예제 #1
    def process_status(self, arguments, arguments_map, output_method, console_context):
        Processes the status command, with the given
        arguments and output method.

        @type arguments: List
        @param arguments: The arguments for the processing.
        @type arguments_map: Dictionary
        @param arguments_map: The map of arguments for the processing.
        @type output_method: Method
        @param output_method: The output method to be used in the processing.
        @type console_context: ConsoleContext
        @param console_context: The console context for the processing.

        # retrieves the plugin manager and uses it to retrieve the
        # various attributes to be displayed to the user
        plugin_manager = self.plugin.manager
        plugin_manager_uid = plugin_manager.uid
        plugin_manager_version = plugin_manager.get_version()
        plugin_manager_release = plugin_manager.get_release()
        plugin_manager_build = plugin_manager.get_build()
        plugin_manager_release_date_time = plugin_manager.get_release_date_time()
        plugin_manager_layout_mode = plugin_manager.get_layout_mode()
        plugin_manager_run_mode = plugin_manager.get_run_mode()
        plugin_manager_environment = plugin_manager.get_environment()

        # retrieves the current time and the plugin manager (start)
        # timestamp and calculates the uptime as the difference between
        # both values (time delta)
        current_time = time.time()
        plugin_manager_timestamp = plugin_manager.get_timestamp()
        uptime = current_time - plugin_manager_timestamp

        # creates the uptime string
        uptime_string = colony.format_seconds_smart(uptime, "basic", ("day", "hour", "minute", "second"))

        # retrieves the plugin manager instances
        plugin_manager_instances = plugin_manager.plugin_instances

        # retrieves the plugin strings from the plugin manager instances
        plugins_string, replicas_string, instances_string = self.get_plugin_strings(plugin_manager_instances)

        # prints the status values
        output_method("uid:          " + plugin_manager_uid)
        output_method("version:      " + plugin_manager_version)
        output_method("release:      " + plugin_manager_release)
        output_method("build:        " + plugin_manager_build)
        output_method("release date: " + plugin_manager_release_date_time)
        output_method("environment:  " + plugin_manager_environment)
        output_method("layout mode:  " + plugin_manager_layout_mode)
        output_method("run mode:     " + plugin_manager_run_mode)
        output_method("uptime:       " + uptime_string)
        output_method("plugins:      " + plugins_string)
        output_method("replicas:     " + replicas_string)
        output_method("instances:    " + instances_string)
예제 #2
    def _get_framework_information(self):
        Retrieves an information map containing information
        about the framework.

        @rtype: Dictionary
        @return: An information map containing information
        about the framework.

        # retrieves the plugin manager
        plugin_manager = self.plugin.manager

        # retrieves the plugin amnager uid
        plugin_manager_uid = plugin_manager.uid

        # retrieves the plugin manager version
        plugin_manager_version = plugin_manager.get_version()

        # retrieves the plugin manager release
        plugin_manager_release = plugin_manager.get_release()

        # retrieves the plugin manager build
        plugin_manager_build = plugin_manager.get_build()

        # retrieves the plugin manager release date time
        plugin_manager_release_date_time = plugin_manager.get_release_date_time()

        # retrieves the plugin manager layout mode
        plugin_manager_layout_mode = plugin_manager.get_layout_mode()

        # retrieves the plugin manager run mode
        plugin_manager_run_mode = plugin_manager.get_run_mode()

        # retrieves the plugin manager environment
        plugin_manager_environment = plugin_manager.get_environment()

        # retrieves the current time
        current_time = time.time()

        # retrieves the plugin manager timestamp and uses it for the
        # calculus of the uptime for the current system
        plugin_manager_timestamp = plugin_manager.get_timestamp()
        uptime = current_time - plugin_manager_timestamp

        # creates the uptime string
        uptime_string = colony.format_seconds_smart(uptime, "basic", ("day", "hour", "minute", "second"))

        # retrieves the plugin manager instances
        plugin_manager_instances = plugin_manager.plugin_instances

        # retrieves the plugin strings from the plugin manager instances
        plugins_string, replicas_string, instances_string = self._get_plugin_strings(plugin_manager_instances)

        # creates the framework information map
        framework_information = colony.OrderedMap()

        # sets the framework information (map) values
        framework_information["uid"] = plugin_manager_uid
        framework_information["version"] = plugin_manager_version
        framework_information["release"] = plugin_manager_release
        framework_information["build"] = plugin_manager_build
        framework_information["release date"] = plugin_manager_release_date_time
        framework_information["environment"] = plugin_manager_environment
        framework_information["layout mode"] = plugin_manager_layout_mode
        framework_information["run mode"] = plugin_manager_run_mode
        framework_information["uptime"] = uptime_string
        framework_information["plugins"] = plugins_string
        framework_information["replicas"] = replicas_string
        framework_information["instances"] = instances_string

        # returns the framework information (map)
        return framework_information