예제 #1
def convert(dict, illuminant='D65'):
    """ Converts the set of XYZ colours into other spaces: Lab, LCH, sRGB """
    illuminant = colour.ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'][
    dict['Lab'] = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(dict['XYZ'] / 100.,
                                    illuminant)  # beware: expects XYZ in [0,1]
    dict['LCH'] = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(dict['Lab'])
    dict['RGB'] = colour.XYZ_to_sRGB(
        dict['XYZ'] / 100., illuminant)  # beware: expects XYZ in [0,1]
예제 #2
def set_convertor(name, ill='D65'):
    """ Binds the conversion functions LCH2RGB() and RGB2LCH() to the choosen colour package
    global LCH2RGB, RGB2LCH, convertor, illuminant
    if name not in ['custom', 'colorspacious', 'colourscience']:
        print("Unknown conversion module")
    convertor = name
    illuminant = ill
    if name == 'custom':
        LCH2RGB = lambda L, C, H: XYZ2RGB(Lab2XYZ(LCH2Lab((L, C, H))))
        RGB2LCH = lambda R, G, B: Lab2LCH(XYZ2Lab(RGB2XYZ((R, G, B))))
    if name == 'colorspacious':
        from colorspacious import cspace_convert
        func_LCH2RGB = lambda L, C, H: cspace_convert([L, C, H], {
            "name": "CIELCh",
            "XYZ100_w": ill
        }, "sRGB1")
        func_RGB2LCH = lambda R, G, B: cspace_convert([R, G, B], "sRGB1", {
            "name": "CIELCh",
            "XYZ100_w": ill
    if name == 'colourscience':
        import colour as cs
        cs_ill = cs.ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'][ill]
        func_LCH2RGB = lambda L, C, H: cs.XYZ_to_sRGB(
            cs.Lab_to_XYZ(cs.LCHab_to_Lab([L, C, H]), illuminant=cs_ill))
        func_RGB2LCH = lambda R, G, B: cs.Lab_to_LCHab(
            cs.XYZ_to_Lab(cs.sRGB_to_XYZ([R, G, B]), illuminant=cs_ill))
    if name == 'colorspacious' or name == 'colourscience':

        def LCH2RGB(L, C, H):
            if hasattr(L, '__iter__'):
                RGB = np.array(list(map(func_LCH2RGB, L, C, H)))
                R = RGB[:, 0]
                G = RGB[:, 1]
                B = RGB[:, 2]
                R, G, B = func_LCH2RGB(L, C, H)
            return R, G, B

        def RGB2LCH(R, G, B):
            if hasattr(R, '__iter__'):
                LCH = np.array(list(map(func_RGB2LCH, R, G, B)))
                L = LCH[:, 0]
                C = LCH[:, 1]
                H = LCH[:, 2]
                L, C, H = func_RGB2LCH(R, G, B)
            return L, C, H

    print("convertor = '%s' (illuminant = '%s')" % (name, illuminant))
예제 #3
def get_main_color(R,G,B):
    sRGB = [R/255,G/255,B/255]
    RGB = np.array(sRGB)
    XYZ = colour.sRGB_to_XYZ(sRGB)
    Lab = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ)
    LCHab = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(Lab)
    L = int(LCHab[0]);C = int(LCHab[1]);ab = int(LCHab[2])
    if C<40:# 1
        if L<10:
            return 'black'
        elif L>90:
            return 'white'
            return 'gray'
    elif ab<45:# 2
        if L<30:
            return 'brown'
        elif L>70:
            return 'pink'
            return 'red'
    elif ab<75:# 3
        if L<30:
            return 'brown'
            return 'orange'
    elif ab<105:# 4
        return 'yellow'
    elif ab<210:# 5
        return 'green'
    elif ab<315:# 6
        return 'blue'
    elif ab>330:# 7
        if L>50:
            return 'pink'
            return 'purple'
        return 'purple'
예제 #4


Lab = (100.00000000, 28.97832184, 30.96902832)
message_box(('Converting to "CIE XYZ" tristimulus values from given "CIE Lab" '
             'colourspace values:\n'


message_box(('Converting to "CIE LCHab" colourspace from given "CIE Lab" '
             'colourspace values:\n'


LCHab = (100.00000000, 42.41254357, 46.90195532)
message_box(('Converting to "CIE Lab" colourspace from given "CIE LCHab" '
             'colourspace values:\n'


XYZ = (114.17634600, 100.00000000, 49.81520600)
message_box(('Converting to "Hunter L,a,b" colour scale from given "CIE XYZ" '
             'tristimulus values:\n'
예제 #5
print(img)  # 列印圖像的numpy數組,3緯數組
# 網址1:https://colour.readthedocs.io/en/v0.3.13/generated/colour.sRGB_to_XYZ.html
# 網址2:https://colour.readthedocs.io/en/v0.3.7/colour.html
# 網址3:https://colour.readthedocs.io/en/v0.3.13/generated/colour.Lab_to_LCHab.html?highlight=lch#colour.Lab_to_LCHab
# sRGB_to_XYZ
#import colormath
#from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, XYZColor
#from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
import colour
import numpy as np
sRGB = [200 / 255, 150 / 255, 100 / 255]
RGB = np.array(sRGB)
XYZ = colour.sRGB_to_XYZ(sRGB)
Lab = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ)
LCHab = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(Lab)
L = int(LCHab[0])
C = int(LCHab[1])
ab = int(LCHab[2])
LCHab = ['41', '59', '27']
LCHab = np.array(LCHab)
L = int(LCHab[0])
C = int(LCHab[1])
ab = int(LCHab[2])
r = 255
g = 89
b = 0
sRGB = [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255]
RGB = np.array(sRGB)
예제 #6
def compute(name, hue, lightness, saturation, output="scss"):
  Outputs different conversations of the given CIECAM02 input.
  Uses CIECAM with the same "signature" as HLC

  xyz = colour.CIECAM02_to_XYZ(
    lightness, saturation, hue,
    WHITEPOINT_D65_2, adapting_luminance, background_luminance,
    surround = surround,
    discount_illuminant = discount_illuminant
  xyz_trans = [ value / 100 for value in xyz ]

  #lab_65_10 = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(xyz_trans, illuminant=ILLUMINANT_D65_10)
  #lch_65_10 = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(lab_65_10)
  #hlc_65_10 = [lch_65_10[2], lch_65_10[0], lch_65_10[1]]

  lab_65_2 = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(xyz_trans, illuminant=ILLUMINANT_D65_2)
  lch_65_2 = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(lab_65_2)
  hlc_65_2 = [lch_65_2[2], lch_65_2[0], lch_65_2[1]]

  #lab_50_10 = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(xyz_trans, illuminant=ILLUMINANT_D50_10)
  #lch_50_10 = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(lab_50_10)
  #hlc_50_10 = [lch_50_10[2], lch_50_10[0], lch_50_10[1]]

  lab_50_2 = colour.XYZ_to_Lab(xyz_trans, illuminant=ILLUMINANT_D50_2)
  lch_50_2 = colour.Lab_to_LCHab(lab_50_2)
  hlc_50_2 = [lch_50_2[2], lch_50_2[0], lch_50_2[1]]

  srgb = colour.XYZ_to_sRGB(xyz_trans)

  validRGB = True
  for entry in srgb:
    if entry > 1:
      validRGB = False

  srgb_trans = [ value * 255 for value in srgb ] if validRGB else [0,0,0]

  hex_trans = rgb_to_hex(srgb) if validRGB else "EXCEEDS"

  if output == "text":
    print("NAME      :", name)
    print("CAM-65    :", floatlist([hue, lightness, saturation]))
    print("XYZ       :", floatlist(xyz))
    print("LAB-50/2° :", floatlist(lab_50_2))
    print("HLC-50/2° :", floatlist(hlc_50_2))
    print("LAB-65/2° :", floatlist(lab_65_2))
    print("HLC-65/2° :", floatlist(hlc_65_2))
    print("sRGB      :", floatlist(srgb_trans))
    print("HEX       :", hex_trans)

  elif output == "scss":
    print("$%s: %s;" % (name, hex_trans))

  elif output == "print":
    print("%s = %s" % (name, intlist(lab_50_2)))

  elif output == "affinity":
    print("%s = %s" % (name, intlist(lab_65_2)))