile))
    assert args.profile == profile
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    assert isinstance(Container.discovery(), Local)
    report = selector.select()
    assert len(report["instances"]) == 1
    assert report["instances"][0]["host"] == "my.cloud.instance"
예제 #3
def test_select_empty(cfgdir):
    """Testing that Selector exits if there is no any instances."""
    profile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture", "empty.cloud.json")
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    args = cloud.parse_args([profile])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    configuration = cloud.merge(configuration, cloud.configuration_read(args.profile))
    assert args.profile == profile
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    assert isinstance(Container.discovery(), Local)
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
    assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
    assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == "Error: No instances found"
예제 #4
def test_options_errors(caplog, cfgdir):
    """Test error messages when options block is incorrect."""
    configuration = os.path.join(

    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration["group"] = {"type": "simple"}
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    assert isinstance(Container.group(), Simple)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    assert (caplog.records[0].getMessage() ==
            "option: 'options' block not found in {'type': 'simple'}")

    configuration["group"]["options"] = 123
    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    assert (caplog.records[0].msg ==
            "%s: 'options' block should be list of dictionaries in %s")
예제 #5
def test_completer(capsys):
    """Testing that Selector completer process .cloud.json .cloud.yml and .cloud.yaml profiles."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture"))
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    selector.complete("", 0)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == "a\nb\nc\nempty\nk8s\nsingle\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #6
def test_select_edit_yml_profile(mocker):
    """Testing that Selector invoking edit for YML profile properly."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture"))
    args = cloud.parse_args(["-e", "c"])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    mocker.patch.object(Selector, "edit")
    Selector.edit.assert_called_once_with(  # pylint: disable=no-member
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture", "c.cloud.yml"),
예제 #7
def test_bastion_initialization(cfgdir):
    """Assert plugin initialization."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration["pathfinder"] = {"type": "bastion"}
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)

    assert isinstance(Container.pathfinder(), Bastion)

    result = Container.pathfinder().run(INSTANCE, [INSTANCE])
    assert result.jumphost is None
예제 #8
def test_select_edit_non_existent_profile(mocker, capsys):
    """Testing that Selector shows error on if profile doesn't exist."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture"))
    args = cloud.parse_args(["-v", "-e", "non-existent"])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    mocker.patch.object(Selector, "edit")
    selector.logger.disabled = False
    Selector.edit.assert_not_called()  # pylint: disable=no-member
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ""
    assert captured.err.endswith("Profile 'non-existent' does not exist\n")
예제 #9
def test_profile_list(capsys):
    """Testing that Selector profile_list process .cloud.json .cloud.yml and .cloud.yaml profiles."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fixture"))
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    selector = cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert (
        == "CloudSelect profiles:\n- a\n- b\n- c\n- empty\n- k8s\n- single\n"
    assert captured.err == ""
예제 #10
def test_options(cfgdir):
    Testing cloud.options(...) behaviour.

    There should be {} if there is no any options.
    There should be dictionary if there is required option.
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)

    assert cloud.options("test") == {}
    assert cloud.options("plugin") == configuration["plugin"]
    assert cloud.options("log") == configuration["log"]
예제 #11
def test_stub_group(tmpdir):
    Testing Stub initializaion.

    Is fabric creating Stub by default?
    Does Stub return {}?
    Is Stub singleton?
    cloud = CloudSelect(tmpdir)
    # Read shared part
    profile = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    cloud.fabric(profile, args)
    assert Container.group().__class__.__name__ == "Stub"
    assert Container.group().run("aws", METADATA) is None
    assert Container.group() == Container.group()
예제 #12
def test_stub_discovery(cfgdir):
    Testing Stub initializaion.

    Is fabric creating Stub by default?
    Does Stub return []?
    Is Stub singleton?
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    # Read shared part
    profile = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    cloud.fabric(profile, args)
    assert Container.discovery().__class__.__name__ == "Stub"
    assert Container.discovery().run() == []
    assert Container.discovery() == Container.discovery()
예제 #13
def test_stub_pathfinder(cfgdir):
    Testing Stub initializaion.

    Is fabric creating Stub by default?
    Does Stub return {}?
    Is Stub singleton?
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    # Read shared part
    profile = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    cloud.fabric(profile, args)
    assert Container.pathfinder().__class__.__name__ == "Stub"
    assert Container.pathfinder().run(INSTANCE, [INSTANCE]) == INSTANCE
    assert Container.pathfinder() == Container.pathfinder()
예제 #14
def test_options(cfgdir):
    Test options behaviour of simple plugin.

    It should returns {} if there is no options.
    It should returns shared dictionary if there is no any matched filters.
    It should returns clarified dictionary if there is matched filter.
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration["group"] = {"type": "simple"}
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)

    assert isinstance(Container.group(), Simple)

    assert Container.options("test") == {}
    assert Container.options("plugin") == configuration["plugin"]
    assert Container.options("log") == configuration["log"]

    assert Container.options("option") == {}
    options_a = {"ssh": "-t", "ssh_command": "sudo -i"}
    options_b = {"ssh": "-t", "ssh_command": "su"}
    options_c = {"ssh": "-t", "ssh_command": None}
    configuration["option"] = options_a
    assert Container.options("option") == options_a

    configuration["group"]["options"] = [{"match": "x:y", "option": options_a}]
    assert Container.options("option") == options_a
    assert Container.options("option", {"a": {"b": "c123"}}) == options_a

        "match": "a.b:c123",
        "option": options_b
    assert Container.options("option") == options_a
    assert Container.options("option", {"a": {"b": "c123"}}) == options_b

            "match": "a.b:c(.*3|111)",
            "option": options_c
        }, )
    assert Container.options("option") == options_a
    assert Container.options("option", {"a": {"b": "c1nnnn3"}}) == options_c
    assert Container.options("option", {"a": {"b": "c111111"}}) == options_c
    assert Container.options("option", {"a": {"b": "c112111"}}) == options_a
예제 #15
def test_bastion_behaviour(cfgdir):
    """Assert bastion returning correct result."""
    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration["pathfinder"] = {
        "type": "bastion",
        "host": "my-bastion-hostname"
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)

    assert isinstance(Container.pathfinder(), Bastion)

    result = Container.pathfinder().run(INSTANCE, [INSTANCE])

    assert isinstance(result.jumphost, CloudInstance)
    assert result.jumphost.host == "my-bastion-hostname"
예제 #16
def test_options_regex(cfgdir):
    """Test regex against metadata mock."""
    metadata = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "fixture",

    cloud = CloudSelect(cfgdir)
    configuration = cloud.configuration_read()
    args = cloud.parse_args([])
    configuration["group"] = {
        "type": "simple",
        "options": [{
            "match": "Tags.Name:my-app.abc",
            "option": {}
    configuration["option"] = {"ssh": "-t"}
    cloud.fabric(configuration, args)
    assert isinstance(Container.group(), Simple)

    with open(metadata) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
        assert Container.options("option") == {"ssh": "-t"}
        assert Container.options("option", data) == {}