예제 #1
 def __init__(self, io, host='localhost', port=7474, cleanoutdb=False, debug=False
 ,       retries=300, readonly=False, encryption_required=False, use_network=True):
     'Initialize and construct a global database instance'
     #print >> sys.stderr, 'CALLING NEW initglobal'
     CMAdb.log = logging.getLogger('cma')
     CMAdb.debug = debug
     CMAdb.io = io
     from hbring import HbRing
     syslog = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log'
     ,       facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON)
     syslog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
     url = ('http://%s:%d/db/data/' % (host, port))
     #print >> sys.stderr, 'CREATING GraphDatabaseService("%s")' % url
     neodb = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService(url)
     self.db = neodb
     if cleanoutdb:
         CMAdb.log.info('Re-initializing the NEO4j database')
     self.db = neodb
     CMAdb.use_network = use_network
     while True:
             CMAdb.cdb = CMAdb(db=neodb)
             # Neo4j started.  All is well with the world.
         except (RuntimeError, IOError, py2neo.exceptions.ClientError) as exc:
             print >> sys.stderr, 'TRYING AGAIN [[%s]...[%s]' % (url, str(exc))
             trycount += 1
             if trycount > retries:
                 print >> sys.stderr, ('Neo4j still not started - giving up.')
                 CMAdb.log.critical('Neo4j still not started - giving up.')
                 raise RuntimeError('Neo4j not running - giving up [%s]' % str(exc))
             if (trycount % 60) == 1:
                 print >> sys.stderr, ('Waiting for Neo4j [%s] to start [%s].' % (url, str(exc)))
                 CMAdb.log.warning('Waiting for Neo4j [%s] to start [%s].' % (url, str(exc)))
             # Let's try again in a second...
     Store.debug = debug
     Store.log = CMAdb.log
     CMAdb.store = Store(neodb, CMAconsts.uniqueindexes, CMAconsts.classkeymap
     ,   readonly=readonly)
     if not readonly:
         for classname in GraphNode.classmap:
             GraphNode.initclasstypeobj(CMAdb.store, classname)
         from transaction import Transaction
         CMAdb.transaction = Transaction(encryption_required=encryption_required)
         #print >> sys.stderr,  'CMAdb:', CMAdb
         #print >> sys.stderr,  'CMAdb.store(cmadb.py):', CMAdb.store
         CMAdb.TheOneRing = CMAdb.store.load_or_create(HbRing, name='The_One_Ring'
         ,           ringtype=HbRing.THEONERING)
         #print >> sys.stderr, 'COMMITTING Store'
         #print >> sys.stderr, 'Transaction Commit results:', CMAdb.store.commit()
         #print >> sys.stderr, 'Store COMMITTED'
         CMAdb.transaction = None
예제 #2
            dronelist = CMAdb.store.load_in_related(drone, self.ourreltype, Drone)
            for elem in dronelist:
                ringcount += 1
            #print >> sys.stderr    \
            #,   ('%s status: %s mbrcount: %d, nextcount:%d, incount:%d, ringcount:%d'
            #%   (drone, drone.status, mbrcount, nextcount, incount, ringcount))
            assert drone.status == 'up'
            assert mbrcount < 2 or 1 == nextcount
            assert mbrcount < 2 or 1 == incount
            assert 1 == ringcount

        for drone in listmembers.keys():
            assert(drone in ringmembers)
        for drone in ringmembers.keys():
            assert(drone in listmembers)

    def __str__(self):
        ret = 'Ring("%s"' % self.name
        #comma = ', ['
        #for drone in self.members_ring_order():
        #    ret += '%s%s' % (comma, drone)
        #    comma = ', '
        #ret += ']'
        ret += ')'
        return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = CMAdb()