예제 #1
def run(manager_path,
    Starts the loading of the plugin manager. This should be the
    primary start point of the plugin system when starting it as
    a stand alone process (eg: not using wsgi).

    :type manager_path: String
    :param manager_path: The manager base path for execution.
    :type logger_path: String
    :param logger_path: The manager base path for logger.
    :type library_path: String
    :param library_path: The set of paths to the various library
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    :type meta_path: String
    :param meta_path: The set of paths to the various meta
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    :type plugin_path: String
    :param plugin_path: The set of paths to the various plugin
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    :type mode: String
    :param mode: The mode that is going to be used for non
    standard execution of the plugin manager (eg: testing). This
    value is not set by default (for default execution).
    :type margs: List
    :param margs: The arguments (coming from command line) that
    are going to be provided at execution time to the function
    responsible for the mode execution, these arguments should
    consist on a series of string based values.
    :type level: String
    :param level: The logging level described as a string that is
    going to be used by the underlying colony logging infra-structure.
    :type layout_mode: String
    :param layout_mode: The layout mode to be used by the plugin system.
    :type run_mode: String
    :param run_mode: The run mode to be used by the plugin
    system, this value is critical for the type of execution
    of the colony system (eg: development, runtime, etc.)
    :type stop_on_cycle_error: bool
    :param stop_on_cycle_error: If the plugin system should stop
    on cycle error, a cycle error is an error that occurs during
    the startup process of the colony infra-structure.
    :type loop: bool
    :param loop: If the plugin manager is going to run in a loop.
    :type threads: bool
    :param threads: If the plugin manager is going to allow threads.
    :type signals: bool
    :param signals: If the plugin manager is going to register signals.
    :type container: String
    :param container: The name of the plugin manager container.
    :type prefix_paths: List
    :param prefix_paths: The list of manager path relative paths to be used as reference for sub-projects.
    :type daemon_pid: int
    :param daemon_pid: The pid of the daemon process running the instance of plugin manager.
    :type daemon_file_path: String
    :param daemon_file_path: The file path to the daemon file, for information control.
    :rtype: int
    :return: The return code.

    # sets the plugin manager as a global variable, this value
    # may be used in more situations that the one defined in the
    # the current (local) scope
    global plugin_manager

    # checks if the library path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if library_path: library_paths = library_path.split(";")
    else: library_paths = []

    # checks if the meta path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if meta_path: meta_paths = meta_path.split(";")
    else: meta_paths = []

    # checks if the plugin path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if plugin_path: plugin_paths = plugin_path.split(";")
    else: plugin_paths = []

    # retrieves the current executing platform, so that this
    # value may be passed to the next functions to be called
    # as part of this execution stack
    platform = colony.get_environment()

    # runs the ensure operation for the currently defined manager
    # path making sure that the complete directory structure exists

    # creates the plugin manager with the given plugin paths, this
    # is the instance that is going to be used for the current loading
    plugin_manager = colony.PluginManager(

    # resolves the string based level into the proper integer
    # that describes the logging level and then uses that value
    # to start the logging infra-structure of colony
    level = colony.getLevelName(level)

    # creates the callback function to be used in the process of
    # printing the branding information text to the standard output
    # informing the end user about the current environment
    callback = lambda: print_information()

    # starts and loads the plugin system, this is a blocking
    # call and the flow control is only returned at the end of
    # the execution of the colony infra-structure, then the
    # returned code is returned to the caller function
    return_code = plugin_manager.load_system(mode=mode,
    return return_code
예제 #2
def run(
    mode = None,
    margs = [],
    level = "WARNING",
    layout_mode = "default",
    run_mode = "default",
    stop_on_cycle_error = True,
    loop = False,
    threads = True,
    signals = True,
    container = "default",
    prefix_paths = [],
    daemon_pid = None,
    daemon_file_path = None
    Starts the loading of the plugin manager. This should be the
    primary start point of the plugin system when starting it as
    a stand alone process (eg: not using wsgi).

    @type manager_path: String
    @param manager_path: The manager base path for execution.
    @type logger_path: String
    @param logger_path: The manager base path for logger.
    @type library_path: String
    @param library_path: The set of paths to the various library
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    @type meta_path: String
    @param meta_path: The set of paths to the various meta
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    @type plugin_path: String
    @param plugin_path: The set of paths to the various plugin
    locations separated by a semi-column.
    @type mode: String
    @param mode: The mode that is going to be used for non
    standard execution of the plugin manager (eg: testing). This
    value is not set by default (for default execution).
    @type margs: List
    @param margs: The arguments (coming from command line) that
    are going to be provided at execution time to the function
    responsible for the mode execution, these arguments should
    consist on a series of string based values.
    @type level: String
    @param level: The logging level described as a string that is
    going to be used by the underlying colony logging infra-structure.
    @type layout_mode: String
    @param layout_mode: The layout mode to be used by the plugin system.
    @type run_mode: String
    @param run_mode: The run mode to be used by the plugin
    system, this value is critical for the type of execution
    of the colony system (eg: development, runtime, etc.)
    @type stop_on_cycle_error: bool
    @param stop_on_cycle_error: If the plugin system should stop
    on cycle error, a cycle error is an error that occurs during
    the startup process of the colony infra-structure.
    @type loop: bool
    @param loop: If the plugin manager is going to run in a loop.
    @type threads: bool
    @param threads: If the plugin manager is going to allow threads.
    @type signals: bool
    @param signals: If the plugin manager is going to register signals.
    @type container: String
    @param container: The name of the plugin manager container.
    @type prefix_paths: List
    @param prefix_paths: The list of manager path relative paths to be used as reference for sub-projects.
    @type daemon_pid: int
    @param daemon_pid: The pid of the daemon process running the instance of plugin manager.
    @type daemon_file_path: String
    @param daemon_file_path: The file path to the daemon file, for information control.
    @rtype: int
    @return: The return code.

    # sets the plugin manager as a global variable, this value
    # may be used in more situations that the one defined in the
    # the current (local) scope
    global plugin_manager

    # checks if the library path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if library_path: library_paths = library_path.split(";")
    else: library_paths = []

    # checks if the meta path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if meta_path: meta_paths = meta_path.split(";")
    else: meta_paths = []

    # checks if the plugin path is not valid, by splitting its
    # value around the separator token into a valid list
    if plugin_path: plugin_paths = plugin_path.split(";")
    else: plugin_paths = []

    # retrieves the current executing platform, so that this
    # value may be passed to the next functions to be called
    # as part of this execution stack
    platform = colony.get_environment()

    # runs the ensure operation for the currently defined manager
    # path making sure that the complete directory structure exists

    # creates the plugin manager with the given plugin paths, this
    # is the instance that is going to be used for the current loading
    plugin_manager = colony.PluginManager(
        manager_path = manager_path,
        logger_path = logger_path,
        library_paths = library_paths,
        meta_paths = meta_paths,
        plugin_paths = plugin_paths,
        platform = platform,
        init_complete_handlers = [],
        stop_on_cycle_error = stop_on_cycle_error,
        loop = loop,
        threads = threads,
        signals = signals,
        layout_mode = layout_mode,
        run_mode = run_mode,
        container = container,
        prefix_paths = prefix_paths,
        daemon_pid = daemon_pid,
        daemon_file_path = daemon_file_path

    # resolves the string based level into the proper integer
    # that describes the logging level and then uses that value
    # to start the logging infra-structure of colony
    level = colony.getLevelName(level)

    # creates the callback function to be used in the process of
    # printing the branding information text to the standard output
    # informing the end user about the current environment
    callback = lambda: print_information()

    # starts and loads the plugin system, this is a blocking
    # call and the flow control is only returned at the end of
    # the execution of the colony infra-structure, then the
    # returned code is returned to the caller function
    return_code = plugin_manager.load_system(
        mode = mode,
        args = margs,
        callback = callback
    return return_code
예제 #3
alias_path = colony.conf("ALIAS_PATH", None)
alias_path = alias_path and os.path.expanduser(alias_path)
alias_path = alias_path and os.path.normpath(alias_path)

# gathers the path to the rewrite file that contains JSON information
# about the rewrite meta information to be used at runtime to shorten
# the provided URL path values (useful under proxy redirection)
rewrite_path = colony.conf("REWRITE_PATH", None)
rewrite_path = rewrite_path and os.path.expanduser(rewrite_path)
rewrite_path = rewrite_path and os.path.normpath(rewrite_path)

# retrieves the (verbosity) level for the debugger using the provided
# configuration support, defaulting to the default level in case the
# value is not provided through configuration
level = colony.conf("LEVEL", logging.INFO)
level = colony.getLevelName(level)

# retrieves the complete set of configuration variables associated
# with the various paths to be used by colony, these are going to
# be used as the initial values for the various path lists
meta_paths = colony.conf("META_PATH", [], cast=list)
plugin_paths = colony.conf("PLUGIN_PATH", [], cast=list)

# tries to retrieve the configuration file from the environment
# variable associated in case it fails uses the default configuration
# file path then joins the "relative" file path to the base path
# and resolves it as an absolute path
config_file_path = colony.conf(CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None) or DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH
config_file_path = os.path.join(manager_path, config_file_path)
config_file_path = os.path.abspath(config_file_path)
예제 #4
alias_path = colony.conf("ALIAS_PATH", None)
alias_path = alias_path and os.path.expanduser(alias_path)
alias_path = alias_path and os.path.normpath(alias_path)

# gathers the path to the rewrite file that contains json information
# about the rewrite meta information to be used at runtime to shorten
# the provided url path values (useful under proxy redirection)
rewrite_path = colony.conf("REWRITE_PATH", None)
rewrite_path = rewrite_path and os.path.expanduser(rewrite_path)
rewrite_path = rewrite_path and os.path.normpath(rewrite_path)

# retrieves the (verbosity) level for the debugger using the provided
# configuration support, defaulting to the default level in case the
# value is not provided through configuration
level = colony.conf("LEVEL", logging.INFO)
level = colony.getLevelName(level)

# retrieves the complete set of configuration variables associated
# with the various paths to be used by colony, these are going to
# be used as the initial values for the various path lists
meta_paths = colony.conf("META_PATH", [], cast = list)
plugin_paths = colony.conf("PLUGIN_PATH", [], cast = list)

# tries to retrieve the configuration file from the environment
# variable associated in case it fails uses the default configuration
# file path then joins the "relative" file path to the base path
# and resolves it as an absolute path
config_file_path = colony.conf(CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None) or DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH
config_file_path = os.path.join(manager_path, config_file_path)
config_file_path = os.path.abspath(config_file_path)