def query_settings(question, default=1): """Ask a question via raw_input() and return an int. "question" is a string that is presented to the user. "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be an int number (the default) or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). The "answer" return value is an int. """ cur.execute('SELECT id, name FROM system_setting') records = cur.fetchall() ids = [] for record in records: print str(record[0]) + ' - ' + str(record[1]) ids.append(int(record[0])) valid = ids prompt = str(ids) if not default == None: prompt = prompt + ' default=' + str(default) while True: sys.stdout.write(question + '\n' + prompt + '\n') choice = raw_input() if default is not None and choice == '': if default in valid: return int(default) elif int(choice) in valid: return int(choice) else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with the number of the reqired settings " + str(ids) + "\n")
def initial(name, template=template, init_threshold=0.3, bgfile='image_Ch1.nrrd', alignSet='', initialSet='--principal-axes'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 2 AND name like %s", [name]) records = cur.fetchall() key = [] for desc in cur.description: key.append(desc[0]) for line in records: record = dict(zip(key, line)) # clear old failed alignments: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 2 WHERE last_host = %s AND alignment_stage = 1002", [str(host)]) cur.connection.commit() # remove image from stack before processing: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1002, last_host = %s WHERE id = %s ", [str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() record = initialRec(record, template, init_threshold, bgfile, alignSet, initialSet) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect()
def warp(name, template=template, bgfile='image_Ch1.nrrd', warpSet='--grid-spacing 80 --exploration 30 --coarsest 4 --accuracy 0.2 --refine 4 --energy-weight 1e-1'): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 4 AND name like %s", [name]) records = cur.fetchall() key = [] for desc in cur.description: key.append(desc[0]) for line in records: record = dict(zip(key, line)) # clear old failed alignments: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 4 WHERE last_host = %s AND alignment_stage = 1004", [str(host)]) cur.connection.commit() # remove image from stack before processing: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1004, last_host = %s WHERE id = %s ", [str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() record = warpRec(record, template, bgfile, warpSet) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect()
def affine(name, template=template, bgfile="image_Ch1.nrrd", affineSet="--dofs 6,9 --auto-multi-levels 4"): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 3 AND name like %s", [name]) records = cur.fetchall() key = [] for desc in cur.description: key.append(desc[0]) for line in records: record = dict(zip(key, line)) # clear old failed alignments: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 3 WHERE last_host = %s AND alignment_stage = 1003", [str(host)], ) cur.connection.commit() # remove image from stack before processing: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1003, last_host = %s WHERE id = %s ", [str(host), str(record["id"])], ) cur.connection.commit() record = affineRec(record, template, bgfile, affineSet) u = str(record["id"]) + " -> " for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == "id" or v == None or v == "None"): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record["id"]]) u = u + str(k) + "=" + str(v) + ", " print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect()
def merge(name): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 10 AND name like %s", [name]) records = cur.fetchall() key = [] for desc in cur.description: key.append(desc[0]) for line in records: record = dict(zip(key, line)) cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1010, last_host = %s WHERE id = %s ", [str(host), str(record["id"])], ) cur.connection.commit() r = mergeRec(record) u = "" for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == "id" or v == None or v == "None"): if not u == "": u = u + ", " if type(v) == type(""): u = u + str(k) + " = '" + str(v) + "'" else: u = u + str(k) + " = " + str(v) print u cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + u + " WHERE id = %s ", [str(record["id"])]) cur.connection.commit()
def convert(name): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 1 AND name like %s", [name]) records = cur.fetchall() key = [] for desc in cur.description: key.append(desc[0]) for line in records: record = dict(zip(key, line)) # remove image from stack before processing: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1001, last_host = %s WHERE id = %s ", [str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() r = convRec(record) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect()
) cur.connection.commit() r = mergeRec(record) u = "" for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == "id" or v == None or v == "None"): if not u == "": u = u + ", " if type(v) == type(""): u = u + str(k) + " = '" + str(v) + "'" else: u = u + str(k) + " = " + str(v) print u cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + u + " WHERE id = %s ", [str(record["id"])]) cur.connection.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": if active and "10" in run_stage: cur.execute("SELECT name FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 10 ORDER BY id") records = cur.fetchall() total = len(records) count = 0 for line in records: count += 1 print "Converting: " + str(count) + " of " + str(total) merge(line[0]) print "done" else: print "inactive or stage 10 not selected"
[str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() record = alignRem(record, template, bgfile, alignSet) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() if __name__ == "__main__": if active and '5' in run_stage: cur.execute( "SELECT, system_template.file, images_original_nrrd.file, system_setting.cmtk_align_var, system_setting.final_pass_level FROM images_alignment, system_template, system_setting, images_original_nrrd WHERE alignment_stage = 5 AND = images_alignment.background_channel AND images_original_nrrd.image_id = AND images_alignment.settings_id = AND system_setting.template_id = ORDER BY") records = cur.fetchall() total = len(records) if total == 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 5 FROM (SELECT id FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 2005 ORDER BY id LIMIT 2) s WHERE =") cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() count = 0 print records for line in records: count += 1 print 'Warp alignment: ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(total) align(line[0], template=(templatedir + line[1]), bgfile=(tempfolder + line[2]), alignSet=line[3], passLevel=line[4]) print 'done'
import os, sys, nrrd, cmtk, gc, stat, shutil import numpy as np import warpScoring.slicescore as slicescore import warpScoring.CheckImages as ci from cmtk import cur, tempfolder, active, run_stage, cmtkdir, template, checkDir, host, templatedir from NRRDtools.labelObjects import labelObj, cutObj, cropObj if __name__ == "__main__": if active and '0' in run_stage: cur.execute("SELECT, images_mask_original.intensity_threshold, images_mask_original.min_object_size, images_original_nrrd.file FROM images_mask_original, images_original_nrrd WHERE = images_mask_original.image_id AND images_mask_original.complete = False ORDER BY") records = cur.fetchall() total = len(records) count = 0 print records for line in records: count +=1 print 'Create original image mask: ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(total) outfile = str(line[3]).replace('.nrrd','-objMask.nrrd').replace('.nrrd', str(line[0]) + '.nrrd') modfile = str(line[3]).replace('.nrrd','-modFile.nrrd').replace('.nrrd', str(line[0]) + '.nrrd') if not os.path.isfile(tempfolder + modfile): shutil.copyfile(tempfolder + str(line[3]), tempfolder + modfile) objs = labelObj(tempfolder + str(line[3]), tempfolder + outfile, t=line[1], ms=line[2]) cur.execute("UPDATE images_mask_original SET complete=True, cut_complete=False, crop_complete=False, detected_objects=%s WHERE id = %s ", [objs.tolist(), str(line[0])]) cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() try: os.chmod(tempfolder + outfile, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) except: pass print 'done'
def loadFile(file, folder, settings_id=1, orientation=comp_orien['LPS'], overwrite=False): r=0 if os.path.exists(file) and ('.tif' in file or '.lsm' in file): name = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]) cur.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM images_alignment WHERE name like %s", [name]) r = int(cur.fetchone()[0]) if r < 1: cur.execute("INSERT INTO images_alignment (settings_id, name, max_stage, alignment_stage, last_host, loading_host, original_ext, original_path, orig_orientation) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [str(settings_id), name, str(0), str(1), host, host, str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[1]), str(folder), orientation]) cur.connection.commit() else: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images_alignment WHERE name like '" + str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]) + "'") print cur.fetchone() if overwrite: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET orig_orientation = %s, settings_id = %s, max_stage = 0, alignment_stage = 1, last_host = %s, loading_host = %s, original_ext = %s, original_path = %s WHERE name = %s", [orientation, str(settings_id), host, host, str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[1]), str(folder), name]) cur.connection.commit() else: if query_yes_no("Image already exists in processing stack do you want to update original file details?"): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET orig_orientation = %s, settings_id = %s, max_stage = 0, alignment_stage = 1, last_host = %s, loading_host = %s, original_ext = %s, original_path = %s WHERE name = %s", [orientation, str(settings_id), host, host, str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[1]), str(folder), name]) cur.connection.commit() cur.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM images_alignment WHERE name like %s", [name]) r = int(cur.fetchone()[0]) gc.collect() if r > 0: return True else: return False
[str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() record = warpRec(record, template, bgfile, warpSet) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() if __name__ == "__main__": if active and '4' in run_stage: cur.execute( "SELECT, system_template.file, images_original_nrrd.file, system_setting.cmtk_warp_var FROM images_alignment, system_template, system_setting, images_original_nrrd WHERE alignment_stage = 4 AND = images_alignment.background_channel AND images_original_nrrd.image_id = AND images_alignment.settings_id = AND system_setting.template_id = ORDER BY") records = cur.fetchall() total = len(records) if total == 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 4 FROM (SELECT id FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 2004 ORDER BY id LIMIT 2) s WHERE =") cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() count = 0 print records for line in records: count += 1 print 'Warp alignment: ' + str(count) + ' of ' + str(total) warp(line[0], template=(templatedir + line[1]), bgfile=(tempfolder + line[2]), warpSet=line[3]) # clear old failed alignments: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 4 WHERE last_host = %s AND alignment_stage = 1004",
def pushLive(id, name, sgfile): if os.path.exists(sgfile): if (id > 9999): first = str(id)[:-4] last = str(id)[-4:] else: first = "000" last = str(id) while len(first) < 3: first = "0" + first while len(last) < 4: last = "0" + last first = "a" + first if not os.path.exists(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first): os.makedirs(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first) if not os.path.exists(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last): os.makedirs(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last) print 'Linking ' + sgfile + ' to ' + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd" if os.path.exists(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd"): os.remove(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd") shutil.copyfile(sgfile, tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd") data, head = + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd") if head['sizes'][2] == 185: print "Inflating from " + str(head['sizes'][2]) + " slices to 270..." dataNew = np.zeros([head['sizes'][0],head['sizes'][1],270],dtype=np.uint8) dataNew[:,:,25:210]=data; head['encoding'] = 'gzip' if head.has_key('space direction'): head.pop("space directions", None) data = dataNew im = np.transpose(np.max(data,axis=2)) if (data[0][0][0] < 1): data[0][0][0] = np.uint8(100) filesize = np.subtract(data.shape, 1) if (data[filesize[0]][filesize[1]][filesize[2]] < 1): data[filesize[0]][filesize[1]][filesize[2]] = np.uint8(100) nrrd.write(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd", data, options=head) print "Creating Thumbnail" im = Image.fromarray(im) if np.shape(im)[0] < np.shape(im)[1]: im = im.resize((120,60), Image.ANTIALIAS) elif np.shape(im)[0] > np.shape(im)[1]: im = im.resize((60,120), Image.ANTIALIAS) else: im = im.resize((60,60), Image.ANTIALIAS) + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/thumbnail.png","PNG") print "Converting to Tiff" + " -macro nrrd2tif.ijm " + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.nrrd" + " -batch", shell=True) if os.path.isfile(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz"): os.remove(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz") print "Clearing old woolz data..." print "Creating wlz: " + "/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz" print "Using voxel sizes: Z:" + str(head['space directions'][2][2]) + ", X:" + str(head['space directions'][0][0]) + ", Y:" + str(head['space directions'][1][1])"nice " + wlzDir + "WlzExtFFConvert -f tif -F wlz " + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.tif |" + wlzDir + "WlzThreshold -v50 |" + wlzDir + "WlzSetVoxelSize -z" + str(head['space directions'][2][2]) + " -x" + str(head['space directions'][0][0]) + " -y" + str(head['space directions'][1][1]) + " >" + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz" , shell=True) cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 21, notes = %s WHERE id = %s", [str("VFB_"+first+last),str(id)]) cur.connection.commit() print "Clearing up..." os.remove(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.tif") else: print "Skipping " + name gc.collect()
if os.path.isfile(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz"): os.remove(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz") print "Clearing old woolz data..." print "Creating wlz: " + "/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz" print "Using voxel sizes: Z:" + str(head['space directions'][2][2]) + ", X:" + str(head['space directions'][0][0]) + ", Y:" + str(head['space directions'][1][1])"nice " + wlzDir + "WlzExtFFConvert -f tif -F wlz " + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.tif |" + wlzDir + "WlzThreshold -v50 |" + wlzDir + "WlzSetVoxelSize -z" + str(head['space directions'][2][2]) + " -x" + str(head['space directions'][0][0]) + " -y" + str(head['space directions'][1][1]) + " >" + tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.wlz" , shell=True) cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 21, notes = %s WHERE id = %s", [str("VFB_"+first+last),str(id)]) cur.connection.commit() print "Clearing up..." os.remove(tempfolder + "../../IMAGE_DATA/VFB/i/" + first + "/" + last + "/volume.tif") else: print "Skipping " + name gc.collect() if __name__ == "__main__": if active and '5' in run_stage: cur.execute("SELECT id, name, aligned_sg FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 11 ORDER BY") records = cur.fetchall() for line in records: try: pushLive(line[0], line[1], sgfile=(tempfolder + line[2])) except: cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 21, notes = 'FAILED' WHERE id = %s", [str(line[0])]) cur.connection.commit() print 'done' else: print 'inactive or stage 4 not selected'
def convRec(record): try: if not 'loading_host' in record: record['loading_host'] = 'roberts-mbp' if not record['loading_host'] == host: print 'Warning: ' + host + ' is not the loading host (' + record['loading_host'] + ')' if str(record['original_path']).endswith(os.path.sep): file = record['original_path'] + record['name'] + record['original_ext'] else: file = record['original_path'] + os.path.sep + record['name'] + record['original_ext'] print 'Converting ' + file if (os.path.exists(file) or os.path.exists(file + '.gz')): record['last_host'] = host if (os.path.exists(file + '.gz') and (not os.path.exists(file))): check_call(['gzip', '-d', file + '.gz']) if '.gz' in file: check_call(['gzip', '-df', file]) file = str(file).replace('.gz', '') if str(record['original_ext']) == '.gz': record['name'] = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]) record['original_ext'] = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[1]) print 'Opening file: ' + file + '...' tif = TiffFile(file) image = tif.asarray() print 'Converting file: ' + file + '...' record = checkDir(record) if tif.is_lsm: metadata = tif[0].cz_lsm_scan_information voxelZ = metadata['plane_spacing'] voxelY = metadata['line_spacing'] voxelX = metadata['sample_spacing'] header = {} header['encoding'] = 'gzip' header['space directions'] = [[float(voxelX), 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, float(voxelY), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, float(voxelZ)]] header['space units'] = ['"microns"', '"microns"', '"microns"'] # header['keyvaluepairs'] = dict(metadata) # print header else: metadata = tif[0].image_description # metadata = json.loads(metadata.decode('utf-8')) # voxel = metadata['Voxel size'] # TBD: resolve zoxel size! voxelZ = 0.5 voxelY = 0.5 voxelX = 0.5 #temp fix for zebrafish: if (record['settings_id'] == 10): voxelZ = 1 voxelY = 1 voxelX = 1 header = {} header['encoding'] = 'gzip' header['space directions'] = [[float(voxelX), 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, float(voxelY), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, float(voxelZ)]] header['space units'] = ['"px"', '"px"', '"px"'] print(image.shape, image.dtype) if image.ndim > 4: sh = np.array(image.shape) rmdim = np.argmin(sh) if sh[rmdim] > 1: sh[rmdim] = np.max(sh) rmdim = np.argmin(sh) image = np.max(image, axis=rmdim) print 'slimmed down to:' print(image.shape, image.dtype) print metadata # TBD: add voxel size data # header['keyvaluepairs'] = dict(metadata) tif.close() check_call(['gzip', '-f', file]) image = np.squeeze(image) sh = np.array(np.shape(image)) ch = np.argmin(sh) iy = np.argmax(sh) sh[iy] = 0 ix = np.argmax(sh) sh[ix] = 0 iz = np.argmax(sh) sh = np.shape(image) # move channel to last axis: image = np.swapaxes(image, ch, -1) # move smalest (Z) axis to last axis before channel: image = np.swapaxes(image, iz, -2) # swap X & Y to match NRRD standard order for saving: image = np.swapaxes(image, 0, 1) print record['name'] + record['original_ext'] + ' - ' + str(np.shape(image)) rt = 0 mt = 0 sg = 0 bg = 0 cur.execute( "SELECT system_template.orientation FROM system_template, system_setting, images_alignment WHERE = %s AND images_alignment.settings_id = AND system_setting.template_id =", [record['id']]) tempOrien = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute( "SELECT system_setting.auto_balance_th FROM system_template, system_setting, images_alignment WHERE = %s AND images_alignment.settings_id = AND system_setting.template_id =", [record['id']]) tempTresh = float(cur.fetchone()[0]) if 'orig_orientation' not in record.keys(): if sh[ch] == 2: record['orig_orientation'] = comp_orien[tempOrien] else: record['orig_orientation'] = 'right-posterior-inferior' # needs to be set at load if record['orig_orientation'] == '': if sh[ch] == 2: record['orig_orientation'] = comp_orien[tempOrien] else: record['orig_orientation'] = 'right-posterior-inferior' # needs to be set at load header['space'] = comp_orien[tempOrien] for c in xrange(0, sh[ch]): upd = {} chan, Nbound, hist = ab.AutoBalance(np.squeeze(image[:, :, :, c]), threshold=tempTresh, background=0) print 'Ch' + str(c + 1) + ' - ' + str(np.shape(chan)) Sname = tempfolder + record['name'] + '_Ch' + str(c + 1) + '.nrrd' if not record['orig_orientation'] == comp_orien[tempOrien]: chan = ro.reorientate(np.uint8(chan), curOr=record['orig_orientation'], targOr=comp_orien[tempOrien]) else: chan = np.uint8(chan) if not ((record['crop_xyz'] is None) or (record['crop_xyz'] is '')): cut = map(int, str(record['crop_xyz']).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',')) cut = np.array(cut) if np.sum(cut) > 0: print 'cropping: (' + str(cut) + ')...' sh = np.shape(chan) print sh chan = chan[cut[0]:sh[0] - cut[1], cut[2]:sh[1] - cut[3], cut[4]:sh[2] - cut[5]] print np.shape(chan) print 'saving...' nrrd.write(Sname, chan, options=header) upd.update( {'image_id': record['id'], 'channel': + int(c + 1), 'file': str(Sname).replace(tempfolder, ''), 'pre_histogram': list(hist), 'new_min': int(Nbound['min']), 'new_max': int(Nbound['max'])}) print str(upd) cur.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM images_original_nrrd WHERE image_id = %(image_id)s AND channel = %(channel)s", upd) r = cur.fetchone()[0] if r > 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_original_nrrd SET file = %(file)s, pre_hist = %(pre_histogram)s, new_min = %(new_min)s, new_max = %(new_max)s, is_index = False WHERE image_id = %(image_id)s AND channel = %(channel)s", upd) cur.connection.commit() else: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO images_original_nrrd (image_id, channel, file, pre_hist, new_min, new_max, is_index) VALUES (%(image_id)s, %(channel)s, %(file)s, %(pre_histogram)s, %(new_min)s, %(new_max)s, False)", upd) cur.connection.commit() try: os.chmod(Sname, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) except: pass ct = sum(chan[chan > 20]) if ct > rt: rt = ct bg = c + 1 if mt == 0: mt = ct sg = c + 1 if ct < mt: mt = ct sg = c + 1 print 'BG: ' + str(bg) + ', SG: ' + str(sg) if record['background_channel'] == 0: record['background_channel'] = bg if record['signal_channel'] == 0: record['signal_channel'] = sg record['alignment_stage'] = 2 # record.update({'original_nrrd': upd}) record['max_stage'] = 2 # print 'conversion complete.' del upd, hist, chan, Nbound, tif, image, sh, ch, iy, ix, iz, Sname, rt, bg, ct, mt, sg else: record['alignment_stage'] = 1001 if record['notes'] is None: record['notes'] = time.strftime( "%c") + ' Error finding file ' + file + ' on ' + host else: record['notes'] = record['notes'] + '\n' + time.strftime( "%c") + ' Error finding file ' + file + ' on ' + host except Exception, e: print str(e) record['alignment_stage'] = 0 if record['notes'] is None: record['notes'] = time.strftime( "%c") + ' Error with handling uploaded file by ' + host else: record['notes'] = record['notes'] + '\n' + time.strftime( "%c") + ' Error with handling uploaded file by ' + host
[str(host), str(record['id'])]) cur.connection.commit() r = convRec(record) u = str(record['id']) + ' -> ' for k, v in record.items(): if not (k == 'id' or v == None or v == 'None'): cur.execute("UPDATE images_alignment SET " + str(k) + "=%s WHERE id = %s ", [v, record['id']]) u = u + str(k) + '=' + str(v) + ', ' print u cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() if __name__ == "__main__": if active and '1' in run_stage: cur.execute("SELECT name FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 1 ORDER BY id") records = cur.fetchall() total = len(records) if total == 0: # add any paused records to the active list cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1 FROM (SELECT id FROM images_alignment WHERE alignment_stage = 2001 ORDER BY id LIMIT 2) s WHERE =") # clear old failed alignments: cur.execute( "UPDATE images_alignment SET alignment_stage = 1 WHERE last_host = %s AND alignment_stage = 1001", [str(host)]) cur.connection.commit() gc.collect() count = 0 for line in records: count += 1