def test_03_basicstmt(self): """Test cnorm statement nodes""" c = nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('<'), [nodes.Id('a'), nodes.Literal('12')]) thencond = nodes.ExprStmt( nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('='), [nodes.Id('b'), nodes.Literal('1')])) elsecond = nodes.ExprStmt( nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('='), [nodes.Id('c'), nodes.Literal('2')])) s = nodes.If(c, thencond, elsecond) self.assertEqual( str(s.to_c()), "if (a < 12)\n{tab}b = 1;\nelse\n{tab}c = 2;\n".format(tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.RootBlockStmt( [thencond, nodes.BlockStmt([thencond, elsecond]), elsecond]) self.assertEqual( str(s.to_c()), "b = 1;\n{{\n{tab}b = 1;\n{tab}c = 2;\n}}\nc = 2;\n".format( tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.While(c, thencond) self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "while (a < 12)\n{tab}b = 1;\n".format(tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Do(c, thencond) self.assertEqual( str(s.to_c()), "do\n{tab}b = 1;\nwhile (a < 12);\n".format(tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Return(c) self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "return a < 12;\n", "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Goto(c) self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "goto a < 12;\n", "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Case(c) self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "case a < 12:\n", "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Label("Cool") self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "Cool:\n", "Failed to convert to C") s = nodes.Switch(c, thencond) self.assertEqual(str(s.to_c()), "switch (a < 12)\n{tab}b = 1;\n".format(tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C") init = nodes.ExprStmt( nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('='), [nodes.Id('b'), nodes.Literal('0')])) cond = nodes.ExprStmt(c) inc = nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('+='), [nodes.Id('b'), nodes.Literal('1')]) s = nodes.For(init, cond, inc, thencond) self.assertEqual( str(s.to_c()), "for (b = 0; a < 12; b += 1)\n{tab}b = 1;\n".format(tab=" " * 4), "Failed to convert to C")
def to_c(self): ctx = self.context() # self.context is a weakref if isinstance(ctx, knodes.KcModule): # fetch all params types params_types = [] for p in self.params: params_types.append(nodes.Decl('', get_types(p))) pass # mangle func_ctype = nodes.FuncType(self.expr_type._identifier, params_types) mangled_name = mangler.mangle_module(self.function, func_ctype, # create fake function call fake_func_call = nodes.Func(nodes.Id(mangled_name), self.params) return fake_func_call.to_c() # later: handle class instance # - assert context is class instance : any pointer(KType) # - get klass of KType # - find method # - method is virtual ? use vtable # - method is not virtual ? use direct function call raise Exception('Unknown context type: {}'.format(ctx))
def create_var_symbol(self, ast, module_name, typo, var_name, block): # print("I'm a f*****g variable") module_name = self.value(module_name) typo = self.value(typo) var_name = self.value(var_name) if typo != "": typo = sm.type_m(typo) mangled_name = KoocFile.mangled_name_of_symbol(module_name, var_name, "", typo) ast.set(nodes.Id(mangled_name)) return True
def to_c(self): ctx = self.context() # self.context is a weakref if isinstance(ctx, knodes.KcModule): # mangle mangled_name = mangler.mangle_module(self.member, self.expr_type, return nodes.Id(mangled_name).to_c() # later: handle class instance, check class via expr_type of context # thoughts: the context will be a (local ?) variable, his type could # be retrieved from the block ? # => The type will be OK, resolved from typing visitor raise Exception('Unknown context type: {}'.format(ctx))
def create_func_symbol(self, ast, module_name, typo, func_name, params, block): # print("I'm a f*****g function") # print("Module : ", self.value(module_name)) # print("Type retour : ", self.value(typo)) # print("Nom fonction :", self.value(func_name)) # print("Types params : ", params.types) # print("Params : ", params.params) # print("") module_name = self.value(module_name) typo = self.value(typo) func_name = self.value(func_name) moncul = 0 params_types = "" if params.types == []: params_types = "v" # params_types = None else: for item in params.types: if item == "UNDEFINED": if moncul == 0: params_types = None moncul = 1 elif params_types != None: print("va te faire farçir l'oignon") # params_types = item # print("INFERENCE DES PARAMETRES?") else: if params_types == None: print("va te faire cuire un oeuf") param_type_node = KoocFile.kooc_a_string(item + " a;") params_types += param_type_node.body[0]._ctype.mangle() # print("params_types :", params_types) if typo != "": symbol_type_node = KoocFile.kooc_a_string(typo + " a;") typo = symbol_type_node.body[0]._ctype.mangle() # print("TYPE : ", symbol_type) # print("TRY TO GET: ", module_name, func_name, symbol_type, params_types) mangled_name = KoocFile.mangled_name_of_symbol(module_name, func_name, params_types, typo) ast.set(nodes.Func(nodes.Id(mangled_name), params.params)) # ast.set(nodes.Func(nodes.Id(module_name + "_" + typo + "_" + func_name), params.params)) return True
def mangle_func(self, call, spe, mod, var, params): from kooc import mlist, clist, glist, vlist from drecovery import scope from listToStr import listToListStr global mlist, clist, glist, scope, vlist scope_list = [] type_object = "" ptr = "" nnname = "" if mod.value in mlist: scope_list = mlist type_object = "M" elif mod.value in clist: scope_list = clist type_object = "C" else: tmp = None for item in glist[scope]: if item["name"] == mod.value and len(item["type"]) > 3 and item["type"][:3] == "2Sp": if item["type"][3:] in clist: tmp = item break if tmp == None: print_error("error no module called : " + mod.value) return False scope_list = vlist ptr = "(((struct vtable_" + tmp["type"][3:] + " *)" + mod.value + ")-1)->" nnname = mod.value mod.value = tmp["type"][3:] type_object = "CM" cparse = Declaration() list_params = [] all_params = [""] found = False if hasattr(params, "node"): for item in params.node: if "<class 'cnorm.nodes.Func'>" != str(type(item)): tmp = resolve(item, [mlist, clist]) else: tmp = resolve(item.call_expr, [mlist, clist]) if tmp == []: print_error("Error ambiguious statement") return False list_params.append(tmp) all_params = listToListStr(list_params) for item in all_params: if spe.value == "": m = mangle_func_from(mod.value, type_object, var.value, None, item) res = func_algo(call, mod, var, m, scope_list, ptr) else: ast = cparse.parse(spe.value + " " + var.value + "()" ";") m = mangle_func_from(mod.value, type_object, var.value, ast.body[0], item) res = func_algo_spe(call, mod, var, m, scope_list, ptr) if res == True and found == True: print_error("ambiguious function : " + mod.value + " " + var.value) return False if res == True: found = True if found == False: print_error("Don't found function : " + mod.value + " " + var.value) return False if not hasattr(params, "node"): params.node = [] if nnname != "": params.node.append(nodes.Id(nnname)) return True
def new_id(self, ast, identifier): ast.set(nodes.Id(self.value(identifier))) return True
def test_02_basicexpr(self): """Test cnorm expression nodes""" e = nodes.Id('cool') self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "cool", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Literal('42') self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "42", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Binary(nodes.Raw('+'), [nodes.Id('a'), nodes.Literal('12')]) p = e self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "a + 12", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Func(nodes.Id('f'), [nodes.Id('a'), nodes.Literal('12')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "f(a, 12)", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Ternary( '', [nodes.Id('a'), nodes.Literal('1'), nodes.Literal('2')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "a ? 1 : 2", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Unary(nodes.Raw('++'), [nodes.Id('a')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "++a", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Paren('', [p]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "(a + 12)", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Post(nodes.Raw('++'), [nodes.Id('a')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "a++", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Array(nodes.Id('tab'), [p]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "tab[a + 12]", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Dot(nodes.Id('s'), [nodes.Id('a')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "s.a", "Failed to convert to C") e = nodes.Arrow(nodes.Id('s'), [nodes.Id('a')]) self.assertEqual(str(e.to_c()), "s->a", "Failed to convert to C")