예제 #1
def main():
    # Input file Path
    in_file = Path(argv[1])

    # Check if provided argument is
    # a file or a directory
    if (in_file.is_dir()):
        # Argument path to a directory
        out_file = in_file / in_file.with_suffix(".asm")

    elif (in_file.is_file()):
        # Argument is path to a file
        # Output file Path
        out_file = in_file.with_suffix(".asm")

    # Construct a CodeWriter to
    # handle output file
    asm_writer = CodeWriter(out_file)

    if (in_file.is_file()):
        # Translate the single file
        translate_in_file(asm_writer, in_file)

    elif (in_file.is_dir()):
        # Have to loop through every file

        # Loop through each file and translate
        for f in in_file.iterdir():
            # File is .vm file?
            if f.suffix == ".vm":
                print(f"translating {f.name}...")
                translate_in_file(asm_writer, f)