def run(self): # For debugging purposes experiment.lastExperiment = self self.sanityCheckEnvironment() self.prepareHandlers() self.cameraToReadoutTime = dict([(c, c.getTimeBetweenExposures(isExact = True)) for c in self.cameras]) for camera, readTime in self.cameraToReadoutTime.items(): if type(readTime) is not decimal.Decimal: raise RuntimeError("Camera %s did not provide an exact (decimal.Decimal) readout time" % for camera, func in self.camToFunc.items(): events.subscribe(events.NEW_IMAGE %, func) for exposureTime in self.exposureTimes: if self.shouldAbort: break self.camToImages = {} self.camToNumImagesReceived = {} self.camToLock = {} for camera in self.cameras: # Prepare a memory buffer to store images in. width, height = camera.getImageSize() self.camToImages[camera] = numpy.zeros((self.numExposures, height, width)) self.camToNumImagesReceived[camera] = 0 self.camToLock[camera] = threading.Lock() # Indicate any frame transfer cameras for reset at start of # table. if camera.getExposureMode() == self.cameraToIsReady[camera] = False self.table = self.generateActions(exposureTime) self.table.sort() self.examineActions() self.table.sort() self.table.enforcePositiveTimepoints() self.lastMinuteActions() self.doneReceivingThread = threading.Thread(target = self.waiter) self.doneReceivingThread.start() self.execute() if self.shouldAbort: break # Wait until it's been a short time after the last received image. self.doneReceivingThread.join() progress = cockpit.gui.progressDialog.ProgressDialog("Processing images", "Processing images for exposure time %.4f" % exposureTime, parent = None) self.processImages(exposureTime) progress.Destroy() for camera, func in self.camToFunc.items(): events.unsubscribe(events.NEW_IMAGE %, func) self.showResults() self.cleanup()
def run(self): # For debugging purposes experiment.lastExperiment = self self.sanityCheckEnvironment() self.prepareHandlers() self.cameraToReadoutTime = dict([ (c, c.getTimeBetweenExposures(isExact=True)) for c in self.cameras ]) for camera, readTime in self.cameraToReadoutTime.items(): if type(readTime) is not decimal.Decimal: raise RuntimeError( "Camera %s did not provide an exact (decimal.Decimal) readout time" % # Start out with no-exposure-time images to get a measured offset. multiplier = 0 for camera, func in self.camToFunc.items(): events.subscribe(events.NEW_IMAGE %, func) activeCameras = set(self.cameras) for i in range(self.numCollections): if not activeCameras or self.shouldAbort: break print("Running with cams", activeCameras) self.camToImages = {} self.camToNumImagesReceived = {} self.camToLock = {} for camera in activeCameras: # Prepare a memory buffer to store images in. width, height = camera.getImageSize() self.camToImages[camera] = numpy.zeros( (self.numExposures, height, width)) self.camToNumImagesReceived[camera] = 0 self.camToLock[camera] = threading.Lock() # Indicate any frame transfer cameras for reset at start of # table. if camera.getExposureMode( ) == self.cameraToIsReady[camera] = False self.table = self.generateActions(multiplier, activeCameras) self.table.sort() self.examineActions() self.table.sort() self.table.enforcePositiveTimepoints() self.lastMinuteActions() self.doneReceivingThread = threading.Thread(target=self.waiter) self.doneReceivingThread.start() self.execute() # Wait until it's been a short time after the last received image. self.doneReceivingThread.join() if multiplier == 0: multiplier = decimal.Decimal(1) else: multiplier *= self.exposureMultiplier activeCameras = self.processImages(multiplier) print("Came out with active cams", activeCameras) for camera, func in self.camToFunc.items(): events.unsubscribe(events.NEW_IMAGE %, func) if self.shouldAbort: # Don't bother processing images. self.cleanup() return results = [] for camera in self.cameras: results.append(self.makeFit(self.camToAverages[camera])) results = numpy.array(results, dtype=numpy.float32) results.shape = len( self.cameras), 1, 2, results.shape[-2], results.shape[-1] # Construct a header for the image data. pixel_size = wx.GetApp().Objectives.GetPixelSize() wavelengths = [c.wavelength for c in self.cameras] header = cockpit.util.datadoc.makeHeaderFor(results, XYSize=pixel_size, ZSize=0, wavelengths=wavelengths) filehandle = open(self.savePath, 'wb') cockpit.util.datadoc.writeMrcHeader(header, filehandle) filehandle.write(results) filehandle.close() self.cleanup()