예제 #1
 def test_cos(self):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(self.f1), math.cos(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(self.c1), cmath.cos(self.c1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(self.c2), cmath.cos(self.c2))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(Quat(self.f1)), math.cos(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(Quat(0, 3)), cmath.cos(3J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(Quat(4, 5)), cmath.cos(4 + 5J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.cos(Quat(0, self.f1)), Quat(math.cosh(self.f1)))
예제 #2
    def transformada_park(self, theta, Vabc):

        C =  raiz2_3 * matrix([[cos(theta).real, cos(theta - defase).real, cos(theta + defase).real],\
                             [-sin(theta).real, -sin(theta - defase).real, -sin(theta + defase).real],\
                             [raiz1_2, raiz1_2, raiz1_2]])

        return C.T * Vabc
예제 #3
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: binux/ingress-api
    def bearing_to(self, point):
        lat1 = to_rad(self.lat)
        lat2 = to_rad(point.lat)
        dLng = to_rad(point.lng - self.lng)

        y = cmath.sin(dLng) * cmath.cos(lat2)
        x = cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2) \
                - cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) * cmath.cos(dLng)
        brng = math.atan2(y.real, x.real)
        return (to_deg(brng.real)+360) % 360
예제 #4
파일: funset.py 프로젝트: pylhc/pytpsa
def cos(c):
  cos(a+x)= cos(a) sin(x) - sin(a) cos(x)
  if not isinstance(c,pol): return math.cos(c)
  for n in range(2,c.order+1):
    lst.append( -lst[-2]/n/(n-1))
  return phorner(lst,p)
예제 #5
def p1(x):
    a = 1.0/2*pi*sqrt(x[1])/x[0]
    b = x[2]*cos(x[4]) + x[3]*sin(x[4])
    c = x[3]*sin(x[4]) - x[2]*cos(x[4])
    d = x[0]*abs(sin(x[4]))
    e = pi*acos(exp(-d))
    f = a/b/e
    g = f/(x[1] + f)
    h = c/g - b/f
    return h
예제 #6
def _cospi_complex(z):
    if z.real < 0:
        z = -z
    n, r = divmod(z.real, 0.5)
    z = pi*complex(r, z.imag)
    n %= 4
    if n == 0: return cmath.cos(z)
    if n == 1: return -cmath.sin(z)
    if n == 2: return -cmath.cos(z)
    if n == 3: return cmath.sin(z)
예제 #7
파일: GF.py 프로젝트: duffyj2/Strain
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,m-n)
    const = 1j/(4.0*pi*t**2)
    if s == 0:
      return const*E*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )		\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  )
    elif s == 1:
      fp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      fm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*fp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*fm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    elif s == -1:
      ftp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)  )
      ftm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)  )

      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*ftp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
      + exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*ftm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    else: print "Sublattice error in gBulk_kA"
예제 #8
파일: funcEval.py 프로젝트: ioguntol/AMP
def oneArgFuncEval(function, value):
        # Evaluates functions that take a complex number input
        if function == "sin":
                return cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "cos":
                return cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "tan":
                return cmath.tan(value)
        elif function == "asin":
                return cmath.asin(value)
        elif function == "acos":
                return cmath.acos(value)
        elif function == "atan":
                return cmath.atan(value)
        elif function == "csc":
                return 1.0 / cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "sec":
                return 1.0 / cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "cot":
                return 1.0 / cmath.tan(value)        
        elif function == "ln":
                return cmath.log(value)
        elif function == "sqr":
                return cmath.sqrt(value)
        elif function == "abs":
                return cmath.sqrt((value.real ** 2) + (value.imag ** 2))
        elif function == "exp":
                return cmath.exp(value)
        if function == "sinh":
                return cmath.sinh(value)
        elif function == "cosh":
                return cmath.cosh(value)
        elif function == "tanh":
                return cmath.tanh(value)
        elif function == "asinh":
                return cmath.asinh(value)
        elif function == "acosh":
                return cmath.acosh(value)
        elif function == "atanh":
                return cmath.atanh(value)
        elif function == "ceil":
                return math.ceil(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.ceil(value.imag)
        elif function == "floor":
                return math.floor(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.floor(value.imag)
        elif function == "trunc":
                return math.trunc(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.trunc(value.imag)
        elif function == "fac":
                if value.imag == 0 and value < 0 and value.real == int(value.real):
                        return "Error: The factorial function is not defined on the negative integers."
                return gamma(value + 1)
        elif function == "log":
                return cmath.log10(value)
예제 #9
def getDist(lat1,long1,lat2,long2):
	Calc the distance between 2 points using Vincenty
	lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
	long1 = math.radians(long1)
	lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
	long2 = math.radians(long2)
	R = 6371 # km
	d = cmath.acos(cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2) + \
	cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) *
	cmath.cos(long2 - long1)) * R
	return abs(d) # cast to float
예제 #10
def test_trig_hyperb_basic():
    for x in (list(range(100)) + list(range(-100,0))):
        t = x / 4.1
        assert cos(mpf(t)).ae(math.cos(t))
        assert sin(mpf(t)).ae(math.sin(t))
        assert tan(mpf(t)).ae(math.tan(t))
        assert cosh(mpf(t)).ae(math.cosh(t))
        assert sinh(mpf(t)).ae(math.sinh(t))
        assert tanh(mpf(t)).ae(math.tanh(t))
    assert sin(1+1j).ae(cmath.sin(1+1j))
    assert sin(-4-3.6j).ae(cmath.sin(-4-3.6j))
    assert cos(1+1j).ae(cmath.cos(1+1j))
    assert cos(-4-3.6j).ae(cmath.cos(-4-3.6j))
예제 #11
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: binux/ingress-api
    def distance_to(self, point):
        lat1 = to_rad(self.lat)
        lng1 = to_rad(self.lng)
        lat2 = to_rad(point.lat)
        lng2 = to_rad(point.lng)
        dLat = lat2 - lat1
        dlng = lng2 - lng1

        a = cmath.sin(dLat/2.0) * cmath.sin(dLat/2.0) \
                + cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) \
                * cmath.sin(dlng/2) * cmath.sin(dlng/2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(cmath.sqrt(a).real, cmath.sqrt(1-a).real);
        d = self.R * c;
        return d.real
예제 #12
파일: fractal.py 프로젝트: sebhz/fractals
	def collatz(self, c, *p):
		for i in range(0, self.maxiter):
			c = (2 + 7*c - (2 + 5*c)*cmath.cos(cmath.pi*c))/4;
			m = abs(c)
			if m > self.limit:
		return i, m
예제 #13
 def test_dft_brute_force(self):
     for n in range(8):
예제 #14
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: binux/ingress-api
    def goto(self, brng, dist):
        if isinstance(brng, LatLng):
            brng = self.bearing_to(brng)
        brng = to_rad(brng)
        dist = float(dist) / self.R

        lat1 = to_rad(self.lat)
        lng1 = to_rad(self.lng)

        lat2 = cmath.asin(cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.cos(dist) + 
                          cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.sin(dist) * cmath.cos(brng))
        lng2 = lng1 + math.atan2((cmath.sin(brng) * cmath.sin(dist) * cmath.cos(lat1)).real,
                                  (cmath.cos(dist) - cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2)).real)
        lng2 = (lng2+3*PI) % (2*PI) - PI

        return LatLng(to_deg(lat2.real), to_deg(lng2.real))
예제 #15
    def draw_wheel(self, canvas, wheel_pos, arc_center_pos, size, theta):

        # Radius of the dot to draw at the wheel
        wheel_dot_radius = size/self.WHEEL_DOT_RADIUS_RATIO

        # Draw a dot at the center of the wheel
        canvas.create_oval(wheel_pos[0]-wheel_dot_radius, wheel_pos[1]-wheel_dot_radius,
                           wheel_pos[0]+wheel_dot_radius, wheel_pos[1]+wheel_dot_radius,

        # Created a dotted line from the wheel to the center of the circle it will be driving around
        if not self.go_forward:
            canvas.create_line(wheel_pos[0], wheel_pos[1],
                               arc_center_pos[0], arc_center_pos[1],
                               dash=(1, 1))

        dx = size/self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO*cmath.cos(deg2rad(theta)).real
        dy = size/self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO*cmath.sin(deg2rad(theta)).real

        # Draw the wheel line
        canvas.create_line(wheel_pos[0]-dx, wheel_pos[1]-dy,
                           wheel_pos[0]+dx, wheel_pos[1]+dy,

예제 #16
    def complexmath(self):
        a = complex(2,4)
        b = 3 - 5j

        import cmath
        print( cmath.sin(a))
        print( cmath.cos(b))
예제 #17
    def calcRaymer(self):
        calculates the Wings Mass
        :Source: Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, D. P. Raymer, AIAA Education Series, 1992, Second Edition, p.399, eq. 15.25
        S = self.parent.refArea.getValue()
        mTOM = self.parent.aircraft.mTOM.getValue()
        tcRoot = self.parent.tcAVG.getValue()
        AR = self.parent.aspectRatio.getValue()
        phi25 = self.parent.phi25.getValue()
        n = 3.75
        taperRatio = self.parent.taperRatio.getValue()
        Scs = 80.0

        mTOM = mTOM * 2.204
        S = S * 3.281 ** 2

        return self.setValueCalc(
            * (mTOM * n) ** 0.557
            * S ** 0.649
            * AR ** 0.5
            * tcRoot ** -0.4
            * (1 + taperRatio) ** 0.1
            * 1
            / cos(phi25 * rad)
            * Scs ** 0.1
예제 #18
    def calc(self):
        Calculates the drag divergence Mach number from the wings thickness to chord ratio, the wing sweep and the local Cl.
        :Source: W.H. Mason, Configuration Aerodynamics, 2006, p. 7-18, eq. 7-4 

        tcAVG = self.parent.tcAVG.getValue()
        phi25 = self.parent.phi25.getValue()
        cL = self.parent.aircraft.cLCR.getValue()

        #inverse calculation of local Cl 
        cl = cL / (1.075)

        #kA is a technology factor for determining the capabilities of the airfoil
        #Mason states 0.95 for super-critical design and 0.87 for NACA 6 series airfoils
        kA = 0.95

        phiCos = cos(phi25 * rad)
        if cl > 1.:
            self.log.warning('VAMPzero CALC: Wave Drag Convergence issues as local lift exceeds one.')
            self.log.warning('VAMPzero CALC: Will reset cl to one and continue calculation, hope to achieve convergence in the next iteration')
            cl = 1.
            machDD = kA / phiCos - tcAVG / phiCos ** 2 - cl / (10. * phiCos ** 3)
            machDD = kA / phiCos - tcAVG / phiCos ** 2 - cl / (10. * phiCos ** 3)

        return self.setValueCalc(machDD)
예제 #19
파일: base.py 프로젝트: anglyan/fresnel
def fresnel2(t0, N0, N1, deg=False):
    Calculate the Fresnel coefficients for an interface.
    t0: incident angle (in radians or degrees if deg=True)
    N0: complex refraction index of the incident medium (n+ik)
    N1: complex refraction index of the second medium (n+ik)
    deg: flag controlling the incidence angle units

    Return rp, rs, tp, ts for the p and s polarizations.

    if deg == True:
        t0 = t0*m.pi/180.
    ct0 = cm.cos(t0)
    st0 = cm.sin(t0)
    st1 = N0/N1*st0
    ct1 = cm.sqrt(1-st1*st1)
    rp = (N1*ct0 - N0*ct1)/(N1*ct0 + N0*ct1)
    rs = (N0*ct0 - N1*ct1)/(N0*ct0 + N1*ct1)
    tp = (2.*N0*ct0)/(N1*ct0 + N0*ct1)
    ts = (2.*N0*ct0)/(N0*ct0 + N1*ct1)
    return rp, rs, tp, ts
예제 #20
    def calcCEAS(self):
        This calculation is based on a multi-fidelity study that we did for the CEAS conference in 2011.
	    We ran a set of 500 LIFTING_LINE calculations and applied a symbolic regression application named
	    Eurequa to the data that we obtained. The design space of this equation is:
        * taperRatio 0.1 - 0.6
        * phi25 -20deg - 30 deg
        * aspectRatio 6 - 16
	    * twist -10 - 0
	    * kinkRatio 0.2-0.4
        :Source: An Integrated Method for the Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment, D. Boehnke, J. Jepsen, B. Nagel, V. Gollnick, C. Liersch, CEAS 2011
	    :Source: Distilling Free-Form Natural Laws from Experimental Data, M. Schmidt , H. Lipson, Science, Vol. 324, no. 5923, pp. 81 - 85., 2009
	    :Source: Ein Mehrfach-Traglinienverfahren und seine Verwendung fuer Entwurf und Nachrechnung nichtplanarer Fluegelanordnungen, K. H. Horstmann, DFVLR-FB 87-51, 1987

        taperRatio = self.parent.taperRatio.getValue()
        phi = self.parent.phi25.getValue()
        aspectRatio = self.parent.aspectRatio.getValue()
        eta = self.parent.etaKink.getValue()
        twist = self.parent.twist.getValue()

        t1 = 0.04 - 0.0007 * aspectRatio - 0.00019 * phi * twist
        t2 = 0.16 - 0.0007 * aspectRatio * phi - 0.0007 * aspectRatio * phi * eta - 0.55 * taperRatio
        t3 = taperRatio ** 0.03 * cos(t2 * rad)

        return self.setValueCalc(t1 + t3)
예제 #21
파일: fractals.py 프로젝트: Fade89/agpy
def cos_iteration(z):
  for i in range(bailout):
    if abs(z.imag) > 50.0:
      z = c*cos(z)
  return i
예제 #22
    def calc(self):
        Calculates the form factor for the wing
        :Source: Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, D. P. Raymer, AIAA Education Series, 1992, Second Edition, p.283
        machCR = self.parent.aircraft.machCR.getValue()
        tcAVG = self.parent.tcAVG.getValue()
        ctm = self.parent.airfoilr.ctm.getValue()
        phi25 = self.parent.phi25.getValue()

        #@note: Root Airfoil value is taken for Calculation of the FormFaktor
        term1 = 1 + 0.6 / ctm * tcAVG + 100 * tcAVG ** 4

        #Assumption that phiMax equals phi25
        #@todo: calc formFactor:  kill assumption that phiMax equals phi25
        term2 = 1.34 * machCR ** 0.18 * (cos(phi25 * rad)) ** 0.28

        return self.setValueCalc(term1 * term2)

예제 #23
def _internal_compute(a,  dir):
  global iteration_count
  N = len(a)
  if N == 1:
    return a
  a_even = []
  a_odd = []
  for element in a: 
    if i % 2  == 0:
    i += 1

  b_even = _internal_compute(a_even,  dir)
  b_odd = _internal_compute(a_odd, dir)
  out_vector = list( range(0, N ) )
  Wn = cmath.cos( cmath.pi*2/N ) + dir*1j*cmath.sin( cmath.pi*2/N )
  for m in range(0, int(N/2)):
    out_vector[m]= b_even[m] + W*b_odd[m]
    out_vector[m+int(N/2)] = b_even[m]-W*b_odd[m]
    W = W*Wn
  return out_vector
def forest_model_c_scat(m_canopy, m_soil, rms_g, volume, angle, T, S, C,
                            freq=5.255, eps_top=1, const=-5.12e-3):
    backscattering of forest, according to Pulliainen et.al.

    m_canopy : float
        relative canopy
    m_soil : float
        relative soil moisture
    rms_g : float
        surface roughness of ground in meters
    volume : float
        forest stem volume
    angle : float
        incidence angle in degrees
    T : float
        temperature in deg Celsius
    S : float
        proportion of sand
    C : float
        proportion of clay
    freq : float, optional
        frequency of EM wave in GHz
    eps_top : float, optional
        dielectricity constant of top layer
    const : float, optional
        some kind of constant - not documented

    freqHz = freq * 1e9

    angle_rad = angle / 180.0 * cmath.pi

    eps_low = eps_g_func(freqHz, S, C, T, m_soil)

    # backscatter soil
    sigma0 = oh_r(eps_top, eps_low, freqHz, angle, rms_g)

    # ASCAT has VV polarization
    sigma_s = sigma0['vv']
    sigma_cvv = 0.131 * m_canopy * cmath.cos(angle_rad) * (1 -
                cmath.exp(const * m_canopy * volume / cmath.cos(angle_rad))) + (
                sigma_s * cmath.exp(const * m_canopy * volume / cmath.cos(angle_rad)))

    return sigma_cvv.real
def oh_r(eps_top, eps_low, f, theta, rms_g):
    Oh et.al. (1992) surface backscatter calculations

    This functions calculations surface backscatter using the Oh et al. (1992) surface model.
    Oh et al., 1992, An empirical model and an inversion technique for rader scattering
    from bare soil surfaces. IEEE Trans. Geos. Rem., 30, pp. 370-380

    eps_top : complex number
        complex permittivity of upper(incoming) medium
    eps_low : complex number
        complex permittivity of lower medium
    f : float
        frequency in hertz
    theta : float
        incidence angle in degrees
    rms_g : float
        surface rms height in m

    # speed of light in m/s
    c = 2.998e8

    # calculate wavelength in upper medium by using real part of refarctive index
    n_upper = cmath.sqrt(eps_top)
    wavelength = (c / f) / n_upper.real
    k_rms = (2. * cmath.pi / wavelength) * rms_g

    eps_eff = eps_low / eps_top

    gam0 = gammah(eps_eff, 0)

    gamh = gammah(eps_eff, theta)
    gamv = gammav(eps_eff, theta)
    theta = theta / 180.0 * cmath.pi

    # precalulcate cosines of angles
    ct = cmath.cos(theta)

    # Oh model equations
    g = 0.7 * (1. - cmath.exp(-0.65 * k_rms ** 1.8))
    root_p = 1. - ((2. * theta / cmath.pi) ** (1. / (3. * gam0))) * cmath.exp(-k_rms)
    p = (1 - (2 * theta / cmath.pi) ** (1 / (3 * gam0)) * cmath.exp(-1 * k_rms)) ** 2

    q = 0.23 * cmath.sqrt(gam0) * (1. - cmath.exp(-k_rms))

    sigma0 = {}

    sigma0['vv'] = g * (ct * (ct * ct)) * (gamv + gamh) / root_p

    # sig0vv = ((g*(cos(theta))^3)/sqrt(p))*(gamv+gamh);

    sigma0['vh'] = q * sigma0['vv']
    sigma0['hh'] = root_p * root_p * sigma0['vv']

    return sigma0
예제 #26
def test_complex():
	a = complex(2, 4)
	b = 3 - 4j
	print a
	print b
	print a.real
	print a.imag
	print a.conjugate()
	print a + b
	print a * b
	print a / b
	print abs(b)
	import cmath
	print cmath.sin(a)
	print cmath.cos(b)
	print cmath.exp(a)
	print cmath.sqrt(-1)
예제 #27
def moveCursor(alfa):
    speed = 10
    d = display.Display().screen().root.query_pointer()._data
    obecnyx = d["root_x"]
    obecnyy = d["root_y"]
    ruchx = round(real(cos(alfa))*speed)
    ruchy = -round(real(sin(alfa))*speed)
    setCursorPosition(obecnyx+ruchx, obecnyy+ruchy)
예제 #28
파일: J_mod.py 프로젝트: egoburnswell/TMG
def set_strain( strain = 0, angle = 0 ):
    Sets Global values to be used in all calculations.
    Strain = 0.0 - 0.2 for realistic strain.
    Angle: 0 = Zigzag direction, pi/2 = Armchair direction, only works for these directions!!
    global t1, t2
    # Strain matrix
    sig = 0.165
    E11 = strain*(cos(angle)**2 - sig*sin(angle)**2)
    E12 = strain*((1+sig)*cos(angle)*sin(angle))
    E22 = strain*(sin(angle)**2 - sig*cos(angle)**2)
    # New distances
    l1 = 1 + E22
    l2 = 1 + 0.75*E11 - (sqrt(3.0)/2)*E12 + 0.25*E22
    # New hoppings
    t1 = -exp(-3.37*(l1-1)) 
    t2 = -exp(-3.37*(l2-1))
예제 #29
def complex_math():
    a = complex(2, 4)
    b = 3 - 5j

    # 正弦 余弦 平方根等
 def test_cos_cc (self):
     src_data = [complex(i,i+1) for i in range(-5, 5, 2)]
     expected_result = tuple(cmath.cos(i) for i in src_data)
     src = gr.vector_source_c(src_data)
     op = gr.transcendental('cos', 'complex_float')
     snk = gr.vector_sink_c()
     self.tb.connect(src, op, snk)
     result = snk.data()
     self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, result, places=5)
예제 #31
    print(max(x, y))
    print(min(x, y))
    print(pow(y, 2))  #y^2
    print(math.sqrt(y))  #y's square root

    print(u"common random:")
    a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]
    print(random.randrange(2, 100, 5))  #(2,100) 按5递增
    print(random.random())  #(0,1)

    print(u"common cmath:")
    x = 100

result is:
commmon math:
common random:
예제 #32
def cos(a, b):
    result = a**2 + b**2
    return cmath.cos(result) + 1.6j
예제 #33
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
>>> math.sin(2)
>>> math.cos(4)
>>> math.cosh(15)
>>> math.atan(2)
>>> math.degrees(math.sin(2))
>>> import cmath
>>> cmath.sin(2)
>>> cmath.cos(4)
>>> cmath.cosh(15)
>>> cmath.atan(2)
>>> cmath.degrees(cmath.sin(2))

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'degrees'
>>> help(cmath)
Help on built-in module cmath:

def c():
	plt.plot([cos(x) for x in range(int(e.get()))])
예제 #35
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: binux/ingress-api
    def cellid(self):
        lat = self.lat
        lng = self.lng
        d3 = cmath.cos(lat)
        d4 = d3 * cmath.cos(lng).real
        d5 = d3 * cmath.sin(lng).real
        d6 = cmath.sin(lat).real
        d7 = abs(lat)
        d8 = abs(d5)
        d9 = abs(d6)
        i = 3
        d10 = -d5 / d6
        d11 = -d4 / d6

        a = [0, ]*1024
        b = [0, ]*1024
        c = [[0, 1, 3, 2],
             [0, 2, 3, 1],
             [3, 2, 0, 1],
             [3, 1, 0, 2],]

        def f_a_II(i1, i2):
            return c[i1][i2]

        def f_a_I(i1):
            return [1, 0, 0, 3][i1]

        def b_a_IIIIII(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6):
            if p1 == 4:
            i3 = p3 + p2 << 4
            a[p4+(i3<<2)] = p6 + (p5 << 2)
            b[p4+(p5<<2)] = p6 + (i3 << 2)

            i = p1 + 1
            j = p2 << 1
            k = p3 << 1
            m = p5 << 2
            for n in range(0, 4):
                i1 = f_a_II(p6, n)
                i2 = f_a_I(n)
                b_a_IIIIII(i, j + (i1 >> 1), k + (i1 & 0x1), p4, m+n, p6^i2)

        def b_a(double):
            return int(max(0, min(2**30-1, round(2**29 - 0.5 + 2**29 * double))))

        def aa_b(double):
            double = 4 * cmath.atan(double).real / PI
            if double > 0:
                return cmath.sqrt(1 + 3 * double).real - 1
                return 1 - cmath.sqrt(1 - 3 * double).real

        b_a_IIIIII(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        b_a_IIIIII(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)
        b_a_IIIIII(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2)
        b_a_IIIIII(0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3)
        print a

        l = 0
        j = b_a(aa_b(d10))
        k = b_a(aa_b(d11))
        l = i << 60
        m = i & 0x1
        for n in range(7, -1, -1):
            i1 = m + ((0xF & j >> n * 4) << 6) + ((0xF & k >> n * 4) << 2)
            i2 = a[i1]
            print i2, i1
            l |= i2 >> 2 << 4 * (n * 2)
            m = i2 & 0x3
        return 1L + (l << 1);
예제 #36
def cos_usecase(x):
    return cmath.cos(x)
예제 #37
def solve(Ninput,f,dom,k,y,DtNmap,name,actual=None,img_show=True,fix=None):

    # Erik's 1D fixing
    if fix=="AUTO":

    # set up mesh

    # set up solution vectors

    # create matrix

    for i in range(0,Ninput+2):

        def integrand(x): return phi_i(x)*f(x)

        for j in range(0,Ninput+2):
          if j>=i-2 and j<=i+2:
            def integrand1(x): return dphi_i(x)*dphi_j(x)
            def integrand2(x): return phi_i(x)*phi_j(x)
            if fix!=None:
                for ki in range(max(1,i-1),min(Ninput,i+2)):
                #FIX THESE TWO LINES

    def solution(x):
        if x<dom[0]:
            return soln[0]*y(dom[0]-x)
        for i in range(1,len(u)):
            if x<dom(i):
                return (soln[i]-soln[i-1])*(x-dom(i-1))/(dom(i)-dom(i-1))+soln[i-1]
        return soln[-1]*y(x-dom[1])

    #draw some pretty pictures
    if img_show:
        uPlot=[solution(p) for p in uMesh]
        if actual!=None:
            yv=[actual(p) for p in uMesh]
            yer=[abs(real(a-b)) for a,b in zip(uPlot,yv)]
        labels=['FEM BEM Coupling']
        if actual!=None:
            labels.append('Actual Solution')
        plt.legend(labels, loc='upper left',prop={'size':8})
        plt.title(name+" FEM in ("+str(dom[0])+","+str(dom[1])+") with "+str(Ninput)+" mesh nodes")
        if actual!=None:
            plt.title("Error for "+name+" FEM in ("+str(dom[0])+","+str(dom[1])+") with "+str(Ninput)+" mesh nodes")
            plt.legend(['Error'],loc='upper left',prop={'size':8})
    elif actual!=None:
        def yer(x):
            return -abs(real(solution(x)-actual(x)))

    print("Time taken for "+str(int(Ninput))+" nodes: %f seconds" %(t1-t0))
    if actual!=None:
        return maxyer,t1-t0
        return 0,t1-t0
예제 #38
 def test_cos(self):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(complex(-27.03495, -3.851153),
                            cmath.cos(complex(3, 4)))
예제 #39
def main():
    ar = np.array(["wavelength", "reflectance", "transmittance"])
    z = 0
    for y in range(len(arr)):
        wl = arr[y][0]
        om = c * (cmath.pi * 2) / (wl)

        ## create complex arrays for outputs of matmult steps
        temp = np.zeros((2, 2), complex)
        Mmatrix = np.zeros((2, 2), complex)
        # create initial D matrix and invert it
        dM = dmatrix(getN(arr, 1, z), theta, lpol, 1, arr, z)
        inverseDM = npla.inv(dM)

        # create product of D P D^-1 for all intermediate layers
        sumproduct = product(numLayers, lpol, theta, om, arr, z)
        # create D for final layer
        dL = getD(numLayers)
        nL = getN(arr, numLayers, z)
        LDM = dmatrix(nL, theta, lpol, 3, arr, z)

        # This is SP = PRODUCT_l (D_l P D_l^-1) * D_Nlayers
        np.dot(sumproduct, LDM, temp)

        # This is M = D_1 * SP
        np.dot(inverseDM, temp, Mmatrix)
        # Now get the r, t amplitudes along with R and T
        r = Mmatrix[1, 0] / Mmatrix[0, 0]
        R = r * np.conjugate(r)
        lt = 1 / Mmatrix[0, 0]

        finalAngle = t(theta, 1, numLayers, arr, z)

        T = lt*np.conj(lt) * (getN(arr, numLayers, z)) * cmath.cos(finalAngle) / ((cmath.cos(theta) * getN(arr, 1, z)))
        A = 1 - T - R
        m = np.array([wl, R, T])
        ar = np.vstack((ar,m))
        ar = np.real(ar)
        z +=1

        ans = [A, T, R]

  #  for k in range(len(ar)):
   #     for l in range(3):
    #        a = ar[k][l]
     #       a = np.real(a)
      #      print(a, end =" ")
       # print()

    text_file = open("/Users/jtsatsaros2018/Documents/test1", "a")
    for k in range(len(ar)):
        for l in range(3):
            a = ar[k][l]
            a = np.real_if_close(a)

    return ans
예제 #40
    # 从指定的范围(2-100按5递增的数据集)中随机选中一个
    print(random.randrange(2, 100, 5))
    # 生成一个随机数,在(0,1)之间

    print("*" * 100)  # 分隔

    z = 100
    # 返回z的反余弦弧度值
    # 返回z的正弦弧度值
    # 返回z的余弦弧度值

    print("*" * 100)  # 分隔


    x1 = 1.68
    y1 = 10

    # 将x转化为整数
    # 将y转换成浮点数
    # 将x转换为复数,实数部分为x,虚数部分为0
예제 #41

    #Convert back from zero mean data
    for i in range(0, N):
        if normalize == 'True':
            gen_x[ensemble][i] *= std[i]
            gen_x[ensemble][i] += mu[i]
        if i > 0:
            gen_x[ensemble][i] += gen_x[ensemble][i - 1]

    #Compute the beam pattern
    for i in range(0, NU):
        for j in range(0, N):
            R[ensemble][i] += cmath.exp(
                complex(0, -1) *
                (KHAT * cmath.cos((i * (2 * pi) / NU) - gen_x[ensemble][j]) -
                 KHAT * cmath.cos(theta_T - gen_x[ensemble][j])))

        R[ensemble][i] = R[ensemble][i] / N

    #Compute cost
    for j in range(0, NU):
        #Only compute the cost if it's above the desired
        if ((20 * np.log10(abs(R[ensemble][j]))) > des[2][j]):
            cost[ensemble] += (
                (20 * np.log10(abs(R[ensemble][j]))) - des[2][j]) * (
                    (20 * np.log10(abs(R[ensemble][j]))) - des[2][j])
    #Normalize with frequency resolution so higher resol != higher cost
    cost[ensemble] = cost[ensemble] / NU

#Now save it all to file
예제 #42
파일: sinc.py 프로젝트: pysrc/fractal
from fractal import CIFS
from cmath import sin, cos, exp, sinh, cosh

man = CIFS([500, 500])
man.setRange(20, 20)
# man.setFunction(lambda z: exp(z) * cos(z))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: cos(exp(z)))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sin(exp(z)))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sin(cos(z)))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: exp(sin(z)))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: exp(cos(z)))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sin(z)*cosh(z))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sinh(z**2))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sinh(z**3))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sinh(z**4))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sin(z**2))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: sin(z**3))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: z**sin(z))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: z**cos(z))
man.setFunction(lambda z: z**sin(z) + z**cos(z))
# man.setFunction(lambda z: exp(z) - z ** z)
예제 #43
파일: GF.py 프로젝트: j2duffy/JGF
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,DZ)		# Check this versus zigzag SI (should be same though, on exponential)
    const = 1j/(2.0*pi*t**2)
    if s_lat == 'bb':
      return const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    elif s_lat == 'ww':
      fp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)
      fm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)
      ftp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)
      ftm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)
      fpasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qp)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qp)**2
      fmasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qm)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qm)**2
      Np = ( ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fp*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fp*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fpasq
      Nm = ( ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fm*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fm*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fmasq
      return 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*DZ)*Np / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*DZ)*Nm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    else: print 's_lat not a valid character'
예제 #44
def circulate(pos):
    theta = 2*pi*pos/len(chords)
    x = int(abs(scale+margin+scale*cos(theta)))
    y = int(abs(scale+margin+scale*sin(theta)))
    return x,y
예제 #45
        def realPart( n, N, k ):
            """ given a value n, N, and k, return the real part of a function F """

            phase = 2 * cmath.pi * ( n * k ) / N
            return F(n)*cmath.cos(phase)
예제 #46
def operator_to_matrix(operator, arg=None):
    if arg is not None:
        arg = float(arg)
        return {
            'Rx': np.array([[cmath.cos(arg / 2), -1j * cmath.sin(arg / 2)],
                            [1j * cmath.sin(arg / 2), cmath.cos(arg / 2)]]),
            'Ry': np.array([[cmath.cos(arg / 2), -cmath.sin(arg / 2)],
                            [cmath.sin(arg / 2), cmath.cos(arg / 2)]]),
            'Rz': np.array([[cmath.exp(-1j * arg / 2), 0],
                            [0, cmath.exp(1j * arg / 2)]]),
            'CR': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 1, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 1, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, cmath.exp(arg * 1j)]]),
            'CRk': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 1, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, cmath.exp((2 * cmath.pi * 1j) / 2 ** arg)]]),
        }.get(operator, 'Invalid generator: There should be no argument for generator: ' + operator)

    return {
        'X': np.array([[0, 1],
                       [1, 0]]),
        'Y': np.array([[0, -1j],
                       [1j, 0]]),
        'Z': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, -1]]),
        'H': (1/2**0.5) * np.array([[1, 1],
                                    [1, -1]]),
        'I': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, 1]]),
        'S': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, 1j]]),
        'Sdag': np.array([[1, 0],
                          [0, -1j]]),
        'T': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, cmath.exp((1j * cmath.pi) / 4)]]),
        'Tdag': np.array([[1, 0],
                          [0, cmath.exp((-1j * cmath.pi) / 4)]]),
        'CNOT': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0]]),
        'CX': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0]]),
        'CY': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, -1j],
                        [0, 0, 1j, 0]]),
        'CZ': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, -1]]),
        'SWAP': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1]]),
        'Toffoli': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
    }.get(operator, 'Invalid generator: The given generator does not exist: ' + operator)
예제 #47
 def cmathFuc(self):
예제 #48
def matrix_to_operator(matrix, arg=None):
    eye = np.identity(matrix.shape[0])

    #if np.isclose(matrix, eye).all():
    #    return 'I'

    operator = {
        'X': np.array([[0, 1],
                       [1, 0]]),
        'Y': np.array([[0, -1j],
                       [1j, 0]]),
        'Z': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, -1]]),
        'H': (1/2**0.5) * np.array([[1, 1],
                                    [1, -1]]),
        'S': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, 1j]]),
        'Sdag': np.array([[1, 0],
                          [0, -1j]]),
        'T': np.array([[1, 0],
                       [0, cmath.exp((1j * cmath.pi) / 4)]]),
        'Tdag': np.array([[1, 0],
                          [0, cmath.exp((-1j * cmath.pi) / 4)]]),
        'CNOT': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0]]),
        'CX': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0]]),
        'CY': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, -1j],
                        [0, 0, 1j, 0]]),
        'CZ': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, -1]]),
        'SWAP': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 1, 0],
                          [0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 1]]),
        'Toffoli': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])

    for key, value in operator.items():
        if matrix.shape == value.shape:
            if np.isclose(matrix, value).all():
                return key

    if arg is not None:
        arg = float(arg)
        operators = {
            'Rx': np.array([[cmath.cos(arg / 2), -1j * cmath.sin(arg / 2)],
                            [1j * cmath.sin(arg / 2), cmath.cos(arg / 2)]]),
            'Ry': np.array([[cmath.cos(arg / 2), -cmath.sin(arg / 2)],
                            [cmath.sin(arg / 2), cmath.cos(arg / 2)]]),
            'Rz': np.array([[cmath.exp(-1j * arg / 2), 0],
                            [0, cmath.exp(1j * arg / 2)]]),
            'CR': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 1, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 1, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0, cmath.exp(arg * 1j)]]),
            'CRk': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [0, 1, 0, 0],
                             [0, 0, 1, 0],
                             [0, 0, 0, cmath.exp((2 * cmath.pi * 1j) / 2 ** arg)]]),

        for key, value in operators.items():
            if np.isclose(matrix, value).all():
                return key + ' ' + str(arg)

        return 'Invalid generator: The given matrix does not require an argument or the matrix is invalid'
        # No argument is given so we try to find the R gate ourselves
        if matrix.shape == (2, 2):
            # R
            if matrix[0][1] == 0 and matrix[1][0] == 0:
                # Rz
                return 'Rz ' + str(2 * -change_domain(cmath.phase(matrix[0,0]), new_domain=[0, 2*np.pi]))
            elif isinstance(matrix[1, 0], complex):
                # Rx
                return 'Rx ' + str(2 * change_domain(cmath.acos(matrix[0,0]).real))
                # Ry
                return 'Ry ' + str(2 * change_domain(cmath.acos(matrix[0,0]).real))
        elif matrix.shape == (4, 4):
            # Controlled R
            if np.count_nonzero(matrix - np.diag(np.diagonal(matrix))) == 0:
                # This checks if the matrix is diagonalized
                if matrix[0][0] == matrix[1][1] == matrix[2][2] == 1:
                    # This checks whether the first 3 diagonal entries are 1
                    polar_coords = cmath.polar(matrix[3][3])
                    if np.isclose(polar_coords[0], 1):
                        # Check whether r_coord equals 1
                        phi = polar_coords[1]

                        if np.isclose(phi, 0):
                            return 'CR ' + str(phi)

                        k = cmath.log(-(2 * cmath.pi) / phi, 2).real
                        if isinstance(k, int) or k.is_integer():
                            return 'CRk ' + str(int(k))

                        return 'CR ' + str(phi)

            return 'Invalid generator'
            return 'Invalid generator'
    return 'Something went wrong'
예제 #49
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
from fractions import Fraction
import cmath

a, b, c = float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('nan')
print(type(a), a, type(b), b, type(c), c)
print(math.isinf(a), math.isnan(c), a == a, c == c)
print(a + 45, a * 10, 10 / a, a / a, a + b, a == float('inf'))
print(c + 45, c * 10, 10 / c, c == float('nan'), c is float('nan'))

a, b = Fraction(5, 4), Fraction(7, 16)
print(a + b, a * b)
c = Fraction(3, 8) * Fraction(7, 5)
print(c.numerator, c.denominator, float(c), c.limit_denominator(8),
print(Fraction(*4.625.as_integer_ratio()), Fraction(4.625),
      Fraction(" -4.625 \t\n"))

a, b = complex(2, 4), 3 - 5j
print(a, a.real, a.imag, a.conjugate(), a.conjugate)
print(b, a + b, a * b, a / b, abs(a))
print(cmath.sin(a), cmath.cos(a), cmath.exp(a))
예제 #50
def cos(x):
    if isinstance(x, complex):
        return cmath.cos(x)
        return math.cos(x)
a = complex(2, 4)
b = 3 - 5j
print(a.real, b.real)
print(a + b)
print(a * b)
print(a / b)
import cmath

import numpy as np
a = np.array([2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 - 7j, 8 + 9j])
print(a + 2)

예제 #52
파일: parse.py 프로젝트: dstrain115/Cirq-1
        unary_action=lambda e: sympy.acos(e) * 180 / sympy.pi,

PARSE_COMPLEX_TOKEN_MAP_RAD: Dict[str, _HangingToken] = {
        unary_action=lambda e: sympy.cos(e)
        if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else cmath.cos(e),
        unary_action=lambda e: sympy.sin(e)
        if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else cmath.sin(e),
        unary_action=lambda e: sympy.asin(e)
        if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic) else np.arcsin(e),
예제 #53
    def execute_pcode(z, code, const_tab):
        MAX_STACK: int32 = 1024
        stack = np.empty(MAX_STACK, dtype=complex64)

        sp: int32 = 0
        pc: int32 = 0
        cc: int8 = code[pc]
        zero: complex64 = 0 + 0j

        while cc != SEND:
            if cc == SPUSHC:
                stack[sp] = const_tab[code[pc + 1]]
                sp += 1
                pc += 1
            elif cc == SPUSHZ:
                stack[sp] = z
                sp += 1
            elif cc == SADD:
                sp -= 2
                stack[sp] += stack[sp + 1]
                sp += 1
            elif cc == SSUB:
                sp -= 2
                stack[sp] -= stack[sp + 1]
                sp += 1
            elif cc == SMUL:
                sp -= 2
                stack[sp] *= stack[sp + 1]
                sp += 1
            elif cc == SDIV:
                sp -= 2
                stack[sp] = stack[sp] / stack[
                    sp + 1] if stack[sp + 1] != zero and isfinite(
                        stack[sp + 1]) and isfinite(stack[sp]) else zero
                sp += 1

            elif cc == SPOW:
                sp -= 2
                stack[sp] = stack[sp]**stack[sp + 1]
                sp += 1

            elif cc == SNEG:
                stack[sp - 1] = -stack[sp - 1]
            elif cc == SSIN:
                stack[sp - 1] = sin(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == SCOS:
                stack[sp - 1] = cos(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == STAN:
                stack[sp - 1] = tan(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == SASIN:
                stack[sp - 1] = asin(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == SACOS:
                stack[sp - 1] = acos(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == SATAN:
                stack[sp - 1] = atan(stack[sp - 1])
            elif cc == SLOG:
                stack[sp -
                      1] = log(stack[sp -
                                     1]) if stack[sp - 1] != zero else zero
            elif cc == SEXP:
                stack[sp - 1] = exp(stack[sp - 1])

            pc += 1
            cc = code[pc]

        return stack[0]
예제 #54
import potentials
import cmath

a = -10.
b = 10.
dim = 500
deltaX = (b - a) / dim
deltaT = 1


baseMatrix = np.matrix(np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=np.complex))

initialValues = np.matrix(np.zeros((dim,1), dtype=np.complex))
for i in range(dim):
	initialValues[i, 0] = cmath.cos(a + i * deltaX)

V = potentials.potential('harmonic oscillator', a, b, 0, 0)

def zeroConditions(dim):	
# Psi(0) = Psi(x) = 1
	baseMatrix[0, 0] = 1
	baseMatrix[dim - 1, dim - 1] = 1

def periodicConditions(dim, val):
# Psi(0) = Psi(x)
	baseMatrix[0, 0] = val
	baseMatrix[dim - 1, dim - 1] = val
예제 #55
acos = _mathfun(math.acos, cmath.acos)
asin = _mathfun(math.asin, cmath.asin)
atan = _mathfun_real(math.atan, cmath.atan)

cosh = _mathfun_real(math.cosh, cmath.cosh)
sinh = _mathfun_real(math.sinh, cmath.sinh)
tanh = _mathfun_real(math.tanh, cmath.tanh)

floor = _mathfun_real(
    math.floor, lambda z: complex(math.floor(z.real), math.floor(z.imag)))
ceil = _mathfun_real(math.ceil,
                     lambda z: complex(math.ceil(z.real), math.ceil(z.imag)))

cos_sin = _mathfun_real(lambda x: (math.cos(x), math.sin(x)), lambda z:
                        (cmath.cos(z), cmath.sin(z)))

cbrt = _mathfun(lambda x: x**(1. / 3), lambda z: z**(1. / 3))

def nthroot(x, n):
    r = 1. / n
        return float(x)**r
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return complex(x)**r

def _sinpi_real(x):
    if x < 0:
        return -_sinpi_real(-x)
예제 #56
def planPath(boundaryPoints, pathDirection, gridSpacing, originPoint, pVal):

    ingressPt = 1
    # pathDirection = "NorthSouth"
    # p = 0.6
    p = pVal
    # gridSpacing = 0.5
    # const = 20
    m = 10**(-p + 1)
    # m = 0.1
    xOrigin = originPoint[0]
    yOrigin = originPoint[1]

    # Close boundary path
    xBoundary = []
    yBoundary = []
    # for i in xrange(0, len(boundaryPoints)-1):
    for point in boundaryPoints:

    # Path for WP validation:
    originalBoundaryPath = path.Path(boundaryPoints)

    # Boundary points
    xvals = []
    yvals = []
    for i in range(1, len(xBoundary) - 1):
            np.linspace(xBoundary[i - 1], xBoundary[i], 10 * gridSpacing))
            np.linspace(yBoundary[i - 1], yBoundary[i], 10 * gridSpacing))
    xvals.extend(np.linspace(xvals[len(xvals) - 1], xvals[0],
                             10 * gridSpacing))
    yvals.extend(np.linspace(yvals[len(yvals) - 1], yvals[0],
                             10 * gridSpacing))

    # Z-plane (complex plane)
    Z = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(xvals) - 1):
        tmpZ = (xvals[i] + yvals[i] * 1j)

    # R = m|r|^p
    tempOrigin = xOrigin + yOrigin * 1j
    magR = []
    angR = []
    realR = []
    imagR = []
    R = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(Z) - 1):
        magR.append(m * np.absolute(Z[i] - tempOrigin)**p)
        angR.append(np.angle(Z[i] - tempOrigin))
        realR.append(magR[i] * cmath.cos(angR[i]))
        imagR.append(magR[i] * cmath.sin(angR[i]))
        R.append(realR[i] + imagR[i] * 1j)
    realR.append(magR[0] * cmath.cos(angR[0]))
    imagR.append(magR[0] * cmath.sin(angR[0]))

    transformedBoundaryPoints = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(realR) - 1):
        transformedBoundaryPoints.append((realR[i].real, imagR[i].real))
    transformedBoundaryPoints.append((realR[0].real, imagR[0].real))
    transformedBoundaryPath = path.Path(transformedBoundaryPoints)

    # Create smallest rectangle encompassing points:
    rect = minimum_bounding_box(realR, imagR)  # returns [xmin xmax ymin ymax]
    minGridVal = rect[0].real
    maxGridVal = rect[1].real
    if rect[2].real <= rect[0].real:
        minGridVal = rect[2].real
    if rect[3].real >= rect[1].real:
        maxGridVal = rect[3].real

    meshX = np.linspace(rect[0], rect[1], 50 *
                        gridSpacing)  # (maxGridVal - minGridVal)/gridSpacing))
    meshY = np.linspace(rect[2], rect[3], 50 *
                        gridSpacing)  # (maxGridVal - minGridVal)/gridSpacing))

    # Create meshgrid in bounding box:
    if pathDirection == "NorthSouth":
        gridY, gridX = np.meshgrid(meshY.real, meshX.real)
    elif pathDirection == "EastWest":
        gridX, gridY = np.meshgrid(meshX.real, meshY.real)

    # Find which points in meshgrid are in the polygon defined by boundary{oints:
    XY = np.dstack((gridX, gridY))
    XY_flat = XY.reshape((-1, 2))
    inOut_flat = transformedBoundaryPath.contains_points(XY_flat)
    inOut = inOut_flat.reshape(gridX.shape)

    # print "IN vs. OUT:"
    # print inOut
    xInGridPts = [i[0] for i in XY_flat[inOut_flat]]
    yInGridPts = [i[1] for i in XY_flat[inOut_flat]]
    Grid = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(xInGridPts) - 1):
        Grid.append(xInGridPts[i] + yInGridPts[i] * 1j)

    # Lawnmower pattern:
    x_lawn = [xInGridPts[0]]
    y_lawn = [yInGridPts[0]]
    for i in xrange(1, len(xInGridPts) - 1):
        if pathDirection == "NorthSouth":
            if xInGridPts[i - 1] != xInGridPts[i]:
                x_lawn.append(xInGridPts[i - 1])
                y_lawn.append(yInGridPts[i - 1])
        elif pathDirection == "EastWest":
            if yInGridPts[i - 1] != yInGridPts[i]:
                x_lawn.append(xInGridPts[i - 1])
                y_lawn.append(yInGridPts[i - 1])

    for i in xrange(1, len(x_lawn) - 1, 4):
        tempFirstXValue = x_lawn[i - 1]
        tempSecondXValue = x_lawn[i]
        tempFirstYValue = y_lawn[i - 1]
        tempSecondYValue = y_lawn[i]
        x_lawn[i - 1] = tempSecondXValue
        x_lawn[i] = tempFirstXValue
        y_lawn[i - 1] = tempSecondYValue
        y_lawn[i] = tempFirstYValue

    x_lawnExtended = []
    y_lawnExtended = []
    for i in range(1, len(x_lawn) - 1):
                x_lawn[i - 1].real, x_lawn[i].real,
                50 * gridSpacing))  # (maxGridVal - minGridVal)/gridSpacing))
                y_lawn[i - 1].real, y_lawn[i].real,
                50 * gridSpacing))  # (maxGridVal - minGridVal)/gridSpacing))

    Lawn = []
    for i in range(0, len(x_lawnExtended)):
        Lawn.append(x_lawnExtended[i].real + y_lawnExtended[i].real * 1j)

    # Boundary Back to Z-plane
    magZ = []
    angZ = []
    realZ = []
    imagZ = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(Z) - 1):
        magZ.append(((1 / m) * np.absolute(R[i]))**(1 / p))
        realZ.append(magZ[i] * cmath.cos(angZ[i]) + xOrigin)
        imagZ.append(magZ[i] * cmath.sin(angZ[i]) + yOrigin)
    realZ.append(magZ[0] * cmath.cos(angZ[0]))
    imagZ.append(magZ[0] * cmath.sin(angZ[0]))

    # Convert grid back to real plane
    magGridZ = []
    angGridZ = []
    realGridZ = []
    imagGridZ = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(Grid) - 1):
        magGridZ.append(((1 / m) * np.absolute(Grid[i]))**(1 / p))
        realGridZ.append(magGridZ[i] * cmath.cos(angGridZ[i]) + xOrigin)
        imagGridZ.append(magGridZ[i] * cmath.sin(angGridZ[i]) + yOrigin)

    # Convert lawnmower back to real plane
    magLawnZ = []
    angLawnZ = []
    realLawnZ = []
    imagLawnZ = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(Lawn) - 1):
        # dist = np.sqrt((Lawn[i].real - tempOrigin.real)**2 + (Lawn[i].imag - tempOrigin.imag)**2)

        dist = np.absolute(Lawn[i]) - np.absolute(tempOrigin)
        # dist = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(Lawn[i], tempOrigin)
        # assert np.isclose(distpat, dist)

        # if (p + dist < 1) and (p + dist > 0.7):
        #     magLawnZ.append(((1 / m) * np.absolute(Lawn[i])) ** (1 / (p + dist)))
        # elif p + dist <= 0.7:
        #     magLawnZ.append(((1 / m) * np.absolute(Lawn[i])) ** (1 / 0.7))
        # else:
        #     magLawnZ.append(((1 / m) * np.absolute(Lawn[i])))
        magLawnZ.append(((1 / (m)) * np.absolute(Lawn[i]))**(1 / (p)))

        realLawnZ.append(magLawnZ[i].real * cmath.cos(angLawnZ[i].real) +
        imagLawnZ.append(magLawnZ[i].real * cmath.sin(angLawnZ[i].real) +

    waypoints = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(realLawnZ) - 1):
        if (originalBoundaryPath.contains_point(
            [realLawnZ[i].real, imagLawnZ[i].real])):
            waypoints.append([realLawnZ[i].real, imagLawnZ[i].real])

    return waypoints
예제 #57
from cmath import cos, pi, sin, sqrt

j = sqrt(-1)
print("Donner la racine nième\nTel que Z^n = 1")
n = int(input("n = "))
print("Toutes les valeurs de solution de\nZ^" + str(n) + " = 1 sont :\n")
for k in range(0, n):
    z = complex(cos((2*k*pi)/n),(sin((2*k*pi)/n)))
    alge = round(z.real, 1) + round(z.imag, 1) * 1j
    print("z" + str(k+1) + "= cos(" + str(2*k) + "pi/" + str(n) + ")+i*sin(" + str(2*k) + "pi/" + str(n) + ")\n   = " + str(alge).replace("j", "i") + " \n")
    k += 1
예제 #58
def film_optical_coefficients(wavelength, thickness, n_film, n_substrate=0):
    Calculate the reflection, transmission, and absorption coefficients
    of a thin-film (possibly on a substrate).

    wavelength : float
        Wavelength of the incident radiation [nm].
    thickness : float
        Thickness of the film [nm].
    n_film : complex or float
        Complex refractive index of the film material.
    n_substrate : complex or float, optional
        Complex refractive index of the substrate material.

    R, T, A : float
        Reflection, transmission, and absorption coefficients, respectively.

    .. [#] Tomlin, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. (J. Phys. D) ser. 2. vol. 1 1968
    # Lengths in meters
    wavelength *= 10e-9
    thickness *= 10e-9

    n_film, n_subtrate = complex(n_film), complex(n_substrate)

    # Separate refractive index from absorption
    n0 = 1  # Vacuum
    n1, k1 = n_film.real, n_film.imag
    n2, k2 = n_substrate.real, n_substrate.imag

    # The following are simplifications based on a notebook by Martin R. Otto
    # See also Tomlin, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. (J. Phys. D) ser. 2. vol. 1 1968
    g1 = (n0**2 - n1**2 - k1**2) / ((n0 + n1)**2 + k1**2)
    g2 = (n1**2 - n2**2 + k1**2 - k2**2) / ((n1 + n2)**2 + (k1 + k2)**2)

    h1 = 2 * n0 * k1 / ((n0 + n1)**2 + k1**2)
    h2 = 2 * (n1 * k2 - n2 * k1) / ((n1 + n2)**2 + (k1 + k2)**2)

    alpha1 = 2 * pi * k1 * thickness / wavelength
    gamma1 = 2 * pi * n1 * thickness / wavelength

    A = 2 * (g1 * g2 + h1 * h2)
    B = 2 * (g1 * h2 - g2 * h1)
    C1 = 2 * (g1 * g2 - h1 * h2)
    D1 = 2 * (g1 * h2 + g2 * h1)

    R = ((g1**2 + h1**2) * exp(2 * alpha1) +
         (g2**2 + h2**2) * exp(-2 * alpha1) + A * cos(2 * gamma1) +
         B * sin(2 * gamma1))
    R /= (exp(2 * alpha1) + (g1**2 + h1**2) *
          (g2**2 + h2**2) * exp(-2 * alpha1) + C1 * cos(2 * gamma1) +
          D1 * sin(2 * gamma1))
    R = R.real

    T = (n2 / n0) * ((1 + g1)**2 + h1**2) * ((1 + g2)**2 + h2**2)
    T /= (exp(2 * alpha1) + (g1**2 + h1**2) *
          (g2**2 + h2**2) * exp(-2 * alpha1) + C1 * cos(2 * gamma1) +
          D1 * sin(2 * gamma1))
    T = T.real

    return R, T, 1 - R - T
예제 #59
 def __new__(cls, argument):
     if isinstance(argument, (RealValue, Zero)):
         return FloatValue(math.cos(float(argument)))
     if isinstance(argument, (ComplexValue)):
         return ComplexValue(cmath.cos(complex(argument)))
     return MathFunction.__new__(cls)
예제 #60
def cos(x):
    if is_complex(x):
        return cmath.cos(x)
    return math.cos(x)