예제 #1
def turtles_down(session, referer):
    dnQuery = DnQuery(referer.dn)
    dnQuery.queryTarget = 'children'
    childMo = session.query(dnQuery)
    for newMo in childMo:
        print str(newMo.dn)
        turtles_down(session, newMo)
예제 #2
파일: access.py 프로젝트: bischatt78/cobra
    def lookupByClass(self, classNames, parentDn=None, **kwargs):
        """Lookup MO's by class.

        A short-form managed object (MO) query by class.

          classNames (str or list): The class name list of class names.
            If parentDn is set, the classNames are used as a filter in a
            subtree query for the parentDn
          parentDn (cobra.mit.naming.Dn or str, optional): The distinguished
            name of the parent object as a :class:`cobra.mit.naming.Dn` or
          **kwargs: Arbitrary parameters to be passed to the query
            generated internally, to further filter the result

          list: A list of the managed objects found in the query.
        if parentDn:
            dnQuery = DnQuery(parentDn)
            dnQuery.classFilter = classNames
            dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
            self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, kwargs)
            mos = self.query(dnQuery)
            classQuery = ClassQuery(classNames)
            self.__setQueryParams(classQuery, kwargs)
            mos = self.query(classQuery)
        return mos
 def get_faults(self, epg_dn):
     class_query = DnQuery(epg_dn)
     class_query.subtree = 'full'
     class_query.subtreeInclude = 'faults'
     epg_list = self.moDir.query(class_query)
     fault_list = self.get_faults_from_tree(epg_list[0], [])
     return fault_list
예제 #4
 def test_DnQuery_options(self):
     did = '1234567890'
     expectedOptions = ''
     dq = DnQuery('uni')
     dq.id = did
     expectedOptions += '_dc=' + did
     assert dq.options == expectedOptions
예제 #5
    def lookupByClass(self, classNames, parentDn=None, propFilter=None):
        """Lookup MO's by class

        A short-form managed object (MO) query by class.

          classNames (str or list): The class name list of class names.
            If parentDn is set, the classNames are used as a filter in a
            subtree query for the parentDn
          parentDn (cobra.mit.naming.Dn or str): The distinguished
            name of the parent object as a :class:`cobra.mit.naming.Dn` or
          propFilter (str): A property filter expression

          list: A list of the managed objects found in the query.
        if parentDn:
            dnQuery = DnQuery(parentDn)
            dnQuery.classFilter = classNames
            dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
            if propFilter:
                dnQuery.propFilter = propFilter
            mos = self.query(dnQuery)
            classQuery = ClassQuery(classNames)
            if propFilter:
                classQuery.propFilter = propFilter
            mos = self.query(classQuery)
        return mos
예제 #6
 def get_faults(self, epg_dn):
     class_query = DnQuery(epg_dn)
     class_query.subtree = 'full'
     class_query.subtreeInclude = 'faults'
     epg_list = self.moDir.query(class_query)
     fault_list = self.get_faults_from_tree(epg_list[0], [])
     return fault_list
예제 #7
 def test_DnQuery_options(self):
     did = '1234567890'
     expectedOptions = ''
     dq = DnQuery('uni')
     dq.id = did
     expectedOptions += '_dc=' + did
     assert dq.options == expectedOptions
예제 #8
def turtles_down(session, referer):
    dnQuery = DnQuery(referer.dn)
    dnQuery.queryTarget = 'children'
    childMo = session.query(dnQuery)
    for newMo in childMo:
        print str(newMo.dn)
        turtles_down(session, newMo)
예제 #9
    def lookupByClass(self, classNames, parentDn=None, **kwargs):
        """Lookup MO's by class.

        A short-form managed object (MO) query by class.

          classNames (str or list): The class name list of class names.
            If parentDn is set, the classNames are used as a filter in a
            subtree query for the parentDn
          parentDn (cobra.mit.naming.Dn or str, optional): The distinguished
            name of the parent object as a :class:`cobra.mit.naming.Dn` or
          **kwargs: Arbitrary parameters to be passed to the query
            generated internally, to further filter the result

          list: A list of the managed objects found in the query.
        if parentDn:
            dnQuery = DnQuery(parentDn)
            dnQuery.classFilter = classNames
            dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
            self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, kwargs)
            mos = self.query(dnQuery)
            classQuery = ClassQuery(classNames)
            self.__setQueryParams(classQuery, kwargs)
            mos = self.query(classQuery)
        return mos
예제 #10
def add_servicegraph():
    apicURL = os.getenv("CliqrCloud_AciApicEndpoint")
    apicUser = os.getenv("CliqrCloud_AciUsername")
    apicPwd = os.getenv("CliqrCloud_AciPassword")
    apicTenant = os.getenv("CliqrCloud_AciTenantName")
    apicServiceGraphTemplate = os.getenv("Cloud_Setting_serviceGraphTemplate")

    # Handle cases where APIC URL is configured without ssl (typically, in a lab).
    if apicURL.startswith("https"):
        loginSession = LoginSession(apicURL, apicUser, apicPwd)
        loginSession = LoginSession(apicURL, apicUser, apicPwd,secure=False)

    # CliqrTier_CentOS_1_Cloud_Setting_AciPortGroup_2
    tmpString = "CliqrTier_" + os.getenv("CliqrDependencies") + "_Cloud_Setting_AciPortGroup_2"
    appProfileName = os.getenv(tmpString).split("|")[1]
    qTenant = "tn-" + apicTenant
    qString = "uni/" + qTenant + "/ap-" + appProfileName
    dnQuery = DnQuery(qString)
    dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
    dnQuery.classFilter = 'fvRsProv'
    dnQuery.subtree = 'children'
    # Obtain Session from APIC.
    moDir = MoDirectory(loginSession)
    # Query to obtain data from Managed Object Directory.
    dmo = moDir.query(dnQuery)
    print str(dmo[0].tDn)  # Debug String. Remove from running env.
    logging.debug(" Contract String Obtained :" + dmo[0].tDn)
    # Service Graph - Query String
    qStringAbsG = "uni/" + qTenant + "/AbsGraph-" + apicServiceGraphTemplate
    graphMO = moDir.lookupByDn(qStringAbsG)
    # Subject Query String
    qStringSubj = dmo[0].tDn + "/subj-cliqr-subject"
    subjMO = moDir.lookupByDn(qStringSubj)
    # Attach Graph to Contract.
    RsSubjGraphAtt(subjMO, tnVnsAbsGraphName=graphMO.name)
    # Create Commit Object.
    nsCfg = ConfigRequest()
    contractString = dmo[0].tDn
    tmpArr = contractString.split("/")
    apicContractName = tmpArr[len(tmpArr)-1].replace("brc-","")
    aviApicContractArg = apicContractName + ":" + apicServiceGraphTemplate
    aviApicEpgName = appProfileName + ":" + os.getenv(tmpString).split("|")[2]

    params = {}
    with open('params.json', 'r') as p:
        params = json.loads(p.read())
        params['apic_contract_graph'] = aviApicContractArg
        params['apic_epg_name'] = aviApicEpgName

    logging.debug(" Dump Params :: " + json.dumps(params))   
    with open('params.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(params, f)
예제 #11
 def test_DnQuery_getUrl(self, sessionUrl, dc, requestType):
     session = LoginSession(sessionUrl, 'admin', 'password',
     dn = 'uni'
     dq = DnQuery('uni')
     expected = sessionUrl + '/api/mo/' + dn + '.' + requestType
     dq.id = dc
     expected += '?_dc=' + dc
     assert dq.getUrl(session) == expected
예제 #12
 def test_DnQuery_getUrl(self, sessionUrl, dc, requestType):
     session = LoginSession(sessionUrl, 'admin', 'password',
     dn = 'uni'
     dq = DnQuery('uni')
     expected = sessionUrl + '/api/mo/' + dn + '.' + requestType
     dq.id = dc
     expected += '?_dc=' + dc
     assert dq.getUrl(session) == expected
예제 #13
    def get_full_tenant(self,tenant_name):
        dnQ = DnQuery('uni/tn-{}'.format(tenant_name))
        dnQ.subtree = 'full'
        tenant = self.mo_dir.query(dnQ)

        if tenant:
            return tenant[0]

        return None
예제 #14
 def query_child_objects(self, dn_query_name):
     Retrieve the object using the dn and return all the children under it
     :param dn_query_name: dn of the management object
     dn_query = DnQuery(dn_query_name)
     dn_query.queryTarget = QUERY_TARGET_CHILDREN
     child_mos = self.moDir.query(dn_query)
     return child_mos
예제 #15
def check_backup_status(md, name):
    dq = DnQuery('uni/backupst/jobs-[uni/fabric/configimp-{}]'.format(name))
    backup_job = md.query(dq)
    last_runtime = backup_job[0].lastJobName
    run_dn = 'uni/backupst/jobs-[uni/fabric/configimp-{}]/run-{}'.format(
        name, last_runtime)
    dq = DnQuery(run_dn)
    last_run = md.query(dq)
    print 'Backup status: {}'.format(last_run[0].details)
예제 #16
 def query_child_objects(self, dn_query_name):
     Retrieve the object using the dn and return all the children under it
     :param dn_query_name: dn of the management object
     dn_query = DnQuery(dn_query_name)
     dn_query.queryTarget = QUERY_TARGET_CHILDREN
     child_mos = self.moDir.query(dn_query)
     return child_mos
예제 #17
def findTenantVrfContexts(tenant, apicMoDir):
    logging.debug('Inside findTenantVrfContexts function')
    tenantDn = formTenantDn(tenant)
    dnQuery = DnQuery(tenantDn)
    dnQuery.subtree = 'children'
    tenantMo = apicMoDir.query(dnQuery)
    if len(tenantMo) > 0:
        # We expect only 1 tenant with that name
        return tenantMo[0].ctx
        return []
예제 #18
def get_ports_in_group(moDir, uri):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param uri: dn of the policy group
    :return: list of ports configured for a policy group
    ports = []
    dnq = DnQuery(uri)
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraRtAccBaseGrp'
    ports = moDir.query(dnq)
    return ports
예제 #19
def main(host, username, password, tenant):
    apic = "https://%s" % host
    print("Connecting to APIC : %s" % apic)
    moDir = MoDirectory(LoginSession(apic, username, password))
    dn_name = "uni/tn-" + tenant
    dnq = DnQuery(dn_name)
    dnq.subtree = 'children'
    tenantMO = moDir.query(dnq)
    for bdMO in tenantMO.BD:
        print("BD NAME => {", bdMO.name, "}")
예제 #20
def main(host, username, password, tenant):
    apic = "https://%s" % host
    print("Connecting to APIC : %s" % apic)
    moDir = MoDirectory(LoginSession(apic, username, password))
    dn_name = "uni/tn-" + tenant
    dnq = DnQuery(dn_name)
    dnq.subtree = 'children'
    tenantMO = moDir.query(dnq)
    for bdMO in tenantMO.BD:
        print("BD NAME => {", bdMO.name, "}")
예제 #21
def get_domain_aep(moDir, Aep):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param Aep: attachable entity profile name
    :return: list of domains in the AEP
    uri = 'uni/infra/attentp-{0}/dompcont'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(Aep))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraAssocDomP'
    assocDomP = moDir.query(dnq)
    dompDns = [each.dompDn for each in assocDomP if each]
    return dompDns
예제 #22
def get_vlan_pool(moDir, domain_dn):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param domain_dn: dn of the domain
    :return: dn of a vlan pool
    dnq = DnQuery(domain_dn)
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraRsVlanNs'
    vlanNs = moDir.query(dnq)
    #there will only be one pool in the domain
    pool = vlanNs[0].tDn
    return pool
예제 #23
def get_nodeid(moDir, leafProfile):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param leafProfile: leaf Profile name 
    :return node ids a switch. assumes one LeafS in leaf Profile, maximum of 2 nodes in a block. '0' if not configured
    uri = 'uni/infra/nprof-{0}'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(leafProfile))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraLeafS'
    leafs = moDir.query(dnq)

    dnq2 = DnQuery(leafs[0].dn)
    dnq2.queryTarget = 'children'
    nodeBlk = moDir.query(dnq2)
    dnq2.classFilter = 'infraNodeBlk'
    nodeBlk = moDir.query(dnq2)

    if len(nodeBlk) == 2:
        if int(nodeBlk[0].from_) < int(nodeBlk[1].from_):
            return nodeBlk[0].from_ + '-' + nodeBlk[1].from_
            return nodeBlk[1].from_ + '-' + nodeBlk[0].from_
    elif len(nodeBlk) == 1:
        return nodeBlk[0].from_
        return "0"
예제 #24
def get_fexports(moDir, fexProfile):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param fexProfile: FEX Profile name 
    :return: list of all configured ports
    configured = []
    uri = 'uni/infra/fexprof-{0}'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(fexProfile))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraHPortS'
    ports = moDir.query(dnq)
    names = [each.name for each in ports if each]
    for name in names:
        uri2 = 'uni/infra/fexprof-{0}/hports-{1}-typ-range'
        dnq2 = DnQuery(uri2.format(fexProfile, name))
        dnq2.queryTarget = 'children'
        dnq2.classFilter = 'infraPortBlk'
        blocks = moDir.query(dnq2)
        for block in blocks:
            ints = []
            startingPort = block.fromPort
            card = block.fromCard
            ints.append(card + '/' + startingPort)
            s = int(startingPort)
            while s != int(block.toPort):
                s += 1
                ints.append(card + '/' + str(s))
            configured.append({'name': name, 'ports': ints})
    return configured
예제 #25
def get_epg_dom(moDir, uri, Aepg):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param uri: dn of EPG
    :param Aepg: name of EPG 
    :return list of domains for an EPG
    domains = []
    dnq = DnQuery(uri + Aepg)
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'fvRsDomAtt'
    rsDomAtt = moDir.query(dnq)
    # "uni/phys-LEGACY", "uni/vmmp-VMware/dom-AVS-01"
    domains = [each.tDn for each in rsDomAtt if each]
    return domains
예제 #26
def get_policy_group_aep(moDir, policyGroup, type):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param policyGroup: name of policy group
    :param type: type of policy.  accbundle or accportgrp
    :return AEP for a policy group 
    uri = 'uni/infra/funcprof/{0}{1}'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(type, policyGroup))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraRsAttEntP'
    rsAttEntP = moDir.query(dnq)
        aep = str(rsAttEntP[0].tDn).split('attentp-')[1]
    except IndexError:
        aep = '0'
    return aep
예제 #27
def get_vlans(moDir, pool_dn):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param pool_dn: dn of a vlan pool
    :return: list of vlans
    vlans = []
    dnq = DnQuery(pool_dn)
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'fvnsEncapBlk'
    encapBlk = moDir.query(dnq)
    for ranges in encapBlk:
        # cannot access from keyword, so access as dictionary
        startingVlan = ranges.__dict__['from'].split('-')[1]
        vlans.append('vlan-' + startingVlan)
        s = int(startingVlan)
        while s != int(ranges.to.split('-')[1]):
            s += 1
            vlans.append('vlan-' + str(s))
    return vlans
예제 #28
def get_fexport_policy_group(moDir, fexProfile, port_name):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param fexProfile: profile name of the FEX
    :param port_name: name of the port
    :return: policy group for the configured port. '0' if not configured
    uri = 'uni/infra/fexprof-{0}/hports-{1}-typ-range'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(fexProfile, port_name))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraRsAccBaseGrp'
    rsAccBaseGrp = moDir.query(dnq)
        if rsAccBaseGrp[0].tCl == 'infraAccBndlGrp':
            policy_group = str(rsAccBaseGrp[0].tDn).split('accbundle-')[1]
        elif rsAccBaseGrp[0].tCl == 'infraAccPortGrp':
            policy_group = str(rsAccBaseGrp[0].tDn).split('accportgrp-')[1]
    except IndexError:
        policy_group = '0'
    return policy_group
예제 #29
    def lookupByClass(self, classNames, parentDn=None, **queryParams):
        A short-form managed object (MO) query by class.

          classNames: Name of the class to lookup
          parentDn:   dn of the root object were to start search from (optional)
          queryParams: a dictionary including the properties to the
            added to the query.
        if parentDn:
            dnQuery = DnQuery(parentDn)
            dnQuery.classFilter = classNames
            dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
            self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, queryParams)
            mos = self.query(dnQuery)
            classQuery = ClassQuery(classNames)
            self.__setQueryParams(classQuery, queryParams)
            mos = self.query(classQuery)
        return mos
예제 #30
파일: access.py 프로젝트: tm0nk/cobra-j
    def lookupByClass(self, classNames, parentDn=None, **queryParams):
        A short-form managed object (MO) query by class.

          classNames: Name of the class to lookup
          parentDn:   dn of the root object were to start search from (optional)
          queryParams: a dictionary including the properties to the
            added to the query.
        if parentDn:
            dnQuery = DnQuery(parentDn)
            dnQuery.classFilter = classNames
            dnQuery.queryTarget = 'subtree'
            self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, queryParams)
            mos = self.query(dnQuery)
            classQuery = ClassQuery(classNames)
            self.__setQueryParams(classQuery, queryParams)
            mos = self.query(classQuery)
        return mos
예제 #31
    def lookupByDn(self, dnStrOrDn, **queryParams):
        A short-form managed object (MO) query using the distinguished name(Dn)
        of the MO.

          dnStrOrDn:   dn of the object to lookup
          queryParams: a dictionary including the properties to the
            added to the query.
        dnQuery = DnQuery(dnStrOrDn)
        self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, queryParams)
        mos = self.query(dnQuery)
        return mos[0] if mos else None
예제 #32
 def test_get_tn(self, apics, certobject, userobject):
     apic = apics[0]
     secure = False if apics[1] == 'False' else True
     userobject.pkey = certobject.readFile(
     session = CertSession(apic, userobject.certDn, userobject.pkey,
                           secure=secure, requestFormat='xml')
     moDir = MoDirectory(session)
     dnQuery = DnQuery('uni/tn-common')
     #dnQuery.subtree = "full"
     tq = moDir.query(dnQuery)
     assert len(tq) == 1
     tq = tq[0]
     assert str(tq.parentDn) == 'uni'
     assert str(tq.dn) == 'uni/tn-common'
예제 #33
    def lookupByDn(self, dnStrOrDn):
        """Query the APIC or fabric node by distinguished name (Dn)
        A short-form managed object (MO) query using the Dn of the MO
        of the MO.

          dnStrOrDn (str or cobra.mit.naming.Dn): A distinguished name as a
            :class:`cobra.mit.naming.Dn` or string

          None or cobra.mit.mo.Mo: None if no MO was returned otherwise
        dnQuery = DnQuery(dnStrOrDn)
        mos = self.query(dnQuery)
        return mos[0] if mos else None
예제 #34
def check_if_switchport_configured(moDir, switchProfile, range):
    :param moDir: login session
    :param switchProfile: switch Profile name 
    :param range: switch port range to check
    :return: True if configured
    configured = []
    proposed = []

    card, fromPort, toPort = input_ports(range)
    proposed.append(card + '/' + fromPort)
    fromP = int(fromPort)
    toP = int(toPort)
    while (fromP != toP):
        fromP += 1
        proposed.append(card + '/' + str(fromP))

    uri = 'uni/infra/accportprof-{0}_ifselector'
    dnq = DnQuery(uri.format(switchProfile))
    dnq.queryTarget = 'children'
    dnq.classFilter = 'infraHPortS'
    ports = moDir.query(dnq)
    names = [each.name for each in ports if each]
    for name in names:
        uri2 = 'uni/infra/accportprof-{0}_ifselector/hports-{1}-typ-range'
        dnq2 = DnQuery(uri2.format(switchProfile, name))
        dnq2.queryTarget = 'children'
        dnq2.classFilter = 'infraPortBlk'
        blocks = moDir.query(dnq2)
        for block in blocks:
            startingPort = block.fromPort
            card = block.fromCard
            configured.append(card + '/' + startingPort)
            s = int(startingPort)
            while s != int(block.toPort):
                s += 1
                configured.append(card + '/' + str(s))

    for p in proposed:
        if p in configured:
            return True
    return False
예제 #35
    def lookupByDn(self, dnStrOrDn, **kwargs):
        """Query the APIC or fabric node by distinguished name (Dn).

        A short-form managed object (MO) query using the Dn of the MO
        of the MO.

          dnStrOrDn (str or cobra.mit.naming.Dn): A distinguished name as a
            :class:`cobra.mit.naming.Dn` or string
          **kwargs: Arbitrary parameters to be passed to the query
            generated internally, to further filter the result

          None or cobra.mit.mo.Mo: None if no MO was returned otherwise
        dnQuery = DnQuery(dnStrOrDn)
        self.__setQueryParams(dnQuery, kwargs)
        mos = self.query(dnQuery)
        return mos[0] if mos else None
예제 #36
def get_full_aci_config(apic, user, password, outfile):
        url = "https://" + apic
        ls = cobra.mit.session.LoginSession(url, "apic:ACS\\" + user, password, secure=False, timeout=30) 
        md = cobra.mit.access.MoDirectory(ls)
        #Get tenant config
        cq = ClassQuery('fvTenant')
        cq.subtree = 'full'
        cq.propInclude= 'config-only'
        tenant_config = md.query(cq)
        #Infra config
        dq = DnQuery('uni/infra')
        dq.subtree = 'full'
        dq.propInclude = 'config-only'
        infra_config = md.query(dq)
        #Fabric config
        dq = DnQuery('uni/fabric')
        dq.subtree = 'full'
        dq.propInclude = 'config-only'
        fabric_config = md.query(dq)
        file = open(outfile, 'w+')
        file.write("# " + apic + " #")
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')
        file.write("# TENANTS ")
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')   
        for tenant in tenant_config:
            file.write(toJSONStr(tenant, prettyPrint=True))
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')
        file.write("# Infra ")
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')
        for infra in infra_config:
            file.write(toJSONStr(infra, prettyPrint=True))
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')
        file.write("# Fabric ")
        file.write("\n###########" + '\n')
        for fabric in fabric_config:
            file.write(toJSONStr(fabric, prettyPrint=True))
        print "Error in get_full_aci_config() for %s: %s" % (apic, sys.exc_info()[0])
예제 #37
    # Making a new epg and calling it "vmepg"
    application_profile = moDir.lookupByDn("uni/tn-{0}/ap-{1}".format(tenant, ap))

    new_epg = AEPg(application_profile, "vmepg")

    # Committing the changes
    config_request = ConfigRequest()


    # Enter epg to use as template for vmepg
    epg_template= "default"

    dnQuery = DnQuery('uni/tn-{0}/ap-{1}/epg-{2}'.format(tenant, ap, epg_template))
    dnQuery.subtree = 'children'
    epgMO = moDir.query(dnQuery)

    # Traversing every property within epg_template and copying it to vmepg
    for epg in epgMO:
        for epgChild in epg.children:
            for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
                if inspect.isclass(obj):
                    copy_of_property = str(epgChild.rn)
                    if (copy_of_property.lower().startswith(obj.__name__.lower())):
                        exec("object_made = " + obj.__name__ + "(epg, \"" + copy_of_property + "\")")

예제 #38
from cobra.mit.session import LoginSession
from cobra.mit.access import MoDirectory
from cobra.mit.request import DnQuery

urllib3.disable_warnings() #Disable HTTPS warnings

apic_url = ''
apic_user = ''
apic_password = ''

loginSession = LoginSession(apic_url, apic_user, apic_password) #Setup Login credentials
md = MoDirectory(loginSession)

dq1 = DnQuery('uni/<INSERT TENANT NAME>/<<INSERT AP PROFILE NAME>') #Query the Tenant
dq1.queryTarget='children' #request all children from Tenant
Bridge_Domains = md.query(dq1) #Get list of Bridge Domains (VLANs)
ifpg_check = re.compile("") #create regex for your own naming convention of IFPGs to filter children of AP profile

for bd in Bridge_Domains:
    dq2 = DnQuery('uni/<INSERT TENANT NAME>/<<INSERT AP PROFILE NAME>/epg-'+bd.name) #create query for each BD found with previous query
    dq2.queryTarget='children' #target children (static ports)
    StaticPorts = md.query(dq2) #Get Result
    for epg in StaticPorts:
        if re.findall(ifpg_check, str(epg.dn)): #Check if entry if InterFace Policy Group
            temp = re.findall(ifpg_check, str(epg.dn)) #Save IFPG if entry checks out
        if len(IFPG_List)==0:
예제 #39
def get_children(session, referer):
    dnQuery = DnQuery(referer.dn)
    dnQuery.queryTarget = 'children'
    childMo = session.query(dnQuery)
    return childMo
예제 #40
 def test_DnQuery_init(self):
     assert isinstance(DnQuery('uni/tn-common'), DnQuery)
예제 #41
 def test_DnQuery_dnStr(self):
     dn = 'uni'
     dq = DnQuery(dn)
     assert dq.dnStr == dn