예제 #1
    def __init__(self, persistent):

        assert isinstance(persistent, Persistent)
        from . import human_names

        color_resolution = 100
        u = int(persistent._CrossProcessPersistent__uuid)
        (u, human_name_seed) = divmod(u, 5494)        
        self.human_name = human_names.name_list[human_name_seed]
        '''A human name. (e.g. "Jeffrey".)'''
        color_seeds = []
        for i in range(4):
            (u, new_color_seed) = divmod(u, color_resolution)

        normalized_color_seeds = \
            [color_seed * (1.0/color_resolution) for color_seed in color_seeds]
        light_color_hls = \
            (normalized_color_seeds[0], 0.9, normalized_color_seeds[1])
        dark_color_hls = \
            (normalized_color_seeds[2], 0.3, normalized_color_seeds[3])
        self.light_color = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*light_color_hls)
        '''A light color in RGB. (e.g. `(0.98, 0.86, 0.81)`.)'''
        self.dark_color = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*dark_color_hls)
        '''A dark color in RGB. (e.g. `(0.58, 0.01, 0.35)`.)'''
예제 #2
파일: colors.py 프로젝트: bgrant/enaml
def _parse_hsl_color(color):
    """ Parse a CSS color string that starts with the 'h' character.

    float_ = float
    min_ = min
    max_ = max
    match = _HSL_RE.match(color)
    if match is not None:
        hs, ss, ls = match.groups()
        h = ((float_(hs) % 360.0 + 360.0) % 360.0) / 360.0
        s = max_(0.0, min_(100.0, float_(ss))) / 100.0
        l = max_(0.0, min_(100.0, float_(ls))) / 100.0
        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
        return (r, g, b, 1.0)

    match = _HSLA_RE.match(color)
    if match is not None:
        hs, ss, ls, as_ = match.groups()
        h = ((float_(hs) % 360.0 + 360.0) % 360.0) / 360.0
        s = max_(0.0, min_(100.0, float_(ss))) / 100.0
        l = max_(0.0, min_(100.0, float_(ls))) / 100.0
        a = max_(0.0, min_(1.0, float_(as_)))
        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
        return (r, g, b, a)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, persistent):

        assert isinstance(persistent, Persistent)
        import human_names

        color_resolution = 100
        u = int(persistent._CrossProcessPersistent__uuid)
        (u, human_name_seed) = divmod(u, 5494)
        self.human_name = human_names.name_list[human_name_seed]
        color_seeds = []
        for i in range(4):
            (u, new_color_seed) = divmod(u, color_resolution)

        normalized_color_seeds = \
            [color_seed * (1.0/color_resolution) for color_seed in color_seeds]
        light_color_hls = (normalized_color_seeds[0], 0.9, normalized_color_seeds[1])
        dark_color_hls = (normalized_color_seeds[2], 0.3, normalized_color_seeds[3])
        self.light_color = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*light_color_hls)
        self.dark_color = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*dark_color_hls)
예제 #4
파일: models.py 프로젝트: monkut/deso
    def value_to_rgb(self, value, htmlhex=False, max_rgb_value=255):
        :param value: float value to convert to RGB color
        :param htmlhex: toggle to return value as html formatted hex, ex: '#FFFFFF'
        :returns: RGB color as tuple or string

        convert the given float value to rgb color
        # flooring value to the limits of the legend
        if value < self.minimum_value:
            value = self.minimum_value
        elif value > self.maximum_value:
            value = self.maximum_value

        # hsl is used because it is easier to 'rotate' evenly to another color on the spectrum
        h, s, l = self.value_to_hsl(value)
        # adjust range to be from 0 to 1 change to hls for use with hls_to_rgb()
        hls = (h / 360.0, l / 100.0, s / 100.0)

        # covert to rgb
        if max_rgb_value == 255:
            # --> adjust values from 0 to 1, to 0 to 255
            rgb = [int(i * 255) for i in hls_to_rgb(*hls)]
            rgb = hls_to_rgb(*hls)

        if htmlhex:
            rgb = "#" + "".join("{:02x}".format(i) for i in rgb)
        return rgb
예제 #5
def darken(rgb_hex):
	# Split into r, g, and b whilst converting to decimal values
	r_var = int(list(rgb_hex)[0]+list(rgb_hex)[1], 16)/255.0
	g_var = int(list(rgb_hex)[2]+list(rgb_hex)[3], 16)/255.0
	b_var = int(list(rgb_hex)[4]+list(rgb_hex)[5], 16)/255.0	
	# Converts to hsl
	h_var = round(rgb_to_hls(r_var, g_var, b_var)[0]*255)
	l_var = round(rgb_to_hls(r_var, g_var, b_var)[1]*255)
	s_var = round(rgb_to_hls(r_var, g_var, b_var)[2]*255)	
	# Makes lighter code
	if l_var < 10:
		l2_var = 0
		l2_var = l_var-10	
	r2_var = round(hls_to_rgb(h_var/255.0, l2_var/255.0, s_var/255.0)[0]*255)
	g2_var = round(hls_to_rgb(h_var/255.0, l2_var/255.0, s_var/255.0)[1]*255)
	b2_var = round(hls_to_rgb(h_var/255.0, l2_var/255.0, s_var/255.0)[2]*255)	
	if len(hex(r2_var)[2:]) == 1:
		r_hex = "0"+hex(r2_var)[2:]
		r_hex = hex(r2_var)[2:]	
	if len(hex(g2_var)[2:]) == 1:
		g_hex = "0"+hex(g2_var)[2:]
		g_hex = hex(g2_var)[2:]	
	if len(hex(b2_var)[2:]) == 1:
		b_hex = "0"+hex(b2_var)[2:]
		b_hex = hex(b2_var)[2:]
	return r_hex+g_hex+b_hex # the lighter code
예제 #6
파일: vplot.py 프로젝트: jeromeku/virana
    def rgb_color_variants(self,stat_dict):
	    for fam,obj in stat_dict.iteritems():
	        if len(obj.samples)>n_samples:
	        for sample in obj.samples.iterkeys():
	            if sample not in sample_names:

	    assert n_samples == len(sample_names) #iterate over samples -> color_map
	    for sample in sample_names:

	    return rgbs
예제 #7
def create_test_image(block_width=7, block_height=4, h_blocks=4, v_blocks=6, as_string=True):
    width, height = block_width * h_blocks, block_height * v_blocks
    block_count = h_blocks * v_blocks
    hue_values = [*linspace(block_count, endpoint=False)]
    light_values = [*linspace(block_width + 2)][1:-1]  # remove first and last item
    sat_values = [*linspace(block_height, 1, 0, endpoint=False)]
    img_string = b''
    img_list = []
    for j in range(v_blocks):
        for l in range(block_height):
            sat = sat_values[l]
            for i in range(h_blocks):
                hue = hue_values[j * h_blocks + i]
                for k in range(block_width):
                    light = light_values[k]
                    rgb = hls_to_rgb(hue, light, sat)
                    r, g, b = round(rgb[0] * 255), round(rgb[1] * 255), round(rgb[2] * 255)
                    img_list.append((r, g, b))
                    img_string += bytes([r])  # red
                    img_string += bytes([g])  # green
                    img_string += bytes([b])  # blue
    for j in range(block_height):
        for i in range(width):
            rgb = hls_to_rgb(0, i / (width - 1), 0)
            light = round(rgb[0] * 255)
            img_list.append((light, light, light))
            img_string += bytes([light]) * 3
    if as_string:
        return img_string, width, height+block_height
    return img_list, width, height+block_height
예제 #8
파일: items.py 프로젝트: szsdk/symP
def color_theme_bg(itemclass, rank):
    br, bg, bb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(
            class2hue[itemclass], rank/3+0.6, 0.7)
    fr, fg, fb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(
            0, rank/2, 0.0)
    return {'bg':"#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(br*256), int(bg*256), int(bb*256)),
    'fg':"#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(fr*256), int(fg*256), int(fb*256))}
예제 #9
def get_color_pallete(c):
    Given a color c(rgb) return a new dark and light color(rgb).
    hls_d = rgb_to_hls(c[0]/255., c[1]/255., c[2]/255.)
    # Magic numbers are the diff from hls(DARK) and hls(LIGHT).
    hls = (hls_d[0] - 0.04385, hls_d[1] + 0.27059, hls_d[2])
    new_dark = scrub_rgb(hls_to_rgb(hls_d[0], hls_d[1], hls_d[2]))
    new_light = scrub_rgb(hls_to_rgb(hls[0], hls[1], hls[2]))
    return new_light, new_dark
def generate_color(type):
    if type == "street":
        color = hls_to_rgb(
            uniform(0.55, 0.60), uniform(0.55, 0.60), uniform(0.25, 0.35)
        return color
    if type == "plot":
        color = hls_to_rgb(
            uniform(0.40, 0.50), uniform(0.10, 0.40), uniform(0.30, 0.40)
        return color
예제 #11
	def get_rgb_color(scope_defined_color_raw, scheme):
		scope_defined_color = scope_defined_color_raw.strip()
		if scope_defined_color.startswith("#"):
			return ColorSchemeEditor.full_hex_chars(scope_defined_color.strip())
		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("var("): 
			return ColorSchemeEditor.get_rgb_color(scheme["variables"][scope_defined_color[4:-1]], scheme)

		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("rgb("): #rgb(255, 0, 0)
			rgb_match = re.match("rgb\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\s*\)", scope_defined_color)
			red = int(rgb_match.group(1))
			green = int(rgb_match.group(2))
			blue = int(rgb_match.group(3))
			return "#{0:0>2X}{1:0>2X}{2:0>2X}00".format(red, green, blue)

		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("rgba("): #rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
			rgba_match = re.match("rgb\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(1(\.0+)?|0(\.\d+)?)\s*\)", scope_defined_color)
			red = int(rgba_match.group(1))
			green = int(rgba_match.group(2))
			blue = int(rgba_match.group(3))
			alpha = int(float(rgba_match.group(4)) * 255)
			return "#{0:0>2X}{1:0>2X}{2:0>2X}{3:0>2X}".format(red, green, blue, alpha)

		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("hsl("): #hsl(0, 100%, 100%)
			hsl_match = re.match("hsl\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)%,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)", scope_defined_color)
			hue = float(hsl_match.group(1)) / 360
			saturation = float(hsl_match.group(2)) / 100
			lightness = float(hsl_match.group(3)) / 100
			red, green, blue = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation)
			return "#{0:0>2X}{1:0>2X}{2:0>2X}00".format(int(red * 255), int(green * 255), int(blue * 255))

		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("hsla("): #hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)
			hsla_match = re.match("hsl\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)%,\s*(\d+)%,\s*(1(\.0+)?|0(\.\d+)?)\s*\)", scope_defined_color)
			hue = float(hsla_match.group(1)) / 360
			saturation = float(hsla_match.group(2)) / 100
			lightness = float(hsla_match.group(3)) / 100
			alpha = int(float(hsla_match.group(4)) * 255)
			red, green, blue = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation)
			return "#{0:0>2X}{1:0>2X}{2:0>2X}{3:0>2X}".format(int(red * 255), int(green * 255), int(blue * 255), alpha)

		elif scope_defined_color.startswith("color("): # can have all of the above plus blend, blenda, alpha, a.  Blend percent is percent of first color
			contents, modifier = ColorSchemeEditor.get_color_prefix(scope_defined_color[6:-1])
			color = ColorSchemeEditor.get_rgb_color(contents, scheme)

			if len(modifier) == 0:
				return color
				return ColorSchemeEditor.modify_color(ColorSchemeEditor.full_hex_chars(color), modifier, scheme)
			return CSS_COLORS[scope_defined_color]
예제 #12
def analog_sensor_color(val):
    _hue_cold = 240/360.0 ## For low values
    _hue_hot = 0/360.0 ## For high values
    _delta = _hue_hot - _hue_cold
    _d2 = _delta * val
    hue = _hue_cold + _d2
    import colorsys
    h,s,v = hue, 1.0, 1.0
    rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
    h,l,s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb)
    greyscale_rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, 0)
    #return '#%02X%02X%02X' % tuple(c*255 for c in rgb)
    return '#%02X%02X%02X' % tuple(c*255 for c in colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l*1.5, 1))
예제 #13
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: chadheyne/seaborn
def hls_palette(n_colors=6, h=.01, l=.6, s=.65):
    """Get a set of evenly spaced colors in HLS hue space.

    h, l, and s should be between 0 and 1


    n_colors : int
        number of colors in the palette
    h : float
        first hue
    l : float
    s : float

    palette : list of tuples
        color palette

    hues = np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors + 1)[:-1]
    hues += h
    hues %= 1
    hues -= hues.astype(int)
    palette = [colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h_i, l, s) for h_i in hues]
    return palette
예제 #14
 def get_color_scale(self, n, s):
     if s == 0:
         # Black - White
         scale = self.new_color_scale([[0, [0,0,0]],
                                       [1, [1,1,1]]], n)
     elif s == 1:
         # Black - Red - Yellow - White (STM colors)
         scale = self.new_color_scale([[0, [0,0,0]],
                                       [0.33, [1,0,0]],
                                       [0.67, [1,1,0]],
                                       [1, [1,1,1]]], n)
     elif s == 2:
         # Black - Green - White
         scale = self.new_color_scale([[0, [0,0,0]],
                                       [0.5, [0,0.9,0]],
                                       [0.75, [0.2,1.0,0.2]],
                                       [1, [1,1,1]]], n)
     elif s == 3:
         # Black - Blue - Cyan
         scale = self.new_color_scale([[0, [0,0,0]],
                                       [0.5, [0,0,1]],
                                       [1, [0,1,1]]], n)
     elif s == 4:
         # Hues
         hues = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n, endpoint=False)
         scale = ["%.3f, %.3f, %.3f" % colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, 0.5, 1)
                  for h in hues]
     elif s == 5:
         # Named colors
         scale = self.get_named_colors(n)
         scale = None
     return scale
예제 #15
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: chadheyne/seaborn
def desaturate(color, prop):
    """Decrease the saturation channel of a color by some percent.

    color : matplotlib color
        hex, rgb-tuple, or html color name
    prop : float
        saturation channel of color will be multiplied by this value

    new_color : rgb tuple
        desaturated color code in RGB tuple representation

    # Check inputs
    if not 0 <= prop <= 1:
        raise ValueError("prop must be between 0 and 1")

    # Get rgb tuple rep
    rgb = mplcol.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)

    # Convert to hls
    h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb)

    # Desaturate the saturation channel
    s *= prop

    # Convert back to rgb
    new_color = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)

    return new_color
예제 #16
    def fromhls(self, h, l, s):
        """Convert to RGB from HSL."""

        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
        self.r = int(round(r * 255)) & 0xFF
        self.g = int(round(g * 255)) & 0xFF
        self.b = int(round(b * 255)) & 0xFF
예제 #17
    def _color_subtree(node, color=None, level=0):
        global colormap

        node.color = color

        max_luminosity = 0
        if color is not None:
            hls = np.asarray(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color))
            max_luminosity = hls[1]

        #luminosities = np.linspace(0.3, 0.8, len(node.children))
        children_sizes = map(len, node.children)
        indices = np.argsort(children_sizes)[::-1]
        luminosities = np.linspace(max_luminosity, 0.2, len(node.children))
        #for child, luminosity, offset in zip(node.children, luminosities, offsets):
        for idx, luminosity in zip(indices, luminosities):
            child = node.children[idx]
            if level <= min_level:
                color = next(colormap)
                _color_subtree(child, color, level+1)
                hls = np.asarray(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color))
                #if hls[1] > 0.8:
                #    hls[1] -= 0.3
                #elif hls[1] < 0.3:
                #    hls[1] += 0.3

                rbg = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], luminosity, hls[2])
                _color_subtree(child, np.asarray(rbg), level+1)
예제 #18
def convert_color(c, to_schema='rgb'):
    """ Convert a color to another schema. """
    color_attrs = c.keys()

    # RGB to x
    if ''.join(sorted(color_attrs)) == 'bgr':
        if to_schema == 'rgb':
            return c
        elif to_schema == 'hsv':
            hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(c['r']/255.0, c['g']/255.0, c['b']/255.0)
            return dict(zip(['h', 's', 'v'], hsv))
        elif to_schema == 'hls':
            hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(c['r']/255.0, c['g']/255.0, c['b']/255.0)
            return dict(zip(['h', 'l', 's'], hsv))

    # HSV to x
    elif ''.join(sorted(color_attrs)) == 'hsv':
        from_schema = 'hsv'
        if to_schema == 'hsv':
            return c
        elif to_schema == 'rgb':
            rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(c['h'], c['s'], c['v'])
            return dict(zip(['r', 'g', 'b'], [int(255 * attr) for attr in rgb]))

    # HLS to x
    elif ''.join(sorted(color_attrs)) == 'hls':
        from_schema = 'hls'
        if to_schema == 'hls':
            return c
        elif to_schema == 'rgb':
            rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c['h'], c['l'], c['s'])
            return dict(zip(['r', 'g', 'b'], [int(255 * attr) for attr in rgb]))
예제 #19
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: chadheyne/seaborn
def set_hls_values(color, h=None, l=None, s=None):
    """Independently manipulate the h, l, or s channels of a color.

    color : matplotlib color
        hex, rgb-tuple, or html color name
    h, l, s : floats between 0 and 1, or None
        new values for each channel in hls space

    new_color : rgb tuple
        new color code in RGB tuple representation

    # Get rgb tuple representation
    rgb = mplcol.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)
    vals = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb))
    for i, val in enumerate([h, l, s]):
        if val is not None:
            vals[i] = val

    rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*vals)
    return rgb
예제 #20
    def _color_subtree(node, color=None, level=0,  max_lum=0.9, min_lum=0.1):
        global colormap

        node.color = color

        #max_lum = 1
        if color is not None:
            hls = np.asarray(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color))
            max_lum = min(max_lum, hls[1] + 0.2)
            min_lum = max(min_lum, hls[1] - 0.2)

        children_sizes = map(len, node.children)
        indices = np.argsort(children_sizes)[::-1]
        luminosities = np.linspace(max_lum, min_lum, len(node.children)+1)
        #for child, luminosity, offset in zip(node.children, luminosities, offsets):
        for i, idx in enumerate(indices):
            child = node.children[idx]
            if level <= min_level:
                color = next(colormap)
                _color_subtree(child, color, level+1)
                hls = np.asarray(colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color))
                #rbg = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], (luminosities[i]+luminosities[i+1])/2, hls[2])
                rbg = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], luminosities[i+1], hls[2])
                _color_subtree(child, np.asarray(rbg), level+1, luminosities[i], luminosities[i+1])
예제 #21
def hsl_to_rgb(hue, saturation, lightness):
    """Takes a colour in HSL format and produces an RGB string in the form

    :param hue: The Hue value (between 0 and 360).
    :param saturation: The Saturation value (between 0 and 100).
    :param lightness: The Lightness value (between 0 and 100).
    :raises ValueError: if any of the three parameters are outside their \

    if not isinstance(hue, int) and not isinstance(hue, float):
        raise TypeError("hue must be numeric, not '%s'" % hue)
    if not isinstance(saturation, int) and not isinstance(saturation, float):
        raise TypeError("saturation must be numeric, not '%s'" % saturation)
    if not isinstance(lightness, int) and not isinstance(lightness, float):
        raise TypeError("lightness must be numeric, not '%s'" % lightness)
    if not (0 <= hue <= 360):
        raise ValueError("hue must be between 0 and 360, not '%s'" % str(hue))
    if not (0 <= saturation <= 100):
        raise ValueError(
         "saturation must be between 0 and 100, not '%s'" % str(saturation)
    if not (0 <= lightness <= 100):
        raise ValueError(
         "lightness must be between 0 and 100, not '%s'" % str(lightness)

    r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue / 360, lightness / 100, saturation / 100)
    return ("#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))).upper()
예제 #22
def create_html_data(tags, 
    Create data structures to be used for HTML tag clouds.
    sizeRect, tag_store = _draw_cloud(tags,
    tag_store = sorted(tag_store, key=lambda tag: tag.tag['size'])
    data = {
            'css': {},
            'links': []
    color_map = {}
    for color_index, tag in enumerate(tags):
        if not color_map.has_key(tag['color']):
            color_name = "c%d" % color_index
            hslcolor = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(tag['color'][0] / 255.0, 
                                           tag['color'][1] / 255.0, 
                                           tag['color'][2] / 255.0)
            lighter = hslcolor[1] * 1.4
            if lighter > 1: lighter = 1
            light = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hslcolor[0], lighter, hslcolor[2])
            data['css'][color_name] = ('#%02x%02x%02x' % tag['color'], 
                                       '#%02x%02x%02x' % (light[0] * 255,
                                                          light[1] * 255,
                                                          light[2] * 255))
            color_map[tag['color']] = color_name

    for stag in tag_store:
        metrics =  stag.font.metrics(stag.tag['tag'])
        line_offset = 0
        if min([f[2] for f in metrics]) < stag.font.get_descent() * 0.1:
            line_offset = stag.font.get_linesize() - 1.95 * (stag.font.get_ascent() + abs(stag.font.get_descent() * 0.9) - stag.rect.height)
            line_offset = stag.font.get_linesize() -  1.95 * (stag.font.get_ascent() - stag.rect.height)
        tag = {
               'tag': stag.tag['tag'],
               'cls': color_map[stag.tag['color']],
               'top': stag.rect.y - 10,
               'left': stag.rect.x,
               'size': stag.tag['size'] - 6,
               'height': stag.rect.height * 1.15,
               'width': stag.rect.width,
               'lh': line_offset
        data['size'] = (sizeRect.w, sizeRect.h * 1.15)
    return data
def colorize(nns):
    N = len(nns)
    HLS_tuples = [(x*1.0/N, 0.5, 0.6) for x in range(N)]
    RGB_tuples = [colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*hls) for hls in HLS_tuples]
    HEX_tuples = ['%02x%02x%02x' % (int(r*256), int(g*256), int(b*256)) for (r, g, b) in RGB_tuples]
    return HEX_tuples
def get_color_for(val):
    """Get proper color to render the occ values"""
    color = 'green'
    if val != -1:
        rgb = hls_to_rgb(0, (100 - val) / 100.0, 1)
        color = '#%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X' % (int(255 * rgb[0]), int(255 * rgb[1]), int(255 * rgb[2]))
    return color
예제 #25
파일: artscii.py 프로젝트: bsbates/artscii
def ascii_and_color_for_region(region, luminances):
    # Do a simple average of HSL.
    # Use the L to determine which character to use
    # Use RGB average for the actual letter color
    # This should give a mix of whitespace and color to represent the cell
    source = region.load()
    total_h, total_s, total_l = (0,0,0)
    total_r, total_g, total_b = (0,0,0)
    region_x, region_y = region.size
    total_pixels = region_x * region_y
    for x in range(region_x):
        for y in range(region_y):
            r, g, b, a = source[x,y]
            h, l, s = rgb_to_hls(r/255, g/255, b/255)
            total_h += h
            total_l += l
            total_s += s
            total_r += r
            total_g += g
            total_b += b
    avg_h, avg_l, avg_s = (total_h/total_pixels, total_l/total_pixels, total_s/total_pixels)

    letter = ascii_for_luminance(avg_l, luminances)
    color_percentage = hls_to_rgb(avg_h, avg_l, avg_s)
    return (letter, (total_r/total_pixels, total_g/total_pixels, total_b/total_pixels))
def get_rgb_from_hue_spectrum(percent, start_hue, end_hue):
    # spectrum is red (0.0), orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (0.9)
    hue = percent * (end_hue - start_hue) + start_hue
    lightness = 0.7
    saturation = 0.5
    r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation)
    return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255
예제 #27
def get_cont_col(col):
    (h, l, s) = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(int(col[1:3], 16)/255.0, int(col[3:5], 16)/255.0, int(col[5:7], 16)/255.0)
    l1 = 1 - l
    if abs(l1 - l) < .15:
        l1 = .15
    (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l1, s)
    return tohex(int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))  # true complementary
예제 #28
    def write_to_strip(self):

        # GPIO.setup(self.dancer.channel_pins[0], GPIO.OUT)
        # GPIO.setup(self.dancer.channel_pins[1], GPIO.OUT)
        # GPIO.output(self.dancer.channel_pins[1], False)
        # GPIO.output(self.dancer.channel_pins[0], True)

        for si in range(self.dancer.num_channels):

            # print si
            for ch_ri, ri in enumerate(self.dancer.channel_rays[si]):
                # print 'ray', ch_ri, ri
                for index in range(self.ray_length):
                    rgb = map(clamp_value, hls_to_rgb(self.pixel_matrix[ri][index]['h'] % 1.0, self.pixel_matrix[ri][index]['l'], self.pixel_matrix[ri][index]['s']))
                    # offset = self.pixel_to_strip_map[ci][ri][index] * 4 + 1
                    pixel = ch_ri * self.dancer.ray_length + self.dancer.ray_offsets[ri] + index
                    offset = pixel * 4 + 1
                    # print pixel
                    self.raw_arrays[si][offset] = int(rgb[2] * 255)
                    self.raw_arrays[si][offset + 1] = int(rgb[1] * 255)
                    self.raw_arrays[si][offset + 2] = int(rgb[0] * 255)

            # set channel select pins, False is enable
            for ch in range(self.dancer.num_channels):
                if ch == si:
                    GPIO.output(self.dancer.channel_pins[ch], False)
                    GPIO.output(self.dancer.channel_pins[ch], True)
            # time.sleep(0.1)

예제 #29
def to_rgb( scale ):
    ''' convert an hsl or numeric rgb color scale to string rgb color scale. ie,
        [ "hsl(360,100,100)", "hsl(360,100,100)", "hsl(360,100,100)" ] -->
        [ "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ]

    rgb = []
    s_t = scale_type(scale)

    if s_t == 'rgb':
        return scale
    elif s_t == 'numeric':
        for ea in scale:
            rgb.append( 'rgb'+str(ea) )
        return rgb
    elif s_t == 'hsl':
        numeric_hsl_scale = []
        for s in scale:
            s = s[s.find("(")+1:s.find(")")].replace(' ','').replace('%','').split(',')
            numeric_hsl_scale.append( ( float(s[0]), float(s[1]), float(s[2]) ) )
        scale = numeric_hsl_scale

    for ea in scale:
        h,s,l = [ float(x) for x in ea ]
        r,g,b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h/360.0, l/100.0, s/100.0)
        r,g,b = [ str(int(round(x*255.0))) for x in (r,g,b) ]
        rgb_str = 'rgb(' + ', '.join([r,g,b]) + ')'
        rgb.append( rgb_str )

    return rgb
예제 #30
def color_ramp(number_of_colour):
    """Generate list of color in hexadecimal.

    This will generate colors using hsl model by playing around with the hue
    see: https://coderwall.com/p/dvsxwg/smoothly-transition-from-green-to-red

    :param number_of_colour: The number of intervals between R and G spectrum.
    :type number_of_colour: int

    :returns: List of color.
    :rtype: list
    if number_of_colour < 1:
        raise Exception('The number of colours should be > 0')

    colors = []
    if number_of_colour == 1:
        hue_interval = 1
        hue_interval = 1.0 / (number_of_colour - 1)
    for i in range(number_of_colour):
        hue = (i * hue_interval) / 3
        light = 127.5
        saturation = -1.007905138339921
        rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, light, saturation)
        hex_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
    return colors
예제 #31
파일: color.py 프로젝트: bibekdahal/drafter
def hsla(h, s, l, a):
    return rgba(*colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s), a)
예제 #32
파일: color.py 프로젝트: bibekdahal/drafter
def hsl(h, s, l):
    return rgb(*colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s))
예제 #33
def make_vott_output(all_predictions,
                     tag_names: List[str] = ["stamp"],
                     tag_colors: List[str] = "#ed1010",
    if max_tags_per_pixel is not None:
        max_tags_per_pixel = int(max_tags_per_pixel)

    tag_names = remove_bkg_class_name(tag_names)

    # The tag_colors list generates random colors for each tag. To ensure that these colors stand out / are easy to see on a picture, the colors are generated
    # in the hls format, with the random numbers biased towards a high luminosity (>=.8) and saturation (>=.75).
    if tag_colors is None:
        tag_colors = [
            '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(256 * r), int(256 * g), int(256 * b))
            for r, g, b in [
                colorsys.hls_to_rgb(random.random(), 0.8 +
                                    random.random() / 5.0, 0.75 +
                                    random.random() / 4.0) for _ in tag_names

    using_blob_storage = blob_credentials is not None

    dict_predictions_per_folder = {}  #defaultdict(list)
    i = 0
    n_err = 0
    for prediction in all_predictions[:]:
        image_loc = get_image_loc(prediction, user_folders, image_loc_param)
        output_location = get_output_location(prediction, user_folders,
        if output_location not in dict_predictions_per_folder:
            output_location.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            dict_predictions_per_folder[output_location] = []
            print("Created dir ", str(output_location))
        if using_blob_storage:
            blob_dest = str(output_location / prediction[0][FILENAME_LOCATION])
            if image_loc:
                blob_name = image_loc + "/" + prediction[0][FILENAME_LOCATION]
                blob_name = prediction[0][FILENAME_LOCATION]

            if not butils.attempt_get_blob(blob_credentials, blob_name,
                n_err = n_err + 1
                os.path.join(image_loc, prediction[0][FILENAME_LOCATION]),

        i = i + 1

    print("Dowloaded {0} files. Number of errors: {1}".format(i, n_err))

    #TBD: enum through dict and make json per folder!
    for output_location, folder_predictions in dict_predictions_per_folder.items(
        folder_predictions.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][FILENAME_LOCATION])
        dirjson = {}
        dirjson["frames"] = {}
        for i, predictions in enumerate(folder_predictions):
            all_frames = []
            file_name = ""
            set_predictions = defaultdict(list)
            if max_tags_per_pixel is None:
                for prediction in predictions:
                    x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, height, width = map(
                        prediction[TAG_STARTING_LOCATION:TAG_ENDING_LOCATION +
                    if prediction[TAG_LOCATION] != "NULL" and (
                            x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2) != (0, 0, 0, 0):
                        x_1 = int(x_1 * width)
                        x_2 = int(x_2 * width)
                        y_1 = int(y_1 * height)
                        y_2 = int(y_2 * height)
                        set_predictions[(x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, height,
                        file_name = prediction[FILENAME_LOCATION]
                if predictions:
                    num_tags = np.zeros((int(predictions[0][HEIGHT_LOCATION]),
                    for prediction in sorted(
                            key=lambda x: float(x[TAG_CONFIDENCE_LOCATION]),
                        x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, height, width = map(
                            float, prediction[
                                TAG_STARTING_LOCATION:TAG_ENDING_LOCATION + 1])
                        if prediction[TAG_LOCATION] != "NULL" and (
                                x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2) != (0, 0, 0, 0):
                            x_1 = int(x_1 * width)
                            x_2 = int(x_2 * width)
                            y_1 = int(y_1 * height)
                            y_2 = int(y_2 * height)
                            if np.amax(num_tags[y_1:y_2,
                                                x_1:x_2]) < max_tags_per_pixel:
                                num_tags[y_1:y_2, x_1:x_2] += 1
                                set_predictions[(x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, height,
                                file_name = prediction[FILENAME_LOCATION]
            for j, (coordinates, tags) in enumerate(set_predictions.items(),
                # filename,tag,x1,x2,y1,y2,true_height,true_width,image_directory
                x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, height, width = coordinates
                curframe = {}
                curframe["x1"] = x_1
                curframe["y1"] = y_1
                curframe["x2"] = x_2
                curframe["y2"] = y_2
                curframe["id"] = j
                curframe["width"] = width
                curframe["height"] = height
                curframe["type"] = "Rectangle"
                curframe["tags"] = tags
                curframe["name"] = j
            dirjson["frames"][file_name] = all_frames
        dirjson["framerate"] = "1"
        dirjson["inputTags"] = ",".join(tag_names)
        dirjson["suggestiontype"] = "track"
        dirjson["scd"] = False
        dirjson["tag_colors"] = tag_colors
        with open(str(output_location) + ".json", "w") as json_out:
            json.dump(dirjson, json_out, sort_keys=True)
 def asRGB(self):
     h, s, l = self.get_values()
     return tuple(round(i * 255) for i in colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s))
예제 #35
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
         0, colorsys.hls_to_rgb(self.input(0), self.input(1),
예제 #36
#!/usr/bin/env python2

# This takes the output of extract_nexrad and generates images.
# It isn't very smart at the moment and won't draw anything
# until all input has been consumed, so it's not very useful
# for realtime continuous generation of maps.

import sys, math
import cairo, colorsys

intensities = {
    0: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(240.0 / 360.0, 0.15, 1.0),
    1: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(240.0 / 360.0, 0.2, 1.0),
    2: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(200.0 / 360.0, 0.4, 1.0),
    3: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(160.0 / 360.0, 0.4, 1.0),
    4: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(120.0 / 360.0, 0.5, 1.0),
    5: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(80.0 / 360.0, 0.5, 1.0),
    6: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(40.0 / 360.0, 0.6, 1.0),
    7: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(0.0 / 360.0, 0.5, 1.0),
    8: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(0.0 / 360.0, 0.75, 1.0),
    9: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(60.0 / 360.0, 0.5, 1.0),
    10: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(60.0 / 360.0, 0.7, 1.0),
    11: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(0.0 / 360.0, 0.25, 1.0),
    12: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(0.0 / 360.0, 0.7, 1.0),
    13: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(300.0 / 360.0, 0.25, 1.0),
    14: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(180.0 / 360.0, 0.25, 1.0),
    15: colorsys.hls_to_rgb(120.0 / 360.0, 0.7, 1.0)
예제 #37
import colorsys  # It turns out Python already does HSL -> RGB!

def trim(s):
    return s if not s.endswith('.0') else s[:-2]

    '"hsl%s(%s, %s%%, %s%%%s)", [%s, %s, %s, %s]' %
    (('a' if a is not None else '', h, trim(str(s / 10.)), trim(str(l / 10.)),
      ', %s' % a if a is not None else '') + tuple(
          trim(str(round(v, 10)))
          for v in colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h / 360., l / 1000., s / 1000.)) +
     (a if a is not None else 1, )) for a in [None, 1, .2, 0]
    for l in range(0, 1001, 125) for s in range(0, 1001, 125)
    for h in range(0, 360, 30)))
예제 #38
def fill_gfx_commands_for_heatmap(gfx_commands, locs_and_values, board,
                                  normalization_div, is_percent):
    divisor = 1.0
    if normalization_div == "max":
        max_abs_value = max(abs(value) for (loc, value) in locs_and_values)
        divisor = max(0.0000000001, max_abs_value)  #avoid divide by zero
    elif normalization_div is not None:
        divisor = normalization_div

    #Caps value at 1.0, using an asymptotic curve
    def loose_cap(x):
        def transformed_softplus(x):
            return -math.log(math.exp(-(x - 1.0) * 8.0) + 1.0) / 8.0 + 1.0

        base = transformed_softplus(0.0)
        return (transformed_softplus(x) - base) / (1.0 - base)

    #Softly curves a value so that it ramps up faster than linear in that range
    def soft_curve(x, x0, x1):
        p = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)

        def curve(p):
            return math.sqrt(p + 0.16) - 0.4

        p = curve(p) / curve(1.0)
        return x0 + p * (x1 - x0)

    for (loc, value) in locs_and_values:
        if loc != Board.PASS_LOC:
            value = value / divisor
            if value < 0:
                value = -value
                huestart = 0.50
                huestop = 0.86
                huestart = -0.02
                huestop = 0.45

            value = loose_cap(value)

            def lerp(p, x0, x1, y0, y1):
                return y0 + (y1 - y0) * (p - x0) / (x1 - x0)

            if value <= 0.04:
                hue = huestart
                lightness = 0.5
                saturation = value / 0.04
                (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb((hue + 1) % 1, lightness,
            elif value <= 0.70:
                # value = soft_curve(value,0.04,0.70)
                hue = lerp(value, 0.04, 0.70, huestart, huestop)
                val = 1.0
                saturation = 1.0
                (r, g, b) = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((hue + 1) % 1, val, saturation)
                hue = huestop
                lightness = lerp(value, 0.70, 1.00, 0.5, 0.95)
                saturation = 1.0
                (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb((hue + 1) % 1, lightness,

            r = ("%02x" % int(r * 255))
            g = ("%02x" % int(g * 255))
            b = ("%02x" % int(b * 255))
            gfx_commands.append("COLOR #%s%s%s %s" %
                                (r, g, b, str_coord(loc, board)))

    locs_and_values = sorted(locs_and_values,
                             key=lambda loc_and_value: loc_and_value[1])
    locs_and_values_rev = sorted(locs_and_values,
                                 key=lambda loc_and_value: loc_and_value[1],
    texts = []
    texts_rev = []
    maxlen_per_side = 10
    if len(locs_and_values) > 0 and locs_and_values[0][1] < 0:
        maxlen_per_side = 5

        for i in range(min(len(locs_and_values), maxlen_per_side)):
            (loc, value) = locs_and_values[i]
            if is_percent:
                texts.append("%s %4.1f%%" %
                             (str_coord(loc, board), value * 100))
                texts.append("%s %.3f" % (str_coord(loc, board), value))

    for i in range(min(len(locs_and_values_rev), maxlen_per_side)):
        (loc, value) = locs_and_values_rev[i]
        if is_percent:
            texts_rev.append("%s %4.1f%%" %
                             (str_coord(loc, board), value * 100))
            texts_rev.append("%s %.3f" % (str_coord(loc, board), value))

    gfx_commands.append("TEXT " + ", ".join(texts_rev + texts))
예제 #39
def rgb_add_hls(source, h=0, l=0, s=0):
    c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(source[0] / 255, source[1] / 255, source[2] / 255)
    colour = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0] + h, min(max(c[1] + l, 0), 1), min(max(c[2] + s, 0), 1))
    return [int(colour[0] * 255), int(colour[1] * 255), int(colour[2] * 255), source[3]]
예제 #40
 def fromhsl(cls, hsla):
     h, s, l, alpha = hsla
     r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
     return cls(255 * r, 255 * g, 255 * b, alpha)
예제 #41
 def get_saturated_color(self, color):
     """Increase the saturation of the current color."""
     hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255)
     rgb_saturated = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], 0.5, 0.5)
     return [int(rgb_saturated[0] * 255), int(rgb_saturated[1] * 255), int(rgb_saturated[2] * 255)]
예제 #42

def smooth_rainbow(num):
    return (num + 1) % 360

def random_color(num):
    return random.randrange(0, 360)

def bold_rainbow(num):
    return (num + 60) % 360

color = 0
while True:
    color = smooth_rainbow(color)
    brightness = 1
    r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(color / 360, .5, 1)
    red, green, blue = (r * 254 * brightness) // 1 + 1, (
        g * 254 * brightness) // 1 + 1, (b * 254 * brightness) // 1 + 1
    requests.post(url + '/rgb',
                      'red': red,
                      'green': green,
                      'blue': blue
예제 #43
 def hls2hex(h, l, s):
     ''' Converts from HLS to RGB '''
     return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(
         map(lambda x: int(x * 255), hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)))
예제 #44
파일: hsluv.py 프로젝트: zmoon/proplot
def hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l):
    h /= 360.0
    s /= 100.0
    l /= 100.0  # noqa
    return hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
예제 #45
 def from_hsla(hsla: HSLA):
     (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hsla.hue / 360, hsla.lightness / 100,
                                     hsla.saturation / 100)
     return RGBA(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, hsla.a)
예제 #46
def random_color():
    h,s,l = random(), 0.5 + random()/2.0, 0.6 + random()/10.0
    r,g,b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h,l,s)
    return r, g, b, 0.5
예제 #47
def hls_to_rgb(h, l, s):
    colour = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
    return [int(colour[0] * 255), int(colour[1] * 255), int(colour[2] * 255), 255]
예제 #48
    while True:
        read, _, _ = select.select([sys.stdin, port], [], [], 0.01)

        if port in read:
            r = port.read()
            print("\rStatus bits: " + bin(r[0]).replace("0b", "").zfill(8) + "\r", end="")

        if sys.stdin in read:
            r = sys.stdin.read(1)
            if r == "1":
                send([0x02, 0xe8, 0x03])
            elif r == "2":
                send([0x12, 0xe8, 0x03])

        # Run a color sweep light show on the LEDs

        color = list(map(lambda x: int(x*255), colorsys.hls_to_rgb(a/512, 0.03, 1)))
        send([0x01] + color)

        color = list(map(lambda x: int(x*255), colorsys.hls_to_rgb(((a + 256) % 512)/512, 0.03, 1)))
        send([0x11] + color)

        a += 1
        if a == 512:
            a = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Reset previous terminal settings
    termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_attr)
예제 #49
def getrgb(color):
     Convert a color string to an RGB tuple. If the string cannot be parsed,
     this function raises a :py:exc:`ValueError` exception.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.4

    :param color: A color string
    :return: ``(red, green, blue[, alpha])``
    color = color.lower()

    rgb = colormap.get(color, None)
    if rgb:
        if isinstance(rgb, tuple):
            return rgb
        colormap[color] = rgb = getrgb(rgb)
        return rgb

    # check for known string formats
    if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{3}$", color):
        return (int(color[1] * 2, 16), int(color[2] * 2, 16), int(color[3] * 2, 16))

    if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{4}$", color):
        return (
            int(color[1] * 2, 16),
            int(color[2] * 2, 16),
            int(color[3] * 2, 16),
            int(color[4] * 2, 16),

    if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{6}$", color):
        return (int(color[1:3], 16), int(color[3:5], 16), int(color[5:7], 16))

    if re.match("#[a-f0-9]{8}$", color):
        return (
            int(color[1:3], 16),
            int(color[3:5], 16),
            int(color[5:7], 16),
            int(color[7:9], 16),

    m = re.match(r"rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color)
    if m:
        return (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)))

    m = re.match(r"rgb\(\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*\)$", color)
    if m:
        return (
            int((int(m.group(1)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),
            int((int(m.group(2)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),
            int((int(m.group(3)) * 255) / 100.0 + 0.5),

    m = re.match(
        r"hsl\(\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*\)$", color
    if m:
        from colorsys import hls_to_rgb

        rgb = hls_to_rgb(
            float(m.group(1)) / 360.0,
            float(m.group(3)) / 100.0,
            float(m.group(2)) / 100.0,
        return (
            int(rgb[0] * 255 + 0.5),
            int(rgb[1] * 255 + 0.5),
            int(rgb[2] * 255 + 0.5),

    m = re.match(
        r"hs[bv]\(\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*,\s*(\d+\.?\d*)%\s*\)$", color
    if m:
        from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb

        rgb = hsv_to_rgb(
            float(m.group(1)) / 360.0,
            float(m.group(2)) / 100.0,
            float(m.group(3)) / 100.0,
        return (
            int(rgb[0] * 255 + 0.5),
            int(rgb[1] * 255 + 0.5),
            int(rgb[2] * 255 + 0.5),

    m = re.match(r"rgba\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$", color)
    if m:
        return (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3)), int(m.group(4)))
    raise ValueError("unknown color specifier: %r" % color)
예제 #50
    "#a6761d", "#666666", "#8dd3c7", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3",
    "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9", "#bc80bd", "#ccebc5",
    "#ffed6f", "#ffffb3", "#aadd88", "#889933", "#22bbcc", "#d9dbb5"

def rgb2hex(r, g, b):
    return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)

# Generate some colors to add to the list
s = .7
for l in [.70, .55]:
    for h in range(0, 101, 10):
        if h == 40: continue
        rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h / 100.0, l, s)

class DAG:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = {}

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.id = None
        self.label = None
        self.level = 0
        self.parents = []
        self.children = []
예제 #51
def random_colour(saturation, luminance):

    h = round(random.random(), 2)
    colour = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, luminance, saturation)
    return [int(colour[0] * 255), int(colour[1] * 255), int(colour[2] * 255), 255]
예제 #52
def rlabel(r):
    return Rectangle(SIZE, RGBA(hls_to_rgb(counts_hue.index[r], 0.5, 0.7)))
# create a GIFSurface instance and set the colors
surface = gm.GIFSurface.from_image('./resources/bg.png')
palette = [
    50,  # wall color, the same with the blackboard's
    200,  # tree color
]  # path color

for i in range(256):
    rgb = hls_to_rgb((i / 360.0) % 1, 0.5, 1.0)
    palette += [int(round(255 * x)) for x in rgb]


# create a maze instance and set its position in the image
size = (surface.width, surface.height)
mask = generate_text_mask(size, 'UST', './resources/ubuntu.ttf', 350)
maze = gm.Maze(111, 67, mask=mask).scale(4).translate((75, 56))

# create an animation environment
anim = gm.Animation(surface)

# here `trans_index=1` is for compatible with eye of gnome in linux,
# you may always use the default 0 for chrome and firefox.
anim.pause(100, trans_index=1)
예제 #54
        for i in range(0, 5):
            st.sidebar.write("——————Change color: ", i+1, '——————')

            h.append(st.sidebar.slider('Hue:', 0.0, 360.0, hsl[i][0]*360))
            st.sidebar.write("Hue is ", '%.2f' % h[i], '°')

            l.append(st.sidebar.slider('Lightness:', 0.0, 1.0, hsl[i][1]))
            st.sidebar.write("Lightness is ", '{:.2%}'.format(l[i]))

            s.append(st.sidebar.slider('Saturation:', 0.0, 1.0, hsl[i][2]))
            st.sidebar.write("Saturation is ", '{:.2%}'.format(s[i]))

        HEX_change = []

        for i in range(0, 5):
            rgb_change = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h[i]/360, l[i], s[i])
            r = int(rgb_change[0]*255)
            g = int(rgb_change[1]*255)
            b = int(rgb_change[2]*255)

            HEX_change.append('#%02X%02X%02X' % (r, g, b))

        palette_images = [Image.new('RGB', (100, 100), color=item)
                          for item in HEX_change]


            'Please copy the palette HEX that you are satisfied with: ')
        st.write(HEX_change[0], HEX_change[1],
                 HEX_change[2], HEX_change[3], HEX_change[4])
예제 #55
def _hls2hex(h, l, s):
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(
        map(lambda x: int(x * 255), colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)))
예제 #56
def hsl_to_rgb(hue, saturation, lightness=0.5):
    (red, green, blue) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation)
    return '%02x%02x%02x' % (min(1.0, red) * 255.0, min(1.0, green) * 255.0, min(1.0, blue) * 255.0)
예제 #57
def hls_to_plt_rgb(h, l, s):
    (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
    return [r, g, b]
예제 #58
def hls_palette(n_colors=6, h=.01, l=.6, s=.65):  # noqa
    """Get a set of evenly spaced colors in HLS hue space.

    h, l, and s should be between 0 and 1


    n_colors : int
        number of colors in the palette
    h : float
        first hue
    l : float
    s : float

    palette : seaborn color palette
        List-like object of colors as RGB tuples.

    See Also
    husl_palette : Make a palette using evently spaced circular hues in the
                   HUSL system.


    Create a palette of 10 colors with the default parameters:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        >>> import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
        >>> sns.palplot(sns.hls_palette(10))

    Create a palette of 10 colors that begins at a different hue value:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        >>> sns.palplot(sns.hls_palette(10, h=.5))

    Create a palette of 10 colors that are darker than the default:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        >>> sns.palplot(sns.hls_palette(10, l=.4))

    Create a palette of 10 colors that are less saturated than the default:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        >>> sns.palplot(sns.hls_palette(10, s=.4))

    hues = np.linspace(0, 1, int(n_colors) + 1)[:-1]
    hues += h
    hues %= 1
    hues -= hues.astype(int)
    palette = [colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h_i, l, s) for h_i in hues]
    return _ColorPalette(palette)
예제 #59
def generate_preview_image(texts=None,
    """Puts everything together"""
    texts = texts or {}
    # Cover
        inner_img_layer = Image.open(picture)
        inner_img_layer.thumbnail((inner_img_width, inner_img_height),
        color_thief = ColorThief(picture)
        dominant_color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1)
    except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
        inner_img_layer = generate_default_inner_img()
        dominant_color = ImageColor.getrgb(DEFAULT_COVER_COLOR)

    # Color
    if BG_COLOR in ["use_dominant_color_light", "use_dominant_color_dark"]:
        image_bg_color = "rgb(%s, %s, %s)" % dominant_color

        # Adjust color
        image_bg_color_rgb = [
            x / 255.0 for x in ImageColor.getrgb(image_bg_color)
        image_bg_color_hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*image_bg_color_rgb)

        if BG_COLOR == "use_dominant_color_light":
            lightness = max(0.9, image_bg_color_hls[1])
            lightness = min(0.15, image_bg_color_hls[1])

        image_bg_color_hls = (
        image_bg_color = tuple(
            math.ceil(x * 255)
            for x in colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*image_bg_color_hls))
        image_bg_color = BG_COLOR

    # Background (using the color)
    img = Image.new("RGBA", (IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT), color=image_bg_color)

    # Contents
    inner_img_x = margin + inner_img_width - inner_img_layer.width
    inner_img_y = math.floor((IMG_HEIGHT - inner_img_layer.height) / 2)
    content_x = margin + inner_img_width + gutter
    content_width = IMG_WIDTH - content_x - margin

    contents_layer = Image.new("RGBA", (content_width, IMG_HEIGHT),
    contents_composite_y = 0

    if show_instance_layer:
        instance_layer = generate_instance_layer(content_width)
                                       (0, contents_composite_y))
        contents_composite_y = contents_composite_y + instance_layer.height + gutter

    texts_layer = generate_texts_layer(texts, content_width)
    contents_layer.alpha_composite(texts_layer, (0, contents_composite_y))
    contents_composite_y = contents_composite_y + texts_layer.height + gutter

    if rating:
        # Add some more margin
        contents_composite_y = contents_composite_y + gutter
        rating_layer = generate_rating_layer(rating, content_width)

        if rating_layer:
                                           (0, contents_composite_y))
            contents_composite_y = contents_composite_y + rating_layer.height + gutter

    contents_layer_box = contents_layer.getbbox()
    contents_layer_height = contents_layer_box[3] - contents_layer_box[1]

    contents_y = math.floor((IMG_HEIGHT - contents_layer_height) / 2)

    if show_instance_layer:
        # Remove Instance Layer from centering calculations
        contents_y = contents_y - math.floor(
            (instance_layer.height + gutter) / 2)

    contents_y = max(contents_y, margin)

    # Composite layers
    img.paste(inner_img_layer, (inner_img_x, inner_img_y),
    img.alpha_composite(contents_layer, (content_x, contents_y))

    return img.convert("RGB")
예제 #60
def _get_easing_node(cfg, easing, curve_zoom, color_program, nb_points=128):
    text_vratio = 1 / 8.
    graph_hpad_ratio = 1 / 16.

    area_size = 2.0
    width, height = area_size, area_size
    text_height = text_vratio * height
    pad_height = graph_hpad_ratio * height

    # Colors
    hue = random.uniform(0, 0.6)
    color = list(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, 0.6, 1.0)) + [1]
    ucolor = ngl.UniformVec4(value=color)
    graph_bg_ucolor = ngl.UniformVec4(value=(.15, .15, .15, 1))
    normed_graph_bg_ucolor = ngl.UniformVec4(value=(0, 0, 0, 1))
    line_ucolor = ngl.UniformVec4(value=(1, 1, 1, .4))

    # Text legend
    text = ngl.Text(text=easing,
                    bg_color=(0, 0, 0, 1),
                    box_corner=(-width / 2., height / 2. - text_height, 0),
                    box_width=(width, 0, 0),
                    box_height=(0, text_height, 0),
                    label='%s legend' % easing)

    # Graph drawing area (where the curve may overflow)
    graph_size = area_size - text_height - pad_height * 2
    graph_block = _block(graph_size,
                         corner=(-graph_size / 2,
                                 -(graph_size + text_height) / 2, 0),

    # Normed area of the graph
    normed_graph_size = graph_size * curve_zoom
    normed_graph_block = _block(normed_graph_size,
                                corner=(-normed_graph_size / 2,
                                        -(normed_graph_size + text_height) / 2,

    # Curve
    easing_name, easing_args = _easing_split(easing)
    curve_scale_factor = graph_size / area_size * curve_zoom
    vertices_data = array.array('f')
    for i in range(nb_points + 1):
        t = i / float(nb_points)
        v = ngl.easing_evaluate(easing_name, t, easing_args)
        x = curve_scale_factor * (t * width - width / 2.)
        y = curve_scale_factor * (v * height - height / 2.)
        y -= text_height / 2.
        vertices_data.extend([x, y, 0])
    vertices = ngl.BufferVec3(data=vertices_data)
    geometry = ngl.Geometry(vertices, topology='line_strip')
    curve = ngl.Render(geometry, color_program, label='%s curve' % easing)

    # Value cursor
    y = 2 / 3. * pad_height
    x = y * math.sqrt(3)
    cursor_geometry = ngl.Triangle((-x, y, 0), (0, 0, 0), (-x, -y, 0))
    cursor = ngl.Render(cursor_geometry,
                        label='%s cursor' % easing)

    # Horizontal value line
    hline_data = array.array('f', (0, 0, 0, graph_size, 0, 0))
    hline_vertices = ngl.BufferVec3(data=hline_data)
    hline_geometry = ngl.Geometry(hline_vertices, topology='line_strip')
    hline = ngl.Render(hline_geometry,
                       label='%s value line' % easing)

    # Value animation (cursor + h-line)
    value_x = -graph_size / 2.
    value_y = (-text_height - normed_graph_size) / 2.
    value_animkf = (
        ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(0, (value_x, value_y, 0)),
                             (value_x, value_y + normed_graph_size, 0),
                             easing_name, easing_args),
    value_anim = ngl.Group(children=(hline, cursor))
    value_anim = ngl.Translate(value_anim,
                               label='%s value anim' % easing)

    # Vertical time line
    vline_data = array.array('f', (0, 0, 0, 0, graph_size, 0))
    vline_vertices = ngl.BufferVec3(data=vline_data)
    vline_geometry = ngl.Geometry(vline_vertices, topology='line_strip')
    vline = ngl.Render(vline_geometry,
                       label='%s time line' % easing)

    # Time animation (v-line only)
    time_x = -normed_graph_size / 2.
    time_y = (-text_height - graph_size) / 2.
    time_animkf = (ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(0, (time_x, time_y, 0)),
                       cfg.duration, (time_x + normed_graph_size, time_y, 0)))
    time_anim = ngl.Translate(vline,
                              label='%s time anim' % easing)

    group = ngl.Group(label='%s block' % easing)
    group.add_children(text, graph_block, normed_graph_block, curve,
                       value_anim, time_anim)
    return group