Interface to perform predicting of TIMEX, EVENT and TLINK annotations,
using a neural network model for TLINK annotations.

import sys
from code.config import env_paths

# this needs to be set. exit now so user doesn't wait to know.
if env_paths()["PY4J_DIR_PATH"] is None:
    sys.exit("PY4J_DIR_PATH environment variable not specified")

import argparse
import cPickle
import glob
import os

from keras.models import model_from_json

from code.learning import network

timenote_imported = False

def main():

    global timenote_imported

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

import subprocess
import os
import glob
import sys

from code.config import env_paths

_ENV_PATHS = env_paths()

    sys.exit("ERROR: path for morphopro not set")

_TEA_HOME = os.path.join(*([os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]+[".."]*4))

_dict_entry = lambda morpho_line, sentence_num, sentence_index: {"token_morpho": morpho_line[0],
                                                                 "pos_morpho": morpho_line[1],
                                                                 "morphology_morpho": morpho_line[2],
                                                                 "chunk_morpho": morpho_line[3],

_new_sentence = lambda l: l[0:1] == ''
_comment      = lambda l: l[0:1] == '#'

def process(text, base_filename=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
    """Perform morphological analysis on a text doc.

       text: body of text document
       base_filename: base name of time ml docuemnt, ex: APW19980219.0476 from APW19980219.0476.tml.TE3input
       overwrite: overwrite existing base_filename. Set to false to load existing annotation, since morphopro takes a long time to load.
예제 #3

import argparse
import cPickle
import glob
import os

from keras.models import model_from_json

from code.learning.network import Network
from code.notes.TimeNote import TimeNote
from code.learning.time_ref import predict_timex_rel
from code.learning.break_cycle import modify_tlinks

timenote_imported = False
if env_paths()["PY4J_DIR_PATH"] is None:
    sys.exit("PY4J_DIR_PATH environment variable not specified")

def basename(s):
    if '.tml' in s:
        s = os.path.basename(s[0:s.index(".tml")])
    if 'TE3input' in s:
        s = os.path.basename(s[0:s.index(".TE3input")])
    return s

def main():

    global timenote_imported
예제 #4
import subprocess
import os
import glob
import sys

from code.config import env_paths

_ENV_PATHS = env_paths()

    sys.exit("ERROR: path for morphopro not set")

_TEA_HOME = os.path.join(*([os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))] +
                           [".."] * 4))

_dict_entry = lambda morpho_line, sentence_num, sentence_index: {
    "token_morpho": morpho_line[0],
    "pos_morpho": morpho_line[1],
    "morphology_morpho": morpho_line[2],
    "chunk_morpho": morpho_line[3],
    "sentence_num_morpho": sentence_num,
    "sentence_index_morpho": sentence_index

_new_sentence = lambda l: l[0:1] == ''
_comment = lambda l: l[0:1] == '#'

def process(text, base_filename=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False):
    """Perform morphological analysis on a text doc.
예제 #5
"""Used for interacting with newsreader components.

import os
import subprocess
import time
import signal
import atexit

TEA_HOME_DIR = os.path.join(*([os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))] +
                              [".."] * 5))
from code.config import env_paths

if env_paths()["PY4J_DIR_PATH"] is None:
    sys.exit("PY4J_DIR_PATH environment variable not specified")

from py4j.java_gateway import GatewayClient

PY4J_DEPENDENCIES = "{}/*".format(env_paths()["PY4J_DIR_PATH"])
TOK_JAR_PATH = TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-tok-1.8.2.jar"
POS_JAR_PATH = TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-pos-1.4.1.jar"
NER_JAR_PATH = TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-nerc-1.5.2.jar"
PARSE_JAR_PATH = TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-parse-1.1.0.jar"
SRC_DR = TEA_HOME_DIR + "/code/notes/utilities/pre_processing/py4j_newsreader"
DEPENDENCIES = ":{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}/*".format(PY4J_DEPENDENCIES,
                                                TOK_JAR_PATH, POS_JAR_PATH,
                                                NER_JAR_PATH, PARSE_JAR_PATH,
                                                SRC_DR, SRC_DR)

class GateWayServer(object):
"""Used for interacting with newsreader components.

import os
import subprocess
import time
import signal
import atexit

TEA_HOME_DIR = os.path.join(*([os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]+[".."]*5))
from code.config import env_paths

if env_paths()["PY4J_DIR_PATH"] is None:
    sys.exit("PY4J_DIR_PATH environment variable not specified")

from py4j.java_gateway import GatewayClient

TOK_JAR_PATH=TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-tok-1.8.2.jar"
POS_JAR_PATH=TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-pos-1.4.1.jar"
NER_JAR_PATH=TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-nerc-1.5.2.jar"
PARSE_JAR_PATH=TEA_HOME_DIR + "/dependencies/NewsReader/ixa-pipes-1.1.0/ixa-pipe-parse-1.1.0.jar"
SRC_DR=TEA_HOME_DIR + "/code/notes/utilities/pre_processing/py4j_newsreader"

class GateWayServer(object):
    """creates the py4j gateway to allow access to jvm objects.
    only one gateway server may be running at a time on a specific port.

    server = None