예제 #1
 def __init__(self, mh, mw):
     Takes in the max height and width from the main screen element
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     init_win = initWindow(mh, mw, self.cmap)
     self.ds_win = init_win.create('dropshadow', 'black_card', mh, mw)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, y, x, suit, value, suit_color):
     self.suit = suit
     self.value = value
     self.suit_color = suit_color
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     init_win = initWindow(7, 9, self.cmap, y, x)
     self.ce_win = init_win.create('card', 'white_card')
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, parent=parent)

        self.parent = parent
        self.has_redrawn = True

        self.data = None
        self.program = gloo.Program(vert, frag)

        self.colormap = ColorMap('colormaps/transform/Seismic.ppm')

        self.program_cm = gloo.Program(cm_vert, cm_frag)
        self.line_type = None
        self.line_coord = 0
        self.line_positions = [(0, 0), (0, 0)]

        self.program_line = gloo.Program(basic_vert, basic_frag)
        self.program_line['a_position'] = self.line_positions

        gloo.set_clear_color((1, 1, 1, 1))

        canvas_size = (1000, 800)
        graph_size = (900, 700)
        margin_x = (canvas_size[0]-graph_size[0]) / 2.
        margin_y = (canvas_size[1]-graph_size[1]) / 2.
        pos_xax = np.array([[margin_x, canvas_size[1]-margin_y],
                   [canvas_size[0]-margin_x, canvas_size[1]-margin_y]])
        self.axis_x = AxisVisual(pos_xax, (0, 100), (0., 1.))
        self.tr_sys = visuals.transforms.TransformSystem(self)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, mh, mw, hand=None):
     self.selected_cards = []
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     self.max_h = 1
     self.max_w = 40
     init_win = initWindow(mh, mw, self.cmap)
     self.cs_win = init_win.create('cardselect', 'blue_card', mh, mw)
     self.hand = hand
예제 #5
 def __init__(self, win):
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     self.max_h, self.max_w = win.getmaxyx()
     self.max_h, self.max_w = 24, 79
     init_win = initWindow(self.max_h, self.max_w, self.cmap)
     self.line1_win = init_win.create(
         'titleline1', 'black_card', h=1, w=17)
     self.line2_win = init_win.create(
         'titleline2', 'black_card', h=1, w=46)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self):
        self.ud = UserData()
        self.sd = SystemData()
        self.username = dropfile.process_dropfile("door.sys", "DOORSYS")

        self.stdscr = curses.initscr()
        self.max_height, self.max_width = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
        self.cmap = ColorMap()
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, suit=None, value=None):
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     self.blank_space = u'\u2588'
     self.heart = u'\u2665'
     self.club = u'\u2663'
     self.spade = u'\u2660'
     self.diamond = u'\u2666'
     # self.bg_color = curses.A_BOLD
     self.bg_color = self.cmap.colors['white_card']
     self.deck = Deck()
     self.hand = None
     self.suit_color = None
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, mh, mw):
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     self.name_pos_map = {
         'Nothing': 0,
         'One pair': 1,
         'Two pair': 2,
         'Three-of-a-kind': 3,
         'Straight': 4,
         'Flush': 5,
         'Full house': 6,
         'Four-of-a-kind': 7,
         'Straight flush': 8,
         'Royal flush': 9
     init_win = initWindow(mh, mw, self.cmap)
     self.ch_win = init_win.create('currenthand', 'blue_card')
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, mh, mw):
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     init_win = initWindow(mh, mw, self.cmap)
     self.ip_win = init_win.create('infopanel', 'black_card', mh, mw)
     self.mapping = Mappings()
     self.user_data = UserData()
예제 #10
def Main():
	options, _ = MakeOpts().parse_args(sys.argv)
	assert options.input_filename
	assert options.first_col and options.second_col
	print 'Reading species list from', options.input_filename

	# Read data
	r = csv.DictReader(open(options.input_filename))
	first_col, second_col = options.first_col, options.second_col
	third_col = options.third_col
	second_col_key = options.second_col_key or second_col
	third_col_key = options.third_col_key or third_col
	filter_values = []
	if options.filter_values:
		filter_values = set(map(str.strip, options.filter_values.split(',')))

	pairmap = {}
	all_a = set()
	all_b = set()
	all_vals = set()
	for row in r:
		a, b = row[first_col].strip(), row[second_col].strip()
		c = row[third_col].strip()
		if not a or not b or not c:

		value = MergeBinary(b, c, second_col_key, third_col_key)
		if filter_values and value in filter_values:

		pairmap.setdefault(a, []).append(value)
	a_to_num = dict((v,i) for i,v in enumerate(all_a))

	counts = {}
	for k, v in pairmap.iteritems():
		counter = Counter(v)
		counts[k] = counter

	x_vals = []
	count_array = []
	for a_val in all_a:
		count_array.append(counts.get(a_val, {}))

	# Plot circle scatter.
	axes = pylab.axes()

	colormap = ColorMap(all_vals)
	y_loc, radius = 1.0, 0.45
	PieArray(axes, x_vals, y_loc=y_loc, radius=radius,
			 counts_array=count_array, colormap=colormap)

	title = options.title or '%s vs. %s' % (options.first_col, options.second_col)

	size_10 = FontProperties(size=10)
	a_labels = [a or "None given" for a in all_a]
	for x, label in enumerate(a_labels):
		axes.text(x, y_loc - radius - 0.1, str(label), ha='center',

	handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
	mapped_labels = dict(zip(labels, handles))
	labels = sorted(mapped_labels.keys())
	handles = [mapped_labels[k] for k in labels]
	pylab.legend(handles, labels)

	pylab.axis([-1, len(all_a), 0.0, 2])
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, mh, mw):
     self.cmap = ColorMap()
     h = mh
     w = mw
     init_win = initWindow(mh, mw, self.cmap)
     self.hw_win = init_win.create('handdisplay', 'blue_card', h, w)
예제 #12
class Canvas(scene.SceneCanvas):
    Handles the fast drawing of data using OpenGL for real-time editing.

    A data point is drawn using two triangles to form a quad, it is colored
    by using the normalized data value and a colormap texture in the fragment shader.
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        scene.SceneCanvas.__init__(self, parent=parent)

        self.parent = parent
        self.has_redrawn = True

        self.data = None
        self.program = gloo.Program(vert, frag)

        self.colormap = ColorMap('colormaps/transform/Seismic.ppm')

        self.program_cm = gloo.Program(cm_vert, cm_frag)
        self.line_type = None
        self.line_coord = 0
        self.line_positions = [(0, 0), (0, 0)]

        self.program_line = gloo.Program(basic_vert, basic_frag)
        self.program_line['a_position'] = self.line_positions

        gloo.set_clear_color((1, 1, 1, 1))

        canvas_size = (1000, 800)
        graph_size = (900, 700)
        margin_x = (canvas_size[0]-graph_size[0]) / 2.
        margin_y = (canvas_size[1]-graph_size[1]) / 2.
        pos_xax = np.array([[margin_x, canvas_size[1]-margin_y],
                   [canvas_size[0]-margin_x, canvas_size[1]-margin_y]])
        self.axis_x = AxisVisual(pos_xax, (0, 100), (0., 1.))
        self.tr_sys = visuals.transforms.TransformSystem(self)

    def set_data(self, data):
        self.data = data

        self.xmin, self.xmax = np.nanmin(data.x_coords), np.nanmax(data.x_coords)
        self.ymin, self.ymax = np.nanmin(data.y_coords), np.nanmax(data.y_coords)
        self.zmin, self.zmax = np.nanmin(data.values), np.nanmax(data.values)

        self.cm_dx = (self.xmax-self.xmin)*0.1

        self.view = translate((0, 0, 0))
        self.projection = ortho(self.xmin, self.xmax + self.cm_dx, self.ymin, self.ymax, -1, 1)

        self.program['u_view'] = self.view
        self.program['u_projection'] = self.projection
        self.program['u_colormap'] = gloo.Texture1D(self.colormap.get_colors(), interpolation='linear')
        self.program_cm['u_view'] = self.view
        self.program_cm['u_projection'] = self.projection

        self.program_line['u_view'] = self.view
        self.program_line['u_projection'] = self.projection

        t0 = time.clock()
        vertices = self.generate_vertices(data)
        #print 'generate_vertices: ', time.clock()-t0
        self.vbo = gloo.VertexBuffer(vertices)


    def generate_vertices(self, data):
        x, y, z = data.get_sorted()
        xq, yq = data.get_quadrilaterals(x, y)

        # Top left
        x1 = xq[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel()
        y1 = yq[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel()
        # Bottom left
        x2 = xq[1:,   0:-1].ravel()
        y2 = yq[1:,   0:-1].ravel()
        # Bottom right
        x3 = xq[1:,   1:].ravel()
        y3 = yq[1:,   1:].ravel()
        # Top right
        x4 = xq[0:-1, 1:].ravel()
        y4 = yq[0:-1, 1:].ravel()

        # Two triangles / six vertices per datapoint
        xy = np.concatenate((x1[:,np.newaxis], y1[:,np.newaxis],
                             x2[:,np.newaxis], y2[:,np.newaxis],
                             x4[:,np.newaxis], y4[:,np.newaxis],
                             x2[:,np.newaxis], y2[:,np.newaxis],
                             x4[:,np.newaxis], y4[:,np.newaxis],
                             x3[:,np.newaxis], y3[:,np.newaxis]), axis=1)

        total_vertices = len(x1) * 6
        vertices = xy.reshape((total_vertices, 2))

        vertex_data = np.zeros(total_vertices, dtype=[('a_position', np.float32, 2),
                                                      ('a_value', np.float32, 1)])
        vertex_data['a_position'] = vertices
        # Repeat the values six times for every two datapoint triangles
        vertex_data['a_value'] = np.repeat(z.ravel(), 6, axis=0)

        return vertex_data

    def screen_to_data_coords(self, pos):
        sw, sh = self.size
        sx, sy = pos

        relx, rely = float(sx*1.1) / sw, float(sh - sy) / sh

        dx = self.xmin + (relx) * (self.xmax - self.xmin)
        dy = self.ymin + (rely) * (self.ymax - self.ymin)

        return dx, dy

    def draw_linecut(self, event, old_position=False):
        # We need to check wether the canvas has had time to redraw itself 
        # because continuous mouse movement events surpress the redrawing.
        if self.data != None and self.has_redrawn:
            x_name, y_name, data_name, order_x, order_y = self.parent.get_axis_names()

            if not old_position:
                x, y = self.screen_to_data_coords((event.pos[0], event.pos[1]))
                if event.button == 1:
                    self.line_type = 'horizontal'
                    self.line_coord = self.data.get_closest_y(y)
                    self.line_positions = [(self.xmin, self.line_coord), (self.xmax, self.line_coord)]

                    x, y = self.data.get_row_at(y)
                    self.parent.linecut.plot_linecut(x, y, self.parent.name, x_name, data_name)
                    self.has_redrawn = False
                elif event.button == 3:
                    self.line_type = 'vertical'
                    self.line_coord = self.data.get_closest_x(x)
                    self.line_positions = [(self.line_coord, self.ymin), (self.line_coord, self.ymax)]
                    x, y = self.data.get_column_at(x)
                    self.parent.linecut.plot_linecut(x, y, self.parent.name, y_name, data_name)
                    self.has_redrawn = False
                    #self.line_type = 'horizontal'
                    #self.line_coord = self.data.get_closest_y(y)

                    if self.line_type == 'horizontal':
                        self.line_positions = [(self.xmin, self.line_coord), (self.xmax, self.line_coord)]
                        x, y = self.data.get_row_at(self.line_coord)
                        self.line_positions = [(self.line_coord, self.ymin), (self.line_coord, self.ymax)]
                        x, y = self.data.get_column_at(self.line_coord)
                    self.parent.linecut.plot_linecut(x, y, self.parent.name, x_name, data_name)
                    self.has_redrawn = False

            self.program_line['a_position'] = self.line_positions


    def on_mouse_press(self, event):

    def on_mouse_move(self, event):
        if self.data != None:
            sw, sh = self.size
            sx, sy = event.pos

            if 0 <= sx < sw and 0 <= sy < sh:
                x, y = self.screen_to_data_coords((event.pos[0], event.pos[1]))
                xstr, ystr = eng_format(x, 1), eng_format(y, 1)
                self.parent.status_bar.showMessage('X: %s\t\t\tY: %s' % (xstr, ystr))


    def on_resize(self, event):
        width, height = event.physical_size
        gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, width, height)

    def on_draw(self, event):

        if self.data != None:
            self.program['u_colormap'] = gloo.Texture1D(self.colormap.get_colors())
            self.program['z_min'] = self.colormap.min
            self.program['z_max'] = self.colormap.max

            self.program_cm['u_colormap'] = gloo.Texture1D(self.colormap.get_colors())
            self.program_cm['a_position'] = [(self.xmax + self.cm_dx*.2, self.ymax), 
                                             (self.xmax + self.cm_dx*.2, self.ymin), 
                                             (self.xmax + self.cm_dx, self.ymax), 
                                             (self.xmax + self.cm_dx, self.ymin)]
            self.program_cm['a_texcoord'] = [[1], [0], [1], [0]]



        self.has_redrawn = True
예제 #13
def Main():
    options, _ = MakeOpts().parse_args(sys.argv)
    assert options.species_filename
    assert options.first_col and options.second_col
    print 'Reading species list from', options.species_filename

    filter_cols, filter_vals = [], []
    if options.filter_cols:
        assert options.filter_vals
        filter_cols = map(str.strip, options.filter_cols.split(','))
        filter_vals = map(str.strip, options.filter_vals.split(','))

    # Read and filter species data
    r = csv.DictReader(open(options.species_filename))
    first_col, second_col = options.first_col, options.second_col
    pairmap = {}
    for row in r:
        apply_filter = lambda x, y: x in row and row[x] == y
        or_reduce = lambda x, y: x or y
        passed_filter = reduce(or_reduce,
                               map(apply_filter, filter_cols, filter_vals),
        if not passed_filter:

        a, b = row[first_col].strip(), row[second_col].strip()
        if not a or not b:
        key = (a, b)
        pairmap.setdefault(key, []).append(row)

    #for key, row_list in pairmap.iteritems():
    #	if len(row_list) < 5:
    #		print key, row_list

    # Find cross-product of column values (all pairs).
    all_a = list(set([x[0] for x in pairmap.keys()]))
    all_b = list(set([x[1] for x in pairmap.keys()]))
    a_to_num = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(all_a))
    b_to_num = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(all_b))
    all_possible_pairs = list(itertools.product(all_a, all_b))

    third_col = options.third_col or 'fake key'
    get_col = lambda x: x.get(third_col, None)
    col_vals = dict((k, map(get_col, v)) for k, v in pairmap.iteritems())
    counts = {}
    totals = []
    all_vals = set()
    for k, v in col_vals.iteritems():
        counter = Counter(v)
        counts[k] = counter

    x_vals = []
    y_vals = []
    count_array = []
    z_vals = []
    max_val = max(totals)
    for pair in all_possible_pairs:
        a, b = pair
        z_vals.append(sum(counts.get(pair, {}).values()))
        count_array.append(counts.get(pair, {}))

    # Plot circle scatter.
    axes = pylab.axes()
    axes.grid(color='g', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)

    if options.third_col:
        colormap = ColorMap(all_vals)
        PieScatter(axes, x_vals, y_vals, count_array, max_val, colormap)

        handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
        mapped_labels = dict(zip(labels, handles))
        labels = sorted(mapped_labels.keys())
        handles = [mapped_labels[k] for k in labels]
        pylab.legend(handles, labels)
        scaled_z_vals = pylab.array(map(float, z_vals))
        max_z = max(scaled_z_vals)
        scaled_z_vals /= (4.0 * max_z)
        scaled_z_vals = pylab.sqrt(scaled_z_vals)

        CircleScatter(axes, x_vals, y_vals, scaled_z_vals)
        for x, y, z in zip(x_vals, y_vals, z_vals):
            pylab.text(x + 0.1, y + 0.1, str(z))

    # Labels, titles and ticks.
    pylab.title('%s vs. %s' % (options.first_col, options.second_col))
    pylab.figtext(0.70, 0.02, '%d examples total.' % sum(totals))

    size_8 = FontProperties(size=8)
    a_labels = [a or "None given" for a in all_a]
    b_labels = [b or "None given" for b in all_b]
    pylab.xticks(range(0, len(a_labels)), a_labels, fontproperties=size_8)
    pylab.yticks(range(0, len(b_labels)), b_labels, fontproperties=size_8)

    # Scale and show.
    pylab.axis([-1, len(all_a), -1, len(all_b)])