예제 #1
 def testResultsPaddingWithStart(self):
     results = self.results()
     padResults(results, start=50)
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 1204)
     self.assertEqual(results[:50], [None] * 50)
     self.assertEqual(results[50].UID, '7c31adb20d5eee314233abfe48515cf3')
     self.assertEqual(results[187:], [None] * (1204 - 187))
예제 #2
 def testResultsPaddingWithStart(self):
     results = self.results()
     padResults(results, start=50)
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 1204)
     self.assertEqual(results[:50], [None] * 50)
     self.assertEqual(results[50].UID, '7c31adb20d5eee314233abfe48515cf3')
     self.assertEqual(results[187:], [None] * (1204 - 187))
예제 #3
def solrSearchResults(request=None, **keywords):
    """ perform a query using solr after translating the passed in
        parameters with portal catalog semantics """
    site = getSite()
    search = queryUtility(ISearch, context=site)
    config = queryUtility(ISolrConnectionConfig, context=site)

    if request is None:
        # try to get a request instance, so that flares can be adapted to
        # ploneflares and urls can be converted into absolute ones etc;
        # however, in this case any arguments from the request are ignored
        args = deepcopy(keywords)
        request = getattr(site, 'REQUEST', None)
    elif IHTTPRequest.providedBy(request):
        args = deepcopy(request.form)
        args.update(keywords)  # keywords take precedence
        assert isinstance(request, dict), request
        args = deepcopy(request)
        args.update(keywords)  # keywords take precedence
        # if request is a dict, we need the real request in order to
        # be able to adapt to plone flares
        request = getattr(site, 'REQUEST', args)

    if 'path' in args and 'navtree' in args['path']:
        raise FallBackException     # we can't handle navtree queries yet

    use_solr = args.get('use_solr', False)  # A special key to force Solr
    if not use_solr and config.required:
        required = set(config.required).intersection(args)
        if required:
            for key in required:
                if not args[key]:
                    raise FallBackException
            raise FallBackException

    query, params = search.buildQueryAndParameters(**args)

    if query != {}:
        __traceback_info__ = (query, params, args)
        response = search(query, **params)
        return SolrResponse()

    def wrap(flare):
        """ wrap a flare object with a helper class """
        adapter = queryMultiAdapter((flare, request), IFlare)
        return adapter is not None and adapter or flare

    schema = search.getManager().getSchema() or {}
    results = response.results()
    for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
        flare = wrap(flare)
        for missing in set(schema.stored).difference(flare):
            flare[missing] = MV
        results[idx] = wrap(flare)
    padResults(results, **params)           # pad the batch
    return response
예제 #4
def solrSearchResults(request=None, **keywords):
    """ perform a query using solr after translating the passed in
        parameters with portal catalog semantics """
    site = getSite()
    search = queryUtility(ISearch, context=site)
    config = queryUtility(ISolrConnectionConfig, context=site)

    if request is None:
        # try to get a request instance, so that flares can be adapted to
        # ploneflares and urls can be converted into absolute ones etc;
        # however, in this case any arguments from the request are ignored
        args = deepcopy(keywords)
        request = getattr(site, 'REQUEST', None)
    elif IHTTPRequest.providedBy(request):
        args = deepcopy(request.form)
        args.update(keywords)  # keywords take precedence
        assert isinstance(request, dict), request
        args = deepcopy(request)
        args.update(keywords)  # keywords take precedence
        # if request is a dict, we need the real request in order to
        # be able to adapt to plone flares
        request = getattr(site, 'REQUEST', args)

    if 'path' in args and 'navtree' in args['path']:
        raise FallBackException  # we can't handle navtree queries yet

    use_solr = args.get('use_solr', False)  # A special key to force Solr
    if not use_solr and config.required:
        required = set(config.required).intersection(args)
        if required:
            for key in required:
                if not args[key]:
                    raise FallBackException
            raise FallBackException

    query, params = search.buildQueryAndParameters(**args)

    if query != {}:
        __traceback_info__ = (query, params, args)
        response = search(query, **params)
        return SolrResponse()

    def wrap(flare):
        """ wrap a flare object with a helper class """
        adapter = queryMultiAdapter((flare, request), IFlare)
        return adapter is not None and adapter or flare

    schema = search.getManager().getSchema() or {}
    results = response.results()
    for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
        flare = wrap(flare)
        for missing in set(schema.stored).difference(flare):
            flare[missing] = MV
        results[idx] = wrap(flare)
    padResults(results, **params)  # pad the batch
    return response
예제 #5
def search_solr(query, request=None, lang_query=True, **params):
    search = queryUtility(ISearch)

    if lang_query:
        dummy = {}
        prepareData(dummy)  # this replaces '' with 'any'
        langquery = 'Language:(%s)' % ' OR '.join(dummy['Language'])
        query = '(%s) AND %s' % (query, langquery)

    response = search(query, **params)
    if request is None:
        request = getSite().REQUEST
    response.request = request
    results = response.results()
    for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
        results[idx] = PloneFlare(flare, request=request)
    padResults(results, **params)  # pad the batch
    return response
예제 #6
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: EU-OSHA/osha.theme
def search_solr(query, request=None, lang_query=True, **params):
    search = queryUtility(ISearch)

    if lang_query:
        dummy = {}
        prepareData(dummy)  # this replaces '' with 'any'
        langquery = 'Language:(%s)' % ' OR '.join(dummy['Language'])
        query = '(%s) AND %s' % (query, langquery)

    response = search(query, **params)
    if request is None:
        request = getSite().REQUEST
    response.request = request
    results = response.results()
    for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
        results[idx] = PloneFlare(flare, request=request)
    padResults(results, **params)           # pad the batch
    return response
    def search_solr(self, query, **parameters):
        lang_tool = api.portal.get_tool("portal_languages")
        search = queryUtility(ISearch)
        if search is None:
            log.warn('Could not get solr ISearch utility')
            return []
        rc = api.portal.get_tool("reference_catalog")

        preferred_lang = lang_tool.getPreferredLanguage()
        languages = ["en", "any"]

        # Speed approach
        # * Search for all en and neutral items with a given batch size
        # * If current language is en: return
        # * Take the found items and feed their UIDs into the reference catalog
        # * Look up any items that are translations of these in the current
        #    language
        # * Replace the items with their translations
        # * Pad the result
        # * Return result
        query = ' '.join(
            (query, "+Language:({0})".format(' OR '.join(languages))))

        if 'rows' not in parameters:
            parameters['rows'] = 100000
        if 'start' not in parameters:
            parameters['start'] = 0

        solr_response = search(query, **parameters)

        if not solr_response:
            return solr_response

        results = solr_response.results()
        schema = search.getManager().getSchema() or {}

        #found_results = results[
        #    parameters[start]:parameters[start]+parameters[rows]]
        original_uids = [x.UID for x in results]

        translations = rc.search({
            "relationship": "translationOf",
            "targetUID": original_uids,
        # maps canonicals to translations
        target_map = {}
        # maps translations to canonicals
        source_map = {}
        # used to store translations under the uid of the canonical
        translation_map = {}
        # create a map where every translation is stored under the UID
        # of the canonical
        for t in translations:
            if t.Language != preferred_lang:
            target_map[t['targetUID']] = t['sourceUID']
            source_map[t['sourceUID']] = t['targetUID']

        # search for the full brains of the translations
        if target_map:
            t_query = "Language:%s AND UID: (%s)" % (
                preferred_lang, ' OR '.join(target_map.values()))
            translation_response = search(t_query)
            for item in translation_response:
                targetUID = source_map[item.UID]
                if item.Language == preferred_lang:
                    translation_map[targetUID] = item

        for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
            if flare.UID not in translation_map.keys():
                flare = PloneFlare(flare)
                flare = PloneFlare(translation_map[flare.UID])

            for missing in set(schema.stored).difference(flare):
                flare[missing] = MV
            results[idx] = flare

        padResults(results, **parameters)

        return solr_response
예제 #8
 def testResultsPadding(self):
     results = self.results()
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 1204)
     self.assertEqual(results[0].UID, '7c31adb20d5eee314233abfe48515cf3')
     self.assertEqual(results[137:], [None] * (1204 - 137))
예제 #9
 def testResultsPadding(self):
     results = self.results()
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 1204)
     self.assertEqual(results[0].UID, '7c31adb20d5eee314233abfe48515cf3')
     self.assertEqual(results[137:], [None] * (1204 - 137))
    def search_solr(self, query, **parameters):
        lang_tool = api.portal.get_tool("portal_languages")
        search = queryUtility(ISearch)
        if search is None:
            log.warn('Could not get solr ISearch utility')
            return []
        rc = api.portal.get_tool("reference_catalog")

        preferred_lang = lang_tool.getPreferredLanguage()
        languages = ["en", "any"]

        # Speed approach
        # * Search for all en and neutral items with a given batch size
        # * If current language is en: return
        # * Take the found items and feed their UIDs into the reference catalog
        # * Look up any items that are translations of these in the current
        #    language
        # * Replace the items with their translations
        # * Pad the result
        # * Return result
        query = ' '.join((
            query, "+Language:({0})".format(' OR '.join(languages))))

        if 'rows' not in parameters:
            parameters['rows'] = 100000
        if 'start' not in parameters:
            parameters['start'] = 0

        solr_response = search(query, **parameters)

        if not solr_response:
            return solr_response

        results = solr_response.results()
        schema = search.getManager().getSchema() or {}

        #found_results = results[
        #    parameters[start]:parameters[start]+parameters[rows]]
        original_uids = [x.UID for x in results]

        translations = rc.search({
            "relationship": "translationOf",
            "targetUID": original_uids,
        # maps canonicals to translations
        target_map = {}
        # maps translations to canonicals
        source_map = {}
        # used to store translations under the uid of the canonical
        translation_map = {}
        # create a map where every translation is stored under the UID
        # of the canonical
        for t in translations:
            if t.Language != preferred_lang:
            target_map[t['targetUID']] = t['sourceUID']
            source_map[t['sourceUID']] = t['targetUID']

        # search for the full brains of the translations
        if target_map:
            t_query = "Language:%s AND UID: (%s)" % (
                preferred_lang, ' OR '.join(target_map.values()))
            translation_response = search(t_query)
            for item in translation_response:
                targetUID = source_map[item.UID]
                if item.Language == preferred_lang:
                    translation_map[targetUID] = item

        for idx, flare in enumerate(results):
            if flare.UID not in translation_map.keys():
                flare = PloneFlare(flare)
                flare = PloneFlare(translation_map[flare.UID])

            for missing in set(schema.stored).difference(flare):
                flare[missing] = MV
            results[idx] = flare

        padResults(results, **parameters)

        return solr_response