예제 #1
    def test001_alignmodel(self):
        """Checking alignment model"""
        options = colibricore.PatternModelOptions(mintokens=1,doreverseindex=False)

        s = colibricore.ClassEncoder("test-en-nl/test-en-train.colibri.cls")
        t = colibricore.ClassEncoder("test-en-nl/test-nl-train.colibri.cls")
        sdec = colibricore.ClassDecoder("test-en-nl/test-en-train.colibri.cls")
        tdec = colibricore.ClassDecoder("test-en-nl/test-nl-train.colibri.cls")

        print("Loading alignment model",file=sys.stderr)
        model = AlignmentModel()
        print("Testing contents",file=sys.stderr)
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('a'), t.buildpattern('een') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('just'), t.buildpattern('maar') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('only'), t.buildpattern('maar') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('bank'), t.buildpattern('oever') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('bank'), t.buildpattern('bank') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('bank'), t.buildpattern('sturen') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('couch'), t.buildpattern('bank') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('the bank'), t.buildpattern('de oever') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('the bank'), t.buildpattern('de bank') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('the couch'), t.buildpattern('de bank') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('I see'), t.buildpattern('Ik zie') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('He'), t.buildpattern('Hij') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('sits'), t.buildpattern('zit') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('on'), t.buildpattern('on') ) in model )
        self.assertTrue(  (s.buildpattern('today'), t.buildpattern('vandaag') ) in model )
        self.assertEqual(  len(list(model.triples())), 15 )
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: proycon/colibri-mt
    def test001_alignmodel(self):
        """Checking alignment model"""
        options = colibricore.PatternModelOptions(mintokens=1,

        s = colibricore.ClassEncoder("test-en-nl/test-en-train.colibri.cls")
        t = colibricore.ClassEncoder("test-en-nl/test-nl-train.colibri.cls")
        sdec = colibricore.ClassDecoder("test-en-nl/test-en-train.colibri.cls")
        tdec = colibricore.ClassDecoder("test-en-nl/test-nl-train.colibri.cls")

        print("Loading alignment model", file=sys.stderr)
        model = AlignmentModel()
        model.load("test-en-nl/test-en-nl.colibri.alignmodel", options)
        print("Loaded", file=sys.stderr)
        model.output(sdec, tdec)
        print("Testing contents", file=sys.stderr)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('a'), t.buildpattern('een')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('maar')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('maar')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('oever')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('bank')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('sturen')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('bank')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('the bank'),
                         t.buildpattern('de oever')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('the bank'),
                         t.buildpattern('de bank')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('the couch'),
                         t.buildpattern('de bank')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('I see'),
                         t.buildpattern('Ik zie')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('He'), t.buildpattern('Hij')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('zit')) in model)
        self.assertTrue((s.buildpattern('on'), t.buildpattern('on')) in model)
                         t.buildpattern('vandaag')) in model)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(model.triples())), 15)
예제 #3
파일: common.py 프로젝트: proycon/colibrita
def extractpairs(ttablefile, gizamodelfile_s2t, gizamodelfile_t2s, patternmodelfile_source, patternmodelfile_target, classfile_source, classfile_target, joinedprobabilitythreshold, divergencefrombestthreshold, DEBUG):
    if DEBUG: print("Loading phrase-table", file=sys.stderr)
    #ttable = PhraseTable(ttablefile,False, False, "|||", 3, 0,None, None, lambda x: x[0] * x[2] > joinedprobabilitythreshold)
    ttable = AlignmentModel()

    if DEBUG: print("Loading GIZA model (s->t)", file=sys.stderr)
    gizamodel_s2t = GizaModel(gizamodelfile_s2t)
    if DEBUG: print("Loading GIZA model (t->s)", file=sys.stderr)
    gizamodel_t2s = GizaModel(gizamodelfile_t2s)

    if DEBUG: print("Loading decoders", file=sys.stderr)
    classdecoder_source = ClassDecoder(classfile_source)
    classencoder_source = ClassEncoder(classfile_source)
    classdecoder_target = ClassDecoder(classfile_target)
    classencoder_target = ClassEncoder(classfile_target)

    if DEBUG: print("Loading source pattern model " + patternmodelfile_source, file=sys.stderr)
    options = PatternModelOptions()
    #options.DOREVERSEINDEX = False
    patternmodel_source = IndexedPatternModel(patternmodelfile_source, options)
    if DEBUG: print("Loading target pattern model " + patternmodelfile_target, file=sys.stderr)
    patternmodel_target = IndexedPatternModel(patternmodelfile_target, options)

    #with open(sourcecorpusfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #    sourcecorpus = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

    #with open(targetcorpusfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    #    targetcorpus = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]

    iter_s2t = iter(gizamodel_s2t)
    iter_t2s = iter(gizamodel_t2s)

    if DEBUG: print("Iterating over all sentence pairs", file=sys.stderr)
    #iterate over all sentences in the parallel corpus (GIZA alignment acts as source)
    while True:
            s2t = next(iter_s2t)
            t2s = next(iter_t2s)
        except StopIteration:
            print("WARNING: No more GIZA alignments, breaking",file=sys.stderr)

        sentence = s2t.index
        assert t2s.index == s2t.index

        if DEBUG:
            print("(extractpatterns) s2t.source=", s2t.source , file=sys.stderr)
            print("(extractpatterns) t2s.target=", t2s.target , file=sys.stderr)
            print("(extractpatterns) t2s.source=", t2s.source , file=sys.stderr)
            print("(extractpatterns) s2t.target=", s2t.target , file=sys.stderr)
        intersection = s2t.intersect(t2s)
        if not intersection:

        #gather all target patterns found  in this sentence
        sourcepatterns = list(patternmodel_source.reverseindex_bysentence(sentence))
        targetpatterns = [ targetpattern.tostring(classdecoder_target) for targetpattern in patternmodel_target.reverseindex_bysentence(sentence) ]

        if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) processing sentence " + str(sentence) + ", collected " + str(len(sourcepatterns)) + " source patterns and " + str(len(targetpatterns)) + " target patterns", file=sys.stderr)

        if DEBUG:
            for targetpattern in targetpatterns:
                if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) -- identified target pattern " + str(targetpattern) , file=sys.stderr)

        #iterate over all source patterns found in this sentence
        for sourcepattern in sourcepatterns:
            sourcepattern_s = sourcepattern.tostring(classdecoder_source)
            if any(( noword(x) for x in sourcepattern_s.split() ) ):

            sourceindices = [ (x,y) for x,y in patternmodel_source[sourcepattern] if x == sentence ]
            source_n = sourcepattern_s.count(" ") + 1
            assert bool(sourceindices)
            if sourcepattern_s in ttable:
                if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) -- source pattern candidate " + str(sourcepattern_s) + " (occuring " + str(len(sourceindices)) + " time(s)), has " + str(len(ttable[sourcepattern_s])) + " translation options in phrase-table" , file=sys.stderr)
                sourcesentence = s2t.source
                targetsentence = s2t.target

                targetoptions = sorted( ( (targetpattern_s, scores) for targetpattern_s, scores in ttable[sourcepattern_s] ) , key=lambda x: x[1] )
                bestscore = targetoptions[0][1][0] * targetoptions[0][1][2]

                #iterate over the target patterns in the phrasetable
                for targetpattern_s, scores in ttable[sourcepattern_s]:
                    if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) -- considering target pattern from phrase-table: " + str(targetpattern_s) , file=sys.stderr)
                    if targetpattern_s in targetpatterns:
                        if any(( noword(x) for x in targetpattern_s.split() ) ):
                        joinedprob = scores[0] * scores[2]
                        if joinedprob < bestscore * divergencefrombestthreshold:

                        #we have a pair, occurring in pattern models and phrase table
                        target_n = targetpattern_s.count(" ") + 1

                        #obtain positional offsets for source and target in sentence
                        targetindices = [ (x,y) for x,y in patternmodel_target[classencoder_target.buildpattern(targetpattern_s)] if x == sentence]
                        assert bool(targetindices)

                        if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) --- found target pattern candidate " + str(targetpattern_s) + " (occuring " + str(len(targetindices)) + " time(s))" , file=sys.stderr)

                        #yield the pair and full context
                        for _, sourceoffset in sourceindices:
                            for _, targetoffset in targetindices:
                                #check if offsets don't violate the word alignment
                                valid = True
                                for i in range(sourceoffset, sourceoffset + source_n):
                                    target, foundindex = intersection.getalignedtarget(i)
                                    if isinstance(foundindex, tuple):
                                        targetl = foundindex[1]
                                        foundindex = foundindex[0]
                                    if foundindex < targetoffset or foundindex >= targetoffset + target_n:
                                        valid = False
                                        if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) --- violates word alignment", file=sys.stderr)
                                if valid:
                                    if DEBUG: print("(extractpatterns) --- ok", file=sys.stderr)
                                    yield sourcepattern_s, targetpattern_s, sourceoffset, targetoffset, tuple(sourcesentence), tuple(targetsentence), sentence
예제 #4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wrapper around the Moses Decoder that adds support for context features through classifiers.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('-f','--inputfile', type=str,help="Input text file; the test corpus (plain text, tokenised, one sentence per line), may be specified multiple times for each factor", action='append',required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-d','--devinputfile', type=str,help="Extra input text file to consider when training classifiers; the development corpus (plain text, tokenised, one sentence per line)", action='store',required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-S','--sourceclassfile', type=str, help="Source class file", action='store',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-T','--targetclassfile', type=str, help="Target class file", action='store',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-a','--alignmodelfile', type=str,help="Colibri alignment model (made from phrase translation table)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-w','--workdir', type=str,help="Working directory, should contain classifier training files", action='store',default="",required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--train', help="Train classifiers", action="store_true", default=False)
    #parser.add_argument('-O','--timbloptions', type=str, help="Options for the Timbl classifier", action="store", default="-a 0 -k 1")
    parser.add_argument('--ta', type=str, help="Timbl algorithm", action="store", default="0")
    parser.add_argument('--tk', type=str, help="Timbl k value", action="store", default="1")
    parser.add_argument('--tw', type=str, help="Timbl weighting", action="store", default="gr")
    parser.add_argument('--tm', type=str, help="Timbl feature metrics", action="store", default="O")
    parser.add_argument('--td', type=str, help="Timbl distance metric", action="store", default="Z")
    parser.add_argument('-I','--ignoreclassifier', help="Ignore classifier (for testing bypass method)", action="store_true", default=False)
    parser.add_argument('-H','--scorehandling', type=str, help="Score handling, can be 'append' (default), 'replace', or 'weighed'", action="store", default="append")
    parser.add_argument('--mosesinclusive',help="Pass full sentences through through Moses server using XML input (will start a moses server, requires --moseslm). Classifier output competes with normal translation table. Score handling (-H) has no effect as only the classifier score will be passed.", action='store_true',default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesexclusive',help="Pass full sentences through through Moses server using XML input (will start a moses server, requires --moseslm). Classifier does NOT compete with normal translation table. Score handling (-H) has no effect as only the classifier score will be passed.", action='store_true',default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesdir', type=str,help='Path to Moses directory (required for MERT)', default="")
    parser.add_argument('--mert', type=int,help="Do MERT parameter tuning, set to number of MERT runs to perform", required=False, default=0)
    parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use for Moses or Mert")
    parser.add_argument('--reordering', type=str,action="store",help="Reordering type (use with --reorderingtable)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--reorderingtable', type=str,action="store",help="Use reordering table (use with --reordering)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--ref', type=str,action="store",help="Reference corpus (target corpus, plain text)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lm', type=str, help="Language Model", action="store", default="", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lmorder', type=int, help="Language Model order", action="store", default=3, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lmweight', type=float, help="Language Model weight", action="store", default=0.5, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--dweight', type=float, help="Distortion Model weight", action="store", default=0.3, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--wweight', type=float, help="Word penalty weight", action="store", default=-1, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--tweight', type=float, help="Translation Model weight (may be specified multiple times for each score making up the translation model)", action="append", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--reorderingweight', type=float, help="Reordering Model weight (may be specified multiple times for each score making up the reordering model)", action="append", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--pweight', type=float, help="Phrase penalty", default=0.2, action="store", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--classifierdir', type=str,help="Trained classifiers, intermediate phrase-table and test file will be written here (only specify if you want a different location than the work directory)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--decodedir', type=str,help="Moses output will be written here (only specify if you want a different location than the work directory)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--ignoreerrors',action="store_true",help="Attempt to ignore errors",default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesport',type=int, help="Port for Moses server (will be started for you), if -Z is enabled",action='store',default=8080)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #args.storeconst, args.dataset, args.num, args.bar

    if not os.path.isdir(args.workdir) or not os.path.exists(args.workdir + '/classifier.conf'):
        print("Work directory " + args.workdir + " or classifier configuration therein does not exist. Did you extract features and create classifier training files using colibri-extractfeatures?" ,file=sys.stderr)

    if args.classifierdir:
        classifierdir = args.classifierdir
        classifierdir = args.workdir

    if not classifierdir:
        classifierdir = os.getcwd()
    elif classifierdir and classifierdir[0] != '/':
        classifierdir = os.getcwd() + '/' + classifierdir

    if args.mert and not args.mosesdir:
        print("--mert requires --mosesdir to be set",file=sys.stderr)
    if args.mert and not args.ref:
        print("--mert requires --ref to be set",file=sys.stderr)

    if args.decodedir:
        decodedir = args.decodedir
        decodedir = args.workdir

    if not decodedir:
        decodedir = os.getcwd()
    elif decodedir and decodedir[0] != '/':
        decodedir = os.getcwd() + '/' + decodedir

    print("Loading configuration (training corpora and class decoders)",file=sys.stderr)
    f = open(args.workdir + '/classifier.conf','rb')
    classifierconf = pickle.load(f)

    print("Configuration: ", classifierconf,file=sys.stderr)

    if args.inputfile:
        if len(classifierconf['featureconf']) > len(args.inputfile):
            raise Exception("Number of input files (" + str(len(args.inputfile)) + ") is less than the number of factor-features in configuration (" + str(len(classifierconf['featureconf'])) + "), you need to specify all")

    #one for each factor
    sourceencoders = []

    if args.inputfile:
        l = []
        for i, (inputfile, conf) in enumerate(zip(args.inputfile, classifierconf['featureconf'])):
            trainclassfile = conf['classdecoder']
            print("Processing factor #" + str(i),file=sys.stderr)
            #process inputfile
            corpusfile =   os.path.basename(inputfile).replace('.txt','') + '.colibri.dat'
            classfile = os.path.basename(inputfile).replace('.txt','') + '.colibri.cls'

            #if os.path.exists(corpusfiles[i]) and os.path.exists(classfiles[i]):
            #    print("Notice: Re-using previously generated corpusfile and classfile",file=sys.stderr)
            #    print("Loading source class encoder and decoder",file=sys.stderr)
            #    sourceencoders.append( ClassEncoder(classfiles[i]) )
            #    sourcedecoders.append( ClassDecoder(classfiles[i]) )
            print("Loading and extending source class encoder, from " + trainclassfile + " to " + classfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourceencoders.append( ClassEncoder(trainclassfile) )
            if i == 0 and args.devinputfile:
                print("(including development corpus in extended class encoder)",file=sys.stderr)
            print("Encoding test corpus, from " + inputfile + " to " + corpusfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourceencoders[i].encodefile(inputfile, corpusfile)
            if i == 0 and args.devinputfile:
                print("Encoding development corpus, from " + args.devinputfile + " to " + args.devinputfile + '.colibri.dat',file=sys.stderr)
                sourceencoders[i].encodefile(args.devinputfile, args.devinputfile + '.colibri.dat')
            print("Loading source class decoder " + classfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourcedecoder = ClassDecoder(classfile)

            print("Loading test corpus " + corpusfile,file=sys.stderr)

            l.append( Configuration( IndexedCorpus(corpusfile), sourcedecoder, conf['leftcontext'], conf['focus'], conf['rightcontext']) )

        classifierconf['featureconf'] = l

        print("Loading source class decoders",file=sys.stderr)
        l = []
        for conf in classifierconf['featureconf']:
            sourcedecoder = ClassDecoder(conf['classdecoder'])
            l.append( Configuration( IndexedCorpus(), sourcedecoder, conf['leftcontext'], conf['focus'], conf['rightcontext'] ) )

    if args.inputfile and args.alignmodelfile:

        print("Loading target encoder " + args.targetclassfile,file=sys.stderr)
        targetencoder = ClassEncoder(args.targetclassfile)
        print("Loading target decoder " + args.targetclassfile,file=sys.stderr)
        targetdecoder = ClassDecoder(args.targetclassfile)

        print("Loading alignment model " + args.alignmodelfile ,file=sys.stderr)
        alignmodel = AlignmentModel(args.alignmodelfile)
        print("\tAlignment model has " + str(len(alignmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

        print("Building patternmodel on test corpus " + classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus.filename() ,file=sys.stderr)
        options = PatternModelOptions(mintokens=1, maxlength=12, debug=True)
        testmodel = IndexedPatternModel(reverseindex=classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus)
        testmodel.train( "", options, alignmodel)
        print("\tTest model has " + str(len(testmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

        #saving just so we can inspect it for debug purposes:
        testmodel.write(  decodedir + '/test.colibri.indexedpatternmodel'  )

        if args.devinputfile:
            print("Building patternmodel on development corpus " + args.devinputfile + ".colibri.dat" ,file=sys.stderr)
            devcorpus = IndexedCorpus(args.devinputfile + ".colibri.dat")
            print("Development corpus has " + str(devcorpus.sentences()) + " sentences")
            devmodel = IndexedPatternModel(reverseindex=devcorpus)
            devmodel.train( "", options, alignmodel)
            print("\tDevelopment model has " + str(len(testmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

            #saving just so we can inspect it for debug purposes:
            devmodel.write(  decodedir + '/dev.colibri.indexedpatternmodel'  )
            devmodel = {}

        if args.reorderingtable:
            print("Loading reordering model (may take a while)",file=sys.stderr)
            rtable = PhraseTable(args.reorderingtable) #TODO: convert to colibri alignmodel

    elif args.train and args.inputfile:
        if not args.alignmodelfile:
            print("No alignment model specified (-a)",file=sys.stderr)
    elif not args.train:
        if not args.inputfile:
            print("No input file specified (-f)",file=sys.stderr)
        if not args.alignmodelfile:
            print("No alignment model specified (-a)",file=sys.stderr)

    if args.train:
        #training mode
        if args.inputfile:
            print("Training classifiers (constrained by test data)",file=sys.stderr)
            print("Training all classifiers (you may want to constrain by test data using -f)",file=sys.stderr)
        if 'monolithic' in classifierconf and classifierconf['monolithic']:
            trainfile = args.workdir + "/train"
            #build a classifier
            print("Training monolithic classifier " + trainfile,file=sys.stderr)
            timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
            if args.classifierdir:
                #ugly hack since we want ibases in a different location
                trainfilecopy = trainfile.replace(args.workdir, args.classifierdir)
                shutil.copyfile(trainfile+".train", trainfilecopy+".train")
                trainfile = trainfilecopy
            classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(trainfile, timbloptions)
            if args.classifierdir:
                #remove copy
            trained = 1
            trained = 0
            for trainfile in itertools.chain(glob.glob(args.workdir + "/*.train"), glob.glob(args.workdir + "/.*.train")): #explicitly add 'dotfiles', will be skipped by default
                if args.inputfile:
                    sourcepattern_s = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(trainfile.replace('.train','')))
                    sourcepattern = sourceencoders[0].buildpattern(sourcepattern_s)
                    if not sourcepattern in testmodel and not sourcepattern in devmodel:
                        print("Skipping " + trainfile + " (\"" + sourcepattern_s + "\" not in test/dev model)",file=sys.stderr)

                #build a classifier
                print("Training " + trainfile,file=sys.stderr)
                trained += 1
                timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
                if args.classifierdir:
                    #ugly hack since we want ibases in a different location
                    trainfilecopy = trainfile.replace(args.workdir, args.classifierdir)
                    shutil.copyfile(trainfile, trainfilecopy)
                    trainfile = trainfilecopy
                classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(trainfile.replace('.train',''), timbloptions)
                if args.classifierdir:
                    #remove copy
                if not os.path.exists(trainfile.replace(".train",".ibase")):
                    raise Exception("Resulting instance base " + trainfile.replace(".train",".ibase") + " not found!")

        with open(args.classifierdir + '/trained','w',encoding='utf-8') as f:

        if not args.inputfile:
            print("Specify an input file (-f)",file=sys.stderr)

        if not args.mosesinclusive and not args.mosesexclusive:
            print("Writing intermediate test data to " + decodedir + "/test.txt",file=sys.stderr)
            #write intermediate test data (consisting only of indices AND unknown words) and
            f = open(decodedir + "/test.txt",'w',encoding='utf-8')
            for sentencenum, line in enumerate(classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus.sentences()):
                sentenceindex = sentencenum + 1
                print("@" + str(sentenceindex),file=sys.stderr)
                tokens = [] #actual string representations
                for tokenindex,pattern in enumerate(line): #will yield only unigrams
                    #is this an uncovered word that does not appear in the phrasetable? check using alignment model and keep the word untranslated if so
                    if not pattern in alignmodel:
                        print("     Found OOV at @" + str(sentenceindex) + ":" + str(tokenindex) + ": " + pattern.tostring(classifierconf['featureconf'][0].classdecoder), file=sys.stderr)
                        tokens.append(str(sentenceindex) + "_" + str(tokenindex))
                f.write(" ".join(tokens) + "\n")

        classifierindex = set()
        if classifierconf['monolithic']:
            print("Loading classifier index for monolithic classifier",file=sys.stderr)

            with open(args.workdir + "/sourcepatterns.list",'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
                for line in f:

            print("Loading monolithic classifier " + classifierdir + "/train.train",file=sys.stderr)
            timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
            classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(classifierdir + "/train", timbloptions)
            classifier = None

        if args.reorderingtable:
            print("Creating intermediate phrase-table and reordering-table",file=sys.stderr)
            freordering = open(decodedir + "/reordering-table", 'w',encoding='utf-8')
            print("Creating intermediate phrase-table",file=sys.stderr)
            freordering = None

        if args.mosesinclusive or args.mosesexclusive:
            #Use mosesserver with XML input method

            #write mos
            if not args.tweight:
                lentweights = 4
                tweights = " ".join([str(1/(lentweights+1))]*lentweights)
                tweights = " ".join([ str(x) for x in args.tweight])
                lentweights = len(args.tweight)

            if os.path.exists(decodedir + "/moses.ini"):

            print("Writing " + decodedir + "/moses.ini",file=sys.stderr)

            if args.reordering:
                reorderingfeature = "LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6 type=" + args.reordering + " input-factor=0 output-factor=0 path=" + decodedir + "/reordering-table"
                reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3"
                reorderingfeature = ""
                reorderingweight = ""

            #write moses.ini
            f = open(decodedir + '/moses.ini','w',encoding='utf-8')
#Moses INI, produced by contextmoses.py

0 T 0


PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features={lentweights} path={phrasetable} input-factor=0 output-factor=0 table-limit=20
SRILM name=LM0 factor=0 path={lm} order={lmorder}

UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
WordPenalty0= {wweight}
PhrasePenalty0= {pweight}
LM0= {lmweight}
TranslationModel0= {tweights}
Distortion0= {dweight}
""".format(phrasetable=decodedir + "/phrase-table", lm=args.lm, lmorder=args.lmorder, lmweight = args.lmweight, dweight = args.dweight, tweights=tweights, lentweights=lentweights, wweight=args.wweight, pweight = args.pweight, reorderingfeature=reorderingfeature, reorderingweight=reorderingweight))

            print("Starting Moses Server",file=sys.stderr)
            if args.mosesdir:
                cmd = args.mosesdir + '/bin/mosesserver'
                cmd = 'mosesserver'
            if args.moses:
                if args.mosesinclusive:
                    cmd += " -xml-input inclusive" #compete with phrase-table
                elif args.mosesexclusive:
                    cmd += " -xml-input exclusive" #only used for passing verbatim L2 (tested whether it makes a difference with inclusive baseline on en-es data, it doesn't)
            cmd += ' -f ' + decodedir + '/moses.ini'
            print("Calling mosesserver: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)

            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True)
            mosesserverpid = p.pid

            while True:
                    s = socket.socket()
                    s.connect( ("localhost", args.mosesport) )
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Waiting for Moses server....", e, file=sys.stderr)

            print("Connecting to Moses Server",file=sys.stderr)
            mosesclient = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://*****:*****@" + str(i+1) + "/" + str(sourcepatterncount)  + " -- Processing " + str(sentenceindex) + ":" + str(tokenindex) + " " + sourcepattern_s + " -- Features: " + str(repr(featurevector)),file=sys.stderr)

                    if classifier and not args.ignoreclassifier:
                        if not classifierconf['monolithic'] or (classifierconf['monolithic'] and sourcepattern_s in classifierindex):

                            #call classifier
                            classlabel, distribution, distance = classifier.classify(featurevector)

                            #process classifier result
                            for targetpattern_s, score in distribution.items():
                                targetpattern = targetencoder.buildpattern(targetpattern_s)
                                if (sourcepattern, targetpattern) in alignmodel:
                                    scorevector = [ x for x in alignmodel[(sourcepattern,targetpattern)] if isinstance(x,int) or isinstance(x,float) ] #make a copy

                                if args.scorehandling == 'append':
                                elif args.scorehandling == 'replace':
                                    scorevector[2] = score
                                    raise NotImplementedError #TODO: implemented weighed!

                                translationcount += 1

                                #write phrasetable entries
                                ftable.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in scorevector]) + "\n")
                                if freordering:
                                    reordering_scores = None
                                        for t, sv in rtable[sourcepattern_s]:
                                            if t == targetpattern_s:
                                                reordering_scores = sv
                                    except KeyError:
                                        if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******* ERROR ********* Source pattern notfound in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s,file=sys.stderr)
                                            raise Exception("Source pattern notfound in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s)

                                    if reordering_scores:
                                        freordering.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in reordering_scores]) + "\n")
                                        if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******** ERROR ********* Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")",file=sys.stderr)
                                            raise Exception("Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")")

                            if translationcount == 0:
                                print("\tNo overlap between classifier translations (" + str(len(distribution)) + ") and phrase table. Falling back to statistical baseline.",file=sys.stderr)
                                statistical = True
                                print("\t\t" + str(translationcount) + " translation options written",file=sys.stderr)
                                statistical = False
                            print("\tNot in classifier. Falling back to statistical baseline.",file=sys.stderr)
                            statistical = True

                        statistical = True

                    if statistical:
                        print("\tPhrasetable lookup",file=sys.stderr)
                        #ignore classifier or no classifier present for this item
                        for targetpattern in alignmodel.targetpatterns(sourcepattern):
                            scorevector = [ x for x in alignmodel[(sourcepattern,targetpattern)] if isinstance(x,int) or isinstance(x,float) ] #make a copy

                            if args.scorehandling == 'append':
                            elif args.scorehandling == 'replace':
                                pass #nothing to do, scorevector is okay as it is
                            elif args.scorehandling == 'weighed':
                                raise NotImplementedError #TODO: implemented weighed!

                            translationcount += 1

                            #write phrasetable entries
                            targetpattern_s = targetpattern.tostring(targetdecoder)
                            ftable.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([ str(x) for x in scorevector]) + "\n")
                            if freordering:
                                reordering_scores = None
                                    for t, sv in rtable[sourcepattern_s]:
                                        if t == targetpattern_s:
                                            reordering_scores = sv
                                except KeyError:
                                    if args.ignoreerrors:
                                        print("******** ERROR ******* Source pattern not found in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s,file=sys.stderr)
                                        raise Exception("Source pattern not found in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s)

                                if reordering_scores:
                                    freordering.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in reordering_scores]) + "\n")
                                    if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******* ERROR ****** Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")",file=sys.stderr)
                                        raise Exception("Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")")

                        print("\t\t" + str(translationcount) + " translation options written",file=sys.stderr)

                prevpattern = None

            if freordering:

            if not args.tweight:
                if args.scorehandling == "append":
                    lentweights = 5
                    lentweights = 4
                tweights = " ".join([str(1/(lentweights+1))]*lentweights)
                tweights = " ".join([ str(x) for x in args.tweight])
                lentweights = len(args.tweight)

            print("Writing " + decodedir + "/moses.ini",file=sys.stderr)

            if args.reordering:
                reorderingfeature = "LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6 type=" + args.reordering + " input-factor=0 output-factor=0 path=" + decodedir + "/reordering-table"
                if not args.reorderingweight:
                    reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3"
                    reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= " + " ".join([str(x) for x in args.reorderingweight])
                reorderingfeature = ""
                reorderingweight = ""

            #write moses.ini
            f = open(decodedir + '/moses.ini','w',encoding='utf-8')
#Moses INI, produced by contextmoses.py

0 T 0


PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features={lentweights} path={phrasetable} input-factor=0 output-factor=0 table-limit=20
SRILM name=LM0 factor=0 path={lm} order={lmorder}

UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
WordPenalty0= {wweight}
PhrasePenalty0= {pweight}
LM0= {lmweight}
TranslationModel0= {tweights}
Distortion0= {dweight}
""".format(phrasetable=decodedir + "/phrase-table", lm=args.lm, lmorder=args.lmorder, lmweight = args.lmweight, dweight = args.dweight, tweights=tweights, lentweights=lentweights, wweight=args.wweight, pweight = args.pweight, reorderingfeature=reorderingfeature, reorderingweight=reorderingweight))


            if not args.skipdecoder:
                if args.mert:
                    if args.ref[0] == '/':
                        ref = args.ref
                        ref = os.getcwd() + '/' + args.ref

                    for mertrun in range(1,args.mert+1):
                        if os.path.exists(decodedir+"/mert-work-" + str(mertrun) +"/moses.ini"):
                            print("Mert run #" + str(mertrun) + " already ran, skipping...",file=sys.stderr)
                            #invoke mert
                            cmd = args.mosesdir + "/scripts/training/mert-moses.pl --working-dir=" + decodedir + "/mert-work-" + str(mertrun) + " --mertdir=" + args.mosesdir + '/mert/' + ' --decoder-flags="-threads ' + str(args.threads) + '" ' + decodedir + "/test.txt " + ref + " `which moses` " + decodedir + "/moses.ini --threads=" + str(args.threads)
                            print("Contextmoses calling mert #" + str(mertrun) + ": " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                            r = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
                            if r != 0:
                                print("Contextmoses called mert #" + str(mertrun) + " but failed!", file=sys.stderr)
                            print("DONE: Contextmoses calling mert #" + str(mertrun)+": " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                    #invoke moses
                    cmd = EXEC_MOSES + " -threads " + str(args.threads) + " -f " + decodedir + "/moses.ini < " + decodedir + "/test.txt > " + decodedir + "/output.txt"
                    print("Contextmoses calling moses: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                    r = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
                    if r != 0:
                        print("Contextmoses called moses but failed!", file=sys.stderr)
                    print("DONE: Contextmoses calling moses: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)

                print("Contextmoses skipping decoder",file=sys.stderr)
예제 #5
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wrapper around the Moses Decoder that adds support for context features through classifiers.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('-f','--inputfile', type=str,help="Input text file; the test corpus (plain text, tokenised, one sentence per line), may be specified multiple times for each factor", action='append',required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-d','--devinputfile', type=str,help="Extra input text file to consider when training classifiers; the development corpus (plain text, tokenised, one sentence per line)", action='store',required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-S','--sourceclassfile', type=str, help="Source class file", action='store',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-T','--targetclassfile', type=str, help="Target class file", action='store',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-a','--alignmodelfile', type=str,help="Colibri alignment model (made from phrase translation table)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-w','--workdir', type=str,help="Working directory, should contain classifier training files", action='store',default="",required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--train', help="Train classifiers", action="store_true", default=False)
    #parser.add_argument('-O','--timbloptions', type=str, help="Options for the Timbl classifier", action="store", default="-a 0 -k 1")
    parser.add_argument('--ta', type=str, help="Timbl algorithm", action="store", default="0")
    parser.add_argument('--tk', type=str, help="Timbl k value", action="store", default="1")
    parser.add_argument('--tw', type=str, help="Timbl weighting", action="store", default="gr")
    parser.add_argument('--tm', type=str, help="Timbl feature metrics", action="store", default="O")
    parser.add_argument('--td', type=str, help="Timbl distance metric", action="store", default="Z")
    parser.add_argument('-I','--ignoreclassifier', help="Ignore classifier (for testing bypass method)", action="store_true", default=False)
    parser.add_argument('-H','--scorehandling', type=str, help="Score handling, can be 'append' (default), 'replace', or 'weighed'", action="store", default="append")
    parser.add_argument('--mosesinclusive',help="Pass full sentences through through Moses server using XML input (will start a moses server, requires --moseslm). Classifier output competes with normal translation table. Score handling (-H) has no effect as only the classifier score will be passed.", action='store_true',default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesexclusive',help="Pass full sentences through through Moses server using XML input (will start a moses server, requires --moseslm). Classifier does NOT compete with normal translation table. Score handling (-H) has no effect as only the classifier score will be passed.", action='store_true',default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesdir', type=str,help='Path to Moses directory (required for MERT)', default="")
    parser.add_argument('--mert', type=int,help="Do MERT parameter tuning, set to number of MERT runs to perform", required=False, default=0)
    parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use for Moses or Mert")
    parser.add_argument('--reordering', type=str,action="store",help="Reordering type (use with --reorderingtable)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--reorderingtable', type=str,action="store",help="Use reordering table (use with --reordering)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--ref', type=str,action="store",help="Reference corpus (target corpus, plain text)", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lm', type=str, help="Language Model", action="store", default="", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lmorder', type=int, help="Language Model order", action="store", default=3, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--lmweight', type=float, help="Language Model weight", action="store", default=0.5, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--dweight', type=float, help="Distortion Model weight", action="store", default=0.3, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--wweight', type=float, help="Word penalty weight", action="store", default=-1, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--tweight', type=float, help="Translation Model weight (may be specified multiple times for each score making up the translation model)", action="append", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--reorderingweight', type=float, help="Reordering Model weight (may be specified multiple times for each score making up the reordering model)", action="append", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--pweight', type=float, help="Phrase penalty", default=0.2, action="store", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--classifierdir', type=str,help="Trained classifiers, intermediate phrase-table and test file will be written here (only specify if you want a different location than the work directory)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--decodedir', type=str,help="Moses output will be written here (only specify if you want a different location than the work directory)", action='store',default="",required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--ignoreerrors',action="store_true",help="Attempt to ignore errors",default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--mosesport',type=int, help="Port for Moses server (will be started for you), if -Z is enabled",action='store',default=8080)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #args.storeconst, args.dataset, args.num, args.bar

    if not os.path.isdir(args.workdir) or not os.path.exists(args.workdir + '/classifier.conf'):
        print("Work directory " + args.workdir + " or classifier configuration therein does not exist. Did you extract features and create classifier training files using colibri-extractfeatures?" ,file=sys.stderr)

    if args.classifierdir:
        classifierdir = args.classifierdir
        classifierdir = args.workdir

    if not classifierdir:
        classifierdir = os.getcwd()
    elif classifierdir and classifierdir[0] != '/':
        classifierdir = os.getcwd() + '/' + classifierdir

    if args.mert and not args.mosesdir:
        print("--mert requires --mosesdir to be set",file=sys.stderr)
    if args.mert and not args.ref:
        print("--mert requires --ref to be set",file=sys.stderr)

    if args.decodedir:
        decodedir = args.decodedir
        decodedir = args.workdir

    if not decodedir:
        decodedir = os.getcwd()
    elif decodedir and decodedir[0] != '/':
        decodedir = os.getcwd() + '/' + decodedir

    print("Loading configuration (training corpora and class decoders)",file=sys.stderr)
    f = open(args.workdir + '/classifier.conf','rb')
    classifierconf = pickle.load(f)

    print("Configuration: ", classifierconf,file=sys.stderr)

    if args.inputfile:
        if len(classifierconf['featureconf']) > len(args.inputfile):
            raise Exception("Number of input files (" + str(len(args.inputfile)) + ") is less than the number of factor-features in configuration (" + str(len(classifierconf['featureconf'])) + "), you need to specify all")

    #one for each factor
    sourceencoders = []

    if args.inputfile:
        l = []
        for i, (inputfile, conf) in enumerate(zip(args.inputfile, classifierconf['featureconf'])):
            trainclassfile = conf['classdecoder']
            print("Processing factor #" + str(i),file=sys.stderr)
            #process inputfile
            corpusfile =   os.path.basename(inputfile).replace('.txt','') + '.colibri.dat'
            classfile = os.path.basename(inputfile).replace('.txt','') + '.colibri.cls'

            #if os.path.exists(corpusfiles[i]) and os.path.exists(classfiles[i]):
            #    print("Notice: Re-using previously generated corpusfile and classfile",file=sys.stderr)
            #    print("Loading source class encoder and decoder",file=sys.stderr)
            #    sourceencoders.append( ClassEncoder(classfiles[i]) )
            #    sourcedecoders.append( ClassDecoder(classfiles[i]) )
            print("Loading and extending source class encoder, from " + trainclassfile + " to " + classfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourceencoders.append( ClassEncoder(trainclassfile) )
            if i == 0 and args.devinputfile:
                print("(including development corpus in extended class encoder)",file=sys.stderr)
            print("Encoding test corpus, from " + inputfile + " to " + corpusfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourceencoders[i].encodefile(inputfile, corpusfile)
            if i == 0 and args.devinputfile:
                print("Encoding development corpus, from " + args.devinputfile + " to " + args.devinputfile + '.colibri.dat',file=sys.stderr)
                sourceencoders[i].encodefile(args.devinputfile, args.devinputfile + '.colibri.dat')
            print("Loading source class decoder " + classfile,file=sys.stderr)
            sourcedecoder = ClassDecoder(classfile)

            print("Loading test corpus " + corpusfile,file=sys.stderr)

            l.append( Configuration( IndexedCorpus(corpusfile), sourcedecoder, conf['leftcontext'], conf['focus'], conf['rightcontext']) )

        classifierconf['featureconf'] = l

        print("Loading source class decoders",file=sys.stderr)
        l = []
        for conf in classifierconf['featureconf']:
            sourcedecoder = ClassDecoder(conf['classdecoder'])
            l.append( Configuration( IndexedCorpus(), sourcedecoder, conf['leftcontext'], conf['focus'], conf['rightcontext'] ) )

    if args.inputfile and args.alignmodelfile:

        print("Loading target encoder " + args.targetclassfile,file=sys.stderr)
        targetencoder = ClassEncoder(args.targetclassfile)
        print("Loading target decoder " + args.targetclassfile,file=sys.stderr)
        targetdecoder = ClassDecoder(args.targetclassfile)

        print("Loading alignment model " + args.alignmodelfile ,file=sys.stderr)
        alignmodel = AlignmentModel(args.alignmodelfile)
        print("\tAlignment model has " + str(len(alignmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

        print("Building patternmodel on test corpus " + classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus.filename() ,file=sys.stderr)
        options = PatternModelOptions(mintokens=1, maxlength=12, debug=True)
        testmodel = IndexedPatternModel(reverseindex=classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus)
        testmodel.train( "", options, alignmodel)
        print("\tTest model has " + str(len(testmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

        #saving just so we can inspect it for debug purposes:
        testmodel.write(  decodedir + '/test.colibri.indexedpatternmodel'  )

        if args.devinputfile:
            print("Building patternmodel on development corpus " + args.devinputfile + ".colibri.dat" ,file=sys.stderr)
            devcorpus = IndexedCorpus(args.devinputfile + ".colibri.dat")
            print("Development corpus has " + str(devcorpus.sentences()) + " sentences")
            devmodel = IndexedPatternModel(reverseindex=devcorpus)
            devmodel.train( "", options, alignmodel)
            print("\tDevelopment model has " + str(len(testmodel)) + " source patterns",file=sys.stderr)

            #saving just so we can inspect it for debug purposes:
            devmodel.write(  decodedir + '/dev.colibri.indexedpatternmodel'  )
            devmodel = {}

        if args.reorderingtable:
            print("Loading reordering model (may take a while)",file=sys.stderr)
            rtable = PhraseTable(args.reorderingtable) #TODO: convert to colibri alignmodel

    elif args.train and args.inputfile:
        if not args.alignmodelfile:
            print("No alignment model specified (-a)",file=sys.stderr)
    elif not args.train:
        if not args.inputfile:
            print("No input file specified (-f)",file=sys.stderr)
        if not args.alignmodelfile:
            print("No alignment model specified (-a)",file=sys.stderr)

    if args.train:
        #training mode
        if args.inputfile:
            print("Training classifiers (constrained by test data)",file=sys.stderr)
            print("Training all classifiers (you may want to constrain by test data using -f)",file=sys.stderr)
        if 'monolithic' in classifierconf and classifierconf['monolithic']:
            trainfile = args.workdir + "/train"
            #build a classifier
            print("Training monolithic classifier " + trainfile,file=sys.stderr)
            timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
            if args.classifierdir:
                #ugly hack since we want ibases in a different location
                trainfilecopy = trainfile.replace(args.workdir, args.classifierdir)
                shutil.copyfile(trainfile+".train", trainfilecopy+".train")
                trainfile = trainfilecopy
            classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(trainfile, timbloptions)
            if args.classifierdir:
                #remove copy
            trained = 1
            trained = 0
            for trainfile in itertools.chain(glob.glob(args.workdir + "/*.train"), glob.glob(args.workdir + "/.*.train")): #explicitly add 'dotfiles', will be skipped by default
                if args.inputfile:
                    sourcepattern_s = unquote_plus(os.path.basename(trainfile.replace('.train','')))
                    sourcepattern = sourceencoders[0].buildpattern(sourcepattern_s)
                    if not sourcepattern in testmodel and not sourcepattern in devmodel:
                        print("Skipping " + trainfile + " (\"" + sourcepattern_s + "\" not in test/dev model)",file=sys.stderr)

                #build a classifier
                print("Training " + trainfile,file=sys.stderr)
                trained += 1
                timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
                if args.classifierdir:
                    #ugly hack since we want ibases in a different location
                    trainfilecopy = trainfile.replace(args.workdir, args.classifierdir)
                    shutil.copyfile(trainfile, trainfilecopy)
                    trainfile = trainfilecopy
                classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(trainfile.replace('.train',''), timbloptions)
                if args.classifierdir:
                    #remove copy
                if not os.path.exists(trainfile.replace(".train",".ibase")):
                    raise Exception("Resulting instance base " + trainfile.replace(".train",".ibase") + " not found!")

        with open(args.classifierdir + '/trained','w',encoding='utf-8') as f:

        if not args.inputfile:
            print("Specify an input file (-f)",file=sys.stderr)

        if not args.mosesinclusive and not args.mosesexclusive:
            print("Writing intermediate test data to " + decodedir + "/test.txt",file=sys.stderr)
            #write intermediate test data (consisting only of indices AND unknown words) and
            f = open(decodedir + "/test.txt",'w',encoding='utf-8')
            for sentencenum, line in enumerate(classifierconf['featureconf'][0].corpus.sentences()):
                sentenceindex = sentencenum + 1
                print("@" + str(sentenceindex),file=sys.stderr)
                tokens = [] #actual string representations
                for tokenindex,pattern in enumerate(line): #will yield only unigrams
                    #is this an uncovered word that does not appear in the phrasetable? check using alignment model and keep the word untranslated if so
                    print("DEBUG: Processing pattern " + str(sentenceindex) + ":" + str(tokenindex) + ": "+ pattern.tostring(classifierconf['featureconf'][0].classdecoder),file=sys.stderr)
                    if not pattern in alignmodel:
                        print("     Found OOV at @" + str(sentenceindex) + ":" + str(tokenindex) + ": " + pattern.tostring(classifierconf['featureconf'][0].classdecoder), file=sys.stderr)
                        tokens.append(str(sentenceindex) + "_" + str(tokenindex))
                f.write(" ".join(tokens) + "\n")

        classifierindex = set()
        if classifierconf['monolithic']:
            print("Loading classifier index for monolithic classifier",file=sys.stderr)

            with open(args.workdir + "/sourcepatterns.list",'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
                for line in f:

            print("Loading monolithic classifier " + classifierdir + "/train.train",file=sys.stderr)
            timbloptions = gettimbloptions(args, classifierconf)
            classifier = timbl.TimblClassifier(classifierdir + "/train", timbloptions)
            classifier = None

        if args.reorderingtable:
            print("Creating intermediate phrase-table and reordering-table",file=sys.stderr)
            freordering = open(decodedir + "/reordering-table", 'w',encoding='utf-8')
            print("Creating intermediate phrase-table",file=sys.stderr)
            freordering = None

        if args.mosesinclusive or args.mosesexclusive:
            #Use mosesserver with XML input method

            #write mos
            if not args.tweight:
                lentweights = 4
                tweights = " ".join([str(1/(lentweights+1))]*lentweights)
                tweights = " ".join([ str(x) for x in args.tweight])
                lentweights = len(args.tweight)

            if os.path.exists(decodedir + "/moses.ini"):

            print("Writing " + decodedir + "/moses.ini",file=sys.stderr)

            if args.reordering:
                reorderingfeature = "LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6 type=" + args.reordering + " input-factor=0 output-factor=0 path=" + decodedir + "/reordering-table"
                reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3"
                reorderingfeature = ""
                reorderingweight = ""

            #write moses.ini
            f = open(decodedir + '/moses.ini','w',encoding='utf-8')
#Moses INI, produced by contextmoses.py

0 T 0


PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features={lentweights} path={phrasetable} input-factor=0 output-factor=0 table-limit=20
SRILM name=LM0 factor=0 path={lm} order={lmorder}

UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
WordPenalty0= {wweight}
PhrasePenalty0= {pweight}
LM0= {lmweight}
TranslationModel0= {tweights}
Distortion0= {dweight}
""".format(phrasetable=decodedir + "/phrase-table", lm=args.lm, lmorder=args.lmorder, lmweight = args.lmweight, dweight = args.dweight, tweights=tweights, lentweights=lentweights, wweight=args.wweight, pweight = args.pweight, reorderingfeature=reorderingfeature, reorderingweight=reorderingweight))

            print("Starting Moses Server",file=sys.stderr)
            if args.mosesdir:
                cmd = args.mosesdir + '/bin/mosesserver'
                cmd = 'mosesserver'
            if args.moses:
                if args.mosesinclusive:
                    cmd += " -xml-input inclusive" #compete with phrase-table
                elif args.mosesexclusive:
                    cmd += " -xml-input exclusive" #only used for passing verbatim L2 (tested whether it makes a difference with inclusive baseline on en-es data, it doesn't)
            cmd += ' -f ' + decodedir + '/moses.ini'
            print("Calling mosesserver: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)

            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True)
            mosesserverpid = p.pid

            while True:
                    s = socket.socket()
                    s.connect( ("localhost", args.mosesport) )
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Waiting for Moses server....", e, file=sys.stderr)

            print("Connecting to Moses Server",file=sys.stderr)
            mosesclient = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://*****:*****@" + str(i+1) + "/" + str(sourcepatterncount)  + " -- Processing " + str(sentenceindex) + ":" + str(tokenindex) + " " + sourcepattern_s + " -- Features: " + str(repr(featurevector)),file=sys.stderr)

                    if classifier and not args.ignoreclassifier:
                        if not classifierconf['monolithic'] or (classifierconf['monolithic'] and sourcepattern_s in classifierindex):

                            #call classifier
                            classlabel, distribution, distance = classifier.classify(featurevector)

                            #process classifier result
                            for targetpattern_s, score in distribution.items():
                                targetpattern = targetencoder.buildpattern(targetpattern_s)
                                if (sourcepattern, targetpattern) in alignmodel:
                                    scorevector = [ x for x in alignmodel[(sourcepattern,targetpattern)] if isinstance(x,int) or isinstance(x,float) ] #make a copy

                                if args.scorehandling == 'append':
                                elif args.scorehandling == 'replace':
                                    scorevector[2] = score
                                    raise NotImplementedError #TODO: implemented weighed!

                                translationcount += 1

                                #write phrasetable entries
                                ftable.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in scorevector]) + "\n")
                                if freordering:
                                    reordering_scores = None
                                        for t, sv in rtable[sourcepattern_s]:
                                            if t == targetpattern_s:
                                                reordering_scores = sv
                                    except KeyError:
                                        if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******* ERROR ********* Source pattern notfound in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s,file=sys.stderr)
                                            raise Exception("Source pattern notfound in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s)

                                    if reordering_scores:
                                        freordering.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in reordering_scores]) + "\n")
                                        if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******** ERROR ********* Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")",file=sys.stderr)
                                            raise Exception("Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")")

                            if translationcount == 0:
                                print("\tNo overlap between classifier translations (" + str(len(distribution)) + ") and phrase table. Falling back to statistical baseline.",file=sys.stderr)
                                statistical = True
                                print("\t\t" + str(translationcount) + " translation options written",file=sys.stderr)
                                statistical = False
                            print("\tNot in classifier. Falling back to statistical baseline.",file=sys.stderr)
                            statistical = True

                        statistical = True

                    if statistical:
                        print("\tPhrasetable lookup",file=sys.stderr)
                        #ignore classifier or no classifier present for this item
                        for targetpattern in alignmodel.targetpatterns(sourcepattern):
                            scorevector = [ x for x in alignmodel[(sourcepattern,targetpattern)] if isinstance(x,int) or isinstance(x,float) ] #make a copy

                            if args.scorehandling == 'append':
                            elif args.scorehandling == 'replace':
                                pass #nothing to do, scorevector is okay as it is
                            elif args.scorehandling == 'weighed':
                                raise NotImplementedError #TODO: implemented weighed!

                            translationcount += 1

                            #write phrasetable entries
                            targetpattern_s = targetpattern.tostring(targetdecoder)
                            ftable.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([ str(x) for x in scorevector]) + "\n")
                            if freordering:
                                reordering_scores = None
                                    for t, sv in rtable[sourcepattern_s]:
                                        if t == targetpattern_s:
                                            reordering_scores = sv
                                except KeyError:
                                    if args.ignoreerrors:
                                        print("******** ERROR ******* Source pattern not found in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s,file=sys.stderr)
                                        raise Exception("Source pattern not found in reordering table: " + sourcepattern_s)

                                if reordering_scores:
                                    freordering.write(tokenspan + " ||| " + targetpattern_s + " ||| " + " ".join([str(x) for x in reordering_scores]) + "\n")
                                    if args.ignoreerrors:
                                            print("******* ERROR ****** Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")",file=sys.stderr)
                                        raise Exception("Target pattern not found in reordering table: " + targetpattern_s + " (for source " + sourcepattern_s + ")")

                        print("\t\t" + str(translationcount) + " translation options written",file=sys.stderr)

                prevpattern = None

            if freordering:

            if not args.tweight:
                if args.scorehandling == "append":
                    lentweights = 5
                    lentweights = 4
                tweights = " ".join([str(1/(lentweights+1))]*lentweights)
                tweights = " ".join([ str(x) for x in args.tweight])
                lentweights = len(args.tweight)

            print("Writing " + decodedir + "/moses.ini",file=sys.stderr)

            if args.reordering:
                reorderingfeature = "LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6 type=" + args.reordering + " input-factor=0 output-factor=0 path=" + decodedir + "/reordering-table"
                if not args.reorderingweight:
                    reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3"
                    reorderingweight =  "LexicalReordering0= " + " ".join([str(x) for x in args.reorderingweight])
                reorderingfeature = ""
                reorderingweight = ""

            #write moses.ini
            f = open(decodedir + '/moses.ini','w',encoding='utf-8')
#Moses INI, produced by contextmoses.py

0 T 0


PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features={lentweights} path={phrasetable} input-factor=0 output-factor=0 table-limit=20
SRILM name=LM0 factor=0 path={lm} order={lmorder}

UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
WordPenalty0= {wweight}
PhrasePenalty0= {pweight}
LM0= {lmweight}
TranslationModel0= {tweights}
Distortion0= {dweight}
""".format(phrasetable=decodedir + "/phrase-table", lm=args.lm, lmorder=args.lmorder, lmweight = args.lmweight, dweight = args.dweight, tweights=tweights, lentweights=lentweights, wweight=args.wweight, pweight = args.pweight, reorderingfeature=reorderingfeature, reorderingweight=reorderingweight))


            if not args.skipdecoder:
                if args.mert:
                    if args.ref[0] == '/':
                        ref = args.ref
                        ref = os.getcwd() + '/' + args.ref

                    for mertrun in range(1,args.mert+1):
                        if os.path.exists(decodedir+"/mert-work-" + str(mertrun) +"/moses.ini"):
                            print("Mert run #" + str(mertrun) + " already ran, skipping...",file=sys.stderr)
                            #invoke mert
                            cmd = args.mosesdir + "/scripts/training/mert-moses.pl --working-dir=" + decodedir + "/mert-work-" + str(mertrun) + " --mertdir=" + args.mosesdir + '/mert/' + ' --decoder-flags="-threads ' + str(args.threads) + '" ' + decodedir + "/test.txt " + ref + " `which moses` " + decodedir + "/moses.ini --threads=" + str(args.threads)
                            print("Contextmoses calling mert #" + str(mertrun) + ": " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                            r = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
                            if r != 0:
                                print("Contextmoses called mert #" + str(mertrun) + " but failed!", file=sys.stderr)
                            print("DONE: Contextmoses calling mert #" + str(mertrun)+": " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                    #invoke moses
                    cmd = EXEC_MOSES + " -threads " + str(args.threads) + " -f " + decodedir + "/moses.ini < " + decodedir + "/test.txt > " + decodedir + "/output.txt"
                    print("Contextmoses calling moses: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)
                    r = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
                    if r != 0:
                        print("Contextmoses called moses but failed!", file=sys.stderr)
                    print("DONE: Contextmoses calling moses: " + cmd,file=sys.stderr)

                print("Contextmoses skipping decoder",file=sys.stderr)