예제 #1
 def load_fields(self):
     """Code fragment that loads field arrays from 'grid' struct"""
     idxs = ''.join(['[%d]' % d.value for d in self.dim])
     return '\n'.join(['%s (*%s)%s = (%s (*)%s) grid->%s;' %
                       (self.real_t, ccode(f.label), idxs,
                        self.real_t, idxs, ccode(f.label))
                       for f in self.fields])
예제 #2
    def time_stepping(self):
        generate time index variable for time stepping
        e.g. for 2nd order time-accurate scheme, varibales are t0, t1
        for 4th order time-accurate scheme, variables are t0, t1, t2, t3
        the variables are used to address the field arrays
        e.g. in 2nd order scheme, U[t1] will be updated using U[t0]
        the variables are calculated by taking mod with time periodicity
        return generated code as string

        _ti = Symbol('_ti')
        body = []

        for i in range(len(self.time)):
            lhs = self.time[i].name
            if i == 0:
                rhs = ccode(_ti % self.tp)
                rhs = ccode((self.time[i-1]+1) % self.tp)
            body.append(cgen.Assign(lhs, rhs))

        body = cgen.Block(body)
        body = cgen.Module([cgen.Pragma('omp single'), body])
        return body
예제 #3
    def initialise(self):
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop

        statements = []
        for field in self.fields:
            body = []
            if self.omp:
                statements.append(cgen.Pragma('omp for schedule(static,1)'))
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = 0
                i1 = ccode(self.dim[d])
                pre = []
                #velocity_initialisation = cgen.Assign(ccode())
                post = []
                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    # first time step
                    t0 = 0
                    sol = field.sol.subs(self.t, t0)
                    for idx in self.index:
                        sol = sol.subs(idx, '_'+idx.name)
                    body = [cgen.Assign(ccode(field[[0]+loop]), ccode(sol))]
                body = pre + body + post
                body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', i), i0), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (i, i1)), cgen.Line('++%s' % i), cgen.Block(body))]

            statements += self.generate_second_initialisation()
        return cgen.Module(statements)
예제 #4
    def time_stepping(self):
        generate time index variable for time stepping
        e.g. for 2nd order time-accurate scheme, varibales are t0, t1
        for 4th order time-accurate scheme, variables are t0, t1, t2, t3
        the variables are used to address the field arrays
        e.g. in 2nd order scheme, U[t1] will be updated using U[t0]
        the variables are calculated by taking mod with time periodicity
        return generated code as string

        result = ''
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('time_stepping.txt')
        _ti = Symbol('_ti')
        body = ''

        for i in range(len(self.time)):
            lhs = self.time[i].name
            if i == 0:
                rhs = ccode(_ti % self.tp)
                rhs = ccode((self.time[i-1]+1) % self.tp)
            body += lhs + ' = ' + rhs + ';\n'

        dict1 = {'body': body}
        result = render(tmpl, dict1)
        return result
예제 #5
    def generate_second_initialisation(self):
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop
        m = self.margin.value
        statements = []
        v = symbols("v")
        for field in self.fields:
            body = []
            if self.omp:
                statements.append(cgen.Pragma('omp for schedule(static,1)'))
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = m
                i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
                pre = []

                post = []
                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    # first time step
                    kernel = self.transform_kernel(field)
                    for arg in kernel.args:
                        if str(arg).startswith("-") and str(self.t - 1) in str(arg):
                            kernel = kernel.subs({arg: 0}, simultaneous=True)
                            arg = 2*v*self.dt
                            kernel = 0.5*(kernel + arg)
                    kernel = kernel.subs({self.t: self.time[0]})
                    for idx in self.index:
                        kernel = kernel.subs(idx, '_'+idx.name)
                    body = [cgen.Assign(ccode(field[[self.time[1]]+loop]), ccode(kernel))]
                body = pre + body + post
                body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', i), i0), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (i, i1)), cgen.Line('++%s' % i), cgen.Block(body))]

        return statements
예제 #6
    def declare_fields(self):
        - generate code for delcaring fields
        - the generated code first declare fields as std::vector
        of size=vec_size, then cast to multidimensional array
        - return the generated code as string
        result = ''
        arr = ''  # = [dim1][dim2][dim3]...
        for d in self.dim:
            arr += '[' + d.name + ']'
        vsize = 1
        for d in self.dim:
            vsize *= d.value
        vsize *= self.order[0]*2
        for field in self.sfields + self.vfields:
            vec = '_' + ccode(field.label) + '_vec'
            # alloc aligned memory (on windows and linux)
            result += self.real_t + ' *' + vec + ';\n'
            result += '#ifdef _MSC_VER\n'
            result += vec + ' = (' + self.real_t + '*) _aligned_malloc(' + str(vsize) \
                + '*sizeof(' + self.real_t + '), ' + str(self.alignment) + ');\n'
            result += '#else\n'
            result += 'posix_memalign((void **)(&' + vec + '), ' + str(self.alignment) \
                + ', ' + str(vsize) + '*sizeof(' + self.real_t + '));\n'
            result += '#endif\n'
            # cast pointer to multidimensional array
            result += self.real_t + ' (*' + ccode(field.label) + ')' + arr \
                + '= (' + self.real_t + ' (*)' + arr + ') ' + vec + ';\n'

        if self.read:
            # add code to read data
            result += self.read_data()

        return result
예제 #7
    def declare_fields(self):
        - generate code for declaring fields
        - the generated code first declare fields as std::vector
        of size=vec_size, then cast to multidimensional array
        - return the generated code as string
        result = []
        arr = ''  # = [dim1][dim2][dim3]...
        for d in self.dim:
            arr += '[' + d.name + ']'
        vsize = 1
        for d in self.dim:
            vsize *= d.value

        vsize *= len(self.time)
        statements = []
        for field in self.fields:
            vec = "_%s_vec" % ccode(field.label)
            vec_value = cgen.Pointer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, vec))
            # alloc aligned memory (on windows and linux)
            ifdef = cgen.IfDef('_MSC_VER', [cgen.Assign(vec, '(%s*) _aligned_malloc(%s*sizeof(%s), %s)' % (self.real_t, str(vsize), self.real_t, str(self.alignment)))],
                               [cgen.Statement('posix_memalign((void **)(&%s), %d, %d*sizeof(%s))' % (vec, self.alignment, vsize, self.real_t))])
            # cast pointer to multidimensional array
            cast_pointer = cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, "(*%s)%s" % (ccode(field.label), arr)), '(%s (*)%s) %s' % (self.real_t, arr, vec))
        vec = "_%s_vec" % ccode("m")
        vec_value = cgen.Pointer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, vec))
        result += statements
        return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #8
 def output_step(self):
     - generate code for output at each time step
     - typically output selected fields in vtk format
     - return generated code as string
     if self.output_vts:
         return self.save_field_block(ccode(self.fields[0].label)+"_", ccode(self.fields[0].label))
     return None
예제 #9
    def vtk_save_field(self):
        generate code to output this field with vtk
        uses Mako template
        returns the generated code as string
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('save_field.txt')
        result = ''
        dict1 = {'filename': ccode(self.label)+'_', 'field': ccode(self.label)}
        result = render(tmpl, dict1)

        return result
예제 #10
    def converge_test(self):
        - generate code for convergence test
        - convergence test implemented by calculating L2 norm
        of the simulation against analytical solution
        - L2 norm of each field is calculated and output with printf()
        - return generated code as string
        result = []
        if not self.converge:
            return cgen.Module(result)

        m = self.margin.value
        ti = self.ntsteps.value % 2  # last updated grid
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop

        for i in range(len(self.spacing)):
            result.append(cgen.Statement('printf("%d\\n")' % self.spacing[i].value))

        for field in self.fields:
            body = []
            l2 = ccode(field.label)+'_l2'
            idx = [ti] + loop
            result.append(cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, l2), 0.0))
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = m
                i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
                expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value)
                pre = [cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, self.index[d].name), ccode(expr))]

                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    tn = self.dt.value*self.ntsteps.value \
                        if not field.staggered[0] \
                        else self.dt.value*self.ntsteps.value \
                        + self.dt.value/2.0
                    body = [cgen.Statement('%s += %s' % (l2, ccode((field[idx] - (field.sol.subs(self.t, tn)))**2.0)))]
                body = pre+body
                body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', i), i0), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (i, i1)), cgen.Line('++%s' % i), cgen.Block(body))]

            result += body
            volume = 1.0
            for i in range(len(self.spacing)):
                volume *= self.spacing[i].value
            l2_value = 'pow(' + l2 + '*' + ccode(volume) + ', 0.5)'
            result.append(cgen.Statement('conv->%s = %s' % (l2, l2_value)))

        return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #11
    def initialise(self):
        generate code for initialisation of the fields
        - substitute starting time to the analytical function of the fields
        - substitute field coordinates calculated from array indices
        to the analytical function of the fields
        - generate inner loop by inserting kernel into Mako template
        - recursive insertion to generate nested loop
        return generated code as string

        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('generic_loop.txt')
        result = ''
        m = self.margin.value
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop

        for field in self.sfields+self.vfields:
            body = ''
            if self.omp:
                result += '#pragma omp for\n'
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = m
                if field.staggered[d+1]:
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m-1)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value + 0.5)
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value)
                pre = self.real_t + ' ' + self.index[d].name + '= ' \
                    + ccode(expr) + ';\n'
                post = ''
                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    # first time step
                    t0 = self.dt.value/2 if field.staggered[0] else 0
                    sol = field.sol.subs(self.t, t0)
                    if self.read:
                        sol = sol.subs(field.media_param)
                        for idx in self.index:
                            sol = sol.subs(idx, '_'+idx.name)
                    body = ccode(field[[0]+loop]) + '=' \
                        + ccode(sol) + ';\n'
                body = pre + body + post
                dict1 = {'i': i, 'i0': i0, 'i1': i1, 'body': body}
                body = render(tmpl, dict1)

            result += body
        return result
예제 #12
    def vtk_save_field(self):
        generate code to output this field with vtk
        uses Mako template
        returns the generated code as string
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('save_field.txt')
        result = ''
        dict1 = {
            'filename': ccode(self.label) + '_',
            'field': ccode(self.label)
        result = render(tmpl, dict1)

        return result
예제 #13
    def generate_loop(self, fields):
        The functions to generate stress loops and velocity loops are identical,
        save for a single parameter. Moved the common code to this function to reduce repetition of code.
        if self.eval_const:
        m = self.margin.value
        body = []
        for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
            i = self.index[d]
            i0 = m
            i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
            if d == self.dimension-1:
                # inner loop
                if not self.fission:
                    body = self.simple_kernel(fields, [d, i, i0, i1])
                    body = self.fission_kernel(fields, [d, i, i0, i1])
            if not d == self.dimension-1:
                body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', i), i0), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (i, i1)), cgen.Line('++%s' % i), cgen.Block(body))]

        if not self.pluto and self.omp:
            body.insert(0, cgen.Pragma('omp for schedule(static,1)'))
        return cgen.Module(body)
예제 #14
    def initialise(self):
        generate code for initialisation of the fields
        - substitute starting time to the analytical function of the fields
        - substitute field coordinates calculated from array indices
        to the analytical function of the fields
        - generate inner loop by inserting kernel into Mako template
        - recursive insertion to generate nested loop
        return generated code as string
        m = self.margin.value
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop

        statements = []
        for field in self.fields:
            body = []
            if self.omp:
                statements.append(cgen.Pragma('omp for schedule(static,1)'))
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = m
                if field.staggered[d+1]:
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m-1)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value + 0.5)
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value)
                pre = [cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, self.index[d].name), ccode(expr))]

                post = []
                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    # first time step
                    t0 = self.dt.value/2 if field.staggered[0] else 0
                    sol = field.sol.subs(self.t, t0)
                    if self.read:
                        sol = sol.subs(self.media_dict)
                        sol = self.resolve_media_params(sol)
                        for idx in self.index:
                            sol = sol.subs(idx, '_'+idx.name)
                    body = [cgen.Assign(ccode(field[[0]+loop]), ccode(sol))]
                body = pre + body + post
                body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', i), i0), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (i, i1)), cgen.Line('++%s' % i), cgen.Block(body))]

        return cgen.Module(statements)
예제 #15
    def define_fields(self):
        """Code fragment that defines field arrays"""
        result = []
        for f in self.fields:
            var = cgen.Pointer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, ccode(f.label)))

        return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #16
    def store_fields(self):
        """Code fragment that stores field arrays to 'grid' struct"""
        result = []
        for f in self.fields:
            assignment = cgen.Assign('grid->%s' % ccode(f.label), '(%s*) %s' % (self.real_t, ccode(f.label)))  # There must be a better way of doing this. This hardly seems better than string manipulation

        return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #17
    def load_fields(self):
        """Code fragment that loads field arrays from 'grid' struct"""
        idxs = ''.join(['[%d]' % d.value for d in self.dim])
        result = []
        for f in self.fields:
            back_assign = cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, "(*%s)%s" % (ccode(f.label), idxs)), '(%s (*)%s) grid->%s' % (self.real_t, idxs, ccode(f.label)))  # Another hackish attempt.

        return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #18
 def simple_kernel(self, grid_field, indexes):
     Generate the inner loop with all fields from stress or velocity
     :param grid_field: stress or velocity field array
     :param indexes: array with dimension, dimension var, initial margin, final margin
     - iterate through fields and replace mako template
     - return inner loop code as string
     body = []
     idx = [self.time[len(self.time)-1]] + self.index
     # This loop create the most inner loop with all fields
     for field in grid_field:
         body.append(cgen.Assign(ccode(field[idx]), ccode(self.kernel_sympy(field))))
     body = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', indexes[1]), indexes[2]), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (indexes[1], indexes[3])), cgen.Line('++%s' % indexes[1]), cgen.Block(body))]
     if not self.pluto and self.ivdep and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
         body.insert(0, self.compiler._ivdep)
     if not self.pluto and self.simd and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
         body.insert(0, cgen.Pragma('simd'))
     return body
예제 #19
    def set_free_surface(self, indices, d, b, side, read=False):
        - set free surface boundary condition to boundary d, at index b
        :param indices: list of indices, e.g. [t,x,y,z] for 3D
        :param d: direction of the boundary surface normal
        :param b: location of the boundary (index)
        :param side: lower boundary (0) or upper boundary (1)
        - e.g. set_free_surface([t,x,y,z],1,2,0)
        set y-z plane at x=2 to be lower free surface
        - ghost cells are calculated using reflection of stress fields
        - store the code to populate ghost cells to self.bc
        # use this stress field to solve for ghost cell expression
        field = self.sfields[d]
        idx = list(indices)
        if not field.staggered[d]:
            # if not staggered, solve ghost cell using T'[b]=0
            eq = Eq(field.dt)
            shift = hf
            t = b - hf
            # if staggered, solve ghost cell using T'[b-1/2]=T[b+1/2]
            eq = Eq(field.dt.subs(indices[d], indices[d]-hf),
                    field.dt.subs(indices[d], indices[d]+hf))
            shift = 1
            t = b

        idx[d] -= ((-1)**side)*shift
        lhs = self[idx]
        rhs = solve(eq, lhs)[0]
        lhs = lhs.subs(indices[d], t)
        rhs = self.align(rhs.subs(indices[d], t))
        # if read data from file, replace media parameters with array
        # replace particular index with boundary
        if read:
            rhs = rhs.subs(self.media_param)
            rhs = rhs.subs(indices[d], b)

        self.bc[d][side] = ccode(lhs) + ' = ' + ccode(rhs) + ';\n'
예제 #20
    def free_memory(self):
       - generate code for free allocated memory
       - return the generated code as string
        statements = []
        for field in self.fields:
            # alloc aligned memory (on windows and linux)
            ifdef = cgen.IfDef('_MSC_VER', [cgen.Statement('_aligned_free(grid->%s)' % (ccode(field.label)))],
                               [cgen.Statement('free(grid->%s)' % (ccode(field.label)))])

        return cgen.Module(statements)
예제 #21
    def converge_test(self):
        - generate code for convergence test
        - convergence test implemented by calculating L2 norm
        of the simulation against analytical solution
        - L2 norm of each field is calculated and output with printf()
        - return generated code as string
        result = ''
        if not self.converge:
            return result
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('generic_loop.txt')
        m = self.margin.value
        ti = self.ntsteps.value % 2  # last updated grid
        loop = [Symbol('_'+x.name) for x in self.index]  # symbols for loop

        for i in range(len(self.spacing)):
            result += 'printf("' + str(self.spacing[i].value) + '\\n");\n'

        for field in self.sfields+self.vfields:
            body = ''
            l2 = ccode(field.label)+'_l2'
            idx = [ti] + loop
            result += self.real_t + ' ' + l2 + ' = 0.0;\n'
            # populate xvalue, yvalue zvalue code
            for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                i = loop[d]
                i0 = m
                if field.staggered[d+1]:
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m-1)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value + 0.5)
                    i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
                    expr = self.spacing[d]*(loop[d] - self.margin.value)
                pre = self.real_t + ' ' + self.index[d].name + '= ' \
                    + ccode(expr) + ';\n'
                if d == self.dimension-1:
                    # inner loop
                    tn = self.dt.value*self.ntsteps.value \
                        if not field.staggered[0] \
                        else self.dt.value*self.ntsteps.value \
                        + self.dt.value/2.0
                    body = l2 + '+=' \
                        + ccode((field[idx] -
                                (field.sol.subs(self.t, tn)))**2.0) + ';\n'
                body = pre + body
                dict1 = {'i': i, 'i0': i0, 'i1': i1, 'body': body}
                body = render(tmpl, dict1)

            result += body
            volume = 1.0
            for i in range(len(self.spacing)):
                volume *= self.spacing[i].value
            l2_value = 'pow(' + l2 + '*' + ccode(volume) + ', 0.5)'
            result += 'conv->%s = %s;\n' % (l2, l2_value)

        return result
예제 #22
    def velocity_loop(self):
        generate code for velocity field update loop
        - loop through velocity fields to generate code of computation kernel
        - generate inner loop by inserting kernel into Mako template
        - recursive insertion to generate nested loop
        return generated code as string
        tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('generic_loop.txt')
        m = self.margin.value
        body = ''
        for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
            i = self.index[d]
            i0 = m
            i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
            if d == self.dimension-1:
                # inner loop
                idx = [self.time[1]] + self.index
                for field in self.vfields:
                    body += ccode(field[idx]) + '=' \
                        + ccode(field.fd_align.xreplace({self.t+1:
                                                        self.time[0]})) \
                        + ';\n'
            dict1 = {'i': i, 'i0': i0, 'i1': i1, 'body': body}
            body = render(tmpl, dict1)
            if self.ivdep and d == self.dimension-1:
                    body = '%s\n' % self.compiler._ivdep + body
            if self.simd and d == self.dimension-1:
                    body = '#pragma simd\n' + body

        if self.omp:
            body = '#pragma omp for\n' + body

        return body
예제 #23
 def simple_loop(self, kernel):
     - helper function to generate simple nested loop over the entire domain
     (not including ghost cells) with kernel at the inner loop
     - variables defined in self.index are used as loop variables
     result = ''
     tmpl = self.lookup.get_template('generic_loop.txt')
     m = self.margin.value
     for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
         i = self.index[d]
         i0 = m
         i1 = ccode(self.dim[d]-m)
         if d == self.dimension-1:
             # inner loop
             result += kernel + ';\n'
         dict1 = {'i': i, 'i0': i0, 'i1': i1, 'body': result}
         result = render(tmpl, dict1)
     return result
예제 #24
 class OpesciConvergence(Structure):
     _fields_ = [('%s_l2' % ccode(f.label), c_float)
                 for f in self.fields]
예제 #25
 class OpesciGrid(Structure):
     _fields_ = [(ccode(f.label), POINTER(c_float))
                 for f in self.fields]
예제 #26
    def read_data(self):
        - generate code for reading data (rho, Vp, Vs) from input files
        - calculate effective media parameters beta, lambda, mu from the data
        result = ''
        if self.read:
            arr = ''  # =[dim2][dim3]...
            for d in self.dim[1:]:
                arr += '[' + d.name + ']'
            vsize = 1
            for d in self.dim:
                vsize *= d.value
            # declare fields to read physical parameters from file
            # always use float not double
            loop = [self.rho, self.vp, self.vs] + self.beta + [self.lam] + self.mu
            for field in loop:
                vec = '_' + ccode(field.label) + '_vec'
                # alloc aligned memory (on windows and linux)
                result += self.real_t + ' *' + vec + ';\n'
                result += '#ifdef _MSC_VER\n'
                result += vec + ' = (' + self.real_t + '*) _aligned_malloc(' + str(vsize) \
                    + '*sizeof(' + self.real_t + '), ' + str(self.alignment) + ');\n'
                result += '#else\n'
                result += 'posix_memalign((void **)(&' + vec + '), ' + str(self.alignment) \
                    + ', ' + str(vsize) + '*sizeof(' + self.real_t + '));\n'
                result += '#endif\n'
                # cast pointer to multidimensional array
                result += self.real_t + ' (*' + ccode(field.label) + ')' + arr \
                    + '= (' + self.real_t + ' (*)' + arr + ') ' + vec + ';\n'

            # read from file
            result += 'opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("' + self.rho_file + '",_' \
                + ccode(self.rho.label) + '_vec, ' + str(vsize) + ');\n'
            result += 'opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("' + self.vp_file + '",_' \
                + ccode(self.vp.label) + '_vec, ' + str(vsize) + ');\n'
            result += 'opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("' + self.vs_file + '",_' \
                + ccode(self.vs.label) + '_vec, ' + str(vsize) + ');\n'
            # calculated effective media parameter
            idx = self.index
            # make copies of index
            idx100 = list(idx)
            idx010 = list(idx)
            idx001 = list(idx)
            idx110 = list(idx)
            idx101 = list(idx)
            idx011 = list(idx)
            # shift the indices to obtain idx100=[x+1,y,z] etc
            idx100[0] += 1
            idx010[1] += 1
            idx001[2] += 1
            idx110[0] += 1
            idx110[1] += 1
            idx101[0] += 1
            idx101[2] += 1
            idx011[1] += 1
            idx011[2] += 1
            # beta
            kernel = ccode(self.beta[0][idx]) + '=' + ccode(1.0/self.rho[idx])
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # beta1 (effective bouyancy in x direction)
            kernel = ccode(self.beta[1][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx100])/2.0)
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # beta2 (effective bouyancy in y direction)
            kernel = ccode(self.beta[2][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx010])/2.0)
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # beta3 (effective bouyancy in z direction)
            kernel = ccode(self.beta[3][idx]) + '=' + \
                ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx001])/2.0)
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # lambda
            kernel = ccode(self.lam[idx]) + '=' + \
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # mu
            kernel = ccode(self.mu[0][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode(self.rho[idx]*(self.vs[idx]**2))
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # mu12 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_xy)
            kernel = ccode(self.mu[1][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx100]
                        + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx010]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx110])))
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # mu13 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_xz)
            kernel = ccode(self.mu[2][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx100]
                        + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx001]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx101])))
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
            # mu23 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_yz)
            kernel = ccode(self.mu[3][idx]) + '=' \
                + ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx010]
                        + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx001]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx011])))
            result += self.simple_loop(kernel)
        return result
예제 #27
 def save_field_block(self, filename, field):
     statements = []
     statements.append(cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value("int", "dims[]"), "{dim1, dim1, dim1}"))
     statements.append(cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value("float", "spacing[]"), "{dx1, dx2, dx3}"))
     statements.append(cgen.Assign("std::string vtkfile", "\""+filename+"\" + std::to_string(_ti)"))
     statements.append(cgen.Statement("opesci_dump_field_vts_3d(vtkfile, dims, spacing, 2, &"+field+"["+ccode(self.time[len(self.time)-1])+"][0][0][0])"))
     return cgen.Module([cgen.Pragma("omp single"), cgen.Block(statements)])
예제 #28
 def print_convergence(self):
     """Code fragment that prints convergence norms"""
     statements = [cgen.Statement('printf("%s %s\\n", conv.%s_l2)' % (ccode(f.label), '\t%.10f', ccode(f.label))) for f in self.fields]
     return cgen.Module(statements)
예제 #29
 def define_convergence(self):
     """Code fragment that defines convergence norms"""
     result = []
     for f in self.fields:
         result.append(cgen.Value(self.real_t, '%s_l2' % ccode(f.label)))
     return cgen.Module(result)
예제 #30
 def read_data(self):
     - generate code for reading data (rho, Vp, Vs) from input files
     - calculate effective media parameters beta, lambda, mu from the data
     statements = []
     if self.read:
         arr = ''  # =[dim2][dim3]...
         for d in self.dim[1:]:
             arr += '[' + d.name + ']'
         vsize = 1
         for d in self.dim:
             vsize *= d.value
         # declare fields to read physical parameters from file
         # always use float not double
         loop = [self.rho, self.vp, self.vs] + self.beta + [self.lam] + self.mu
         for field in loop:
             vec = "_%s_vec" % ccode(field.label)
             vec_value = cgen.Pointer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, vec))
             # alloc aligned memory (on windows and linux)
             ifdef = cgen.IfDef('_MSC_VER', [cgen.Assign(vec, '(%s*) _aligned_malloc(%d * sizeof(%s), %d)' % (self.real_t, vsize, self.real_t, self.alignment))],
                                [cgen.Statement('posix_memalign((void **)(&%s), %d, %d*sizeof(%s))' % (vec, self.alignment, vsize, self.real_t))])
             cast_pointer = cgen.Initializer(cgen.Value(self.real_t, "(*%s)%s" % (ccode(field.label), arr)), '(%s (*)%s) %s' % (self.real_t, arr, vec))
         # read from file
         statements.append(cgen.Statement('opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("%s", _%s_vec, %d)' % (self.rho_file, self.rho.label, vsize)))
         statements.append(cgen.Statement('opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("%s", _%s_vec, %d)' % (self.vp_file, self.vp.label, vsize)))
         statements.append(cgen.Statement('opesci_read_simple_binary_ptr("%s", _%s_vec, %d)' % (self.vs_file, self.vs.label, vsize)))
         # calculated effective media parameter
         idx = self.index
         # make copies of index
         idx100 = list(idx)
         idx010 = list(idx)
         idx001 = list(idx)
         idx110 = list(idx)
         idx101 = list(idx)
         idx011 = list(idx)
         # shift the indices to obtain idx100=[x+1,y,z] etc
         idx100[0] += 1
         idx010[1] += 1
         idx001[2] += 1
         idx110[0] += 1
         idx110[1] += 1
         idx101[0] += 1
         idx101[2] += 1
         idx011[1] += 1
         idx011[2] += 1
         # beta
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.beta[0][idx]), ccode(1.0/self.rho[idx]))
         # beta1 (effective bouyancy in x direction)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.beta[1][idx]), ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx100])/2.0))
         # beta2 (effective bouyancy in y direction)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.beta[2][idx]), ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx010])/2.0))
         # beta3 (effective bouyancy in z direction)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.beta[3][idx]), ccode((self.beta[0][idx] + self.beta[0][idx001])/2.0))
         # lambda
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.lam[idx]), ccode(self.rho[idx]*(self.vp[idx]**2-2*self.vs[idx]**2)))
         # mu
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.mu[0][idx]), ccode(self.rho[idx]*(self.vs[idx]**2)))
         # mu12 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_xy)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.mu[1][idx]), ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx100] + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx010]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx110]))))
         # mu13 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_xz)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.mu[2][idx]), ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx100] + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx001]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx101]))))
         # mu23 (effective shear modulus for shear stress sigma_yz)
         kernel = cgen.Assign(ccode(self.mu[3][idx]), ccode(1.0/(0.25*(1.0/self.mu[0][idx]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx010] + 1.0/self.mu[0][idx001]+1.0/self.mu[0][idx011]))))
     return statements
예제 #31
 def simple_loop(self, kernel):
     - helper function to generate simple nested loop over the entire domain
     (not including ghost cells) with kernel at the inner loop
     - variables defined in self.index are used as loop variables
     result = kernel
     m = self.margin.value
     for d in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
         result = cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', self.index[d]), m), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (self.index[d], ccode(self.dim[d]-m))), cgen.Line('++%s' % self.index[d]), result)
     return result
예제 #32
    def fission_kernel(self, grid_field, indexes):
        Generate the inner loop with all fields from stress or velocity
        :param grid_field: stress or velocity field array
        :param indexes: array with dimension, dimension var, initial margin, final margin
        - iterate through fields and for each dimension separate minus, plus and unitary strides
        on its own loop replacing it on mako template
        - return inner loop code as string
        body = []
        body_tmp = []
        operator = ['=', '+=']
        idx = [self.time[1]] + self.index
        for field in grid_field:
            remainder_kernel = ()
            operator_idx = 0
            kernel = self.transform_kernel(field)
            if self.read:
                kernel = self.resolve_media_params(kernel)
            kernel_args = kernel.args
            for dim in range(self.dimension-1, -1, -1):
                dimension = self.index[dim]
                kernel_stmt_pos = kernel
                kernel_stmt_neg = kernel
                # For each dimension in each field iterate through its expressions to separate
                # positive and negative strides
                for arg in kernel_args:
                    if not (str(dimension) + " -" in str(arg)):
                        kernel_stmt_neg = kernel_stmt_neg.subs({arg: 0}, simultaneous=True)
                    if not (str(dimension) + " +" in str(arg)):
                        kernel_stmt_pos = kernel_stmt_pos.subs({arg: 0}, simultaneous=True)
                remainder_kernel += kernel_stmt_pos.args
                remainder_kernel += kernel_stmt_neg.args
                # Create the inner loop for with negative strides expressions
                if not (len(kernel_stmt_neg.args) == 0):
                    body_tmp = [cgen.Statement(ccode(field[idx]) + operator[operator_idx] + ccode(kernel_stmt_neg.xreplace({self.t+1: self.time[1], self.t: self.time[0]})))]
                    body_tmp = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', indexes[1]), indexes[2]), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (indexes[1], indexes[3])), cgen.Line('++%s' % indexes[1]), cgen.Block(body_tmp))]
                    if not self.pluto and self.ivdep and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                        body_tmp.insert(0, self.compiler._ivdep)
                    if not self.pluto and self.simd and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                        body_tmp.insert(0, cgen.Pragma('simd'))
                    body = body + body_tmp
                    operator_idx = 1
                # Create the inner loop for with positive strides expressions
                if not (len(kernel_stmt_pos.args) == 0):
                    body_tmp = [cgen.Statement(ccode(field[idx]) + operator[operator_idx] + ccode(kernel_stmt_pos.xreplace({self.t+1: self.time[1], self.t: self.time[0]})))]
                    body_tmp = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', indexes[1]), indexes[2]), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (indexes[1], indexes[3])), cgen.Line('++%s' % indexes[1]), cgen.Block(body_tmp))]
                    if not self.pluto and self.ivdep and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                        body_tmp.insert(0, self.compiler._ivdep)
                    if not self.pluto and self.simd and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                        body_tmp.insert(0, cgen.Pragma('simd'))
                    body = body + body_tmp
                    operator_idx = 1
            # Create the inner loop for unit strided array access
            kernel_stmt = kernel
            for arg in remainder_kernel:
                kernel_stmt = kernel_stmt.subs({arg: 0}, simultaneous=True)
            body_tmp = [cgen.Statement(ccode(field[idx]) + '+=' + ccode(kernel_stmt.xreplace({self.t+1: self.time[1], self.t: self.time[0]})))]
            body_tmp = [cgen.For(cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value('int', indexes[1]), indexes[2]), cgen.Line('%s<%s' % (indexes[1], indexes[3])), cgen.Line('++%s' % indexes[1]), cgen.Block(body_tmp))]
            if not self.pluto and self.ivdep and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                body_tmp.insert(0, self.compiler._ivdep)
            if not self.pluto and self.simd and indexes[0] == self.dimension-1:
                body_tmp.insert(0, cgen.Pragma('simd'))
            body = body + body_tmp

        return body
예제 #33
 def copy_memory(self):
     #data, rowcount, colcount
     vec = "_%s_vec" % ccode("m")
     statements = [cgen.Assign(vec, 'data')]
     return statements