def test_getitem(self): """ __getitem__ should navigate escape codes, and raise on errors. """ cb = ChainedBase('\x1b[31mtesting\x1b[0m') cases = ( (0, '\x1b[31mt'), (3, '\x1b[31mt'), ((2, ), '\x1b[31mte'), ((1, 3), '\x1b[31mes'), ((0, 6, 2), '\x1b[31mtsig'), # A [::n] slice. ((6, 6, 1), '\x1b[31mtesting'), # A slice that ends past the string. ((45, 99), ''), # A negative slice that ends before the string. ((-1, -3), ''), # Reversed slices. # A [::-n] slice. ((6, 6, -1), '\x1b[31mgnitset'), # A [6:0:-1] slice. ((6, 0, -1), '\x1b[31mgnitse'), # A slice that starts way outside the bounds. ((65, 0, -1), '\x1b[31mgnitse'), # A stepping slice less than -1. ((6, 0, -2), '\x1b[31mgist'), ) for index, expected in cases: if isinstance(index, tuple): index = slice(*index) self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=cb.__getitem__, args=(index, ), msg='Failed to ignore escape codes in __getitem__', ) err_cases = (7, -8) for index in err_cases: raiser = self.assertRaises( IndexError, msg='Failed to raise for bad index: {!r}'.format(index)) with raiser: cb[index] index = 'wat' raiser = self.assertRaises( TypeError, msg='Failed to raise for bad index: {!r}'.format(index), ) with raiser: # Index must be integer/slice. cb[index] index = slice(0, 2, 0) raiser = self.assertRaises( ValueError, msg='Failed to raise for 0 step.', ) with raiser: # Step cannot be 0. cb[index]
def test_strip(self): """ strip() should act like str.strip(). """ cases = { ' test ': 'test', '\n\ttest\n\t': 'test', '\n\n\t\t \n\n \t\ttest\n\n\t\t \n\n \t\t': 'test', } for s, expected in cases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase(s).strip, msg='Failed to strip ChainedBase.', ) charcases = ( ('\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m', 'test\x1b[0m'), ('\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m', '\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31mtest'), ('test', '\x1b[0m', 'test'), ) for s, chars, expected in charcases: self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase(s).strip, args=(chars, ), msg='Failed to strip escape codes properly.', )
def test_call(self): """ Calling a ChainedBase appends data to it. """ cb = ChainedBase('') self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase('test'), func=cb.__call__, args=('test', ), msg='Call did not add data.', )
def test_center(self): """ Center justify should behave like str.just, without escape codes. """ s = '\x1b[31mtesting\x1b[0m' cb = ChainedBase(s) self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(' {} '.format(s)),, args=(10, ), msg='Failed to properly center a ChainedBase.', )
def test_lt(self): """ __lt__ should operate on ChainedBases and strings. """ a = ChainedBase('a') b = ChainedBase('b') self.assertLess(a, b, msg='__lt__ failed to recognize the proper order.') self.assertLess( a, 'c', msg='__lt__ failed to recognize the proper order for str.') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): a < 5
def test_rstrip(self): """ rstrip() should act like str.rstrip(). """ cases = { 'test ': 'test', 'test\n\t': 'test', 'test\n\n\t\t \n\n \t\t': 'test', } for s, expected in cases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase(s).rstrip, msg='Failed to rstrip ChainedBase.', )
def test_format(self): """ __format__ should work, and raise errors where needed. """ cb = ChainedBase('test') cases = { '{}': 'test', '{:}': 'test', '{:8}': 'test ', '{:>8}': ' test', '{:<8}': 'test ', '{:^8}': ' test ', } for fmt, expected in cases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( expected, func=fmt.format, args=(cb, ), msg='Failed to format ChainedBase.', ) for badfmt in ('{:>BAD}', '{:BAD}'): raiser = self.assertCallRaises( ValueError, func=str.format, args=(badfmt, ), msg='Failed to raise on bad width specifier.', ) with raiser: badfmt.format(cb)
def test_mul(self): """ __mul__ should act like str.__mul__. """ a = ChainedBase('a') self.assertEqual(a * 3, ChainedBase('aaa'), msg='Failed to multiply ChainedBase data.') # rmul self.assertEqual(3 * a, ChainedBase('aaa'), msg='Failed to multiply ChainedBase data.') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # Non-int multiplier. a * 'wat' with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # Non-int rmultiplier. 'wat' * a
def test_len(self): """ __len__ should return len( """ # This is mostly here for test coverage. cb = ChainedBase('test') self.assertCallEqual( 4, func=cb.__len__, msg='__len__ failed.', )
def test_join(self): """ join() should join for ChainedBases and strings. """ cases = { ('a', ): 'a', ('a', 'b'): 'ab', (('a', 'b', 'c'), ): 'abc', (ChainedBase('ac'), ): 'ac', (ChainedBase('ac'), ChainedBase('bc')): 'acbc', ((ChainedBase('a'), ChainedBase('b'), ChainedBase('c')), ): 'abc', ((ChainedBase('ac'), 'b', ChainedBase('cc')), ): 'acbcc', } for joinargs, expected in cases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase('').join, args=joinargs, msg='Failed to join strings correctly.', )
def test_str(self): """ str() should return str( """ # Mostly here for test coverage. cases = { 'test': 'test', 0: '0', 1: '1', 1.5: '1.5', tuple(): '()', tuple((1, 2)): '(1, 2)', } # str() called on a ChainedBase. for initarg, expected in cases.items(): cb = ChainedBase(initarg) self.assertCallEqual( expected, func=str, args=(cb, ), msg='str() failed to return the proper string for {!r}.'. format(initarg, ), ) # ChainedBase.str method. for initarg, expected in cases.items(): cb = ChainedBase(initarg) self.assertCallEqual( expected, func=cb.str, msg='str() failed to return the proper string for {!r}.'. format(initarg, ), ) # Initialized with False/True for val in (False, True): cb = ChainedBase(val) self.assertCallEqual( str(val), func=str, args=(cb, ), msg='str() failed to return the proper string for False.', )
def test_add(self): """ __add__ should add ChainedBases, and raise TypeError for others. """ cb = ChainedBase('') self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase('test'), func=cb.__add__, args=('test', ), msg='Failed to add data to a ChainedBase.', ) # radd self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase('test'), func=cb.__radd__, args=('test', ), msg='Failed to radd data to a ChainedBase.', ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): cb + 25 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): 25 + cb
def test_index(self): """ index() should behave like """ cb = ChainedBase('\x1b[31mtesting\x1b[0m') cases = { '\x1b': 0, 't': 5, 'ing': 9, } for substr, expected in cases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( expected, func=cb.index, args=(substr, ), msg='Failed to find index for known substr: {!r}'.format( substr))
def test_write(self): """ write() should write and then clear it. """ cb = ChainedBase('test') file = TestFileBytes() cb.write(file=file) self.assertCallEqual( bytes(file), b'test', func=cb.write, kwargs={'file': file}, msg='Failed to write to file object.', ) self.assertEqual( cb, ChainedBase(''), msg='Failed to clear after write() call.', ) cb = ChainedBase('again') cb.write(file=file, end='\n') self.assertCallEqual( bytes(file), b'again\n', func=cb.write, kwargs={ 'file': file, 'end': '\n' }, msg='Failed to write to file object with `end`.', ) self.assertEqual( cb, ChainedBase(''), msg='Failed to clear after write() call.', ) cb = ChainedBase('with delay') cb.write(file=file, end='\n', delay=0.005) self.assertCallEqual( bytes(file), b'with delay\n', func=cb.write, kwargs={ 'file': file, 'end': '\n', 'delay': 0.005 }, msg='Failed to write to file object with delay.', ) self.assertEqual( cb, ChainedBase(''), msg='Failed to clear after write() call.', )
def test_parts(self): """ parts() should recognize code parts and text parts. """ s = '\x1b[31mtesting\x1b[0m' cb = ChainedBase(s) parts = self.assertTrue( parts[0].is_code(), msg='First part should be a code part.', ) self.assertFalse( parts[0].is_text(), msg='First part should be a code part.', ) self.assertTrue( parts[1].is_text(), msg='Second part should be a text part.', ) self.assertFalse( parts[1].is_code(), msg='Second part should be a text part.', ) self.assertTrue( parts[2].is_code(), msg='Third part should be a code part.', ) self.assertFalse( parts[2].is_text(), msg='Third part should be a code part.', ) # __eq__ codepart = CodePart(s, start=0, stop=5) self.assertEqual(parts[0], codepart, msg='CodePart doesn\'t match.') textpart = TextPart(s, start=5, stop=12) self.assertEqual(parts[1], textpart, msg='TextPart doesn\'t match.') # __eq__ should raise TypeError. raiser = self.assertRaises( TypeError, msg='Failed to raise for bad type.', ) for badtype in (1, 'a', 0.3, [], {}): with raiser: codepart == badtype with raiser: textpart == badtype # __hash__ self.assertEqual( hash(parts[0]), hash(codepart), msg='hash() failed on same code part.', ) self.assertEqual( hash(parts[1]), hash(textpart), msg='hash() failed on same text part.', ) # __repr__ self.assertEqual( repr(codepart), 'CodePart({!r})'.format(s[codepart.start:codepart.stop]), msg='repr() failed on CodePart.', ) self.assertEqual( repr(textpart), 'TextPart({!r})'.format(s[textpart.start:textpart.stop]), msg='repr() failed on TextPart.', ) # ChainedPart cannot be used directly. raiser = self.assertRaises( NotImplementedError, msg='Failed to raise when using a ChainedPart directly.', ) with raiser: ChainedPart('a', 0, 0).is_code() with raiser: ChainedPart('a', 0, 0).is_text()
def test_just(self): """ ljust()/rjust() should work around escape codes. """ s = '\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m' rjustcases = { 0: '\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m', 8: ' \x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m', } for width, expected in rjustcases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase(s).rjust, args=(width, ), msg='Failed to rjust ChainedBase correctly.', ) ljustcases = { 0: '\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m', 8: '\x1b[31mtest\x1b[0m ', } for width, expected in ljustcases.items(): self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase(s).ljust, args=(width, ), msg='Failed to ljust ChainedBase correctly.', ) # New text. self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase(expected), func=ChainedBase().ljust, kwargs={ 'text': s, 'width': width }, msg='Failed to ljust(text={!r}) ChainedBase correctly.'.format( s, ), ) # Bad width should raise ValueError. cb = ChainedBase(s) for func in (cb.ljust, cb.rjust): raiser = self.assertCallRaises( ValueError, func=func, kwargs={'width': 'BAD'}, msg='Failed to raise in {} for bad `width` arg.'.format( func.__name__, ), ) with raiser: func(width='BAD') # Text squeezer should honor existing data. cb = ChainedBase('test') self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase('testthis '), func=cb.ljust, args=(12, ), kwargs={ 'text': 'this', 'squeeze': True }, msg='Failed to "squeeze" old text and new text for ljust.', ) self.assertCallEqual( ChainedBase('test this'), func=cb.rjust, args=(12, ), kwargs={ 'text': 'this', 'squeeze': True }, msg='Failed to "squeeze" old text and new text for rjust.', )