예제 #1
파일: test.py 프로젝트: breuleux/colonel
def test_bottleneck_circuit():

    # out = bottleneck(a + b, c + d, e)
    F1 = CircuitSpec("F1",
                 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'out'],
                 dict(add1 = lib.Add,
                      add2 = lib.Add,
                      neck = lib.Bottleneck(3)
                 [('a', 'add1.a'),
                  ('b', 'add1.b'),
                  ('c', 'add2.a'),
                  ('d', 'add2.b'),
                  ('add1.out', 'neck.i0'),
                  ('add2.out', 'neck.i1'),
                  ('e', 'neck.i2'),
                  ('neck.out', 'out')])

    results = xgate_iter(F1,
                         dict(a = [10, 77],
                              b = [20],
                              c = [30],
                              d = [40],
                              e = [50, 90]),

    # should be [50, 30, 70, 90] or [50, 70, 30, 90], since e=50
    # arrives first and e=90 arrives last

    # but we don't care all that much about the order
    assert set(results['out']) == {30, 50, 70, 90}
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: breuleux/colonel
def test_xgate_iter():
    results = xgate_iter(lib.Add,
                         dict(a = [1, 20, 300, 4000, 50000, 600000],
                              b = [6, 50, 400, 3000, 20000, 100000]),
                         ['out', 'error'])
    assert results['out'] == [7, 70, 700, 7000, 70000, 700000]
    assert results['error'] == [VOID] * 6
예제 #3
파일: test.py 프로젝트: breuleux/colonel
def test_bottleneck():
    results = xgate_iter(lib.Bottleneck(5),
                         dict(i0 = [10],
                              i1 = [20],
                              i2 = [30],
                              i3 = [40],
                              i4 = [50]),
    assert set(results['out']) == {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
예제 #4
파일: test.py 프로젝트: breuleux/colonel
def test_either_once():
    results = xgate_iter(lib.EitherOnce(2),
                         dict(i0 = [10, 20, 30, 40],
                              i1 = [100, 200, 300]),
                         ['o0', 'o1'])
    # Only one output will ever pass. Typically it'll be o0 here, but
    # it's also correct if it is o1.
    assert (results == dict(o0 = [10], o1 = [VOID]) or
            results == dict(o0 = [VOID], o1 = [100]))
예제 #5
파일: test.py 프로젝트: breuleux/colonel
def test_either_once_circuit():

    m = []

    # out = either(trace(trace(trace(a))), trace(b))
    F1 = CircuitSpec("F1",
                 ['a', 'b', 'o0', 'o1'],
                 dict(eith = lib.EitherOnce(2),
                      tracea = TracerGate(m),
                      traceb = TracerGate(m),
                      traceX1 = TracerGate(m),
                      traceX2 = TracerGate(m)
                 [('a', 'tracea.x'),
                  ('b', 'traceb.x'),
                  ('tracea.out', 'traceX1.x'),
                  ('traceX1.out', 'traceX2.x'),
                  ('traceX2.out', 'eith.i0'),
                  ('traceb.out', 'eith.i1'),
                  ('eith.o0', 'o0'),
                  ('eith.o1', 'o1')])

    results = xgate_iter(F1,
                         dict(a = [10, 20],
                              b = [30]),
                         ['o0', 'o1'])


    # Only one output will ever pass. Since the path to i0 is longer
    # than the path to i1, i1 should get in before, eith and traceX1
    # should be evaluated at the same time, and then the evaluation of
    # traceX2 should not occur, because the request on i0 is removed.
    assert (results == dict(o0 = [VOID], o1 = [30]))
    assert sorted(m) == [10, 10, 30]