def do(str1, str2): if str1 is None: str1 = "" len1 = len(str1) len2 = len(str2) splited1 = list(str1) splited2 = list(str2) short = splited1 if len1 < len2 else splited2 if len1 != len2: add = range(0,abs(len2-len1)) for i in add: short += "_" zipped = zip(splited1, splited2) colorStr1 = colorStr2 = '' for (i, j) in zipped: iRepr = util.goodRepr(i) jRepr = util.goodRepr(j) if i == j: colorStr1 += color.color(iRepr, 'green') colorStr2 += color.color(jRepr, 'green') else: colorStr1 += color.color(iRepr, 'red') colorStr2 += color.color(jRepr, 'yellow')'diff:') print(colorStr1) print(colorStr2)
def generate_samples(): """ Generates the sample images for review. """ # set image dimensions width = 512 height = 1024 # set the base gradient start and stop colors start = color.color( 0x001620 ) stop = color.color( 0x08262A ) # create the base gradient with noticeable "banding" make_image( 'base.png', width, height, make_base( start, stop, width, height ) ) # create a gradient with some noise applied to it make_image( 'noise.png', width, height, make_dith_noise( start, stop, width, height ) )
def test(): # generate a filename by time now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) filename = now + '.jpg' # path config base_dir = os.path.join('static', 'pic') ori_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'original', filename) prp_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'preprocessed', filename) rst_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'result', filename) # save the file f = request.files['file'] # preprocess myutils.img_prep(ori_path, prp_path) # color color.color(prp_path, rst_path) # return the URL ori_url = myutils.strip(ori_path) rst_url = myutils.strip(rst_path) return render_template('result.html', ori=ori_url, rst=rst_url)
def drawAll(self, dst): self.drawAllFlag = False for h in range(self.h): for w in range(self.w): pos = (self.pos[0] + (self.w/2 - w), self.pos[1] + (self.h/2 - h)) if (pos[0] < 0) or (pos[1] < 0) or \ (pos[0] >= LEVEL_WIDTH) or \ (pos[1] >= LEVEL_HEIGHT): continue if configs.misc.COLORED == True: if tuple(pos) in self.foreground: mapDraw = self.foreground[tuple(pos)] dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, mapDraw[0], color.color(mapDraw[1], mapDraw[2])) self.foreground.pop(pos) elif tuple(pos) in self.persons: mapDraw = self.persons[tuple(pos)].mapDraw dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, mapDraw[0], color.color(mapDraw[1], mapDraw[2])) else: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, self[pos]['ascii'], color.color(self[pos]['fg'], self[pos]['bg'])) else: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, self[pos]['ascii'])
def connect_to_contacts(self, link_name, contact_list=[]): rx, tx = sub, pub = 0, 1 #print "will connect to contact list: ", contact_list for contact in contact_list: if contact not in self.this_contact.contact_list: for ip in contact['ip-list']: conn_str = "%s:%d:%d" % (ip, contact['ports'][rx], contact['ports'][tx]) print_msg = ("%s\t%d %d\tvia %s" % (ip, contact['ports'][rx], contact['ports'][tx], link_name)) print_msg = color.color(print_msg, fg_light_green=True) print color.color("connecting to\t", fg_green=True) + print_msg rx_addr = "tcp://%s:%d" % (ip, contact['ports'][rx]) tx_addr = "tcp://%s:%d" % (ip, contact['ports'][tx])[link_name].pub.connect(rx_addr)[link_name].sub.connect(tx_addr) self.connection_list.append(conn_str) #print "full connection list: ", self.connection_list else: m = "not connecting to itself: " + display_contact(contact) print color.color(m, fg_orange=True) pass
def cjson(screen, path): curses.curs_set(0) color() header(screen) footer(screen) div, txt = body(screen) data = get_json(path) eventloop(screen, div, txt, data)
def main(): for line in sys.stdin: if line.startswith('+'): sys.stdout.write(color(line, YELLOW)) elif line.startswith('-'): sys.stdout.write(color(line, GRAY, bg=0)) else: sys.stdout.write(line)
def print_message_info(message): print_log(color(message['symbol'] + ' ' + name(message['rid'], full=True), 34 if message['out'] else 32) + "%s:" % ('' if message['rid'] in users_list() else ' (\x1b[31mnot in user_list\x1b[0m)'), message['body'], print_log=False) print_log(' ', color(message['type'].title(), 32) + ':', color(name(message['pid']), 36), print_log=False) print_log(print_log=False) print_log(message, print_stdout=False)
def draw(self): for obj in self.tracked_objects: if hasattr(obj, 'active'): color(red) else: color(0.25) pushMatrix() translate(obj.origin) obj.region.draw() popMatrix()
def str(self, colored = True): 'Displays the card as text' # For Windows, "colored" is deprecated and set always to be False sysName = system() # obtain the OS's name colored &= sysName != 'Windows' mnToStr = lambda mnTuple, indexOfSuites: \ 'Undefined card' if mnTuple[0] < 0 or mnTuple[1] < 0 else \ card.__suites[indexOfSuites][mnTuple[0]] + card.__numbers[mnTuple[1]] ##################################################################################### # the current decision is that if windows, output SHCD and otherwise output unicode # ##################################################################################### return ((color() if self.getMN()[0] % 2 == 0 else color('red')).text \ if colored else (lambda x: x))(mnToStr(self.getMN(), 'Windows' == sysName))
def LoadPreSetColors(self): with open('basecolors.txt', 'r') as txtfile: for line in txtfile: line = line.strip() if line: Name, LeftAngle, RightAngle = line.split(" ") color(Name, int(LeftAngle), int(RightAngle))
def test_testName(self):"test here baby") result =, '../../')) indexes = range(638) for i in indexes: #[i]) number = color.color(str(i), "red") char = color.color(repr(result[i]), "green") line = "{0} - {1}".format(number, char) print(line)
def find(self, target): target = target.strip() if ( len(target) == 0 ): return False res = [] col_obj = color() ldd_obj = ldd(self.gdb, self.f_path) libc = ldd_obj.get_libc() cmd = 'strings -at x {} | grep "{}"'.format(libc, target) try: r = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True) except: return False r = r.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') for i in r: i = i.strip() tmp = i.split(' ') ofst = '0x{}'.format(tmp[0]) name = [] for j in range(1, len(tmp)): if ( len(tmp[j].strip()) != 0 ): name.append(tmp[j].strip()) name = ' '.join(name) # highlight the key word name = name.replace(target, '{}{}{}'.format(col_obj.l_red, target, col_obj.dft)) tmp = 'offset: {}name: {}'.format(ofst.ljust(11, ' '), name) res.append(tmp) return res
def dimensionality_reduction(data, n_dim=None, thold=0.9, method="PCA", help_me=False, **arg_d): """Dimensionality reduction Parameters ========== data: n_samples x n_features n_dim: n-dimension thold: Float, threshold method: String, decomposition method {"主成分分析": ["PCA", "IncrementalPCA", "KernelPCA", "MiniBatchSparsePCA", "SparsePCA", "TruncatedSVD"], "因子分析": ["FactorAnalysis"], "独立成分分析": ["FastICA"], "字典学习": ["DictionaryLearning", "MiniBatchDictionaryLearning"], "高级矩阵分解": ["LatentDirichletAllocation", "NMF"], "其他矩阵分解": ["SparseCoder"]} help_me: Boolean arg_d: Dict[args of sklearn.decomposition.?] Dict{name:value} Return ====== decomodel: decomposition model data_: data after transform Examples ======== >>> dec,data_ = dimensionality_reduction(data, thold=0.9, method="PCA"): Reference ========= - [Zhihu]( - [Oreilly]( - [Scikit]( """ methods = ["DictionaryLearning", "FactorAnalysis", "FastICA", "IncrementalPCA", "KernelPCA", "LatentDirichletAllocation", "MiniBatchDictionaryLearning", "MiniBatchSparsePCA", "NMF", "PCA", "SparseCoder", "SparsePCA", "TruncatedSVD"] if method not in methods: raise NameError("Method %s not in sklearn.decomposition"%color(method)) alias = getattr(decomposition, method) if n_dim is not None: decomodel = alias(n_components=n_dim, **arg_d) return decomodel, decomodel.transform(data) elif thold is not None: decomodel = alias(**arg_d) if "explained_variance_ratio_" in dir(decomodel): ratio = decomodel.explained_variance_ratio_ index = np.sum(np.cumsum(ratio) < thold) decomodel.components_ = decomodel.components_[:index] else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO") return decomodel, decomodel.transform(data) else: raise ValueError("There must be at most two None in n_dim and thold.")
def invoke(self, arg, tty): try: if ( len(arg.strip()) == 0 ): raise Exception('please give one argument!') if (not self.init()): raise Exception('process is not running!') else: pid, f_path = self.init() ldd_obj = ldd(gdb, f_path) libc = ldd_obj.get_libc() del ldd_obj if (len(libc.strip()) == 0): raise Exception('could not get libc path!') cmd = 'readelf -a {} | grep "{}"'.format(libc.strip(), arg.strip()) r = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True) r = r.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n') col_obj = color() res = [] res_1 = [] for i in r: tmp = [] for j in i.strip().split(' '): if(len(j.strip()) != 0): tmp.append(j) res.append(tmp) for i in res: tmp = [] if ( len(i) == 7 ): # ex: stdout # 0000003c3f50 041300000006 R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT 00000000003c5708 stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5 + 0 # offset tmp.append(hex(int(i[3].strip(), 16))) name = [] # name for j in range(4, len(i)): name.append(i[j].strip()) tmp.append(' '.join(name)) res_1.append(tmp) elif ( len(i) == 8 ): # 803: 00000000003c5620 224 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 33 _IO_2_1_stdout_@@GLIBC_2.2.5 # offset tmp.append(hex(int(i[1].strip(), 16))) # name tmp.append(i[7].strip()) res_1.append(tmp) res = [] for i in res_1: res.append('offset: {}name: {}'.format(i[0].ljust(15, ' '), i[1].replace(arg, '{}{}{}'.format(col_obj.l_red, arg, col_obj.dft)))) for i in res: print(i) except Exception as e: print('Error Occurred: {}'.format(str(e)))
def setType(self, type): #Delete old panels for i in self.GetChildren(): if i.GetName() in ["imagePanel", "customPanel", "colorPanel", "rotationPanel", "textPanel", "vartextPanel"]: i.Destroy() if type == "color": self.color = color(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.color, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) if type == "image": self.image = image(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.image, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) if type == "text": self.rotation = rotation(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.rotation, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) self.text = text(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.text, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) if type == "vartext": self.rotation = rotation(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.rotation, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) self.vartext = vartext(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.vartext, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 4) self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer) self.Layout() self.parent.Layout() self.parent.propertiesPanel.Layout()
def validaColor(pos_ini): x = pos_ini[0] y = pos_ini[1] color = [0,0] if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 245 and y <= 280: color[0] = Amarillo if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 280 and y <= 315: color[0] = Azul if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 315 and y <= 350: color[0] = Rojo if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 350 and y <= 385: color[0] = Verde if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 385 and y <= 420: color[0] = Naranja if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 420 and y <= 455: color[0] = Negro if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 455 and y <= 490: color[0] = Cafe if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 490 and y <= 525: color[0] = Rosa if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 525 and y <= 560: color[0] = Morado if x > 0 and x <= 35 and y > 560 and y <= 595: color = cl.color() return color[0]
def print_hangman(): with open(f'assets/lives/{lives}.txt') as f: hangman = f.readlines() for line in hangman: line = line.replace('\n', '') print(color(line))
def cast_ray(self, orig, direction): material, intersect = self.scene_intersect(orig, direction) if material is None: return self.background_color light_dir = norm(sub(self.light.position, intersect.point)) light_distance = length(sub(self.light.position, intersect.point)) offset_normal = mul(intersect.normal, 1.1) # avoids intercept with itself shadow_orig = sub(intersect.point, offset_normal) if dot(light_dir, intersect.normal) < 0 else sum(intersect.point, offset_normal) shadow_material, shadow_intersect = self.scene_intersect(shadow_orig, light_dir) shadow_intensity = 0 if shadow_material and length(sub(shadow_intersect.point, shadow_orig)) < light_distance: shadow_intensity = 0.9 intensity = self.light.intensity * max(0, dot(light_dir, intersect.normal)) * (1 - shadow_intensity) reflection = reflect(light_dir, intersect.normal) specular_intensity = self.light.intensity * ( max(0, -dot(reflection, direction))**material.spec ) diffuse = material.diffuse * intensity * material.albedo[0] specular = color(255, 255, 255) * specular_intensity * material.albedo[1] return diffuse + specular
def invoke(self, arg, tty): try: if (not self.init()): raise Exception('process is not running!') else: pid, f_path = self.init() f_info = file_info(f_path) arch = f_info.get_arch() bit = f_info.get_bit() del f_info l_map = linux_map(bit) l_map = l_map.parse(pid) col_obj = color() libc_base, libc_text_idx = self.get_libc_base(l_map, bit) if (len(libc_base.strip()) == 0): raise Exception('could not get libc path!') del l_map libc = ldd(gdb, f_path).get_libc() print('libc: {}{}{}'.format(col_obj.purple, libc, col_obj.dft)) print('libc base: {}{}{}'.format(col_obj.purple, libc_base, col_obj.dft)) except Exception as e: print('Error Occurred: {}'.format(str(e)))
def invoke(self, arg, tty): try: if (len(arg.strip()) == 0): raise Exception('please give a .so file name with it\'s path') col_obj = color() cmd = 'set environment LD_PRELOAD' gdb.execute(cmd, to_string=True) print('Set environment variable "LD_PRELOAD" to null!') cmd = 'set environment LD_PRELOAD {}'.format(arg) gdb.execute(cmd, to_string=True) cmd = 'show environment LD_PRELOAD' r = gdb.execute(cmd, to_string=True) r = r.strip().split(' = ') if (len(r) != 2): raise Exception( 'Set environment variable "LD_PRELOAD" {}failed{}!'.format(, col_obj.dft)) print( 'Set environment variable "LD_PRELOAD" to {}{}{} {}success{}!'. format(col_obj.l_blue, r[1].strip(), col_obj.dft,, col_obj.dft)) except Exception as e: print('Error Occurred: {}'.format(str(e)))
def compute_or_fecth_pickle(imgPath, nbResize=0, printImg=True, circleSize=5): img = cv2.imread(imgPath, 1) for i in range(nbResize): img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) print_images([img], name='baseImg') myImg = img.copy() imgGray = myImg[:, :, 1] myDesc, myKps = None, None if pickleExist(imgPath): print("Using pre-computed key-points") myDesc, myKps = loadPickle(imgPath) else: print("No precomputed key-points. Start computing key-points") myDesc, myKps = doSift(imgGray) savePickle(payloadKps(myDesc, myKps), imgPath) myFinalImg = img.copy() if printImg: for kp in myKps: y, x = kp[0], kp[1], (x, y), circleSize, color('lb'), thickness=-1) print_image(myFinalImg, name='KP kept') return img, myDesc, myKps, myFinalImg
def setType(self, type): #Delete old panels for i in self.GetChildren(): if i.GetName() in [ "imagePanel", "customPanel", "colorPanel", "rotationPanel", "textPanel", "vartextPanel" ]: i.Destroy() if type == "color": self.color = color(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.color, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) if type == "image": self.image = image(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.image, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) if type == "text": self.rotation = rotation(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.rotation, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) self.text = text(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.text, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) if type == "vartext": self.rotation = rotation(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.rotation, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) self.vartext = vartext(self) self.customSizer.Add(self.vartext, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer) self.Layout() self.parent.Layout() self.parent.propertiesPanel.Layout()
def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.background_color = color(0, 0, 0) self.scene = [] self.light = None self.clear()
def cycle(key, key2color, bg, text=None): if text is None: text = key col = key2color.get(key) if not col: col = COLORS[len(key2color) % len(COLORS)] key2color[key] = col return color(text, col, bg=bg)
def main(): nbResize = 0 circleSize = 5 // (nbResize + 1) if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgPath = sys.argv[1] else: imgPath = chooseImagePath() if len(sys.argv) > 2: imgPathRef = sys.argv[2] else: imgPathRef = chooseImagePathRef() # for imgPath in listOfPaths(): # try: # print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', imgPath) # img, myDesc, myKps, myFinalImg = compute_or_fecth_pickle(imgPath, nbResize=nbResize, circleSize=circleSize, printImg=False) # except: # print('######### FAILED FOR', imgPath) # continue print('>>>>>>>> Start Computing key-points for tested Image') img, myDesc, myKps, myFinalImg = compute_or_fecth_pickle(imgPath, nbResize=nbResize, circleSize=circleSize, printImg=False) print('>>>>>>>> Start Computing key-points for ref Image') imgRef, refDesc, refKps, myFinalImgRef = compute_or_fecth_pickle(imgPathRef, printImg=False) commonPoints = doKDtree(refDesc, myDesc) print('match', len(commonPoints), 'on', len(refDesc), 'proportion', len(commonPoints) / len(refDesc)) # printing kps that matched refKps, imgKps = [], [] for cp in commonPoints: sKp = cp[0][1] pKp = cp[0][0] y, x = sKp y2, x2 = pKp imgKps.append(Point(x2, y2)) refKps.append(Point(x, y)), (x, y), 5, color('g'), thickness=-1), (x2, y2), 5, color('g'), thickness=-1) myPrintKeyDiff(img, imgRef, imgKps, refKps) # tryOCVSift(img, imgRef, myFinalImg) return
def read_pattern(self, pattern: str): '''Save the pattern in matrix''' row_list = pattern.split("\n") c = self.color bold = self.bold for m in range(len(row_list)): for n in range(len(row_list[m])): self.matrix[m][n] = color(row_list[m][n], color=c, bold=bold)
def debug(locals_=None): for k, v in locals_.items(): locals()[k] = v print("\n\n\n") hint = "`Enter` if not debug: " if input(color(hint, "蓝")): del k, v, locals_, hint embed(colors="Neutral")
def findCorners(img, kpList, thresh=10000, opti_r=5, k=0.05, window_size=5, printCorner=False): dy, dx = np.gradient(img) Ixx = dx**2 Ixy = dy * dx Iyy = dy**2 height = img.shape[0] width = img.shape[1] cornerList = [] offsetX, offsetY = window_size, window_size img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Loop through image and find our corners for y, x in kpList: if not (x > window_size and x + 1 < width - window_size and y > window_size and y + 1 < height - window_size): continue windowIxx = Ixx[y - offsetY:y + offsetY + 1, x - offsetX:x + offsetX + 1] windowIxy = Ixy[y - offsetY:y + offsetY + 1, x - offsetX:x + offsetX + 1] windowIyy = Iyy[y - offsetY:y + offsetY + 1, x - offsetX:x + offsetX + 1] Sxx = windowIxx.sum() Sxy = windowIxy.sum() Syy = windowIyy.sum() # Find determinant and trace, use to get corner response det = (Sxx * Syy) - (Sxy**2) trace = Sxx + Syy r = det - k * (trace**2) # If corner response is over threshold, color the point and add to corner list if r > thresh: # print('Corner!', x, y, r, opti_r) cornerList.append([y, x]), (x, y), 3, color('g'), thickness=-1) else: # print('Not corner :(', x, y, r), (x, y), 3, color('r'), thickness=-1) if printCorner: print_image(img2, name='Harris') return cornerList
def sendToClientFromID(clientId, msg): """ Internal use only """ assert isString(msg) msg = color.color(msg + "{@") if clientId in clientMsgs: clientMsgs[clientId] = clientMsgs[clientId] + msg else: clientMsgs[clientId] = msg
def calc_accuracy(y_true, y_predict, display=True): """Analysis the score with sklearn.metrics. This module includes score functions, performance metrics and pairwise metrics and distance computations. Parameters ========== y_true: numpy.array y_predict: numpy.array display: Boolean Return ====== result: Dict{name:value} Examples ======== >>> result = analysis(y_true, y_predict, display=True) """ score = ["explained_variance_score", "r2_score"] error = ["max_error", "mean_absolute_error", "mean_squared_error", "mean_squared_log_error", "median_absolute_error"] result = dict() names = ["score", "error"] ignore = [] for name in names: result[name] = dict() for item in locals()[name]: try: result[name][item] = getattr(metrics, item)(y_true, y_predict) except Exception as e: print(color(("↓ %s has been removed since `%s`." % \ (item.capitalize(), e)))) ignore.append(item) if display: tabu,numerical = None, None for name in names: tabu = PrettyTable(["Name of %s"%color(name), "Value"]) for item in locals()[name]: if item in ignore: continue numerical = "%.3e" % result[name][item] tabu.add_row([color(item,"青"), numerical]) print(tabu) return result
def render(self,stereogram=False): fov = int(pi/2) for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): i = (2*(x + 0.5)/self.width - 1) * tan(fov/2) * self.width/self.height j = (2*(y + 0.5)/self.height - 1) * tan(fov/2) direction = norm(V3(i, j, -1)) if(stereogram): eye1 = self.cast_ray(V3(0.4,0,0), direction) eye2 = self.cast_ray(V3(-0.4,0,0), direction) if not eye1.equals(self.background_color): eye1 = eye1*0.57 + color(100,0,0) #times 0.57 for it to not exceed 255 if not eye2.equals(self.background_color): eye2 = eye2*0.57 + color(0,0,100) #times 0.57 for it to not exceed 255 eye_sum = eye1 + eye2 self.pixels[y][x] = eye_sum else: self.pixels[y][x] = self.cast_ray(V3(1,0,0), direction)
def init_sky(self, symbol=" ") -> list: '''生成sky的二维矩阵,将sky所有位置赋值=symbol''' matrix = [] edge = self.edge for i in range(self.height * edge): row = [] for j in range(self.width * edge): row.append(color(symbol)) matrix.append(row) return matrix
def cutUpperBody(img, upperHexCode): img_h = img.shape[0] img_w = img.shape[1] cutToUpper = img[int((img_h / 10) * 1):int((img_h / 10) * 6), :img_w] # global upperHexCode find = color(upperHexCode, cutToUpper) if not find: return int(0), "" # print("Upper True") return int(1), cutToUpper
def show_cell(self): '''Print the final appearence of cell''' matrix = self.matrix c = self.color bold = self.bold for row in matrix: line = "" for bit in row: line += color(bit, color=c, bold=bold) print(line)
def SaveColor(self, instance): self.ColorInstance = color(self.ColorArray[0], int(self.ColorArray[1]), int(self.ColorArray[2])) self.SetTextInputToRead() self.remove_widget(self.SaveColorButton) self.remove_widget(self.Placeholder) self.add_widget(self.RemoveColorButton) self.add_widget(self.VisualizeColorButton)
def generate_samples(): """ Generates the sample images for review. """ # set image dimensions width = 512 height = 1024 # set the base gradient start and stop colors start = color.color(0x001620) stop = color.color(0x08262A) # create the base gradient with noticeable "banding" make_image('base.png', width, height, make_base(start, stop, width, height)) # create a gradient with some noise applied to it make_image('noise.png', width, height, make_dith_noise(start, stop, width, height))
def test_testNameWithColors(self):"test here baby") inputText = color.color(repr('\n'), 'green') result = util.replaceLastAndFirstQuotes(inputText)'inputText') print(inputText)'result') print(result)
def get_prompt(prompt): o = StringIO() try: frame = str(gdb.selected_frame().name()) frame = reduce_frame_str(frame) except: frame = "<no frame>" o.write(color('blue')) o.write("[") o.write(color('cyan')) o.write(frame) o.write(color('blue')) o.write("] ") o.write(color('green')) o.write("(gdb)") o.write(color("end")) o.write(" ") gdb.execute("vimtracealign") return gdb.prompt.substitute_prompt(o.getvalue())
def draw(self, dst): newList = list() if self.drawAllFlag == True: self.drawAll(dst) else: for elem in self.drawPos: pos = (elem[0], elem[1]) if (pos[0] < 0) or (pos[1] < 0) or \ (pos[0] >= LEVEL_WIDTH) or \ (pos[1] >= LEVEL_HEIGHT): continue screenpos = self.to_screenpos(pos[0], pos[1]) if configs.misc.COLORED == True: if tuple(pos) in self.foreground: mapDraw = self.foreground[tuple(pos)] dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], mapDraw[0], color.color(mapDraw[1], mapDraw[2])) self.foreground.pop(pos) newList.append(pos) elif tuple(pos) in self.persons: mapDraw = self.persons[tuple(pos)].mapDraw dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], mapDraw[0], color.color(mapDraw[1], mapDraw[2])) else: dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], self[pos]['ascii'], color.color(self[pos]['fg'], self[pos]['bg'])) else: dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], self[pos]['ascii']) self.drawPos = newList
def draw(self, dst): pos = [self.gMap.x + self.gMap.w/2 + self.pos[0] - self.gMap.pos[0] + self.gMap.w%2,#xa, self.gMap.y + self.gMap.h/2 + self.pos[1] - self.gMap.pos[1] + self.gMap.h%2]#ya] if (pos[0] >= self.gMap.x) & \ (pos[1] >= self.gMap.y) & \ (pos[0] <= (self.gMap.x + self.gMap.w)) & \ (pos[1] <= (self.gMap.y + self.gMap.h)): if configs.misc.COLORED == True: dst.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], self.mapDraw[0], color.color(self.mapDraw[1], self.mapDraw[2])) else: dst.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], self.mapDraw[0])
def drawAll(self, dst): self.drawAllFlag = False for h in range(self.h): for w in range(self.w): pos = (self.pos[0] + (self.w/2 - w), self.pos[1] + (self.h/2 - h)) if (pos[0] < 0) or (pos[1] < 0) or \ (pos[0] >= LEVEL_WIDTH) or \ (pos[1] >= LEVEL_HEIGHT): continue if configs.misc.COLORED == True: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, '+', color.color(7, 0)) else: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, '+')
def nsFile(path): os.chdir(path) col=color.color(); cwd=path; p1=glob("*/"); aa=[];bb=[];cc=[];dd=[];ee=[]; for i in p1: try: [a,b]=poptFile(cwd+'/'+i); except: os.chdir(cwd); continue; try: c=funcs.calcReC(a,b); if(c>0): bb.append(c); aa.append(float(i.split('/')[0])); except: args='The Critical Reynolds can not be found for '+i; print col.YELLOW + args+ col.END; cc.append(float(i.split('/')[0])); dd.append(a); ee.append(b); continue; os.chdir(cwd); l2, l1 = zip(*sorted(zip(aa, bb))); l2=list(l2);l1=list(l1); c=(l2,l1) c=np.asarray(c); sVal=cwd.split('/')[-1]; alpha=cwd.split('/')[-2]; np.savetxt('ns-'+sVal+'-'+alpha+'-.txt',c.T); print(col.DARKCYAN+'The Critical Reynolds can not be found for '+str(cc)+col.END); print(col.CYAN+'The corresponding growth rates \t'+col.END); print(col.PURPLE+'Reynolds Number '+col.END); for i in range(0,len(dd)): c=(dd[i],ee[i]); c=np.asarray(c); print(col.CYAN+str(c.T[:,0])+col.END); print(col.PURPLE+str(c.T[:,1])+col.END); return l2, l1;
def drawAll(self, dst): self.drawAllFlag = False for h in range(self.h): for w in range(self.w): pos = [self.pos[0] + (self.w/2 - w), self.pos[1] + (self.h/2 - h)] if (pos[0] >= 0) & (pos[1] >= 0) & \ (pos[0] < LEVEL_WIDTH) & \ (pos[1] < LEVEL_HEIGHT): if configs.misc.COLORED == True: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][0], color.color(self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][1], self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][2])) else: dst.addstr(self.y + self.h - h, self.x + self.w - w, self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][0])
def draw(self, dst): if self.drawAllFlag == True: self.drawAll(dst) else: for elem in self.drawPos: pos = (elem[0], elem[1]) if (pos[0] < 0) or (pos[1] < 0) or \ (pos[0] >= LEVEL_WIDTH) or \ (pos[1] >= LEVEL_HEIGHT): continue screenpos = self.to_screenpos(pos[0], pos[1]) if configs.misc.COLORED == True: dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], '+', color.color(7, 0)) else: dst.addstr(screenpos[1], screenpos[0], '+') self.drawPos = []
def solve_it(input_data): # Modify this code to run your optimization algorithm # parse the input lines = input_data.split('\n') first_line = lines[0].split() node_count = int(first_line[0]) edge_count = int(first_line[1]) nodes = {i:Node() for i in range(node_count)} edges = [] for i in range(1, edge_count + 1): line = lines[i] parts = line.split() edges.append((int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))) #Build graph for e in edges: nodeA, nodeB = e nodes[nodeA].toNode.append(nodeB) nodes[nodeB].toNode.append(nodeA) #for index in range(node_count): # print 'Node', index, ': ', nodes[index].toNode # build a trivial solution # every node has its own color #solution = range(0, node_count) #My solution: solution , colorNum= color.color(nodes) # prepare the solution in the specified output format output_data = str(colorNum) + ' ' + str(0) + '\n' output_data += ' '.join(map(str, solution)) return output_data
def draw(self, dst): if self.drawAllFlag == True: self.drawAll(dst) else: for elem in self.drawPos: # pos = [self.pos[0] + (self.w/2 - elem[0]), # self.pos[1] + (self.h/2 - elem[1])] pos = [elem[0], elem[1]] if (pos[0] >= 0) & (pos[1] >= 0) & \ (pos[0] < LEVEL_WIDTH) & \ (pos[1] < LEVEL_HEIGHT): if configs.misc.COLORED == True: dst.addstr(self.y + elem[1] + self.h/2 - self.pos[1] + self.h%2, self.x + elem[0] + self.w/2 - self.pos[0] + self.w%2, self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][0], color.color(self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][1], self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][2])) else: dst.addstr(self.y + elem[1] + self.h/2 - self.pos[1] + self.h%2, self.x + elem[0] + self.w/2 - self.pos[0] + self.w%2, self.gMap[pos[0]][pos[1]][0]) self.drawPos = []
def get_highlight_foreground(self): return color.color(self.lib.Style_getHighlightForeground(self.obj))
def colored_field(self, prop_name): my_val = getattr(self, prop_name) if prop_name in self.colors(): return color(self.colors()[prop_name], my_val) return my_val
def test_testNameNextLine(self): red = color.color(repr("\n"), "red") green = color.color(repr("\t"), "green") print(red + green)
def test_testName(self): red = color.color("1", "red") green = color.color("2", "green") yellow = color.color("3", "yellow") print(red + green + yellow)
def get_highlight_background(self): return color.color(self.lib.Style_getHighlightBackground(self.obj))
def __init__(self): self.redraw = True self.ui = open('c_editor/ui.xml', 'r').read() window = gtk.Window() window.set_title(_('Character Editor')) window.set_size_request(1024, 768) self.vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(self.vbox) # UIManager ui = gtk.UIManager() # shortcuts group shortcut_g = ui.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(shortcut_g) # ActionGroup self.actions_g = gtk.ActionGroup('Menu') character_s = gtk.combo_box_new_text() #search character project first_character = None for path in os.listdir(CHARACTER_PATH): xml_path = CHARACTER_PATH + path + '/' + path + '.xml' if not os.path.isfile(xml_path): color(_("project directory '" + path \ + "' don't use xml file!"), 'red') continue if not validate_xml(xml_path): color(_("project directory " + path \ + " use an incorrect xml file!"), 'red') continue if first_character == None: self.project_path = CHARACTER_PATH + path + '/' first_character = xml_path character_s.append_text(path) character_s.set_active(0) # get movements list self.cp = CP(first_character) self.movements = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for mov in self.cp.movements: self.movements.append_text(mov) self.movements.set_active(0) self.frame_e = FE(self.cp, self.movements.get_active()) # zoom selector zoom = gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.zoom_sizes = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3] for size in self.zoom_sizes: zoom.append_text(str(int(size * 100)) + ' %') self.size = 1000 zoom.set_active(2) self.timeline = TM(self.cp.get_frames(0)) self.remote = RC( self.frame_e, self.project_path, self.timeline ) self.remote.zoom = zoom # actions self.actions_g.add_actions([ ('File', None, 'File'), ('New', gtk.STOCK_NEW, _('New'), None, _('Create new character'),, ('Save', gtk.STOCK_SAVE, _('Save'), None, _('Save character'),, ('Reload', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, _('Reload'), 'F5', _("Reload the current file"), self.reload_file), ('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, '_Quit', None, 'Quit program', self.quit), ('Help', None, '_Help'), ('About', None, '_About'), ('Begin', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_REWIND, _('begin'), None, _('go to first frame...'), self.remote.begin), ('Previous', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, _('previous'), None, _('go to previous frame...'), self.remote.previous), ('Play', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, _('Play'), None, _('Play animation'),, ('Next', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_NEXT, _('Next'), None, _('go to next frame...'),, ('End', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_FORWARD, _('End'), None, _('go to last frame...'), self.remote.end) ]) self.actions_g.get_action('Quit').set_property('short-label', '_Quit') ui.insert_action_group(self.actions_g, 0) ui.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) menu_bar = ui.get_widget('/Menu_Bar') self.vbox.pack_start(menu_bar, False) toolbar = ui.get_widget('/ToolBar') tool_item = gtk.ToolItem() tool_item.add(character_s) toolbar.insert(tool_item, 4) tool_item = gtk.ToolItem() tool_item.add(self.movements) toolbar.insert(tool_item, 5) self.vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) self.vbox.pack_start(self.frame_e, expand=True) self.vbox.pack_start(self.timeline, False) remoteC = ui.get_widget('/RemoteControl') tool_item = gtk.ToolItem() tool_item.add(zoom) remoteC.insert(tool_item, 5) self.vbox.pack_end(remoteC, False) character_s.connect('changed', self.__character_s) self.movements.connect('changed', self.__movements) zoom.connect('changed', self.__zoom) self.window = window window.connect('destroy', self.quit) window.show_all()
print ' Submission failed (%s) --> retry once!'%(cmd) status = os.system(cmd) # keep track of success and failure if status == 0: nSuccess += 1 else: nFail += 1 # last action in the loop: increment the merged blocks idx += 1 print ' Number of blocks submitted: %d' % nSubmission # cleanup in case of total failure col = color.color() print "Submission summary:" \ + col.OKBLUE+col.BOLD + " %d successes "%(nSuccess) + col.ENDC \ + col.FAIL + " %d failures"%(nFail) \ + col.ENDC if nSuccess == 0 and nFail > 0: cmd = "rm -rf crab_" + tag print " TOTAL FAILURE -- removing: " + tag os.system(cmd) # and cleanup the temporary file for the task cmd = "rm -f crab_" + crabTask.tag + ".cfg crab_" + crabTask.tag + ".cfg-Template " \ + cmsswPy + ' ' + cmsswPy + 'c'
def draw_colored(self, pos, elem): dst.addstr(self.y + elem[1] + self.h/2 - self.pos[1] + self.h%2, self.x + elem[0] + self.w/2 - self.pos[0] + self.w%2, self[pos]['ascii'], color.color(self[pos]['fg'], self[pos]['bg']))