async def g(self, ctx, *, query): """Google web search. Ex: [p]g what is discordapp?""" if not embed_perms(ctx.message): config = load_optional_config() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get("" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&start=" + '1' + "&key=" + config['google_api_key'] + "&cx=" + config['custom_search_engine']) as resp: result = json.loads(await resp.text()) return await ctx.send(result['items'][0]['link']) try: entries, root = await get_google_entries(query) card_node = root.find(".//div[@id='topstuff']") card = self.parse_google_card(card_node) except RuntimeError as e: await ctx.send(str(e)) else: if card: value = '\n'.join(entries[:2]) if value: card.add_field(name='Search Results', value=value, inline=False) return await ctx.send(embed=card) if len(entries) == 0: return await ctx.send('No results.') next_two = entries[1:3] if next_two: formatted = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '<%s>' % x, next_two)) msg = '{}\n\n**See also:**\n{}'.format(entries[0], formatted) else: msg = entries[0] await ctx.send(msg)
async def avi(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """View bigger version of user's avatar. Ex: [p]info avi @user""" if txt: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(txt) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(txt)) if not user: user = if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = if user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png')[54:].startswith('a_'): avi = user.avatar_url.rsplit("?", 1)[0] else: avi = user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png') if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(colour=0x708DD0) em.set_image(url=avi) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + avi) await ctx.message.delete()
async def avi(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """View bigger version of user's avatar. Ex: [p]info avi @user""" if txt: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(txt) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(txt)) if not user: user = if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = # Thanks to IgneelDxD for help on this if user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png')[54:].startswith('a_'): avi = '' + user.avatar_url[35:-10] else: avi = user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png') if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(colour=0x708DD0) em.set_image(url=avi) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + avi) await ctx.message.delete()
async def about(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """Links to the bot's github page.""" if embed_perms(ctx.message) and txt != 'short': em = discord.Embed( color=0xad2929, title='\ud83e\udd16 Appu\'s Discord Selfbot', description= '**Features:**\n- Custom commands/reactions\n- Save last x images in a channel to your computer\n- Keyword notifier\n' '- Set/cycle your game status and your avatar\n- Google web and image search\n- MyAnimeList search\n- Spoiler tagging\n' '- Server info commands\n- Quoting, calculator, creating polls, and much more' ) em.add_field( name='\ud83d\udd17 Link to download', value= '[Github link](' ) em.add_field( name='\ud83c\udfa5Quick examples:', value='[Simple commands](') if txt == 'link': em.add_field( name='👋 Discord Server', value= 'Join the official Discord server [here](!' ) em.set_footer(text='Made by appu1232#2569', icon_url='') await, content=None, embed=em) else: await, '') await
async def avi(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """View bigger version of user's avatar. Ex: [p]info avi @user""" if txt: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(txt) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(txt)) if not user: user = if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = avi = user.avatar_url if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(colour=0x708DD0) em.set_image(url=avi) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + avi) await ctx.message.delete()
async def now(self, ctx): """Date time module.""" dandt, tzerror = self.get_datetime() if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed( em.add_field(name=u'\u23F0 Time', value="{:%H:%M:%S}".format(dandt), inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4C5 Date', value="{:%d %B %Y}".format(dandt), inline=False) if tzerror: em.add_field( name=u'\u26A0 Warning', value= "Invalid timezone specified, system timezone was used instead.", inline=False) await, content=None, embed=em) else: msg = '**Local Date and Time:** ```{:Time: %H:%M:%S\nDate: %Y-%m-%d```}'.format( dandt) await, + msg) await
async def g(self, ctx, *, query): """Google web search. Ex: [p]g what is discordapp?""" if not embed_perms(ctx.message): config = load_optional_config() async with"" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&start=1" + "&key=" + config['google_api_key'] + "&cx=" + config['custom_search_engine']) as resp: result = json.loads(await resp.text()) return await ctx.send(result['items'][0]['link']) try: entries, root = await get_google_entries(query, card_node = root.find(".//div[@id='topstuff']") card = self.parse_google_card(card_node) except RuntimeError as e: await ctx.send(str(e)) else: if card: value = '\n'.join(entries[:2]) if value: card.add_field(name='Search Results', value=value, inline=False) return await ctx.send(embed=card) if not entries: return await ctx.send('No results.') next_two = entries[1:3] if next_two: formatted = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '<%s>' % x, next_two)) msg = '{}\n\n**See also:**\n{}'.format(entries[0], formatted) else: msg = entries[0] await ctx.send(msg)
async def avi(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """View bigger version of user's avatar. Ex: >info avi @user""" if txt: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except: user = ctx.message.server.get_member_named(txt) if not user: user = ctx.message.server.get_member(txt) if not user: await, + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = # Thanks to IgneelDxD for help on this if user.avatar_url[54:].startswith('a_'): avi = '' + user.avatar_url[ 35:-10] else: avi = user.avatar_url if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(colour=0x708DD0) em.set_image(url=avi) await, embed=em) else: await, + avi) await
async def i(self, ctx, *, query): """Google image search. [p]i Lillie pokemon sun and moon""" await ctx.message.delete() config = load_optional_config() if query[0].isdigit(): item = int(query[0]) query = query[1:] else: item = 0 async with"" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&start=" + '1' + "&key=" + config['google_api_key'] + "&cx=" + config['custom_search_engine'] + "&searchType=image") as resp: if resp.status != 200: if not config['google_api_key'] or not config['custom_search_engine']: return await ctx.send( + "You don't seem to have image searching configured properly. Refer to the wiki for details.") return await ctx.send( + 'Google failed to respond.') else: result = json.loads(await resp.text()) try: result['items'] except: return await ctx.send( + 'There were no results to your search. Use more common search query or make sure you have image search enabled for your custom search engine.') if len(result['items']) < 1: return await ctx.send( + 'There were no results to your search. Use more common search query or make sure you have image search enabled for your custom search engine.') em = discord.Embed() if embed_perms(ctx.message): em.set_image(url=result['items'][item]['link']) show_search = get_config_value("optional_config", "show_search_term") if show_search == "True": em.set_footer(text="Search term: \"" + query + "\"") await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) else: await ctx.send(result['items'][item]['link']) await ctx.send("Search term: \"" + query + "\"")
async def calc(self, ctx, *, msg): """Simple calculator. Ex: >calc 2+2""" equation = msg.strip().replace('^', '**').replace('x', '*') try: if '=' in equation: left = eval( equation.split('=')[0], {"__builtins__": None}, {"sqrt": sqrt}) right = eval( equation.split('=')[1], {"__builtins__": None}, {"sqrt": sqrt}) answer = str(left == right) else: answer = str( eval(equation, {"__builtins__": None}, {"sqrt": sqrt})) except TypeError: return await, + "Invalid calculation query.") if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(color=0xD3D3D3, title='Calculator') em.add_field(name='Input:', value=msg.replace('**', '^').replace('x', '*'), inline=False) em.add_field(name='Output:', value=answer, inline=False) await, content=None, embed=em) await else: await, + answer)
async def i(self, ctx, *, query): """Google image search. [p]i Lillie pokemon sun and moon""" await ctx.message.delete() config = load_optional_config() if query[0].isdigit(): item = int(query[0]) query = query[1:] else: item = 0 async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get("" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) + "&start=" + '1' + "&key=" + config['google_api_key'] + "&cx=" + config['custom_search_engine'] + "&searchType=image") as resp: if resp.status != 200: if not config['google_api_key'] or not config['custom_search_engine']: return await ctx.send( + "You don't seem to have image searching configured properly. Refer to the wiki for details.") return await ctx.send( + 'Google failed to respond.') else: result = json.loads(await resp.text()) try: result['items'] except: return await ctx.send( + 'There were no results to your search. Use more common search query or make sure you have image search enabled for your custom search engine.') if len(result['items']) < 1: return await ctx.send( + 'There were no results to your search. Use more common search query or make sure you have image search enabled for your custom search engine.') em = discord.Embed() if embed_perms(ctx.message): em.set_image(url=result['items'][item]['link']) show_search = get_config_value("optional_config", "show_search_term") if show_search == "True": em.set_footer(text="Search term: \"" + query + "\"") await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) else: await ctx.send(result['items'][item]['link']) await ctx.send("Search term: \"" + query + "\"")
async def userinfo(self, ctx): """Get user info. Ex: >info @user""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pre = cmd_prefix_len() name = ctx.message.content[4 + pre:].strip() if name: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(name) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(name)) if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = # Thanks to IgneelDxD for help on this if user.avatar_url[54:].startswith('a_'): avi = '' + user.avatar_url[ 35:-10] else: avi = user.avatar_url role = if role == "@everyone": role = "N/A" voice_state = None if not user.voice else if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, colour=0x708DD0) em.add_field(name='User ID',, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Nick', value=user.nick, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Status', value=user.status, inline=True) em.add_field(name='In Voice', value=voice_state, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Game',, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Highest Role', value=role, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Account Created', value=user.created_at.__format__( '%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.add_field(name='Join Date', value=user.joined_at.__format__( '%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=avi) em.set_author(name=user, icon_url='') await ctx.send(embed=em) else: msg = '**User Info:** ```User ID: %s\nNick: %s\nStatus: %s\nIn Voice: %s\nGame: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nAccount Created: %s\nJoin Date: %s\nAvatar url:%s```' % (, user.nick, user.status, voice_state,, role, user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), avi) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def de(self, ctx, name): """Embeds an image from""" await ctx.message.delete() emoji = next((x for x in self.emojis if x['title'] == name), None) if embed_perms(ctx.message) and emoji: try: await, embed=discord.Embed().set_image(url=f"{emoji['slug']}.png")) except: return
async def fc(self, ctx, friend_code="all"): """List friend codes. Do [p]help fc for more information. [p]fc - List all of your friend codes. [p]fc <friend_code> - Show one of your friend codes. Friend codes are stored in the settings/fc.json file and look similar to this: { "3DS": "435-233", "Wii U": "545262", "Steam": "lickinlemons" } Friend code names are case-insensitive and can contain any characters you want. The friend code values can also be anything you want. """ await ctx.message.delete() fc = CaseInsensitiveDict(dataIO.load_json("settings/fc.json")) if friend_code == "all": if not fc: return await ctx.send( + "You have no friend codes to show!") if embed_perms(ctx.message): embed = discord.Embed() for code in fc: embed.add_field(name=code, value=fc[code], inline=False) return await ctx.send("", embed=embed) else: message = "" for code in fc: message += "**{}**\n{}\n".format(code, fc[code]) return await ctx.send(message) else: if not friend_code in fc: return await ctx.send( + "You don't have a value set for that friend code!") if embed_perms(ctx.message): embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field(name=friend_code, value=fc[friend_code]) await ctx.send("", embed=embed) else: await ctx.send("**{}**\n{}".format(friend_code, fc[friend_code]))
async def ping(self, ctx): """Get response time.""" msgtime = await (await now = ping = now - msgtime if embed_perms(ctx.message): pong = discord.Embed(title='Pong! Response Time:', description=str(ping.microseconds / 1000.0) + ' ms', color=0x7A0000) pong.set_thumbnail(url='') await ctx.send(content=None, embed=pong) else: await ctx.send( + '``Response Time: %s ms``' % str(ping.microseconds / 1000.0))
async def avi(self, ctx, msg: str = None): """Get server avatar image link.""" if msg: server, found = self.find_server(msg) else: server = ctx.message.server if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=server.icon_url) await, embed=em) else: await, + server.icon_url) await
async def userinfo(self, ctx, *, name=""): """Get user info. Ex: [p]info @user""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pre = cmd_prefix_len() if name: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(name) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(name)) if not user: user = if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = if user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png')[54:].startswith('a_'): avi = user.avatar_url.rsplit("?", 1)[0] else: avi = user.avatar_url_as(static_format='png') if isinstance(user, discord.Member): role = if role == "@everyone": role = "N/A" voice_state = None if not user.voice else if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, colour=0x708DD0) em.add_field(name='User ID',, inline=True) if isinstance(user, discord.Member): em.add_field(name='Nick', value=user.nick, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Status', value=user.status, inline=True) em.add_field(name='In Voice', value=voice_state, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Game', value=user.activity, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Highest Role', value=role, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Account Created', value=user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) if isinstance(user, discord.Member): em.add_field(name='Join Date', value=user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=avi) em.set_author(name=user, icon_url='') await ctx.send(embed=em) else: if isinstance(user, discord.Member): msg = '**User Info:** ```User ID: %s\nNick: %s\nStatus: %s\nIn Voice: %s\nGame: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nAccount Created: %s\nJoin Date: %s\nAvatar url:%s```' % (, user.nick, user.status, voice_state, user.activity, role, user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), avi) else: msg = '**User Info:** ```User ID: %s\nAccount Created: %s\nAvatar url:%s```' % (, user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), avi) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def avi(self, ctx, msg: str = None): """Get server avatar image link.""" if msg: server, found = self.find_server(msg) if not found: return await ctx.send(server) else: server = ctx.message.guild if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=server.icon_url) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + server.icon_url)
async def fc(self, ctx, friend_code="all"): """List friend codes. Do [p]help fc for more information. [p]fc - List all of your friend codes. [p]fc <friend_code> - Show one of your friend codes. Friend codes are stored in the settings/fc.json file and look similar to this: { "3DS": "435-233", "Wii U": "545262", "Steam": "lickinlemons" } Friend code names are case-insensitive and can contain any characters you want. The friend code values can also be anything you want. """ await ctx.message.delete() fc = CaseInsensitiveDict(dataIO.load_json("settings/fc.json")) if friend_code == "all": if not fc: return await ctx.send( + "You have no friend codes to show!") if embed_perms(ctx.message): embed = discord.Embed() for code in fc: embed.add_field(name=code, value=fc[code], inline=False) return await ctx.send("", embed=embed) else: message = "" for code in fc: message += "**{}**\n{}\n".format(code, fc[code]) return await ctx.send(message) else: if not friend_code in fc: return await ctx.send( + "You don't have a value set for that friend code!") if embed_perms(ctx.message): embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field(name=friend_code, value=fc[friend_code]) await ctx.send("", embed=embed) else: await ctx.send("**{}**\n{}".format(friend_code, fc[friend_code]))
async def avi(self, ctx, msg: str = None): """Get server avatar image link.""" if msg: server, found = self.find_server(msg) if not found: return await ctx.send(server) else: server = ctx.message.guild if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=server.icon_url) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + server.icon_url) await ctx.message.delete()
async def userinfo(self, ctx, *, name=""): """Get user info. Ex: [p]info @user""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pre = cmd_prefix_len() if name: try: user = ctx.message.mentions[0] except IndexError: user = ctx.guild.get_member_named(name) if not user: user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(name)) if not user: user = if not user: await ctx.send( + 'Could not find user.') return else: user = avi = user.avatar_url if isinstance(user, discord.Member): role = if role == "@everyone": role = "N/A" voice_state = None if not user.voice else if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, colour=0x708DD0) em.add_field(name='User ID',, inline=True) if isinstance(user, discord.Member): em.add_field(name='Nick', value=user.nick, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Status', value=user.status, inline=True) em.add_field(name='In Voice', value=voice_state, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Game', value=user.activity, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Highest Role', value=role, inline=True) em.add_field(name='Account Created', value=user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) if isinstance(user, discord.Member): em.add_field(name='Join Date', value=user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=avi) em.set_author(name=user, icon_url='') await ctx.send(embed=em) else: if isinstance(user, discord.Member): msg = '**User Info:** ```User ID: %s\nNick: %s\nStatus: %s\nIn Voice: %s\nGame: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nAccount Created: %s\nJoin Date: %s\nAvatar url:%s```' % (, user.nick, user.status, voice_state, user.activity, role, user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), user.joined_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), avi) else: msg = '**User Info:** ```User ID: %s\nAccount Created: %s\nAvatar url:%s```' % (, user.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), avi) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def about(self, ctx, txt: str = None): """Links to the bot's github page.""" if embed_perms(ctx.message) and txt != 'short': em = discord.Embed(color=0xad2929, title='\ud83e\udd16 Appu\'s Discord Selfbot', description='**Features:**\n- Custom commands/reactions\n- Save last x images in a channel to your computer\n- Keyword notifier\n' '- Set/cycle your game status and your avatar\n- Google web and image search\n- MyAnimeList search\n- Spoiler tagging\n' '- Server info commands\n- Quoting, calculator, creating polls, and much more') em.add_field(name='\ud83d\udd17 Link to download', value='[Github link](') em.add_field(name='\ud83c\udfa5Quick examples:', value='[Simple commands](') if txt == 'link': em.add_field(name='👋 Discord Server', value='Join the official Discord server [here](!') em.set_footer(text='Made by appu1232#2569', icon_url='') await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) else: await ctx.send('') await ctx.message.delete()
async def ping(self, ctx): """Get response time.""" msgtime = await (await now = ping = now - msgtime if embed_perms(ctx.message): pong = discord.Embed(title='Pong!', description=str(ping.microseconds / 1000.0) + ' ms', color=0x35465C) pong.set_thumbnail(url='') await ctx.send(content=None, embed=pong) else: await ctx.send( + '``Response Time: %s ms``' % str(ping.microseconds / 1000.0))
async def setavatar(self, ctx, *, msg): """ Set an avatar from a URL: Usage >setavatar <url_to_image> Image must be a .png or a .jpg """ url = msg response = requests.get(url, stream=True) name = url.split('/')[-1] with open(name, 'wb') as img: for block in response.iter_content(1024): if not block: break img.write(block) if url: with open(name, 'rb') as fp: e = with open('settings/avatars.json', 'r+') as fp: opt = json.load(fp) if opt['password']: if opt['password'] == "": await, "You have not set your password yet in `settings/avatars.json` Please do so and try again" ) else: pw = opt['password'] await, avatar=e) await, "Your avatar has been set to the specified image" ) else: opt['password'] = "" await, "You have not set your password yet in `settings/avatars.json` Please do so and try again" ) os.remove(name) elif not embed_perms(ctx.message) and url: await, url) else: await, + 'Could not find image.')
async def ball8(self, ctx, *, msg: str): """Let the 8ball decide your fate. Ex: [p]8ball Will I get good?""" answer = random.randint(0, 19) if embed_perms(ctx.message): if answer < 10: color = 0x008000 elif 10 <= answer < 15: color = 0xFFD700 else: color = 0xFF0000 em = discord.Embed(color=color) em.add_field(name='\u2753 Question', value=msg) em.add_field(name='\ud83c\udfb1 8ball', value=self.ball[answer], inline=False) await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) await ctx.message.delete() else: await ctx.send('\ud83c\udfb1 ``{}``'.format(random.choice(self.ball)))
async def calc(self, ctx, *, msg): """Simple calculator. Ex: >calc 2+2""" equation = msg.strip().replace('^', '**') if '=' in equation: left = eval(equation.split('=')[0]) right = eval(equation.split('=')[1]) answer = str(left == right) else: answer = str(eval(equation)) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(color=0xD3D3D3, title='Calculator') em.add_field(name='Input:', value=msg.replace('**', '^'), inline=False) em.add_field(name='Output:', value=answer, inline=False) await, content=None, embed=em) await else: await, + answer)
async def quote(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Quote a message. >help quote for more info. >quote - quotes the last message sent in the channel. >quote <words> - tries to search for a message in the server that contains the given words and quotes it. >quote <message_id> - quotes the message with the given message id. Ex: >quote 302355374524644290(Enable developer mode to copy message ids). >quote <words> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given words from the channel name specified in the second argument >quote <message_id> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given message id in the given channel name""" result = channel = None pre = cmd_prefix_len() await if msg: try: length = len([ + ' ' +]) if length < 201: size = length else: size = 200 for channel in ctx.message.server.channels: if str(channel.type) == 'text': if + ' ' + in for i in range(length - 2, length - size, -1): try: search =[ + ' ' +][i] except: continue if (msg.lower().strip() in search[0].content.lower() and (search[0].author != or search[0].content[pre:7] != 'quote ') ) or (ctx.message.content[6:].strip() == search[0].id): result = search[0] break if result: break except KeyError: pass if not result: if " | channel=" in msg: channelList = [] for channels in if == msg.split("| channel=")[1]: channelList.append(channels) msg = msg.split(" | channel=")[0] for channel in channelList: if str(channel.type) == 'text': if + ' ' + in for i in range(length - 2, length - size, -1): try: search =[ + ' ' +][i] except: continue if (msg.lower().strip() in search[0].content.lower() and (search[0].author != or search[0].content[pre:7] != 'quote ') ) or (ctx.message.content[6:].strip() == search[0].id): result = search[0] break if result: break if not result: for channel in channelList: try: async for sent_message in channel, limit=500): if (msg.lower().strip() in sent_message.content and ( != or sent_message.content[pre:7] != 'quote ')) or (msg.strip() == result = sent_message break except: pass if result: break if not result: for channel in ctx.message.server.channels: try: async for sent_message in channel, limit=500): if (msg.lower().strip() in sent_message.content and ( != or sent_message.content[pre:7] != 'quote ') ) or (msg.strip() == result = sent_message break except: pass if result: break else: channel = search =[ + ' ' +][-2] result = search[0] if result: sender = if else if embed_perms(ctx.message) and result.content: em = discord.Embed(description=result.content, timestamp=result.timestamp) with open('settings/optional_config.json') as fp: opt = json.load(fp) try: embed_color = opt['quoteembed_color'] if embed_color == "auto": em.color = else: em.color = int('0x' + embed_color, 16) except: em.color = 0xbc0b0b em.set_author(name=sender, if channel != em.set_footer(text='#{} | {} '.format(, await, embed=em) else: await, '%s - %s```%s```' % (sender, result.timestamp, result.content)) else: await, + 'No quote found.')
async def stats(self, ctx): """Bot stats.""" uptime = ( - hours, rem = divmod(int(uptime.total_seconds()), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) if days: time = '%s days, %s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % (days, hours, minutes, seconds) else: time = '%s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % (hours, minutes, seconds) game = if not game: game = 'None' channel_count = 0 for guild in channel_count += len(guild.channels) if not most_used_cmd = 'Not enough info' else: cmd_name = max(, total_usage =[str(cmd_name)] plural = '' if total_usage == 1 else 's' most_used_cmd = '{} - {} use{}'.format(cmd_name, total_usage, plural) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(title='Bot Stats', color=0x32441c) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F553 Uptime', value=time, inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\u2328 Most Used Cmd', value=most_used_cmd, inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E4 Msgs sent', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E5 Msgs received', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2757 Mentions', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2694 Servers', value=str(len( em.add_field(name=u'\ud83d\udcd1 Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name=u'\u270F Keywords logged', value=str( g = u'\U0001F3AE Game' if '=' in game: g = '\ud83c\udfa5 Stream' em.add_field(name=g, value=game) try: mem_usage = '{:.2f} MiB'.format(__import__('psutil').Process().memory_full_info().uss / 1024 ** 2) except AttributeError: # OS doesn't support retrieval of USS (probably BSD or Solaris) mem_usage = '{:.2f} MiB'.format(__import__('psutil').Process().memory_full_info().rss / 1024 ** 2) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4BE Memory usage:', value=mem_usage) try: g = git.cmd.Git(working_dir=os.getcwd()) branch = g.execute(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]) g.execute(["git", "fetch", "origin", branch]) version = g.execute(["git", "rev-list", "--right-only", "--count", "{}...origin/{}".format(branch, branch)]) if branch == "master": branch_note = "." else: branch_note = " (`" + branch + "` branch)." if version == '0': status = 'Up to date%s' % branch_note else: latest = g.execute( ["git", "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--stat", "--pretty", "-%s" % version, "origin/%s" % branch]) haste_latest = await hastebin(latest, if version == '1': status = 'Behind by 1 release%s [Latest update.](%s)' % (branch_note, haste_latest) else: status = '%s releases behind%s [Latest updates.](%s)' % (version, branch_note, haste_latest) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001f4bb Update status:', value=status) except: pass await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) else: msg = '**Bot Stats:** ```Uptime: %s\nMessages Sent: %s\nMessages Received: %s\nMentions: %s\nguilds: %s\nKeywords logged: %s\nGame: %s```' % ( time, str(, str(, str(, str(len(, str(, game) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def stats(self, ctx): """Bot stats.""" uptime = ( - hours, rem = divmod(int(uptime.total_seconds()), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) if days: time = '%s days, %s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % ( days, hours, minutes, seconds) else: time = '%s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % (hours, minutes, seconds) game = if not game: game = 'None' channel_count = 0 for server in channel_count += len(server.channels) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(title='Bot Stats', color=0x32441c) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F553 Uptime', value=time, inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E4 Msgs sent', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E5 Msgs received', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2757 Mentions', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2694 Servers', value=str(len( em.add_field(name=u'\ud83d\udcd1 Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name=u'\u270F Keywords logged', value=str( g = u'\U0001F3AE Game' if '=' in game: g = '\ud83c\udfa5 Stream' em.add_field(name=g, value=game) mem_usage = '{:.2f} MiB'.format( __import__('psutil').Process().memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4BE Memory usage:', value=mem_usage) try: g = git.cmd.Git(working_dir=os.getcwd()) branch = g.execute( ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]) g.execute(["git", "fetch", "origin", branch]) version = g.execute([ "git", "rev-list", "--right-only", "--count", "{}...origin/{}".format(branch, branch) ]) if branch == "master": branch_note = "." else: branch_note = " (`" + branch + "` branch)." if version == '0': status = 'Up to date%s' % branch_note else: latest = g.execute([ "git", "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--stat", "--pretty", "-%s" % version, "origin/%s" % branch ]) gist_latest = PythonGists.Gist( description='Latest changes for the selfbot.', content=latest, name='latest.txt') if version == '1': status = 'Behind by 1 release%s [Latest update.](%s)' % ( branch_note, gist_latest) else: status = '%s releases behind%s [Latest updates.](%s)' % ( version, branch_note, gist_latest) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001f4bb Update status:', value=status) except: pass await, content=None, embed=em) else: msg = '**Bot Stats:** ```Uptime: %s\nMessages Sent: %s\nMessages Received: %s\nMentions: %s\nServers: %s\nKeywords logged: %s\nGame: %s```' % ( time, str(, str(, str(, str(len(, str(, game) await, + msg) await
async def quote(self, ctx, *, msg: str = ""): """Quote a message. [p]help quote for more info. [p]quote - quotes the last message sent in the channel. [p]quote <words> - tries to search for a message in the server that contains the given words and quotes it. [p]quote <message_id> - quotes the message with the given message ID. Ex: [p]quote 302355374524644290 (enable developer mode to copy message IDs) [p]quote <user_mention_name_or_id> - quotes the last message sent by a specific user [p]quote <words> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given words in a specified channel [p]quote <message_id> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given message ID in a specified channel [p]quote <user_mention_name_or_id> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the last message sent by a specific user in a specified channel """ await ctx.message.delete() result = None channels = [] + [x for x in ctx.guild.channels if x != and type(x) ==] args = msg.split(" | ") msg = args[0] if len(args) > 1: channel = args[1].split("channel=")[1] channels = [] for chan in ctx.guild.channels: if == channel or str( == channel: channels.append(chan) break else: for guild in for chan in guild.channels: if == channel or str( == channel and type(chan) == channels.append(chan) break if not channels: return await ctx.send( + "The specified channel could not be found.") user = get_user(ctx.message, msg) async def get_quote(msg, channels, user): for channel in channels: try: if user: async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if == user: return message if len(msg) > 15 and msg.isdigit(): async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if str( == msg: return message else: async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if msg in message.content: return message except discord.Forbidden: continue return None if msg: result = await get_quote(msg, channels, user) else: async for message in result = message if result: if type( == discord.User: sender = else: sender = if else if embed_perms(ctx.message) and result.content: color = get_config_value("optional_config", "quoteembed_color") if color == "auto": color = elif color == "": color = 0xbc0b0b else: color = int('0x' + color, 16) em = discord.Embed(color=color, description=result.content, timestamp=result.created_at) em.set_author(name=sender, footer = "" if != footer += "#" + if result.guild != ctx.guild: footer += " | " + if footer: em.set_footer(text=footer) await ctx.send(embed=em) elif result.content: await ctx.send('%s - %s```%s```' % (sender, result.created_at, result.content)) else: await ctx.send( + "Embeds cannot be quoted.") else: await ctx.send( + 'No quote found.')
async def embed(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Embed given text. Ex: Do >embed for more help Example: >embed title=test this | description=some words | color=3AB35E | field=name=test value=test You do NOT need to specify every property, only the ones you want. **All properties and the syntax (put your custom stuff in place of the <> stuff): - title=<words> - description=<words> - color=<hex_value> - image=<url_to_image> (must be https) - thumbnail=<url_to_image> - author=<words> **OR** author=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image> - footer=<words> **OR** footer=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image> - field=name=<words> value=<words> (you can add as many fields as you want) - ptext=<words> NOTE: After the command is sent, the bot will delete your message and replace it with the embed. Make sure you have it saved or else you'll have to type it all again if the embed isn't how you want it. PS: Hyperlink text like so: [text]( PPS: Force a field to go to the next line with the added parameter inline=False""" if msg: if embed_perms(ctx.message): ptext = title = description = image = thumbnail = color = footer = author = None timestamp = discord.Embed.Empty embed_values = msg.split('|') for i in embed_values: with open('settings/optional_config.json', 'r+') as fp: opt = json.load(fp) if opt['embed_color'] != "": color = opt['embed_color'] if i.strip().lower().startswith('ptext='): ptext = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('title='): title = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('description='): description = i.strip()[12:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('desc='): description = i.strip()[5:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('image='): image = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('thumbnail='): thumbnail = i.strip()[10:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('colour='): color = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('color='): color = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('footer='): footer = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('author='): author = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('timestamp'): timestamp = ctx.message.timestamp else: if description is None and not i.strip().lower( ).startswith('field='): description = i.strip() if color: if color.startswith('#'): color = color[1:] if not color.startswith('0x'): color = '0x' + color if ptext is title is description is image is thumbnail is color is footer is author is None and 'field=' not in msg: await return await, content=None, embed=discord.Embed(description=msg)) if color: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description, color=int(color, 16)) else: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description) for i in embed_values: if i.strip().lower().startswith('field='): field_inline = True field = i.strip().lstrip('field=') field_name, field_value = field.split('value=') if 'inline=' in field_value: field_value, field_inline = field_value.split( 'inline=') if 'false' in field_inline.lower( ) or 'no' in field_inline.lower(): field_inline = False field_name = field_name.strip().lstrip('name=') em.add_field(name=field_name, value=field_value.strip(), inline=field_inline) if author: if 'icon=' in author: text, icon = author.split('icon=') if 'url=' in icon: print("here") em.set_author( name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon.split('url=')[0].strip(), url=icon.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: if 'url=' in author: print("here") em.set_author( name=author.split('url=')[0].strip()[5:], url=author.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=author) if image: em.set_image(url=image) if thumbnail: em.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if footer: if 'icon=' in footer: text, icon = footer.split('icon=') em.set_footer(text=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: em.set_footer(text=footer) await, content=ptext, embed=em) else: await, + 'No embed permissions in this channel.') else: msg = '```How to use the >embed command:\nExample: >embed title=test this | description=some words | color=3AB35E | field=name=test value=test\n\nYou do NOT need to specify every property, only the ones you want.' \ '\nAll properties and the syntax (put your custom stuff in place of the <> stuff):\ntitle=<words>\ndescription=<words>\ncolor=<hex_value>\nimage=<url_to_image> (must be https)\nthumbnail=<url_to_image>\nauthor=<words> **OR** author=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image>\nfooter=<words> ' \ '**OR** footer=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image>\nfield=name=<words> value=<words> (you can add as many fields as you want)\nptext=<words>\n\nNOTE: After the command is sent, the bot will delete your message and replace it with ' \ 'the embed. Make sure you have it saved or else you\'ll have to type it all again if the embed isn\'t how you want it.\nPS: Hyperlink text like so: [text](\nPPS: Force a field to go to the next line with the added parameter inline=False```' await, + msg) try: await except: pass
async def quote(self, ctx, *, msg: str = ""): """Quote a message. [p]help quote for more info. [p]quote - quotes the last message sent in the channel. [p]quote <words> - tries to search for a message in the server that contains the given words and quotes it. [p]quote <message_id> - quotes the message with the given message ID. Ex: [p]quote 302355374524644290 (enable developer mode to copy message IDs) [p]quote <user_mention_name_or_id> - quotes the last message sent by a specific user [p]quote <words> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given words in a specified channel [p]quote <message_id> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the message with the given message ID in a specified channel [p]quote <user_mention_name_or_id> | channel=<channel_name> - quotes the last message sent by a specific user in a specified channel """ ###await ctx.message.delete() result = None channels = [] + [x for x in ctx.guild.channels if x != and type(x) ==] args = msg.split(" | ") msg = args[0] if len(args) > 1: channel = args[1].split("channel=")[1] channels = [] for chan in ctx.guild.channels: if == channel or str( == channel: channels.append(chan) break else: for guild in for chan in guild.channels: if == channel or str( == channel and type(chan) == channels.append(chan) break if not channels: return await ctx.send( + "The specified channel could not be found.") user = get_user(ctx.message, msg) async def get_quote(msg, channels, user): for channel in channels: try: if user: async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if == user: return message if len(msg) > 15 and msg.isdigit(): async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if str( == msg: return message else: async for message in channel.history(limit=500): if msg in message.content: return message except discord.Forbidden: continue return None if msg: result = await get_quote(msg, channels, user) else: async for message in result = message if result: if type( == discord.User: sender = else: sender = if else if embed_perms(ctx.message) and result.content: color = get_config_value("optional_config", "quoteembed_color") if color == "auto": color = elif color == "": color = 0xbc0b0b else: color = int('0x' + color, 16) em = discord.Embed(color=color, description=result.content, timestamp=result.created_at) em.set_author(name=sender, footer = "" if != footer += "#" + if result.guild != ctx.guild: footer += " | " + if footer: em.set_footer(text=footer) await ctx.send(embed=em) elif result.content: await ctx.send('%s - %s```%s```' % (sender, result.created_at, result.content)) else: await ctx.send( + "Embeds cannot be quoted.") else: await ctx.send( + 'No quote found.')
async def wvw_session(self, ctx): discord_user_id = result = None try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: query = """ SELECT * FROM Gw2SessionInfo WHERE id = %s """ cur.execute( query, (discord_user_id,) ) result = cur.fetchone() except Exception as e: await ctx.send("Error processing !session wvw") else: # startAchievementInfo = {value['id']: value for value in result['startinfo']['achievements']} endAchievementInfo = {value['id']: value for value in result['endinfo']['achievements']} startDeaths = {'current': sum([character['deaths'] for character in result['startinfo']['characters']])} endDeaths = {'current': sum([character['deaths'] for character in result['endinfo']['characters']])} startTime = result['starttime'] endTime = result['endtime'] startWvWInfo = { 'WvW Repairs': startAchievementInfo.get(306, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(283, {'current': 0}), 'Yak Escort': startAchievementInfo.get(285, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Yak Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(288, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Camps': startAchievementInfo.get(291, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Towers': startAchievementInfo.get(297, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Keeps': startAchievementInfo.get(300, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Castles': startAchievementInfo.get(294, {'current': 0}), 'Warclaw Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(4641, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Warclaw Gate Damage': startAchievementInfo.get(4644, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Deaths': startDeaths } endWvWInfo = { 'WvW Repairs': endAchievementInfo.get(306, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(283, {'current': 0}), 'Yak Escort': endAchievementInfo.get(285, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Yak Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(288, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Camps': endAchievementInfo.get(291, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Towers': endAchievementInfo.get(297, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Keeps': endAchievementInfo.get(300, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Castles': endAchievementInfo.get(294, {'current': 0}), 'Warclaw Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(4641, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Warclaw Gate Damage': endAchievementInfo.get(4644, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Deaths': endDeaths } # print(startWvWInfo) # Normalize Warclaw Kills if 'repeated' in startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']: startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['current'] += startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['repeated'] * 5 endWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['current'] += endWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['repeated'] * 5 # Normalize Warclaw Gate Damage if 'repeated' in startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']: startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['current'] += startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['repeated'] * 100000 endWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['current'] += endWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['repeated'] * 100000 # Get the difference between each current value in the WvWInfo Dicts wvwDiff = {key: endWvWInfo[key]['current'] - startWvWInfo[key]['current'] for key in startWvWInfo.keys()} print(wvwDiff['Deaths']) # Calculate time difference timeElapsed = endTime - startTime hours, remainder = divmod(timeElapsed.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) playTimeStr = "{}h {}m {}s".format(hours, minutes, seconds) embed_time_format = "%X UTC" user = if embed_perms(ctx.message): desc = """ You started playing at **{}** and stopped at **{}** for a total playtime of **{}**\n \n `Note: Deaths are tracked globally` """.format(startTime.strftime(embed_time_format), endTime.strftime(embed_time_format), playTimeStr) # Default to the numerator if denominator is 0 for Kill Death Ratio wvw_kdr = wvwDiff['WvW Kills'] / wvwDiff['Deaths'] if wvwDiff['Deaths'] else wvwDiff['WvW Kills'] em = discord.Embed(title="WvW Session Stats", description=desc, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, color=0xFF0000) # Playtime information # KDR em.add_field(name='WvW Kills :crossed_swords:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Deaths :skull:', value=wvwDiff['Deaths'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='KDR', value=wvw_kdr, inline=True) # Zero Width space unicode character # em.add_field(name='\u200b', value='\u200b', inline=False) # WvW Information em.add_field(name='Camps Flipped :circus_tent:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Camps'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Towers Seized :synagogue:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Towers'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Keeps Captured :european_castle:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Keeps'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Castles Liberated :japanese_castle:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Castles'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Yaks Slapped :meat_on_bone:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Yak Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Yaks Escorted :ram:', value=wvwDiff['Yak Escort'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Supply Spent Repairing :tools:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Repairs'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Warclaw Maul Kills :lion:', value=wvwDiff['Warclaw Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Warclaw Gate Damage :shinto_shrine:', value=wvwDiff['Warclaw Gate Damage'], inline=True) em.set_author(name=user.display_name, icon_url=user.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def anime(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Search the anime database. Ex: [p]mal anime Steins;Gate""" if msg: fetch = await ctx.send( + 'Searching...') if msg.startswith('[link]'): msg = msg[6:] link = True else: link = False found, result = await self.google_results('anime', msg) if found: anime_id = re.findall('/anime/(.*)/', result) try: results = await self.t_client.get_anime(int(anime_id[0])) except IndexError: return await ctx.send( + 'No results.') finally: gc.collect() else: await ctx.send( + 'No results.') await fetch.delete() return await ctx.message.delete() if not embed_perms(ctx.message) or link is True: await ctx.send( + '' % await fetch.delete() return await ctx.message.delete() # Formatting embed selection = results synopsis = BeautifulSoup(selection.synopsis, 'html.parser') em = discord.Embed(description='{}'.format( '' %, colour=0x0066CC) try: english = selection.english if english: em.add_field(name='English Title', value=english, inline=False) except: pass em.add_field(name='Type', value=selection.type) episodes = 'Unknown' if selection.episodes == '0' else selection.episodes em.add_field(name='Episodes', value=episodes) score = '?' if selection.score == 0 else str( selection.score) + '/10' em.add_field(name='Score', value=score) em.add_field(name='Status', value=selection.status) try: synop = synopsis.get_text()[:400].split('.') text = '' for i in range(0, len(synop) - 1): text += synop[i] + '.' except: text = synopsis.get_text() em.add_field(name='Synopsis', value=text + ' [Read more »](' % air_time = selection.air_start + " - " + selection.air_end em.add_field(name='Airing Time:', value=air_time) em.set_thumbnail(url=selection.image) em.set_author( name=selection.title, icon_url= '' ) em.set_footer(text='MyAnimeList Anime Search') await ctx.send(embed=em) await fetch.delete() await ctx.message.delete() else: await ctx.send( + 'Specify an anime to search for.')
async def serverinfo(self, ctx, *, msg=""): """Various info about the server. [p]help server for more info.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if msg: server = None try: float(msg) server = if not server: return await ctx.send( + 'Server not found.') except: for i in if == msg.lower(): server = i break if not server: return await ctx.send( + 'Could not find server. Note: You must be a member of the server you are trying to search.') else: server = ctx.message.guild online = 0 for i in server.members: if str(i.status) == 'online' or str(i.status) == 'idle' or str(i.status) == 'dnd': online += 1 all_users = [] for user in server.members: all_users.append('{}#{}'.format(, user.discriminator)) all_users.sort() all = '\n'.join(all_users) channel_count = len([x for x in server.channels if type(x) ==]) role_count = len(server.roles) emoji_count = len(server.emojis) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(color=0xea7938) em.add_field(name='Name', em.add_field(name='Owner', value=server.owner, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Members', value=server.member_count) em.add_field(name='Currently Online', value=online) em.add_field(name='Text Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name='Region', value=server.region) em.add_field(name='Verification Level', value=str(server.verification_level)) em.add_field(name='Highest role', value=server.role_hierarchy[0]) em.add_field(name='Number of roles', value=str(role_count)) em.add_field(name='Number of emotes', value=str(emoji_count)) url = await hastebin(str(all), hastebin_of_users = '[List of all {} users in this server]({})'.format(server.member_count, url) em.add_field(name='Users', value=hastebin_of_users) em.add_field(name='Created At', value=server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=server.icon_url) em.set_author(name='Server Info', icon_url='') em.set_footer(text='Server ID: %s' % await ctx.send(embed=em) else: msg = '**Server Info:** ```Name: %s\nOwner: %s\nMembers: %s\nCurrently Online: %s\nRegion: %s\nVerification Level: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nCreated At: %s\nServer avatar: : %s```' % (, server.owner, server.member_count, online, server.region, str(server.verification_level), server.role_hierarchy[0], server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), server.icon_url) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()
async def anime(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Search the anime database. Ex: [p]mal anime Steins;Gate""" if msg: fetch = await ctx.send( + 'Searching...') if msg.startswith('[link]'): msg = msg[6:] link = True else: link = False found, result = await self.google_results('anime', msg) if found: anime_id = re.findall('/anime/(.*)/', result) try: results = await self.t_client.get_anime(int(anime_id[0])) except IndexError: return await ctx.send( + 'No results.') finally: gc.collect() else: await ctx.send( + 'No results.') await fetch.delete() return await ctx.message.delete() if not embed_perms(ctx.message) or link is True: await ctx.send( + '' % await fetch.delete() return await ctx.message.delete() # Formatting embed selection = results synopsis = BeautifulSoup(selection.synopsis, 'html.parser') em = discord.Embed(description='{}'.format('' %, colour=0x0066CC) try: english = selection.english if english: em.add_field(name='English Title', value=english, inline=False) except: pass em.add_field(name='Type', value=selection.type) episodes = 'Unknown' if selection.episodes == '0' else selection.episodes em.add_field(name='Episodes', value=episodes) score = '?' if selection.score == 0 else str(selection.score) + '/10' em.add_field(name='Score', value=score) em.add_field(name='Status', value=selection.status) try: synop = synopsis.get_text()[:400].split('.') text = '' for i in range(0, len(synop)-1): text += synop[i] + '.' except: text = synopsis.get_text() em.add_field(name='Synopsis', value=text + ' [Read more »](' % air_time = selection.air_start + " - " + selection.air_end em.add_field(name='Airing Time:', value=air_time) em.set_thumbnail(url=selection.image) em.set_author(name=selection.title, icon_url='') em.set_footer(text='MyAnimeList Anime Search') await ctx.send(embed=em) await fetch.delete() await ctx.message.delete() else: await ctx.send( + 'Specify an anime to search for.')
async def emoji(self, ctx, *, msg): """ Embed or copy a custom emoji (from any server). Usage: 1) >emoji :smug: [Will display the smug emoji as an image] 2) >emoji copy :smug: [Will add the emoji as a custom emote for the server] """ copy_emote_bool = False if "copy " in msg: msg = msg.split("copy ")[1] copy_emote_bool = True if msg.startswith('s '): msg = msg[2:] get_server = True else: get_server = False msg = msg.strip(':') if msg.startswith('<'): msg = msg[2:].split(':', 1)[0].strip() url = emoji = server = None exact_match = False for server in for emoji in server.emojis: if msg.strip().lower() in str(emoji): url = emoji.url emote_name = if msg.strip() == str(emoji).split(':')[1]: url = emoji.url emote_name = exact_match = True break if exact_match: break response = requests.get(emoji.url, stream=True) name = emoji.url.split('/')[-1] with open(name, 'wb') as img: for block in response.iter_content(1024): if not block: break img.write(block) if attach_perms(ctx.message) and url: if get_server: await, '**ID:** {}\n**Server:** {}'.format(, with open(name, 'rb') as fp: if copy_emote_bool: e = else: await, fp) if copy_emote_bool: try: await, name=emote_name, image=e) embed = discord.Embed(title="Added new emote", embed.description = "New emote added: " + emote_name await"", embed=embed) except: await"Not enough permissions to do this") os.remove(name) elif not embed_perms(ctx.message) and url: await, url) else: await, + 'Could not find emoji.') return await
async def embed(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Embed given text. Ex: Do [p]embed for more help Example: [p]embed title=test this | description=some words | color=3AB35E | field=name=test value=test You do NOT need to specify every property, only the ones you want. **All properties and the syntax:** - title=<words> - description=<words> - color=<hex_value> - image=<url_to_image> (must be https) - thumbnail=<url_to_image> - author=<words> **OR** author=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image> - footer=<words> **OR** footer=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image> - field=name=<words> value=<words> (you can add as many fields as you want) - ptext=<words> NOTE: After the command is sent, the bot will delete your message and replace it with the embed. Make sure you have it saved or else you'll have to type it all again if the embed isn't how you want it. PS: Hyperlink text like so: \[text]( PPS: Force a field to go to the next line with the added parameter inline=False""" if msg: if embed_perms(ctx.message): ptext = title = description = image = thumbnail = color = footer = author = None timestamp = discord.Embed.Empty embed_values = msg.split('|') for i in embed_values: with open('settings/optional_config.json', 'r+') as fp: opt = json.load(fp) if opt['embed_color'] != "": color = opt['embed_color'] if i.strip().lower().startswith('ptext='): ptext = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('title='): title = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('description='): description = i.strip()[12:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('desc='): description = i.strip()[5:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('image='): image = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('thumbnail='): thumbnail = i.strip()[10:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('colour='): color = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('color='): color = i.strip()[6:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('footer='): footer = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('author='): author = i.strip()[7:].strip() elif i.strip().lower().startswith('timestamp'): timestamp = ctx.message.created_at else: if description is None and not i.strip().lower().startswith('field='): description = i.strip() if color: if color.startswith('#'): color = color[1:] if not color.startswith('0x'): color = '0x' + color if ptext is title is description is image is thumbnail is color is footer is author is None and 'field=' not in msg: await ctx.message.delete() return await ctx.send(content=None, embed=discord.Embed(description=msg)) if color: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description, color=int(color, 16)) else: em = discord.Embed(timestamp=timestamp, title=title, description=description) for i in embed_values: if i.strip().lower().startswith('field='): field_inline = True field = i.strip().lstrip('field=') field_name, field_value = field.split('value=') if 'inline=' in field_value: field_value, field_inline = field_value.split('inline=') if 'false' in field_inline.lower() or 'no' in field_inline.lower(): field_inline = False field_name = field_name.strip().lstrip('name=') em.add_field(name=field_name, value=field_value.strip(), inline=field_inline) if author: if 'icon=' in author: text, icon = author.split('icon=') if 'url=' in icon: em.set_author(name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon.split('url=')[0].strip(), url=icon.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: if 'url=' in author: em.set_author(name=author.split('url=')[0].strip()[5:], url=author.split('url=')[1].strip()) else: em.set_author(name=author) if image: em.set_image(url=image) if thumbnail: em.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if footer: if 'icon=' in footer: text, icon = footer.split('icon=') em.set_footer(text=text.strip()[5:], icon_url=icon) else: em.set_footer(text=footer) await ctx.send(content=ptext, embed=em) else: await ctx.send( + 'No embed permissions in this channel.') else: msg = '```How to use the >embed command:\nExample: >embed title=test this | description=some words | color=3AB35E | field=name=test value=test\n\nYou do NOT need to specify every property, only the ones you want.' \ '\nAll properties and the syntax (put your custom stuff in place of the <> stuff):\ntitle=<words>\ndescription=<words>\ncolor=<hex_value>\nimage=<url_to_image> (must be https)\nthumbnail=<url_to_image>\nauthor=<words> **OR** author=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image>\nfooter=<words> ' \ '**OR** footer=name=<words> icon=<url_to_image>\nfield=name=<words> value=<words> (you can add as many fields as you want)\nptext=<words>\n\nNOTE: After the command is sent, the bot will delete your message and replace it with ' \ 'the embed. Make sure you have it saved or else you\'ll have to type it all again if the embed isn\'t how you want it.\nPS: Hyperlink text like so: [text](\nPPS: Force a field to go to the next line with the added parameter inline=False```' await ctx.send( + msg) try: await ctx.message.delete() except: pass
async def server(self, ctx): """Various info about the server. >help server for more info.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pre = cmd_prefix_len() if ctx.message.content[6 + pre:].strip(): server = None try: float(ctx.message.content[6 + pre:].strip()) server =[6 + pre:].strip()) if not server: return await, + 'Server not found.') except: for i in if == ctx.message.content[6 + pre:].lower().strip(): server = i break if not server: return await, + 'Could not find server. Note: You must be a member of the server you are trying to search.') else: server = ctx.message.server online = 0 for i in server.members: if str(i.status) == 'online' or str(i.status) == 'idle' or str(i.status) == 'dnd': online += 1 all_users = [] for user in server.members: all_users.append('{}#{}'.format(, user.discriminator)) all_users.sort() all = '\n'.join(all_users) channel_count = 0 for channel in server.channels: if channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text: channel_count += 1 role_count = len(server.roles) emoji_count = len(server.emojis) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(color=0xea7938) em.add_field(name='Name', em.add_field(name='Owner', value=server.owner, inline=False) em.add_field(name='Members', value=server.member_count) em.add_field(name='Currently Online', value=online) em.add_field(name='Text Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name='Region', value=server.region) em.add_field(name='Verification Level', value=str(server.verification_level)) em.add_field(name='Highest role', value=server.role_hierarchy[0]) em.add_field(name='Number of Roles', value=str(role_count)) em.add_field(name='Number of Emotes', value=str(emoji_count)) url = PythonGists.Gist(description='All Users in: %s' %, content=str(all), name='server.txt') gist_of_users = '[List of all {} users in this server]({})'.format(server.member_count, url) em.add_field(name='Users', value=gist_of_users) em.add_field(name='Created At', value=server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S')) em.set_thumbnail(url=server.icon_url) em.set_author(name='Server Info', icon_url='') em.set_footer(text='Server ID: %s' % await, embed=em) else: msg = '**Server Info:** ```Name: %s\nOwner: %s\nMembers: %s\nCurrently Online: %s\nRegion: %s\nVerification Level: %s\nHighest Role: %s\nDefault Channel: %s\nCreated At: %s\nServer avatar: : %s```' % (, server.owner, server.member_count, online, server.region, str(server.verification_level), server.role_hierarchy[0], server.default_channel, server.created_at.__format__('%A, %d. %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S'), server.icon_url) await, + msg) await
async def manga(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """Search the manga database. Ex: >mal manga Boku no Hero Academia""" if msg: fetch = await, + 'Searching...') if msg.startswith('[link]'): msg = msg[6:] link = True else: link = False found, result = await self.google_results('manga', msg) if found: manga_id = re.findall('/manga/(.*)/', result) try: results = await self.t_client.get_manga(int(manga_id[0])) except IndexError: return await, + 'No results.') gc.collect() else: await, + 'No results.') await return await if not embed_perms(ctx.message) or link is True: await, + '' % await return await # Formatting embed selection = results synopsis = BeautifulSoup(selection.synopsis, 'html.parser') em = discord.Embed(description='{}'.format( '' %, colour=0x0066CC) try: english = selection.english if english: em.add_field(name='English Title', value=english, inline=False) except: pass em.add_field(name='Type', value=selection.type) chapters = 'Unknown' if selection.chapters == '0' else selection.chapters em.add_field(name='Chapters', value=chapters) score = '?' if selection.score[0] == 0 else str( selection.score[0]) + '/10' em.add_field(name='Score', value=score) em.add_field(name='Status', value=selection.status) try: synop = synopsis.get_text()[:400].split('.') text = '' for i in range(0, len(synop) - 1): text += synop[i] + '.' except: text = synopsis.get_text() em.add_field(name='Synopsis', value=text + ' [Read more »](' % em.add_field(name='Airing Time:', value=selection.publish_time) em.set_thumbnail(url=selection.image) em.set_author( name=selection.title, icon_url= '' ) em.set_footer(text='MyAnimeList Manga Search') await, embed=em) await await else: await, + 'No results')
async def stats(self, ctx): """Bot stats.""" uptime = ( - hours, rem = divmod(int(uptime.total_seconds()), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) if days: time = '%s days, %s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % ( days, hours, minutes, seconds) else: time = '%s hours, %s minutes, and %s seconds' % (hours, minutes, seconds) game = if not game: game = 'None' channel_count = 0 for guild in channel_count += len(guild.channels) if not most_used_cmd = 'Not enough info' else: cmd_name = max(, total_usage =[str(cmd_name)] plural = '' if total_usage == 1 else 's' most_used_cmd = '{} - {} use{}'.format(cmd_name, total_usage, plural) if embed_perms(ctx.message): em = discord.Embed(title='Bot Stats', color=0x32441c) em.set_thumbnail(url='') em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F553 Uptime', value=time, inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\u2328 Most Used Cmd', value=most_used_cmd, inline=False) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E4 Msgs sent', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4E5 Msgs received', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2757 Mentions', value=str( em.add_field(name=u'\u2694 Servers', value=str(len( em.add_field(name=u'\ud83d\udcd1 Channels', value=str(channel_count)) em.add_field(name=u'\u270F Keywords logged', value=str( g = u'\U0001F3AE Game' if '=' in game: g = '\ud83c\udfa5 Stream' em.add_field(name=g, value=game) try: mem_usage = '{:.2f} MiB'.format( __import__('psutil').Process().memory_full_info().uss / 1024**2) except AttributeError: # OS doesn't support retrieval of USS (probably BSD or Solaris) mem_usage = '{:.2f} MiB'.format( __import__('psutil').Process().memory_full_info().rss / 1024**2) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001F4BE Memory usage:', value=mem_usage) try: g = git.cmd.Git(working_dir=os.getcwd()) branch = g.execute( ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]) g.execute(["git", "fetch", "origin", branch]) version = g.execute([ "git", "rev-list", "--right-only", "--count", "{}...origin/{}".format(branch, branch) ]) if branch == "master": branch_note = "." else: branch_note = " (`" + branch + "` branch)." if version == '0': status = 'Up to date%s' % branch_note else: latest = g.execute([ "git", "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--stat", "--pretty", "-%s" % version, "origin/%s" % branch ]) haste_latest = await hastebin(latest, if version == '1': status = 'Behind by 1 release%s [Latest update.](%s)' % ( branch_note, haste_latest) else: status = '%s releases behind%s [Latest updates.](%s)' % ( version, branch_note, haste_latest) em.add_field(name=u'\U0001f4bb Update status:', value=status) except: pass await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em) else: msg = '**Bot Stats:** ```Uptime: %s\nMessages Sent: %s\nMessages Received: %s\nMentions: %s\nguilds: %s\nKeywords logged: %s\nGame: %s```' % ( time, str(, str(, str(, str(len(, str(, game) await ctx.send( + msg) await ctx.message.delete()