class AFIFODriver(): def __init__(self, signals, debug=False, slots=0, width=0): level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING self.log = SimLog("afifo.log") file_handler = RotatingFileHandler("sim.log", maxBytes=(5 * 1024 * 1024), backupCount=2, mode='w') file_handler.setFormatter(SimColourLogFormatter()) self.log.addHandler(file_handler) self.log.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter()) self.log.setLevel(level)"SEED ======> %s", str(cocotb.RANDOM_SEED)) self.clk_wr = signals.clk_wr self.valid_wr = signals.wr_en_i self.data_wr = signals.wr_data_i self.ready_wr = signals.wr_full_o self.clk_rd = signals.clk_rd self.valid_rd = signals.rd_empty_o self.data_rd = signals.rd_data_o self.ready_rd = signals.rd_en_i self.valid_wr <= 0 self.ready_rd <= 0 self.log.setLevel(level) async def write(self, data, sync=True, **kwargs):"[AFIFO driver] write => %x" % data) while True: await FallingEdge(self.clk_wr) self.valid_wr <= 1 self.data_wr <= data await RisingEdge(self.clk_wr) if self.ready_wr == 0: break elif kwargs["exit_full"] == True: return "FULL" self.valid_wr <= 0 return 0 async def read(self, sync=True, **kwargs): while True: await FallingEdge(self.clk_rd) if self.valid_rd == 0: data = self.data_rd.value # We capture before we incr. rd ptr self.ready_rd <= 1 await RisingEdge(self.clk_rd) break elif kwargs["exit_empty"] == True: return "EMPTY""[AFIFO-driver] read => %x" % data) self.ready_rd <= 0 return data
class Tb: """ Base class for RaveNoC testbench Args: dut: The Dut object coming from cocotb log_name: Name of the log file inside the run folder, it's append the timestamp only cfg: NoC cfg dict """ def __init__(self, dut, log_name, cfg): self.dut = dut self.cfg = cfg timenow_wstamp = self._gen_log(log_name)"------------[LOG - %s]------------",timenow_wstamp)"SEED: %s",str(cocotb.RANDOM_SEED))"Log file: %s",log_name) self._print_noc_cfg() # Create the AXI Master I/Fs and connect it to the two main AXI Slave I/Fs in the top wrappers self.noc_axi_in = AxiMaster(AxiBus.from_prefix(self.dut, "noc_in"), self.dut.clk_axi, self.dut.arst_axi) self.noc_axi_out = AxiMaster(AxiBus.from_prefix(self.dut, "noc_out"), self.dut.clk_axi, self.dut.arst_axi) # Tied to zero the inputs self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(0) def __del__(self): # Need to write the last strings in the buffer in the file"Closing log file.") self.log.removeHandler(self.file_handler) def set_idle_generator(self, generator=None): if generator: self.noc_axi_in.write_if.aw_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_in.write_if.w_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_in.read_if.ar_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_out.write_if.aw_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_out.write_if.w_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_out.read_if.ar_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) def set_backpressure_generator(self, generator=None): if generator: self.noc_axi_in.write_if.b_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_in.read_if.r_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_out.write_if.b_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) self.noc_axi_out.read_if.r_channel.set_pause_generator(generator()) """ Write method to transfer pkts over the NoC Args: pkt: Input pkt to be transfered to the NoC kwargs: All aditional args that can be passed to the amba AXI driver """ async def write_pkt(self, pkt=RaveNoC_pkt, timeout=noc_const.TIMEOUT_AXI, use_side_if=0, **kwargs): if use_side_if == 0: self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(pkt.src[0]) self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(1) else: self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(pkt.src[0]) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(1) self._print_pkt_header("write",pkt)"[AXI Master - Write NoC Packet] Data:") #self._print_pkt(pkt.message, pkt.num_bytes_per_beat) if use_side_if == 0: write = self.noc_axi_in.init_write(address=pkt.axi_address_w, awid=0x0, data=pkt.msg, **kwargs) else: write = self.noc_axi_out.init_write(address=pkt.axi_address_w, awid=0x0, data=pkt.msg, **kwargs) await with_timeout(write.wait(), *timeout) ret = if use_side_if == 0: self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(0) else: self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(0) return ret """ Read method to fetch pkts from the NoC Args: pkt: Valid pkt to be used as inputs args (vc_channel, node on the axi_mux input,..) to the read op from the NoC kwargs: All aditional args that can be passed to the amba AXI driver Returns: Return the packet message with the head flit """ async def read_pkt(self, pkt=RaveNoC_pkt, timeout=noc_const.TIMEOUT_AXI, **kwargs): self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(pkt.dest[0]) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(1) self._print_pkt_header("read",pkt) read = self.noc_axi_out.init_read(address=pkt.axi_address_r, arid=0x0, length=pkt.length, **kwargs) await with_timeout(read.wait(), *timeout) ret = # => AxiReadResp #"[AXI Master - Read NoC Packet] Data:") #self._print_pkt(, pkt.num_bytes_per_beat) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(0) return ret """ Write AXI method Args: sel: axi_mux switch to select the correct node to write through kwargs: All aditional args that can be passed to the amba AXI driver """ async def write(self, sel=0, address=0x0, data=0x0, **kwargs): self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(1) self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(sel)"[AXI Master - Write] Slave = ["+str(sel)+"] / " "Address = ["+str(hex(address))+"] ") #"Data = ["+data+"]") write = self.noc_axi_in.init_write(address=address, awid=0x0, data=data, **kwargs) await with_timeout(write.wait(), *noc_const.TIMEOUT_AXI) ret = self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(0) return ret """ Read AXI method Args: sel: axi_mux switch to select the correct node to read from kwargs: All aditional args that can be passed to the amba AXI driver Returns: Return the data read from the specified node """ async def read(self, sel=0, address=0x0, length=4, **kwargs): self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(1) self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(sel)"[AXI Master - Read] Slave = ["+str(sel)+"] / Address = ["+str(hex(address))+"] / Length = ["+str(length)+" bytes]") read = self.noc_axi_out.init_read(address=address, arid=0x0, length=length, **kwargs) await with_timeout(read.wait(), *noc_const.TIMEOUT_AXI) resp = # => AxiReadResp self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(0) return resp """ Auxiliary method to check received data """ def check_pkt(self, data, received): assert len(data) == len(received), "Lengths are different from received to sent pkt" for i in range(len(data)): assert data[i] == received[i], "Mismatch on received vs sent NoC packet!" """ Auxiliary method to log flit header """ def _print_pkt_header(self, op, pkt): axi_addr = str(hex(pkt.axi_address_r)) if op=="read" else str(hex(pkt.axi_address_w)) mux = str(pkt.dest[0]) if op=="read" else str(pkt.src[0])"[AXI Master - "+str(op)+" NoC Packet] Router=["+mux+"] " "Address=[AXI_Addr="+axi_addr+"] Mux_"+op+"=["+mux+"] " "SRC(x,y)=["+str(pkt.src[1])+","+str(pkt.src[2])+"] " "DEST(x,y)=["+str(pkt.dest[1])+","+str(pkt.dest[2])+"] " "Length=["+str(pkt.length)+" bytes / "+str(pkt.length_beats)+" beats]") """ Auxiliary method to print/log AXI payload """ def _print_pkt(self, data, bytes_per_beat): print("LEN="+str(len(data))+" BYTES PER BEAT="+str(bytes_per_beat)) if len(data) == bytes_per_beat: beat_burst_hex = [data[x] for x in range(0,bytes_per_beat)][::-1] beat_burst_hs = "" for j in beat_burst_hex: beat_burst_hs += hex(j) beat_burst_hs += "\t("+chr(j)+")" beat_burst_hs += "\t" tmp = "Beat[0]---> "+beat_burst_hs else: for i in range(0,len(data),bytes_per_beat): beat_burst_hex = [data[x] for x in range(i,i+bytes_per_beat)][::-1] # beat_burst_s = [chr(data[x]) for x in range(i,i+bytes_per_beat)][::-1] beat_burst_hs = "" for j in beat_burst_hex: beat_burst_hs += hex(j) beat_burst_hs += "\t("+chr(j)+")" beat_burst_hs += "\t" tmp = "Beat["+str(int(i/bytes_per_beat))+"]---> "+beat_burst_hs #print("--) """ Setup and launch the clocks on the simulation Args: clk_mode: Selects between AXI clk higher than NoC clk and vice-versa """ async def setup_clks(self, clk_mode="NoC_slwT_AXI"):"[Setup] Configuring the clocks: {clk_mode}") if clk_mode == "NoC_slwT_AXI": cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_noc, *noc_const.CLK_100MHz).start()) cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_axi, *noc_const.CLK_200MHz).start()) elif clk_mode == "AXI_slwT_NoC": cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_axi, *noc_const.CLK_100MHz).start()) cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_noc, *noc_const.CLK_200MHz).start()) else: cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_axi, *noc_const.CLK_200MHz).start()) cocotb.fork(Clock(self.dut.clk_noc, *noc_const.CLK_200MHz).start()) """ Setup and apply the reset on the NoC Args: clk_mode: Depending on the input clock mode, we need to wait different clk cycles for the reset, we always hold as long as the slowest clock """ async def arst(self, clk_mode="NoC_slwT_AXI"):"[Setup] Reset DUT") self.dut.arst_axi.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.arst_noc.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.axi_sel_out.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.act_in.setimmediatevalue(0) self.dut.act_out.setimmediatevalue(0) bypass_cdc = 1 if clk_mode == "NoC_equal_AXI" else 0 self.dut.bypass_cdc.setimmediatevalue(bypass_cdc) self.dut.arst_axi <= 1 self.dut.arst_noc <= 1 # await NextTimeStep() #await ReadOnly() # if clk_mode == "NoC_slwT_AXI": await ClockCycles(self.dut.clk_noc, noc_const.RST_CYCLES) else: await ClockCycles(self.dut.clk_axi, noc_const.RST_CYCLES) self.dut.arst_axi <= 0 self.dut.arst_noc <= 0 # #await ClockCycles(self.dut.clk_axi, 1) #await ClockCycles(self.dut.clk_noc, 1) """ Method to wait for IRQs from the NoC """ async def wait_irq(self): # We need to wait some clock cyles because the in/out axi I/F is muxed # once verilator 4.106 doesn't support array of structs in the top. # This trigger is required because we read much faster than we write # and if we don't wait for the flit to arrive, it'll throw an error of # empty rd buffer # if tb.dut.irqs_out.value.integer == 0: #await with_timeout(First(*(Edge(bit) for bit in tb.dut.irqs_out)), *noc_const.TIMEOUT_IRQ) # This only exists bc of this: # timeout_cnt = 0 while int(self.dut.irqs_out) == 0: await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_noc) if timeout_cnt == noc_const.TIMEOUT_IRQ_V: self.log.error("Timeout on waiting for an IRQ") raise TestFailure("Timeout on waiting for an IRQ") else: timeout_cnt += 1 """ Method to wait for IRQs from the NoC with a specific value """ async def wait_irq_x(self, val): # We need to wait some clock cyles because the in/out axi I/F is muxed # once verilator 4.106 doesn't support array of structs in the top. # This trigger is required because we read much faster than we write # and if we don't wait for the flit to arrive, it'll throw an error of # empty rd buffer # if tb.dut.irqs_out.value.integer == 0: #await with_timeout(First(*(Edge(bit) for bit in tb.dut.irqs_out)), *noc_const.TIMEOUT_IRQ) # This only exists bc of this: # timeout_cnt = 0 while int(self.dut.irqs_out) != val: await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_noc) if timeout_cnt == noc_const.TIMEOUT_IRQ_V: self.log.error("Timeout on waiting for an IRQ") raise TestFailure("Timeout on waiting for an IRQ") else: timeout_cnt += 1 """ Creates the tb log obj and start filling with headers """ def _gen_log(self, log_name): timenow ="%d_%b_%Y_%Hh_%Mm_%Ss") timenow_wstamp = timenow + str("_") + str(datetime.timestamp( self.log = SimLog(log_name) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(f"{log_name}_{timenow}.log", maxBytes=(5 * 1024 * 1024), backupCount=2, mode='w') self._symlink_force(f"{log_name}_{timenow}.log",f"latest_{log_name}.log") self.file_handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter()) self.log.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.log.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter()) return timenow_wstamp """ Used to create the symlink with the latest log in the run dir folder """ def _symlink_force(self, target, link_name): try: os.symlink(target, link_name) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: os.remove(link_name) os.symlink(target, link_name) else: raise e """ Returns a random string with the length equal to input argument """ def _get_random_string(self, length=1): # choose from all lowercase letter letters = string.ascii_lowercase result_str = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length)) return result_str def _print_noc_cfg(self): cfg = self.cfg"------------------------------")"RaveNoC configuration:")"--> Flit data width: "+str(cfg['flit_data_width']))"--> AXI data width: "+str(cfg['flit_data_width']))"--> Routing algorithm: "+cfg['routing_alg'])"--> NoC Size: "+str(cfg['noc_cfg_sz_rows'])+"x"+str(cfg['noc_cfg_sz_cols']))"--> Number of flit buffers per input module: "+str(cfg['flit_buff']))"--> Max size per pkt (beats): "+str(cfg['max_sz_pkt']))"--> Number of virtual channels: "+str(cfg['n_virt_chn']))"--> VC ID priority: "+("VC[0] has highest priority" if cfg['h_priority'] == 1 else "VC[0] has lowest priority"))"------------------------------")