def main(argv): #llistat = [341,343,346,348,351,354,356,360,364,367,372,375,377,380,383,388,403,406,407,414,418,420,425,429,434,438,442]; #Div1contests #llistat = [379, 436, 325, 316, 241] #Div1&2contests #llistat = [549]; #LookseryCup llistat = [ 447, 448, 450, 451, 454, 456, 459, 460, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467 ] #Div2contests. f = open('Div2sft.txt', 'w') api = CodeforcesAPI() for id in llistat: llista = list(api.contest_standings(id)['rows']) participa = str(len(llista)) for p in llista: tio =[0].handle print(str(id) + ' ' + str(p.rank)) concursos = api.user_rating(tio) cont = 0 for c in concursos: cont = cont + 1 if c.contest_id == id: f.write( str(c.rank) + ' ' + str(c.old_rating) + ' ' + str(c.new_rating) + ' ' + participa + ' ' + str(cont) + ' ' + str(id) + '\n')
def main(argv): assert len(argv) == 2 api = CodeforcesAPI() print('Loading your submissions') handle = argv[1] submissions = filter_accepted(api.user_status(handle)) solved_problems = filter_c(submission.problem for submission in submissions) solved_problems = set(solved_problems) six.print_(('Loaded {} solved C problems'.format(len(solved_problems)))) print('Loading contests...') contests = group_by_contest_id(filter_div2(api.contest_list())) six.print_(('Loaded {} Div.2 contests'.format(len(contests)))) print('Loading problemset...') problemset = api.problemset_problems() problems = group_by_contest_id(filter_c(problemset['problems'])) stats = problemset['problemStatistics'] stats = filter_c(stats) stats = filter(lambda s: s.contest_id in contests, stats) stats = filter(lambda s: problems[s.contest_id][0] not in solved_problems, stats) stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda s: s.solved_count, reverse=True) print() six.print_(('{:30}{:15}{}'.format('Name', 'Solved count', 'Url'))) for stat in stats[:10]: problem = problems[stat.contest_id][0] six.print_(('{:30}{:<15}{}'.format(, stat.solved_count, make_url(problem))))
def main(argv): assert len(argv) == 2 api = CodeforcesAPI() print('Loading your submissions') handle = argv[1] submissions = filter_accepted(api.user_status(handle)) solved_problems = {submission.problem for submission in submissions} print('Loaded {} solved problems'.format(len(solved_problems))) print('Loading contests...') contests = group_by_contest_id(filter_div2(api.contest_list())) print('Loaded {} Div.2 contests'.format(len(contests))) print('Loading problemset...') problemset = api.problemset_problems() stats = problemset['problemStatistics'] stats = filter_c(stats) stats = filter(lambda s: s.contest_id in contests, stats) stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda s: s.solved_count, reverse=True) problems = group_by_contest_id(filter_c(problemset['problems'])) print() print('{:30}{:10}{:15}{}'.format('Name', 'Is solved', 'Solved count', 'Url')) for stat in stats[:10]: problem = problems[stat.contest_id][0] print('{:30}{!s:10}{:<15}{}'.format(, problem in solved_problems, stat.solved_count, make_url(problem)))
def retrieve_contestant_submissions(contestant, contest, problem_indices_by_contest_id): time.sleep(1) api = CodeforcesAPI() return list(filter(lambda s: (make_aware(datetime.fromtimestamp(s.creation_time), get_default_timezone()) >= contest.start_time and s.verdict != VerdictType.testing and s.problem.index in problem_indices_by_contest_id.get(s.problem.contest_id, [])), api.user_status(contestant.cf_handle)))
def main(): api = CodeforcesAPI() handles = ['soon', 'DmitriyH', 'Fefer_Ivan'] users = api.user_info(handles) for u in users: print('{}, rank: {}'.format(u.handle, u.rank))
def main(cid, handle): api = CodeforcesAPI() contest_id = int(cid) submissions = api.contest_status(contest_id, handle=handle) print('{:^20}{} {:^20} {:^20}'.format('Submission ID', 'User Name', "Verdict", "Problem Index")) for s in submissions: print('{:^20}{} {:^20} {:^20}'.format(, ', '.join(member.handle for member in, s.verdict, s.problem.index))
def Contests(): api = CodeforcesAPI() url = '{}' answer = "" url_registration = '{}' x = api.contest_list(False) answer = [] for c in x: if (c.start_time > int(time.time())): answer.append({'name', 'date': time.ctime(c.start_time)}) return answer
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() contest_id = int(argv[1]) hacks = api.contest_hacks(contest_id) for h in hacks: print("[{:^30}] hacked [{:^30}], verdict: {}".format(', '.join(member.handle for member in h.hacker.members), ', '.join(member.handle for member in h.defender.members), h.verdict.value))
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() count_submissions = int(argv[1]) submissions = api.problemset_recent_status(count_submissions) print('{:^20}{}'.format('Submission ID', 'Party members')) for s in submissions: print('{:^20}{}'.format(, ', '.join(member.handle for member in
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() contest_id = int(argv[1]) submissions = api.contest_status(contest_id) print('{:^20}{}'.format('Submission ID', 'Party members')) for s in submissions: print('{:^20}{}'.format(, ', '.join(member.handle for member in
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() count_submissions = int(argv[1]) submissions = api.problemset_recent_status(count_submissions) print('{:^20}{}'.format('Submission ID', 'Party members')) for s in submissions: print('{:^20}{}'.format(, ', '.join(member.handle for member in
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() handle = argv[1] rating_changes = list(api.user_rating(handle)) print('Rating history for {}:'.format(handle)) for rating in rating_changes: print(rating.old_rating, end=' -> ') print(rating_changes[-1].new_rating)
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() handle = argv[1] rating_changes = list(api.user_rating(handle)) print('Rating history for {}:'.format(handle)) for rating in rating_changes: print(rating.old_rating, end) print(rating_changes[-1].new_rating)
def main(argv): api = CodeforcesAPI() contest_id = int(argv[1]) hacks = api.contest_hacks(contest_id) for h in hacks: print("[{:^30}] hacked [{:^30}], verdict: {}".format( ', '.join(member.handle for member in h.hacker.members), ', '.join(member.handle for member in h.defender.members), h.verdict.value))
def main(): api = CodeforcesAPI() users = get_users(api) diff = get_difficult() for week in range(1): print_for_users(api, users, diff, week, load_ratings_from_file('rating' + str(week + 1) + '.txt'))
def main(): api = CodeforcesAPI() ranklist = api.contest_standings(613, count=10000) ranklist_rows = list(ranklist['rows']) users = {u.handle: u for u in api.user_info(list(get_all_user_handles(ranklist_rows)))} print("Users from Ural FU:") for row in filter_by_organization(ranklist_rows, users, "Ural FU"): print(' {party}, points: {points}'.format(, points=row.points)) print() print("Users from Mexico:") for row in filter_by_country(ranklist_rows, users, "Mexico"): print(' {party}, points: {points}'.format(, points=row.points))
def main(argv): #llistat = [341,343,346,348,351,354,356,360,364,367,372,375,377,380,383,388,403,406,407,414,418,420,425,429,434,438,442]; #Div1contests #llistat = [379, 436, 325, 316, 241] #Div1&2contests #llistat = [549]; #LookseryCup llistat = [447,448,450,451,454,456,459,460,462,463,465,466,467]; #Div2contests. f = open('Div2sft.txt', 'w') api = CodeforcesAPI() for id in llistat: llista = list(api.contest_standings(id)['rows']) participa = str(len(llista)) for p in llista: tio =[0].handle print(str(id)+' '+str(p.rank)) concursos = api.user_rating(tio) cont = 0 for c in concursos: cont = cont+1 if c.contest_id==id: f.write(str(c.rank)+' '+str(c.old_rating)+' '+str(c.new_rating)+' '+participa+' '+str(cont)+' '+str(id)+'\n')
def main(): api = CodeforcesAPI() users = get_users(api) diff = get_difficult() for week in range(8): if week == 4: continue print_for_users( api, users, diff, week, load_ratings_from_file('rating' + str(week + 1) + '.txt'), 'tmp.' + str(week + 1) + '.html')
def get_submissions(contest_id): api = CodeforcesAPI() return filter_only_contestants(api.contest_status(contest_id))
from telegram.ext import Updater from codeforces import CodeforcesAPI import logging from telegram.ext import CommandHandler from utils import unsolved_group from utils import random_problem from utils import easiest import random updater = Updater(token='262573736:AAEfHFSGp-5YGJFIiDt8_TmSZMR0XCHjtTg') dispatcher = updater.dispatcher logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) api = CodeforcesAPI() # DEFINITIONS OF FUNCTIONS # Entrega un mensaje de error def error(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="wat is dis") # Funcion stat def start(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="wat is dis") # Funcio hello def hello(bot, update): bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id,
def load_problems(contest_id): api = CodeforcesAPI() return api.contest_standings(contest_id, count=1)['problems']
def load_hacks(contest_id): api = CodeforcesAPI() return api.contest_hacks(contest_id)
def main(): api = CodeforcesAPI() users = get_users(api) save_ratings_to_file(users, 'rating1.txt')