예제 #1
    def __init__(self, profileName=None):
         Initialize a SQLForce session optionally connecting to salesforce.
         profileName -- if provided, the name of connection parameters that have been previously registered with this module.
        self._session = SQLForceSession()

        if (profileName):
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, profileName=None):
      Initialize a SQLForce session optionally connecting to salesforce.
      profileName -- if provided, the name of connection parameters that have been previously registered with this module.
     self._session = SQLForceSession()
예제 #3
class Session:
    Manage a connection to a single SalesForce instance.
    def __init__(self, profileName=None):
         Initialize a SQLForce session optionally connecting to salesforce.
         profileName -- if provided, the name of connection parameters that have been previously registered with this module.
        self._session = SQLForceSession()

        if (profileName):

    def connectProfile(self, profileName):
        Connect to a Salesforce session using a pre-defined connection profile.
        If the connection is successful then the function will return
        None. Otherwise the reason the connection failed will be returned.
        self.runCommands("CONNECT PROFILE " + profileName)
        return self.getenv("STATUS")

    def connect(self, sessionType, username, password, securityToken=""):
        Connect to a Salesforce session.

        If the connection is successful then the function will return
        None. Otherwise the reason the connection failed will be returned.
        self._session.runCommands("CONNECT " \
            + sessionType + \
            " " + username \
            + " " + password \
            + " " + securityToken)

        return self.getenv("STATUS")

    def getenv(self, token):
        Get a SQLForce environment variable.

        The most useful variables include:
        ROW_COUNT -- number of rows returned/effect by the most recent SOQL statement
        STATUS -- None if the most recent command worked, otherwise the error from the most recent command.
        return self._session.getenv(token)

    class SelectHandler(ContentHandler):
        def __init__(self, rowCallback):
            self.callback = rowCallback
            self.lastData = ""
            self.row = []

        def characters(self, data):
            self.lastData += data

        def endElement(self, name):
            if "C" == name:
                self.lastData = ""
            if "Row" == name:
                self.row = []

    def select2(self, sql, rowCallback):
        Select rows calling a user supplied method for each row.
        The callback method must have a single argument -- a list
        of values -- one for each column.

        Returns the number of rows found.
        tmpFile = File.createTempFile("SQLForceSelect", ".tmp")

        sql = sql.lstrip()
        selectxPattern = re.compile(r'^SELECTX', re.IGNORECASE)
        if not selectxPattern.match(sql):
            sql = "SELECTX" + sql[6:]

        self._session.runCommands(sql + " OUTPUT '" \
                + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'")

        fSelect = open(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), "r")

        parser = make_parser()
        handler = self.SelectHandler(rowCallback)

        return self.getenv("ROW_COUNT")

    def select(self, sql):
        Return all rows found by a SELECT query as a list of lists.

        results = []
        self.select2(sql, lambda row: results.append(row))
        return results

    def selectRecords2(self, sql, callback):
        Select records calling a user supplied callback for each row (each record contains attributes
        for each column in the select statement).
        Example: SELECT id, name, Account.name From Contact
        will return records with attributes:
        + id
        + name
        + Account.name
        parser = SelectParser()
        table = parser.tableName
        columns = parser.columnNames

        def myCallback(row):
            record = _SQLForceRecord(table, columns)
            n = 0
            for value in row:
                record.setValue(columns[n], value)
                n = n + 1

        return self.select2(sql, myCallback)

    def selectRecords(self, sql):
        Select records where each column in the sql is returned as an attribute of an object.
        Example: SELECT id, name, Account.name From Contact
        will return records with attributes:
        + id
        + name
        + Account.name
        Return a list of the records found or an empty list if no records are found.

        records = []

        def myCallback(record):

        self.selectRecords2(sql, myCallback)
        return records

    def runCommands(self, cmd):
        Run one or more SQLForce commands returning the status of the last
        DELETE, UPDATE, and INSERT commands are generally run using this method.
            runCommands( "DELETE FROM Contact WHERE LastName='PleaseDeleteMe' )
        return self.getenv("STATUS")

    def _valueListToString(self, list, delim=",", quote="'"):
        Convert a list of values to a string of delimiter separated tokens.
        Recognized an empty value as the special value null.
        result = None

        qq = None
        if None != quote and len(quote) > 0:
            qq = quote

        for value in list:
            if None == value:
                quotedValue = "null"
                vv = str(value)
                if None != qq:
                    vv = vv.replace(qq, "\\")
                    quotedValue = qq + vv.replace(qq, "\\") + qq
                    quotedValue = vv

            if None == result:
                result = quotedValue
                result += delim + quotedValue
        return result

    def insert(self, table, columns, data):
        Insert a set of rows into a table, building the appropriate SQLForce command from the supplied data.
        The SQL force command executed by this method will be the same as calling runCommands() with:
            INSERT table( ','.join(columns) ) VALUES( ','.join(data[0] ), (','.join(data[0])), etc.
        or more concretely:
            INSERT Contact(FirstName, LastName) VALUE('Gregory', 'Smith'), ('Mary', 'Smith'), etc.
        table -- table to receive the rows
        columns -- name of the columns to fill in with data.
        data -- one row (a list) for each new row to create. The column order must match the order on the arg "columns"
        return a list of the ids inserted into Salesforce
        insertPrefix = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + ','.join(columns) + ")"

        nPending = 0
        sql = insertPrefix

        for row in data:
            if 0 == nPending:
                sql += " VALUES"
                sql += ","

            sql += "(" + self._valueListToString(row, ",", '"') + ")"
            nPending += 1


        return self._session.getenv("INSERT_IDS").split(",")

    def delete(self, table, idsList):
        Delete a set of records from a table given a list of unique record ids.
        sql = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE ID IN (" + self._valueListToString(
            idsList) + ")"
        return self.runCommands(sql)

    def update(self, table, columns, data):
        Update a set of records where the id of each record is known.
        table -- table to update
        columns -- name of columns to update
        data -- one row for each update where row[0]=id of row to update and remaining
                elements contain data for each column.
        updatePrefix = "UPDATE " + table + "(" + ','.join(columns) + ") "

        nPending = 0
        sql = updatePrefix

        for row in data:
            if nPending > 0:
                sql += ","

            sql += row[0] + "=(" + self._valueListToString(row[1:]) + ")"
            nPending += 1

        return self.runCommands(sql)
예제 #4
class Session:
    Manage a connection to a single SalesForce instance.

    def __init__(self, profileName=None):
         Initialize a SQLForce session optionally connecting to salesforce.
         profileName -- if provided, the name of connection parameters that have been previously registered with this module.
        self._session = SQLForceSession()

    def connectProfile(self, profileName):
        Connect to a Salesforce session using a pre-defined connection profile.
        If the connection is successful then the function will return
        None. Otherwise the reason the connection failed will be returned.
        self.runCommands("CONNECT PROFILE " + profileName)
        return self.getenv("STATUS")
    def connect(self, sessionType, username, password, securityToken = ""):
        Connect to a Salesforce session.

        If the connection is successful then the function will return
        None. Otherwise the reason the connection failed will be returned.
        self._session.runCommands("CONNECT " \
            + sessionType + \
            " " + username \
            + " " + password \
            + " " + securityToken)

        return self.getenv("STATUS")
    def getenv(self, token):
        Get a SQLForce environment variable.

        The most useful variables include:
        ROW_COUNT -- number of rows returned/effect by the most recent SOQL statement
        STATUS -- None if the most recent command worked, otherwise the error from the most recent command.
        return self._session.getenv(token)
    class SelectHandler( ContentHandler ):
        def __init__(self, rowCallback):
            self.callback = rowCallback
            self.lastData = ""
            self.row = []
        def characters(self, data):
            self.lastData += data
        def endElement(self, name):
            if "C" == name:
                self.lastData = ""
            if "Row" == name:
                self.row = []
    def select2(self, sql, rowCallback):
        Select rows calling a user supplied method for each row.
        The callback method must have a single argument -- a list
        of values -- one for each column.

        Returns the number of rows found.
        tmpFile = File.createTempFile("SQLForceSelect", ".tmp")

        sql = sql.lstrip()
        selectxPattern = re.compile(r'^SELECTX', re.IGNORECASE)
        if not selectxPattern.match(sql):
            sql = "SELECTX" + sql[6:]
        self._session.runCommands(sql + " OUTPUT '" \
                + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'")
        fSelect = open(tmpFile.getAbsolutePath(), "r");
        parser = make_parser()
        handler =  self.SelectHandler(rowCallback)
        return self.getenv("ROW_COUNT")
    def select(self, sql):
        Return all rows found by a SELECT query as a list of lists.

        results = []
        self.select2(sql, lambda row: results.append(row))
        return results
    def selectRecords2(self, sql, callback ):
        Select records calling a user supplied callback for each row (each record contains attributes
        for each column in the select statement).
        Example: SELECT id, name, Account.name From Contact
        will return records with attributes:
        + id
        + name
        + Account.name
        parser = SelectParser()
        table = parser.tableName
        columns = parser.columnNames
        def myCallback(row ):
            record = _SQLForceRecord( table, columns )
            n = 0
            for value in row:
                record.setValue( columns[n], value )
                n = n + 1
        return self.select2(sql, myCallback)
    def selectRecords(self, sql ):
        Select records where each column in the sql is returned as an attribute of an object.
        Example: SELECT id, name, Account.name From Contact
        will return records with attributes:
        + id
        + name
        + Account.name
        Return a list of the records found or an empty list if no records are found.
        records = []
        def myCallback(record ):
        self.selectRecords2( sql, myCallback )
        return records
    def runCommands(self, cmd):
        Run one or more SQLForce commands returning the status of the last
        DELETE, UPDATE, and INSERT commands are generally run using this method.
            runCommands( "DELETE FROM Contact WHERE LastName='PleaseDeleteMe' )
        return self.getenv("STATUS")
    def _valueListToString(self, list, delim=",", quote="'"):
        Convert a list of values to a string of delimiter separated tokens.
        Recognized an empty value as the special value null.
        result = None
        qq = None
        if None!=quote and len(quote)>0:
            qq = quote
        for value in list:
            if None == value:
                quotedValue = "null"
                vv = str(value)
                if None != qq:
                    vv = vv.replace(qq, "\\")
                    quotedValue = qq + vv.replace(qq, "\\") + qq
                    quotedValue = vv
            if None == result:
                result = quotedValue
                result += delim + quotedValue
        return result

    def insert(self, table, columns, data):
        Insert a set of rows into a table, building the appropriate SQLForce command from the supplied data.
        The SQL force command executed by this method will be the same as calling runCommands() with:
            INSERT table( ','.join(columns) ) VALUES( ','.join(data[0] ), (','.join(data[0])), etc.
        or more concretely:
            INSERT Contact(FirstName, LastName) VALUE('Gregory', 'Smith'), ('Mary', 'Smith'), etc.
        table -- table to receive the rows
        columns -- name of the columns to fill in with data.
        data -- one row (a list) for each new row to create. The column order must match the order on the arg "columns"
        return a list of the ids inserted into Salesforce
        insertPrefix = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + ','.join(columns) + ")"
        nPending = 0;
        sql = insertPrefix
        for row in data:
            if 0 == nPending:
                sql += " VALUES"
                sql += ","
            sql += "(" + self._valueListToString(row, ",", '"') + ")"
            nPending += 1;
        return self._session.getenv("INSERT_IDS").split(",")
    def delete(self, table, idsList ):
        Delete a set of records from a table given a list of unique record ids.
        sql = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE ID IN (" + self._valueListToString(idsList) + ")"
        return self.runCommands( sql )

    def update(self, table, columns, data ):
        Update a set of records where the id of each record is known.
        table -- table to update
        columns -- name of columns to update
        data -- one row for each update where row[0]=id of row to update and remaining
                elements contain data for each column.
        updatePrefix = "UPDATE " + table + "(" + ','.join(columns) + ") "
        nPending = 0
        sql = updatePrefix
        for row in data:
            if nPending > 0:
                sql += ","
            sql += row[0] + "=(" + self._valueListToString(row[1:]) + ")"
            nPending += 1
        return self.runCommands(sql)