def remove_interface_pc_and_vpc(infra, switch_profile, switches, interface_type, ports, selector, policy_group): """The interface profile, which enables you to specify the interface you want to configure. """ infra_nodep = NodeP(infra, switch_profile) infra_leafs = LeafS(infra_nodep, switch_profile+'_selector_'+''.join(map(str,switches)), DEFAULT_TYPE) infra_accportp = AccPortP(infra, switch_profile + '_ifselector') infra_hports = HPortS(infra_accportp, selector, DEFAULT_TYPE) infra_leafs.delete() infra_nodep.delete() infra_hports.delete() infra_accportp.delete()
def remove_interface_pc_and_vpc(infra, switch_profile, switches, interface_type, ports, selector, policy_group): """The interface profile, which enables you to specify the interface you want to configure. """ infra_nodep = NodeP(infra, switch_profile) infra_leafs = LeafS( infra_nodep, switch_profile + '_selector_' + ''.join(map(str, switches)), DEFAULT_TYPE) infra_accportp = AccPortP(infra, switch_profile + '_ifselector') infra_hports = HPortS(infra_accportp, selector, DEFAULT_TYPE) infra_leafs.delete() infra_nodep.delete() infra_hports.delete() infra_accportp.delete()
def switch_profile(host, user, password, if_profile): print('[BEG] Switch Profile Configuration') moDir = apic_login(host, user, password) # Get Top Level Objects polUni = Uni('') infraInfra = Infra(polUni) #Create Variables to be used later sPName = 'ASA-VPC-1-Cobra' swSelName = 'L103-104-ASA-VPC' LFrom = '103' LTo = '104' ifProfName = if_profile nodeBlkName = 'somethingsomethingnodeBlk' print('--- Creating Switch Profile: ' + sPName) infraNodeP = NodeP(infraInfra, ownerKey=u'', name=sPName) print(' Adding Switch Selector: ' + swSelName + ' with Nodes :' + LFrom + ',' + LTo) infraLeafS = LeafS(infraNodeP, ownerKey=u'', type=u'range', name=swSelName) infraNodeBlk = NodeBlk(infraLeafS, from_=LFrom, name=nodeBlkName, to_=LTo) print(' Adding Interface Selector Profile: ' + ifProfName) infraRsAccPortP = RsAccPortP(infraNodeP, tDn=u'uni/infra/accportprof-' + ifProfName) # Commit Configuration cfg_commit(moDir, infraInfra) print('[END] Switch Profile Configuration \n')
def configure_interface_pc_and_vpc(infra, switch_profile, switch_selector, switches, interface_type, interface_selector_profile, interface_selector, policy_group): """The interface profile, which enables you to specify the interface you want to configure. """ infra_accportp = AccPortP(infra, interface_selector_profile) for int_sel_name in interface_selector.keys(): infra_hports = HPortS(infra_accportp, int_sel_name, DEFAULT_TYPE) block = 0 for port in interface_selector[int_sel_name]: block += 1 card, fromPort, toPort = input_ports(port) infra_portblk = PortBlk(infra_hports, 'block' + str(block), fromCard=card, fromPort=fromPort, toPort=toPort) if interface_type == 'individual': policy_group_type = 'accportgrp' elif interface_type in ['pc', 'PC', 'VPC', 'vpc']: policy_group_type = 'accbundle' else: print 'Invalid interface type. Option of interface type is "individual", "pc" or, "vpc".' sys.exit() infra_rsaccbasegrp = RsAccBaseGrp( infra_hports, tDn='uni/infra/funcprof/' + policy_group_type + '-' + policy_group) infra_nodep = NodeP(infra, switch_profile) infra_leafs = LeafS(infra_nodep, switch_selector, DEFAULT_TYPE) single = 0 for switch in switches: single += 1 infra_nodeblk = NodeBlk(infra_leafs, 'single' + str(single), from_=str(switch), to_=str(switch)) infra_rsaccportp = RsAccPortP( infra_nodep, 'uni/infra/accportprof-' + interface_selector_profile)
def configure_interface_pc_and_vpc(modir, switches, switch_profile, ports, selector, policy_group): # Query a parent infra = modir.lookupByDn('uni/infra') infra_accportp = AccPortP(infra, switch_profile + '_ifselector') infra_hports = HPortS(infra_accportp, selector + '_selector', DEFAULT_TYPE) block = 0 for port in ports: block += 1 card, fromPort, toPort = get_numbers(port) infra_portblk = PortBlk(infra_hports, 'block'+str(block), fromCard=card, fromPort=fromPort, toPort=toPort) infra_rsaccbasegrp = RsAccBaseGrp(infra_hports, tDn='uni/infra/funcprof/accportgrp-'+policy_group) infra_nodep = NodeP(infra, switch_profile) infra_leafs = LeafS(infra_nodep, switch_profile+'_selector_'+''.join(map(str,switches)), DEFAULT_TYPE) single = 0 for switch in switches: single += 1 infra_nodeblk = NodeBlk(infra_leafs, 'single'+str(single), from_=str(switch), to_=str(switch)) infra_rsaccportp = RsAccPortP(infra_nodep, 'uni/infra/accportprof-'+switch_profile+'_ifselector') print_query_xml(infra) commit_change(modir, infra)