예제 #1
    def calDCG(self, simM, label):
        print "calculate DCG ..."

        nCase = simM.shape[0]

        DCG = 0
        for i in range(nCase) :
            labelI = label[i, 0]
            nLabeI = np.where(label == labelI)[0].size

            sortM = np.sort(simM[i, :])
            index = [np.where(k == simM[i, :])[0].tolist()[0] for k in sortM]
            G = []
            [G.append(int(k == labelI)) for k in label[index,0]]
            G = [G[j+1]*1.0/cmath.log(j+2, 2) for j, k in enumerate(G[1:])]
            DCGI = reduce(lambda x,y :x+y, G, 1)

            temp = [1.0/cmath.log(k,2) for k in range(2, nLabeI+1)]
            DCGZ = reduce(lambda  x,y : x+y, temp, 1)

            DCG = DCG + DCGI*1.0/DCGZ

        DCG = DCG*1.0/nCase

        return DCG.real
    def __init__(self, error_rate, elementNum):

        # 计算所需要的bit数

        self.bit_num = -1 * elementNum * cmath.log(error_rate) / (cmath.log(2.0) * cmath.log(2.0))

        # 四字节对齐

        self.bit_num = self.align_4byte(self.bit_num.real)

        # 分配内存

        self.bit_array = BitVector(size=self.bit_num)

        # 计算hash函数个数

        self.hash_num = cmath.log(2) * self.bit_num / elementNum

        self.hash_num = self.hash_num.real

        # 向上取整

        self.hash_num = int(self.hash_num) + 1

        # 产生hash函数种子

        self.hash_seeds = self.generate_hashseeds(self.hash_num)
    def __init__(self, error_rate, elementNum):
        #计算所需要的 bit 数
        self.bit_num = (-1) * elementNum * cmath.log(error_rate) / (cmath.log(2.0))

        self.bit_num = self.align_4byte(self.bit_num.real)

        #chxfan: CBF needs 4 times that BF need

        self.bit_num = 4*self.bit_num

        print ('bit_num = %d' % self.bit_num)

        self.bit_array = BitVector(size=self.bit_num)

        #计算 hash 函数个数, only effected by error_rate
        self.hash_num = cmath.log(2) * self.bit_num / elementNum
        self.hash_num = self.hash_num.real

        self.hash_num = int(self.hash_num) + 1
        print ('hash_num = %d' % self.hash_num)

        #产生 hash 函数种子
        self.hash_seeds = self.generate_hashseeds(self.hash_num)
	def fieldValue(self, z):
		temp = (z-self.z1)*exp(-self.theta*1j)
		x = self.length/temp
		v1 = np.conjugate(-1.0j/2/pi*((1.0/x - 1)*log(1-x) + 1))*exp(self.theta*1j)
		v2 = np.conjugate(1.0j/2/pi*((1.0/x)*log(1-x) + 1))*exp(self.theta*1j)
		return (v1*self.strength1 +  v2*self.strength2)
	def matAValue(self, z):
		temp = (z-self.z1)*exp(-self.theta*1j)
		x = self.length/temp
		v1 = -1.0j/2/pi*((1.0/x - 1)*log(1-x) + 1)
		v1 = (v1.imag)
		v2 = 1.0j/2/pi*((1.0/x)*log(1-x) + 1)
		v2 = (v2.imag)
		return v1+v2
예제 #6
    def etaSm(self, z, escTime, itr,c):

        escTime = abs(escTime + 1 - (cmath.log( cmath.log(abs(z)) /
                                            cmath.log(2) ) / cmath.log(2)))

        return self.interpolate(escTime.real)
예제 #7
 def test_logn(self):
     import math, cmath
     # log and log10 are tested in math (1:1 from rcomplex)
     from numpy import log2, array, log1p
     inf = float('inf')
     ninf = -float('inf')
     nan = float('nan')
     cmpl = complex
     log_2 = math.log(2)
     a = [cmpl(-5., 0), cmpl(-5., -5.), cmpl(-5., 5.),
          cmpl(0., -5.), cmpl(0., 0.), cmpl(0., 5.),
          cmpl(-0., -5.), cmpl(-0., 0.), cmpl(-0., 5.),
          cmpl(-0., -0.), cmpl(inf, 0.), cmpl(inf, 5.),
          cmpl(inf, -0.), cmpl(ninf, 0.), cmpl(ninf, 5.),
          cmpl(ninf, -0.), cmpl(ninf, inf), cmpl(inf, inf),
          cmpl(ninf, ninf), cmpl(5., inf), cmpl(5., ninf),
          cmpl(nan, 5.), cmpl(5., nan), cmpl(nan, nan),
     for c,rel_err in (('complex128', 2e-15), ('complex64', 1e-7)):
         b = log2(array(a,dtype=c))
         for i in range(len(a)):
                 _res = cmath.log(a[i])
                 res = cmpl(_res.real / log_2, _res.imag / log_2)
             except OverflowError:
                 res = cmpl(inf, nan)
             except ValueError:
                 res = cmpl(ninf, math.atan2(a[i].imag, a[i].real) / log_2)
             msg = 'result of log2(%r(%r)) got %r expected %r\n ' % \
                         (c,a[i], b[i], res)
             # cast untranslated boxed results to float,
             # does no harm when translated
             t1 = float(res.real)
             t2 = float(b[i].real)
             self.rAlmostEqual(t1, t2, rel_err=rel_err, msg=msg)
             t1 = float(res.imag)
             t2 = float(b[i].imag)
             self.rAlmostEqual(t1, t2, rel_err=rel_err, msg=msg)
     for c,rel_err in (('complex128', 2e-15), ('complex64', 1e-7)):
         b = log1p(array(a,dtype=c))
         for i in range(len(a)):
                 #be careful, normal addition wipes out +-0j
                 res = cmath.log(cmpl(a[i].real+1, a[i].imag))
             except OverflowError:
                 res = cmpl(inf, nan)
             except ValueError:
                 res = cmpl(ninf, 0)
             msg = 'result of log1p(%r(%r)) got %r expected %r\n ' % \
                         (c,a[i], b[i], res)
             # cast untranslated boxed results to float,
             # does no harm when translated
             t1 = float(res.real)
             t2 = float(b[i].real)
             self.rAlmostEqual(t1, t2, rel_err=rel_err, msg=msg)
             t1 = float(res.imag)
             t2 = float(b[i].imag)
             self.rAlmostEqual(t1, t2, rel_err=rel_err, msg=msg)
예제 #8
 def test_faux_float(self):
     class Foo:
         def __float__(self):
             return 1.0
     class Bar(object):
         def __float__(self):
             return 1.0
     self.assertEqual(cmath.log(Foo()), 0.0)
     self.assertEqual(cmath.log(Bar()), 0.0)
예제 #9
 def test_faux_complex(self):
     class Foo:
         def __complex__(self):
             return 1.0j
     class Bar(object):
         def __complex__(self):
             return 1.0j
     self.assertEqual(cmath.log(Foo()), cmath.log(1.0j))
     self.assertEqual(cmath.log(Bar()), cmath.log(1.0j))
예제 #10
파일: rotation.py 프로젝트: Strilanc/Qubery
def unitary_lerp(u1, u2, t):
    Continuously interpolates between 2x2 unitary matrices, with unitary intermediates.
    :param u1: The initial unitary operation, used at t=0.
    :param u2: The final unitary operation, used at t=1.
    :param t: The interpolation factor, ranging from 0 to 1.

    >>> np.sum(np.abs((unitary_lerp(np.mat([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), np.mat([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * 1j, 0.5) \
            - np.mat([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * trig_tau.expi(1/8)))) < 0.000001
    >>> (unitary_lerp(Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(z=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            == np.mat([[1,1],[1,-1]])/math.sqrt(2)).all()
    >>> (unitary_lerp(Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            == Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation()).all()
    >>> np.sum(np.abs(unitary_lerp(Rotation().as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=-0.25).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            - Rotation(x=-0.125).as_pauli_operation())) < 0.000001
    >>> np.sum(np.abs(unitary_lerp(Rotation().as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=0.75).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            - Rotation(x=-0.125).as_pauli_operation())) < 0.000001
    >>> np.sum(np.abs(unitary_lerp(Rotation().as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=0.25).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            - Rotation(x=0.125).as_pauli_operation())) < 0.000001
    >>> np.sum(np.abs(unitary_lerp(Rotation().as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            - Rotation(x=0.25).as_pauli_operation())) < 0.000001
    >>> np.sum(np.abs(unitary_lerp(Rotation(x=0.5).as_pauli_operation(), Rotation(x=0.75).as_pauli_operation(), 0.5) \
            - Rotation(x=0.625).as_pauli_operation())) < 0.000001
    t1, x1, y1, z1, p1 = unitary_breakdown(u1)
    t2, x2, y2, z2, p2 = unitary_breakdown(u2)
    n1 = u1/p1
    n2 = u2/p2

    # Spherical interpolation of rotation part
    dot = Quaternion(t1, x1, y1, z1).dot(Quaternion(t2, x2, y2, z2))
    if dot < 0:
        p2 *= -1
        n2 *= -1
        dot *= -1
    theta = trig_tau.acos(max(min(dot, 1), -1))
    c1 = trig_tau.sin_scale_ratio(theta, 1-t)
    c2 = trig_tau.sin_scale_ratio(theta, t)
    n3 = (n1*c1 + n2*c2)

    # Angular interpolation of phase part
    phase_angle_1 = cmath.log(p1).imag
    phase_angle_2 = cmath.log(p2).imag
    phase_drift = (phase_angle_2 - phase_angle_1 + math.pi) % trig_tau.tau - math.pi
    phase_angle_3 = phase_angle_1 + phase_drift * t
    p3 = cmath.exp(phase_angle_3 * 1j)

    return n3 * p3
예제 #11
def _lanczos(z):
    from cmath import pi, sin, log, exp
    if z.real < 0:
        return pi*z / (sin(pi*z) * _lanczos(-z))
        x = _lanczos_coef[0]
        for i in range(1, 9):
            x += _lanczos_coef[i]/(z+i)
        logw = 0.91893853320467267+(z+0.5)*log(z+7.5)+log(x)-z-7.5
        return exp(logw)
예제 #12
    def __pow__(self, val):
        ad_funcs = [self, to_auto_diff(val)]  # list(map(to_auto_diff, (self, val)))
        x = ad_funcs[0].x
        y = ad_funcs[1].x
        # Nominal value of the constructed ADF:
        f = x**y

        variables = self._get_variables(ad_funcs)
        if not variables or isinstance(f, bool):
            return f


        # Calculation of the derivatives with respect to the arguments
        # of f (ad_funcs):

        if x.imag or y.imag:
            if abs(x)>0 and ad_funcs[1].d(ad_funcs[1])!=0:
                lc_wrt_args = [y*x**(y - 1), x**y*cmath.log(x)]
                qc_wrt_args = [y*(y - 1)*x**(y - 2), x**y*(cmath.log(x))**2]
                cp_wrt_args = x**(y - 1)*(y*cmath.log(x) + 1)/x
                lc_wrt_args = [y*x**(y - 1), 0.]
                qc_wrt_args = [y*(y - 1)*x**(y - 2), 0.]
                cp_wrt_args = 0.
            x = x.real
            y = y.real
            if x>0 and ad_funcs[1].d(ad_funcs[1])!=0:
                lc_wrt_args = [y*x**(y - 1), x**y*math.log(x)]
                qc_wrt_args = [y*(y - 1)*x**(y - 2), x**y*(math.log(x))**2]
                cp_wrt_args = x**y*(y*math.log(x) + 1)/x
                lc_wrt_args = [y*x**(y - 1), 0.]
                qc_wrt_args = [y*(y - 1)*x**(y - 2), 0.]
                cp_wrt_args = 0.

        # Calculation of the derivative of f with respect to all the
        # variables (Variable) involved.
        lc_wrt_vars, qc_wrt_vars, cp_wrt_vars = _apply_chain_rule(
                                    ad_funcs, variables, lc_wrt_args,
                                    qc_wrt_args, cp_wrt_args)
        # The function now returns an ADF object:
        return ADF(f, lc_wrt_vars, qc_wrt_vars, cp_wrt_vars)
def droste_effect(zoom_center_pixel_coords, zoom_factor, zoom_cutoff, source_image_filename, out_x_size = None, twist = False, zoom_loop_value = 0.0, save_filename = "sphere_transforms_test.png"):
  """produces a zooming Droste effect image from an equirectangular source image"""
  # The source image should be a composite of the original image together with a zoomed version, 
  # fit inside a picture frame or similar in the original image
  source_image = Image.open(source_image_filename)
  s_im = source_image.load()
  in_x_size, in_y_size = source_image.size
  M_rot = rotate_pixel_coords_p_to_q(zoom_center_pixel_coords, (0,0), x_size = in_x_size)
  M_rot_inv = matrix2_inv(M_rot)
  if out_x_size == None:
    out_x_size, out_y_size = source_image.size
    out_y_size = out_x_size/2
  out_image = Image.new("RGB", (out_x_size, out_y_size))
  o_im = out_image.load()

  droste_factor = ( cmath.log(zoom_factor) + complex(0, 2*pi) ) / complex(0, 2*pi)  # used if twisting 

  for i in range(out_x_size): 
    for j in range(out_y_size):
      pt = (i,j)
      pt = angles_from_pixel_coords(pt, x_size = out_x_size)
      pt = sphere_from_angles(pt)
      pt = CP1_from_sphere(pt)
      pt = matrix_mult_vector(M_rot, pt)

      # if ever you don't know how to do some operation in complex projective coordinates, it's almost certainly 
      # safe to just switch back to ordinary complex numbers by pt = pt[0]/pt[1]. The only danger is if pt[1] == 0, 
      # or is near enough to cause floating point errors. In this application, you are probably fine unless you 
      # make some very specific choices of where to zoom to etc. 
      pt = pt[0]/pt[1]  
      pt = cmath.log(pt)
      if twist:  # otherwise straight zoom
        pt = droste_factor * pt  

      # zoom_loop_value is between 0 and 1, vary this from 0.0 to 1.0 to animate frames zooming into the droste image
      pt = complex(pt.real + log(zoom_factor) * zoom_loop_value, pt.imag) 
      # zoom_cutoff alters the slice of the input image that we use, so that it covers mostly the original image, together with 
      # some of the zoomed image that was composited with the original. The slice needs to cover the seam between the two
      # (i.e. the picture frame you are using, but should cover as little as possible of the zoomed version of the image.
      pt = complex((pt.real + zoom_cutoff) % log(zoom_factor) - zoom_cutoff, pt.imag) 
      pt = cmath.exp(pt)
      pt = [pt, 1] #back to projective coordinates
      pt = matrix_mult_vector(M_rot_inv, pt)
      pt = sphere_from_CP1(pt)
      pt = angles_from_sphere(pt)
      pt = pixel_coords_from_angles(pt, x_size = in_x_size)
      o_im[i,j] = get_interpolated_pixel_colour(pt, s_im, in_x_size)

예제 #14
	def fieldEffect(self,pos):
		"""Velocity field due to this sheet on a pos"""
		if (abs(z1-zd)<NODETOL) or (abs(z2-zd)<NODETOL):
예제 #15
def h(s, mq, mu):
  """Fermion loop function as defined e.g. in eq. (11) of hep-ph/0106067v2."""
  if mq == 0.:
      return 8/27. + (4j*pi)/9. + (8 * log(mu))/9. - (4 * log(s))/9.
  if s == 0.:
      return -4/9. * (1 + log(mq**2/mu**2))
  z = 4 * mq**2/s
  if z > 1:
      A = atan(1/sqrt(z-1))
      A = log((1+sqrt(1-z))/sqrt(z)) - 1j*pi/2.
  return (-4/9. * log(mq**2/mu**2) + 8/27. + 4/9. * z
          -4/9. * (2 + z) * sqrt(abs(z - 1)) * A)
예제 #16
    def arcinv(self, z, escTime, itr, c):

        z = (cmath.log( cmath.log(z) /
                                            cmath.log(2) ) / cmath.log(2))
        r = abs(z.real)
        g = abs(z.imag)
        b = abs(z)

        rgb = [i for i in [r,g,b]]
        self.CSpace.hsv[2] = sum(rgb)-self.CSpace.hsv[2]

        return [int(255*(2-i)/2)%256 for i in self.CSpace.hsv2rgb()]
def plot_log(nor_distribution):
    Using normalized distribution to plot log/log graph
    degree_list = sorted(nor_distribution.keys())[1:]
    value_list = []
    for degree in degree_list:
    degree_x = [log(item) for item in degree_list]
    value_y = [log(item) for item in value_list]
    plt.plot(degree_x, value_y, 'ro')
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, error_rate, elementNum):
     self.bit_num = -1 * elementNum * cmath.log(error_rate) / (cmath.log(2.0) * cmath.log(2.0))
     self.bit_num = self.align_4byte(self.bit_num.real)
     self.bit_array = BitVector(size=self.bit_num)
     self.hash_num = cmath.log(2) * self.bit_num / elementNum
     self.hash_num = self.hash_num.real
     self.hash_num = int(self.hash_num) + 1
     self.hash_seeds = self.generate_hashseeds(self.hash_num)
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, amount = 1 << 26):
        self.containerSize = (-1) * amount * cmath.log(0.001) / (cmath.log(2) * cmath.log(2)) #计算最佳空间大小
        self.containerSize = int(self.containerSize.real) #取整

        self.hashAmount = cmath.log(2) * (self.containerSize) / (amount)
        self.hashAmount = int(self.hashAmount.real)

        self.container = BitVector.BitVector(size = int(self.containerSize)) #分配内存

        self.hashSeeds = find_prime(self.hashAmount)

        self.hash = []
        for i in range(int(self.hashAmount)): #生成哈希函数
            self.hash.append(SimpleHash(self.containerSize, self.hashSeeds[i]))

예제 #20
def arg(complexe):
    if isinstance(complexe, (int, complex, long, float)):
        return _cmath.log(complexe).imag
    elif isinstance(complexe, _sympy.Basic):
        return _sympy.arg(complexe)
        return _numpy.imag(_numpy.log(complex))
예제 #21
    def calcmsf(self, alpha, beta, transients=5, final=4000):
        """MSF ausrechnen.
        le = 0
        self.params['alpha'] = alpha
        self.params['beta'] = beta

        system = neteqns(self.groups, self.H, self.T, self.eqns, params=self.params, coupling=self.coupling)
        system.update(neteqns(self.groups, self.H, self.T, self.vareqns, params=self.params, coupling=self.coupling, var=True))

#        print system # debug

        for i in range(final):
            sdde = dde23(eqns=system, params=self.params, debug=False)
            if i==0:
                sdde.hist_from_arrays(self.__fillinitdict(self.transient, sdde.hist))
                norm = self.__calcnorm(linsol)
                if i > transients:
                    le += log(norm)
                sdde.hist_from_arrays(self.__renormalized(linsol, norm))
            sol = sdde.sol
            linsol = sdde.sol_spl(self.resarray)
        exponent = le/((i-transients)*self.params['tau'])
        return exponent.real
예제 #22
def argand(base,save):
    if base.imag==0:
        absv= int(abs(base.real)**2+0.5) + int(abs(base.imag)**2+0.5)
    if absv>96:
    if absv==1:
        raise Exception("No support for Base 1.")


    for n in range(0,limit):
        #if new in checklist:
        #    raise Exception('Too many digits! Repeated at %s'%new)
        #print("%s \t = %s"%(oddBase, new))
        x,y=int(new.real), int(new.imag)
        screen.set_at((1*x+xsize/2,-1*y+ysize/2), (0,cRatio,cRatio))
        new = "%s \t %s"%(new.real,new.imag)

    if save:
        pygame.image.save(screen, "<%s + %si>[0,%s^%s].jpeg"%(base.real, base.imag, absv,cmath.log(limit,absv).real))
예제 #23
파일: moremath.py 프로젝트: ghuls/weblogo
def clngamma(z):
    """The logarithm of the gamma function for a complex argument
    z = complex(z)

    # common case optimization
    n = floor(z.real)
    if n == z:
        if n <= 0:
            return complex(1.0 / 0.0)  # Infinity
        elif n <= len(__factorial):
            return complex(__factorial[int(n) - 1])

    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5:
        zz = 1 - z

    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients

    zz = zz - 1.
    zh = zz + 0.5
    zgh = zh + g
    zp = zgh ** (zh * 0.5)  # trick for avoiding FP overflow above z=141

    ss = 0.0
    for k in range(len(c) - 1, 0, -1):
        ss += c[k] / (zz + k)

    f = (sqrt_2pi * (c[0] + ss)) * ((zp * cm.exp(-zgh)) * zp)

    if z.real < 0.5:
        f = pi / (cm.sin(pi * z) * f)

    return cm.log(f)
예제 #24
def argand(base,save):

    if base.imag==0:
        absv=int(  base.real**2 + base.imag**2  )
    if absv>96:


    for n in range(limit):
        #print("%s:  %s"%(oddBase,new))
        #if new in checklist:
        #    raise Exception("Two many digits")
        x,y=int(new.real), int(new.imag)
        #Represent complex point as 2x2 box on argand diagram
        new = "%s \t %s"%(new.real,new.imag)

    if save:
        pygame.image.save(screen, "<%s + %si>[0,%s^%s].jpeg"%(base.real, base.imag, absv,cmath.log(limit,absv).real))
예제 #25
def cdigamma(z) :
    """Digamma function with complex arguments"""
    z = complex(z)

    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients 
    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5 :
        zz = 1 -z
    for k in range(len(c)-1,0,-1):
        dz =1./(zz+(k+1)-2);
        dd =c[k] * dz
        d = d + dd 
        n = n - dd * dz

    d = d + c[0]
    gg = zz + g - 0.5
    f = cm.log(gg) + (n/d - g/gg)

    if z.real<0.5 :
        f -= pi / cm.tan( pi * z)
    return f
예제 #26
파일: macros.py 프로젝트: CrazyPython/pyth
def log(a, b=math.e):
    if not is_num(a) or not is_num(b):
        raise BadTypeCombinationError(".l", a, b)
    if a < 0:
        return cmath.log(a, b)

    return math.log(a, b)
예제 #27
def Hestf(phi, kappa, theta, sigma, rho, v0, r, T, s0, Type, q):
    r = r-q
    if (Type == 1):
        u = 0.5
        b = kappa - rho*sigma
        u = -0.5
        b = kappa

    a = kappa*theta
    x = cm.log(s0)
    d = cm.sqrt((rho*sigma*phi*1j-b)**2-sigma**2*(2*u*phi*1j-phi**2))
    g = (b-rho*sigma*phi*1j + d)/(b-rho*sigma*phi*1j - d)
    C = r*phi*1j*T + a/sigma**2*((b- rho*sigma*phi*1j + d)*T - 2*cm.log((1-g*cm.exp(d*T))/(1-g)))
    D = (b-rho*sigma*phi*1j + d)/sigma**2*((1-cm.exp(d*T))/(1-g*cm.exp(d*T)))
    return cm.exp(C + D*v0 + 1j*phi*x)
예제 #28
def log1p(x):
  if x == -1:
    return -inf
  elif isinstance(x, complex) or x < -1:
    return cmath.log(1 + x)
    return math.log1p(x)
예제 #29
def KL(a, b):
	if len(a) != len(b):
		return None
	result = 0
	for x, y in zip(a, b):
		result += x * cmath.log(x/y)
	return result
예제 #30
파일: solution.py 프로젝트: gyaresu/gsg-sdr
def average(readings):
    base = e ** (1j * tau / 360)
    total = 0
    for r in readings:
        total += r[1] * base ** r[0]
    result = total / len(readings)
    return (log(result, base).real, abs(result))
예제 #31
def root(n, x):
    if n == 0:
         return math.nan
    if x == 0 and n < 0:
        return math.nan
    if x < 0 and n % 2 == 0:
        return math.nan
    if x < 0:
        result = cmath.exp((1/n) * cmath.log(x) )
        r = math.sqrt(round(math.pow(result.real, 2.0) + math.pow(result.imag, 2.0)))
        return -round(r)
        return math.pow(x, 1/n)
예제 #32
 def do_func(self, funcstr, x):
     return eval(
         funcstr, {
             "x": x,
             "e": cmath.e,
             "pi": cmath.pi,
             "i": 1j,
             "exp": cmath.exp,
             "sin": cmath.sin,
             "cos": cmath.cos,
             "tan": cmath.tan,
             "sinh": cmath.sinh,
             "cosh": cmath.cosh,
             "tanh": cmath.tanh,
             "sec": lambda x: 1 / cmath.cos(x),
             "csc": lambda x: 1 / cmath.sin(x),
             "cot": lambda x: cmath.cos(x) / cmath.sin(x),
             "sech": lambda x: 1 / cmath.cosh(x),
             "csch": lambda x: 1 / cmath.sinh(x),
             "coth": lambda x: cmath.cosh(x) / cmath.sinh(x),
             "arcsin": cmath.asin,
             "arccos": cmath.acos,
             "arctan": cmath.atan,
             "arsinh": cmath.asinh,
             "arcosh": cmath.acosh,
             "artanh": cmath.atanh,
             "arcsec": lambda x: cmath.acos(1 / x),
             "arccsc": lambda x: cmath.asin(1 / x),
             "arccot": lambda x: cmath.atan(1 / x),
             "arsech": lambda x: cmath.acosh(1 / x),
             "arcsch": lambda x: cmath.asinh(1 / x),
             "arcoth": lambda x: cmath.atanh(1 / x),
             "abs": abs,
             "sgn": sign,
             "arg": cmath.phase,
             "cis": lambda x: cmath.cos(x) + 1j * cmath.sin(x),
             "pow": pow,
             "sqrt": cmath.sqrt,
             "nrt": lambda x, n: x**(1 / n),
             "log": cmath.log,
             "ln": lambda x: cmath.log(x),
             "floor": math.floor,
             "ceil": math.ceil,
             "trunc": math.trunc,
             "round": round,
             "gamma": math_gamma,
             "weierstrauss": math_weierstrauss,
             "choose": math_choose,
             "max": max,
             "min": min
         }, {})
예제 #33
def main():
    start_clock = time.perf_counter()
    delta = 0.1
    Z2 = 0  # Z2数
    for kx in np.arange(-pi, 0, delta):
        for ky in np.arange(-pi, pi, delta):
            H = hamiltonian(kx, ky) 
            eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H)
            vector = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 价带波函数1
            vector2 = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[1]]  # 价带波函数2
            H_delta_kx = hamiltonian(kx+delta, ky) 
            eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_kx)
            vector_delta_kx = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]   # 略偏离kx的波函数1
            vector_delta_kx2 = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[1]]   # 略偏离kx的波函数2

            H_delta_ky = hamiltonian(kx, ky+delta)  
            eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_ky)
            vector_delta_ky = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 略偏离ky的波函数1
            vector_delta_ky2 = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[1]]  # 略偏离ky的波函数2
            H_delta_kx_ky = hamiltonian(kx+delta, ky+delta)  
            eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_kx_ky)
            vector_delta_kx_ky = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 略偏离kx和ky的波函数1
            vector_delta_kx_ky2 = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[1]]  # 略偏离kx和ky的波函数2
            Ux = dot_and_det(vector, vector_delta_kx, vector2, vector_delta_kx2)
            Uy = dot_and_det(vector, vector_delta_ky, vector2, vector_delta_ky2)
            Ux_y = dot_and_det(vector_delta_ky, vector_delta_kx_ky, vector_delta_ky2, vector_delta_kx_ky2)
            Uy_x = dot_and_det(vector_delta_kx, vector_delta_kx_ky, vector_delta_kx2, vector_delta_kx_ky2)

            F = np.imag(cmath.log(Ux*Uy_x*np.conj(Ux_y)*np.conj(Uy)))
            A = np.imag(cmath.log(Ux))+np.imag(cmath.log(Uy_x))+np.imag(cmath.log(np.conj(Ux_y)))+np.imag(cmath.log(np.conj(Uy)))
            Z2 = Z2 + (A-F)/(2*pi)
    print('Z2 = ', Z2)  # Z2数
    end_clock = time.perf_counter()
    print('CPU执行时间(min)=', (end_clock-start_clock)/60)
예제 #34
def average(readings):
	base = e ** (1j * tau / 360)
	total = 0
	for r in readings:
		v = r[1] * base ** r[0]
		total += v
		arrow(0, 0, v.real, v.imag, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='r', ec='r')
	result = total / len(readings)
	arrow(0, 0, result.real, result.imag, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='b', ec='b')
	xlim((-1.5, 1.5))
	ylim((-1.5, 1.5))
	return (cmath.log(result, base).real, abs(result))
예제 #35
 def log(self, base=math.e):
     # TODO: is this correct?
     if not self.front:
         raise ValueError('cannot take log of 0')
     if self.leading < 0:
         raise ValueError('cannot take log of infinite')
     elif self.leading > 0:
         raise ValueError('cannot take log of infinitesimal')
     if isinstance(base, LeviCivitaBase):
         return self.log() / base.log()
     if base != math.e:
         return self.log() / cmath.log(base)
     series = (i * -1**(i - 1) for i in itertools.count())
     return self._MATH.log(self.front) + self.eps_part().expand(series)
예제 #36
    def _logarithmic_func(self) -> None:
        number: Union[float, complex] = self._number_on_screen


        if isinstance(number, complex):
            if number > 0:
                self._number_screen.set("USE ONLY POSITIVE NUMBERS")

        self._reset_screen = True
예제 #37
def test10_math_explog():
    for i in range(-5, 5):
        for j in range(-5, 5):
            if i != 0 or j != 0:
                a = ek.log(C(i, j))
                b = C(cmath.log(complex(i, j)))
                assert ek.allclose(a, b)

                a = ek.log2(C(i, j))
                b = C(cmath.log(complex(i, j)) / cmath.log(2))
                assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            a = ek.exp(C(i, j))
            b = C(cmath.exp(complex(i, j)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            a = ek.exp2(C(i, j))
            b = C(cmath.exp(complex(i, j) * cmath.log(2)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            a = ek.pow(C(2, 3), C(i, j))
            b = C(complex(2, 3)**complex(i, j))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)
예제 #38
    def __init__(self, error_rate=0.001, elementNum=10000000, lock=None):
        self.bit_num = -1 * elementNum * cmath.log(error_rate) / (cmath.log(2.0) * cmath.log(2.0))

        self.bit_num = self.align_4byte(self.bit_num.real)

        self.bit_array = BitVector(size=self.bit_num)

        self.hash_num = cmath.log(2) * self.bit_num / elementNum

        self.hash_num = self.hash_num.real

        self.hash_num = int(self.hash_num) + 1

        self.hash_seeds = self.generate_hashseeds(self.hash_num)

        self.lock = lock
예제 #39
def BM25(index, nfiles, docName, QueryWords, AVG_L, LD):
    score = 0
    docName = str(docName)
    k1 = 1.2
    b = 0.75
    for word in QueryWords:
        if word not in index or docName not in index[word]:
        tf = len(index[word][docName])
        df = len(index[word])
        w = cmath.log(2, (nfiles - df + 0.5) / (df + 0.5)).real
        s = (k1 * tf * w) / (tf + k1 * (1 - b + b * LD[docName] / AVG_L))
        score += s
    return score
예제 #40
def calcShannonent(dataSet):
    num_entyies = len(dataSet)
    labelCounts = {}
    for featvec in dataSet:
        currentLabel = featvec[-1]
        if currentLabel not in labelCounts.keys():
            labelCounts[currentLabel] = 0
        labelCounts[currentLabel] += 1
    shannonEnt = 0.0
    for key in labelCounts:
        prob = float(labelCounts[key]) / num_entyies
        shannonEnt -= prob * log(prob, 2)  # log base 2
    return shannonEnt
예제 #41
 def testRLGCExtract(self):
     sp = si.sp.SParameterFile('cableForRLGC.s2p')
     Z0 = 50
     Tdest = 2.24e-9
     fList = sp.m_f[1:]
     S11 = sp.Response(1, 1)[1:]
     S12 = sp.Response(1, 2)[1:]
     ra = [(s11 * s11 + 1 - s12 * s12) / (2 * s11)
           for (s11, s12) in zip(S11, S12)]
     rb = [
         cmath.sqrt(s11 * s11 * s11 * s11 - 2 * s11 * s11 - 2 * s11 * s11 *
                    s12 * s12 + 1 - 2 * s12 * s12 + s12 * s12 * s12 * s12) /
         (2 * s11) for (s11, s12) in zip(S11, S12)
     rho = [ra - rb for (ra, rb) in zip(ra, rb)]
     la = [(r * r - 1) / (2 * s12 * r * r) for (r, s12) in zip(rho, S12)]
     lb = [
         cmath.sqrt(1 - 2 * r * r + r * r * r * r + 4 * s12 * s12 * r * r) /
         (2 * s12 * r * r) for (r, s12) in zip(rho, S12)
     Ls = [la + lb for (la, lb) in zip(la, lb)]
     Zc = [-Z0 * (r + 1) / (r - 1) for r in rho]
     gamma = [
         -(cmath.log(l * cmath.exp(1j * 2 * math.pi * f * Tdest)) -
           1j * 2 * math.pi * f * Tdest) for (l, f) in zip(Ls, fList)
     Y = [g / zc for (g, zc) in zip(gamma, Zc)]
     Z = [g * zc for (g, zc) in zip(gamma, Zc)]
     Rr = [abs(z.real) for z in Z]
     L = [z.imag / (2. * math.pi * f) for (z, f) in zip(Z, fList)]
     Gr = [abs(y.real) for y in Y]
     C = [y.imag / (2. * math.pi * f) for (y, f) in zip(Y, fList)]
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     plt.title('s-parameter compare')
     plt.xlabel('frequency (GHz)')
     plt.semilogy([f / 1e9 for f in fList], C, label='C')
     plt.semilogy([f / 1e9 for f in fList], L, label='L')
     plt.semilogy([f / 1e9 for f in fList], Rr, label='R')
     plt.semilogy([f / 1e9 for f in fList], Gr, label='G')
     plt.legend(loc='upper right')
     (Rx, Rsex, Lx) = (matrix([[1., math.sqrt(f), 1j * 2 * math.pi * f]
                               for f in fList]).getI() *
                       matrix([[z] for z in Z])).tolist()
     print((Rx[0].real, Rsex[0].real, Lx[0].real))
예제 #42
def Heston_CharacteristicFunctionLogPrice(t, omega, S0, v0, r, kappa, theta,
                                          ksi, rho):
    alpha = complex(-omega**2 / 2, -omega / 2)
    beta = complex(kappa, -rho * ksi * omega)
    gamma = ksi**2 / 2
    h = (beta**2 - 4 * alpha * gamma)**0.5
    r_m = (beta - h) / ksi**2
    r_p = (beta + h) / ksi**2
    g = r_m / r_p
    C = kappa * (r_m * t - 2 * cpx.log(
        (1 - g * cpx.exp(-h * t)) / (1 - g)) / ksi**2)
    D = r_m * ((1 - cpx.exp(-h * t)) / (1 - g * cpx.exp(-h * t)))
    return cpx.exp(
        complex(C * theta + D * v0, omega * np.log(S0 * np.exp(r * t))))
예제 #43
    def test_cmath_matches_math(self):
        # check that corresponding cmath and math functions are equal
        # for floats in the appropriate range

        # test_values in (0, 1)
        test_values = [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99]

        # test_values for functions defined on [-1., 1.]
        unit_interval = test_values + [-x for x in test_values] + \
            [0., 1., -1.]

        # test_values for log, log10, sqrt
        positive = test_values + [1.] + [1. / x for x in test_values]
        nonnegative = [0.] + positive

        # test_values for functions defined on the whole real line
        real_line = [0.] + positive + [-x for x in positive]

        test_functions = {
            'acos': unit_interval,
            'asin': unit_interval,
            'atan': real_line,
            'cos': real_line,
            'cosh': real_line,
            'exp': real_line,
            'log': positive,
            'log10': positive,
            'sin': real_line,
            'sinh': real_line,
            'sqrt': nonnegative,
            'tan': real_line,
            'tanh': real_line

        for fn, values in test_functions.items():
            float_fn = getattr(math, fn)
            complex_fn = getattr(cmath, fn)
            for v in values:
                z = complex_fn(v)
                if not due_to_ironpython_bug(
                    self.rAssertAlmostEqual(float_fn(v), z.real)
                    self.assertEqual(0., z.imag)

        # test two-argument version of log with various bases
        for base in [0.5, 2., 10.]:
            for v in positive:
                z = cmath.log(v, base)
                self.rAssertAlmostEqual(math.log(v, base), z.real)
                self.assertEqual(0., z.imag)
예제 #44
def addNewEntry(position, isZero):
    entry = RootListEntry(entryFrame)
    entry.label.bind("<Button-1>", entrySelect)
    entry.pairButton.bind("<Button-1>", entryPair)
    entry.removeButton.bind("<Button-1>", entryRemove)

   # organize existing list of entries
    for entryIndex in range(0, len(entryFrame.winfo_children())):
        entryFrame.winfo_children()[entryIndex].grid(row = entryIndex)

    if (isZero):
        entryRoot = Zero(position)
        zPlaneRoot = DrawableZero(zPlaneComplex, entryRoot.getPosition())
        sPlaneRoot = DrawableZero(sPlaneComplex, cmath.log(entryRoot.getPosition()))
        entryRoot = Pole(position)
        zPlaneRoot = DrawablePole(zPlaneComplex, entryRoot.getPosition())
        sPlaneRoot = DrawablePole(sPlaneComplex, cmath.log(entryRoot.getPosition()))


    key = id(entry)
    entryDictionary[key] = EntryElements(zPlaneRoot, sPlaneRoot, entryRoot)
예제 #45
def poly_num_roots(f, Df, circle, N):
    '''poly_num_roots(f, f', A->B->.., N) == residue(f'/f, A->B->.., N)

bug: if circle not convex or outside roots too near

we can cut the z-plane into strikes by R+y*i for some real R.
note that each root contribute to +/-pi over such line.
sadly, log is not continue over all plane, we have to do numerial integrate.
how to trace the change of angle????????????????

    Df_f = lambda z: Df(z) / f(z)

    circle = list(circle)
    i = 1
    while i < len(circle):
        if circle[i - 1] != circle[i]: break
        i += 1

    circle = circle[i - 1:]

    res = round(residue(Df_f, circle, N))
    path = circle + circle[:1]

    # watch the change of angle of f(z), that is imag of log(f(z))
    ss = []
    for a, b in zip(path, path[1:]):
        L = b - a
        dL = L / N
        s = (f(a + L * t / N) for t in range(1, N + 1))
        angles = (cmath.log(v).imag for v in s)
        ss.extend(angles)  # angle counts
    if ss[0] == 0 or ss[0] == 2 * math.pi:
        if len(circle) > 2 or len(circle) == 2 and N > 1:
    num_roots1 = sum(a > b for a, b in zip(ss, ss[1:]))
    num_roots2 = len(ss) - num_roots1
    num_roots = min(num_roots1, num_roots2)
    #num_roots = num_roots1
    if num_roots != res:
        print('num_roots != res', num_roots, res)
    assert abs(num_roots - res) < 2

    return num_roots
예제 #46
def F_87(Lmu, sh):
    """Function $F_8^{(7)}$ giving the contribution of $O_7$ to the matrix element
    of $O_8$, as given in eq. (40) of hep-ph/0312063.

    - `sh` is $\hat s=q^2/m_b^2$,
    if sh == 0.:
        return (-4 * (33 + 24 * Lmu + 6j * pi - 2 * pi**2)) / 27.
    return (-32 / 9. * Lmu + 8 / 27. * pi**2 - 44 / 9. - 8 / 9. * 1j * pi +
            (4 / 3. * pi**2 - 40 / 3.) * sh +
            (32 / 9. * pi**2 - 316 / 9.) * sh**2 +
            (200 / 27. * pi**2 - 658 / 9.) * sh**3 - 8 / 9. * log(sh) *
            (sh + sh**2 + sh**3))
예제 #47
def updateEntryPosition(entry, position):
    position = round(position.real, 5) + round(position.imag, 5) * 1j

    key = id(entry)
    position = entryDictionary[key].complexRoot.getPosition()

    zPlanePoint = position
    sPlanePoint = cmath.log(position)


예제 #48
 def get_velocity(self, location):
     res = 0
     for i in range(len(self.panel_points) - 1):
         p1 = self.panel_points[i]
         p2 = self.panel_points[i + 1]
         relative_vector = p2.location - p1.location
         t = (relative_vector) / abs(relative_vector)
         tc = t.conjugate()
         z = (location - p1.location) * tc
         uiv = (1j * p1.gamma *
                cmath.log(1 - (abs(relative_vector) / z))) / (2 * np.pi)
         uiv = uiv.conjugate()
         uiv = uiv * t
         res += uiv
     return res
예제 #49
def calcShannonEnt(dataSet):
    numEntries = len(dataSet)  #数据集的个数
    labelCounts = {}  #存储每一类标签和出现的次数,为后面计算香农熵
    for fentVec in dataSet:
        currentLabel = fentVec[-1]  #最后一列作为标签
        #labelCounts[currentLabel] = labelCounts.get(currentLabel,0) + 1 #这行代码可以由以下三行代替
        if currentLabel not in labelCounts.keys():
            labelCounts[currentLabel] = 0
        labelCounts[currentLabel] += 1
    shannonEnt = 0.0  #初始化香农熵
    for key in labelCounts:
        prob = float(labelCounts[key] / numEntries)  #每一类标签出现的概率
        shannonEnt -= prob * (log(prob,
                                  2)).real  #计算信息熵 ,log函数返回的是实数+虚数的格式,2表示以2为底
    return shannonEnt  #熵越高混合的数据就越多
예제 #50
파일: well.py 프로젝트: c8zhuang/Ginebig
    def complex_potential(self, z: complex) -> complex:
        Well's complex potential at location <z>.

        Return the well's contribution to the complex potential,
        Omega(z) [L^3/T], evaluated at location <z>.

            z (complex): 'little z' world coordinate location [L].

            complex: complex potential at location <z> [L^3/T].

        -   If the location <z> is inside the radius of the well, the
            complex potential at the radius of the well is returned.

        zz = z - self.z
        if abs(zz) >= self.r:
            Omega = self.Q / (2 * cmath.pi) * cmath.log(zz)
            Omega = self.Q / (2 * cmath.pi) * cmath.log(self.r)
        return Omega
예제 #51
def LogLikelihood(para, x_array):
    para: an array of Meixner parameters
    x_array: your observation array

    n = len(x_array)  #number of your observation
    meixner = [Meixner(para, x_array[i]) for i in range(n)]

    #log likelihood function
    #LL=cmath.log(np.multiply.reduce(meixner)) #this may cause overflow
    single_LL = [cmath.log(i) for i in meixner if i.real > 0]
    LL = sum(single_LL)
    return -LL.real
예제 #52
 def makeLocalExpansion(self, box):
     """Lemma 4.7 (Conversion of a multipole expansion into a local expansion)"""
     zo = (box.x-self.x) + (box.y-self.y)*1j
     # Equation 4.18 - calculating b0        
     self.bl[0] += box.ak[0]*log(-1.0*zo)
     for k in range(1,self.p):
         self.bl[0] += box.ak[k]*((-1.0)**k)/(zo**k)
     # Equation 4.19 - calculation bl
     for l in range(1,self.p):
         self.bl[l] += -1.0*box.ak[0]/(l*(zo**l))
         tmp = 0.0
         for k in range(1,self.p):
             tmp += ((box.ak[k])/(zo**k))*((-1.0)**k)*bincoeff(l+k-1,k-1)
         self.bl[l] += (1/(zo**l))*tmp
     return None
예제 #53
    def calc(self):
        Within this calculation the bypass ratio of the engine is determined from the engine diameter and the 
        takeoff thurst of the engine. It is questionable whether this is a suitable approach as it probably breaks with the underlying statistic.  
        :Source: Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, D. P. Raymer, AIAA Education Series, 1992, Second Edition, p.  198, Eq. 10.6
        Tto = self.parent.thrustTO.getValue()
        d = self.parent.dEngine.getValue()

        return self.setValueCalc(0.25 * (log(d / Tto) + 5.351))

예제 #54
def ewlc(inp, p0, p1, p2, p3):  # p0=Lk p1=Ks p2=Ns p3=Lc
    output_E = []
    for f in inp:

        extension1 = p2 * (Lplanar / (np.exp(-deltaG / kT) + 1) + Lhelical /
                           (np.exp(deltaG / kT) + 1)) * (
                               coth(p0 * f / kT) - kT / (p0 * f)) + p2 * f / p1

        Q = 1 + f / K
        P = f / K + Lp * f / kT + 1 / 4

        l = -2 * Q - P
        u = (-1 / 9) * (Lp * f / kT - 3 / 4)**2
        v = (-1 / 27) * (Lp * f / kT - 3 / 4)**3 + (1 / 8) + 0.0000000000001

        if (v**2 + u**3) < 0:
            theta = np.arccos(np.sqrt(-1 * v**2 / u**3))
            if v < 0:
                result = extension1 + (
                    2 * np.sqrt(-u) * np.cos(theta / 3 + 2 * np.pi / 3) -
                    l / 3) * p3
                result = extension1 + (
                    -2 * np.sqrt(-u) * np.cos(theta / 3 - 6 * np.pi / 3) -
                    l / 3) * p3
            A = cmath.exp(
                (1 / 3) * cmath.log(-v + np.sqrt(1 / 64 - 1 / 4 * complex(
                    np.power((Lp * f / kT - 3 / 4) / 3, 3), 0))))
            B = cmath.exp(
                (1 / 3) * cmath.log(-v - np.sqrt(1 / 64 - 1 / 4 * complex(
                    np.power((Lp * f / kT - 3 / 4) / 3, 3), 0))))
            E = -np.abs((A + B)) - l / 3
            result = extension1 + E * p3
    return output_E
예제 #55
    def forward(self, x):
        with torch.no_grad():

            def wf(psi, x):
                (a, b) = psi.forward(x)
                return cmath.exp(complex(a, b))

            avg_psi = np.mean(np.array([wf(psi, x) for psi in self._machines]))
            avg_log_psi = cmath.log(avg_psi)
            x = torch.tensor(
                [avg_log_psi.real, avg_log_psi.imag],
            return x
예제 #56
def main():
    start_clock = time.perf_counter()
    delta = 0.005
    chern_number = 0  # 陈数初始化
    # 几个坐标中常出现的项
    a = 1/sqrt(3)
    aa1 = 4*sqrt(3)*pi/9/a
    aa2 = 2*sqrt(3)*pi/9/a
    bb1 = 2*pi/3/a

    hamiltonian0 = functools.partial(hamiltonian, M=2/3, t1=1, t2=1/3, phi=pi/4, a=a)   # 使用偏函数,固定一些参数

    for kx in np.arange(-aa1, aa1, delta):
        for ky in np.arange(-bb1, bb1, delta):
            if (-aa2<=kx<=aa2) or (kx>aa2 and -(aa1-kx)*tan(pi/3)<=ky<=(aa1-kx)*tan(pi/3)) or (kx<-aa2 and  -(kx-(-aa1))*tan(pi/3)<=ky<=(kx-(-aa1))*tan(pi/3)):  # 限制在六角格子布里渊区内

                H = hamiltonian0(kx, ky) 
                eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H)
                vector = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 价带波函数
                H_delta_kx = hamiltonian0(kx+delta, ky) 
                eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_kx)
                vector_delta_kx = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]   # 略偏离kx的波函数

                H_delta_ky = hamiltonian0(kx, ky+delta)  
                eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_ky)
                vector_delta_ky = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 略偏离ky的波函数
                H_delta_kx_ky = hamiltonian0(kx+delta, ky+delta)  
                eigenvalue, eigenvector = np.linalg.eig(H_delta_kx_ky)
                vector_delta_kx_ky = eigenvector[:, np.argsort(np.real(eigenvalue))[0]]  # 略偏离kx和ky的波函数
                Ux = np.dot(np.conj(vector), vector_delta_kx)/abs(np.dot(np.conj(vector), vector_delta_kx))
                Uy = np.dot(np.conj(vector), vector_delta_ky)/abs(np.dot(np.conj(vector), vector_delta_ky))
                Ux_y = np.dot(np.conj(vector_delta_ky), vector_delta_kx_ky)/abs(np.dot(np.conj(vector_delta_ky), vector_delta_kx_ky))
                Uy_x = np.dot(np.conj(vector_delta_kx), vector_delta_kx_ky)/abs(np.dot(np.conj(vector_delta_kx), vector_delta_kx_ky))

                F = cmath.log(Ux*Uy_x*(1/Ux_y)*(1/Uy))

                # 陈数(chern number)
                chern_number = chern_number + F

    chern_number = chern_number/(2*pi*1j)
    print('Chern number = ', chern_number)
    end_clock = time.perf_counter()
    print('CPU执行时间(min)=', (end_clock-start_clock)/60)
예제 #57
def laguer(coef, m, x):
    # Returns a single coefficient
    MAXIT = 80
    MT = 10
    EPSS = 1.0e-7
    frac = [0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.13, 0.38, 0.62, 0.88, 1.0]

    for iter in range(1, MAXIT+1):
	b = coef[m]
	err = abs(b)
	d = 0+0j
	f = 0+0j
	abx = abs(x)
	for j in range(m-1, -1, -1):
	    f = d + x*f
	    d = b + x*d
	    b = coef[j] + x*b
	    err = abs(b) + abx*err
	err *= EPSS
	if abs(b) <= err:
	    return x

	g = d / b
	g2 = g * g
	h = g2 - 2.0*(f/b)
	sq = cmath.sqrt(float(m-1)*(m*h - g2))
	gp = g + sq
	gm = g - sq
	abp = abs(gp)
	abm = abs(gm)
	if (abp < abm):
	    gp = gm
	if max(abp, abm) > 0.0:
	    dx = (m+0.0j) / gp
	    dx = cmath.exp(cmath.log(1+abx)) * complex(math.cos(float(iter)),
	x1 = x - dx
	if x.real == x1.real and x.imag == x1.imag:
	    return x
	if iter % MT:
	    x = x1
	    x = x - frac[iter/MT] * dx
    print "too many iterations in laguerre"
    return x
예제 #58
def cbrt(x):
    """cube root of x; does not return negative numbers
    >>> cbrt(-8)
    >>> cbrt(8)

    if isinstance(x, Real):
        return copysign(pow(abs(x), 1/3), x.real)
    elif isinstance(x, complex):
        return exp((1/3)*log(x))
        raise TypeError('x must be a number')
예제 #59
파일: gaussian.py 프로젝트: ejlouw/veroku
    def _get_complex_log_weight(self):
        Get the log weight even in cases where the determinant of the covariance matrix is negative. In such cases the
        log_weight no longer corresponds to the integral and the log of the weight will have a imaginary component.
        Computing the complex log-weight can however still be useful: it is used, for example, in the (experimental)
        Gaussian mixture division function (_gm_division_m2).

        :return: The potentially complex log weight
        :rtype: complex
        cov = np.linalg.inv(self.prec)
        mean = cov @ self.h_vec
        ut_prec_u = (mean.T @ self.prec @ mean).astype(complex)
        log_weight = self.g_val + 0.5 * ut_prec_u + 0.5 * cmath.log(np.linalg.det(2.0 * np.pi * cov))
        return log_weight
예제 #60
def find_z(p, q):
    P = p**3 / 27
    Q = q**2 / 4
    R = Q + P
    if (abs(Q and R/Q or R)) < 1e-13:
        R = 0
    if R < 0:
        # z^3 is complex, so z will be too (conjugate pair)
        z = exp(log(-q/2 + sqrt(R)) / 3)
        return z, z.conjugate()
    if R == 0:
        z = cuberoot(-q/2)
        return z, z
    rR = sqrt(R).real
    return cuberoot(-q/2+rR), cuberoot(-q/2-rR)