예제 #1
def lfnToPFN(path, tfcProt='rfio'):
    """Converts an LFN to a PFN. For example:

    This function only checks path, and does not access the storage system.
    If the path is in /store/cmst3, it assumes that the CMST3 svcClass is to be used.
    Otherwise, is uses the default one. 
    ??? what is tfcprot? """

    if path.startswith("/store/"):
        path = path.replace("/store/", "root://eoscms.cern.ch//eos/cms/store/")
    if path.startswith("/pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/"):
        path = path.replace("/pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/",
    #print "path to cmsFile():", path
    entity = cmsIO.cmsFile(path, tfcProt)
    #    tokens = cmsIO.splitPFN(entity.pfn)
    pfn = '%s://%s//%s/' % (entity.protocol, entity.host, entity.path)

    pfn = entity.pfn
    if tfcProt == 'rfio' and \
        entity.path.startswith("/eos/cms/") and \
                str(entity.stat()).startswith("Error 3011: Unable to stat"):

        pfn.replace("/eos/cms", "/castor/cern.ch/cms")
        pfn.replace("eoscms", "castorcms")
    return pfn
예제 #2
def lfnToPFN( path, tfcProt = 'rfio'):
    """Converts an LFN to a PFN. For example:

    This function only checks path, and does not access the storage system.
    If the path is in /store/cmst3, it assumes that the CMST3 svcClass is to be used.
    Otherwise, is uses the default one. 
    ??? what is tfcprot? """

    if path.startswith("/store/"):
        path = path.replace("/store/","root://eoscms.cern.ch//eos/cms/store/")
    if path.startswith("/pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/"):
        path = path.replace("/pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/","root://t3se01.psi.ch//")
    #print "path to cmsFile():", path
    entity = cmsIO.cmsFile( path, tfcProt )
#    tokens = cmsIO.splitPFN(entity.pfn)
    pfn = '%s://%s//%s/' % (entity.protocol,entity.host,entity.path)
    pfn = entity.pfn
    if tfcProt == 'rfio' and \
        entity.path.startswith("/eos/cms/") and \
                str(entity.stat()).startswith("Error 3011: Unable to stat"):

    return pfn
예제 #3
def openTFile(url):
    from ROOT import TFile
    ## File on eos
    if url.startswith('/store/'):
        cmsf = cmsFile(url, 'rfio')
        if not cmsf.isfile():  ## check existence
            return None
        url = cmsf.pfn

    elif not os.path.exists(url):  ## check existence
        return None

    rootFile = TFile.Open(url)
        if rootFile.IsZombie(): return None
    except ReferenceError:
        ## Failed to open url (file doesn't exist)
        return None
    return rootFile
예제 #4
def openTFile(url):
    from ROOT import TFile
    ## File on eos
    if url.startswith('/store/'):
        cmsf = cmsFile(url, 'rfio')
        if not cmsf.isfile(): ## check existence
            return None
        url = cmsf.pfn

    elif not os.path.exists(url): ## check existence
        return None

    rootFile = TFile.Open(url)
        if rootFile.IsZombie(): return None
    except ReferenceError:
        ## Failed to open url (file doesn't exist)
        return None
    return rootFile
예제 #5
def isEOSFile(path, tfcProt="rfio"):
    """Returns True if path is a file or directory stored on EOS (checks for path existence)
    ??? This function does not behave well if passed a non EOS path...
    returns lots of error messages like:
>>> eostools.isEOSFile('/store/asdfasfd')
Command (['ls', '/', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e', '/', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'a', 's', 'f', 'd', '/store']) failed with return code: 2
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: t: No such file or directory
ls: o: No such file or directory
ls: r: No such file or directory
ls: e: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: /store: No such file or directory

ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: t: No such file or directory
ls: o: No such file or directory
ls: r: No such file or directory
ls: e: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: /store: No such file or directory

    lfn = eosToLFN(path)
    entity = cmsIO.cmsFile(os.path.dirname(lfn), tfcProt)
    return lfn in entity.ls(lfn)
예제 #6
def getCMSPfn(path, protocol='rfio'):
    cmsf = cmsFile(url, protocol)
    return cmsf.pfn
예제 #7
def checkMissingFiles(inDir, jsonUrl):
    Loop over json inputs and check existence of files.
    Also checks if files have a reasonable size (> 1kB)

    jsonFile = open(jsonUrl,'r')
    procList = json.load(jsonFile,encoding = 'utf-8').items()

    # Make a survey of *all* existing plots
    total_expected = 0
    missing_files = []
    suspicious_files = []
    recovered_files = []

    protocol = 'local'
    if inDir.startswith('/store/'):
        protocol = 'rfio'

    cmsInDir = cmsFile(inDir, protocol)

    if not cmsInDir.isdir():
        print inDir, "is not a directory"
        return False

    for proc in procList:
        for desc in proc[1]:
            data = desc['data']
            isData = desc.get('isdata',False)
            mctruthmode = desc.get('mctruthmode')
            for d in data:
                dtag = d.get('dtag','')
                split = d.get('split',1)

                for segment in range(0,split):
                    eventsFile = dtag
                    if split > 1:
                        eventsFile = dtag + '_' + str(segment)
                    if mctruthmode:
                        eventsFile += '_filt%d' % mctruthmode
                    filename = eventsFile+'.root'
                    rootFileUrl = inDir+'/'+filename
                    total_expected += 1
                    cmsInRootFile = cmsFile(rootFileUrl, protocol)
                    if not cmsInRootFile.isfile():
                    elif (cmsInRootFile.size() < 1024):
                        tfile = openTFile(rootFileUrl)
                            if tfile.TestBit(ROOT.TFile.kRecovered):
                        except AttributeError:

    print 20*'-'
    if len(missing_files):
        print "Missing the following files:"
        print "(%d out of %d expected)"% (len(missing_files), total_expected)
        for filename in missing_files:
            print filename
        print "NO MISSING FILES!"
    print 20*'-'
    if len(suspicious_files):
        print "The following files are suspicious (< 1kB size or zombie):"
        print "(%d out of %d expected)"% (len(suspicious_files), total_expected)
        for filename in suspicious_files:
            print filename
        print 20*'-'
    if len(recovered_files):
        print "The following files are recovered:"
        print "(%d out of %d expected)"% (len(recovered_files), total_expected)
        for filename in recovered_files:
            print filename
        print 20*'-'
예제 #8
def checkMissingFiles(inDir, jsonUrl):
    Loop over json inputs and check existence of files.
    Also checks if files have a reasonable size (> 1kB)

    jsonFile = open(jsonUrl, 'r')
    procList = json.load(jsonFile, encoding='utf-8').items()

    # Make a survey of *all* existing plots
    total_expected = 0
    missing_files = []
    suspicious_files = []

    protocol = 'local'
    if inDir.startswith('/store/'):
        protocol = 'rfio'

    cmsInDir = cmsFile(inDir, protocol)

    if not cmsInDir.isdir():
        print inDir, "is not a directory"
        return False

    for proc in procList:
        for desc in proc[1]:
            data = desc['data']
            isData = getByLabel(desc, 'isdata', False)
            mctruthmode = getByLabel(desc, 'mctruthmode')
            for d in data:
                dtag = getByLabel(d, 'dtag', '')
                split = getByLabel(d, 'split', 1)

                for segment in range(0, split):
                    eventsFile = dtag
                    if split > 1:
                        eventsFile = dtag + '_' + str(segment)
                    if mctruthmode:
                        eventsFile += '_filt%d' % mctruthmode
                    filename = eventsFile + '.root'
                    rootFileUrl = inDir + '/' + filename
                    total_expected += 1
                    cmsInRootFile = cmsFile(rootFileUrl, protocol)
                    if not cmsInRootFile.isfile():
                    elif (cmsInRootFile.size() < 1024):

    print 20 * '-'
    if len(missing_files):
        print "Missing the following files:"
        print "(%d out of %d expected)" % (len(missing_files), total_expected)
        for filename in missing_files:
            print filename
        print "NO MISSING FILES!"
    print 20 * '-'
    if len(suspicious_files):
        print "The following files are suspicious (< 1kB size):"
        print "(%d out of %d expected)" % (len(suspicious_files),
        for filename in suspicious_files:
            print filename
        print 20 * '-'
예제 #9
def getCMSPfn(path, protocol='rfio'):
    cmsf = cmsFile(url, protocol)
    return cmsf.pfn