예제 #1
def createAtomAlongBond(modelName, distance, resiA, atomNameA, resiB, atomNameB, atomNameC):
    model = cmd.get_model(modelName)
    p1 = getAtomCoords(model, str(resiA), atomNameA)
    p2 = getAtomCoords(model, str(resiB), atomNameB)
    if p1 is None:
        print "atom not found!", modelName, resiA, atomNameA
    elif p2 is None:
        print "atom not found!", modelName, resiB, atomNameB
        p3 = calculateNewPoint(p1, p2, distance)
        # the details of the new atom
        atomDetails = {}
        atomDetails['residueName'] = "HOH"
        atomDetails['residueNumber'] = "1"
        atomDetails['symbol'] = "O"
        atomDetails['name'] = atomNameC
        atomDetails['coords'] = p3
        # make an atom with index n+1 and chain "X"
        newAtom = makeAtom(model.nAtom + 1, atomDetails, "X")
        cmd.load_model(model, "newpeptide")
예제 #2
파일: m4x.py 프로젝트: Almad/pymol
def readcex(file,*args):  # Author: Scott Dixon
    import os.path

    standardResidues = ("ALA", "ARG", "ASP", "ASN", "ASX", "CYS", "GLY", "GLU",
                        "GLN", "HIS", "ILE", "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PHE", "PRO",
                        "SER", "THR", "TYR", "TRP", "VAL", "HID", "HIE")
    def childprop(tag, tree,_self=cmd):
            p = CEX.selectChildren(tree,tag)[0].value
            if p[0] == '"': p = p[1:-1]
            list = map(string.strip,string.split(p,";"))
            return list
        except IndexError:
            return None
    f = open(file,"r")
    cs = CEX.CEXstream(f)
    modelname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] #get the base filename
    if len(args) > 0: modelname = args[0]
    while 1:
        tree = CEX.readTree(cs)
        if not tree: break
        if tree.name == "$MOL":
            smiles = tree.value
            confs = CEX.selectChildren(tree,"XYZ")
                name = CEX.selectProperty(tree,"/NAM").value
            except AttributeError:
                name = ""
            anames = childprop("ANAM", tree)
            atypes = childprop("ATYPE", tree)
            resnos = childprop("RESNO", tree)
            resnames = childprop("RESNA", tree)
            chains = childprop("CHAIN", tree)
            occups = childprop("OCCUP", tree)
            bvals = childprop("BVAL", tree)
            pcharges = childprop("PCHARGE", tree)
            rads = childprop("RAD", tree)
            ligsites = childprop("SCORE", tree)
            clusters = childprop("CLUSTER", tree)
            parser = CEXpyParser()
            except CEX.CEXsmilesError, data:
                print data
            parser.model.molecule.title = name
            for at in parser.model.atom:
                i = at.index
                if anames: at.name = anames[i]
                if resnames:
                    at.resn = resnames[i]
                    if at.resn in standardResidues: at.hetatm = 0
                if resnos:
                    at.resi = resnos[i]
                    at.resi_number = int(resnos[i])
                if chains: at.chain = chains[i]
                if bvals: at.b = bvals[i]
                if occups: at.q = occups[i]
                if rads: at.vdw = rads[i]
                if atypes: at.text_type = atypes[i]
                if pcharges:
                    chg = pcharges[i]
                    if chg == "": chg = 0.0
                    at.partial_charge = float(chg)
                if clusters:
                    at.resi = clusters[i]
                    at.resi_number = int(clusters[i])
                if ligsites: at.b = ligsites[i]
            for conf in confs:
                if conf.value[0] == '"':
                    conf.value = conf.value[1:-1]
                    xyz = map(lambda x:string.split(x,","),string.split(conf.value,";"))
                    for at in parser.model.atom:
                        i = at.index
                        at.coord = [ float(xyz[i][0]), float(xyz[i][1]), float(xyz[i][2]) ]
예제 #3
파일: m4x.py 프로젝트: jchodera/pymol
def readcex(file, *args):  # Author: Scott Dixon
    import os.path

    standardResidues = ("ALA", "ARG", "ASP", "ASN", "ASX", "CYS", "GLY", "GLU",
                        "GLN", "HIS", "ILE", "LEU", "LYS", "MET", "PHE", "PRO",
                        "SER", "THR", "TYR", "TRP", "VAL", "HID", "HIE")

    def childprop(tag, tree, _self=cmd):
            p = CEX.selectChildren(tree, tag)[0].value
            if p[0] == '"': p = p[1:-1]
            list = map(string.strip, string.split(p, ";"))
            return list
        except IndexError:
            return None

    f = open(file, "r")
    cs = CEX.CEXstream(f)
    modelname = os.path.splitext(
        os.path.basename(file))[0]  #get the base filename
    if len(args) > 0: modelname = args[0]
    while 1:
        tree = CEX.readTree(cs)
        if not tree: break
        if tree.name == "$MOL":
            smiles = tree.value
            confs = CEX.selectChildren(tree, "XYZ")
                name = CEX.selectProperty(tree, "/NAM").value
            except AttributeError:
                name = ""
            anames = childprop("ANAM", tree)
            atypes = childprop("ATYPE", tree)
            resnos = childprop("RESNO", tree)
            resnames = childprop("RESNA", tree)
            chains = childprop("CHAIN", tree)
            occups = childprop("OCCUP", tree)
            bvals = childprop("BVAL", tree)
            pcharges = childprop("PCHARGE", tree)
            rads = childprop("RAD", tree)
            ligsites = childprop("SCORE", tree)
            clusters = childprop("CLUSTER", tree)
            parser = CEXpyParser()
            except CEX.CEXsmilesError, data:
                print data
            parser.model.molecule.title = name
            for at in parser.model.atom:
                i = at.index
                if anames: at.name = anames[i]
                if resnames:
                    at.resn = resnames[i]
                    if at.resn in standardResidues: at.hetatm = 0
                if resnos:
                    at.resi = resnos[i]
                    at.resi_number = int(resnos[i])
                if chains: at.chain = chains[i]
                if bvals: at.b = bvals[i]
                if occups: at.q = occups[i]
                if rads: at.vdw = rads[i]
                if atypes: at.text_type = atypes[i]
                if pcharges:
                    chg = pcharges[i]
                    if chg == "": chg = 0.0
                    at.partial_charge = float(chg)
                if clusters:
                    at.resi = clusters[i]
                    at.resi_number = int(clusters[i])
                if ligsites: at.b = ligsites[i]
            for conf in confs:
                if conf.value[0] == '"':
                    conf.value = conf.value[1:-1]
                    xyz = map(lambda x: string.split(x, ","),
                              string.split(conf.value, ";"))
                    for at in parser.model.atom:
                        i = at.index
                        at.coord = [
                cmd.load_model(parser.model, modelname, discrete=1, finish=0)