예제 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # composition stuff

        #: list of (int, child-reference) where int is the z-order, sorted by ascending z (back to front order)
        self.children = []

        #: dictionary that maps children names with children references
        self.children_names = {}

        self._parent = None

        # drawing stuff

        #: x-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_x value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._x = 0

        #: y-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_y value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._y = 0

        #: a float, alters the scale of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the horizontal scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along x axis is _scale_x * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_x = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the vertical scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along y axis is _scale_y * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_y = 1.0

        #: a float, in degrees, alters the rotation of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 0.0
        self._rotation = 0.0

        #: eye, center and up vector for the :class:`.Camera`.
        #: gluLookAt() is used with these values.
        #: Default: FOV 60, center of the screen.
        #: .. NOTE::
        #:      The camera can perform exactly the same
        #:      transformation as ``scale``, ``rotation`` and the
        #:      ``x``, ``y`` attributes (with the exception that the
        #:      camera can modify also the z-coordinate)
        #:      In fact, they all transform the same matrix, so
        #:      use either the camera or the other attributes, but not both
        #:      since the camera will be overridden by the transformations done
        #:      by the other attributes.
        #: You can change the camera manually or by using the
        #: :class:`.Camera3DAction` action.
        self.camera = Camera()

        #: offset from (x,0) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_x = 0

        #: offset from (0,y) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_y = 0

        #: whether of not the object and his childrens are visible.
        #: Default: True
        self.visible = True

        #: the grid object for the grid actions.
        #: This can be a `Grid3D` or a `TiledGrid3D` object depending
        #: on the action.
        self.grid = None

        # actions stuff
        #: list of `Action` objects that are running
        self.actions = []

        #: list of `Action` objects to be removed
        self.to_remove = []

        #: whether or not the next frame will be skipped
        self.skip_frame = False

        # schedule stuff
        self.scheduled = False  # deprecated, soon to be removed
        self.scheduled_calls = []  #: list of scheduled callbacks
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = [
        ]  #: list of scheduled interval callbacks
        self.is_running = False  #: whether of not the object is running

        # matrix stuff
        self.is_transform_dirty = False
        self.transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False
        self.inverse_transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
예제 #2
    def __init__(self):
        # composition stuff

        #: list of (int, child-reference) where int is the z-order, sorted by ascending z (back to front order)
        self.children = []

        #: dictionary that maps children names with children references
        self.children_names = {}

        self._parent = None

        # drawing stuff

        #: x-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_x value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._x = 0

        #: y-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_y value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._y = 0

        #: a float, alters the scale of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the horizontal scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along x axis is _scale_x * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_x = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the vertical scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along y axis is _scale_y * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_y = 1.0

        #: a float, in degrees, alters the rotation of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 0.0
        self._rotation = 0.0

        #: eye, center and up vector for the :class:`.Camera`.
        #: gluLookAt() is used with these values.
        #: Default: FOV 60, center of the screen.
        #: .. NOTE::
        #:      The camera can perform exactly the same
        #:      transformation as ``scale``, ``rotation`` and the
        #:      ``x``, ``y`` attributes (with the exception that the
        #:      camera can modify also the z-coordinate)
        #:      In fact, they all transform the same matrix, so
        #:      use either the camera or the other attributes, but not both
        #:      since the camera will be overridden by the transformations done
        #:      by the other attributes.
        #: You can change the camera manually or by using the 
        #: :class:`.Camera3DAction` action.
        self.camera = Camera()

        #: offset from (x,0) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_x = 0

        #: offset from (0,y) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_y = 0

        #: whether of not the object and his childrens are visible.
        #: Default: True
        self.visible = True

        #: the grid object for the grid actions.
        #: This can be a `Grid3D` or a `TiledGrid3D` object depending
        #: on the action.
        self.grid = None

        # actions stuff
        #: list of `Action` objects that are running
        self.actions = []

        #: list of `Action` objects to be removed
        self.to_remove = []

        #: whether or not the next frame will be skipped
        self.skip_frame = False

        # schedule stuff
        self.scheduled = False          # deprecated, soon to be removed
        self.scheduled_calls = []       #: list of scheduled callbacks
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = []  #: list of scheduled interval callbacks
        self.is_running = False         #: whether of not the object is running

        # matrix stuff
        self.is_transform_dirty = False
        self.transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False
        self.inverse_transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
예제 #3
class CocosNode(object):
    Cocosnode is the main element. Anything that gets drawn or contains things
    that gets drawn is a :class:`CocosNode`.
    The most popular :class:`CocosNode` are :class:`cocos.scene.Scene`, 
    :class:`cocos.layer.base_layers.Layer` and :class:`cocos.sprite.Sprite`.

    The main features of a :class:`CocosNode` are:
        - They can contain other :class:`CocosNode` (:meth:`add`, :meth:`get`, 
          :meth:`remove`, etc)
        - They can schedule periodic callback (:meth:`schedule`, 
          :meth:`schedule_interval`, etc)
        - They can execute actions (:meth:`do`, :meth:`pause`, :meth:`stop`, 

    Some :class:`CocosNode` provide extra functionality for them or their 

    Subclassing a :class:`CocosNode` usually means (one/all) of:
        - overriding ``__init__`` to initialize resources and schedule callbacks
        - create callbacks to handle the advancement of time
        - overriding :meth:`draw` to render the node
    def __init__(self):
        # composition stuff

        #: list of (int, child-reference) where int is the z-order, sorted by ascending z (back to front order)
        self.children = []

        #: dictionary that maps children names with children references
        self.children_names = {}

        self._parent = None

        # drawing stuff

        #: x-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_x value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._x = 0

        #: y-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_y value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._y = 0

        #: a float, alters the scale of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the horizontal scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along x axis is _scale_x * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_x = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the vertical scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along y axis is _scale_y * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_y = 1.0

        #: a float, in degrees, alters the rotation of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 0.0
        self._rotation = 0.0

        #: eye, center and up vector for the :class:`.Camera`.
        #: gluLookAt() is used with these values.
        #: Default: FOV 60, center of the screen.
        #: .. NOTE::
        #:      The camera can perform exactly the same
        #:      transformation as ``scale``, ``rotation`` and the
        #:      ``x``, ``y`` attributes (with the exception that the
        #:      camera can modify also the z-coordinate)
        #:      In fact, they all transform the same matrix, so
        #:      use either the camera or the other attributes, but not both
        #:      since the camera will be overridden by the transformations done
        #:      by the other attributes.
        #: You can change the camera manually or by using the
        #: :class:`.Camera3DAction` action.
        self.camera = Camera()

        #: offset from (x,0) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_x = 0

        #: offset from (0,y) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_y = 0

        #: whether of not the object and his childrens are visible.
        #: Default: True
        self.visible = True

        #: the grid object for the grid actions.
        #: This can be a `Grid3D` or a `TiledGrid3D` object depending
        #: on the action.
        self.grid = None

        # actions stuff
        #: list of `Action` objects that are running
        self.actions = []

        #: list of `Action` objects to be removed
        self.to_remove = []

        #: whether or not the next frame will be skipped
        self.skip_frame = False

        # schedule stuff
        self.scheduled = False  # deprecated, soon to be removed
        self.scheduled_calls = []  #: list of scheduled callbacks
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = [
        ]  #: list of scheduled interval callbacks
        self.is_running = False  #: whether of not the object is running

        # matrix stuff
        self.is_transform_dirty = False
        self.transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False
        self.inverse_transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()

    def make_property(attr):
        types = {'anchor_x': "int", 'anchor_y': "int", "anchor": "(int, int)"}

        def set_attr():
            def inner(self, value):
                setattr(self, "transform_" + attr, value)

            return inner

        def get_attr():
            def inner(self):
                return getattr(self, "transform_" + attr)

            return inner

        return property(get_attr(),
                        doc="""a property to get fast access to transform_%s

            :type: %s""" % (attr, types[attr]))

    #: Anchor point of the object. Alias for :class:`transform_anchor`
    #: Children will be added at this point
    #: and transformations like scaling and rotation will use this point
    #: as the center.
    anchor = make_property("anchor")

    #: Anchor x value for transformations and adding children. Alias for
    #: :class:`transform_anchor_x`
    anchor_x = make_property("anchor_x")

    #: Anchor y value for transformations and adding children. Alias for
    #: :class:`transform_anchor_y`
    anchor_y = make_property("anchor_y")

    def make_property(attr):
        def set_attr():
            def inner(self, value):
                setattr(self, attr + "_x", value[0])
                setattr(self, attr + "_y", value[1])

            return inner

        def get_attr(self):
            return getattr(self, attr + "_x"), getattr(self, attr + "_y")

        return property(get_attr,
                        doc='''a property to get fast access to "+attr+"_[x|y]

            :type: (int, int)

    #: Transformation anchor point. Children will be added at this point and
    #: transformations like scaling and rotation
    #: will use this point as its center.
    transform_anchor = make_property("transform_anchor")
    del make_property

    def schedule_interval(self, callback, interval, *args, **kwargs):
        Schedule a function to be called every ``interval`` seconds.

        Specifying an interval of 0 prevents the function from being
        called again (see :meth:`schedule` to call a function as often as 

        The callback function prototype is the same as for :meth:`schedule`.

        This function is a wrapper to ``pyglet.clock.schedule_interval``.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not have to schedule things using pyglet by yourself.
            callback (a function): 
                The function to call when the timer elapsed.
            interval (float): 
                The number of seconds to wait between each call.
            *args: Variable length argument list passed to the ``callback``.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments  passed to the ``callback``.

        if self.is_running:
            pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(callback, interval, *args, **kwargs)
            (callback, interval, args, kwargs))

    def schedule(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        Schedule a function to be called every frame.

        The function should have a prototype that includes ``dt`` as the
        first argument, which gives the elapsed time, in seconds, since the
        last clock tick.  Any additional arguments given to this function
        are passed on to the callback::

            def callback(dt, *args, **kwargs):

        This function is a wrapper to ``pyglet.clock.schedule``.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not have to schedule things using pyglet by yourself.

            callback (a function):
                The function to call each frame.
            *args: Variable length argument list passed to the ``callback``.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments  passed to the ``callback``.
        if self.is_running:
            pyglet.clock.schedule(callback, *args, **kwargs)
        self.scheduled_calls.append((callback, args, kwargs))

    def unschedule(self, callback):
        Remove a function from the schedule.

        If the function appears in the schedule more than once, all occurances
        are removed. If the function was not scheduled, no error is raised.

        This function is a wrapper to pyglet.clock.unschedule.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not unschedule things using pyglet that where scheduled
        by :meth:`schedule`/:meth:`schedule_interval`.
            callback (a function):
                The function to remove from the schedule.

        self.scheduled_calls = [
            c for c in self.scheduled_calls if c[0] != callback
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = [
            c for c in self.scheduled_interval_calls if c[0] != callback

        if self.is_running:

    def resume_scheduler(self):
        Time will continue/start passing for this node and callbacks
        will be called, worker actions will be called.
        for c, i, a, k in self.scheduled_interval_calls:
            pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(c, i, *a, **k)
        for c, a, k in self.scheduled_calls:
            pyglet.clock.schedule(c, *a, **k)

    def pause_scheduler(self):
        Time will stop for this node: scheduled callbacks will
        not be called, worker actions will not be called.
        for f in set([x[0] for x in self.scheduled_interval_calls] +
                     [x[0] for x in self.scheduled_calls]):
        for arg in self.scheduled_calls:

    def _get_parent(self):
        if self._parent is None:
            return None
            return self._parent()

    def _set_parent(self, parent):
        if parent is None:
            self._parent = None
            self._parent = weakref.ref(parent)

    parent = property(_get_parent,
                      doc='''The parent of this object.

        CocosNode or None

    def get_ancestor(self, klass):
        Walks the nodes tree upwards until it finds a node of the class
        ``klass`` or returns None.

            CocosNode or None
        if isinstance(self, klass):
            return self
        parent = self.parent
        if parent:
            return parent.get_ancestor(klass)

    # Transform properties
    def _get_x(self):
        return self._x

    def _set_x(self, x):
        self._x = x
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    x = property(_get_x,
                 lambda self, x: self._set_x(x),
                 doc="The x coordinate of the CocosNode")

    def _get_y(self):
        return self._y

    def _set_y(self, y):
        self._y = y
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    y = property(_get_y,
                 lambda self, y: self._set_y(y),
                 doc="The y coordinate of the CocosNode")

    def _get_position(self):
        return (self._x, self._y)

    def _set_position(self, pos):
        self._x, self._y = pos
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    position = property(_get_position,
                        lambda self, p: self._set_position(p),
                        doc='''The (x, y) coordinates of the object.

    :type: tuple[int, int]

    def _get_scale(self):
        return self._scale

    def _set_scale(self, s):
        self._scale = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale = property(_get_scale,
                     lambda self, scale: self._set_scale(scale),
                     doc='''The scaling factor of the object.

    :type: float

    def _get_scale_x(self):
        return self._scale_x

    def _set_scale_x(self, s):
        self._scale_x = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale_x = property(_get_scale_x,
                       lambda self, scale: self._set_scale_x(scale),
                       doc='''The scale x of this object.

    :type: float

    def _get_scale_y(self):
        return self._scale_y

    def _set_scale_y(self, s):
        self._scale_y = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale_y = property(_get_scale_y,
                       lambda self, scale: self._set_scale_y(scale),
                       doc='''The scale y of this object.

    :type: float

    def _get_rotation(self):
        return self._rotation

    def _set_rotation(self, a):
        self._rotation = a
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    rotation = property(_get_rotation,
                        lambda self, angle: self._set_rotation(angle),
                        doc='''The rotation of this object in degrees.
    Defaults to 0.0.

    :type: float

    def add(self, child, z=0, name=None):
        """Adds a child and if it becomes part of the active scene, it calls
        its :meth:`on_enter` method.

            child (CocosNode):
                object to be added
            z (Optional[float]):
                the child z index. Defaults to 0.
            name (Optional[str]):
                Name of the child. Defaults to ``None``

            CocosNode: self

        # child must be a subclass of supported_classes
        # if not isinstance( child, self.supported_classes ):
        #    raise TypeError("%s is not instance of: %s" % (type(child), self.supported_classes) )

        if name:
            if name in self.children_names:
                raise Exception("Name already exists: %s" % name)
            self.children_names[name] = child

        child.parent = self

        elem = z, child

        # inlined and customized bisect.insort_right, the stock one fails in py3
        lo = 0
        hi = len(self.children)
        a = self.children
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            if z < a[mid][0]:
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        self.children.insert(lo, elem)

        if self.is_running:
        return self

    def kill(self):
        """Remove this object from its parent, and thus most likely from

    def remove(self, obj):
        """Removes a child given its name or object

        If the node was added with name, it is better to remove by name, else
        the name will be unavailable for further adds (and will raise an 
        Exception if add with this same name is attempted)

        If the node was part of the active scene, its :meth:`on_exit` method 
        will be called.

            obj (str or object):
                Name of the reference to be removed or object to be removed.
        if isinstance(obj, string_types):
            if obj in self.children_names:
                child = self.children_names.pop(obj)
                raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % obj)

    def _remove(self, child):
        l_old = len(self.children)
        self.children = [(z, c) for (z, c) in self.children if c != child]

        if l_old == len(self.children):
            raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % str(child))

        if self.is_running:

    def get_children(self):
        """Return a list with the node's children, order is back to front.

            list[CocosNode]: children of this node, ordered back to front.

        return [c for (z, c) in self.children]

    def __contains__(self, child):
        return child in self.get_children()

    def get(self, name):
        """Gets a child given its name.

            name (str):
                name of the reference to retrieve.

            CocosNode: The child named 'name'. Will raise an ``Exception`` if 
            not present.

            If a node is added with name, then removing it differently
            than by name will prevent the name to be recycled: attempting to add 
            another node with this name will produce an Exception.
        if name in self.children_names:
            return self.children_names[name]
            raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % name)

    def on_enter(self):
        Called every time just before the node enters the stage.

        Scheduled calls and worker actions begin or continue to perform.

        Good point to do ``push_handlers()`` if you have custom ones
            A handler pushed there is near certain to require a 
            ``pop_handlers()`` in the :meth:`on_exit` method (else it will be 
            called even after being removed from the active scene, or if going 
            on stage again it will be called multiple times for each event 
        self.is_running = True

        # start actions
        # resume scheduler

        # propagate
        for c in self.get_children():

    def on_exit(self):
        Called every time just before the node leaves the stage.

        Scheduled calls and worker actions are suspended, that is, they will not
        be called until an :meth:`on_enter` event happens.

        Most of the time you will want to ``pop_handlers()`` for all explicit
        ``push_handlers()`` found in meth:`on_enter`.

        Consider to release here openGL resources created by this node, like
        compiled vertex lists.
        self.is_running = False

        # pause actions
        # pause callbacks

        # propagate
        for c in self.get_children():

    def transform(self):
        Apply ModelView transformations.

        You will most likely want to wrap calls to this function with
        x, y = director.get_window_size()

        if not (self.grid and self.grid.active):
            # only apply the camera if the grid is not active
            # otherwise, the camera will be applied inside the grid

        gl.glTranslatef(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0)
        gl.glTranslatef(self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y, 0)

        if self.rotation != 0.0:
            gl.glRotatef(-self._rotation, 0, 0, 1)

        if self.scale != 1.0 or self.scale_x != 1.0 or self.scale_y != 1.0:
            gl.glScalef(self._scale * self._scale_x,
                        self._scale * self._scale_y, 1)

        if self.transform_anchor != (0, 0):
            gl.glTranslatef(-self.transform_anchor_x, -self.transform_anchor_y,

    def walk(self, callback, collect=None):
        Executes callback on all the subtree starting at self.
        returns a list of all return values that are not ``None``.

            callback (a function):
                Callable that takes a :class:`CocosNode` as an argument.
            collect (list):
                List of non-`None` returned values from visited nodes.

            list: The list of non-`None` return values.

        if collect is None:
            collect = []

        r = callback(self)
        if r is not None:

        for node in self.get_children():
            node.walk(callback, collect)

        return collect

    def visit(self):
        This function *visits* its children in a recursive

        It will first *visit* the children that
        that have a z-order value less than 0.

        Then it will call the :meth:`draw` method to
        draw itself.

        And finally it will *visit* the rest of the
        children (the ones with a z-value bigger
        or equal than 0)

        Before *visiting* any children it will call
        the :meth:`transform` method to apply any possible
        if not self.visible:

        position = 0

        if self.grid and self.grid.active:

        # we visit all nodes that should be drawn before ourselves

        if self.children and self.children[0][0] < 0:
            for z, c in self.children:
                if z >= 0:
                position += 1


        # we draw ourselves

        # we visit all the remaining nodes, that are over ourselves
        if position < len(self.children):
            for z, c in self.children[position:]:

        if self.grid and self.grid.active:

    def draw(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is the function you will have to override if you want your
        subclassed :class:`CocosNode` to draw something on screen.

        You *must* respect the position, scale, rotation and anchor attributes.
        If you want OpenGL to do the scaling for you, you can::

            def draw(self):
                # ... draw ..

    def do(self, action, target=None):
        """Executes an :class:`.Action`.
        When the action is finished, it will be removed from the node's actions
        To remove an action you must use the :meth:`do` return value to
        call :meth:`remove_action`.

            action (Action): 
                Action that will be executed.
            Action: A clone of ``action``

        a = copy.deepcopy(action)

        if target is None:
            a.target = self
            a.target = target


        if not self.scheduled:
            if self.is_running:
                self.scheduled = True
        return a

    def remove_action(self, action):
        """Removes an action from the node actions container, potentially 
        calling ``action.stop()``.

        If action was running, :meth:`.Action.stop` is called.
        Mandatory interface to remove actions in the node actions container.
        When skipping this there is the posibility to double call the 

            action (Action):
                Action to be removed.
                Must be the return value for a :meth:`do` call
        assert action in self.actions
        if not action.scheduled_to_remove:
            action.scheduled_to_remove = True
            action.target = None

    def pause(self):
        Suspends the execution of actions.
        if not self.scheduled:
        self.scheduled = False

    def resume(self):
        Resumes the execution of actions.
        if self.scheduled:
        self.scheduled = True
        self.skip_frame = True

    def stop(self):
        Removes all actions from the running action list.

        For each action running, the stop method will be called,
        and the action will be removed from the actions container.
        for action in self.actions:

    def are_actions_running(self):
        Determine whether any actions are running.
        return bool(set(self.actions) - set(self.to_remove))

    def _step(self, dt):
        """pumps all the actions in the node actions container

            The actions scheduled to be removed are removed.
            Then a :meth:`.Action.step` is called for each action in the
            node actions container, and if the action doesn't need any more step
            calls, it will be scheduled to be removed. When scheduled to be
            removed, the :meth:`.Action.stop` method for the action is called.

            dt (float):
                The time in seconds that elapsed since that last time this 
                function was called.
        for x in self.to_remove:
            if x in self.actions:
        self.to_remove = []

        if self.skip_frame:
            self.skip_frame = False

        if len(self.actions) == 0:
            self.scheduled = False

        for action in self.actions:
            if not action.scheduled_to_remove:
                if action.done():

    # world to local / local to world methods
    def get_local_transform(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the local transformation matrix

        if self.is_transform_dirty:

            matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()

            matrix.translate(self._x, self._y)
            matrix.translate(self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y)
            matrix.scale(self._scale * self._scale_x,
                         self._scale * self._scale_y)

            self.is_transform_dirty = False

            self.transform_matrix = matrix

        return self.transform_matrix

    def get_world_transform(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the world transformation matrix

        matrix = self.get_local_transform()

        p = self.parent
        while p is not None:
            matrix = p.get_local_transform() * matrix
            p = p.parent

        return matrix

    def point_to_world(self, p):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Vector2` converted to world space.

            p (Vector2): Vector to convert

            Vector2: ``p`` vector converted to world coordinates.
        v = euclid.Point2(p[0], p[1])
        matrix = self.get_world_transform()
        return matrix * v

    def get_local_inverse(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the local inverse 
        transformation matrix.

        if self.is_inverse_transform_dirty:

            matrix = self.get_local_transform().inverse()
            self.inverse_transform_matrix = matrix
            self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False

        return self.inverse_transform_matrix

    def get_world_inverse(self):
        """returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the world inverse 
        transformation matrix.

        matrix = self.get_local_inverse()

        p = self.parent
        while p is not None:
            matrix = matrix * p.get_local_inverse()
            p = p.parent

        return matrix

    def point_to_local(self, p):
        """returns an :class:`.euclid.Vector2` converted to local space.

            p (Vector2): Vector to convert.

            Vector2: ``p`` vector converted to local coordinates.
        v = euclid.Point2(p[0], p[1])
        matrix = self.get_world_inverse()
        return matrix * v
예제 #4
class CocosNode(object):
    Cocosnode is the main element. Anything that gets drawn or contains things
    that gets drawn is a :class:`CocosNode`.
    The most popular :class:`CocosNode` are :class:`cocos.scene.Scene`, 
    :class:`cocos.layer.base_layers.Layer` and :class:`cocos.sprite.Sprite`.

    The main features of a :class:`CocosNode` are:
        - They can contain other :class:`CocosNode` (:meth:`add`, :meth:`get`, 
          :meth:`remove`, etc)
        - They can schedule periodic callback (:meth:`schedule`, 
          :meth:`schedule_interval`, etc)
        - They can execute actions (:meth:`do`, :meth:`pause`, :meth:`stop`, 

    Some :class:`CocosNode` provide extra functionality for them or their 

    Subclassing a :class:`CocosNode` usually means (one/all) of:
        - overriding ``__init__`` to initialize resources and schedule callbacks
        - create callbacks to handle the advancement of time
        - overriding :meth:`draw` to render the node
    def __init__(self):
        # composition stuff

        #: list of (int, child-reference) where int is the z-order, sorted by ascending z (back to front order)
        self.children = []

        #: dictionary that maps children names with children references
        self.children_names = {}

        self._parent = None

        # drawing stuff

        #: x-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_x value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._x = 0

        #: y-position of the object relative to its parent's children_anchor_y value.
        #: Default: 0
        self._y = 0

        #: a float, alters the scale of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the horizontal scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along x axis is _scale_x * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_x = 1.0

        #: a float, alters the vertical scale of this node and its children.
        #: total scale along y axis is _scale_y * _scale
        #: Default: 1.0
        self._scale_y = 1.0

        #: a float, in degrees, alters the rotation of this node and its children.
        #: Default: 0.0
        self._rotation = 0.0

        #: eye, center and up vector for the :class:`.Camera`.
        #: gluLookAt() is used with these values.
        #: Default: FOV 60, center of the screen.
        #: .. NOTE::
        #:      The camera can perform exactly the same
        #:      transformation as ``scale``, ``rotation`` and the
        #:      ``x``, ``y`` attributes (with the exception that the
        #:      camera can modify also the z-coordinate)
        #:      In fact, they all transform the same matrix, so
        #:      use either the camera or the other attributes, but not both
        #:      since the camera will be overridden by the transformations done
        #:      by the other attributes.
        #: You can change the camera manually or by using the 
        #: :class:`.Camera3DAction` action.
        self.camera = Camera()

        #: offset from (x,0) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_x = 0

        #: offset from (0,y) from where rotation and scale will be applied.
        #: Default: 0
        self.transform_anchor_y = 0

        #: whether of not the object and his childrens are visible.
        #: Default: True
        self.visible = True

        #: the grid object for the grid actions.
        #: This can be a `Grid3D` or a `TiledGrid3D` object depending
        #: on the action.
        self.grid = None

        # actions stuff
        #: list of `Action` objects that are running
        self.actions = []

        #: list of `Action` objects to be removed
        self.to_remove = []

        #: whether or not the next frame will be skipped
        self.skip_frame = False

        # schedule stuff
        self.scheduled = False          # deprecated, soon to be removed
        self.scheduled_calls = []       #: list of scheduled callbacks
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = []  #: list of scheduled interval callbacks
        self.is_running = False         #: whether of not the object is running

        # matrix stuff
        self.is_transform_dirty = False
        self.transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False
        self.inverse_transform_matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()

    def make_property(attr):
        types = {'anchor_x': "int", 'anchor_y': "int", "anchor": "(int, int)"}

        def set_attr():
            def inner(self, value):
                setattr(self, "transform_" + attr, value)
            return inner

        def get_attr():
            def inner(self):
                return getattr(self, "transform_" + attr)
            return inner
        return property(
            doc="""a property to get fast access to transform_%s

            :type: %s""" % (attr, types[attr]))

    #: Anchor point of the object. Alias for :class:`transform_anchor`
    #: Children will be added at this point
    #: and transformations like scaling and rotation will use this point
    #: as the center.
    anchor = make_property("anchor")

    #: Anchor x value for transformations and adding children. Alias for
    #: :class:`transform_anchor_x`
    anchor_x = make_property("anchor_x")

    #: Anchor y value for transformations and adding children. Alias for
    #: :class:`transform_anchor_y`
    anchor_y = make_property("anchor_y")

    def make_property(attr):
        def set_attr():
            def inner(self, value):
                setattr(self, attr + "_x", value[0])
                setattr(self, attr + "_y", value[1])
            return inner

        def get_attr(self):
            return getattr(self, attr + "_x"),  getattr(self, attr + "_y")
        return property(
            doc='''a property to get fast access to "+attr+"_[x|y]

            :type: (int, int)

    #: Transformation anchor point. Children will be added at this point and
    #: transformations like scaling and rotation
    #: will use this point as its center.
    transform_anchor = make_property("transform_anchor")
    del make_property

    def schedule_interval(self, callback, interval, *args, **kwargs):
        Schedule a function to be called every ``interval`` seconds.

        Specifying an interval of 0 prevents the function from being
        called again (see :meth:`schedule` to call a function as often as 

        The callback function prototype is the same as for :meth:`schedule`.

        This function is a wrapper to ``pyglet.clock.schedule_interval``.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not have to schedule things using pyglet by yourself.
            callback (a function): 
                The function to call when the timer elapsed.
            interval (float): 
                The number of seconds to wait between each call.
            *args: Variable length argument list passed to the ``callback``.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments  passed to the ``callback``.

        if self.is_running:
            pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(callback, interval, *args, **kwargs)
            (callback, interval, args, kwargs)

    def schedule(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        Schedule a function to be called every frame.

        The function should have a prototype that includes ``dt`` as the
        first argument, which gives the elapsed time, in seconds, since the
        last clock tick.  Any additional arguments given to this function
        are passed on to the callback::

            def callback(dt, *args, **kwargs):

        This function is a wrapper to ``pyglet.clock.schedule``.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not have to schedule things using pyglet by yourself.

            callback (a function):
                The function to call each frame.
            *args: Variable length argument list passed to the ``callback``.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments  passed to the ``callback``.
        if self.is_running:
            pyglet.clock.schedule(callback, *args, **kwargs)
            (callback, args, kwargs)

    def unschedule(self, callback):
        Remove a function from the schedule.

        If the function appears in the schedule more than once, all occurances
        are removed. If the function was not scheduled, no error is raised.

        This function is a wrapper to pyglet.clock.unschedule.
        It has the additional benefit that all calllbacks are paused and
        resumed when the node leaves or enters a scene.

        You should not unschedule things using pyglet that where scheduled
        by :meth:`schedule`/:meth:`schedule_interval`.
            callback (a function):
                The function to remove from the schedule.

        self.scheduled_calls = [
            c for c in self.scheduled_calls if c[0] != callback
        self.scheduled_interval_calls = [
            c for c in self.scheduled_interval_calls if c[0] != callback

        if self.is_running:

    def resume_scheduler(self):
        Time will continue/start passing for this node and callbacks
        will be called, worker actions will be called.
        for c, i, a, k in self.scheduled_interval_calls:
            pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(c, i, *a, **k)
        for c, a, k in self.scheduled_calls:
            pyglet.clock.schedule(c, *a, **k)

    def pause_scheduler(self):
        Time will stop for this node: scheduled callbacks will
        not be called, worker actions will not be called.
        for f in set(
                [x[0] for x in self.scheduled_interval_calls] +
                [x[0] for x in self.scheduled_calls]
        for arg in self.scheduled_calls:

    def _get_parent(self):
        if self._parent is None:
            return None
            return self._parent()

    def _set_parent(self, parent):
        if parent is None:
            self._parent = None
            self._parent = weakref.ref(parent)

    parent = property(_get_parent, _set_parent, doc='''The parent of this object.

        CocosNode or None

    def get_ancestor(self, klass):
        Walks the nodes tree upwards until it finds a node of the class
        ``klass`` or returns None.

            CocosNode or None
        if isinstance(self, klass):
            return self
        parent = self.parent
        if parent:
            return parent.get_ancestor(klass)

    # Transform properties
    def _get_x(self):
        return self._x

    def _set_x(self, x):
        self._x = x
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True
    x = property(_get_x, lambda self, x: self._set_x(x), doc="The x coordinate of the CocosNode")

    def _get_y(self):
        return self._y

    def _set_y(self, y):
        self._y = y
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True
    y = property(_get_y, lambda self, y: self._set_y(y), doc="The y coordinate of the CocosNode")

    def _get_position(self):
        return (self._x, self._y)

    def _set_position(self, pos):
        self._x, self._y = pos
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    position = property(_get_position, lambda self, p: self._set_position(p),
                        doc='''The (x, y) coordinates of the object.

    :type: tuple[int, int]

    def _get_scale(self):
        return self._scale

    def _set_scale(self, s):
        self._scale = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale = property(_get_scale, lambda self, scale: self._set_scale(scale),
                     doc='''The scaling factor of the object.

    :type: float

    def _get_scale_x(self):
        return self._scale_x

    def _set_scale_x(self, s):
        self._scale_x = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale_x = property(_get_scale_x, lambda self, scale: self._set_scale_x(scale),
                       doc='''The scale x of this object.

    :type: float

    def _get_scale_y(self):
        return self._scale_y

    def _set_scale_y(self, s):
        self._scale_y = s
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    scale_y = property(_get_scale_y, lambda self, scale: self._set_scale_y(scale),
                       doc='''The scale y of this object.

    :type: float

    def _get_rotation(self):
        return self._rotation

    def _set_rotation(self, a):
        self._rotation = a
        self.is_transform_dirty = True
        self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = True

    rotation = property(_get_rotation, lambda self, angle: self._set_rotation(angle),
                        doc='''The rotation of this object in degrees.
    Defaults to 0.0.

    :type: float

    def add(self, child, z=0, name=None):
        """Adds a child and if it becomes part of the active scene, it calls
        its :meth:`on_enter` method.

            child (CocosNode):
                object to be added
            z (Optional[float]):
                the child z index. Defaults to 0.
            name (Optional[str]):
                Name of the child. Defaults to ``None``

            CocosNode: self

        # child must be a subclass of supported_classes
        # if not isinstance( child, self.supported_classes ):
        #    raise TypeError("%s is not instance of: %s" % (type(child), self.supported_classes) )

        if name:
            if name in self.children_names:
                raise Exception("Name already exists: %s" % name)
            self.children_names[name] = child

        child.parent = self

        elem = z, child

        # inlined and customized bisect.insort_right, the stock one fails in py3
        lo = 0
        hi = len(self.children)
        a = self.children
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo+hi) // 2
            if z < a[mid][0]:
                hi = mid
                lo = mid + 1
        self.children.insert(lo, elem)

        if self.is_running:
        return self

    def kill(self):
        """Remove this object from its parent, and thus most likely from

    def remove(self, obj):
        """Removes a child given its name or object

        If the node was added with name, it is better to remove by name, else
        the name will be unavailable for further adds (and will raise an 
        Exception if add with this same name is attempted)

        If the node was part of the active scene, its :meth:`on_exit` method 
        will be called.

            obj (str or object):
                Name of the reference to be removed or object to be removed.
        if isinstance(obj, string_types):
            if obj in self.children_names:
                child = self.children_names.pop(obj)
                raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % obj)

    def _remove(self, child):
        l_old = len(self.children)
        self.children = [(z, c) for (z, c) in self.children if c != child]

        if l_old == len(self.children):
            raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % str(child))

        if self.is_running:

    def get_children(self):
        """Return a list with the node's children, order is back to front.

            list[CocosNode]: children of this node, ordered back to front.

        return [c for (z, c) in self.children]

    def __contains__(self, child):
        return child in self.get_children()

    def get(self, name):
        """Gets a child given its name.

            name (str):
                name of the reference to retrieve.

            CocosNode: The child named 'name'. Will raise an ``Exception`` if 
            not present.

            If a node is added with name, then removing it differently
            than by name will prevent the name to be recycled: attempting to add 
            another node with this name will produce an Exception.
        if name in self.children_names:
            return self.children_names[name]
            raise Exception("Child not found: %s" % name)

    def on_enter(self):
        Called every time just before the node enters the stage.

        Scheduled calls and worker actions begin or continue to perform.

        Good point to do ``push_handlers()`` if you have custom ones
            A handler pushed there is near certain to require a 
            ``pop_handlers()`` in the :meth:`on_exit` method (else it will be 
            called even after being removed from the active scene, or if going 
            on stage again it will be called multiple times for each event 
        self.is_running = True

        # start actions
        # resume scheduler

        # propagate
        for c in self.get_children():

    def on_exit(self):
        Called every time just before the node leaves the stage.

        Scheduled calls and worker actions are suspended, that is, they will not
        be called until an :meth:`on_enter` event happens.

        Most of the time you will want to ``pop_handlers()`` for all explicit
        ``push_handlers()`` found in meth:`on_enter`.

        Consider to release here openGL resources created by this node, like
        compiled vertex lists.
        self.is_running = False

        # pause actions
        # pause callbacks

        # propagate
        for c in self.get_children():

    def transform(self):
        Apply ModelView transformations.

        You will most likely want to wrap calls to this function with
        x, y = director.get_window_size()

        if not(self.grid and self.grid.active):
            # only apply the camera if the grid is not active
            # otherwise, the camera will be applied inside the grid

        gl.glTranslatef(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0)
        gl.glTranslatef(self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y, 0)

        if self.rotation != 0.0:
            gl.glRotatef(-self._rotation, 0, 0, 1)

        if self.scale != 1.0 or self.scale_x != 1.0 or self.scale_y != 1.0:
            gl.glScalef(self._scale * self._scale_x, self._scale * self._scale_y, 1)

        if self.transform_anchor != (0, 0):

    def walk(self, callback, collect=None):
        Executes callback on all the subtree starting at self.
        returns a list of all return values that are not ``None``.

            callback (a function):
                Callable that takes a :class:`CocosNode` as an argument.
            collect (list):
                List of non-`None` returned values from visited nodes.

            list: The list of non-`None` return values.

        if collect is None:
            collect = []

        r = callback(self)
        if r is not None:

        for node in self.get_children():
            node.walk(callback, collect)

        return collect

    def visit(self):
        This function *visits* its children in a recursive

        It will first *visit* the children that
        that have a z-order value less than 0.

        Then it will call the :meth:`draw` method to
        draw itself.

        And finally it will *visit* the rest of the
        children (the ones with a z-value bigger
        or equal than 0)

        Before *visiting* any children it will call
        the :meth:`transform` method to apply any possible
        if not self.visible:

        position = 0

        if self.grid and self.grid.active:

        # we visit all nodes that should be drawn before ourselves

        if self.children and self.children[0][0] < 0:
            for z, c in self.children:
                if z >= 0:
                position += 1


        # we draw ourselves

        # we visit all the remaining nodes, that are over ourselves
        if position < len(self.children):
            for z, c in self.children[position:]:

        if self.grid and self.grid.active:

    def draw(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is the function you will have to override if you want your
        subclassed :class:`CocosNode` to draw something on screen.

        You *must* respect the position, scale, rotation and anchor attributes.
        If you want OpenGL to do the scaling for you, you can::

            def draw(self):
                # ... draw ..

    def do(self, action, target=None):
        """Executes an :class:`.Action`.
        When the action is finished, it will be removed from the node's actions
        To remove an action you must use the :meth:`do` return value to
        call :meth:`remove_action`.

            action (Action): 
                Action that will be executed.
            Action: A clone of ``action``

        a = copy.deepcopy(action)

        if target is None:
            a.target = self
            a.target = target


        if not self.scheduled:
            if self.is_running:
                self.scheduled = True
        return a

    def remove_action(self, action):
        """Removes an action from the node actions container, potentially 
        calling ``action.stop()``.

        If action was running, :meth:`.Action.stop` is called.
        Mandatory interface to remove actions in the node actions container.
        When skipping this there is the posibility to double call the 

            action (Action):
                Action to be removed.
                Must be the return value for a :meth:`do` call
        assert action in self.actions
        if not action.scheduled_to_remove:
            action.scheduled_to_remove = True
            action.target = None

    def pause(self):
        Suspends the execution of actions.
        if not self.scheduled:
        self.scheduled = False

    def resume(self):
        Resumes the execution of actions.
        if self.scheduled:
        self.scheduled = True
        self.skip_frame = True

    def stop(self):
        Removes all actions from the running action list.

        For each action running, the stop method will be called,
        and the action will be removed from the actions container.
        for action in self.actions:

    def are_actions_running(self):
        Determine whether any actions are running.
        return bool(set(self.actions) - set(self.to_remove))

    def _step(self, dt):
        """pumps all the actions in the node actions container

            The actions scheduled to be removed are removed.
            Then a :meth:`.Action.step` is called for each action in the
            node actions container, and if the action doesn't need any more step
            calls, it will be scheduled to be removed. When scheduled to be
            removed, the :meth:`.Action.stop` method for the action is called.

            dt (float):
                The time in seconds that elapsed since that last time this 
                function was called.
        for x in self.to_remove:
            if x in self.actions:
        self.to_remove = []

        if self.skip_frame:
            self.skip_frame = False

        if len(self.actions) == 0:
            self.scheduled = False

        for action in self.actions:
            if not action.scheduled_to_remove:
                if action.done():

    # world to local / local to world methods
    def get_local_transform(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the local transformation matrix

        if self.is_transform_dirty:

            matrix = euclid.Matrix3().identity()

            matrix.translate(self._x, self._y)
            matrix.translate(self.transform_anchor_x, self.transform_anchor_y)
            matrix.scale(self._scale * self._scale_x, self._scale * self._scale_y)
            matrix.translate(-self.transform_anchor_x, -self.transform_anchor_y)

            self.is_transform_dirty = False

            self.transform_matrix = matrix

        return self.transform_matrix

    def get_world_transform(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the world transformation matrix

        matrix = self.get_local_transform()

        p = self.parent
        while p is not None:
            matrix = p.get_local_transform() * matrix
            p = p.parent

        return matrix

    def point_to_world(self, p):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Vector2` converted to world space.

            p (Vector2): Vector to convert

            Vector2: ``p`` vector converted to world coordinates.
        v = euclid.Point2(p[0], p[1])
        matrix = self.get_world_transform()
        return matrix * v

    def get_local_inverse(self):
        """Returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the local inverse 
        transformation matrix.

        if self.is_inverse_transform_dirty:

            matrix = self.get_local_transform().inverse()
            self.inverse_transform_matrix = matrix
            self.is_inverse_transform_dirty = False

        return self.inverse_transform_matrix

    def get_world_inverse(self):
        """returns an :class:`.euclid.Matrix3` with the world inverse 
        transformation matrix.

        matrix = self.get_local_inverse()

        p = self.parent
        while p is not None:
            matrix = matrix * p.get_local_inverse()
            p = p.parent

        return matrix

    def point_to_local(self, p):
        """returns an :class:`.euclid.Vector2` converted to local space.

            p (Vector2): Vector to convert.

            Vector2: ``p`` vector converted to local coordinates.
        v = euclid.Point2(p[0], p[1])
        matrix = self.get_world_inverse()
        return matrix * v