예제 #1
	def actionPerformed(self, e):
		# Count the configured databases and the loaded databases
		databases = self.pi.databaseManager.databases
		loaded_databases = filter(lambda db : db.isLoaded(), databases)
		# Count the modules that can be found in the loaded databases
		modules = sum(map(lambda db : db.modules, loaded_databases), [])
		loaded_modules = filter(lambda m : m.isLoaded(), modules)
		# Count the views that can be found in the loaded modules
		views = sum(map(lambda m : m.views, loaded_modules), [])
		loaded_views = filter(lambda v : v.isLoaded(), views)
		# Find the functions by filtering the views (this is just an
		# example, in real scripts use module.functions please)
		functions = filter(lambda v : v.type == ViewType.Native and v.graphType == GraphType.Flowgraph, views)
		if views == []:
			largest_function_name = "-"
			functions.sort(lambda f1, f2: f2.nodeCount - f1.nodeCount)
			largest_function = functions[0]
			largest_function_name = "%s (%d nodes / %d edges)" % (largest_function.name, largest_function.nodeCount, largest_function.edgeCount)
		db_str = "%d databases configured (%d loaded)." % (len(databases), len(loaded_databases))
		mod_str = "%d modules in the loaded databases (%d loaded)." % (len(modules), len(loaded_modules))
		view_str = "%d views in the loaded modules (%d loaded)." % (len(views), len(loaded_views))
		largest_function_str = "Largest Function: %s" % largest_function_name
		MessageBox.showInformation(self.pi.mainWindow.frame, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (db_str, mod_str, view_str, largest_function_str))
예제 #2
	def actionPerformed(self, e):
		fc = JFileChooser()
		returnValue = fc.showSaveDialog(self.pi.mainWindow.frame)
		if returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
			fileName = fc.selectedFile.absolutePath
			createIdcFile(fileName, self.module)
			MessageBox.showInformation(self.pi.mainWindow.frame, "Module information was successfully written to the selected IDC file. Please run the IDC file in IDA Pro now.")
예제 #3
    def actionPerformed(self, e):
        # The monotone framework only works on REIL graphs so we have to translate
        # the current view to REIL first.
        reilGraph = self.frame.view2D.view.reilCode

        # Generally the monotone framework works on graphs where each node represents
        # a REIL instruction. For this reason there is a helper function that creates
        # this instruction graph from a REIL graph.
        graph = InstructionGraph.create(reilGraph.graph)

        # Define the lattice used by the monotone framework.
        lattice = SkeletonLattice()

        # Generate the initial state vector.
        startVector = generateStartVector(graph)

        # Define the transformations used by the monotone framework.
        transformationProvider = SkeletonTransformationProvider()

        # Register tracking starts at the beginning of a function and moves
        # downwards, so we use the default DownWalker class to move through
        # the graph.
        walker = DownWalker()

        # Use the monotone framework to find what registers are defined by the current function.
        solver = MonotoneSolver(graph, lattice, startVector,
                                transformationProvider, walker)
        results = solver.solve()

        # Process and display the results
        used_register_set = Set()

        for node in graph:
            used_register_set = used_register_set.union(

        register_list = list(used_register_set)
        joinedString = ", ".join(register_list)

            "This function modifies the registers %s." % joinedString)
예제 #4
	def actionPerformed(self, e):
		# The monotone framework only works on REIL graphs so we have to translate
		# the current view to REIL first.
		reilGraph = self.frame.view2D.view.reilCode
		# Generally the monotone framework works on graphs where each node represents
		# a REIL instruction. For this reason there is a helper function that creates
		# this instruction graph from a REIL graph.
		graph = InstructionGraph.create(reilGraph.graph)
		# Define the lattice used by the monotone framework.
		lattice = SkeletonLattice()
		# Generate the initial state vector.
		startVector = generateStartVector(graph)
		# Define the transformations used by the monotone framework.
		transformationProvider = SkeletonTransformationProvider()
		# Register tracking starts at the beginning of a function and moves
		# downwards, so we use the default DownWalker class to move through
		# the graph.
		walker = DownWalker()
		# Use the monotone framework to find what registers are defined by the current function.
		solver = MonotoneSolver(graph, lattice, startVector, transformationProvider, walker)
		results = solver.solve()
		# Process and display the results
		used_register_set = Set()
		for node in graph:
			used_register_set = used_register_set.union(results.getState(node).written_registers)
		register_list = list(used_register_set)
		joinedString = ", ".join(register_list)
		MessageBox.showInformation(self.frame.window.frame, "This function modifies the registers %s." % joinedString)
예제 #5
    def actionPerformed(self, e):
        # Count the configured databases and the loaded databases
        databases = self.pi.databaseManager.databases
        loaded_databases = filter(lambda db: db.isLoaded(), databases)

        # Count the modules that can be found in the loaded databases
        modules = sum(map(lambda db: db.modules, loaded_databases), [])
        loaded_modules = filter(lambda m: m.isLoaded(), modules)

        # Count the views that can be found in the loaded modules
        views = sum(map(lambda m: m.views, loaded_modules), [])
        loaded_views = filter(lambda v: v.isLoaded(), views)

        # Find the functions by filtering the views (this is just an
        # example, in real scripts use module.functions please)
        functions = filter(
            lambda v: v.type == ViewType.Native and v.graphType == GraphType.
            Flowgraph, views)

        if views == []:
            largest_function_name = "-"
            functions.sort(lambda f1, f2: f2.nodeCount - f1.nodeCount)
            largest_function = functions[0]
            largest_function_name = "%s (%d nodes / %d edges)" % (
                largest_function.name, largest_function.nodeCount,

        db_str = "%d databases configured (%d loaded)." % (
            len(databases), len(loaded_databases))
        mod_str = "%d modules in the loaded databases (%d loaded)." % (
            len(modules), len(loaded_modules))
        view_str = "%d views in the loaded modules (%d loaded)." % (
            len(views), len(loaded_views))
        largest_function_str = "Largest Function: %s" % largest_function_name

            self.pi.mainWindow.frame, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" %
            (db_str, mod_str, view_str, largest_function_str))
예제 #6
 def actionPerformed(self, e):
     console.log("Hello from the python sample script")
                                "Hello from the python sample script")
예제 #7
	def actionPerformed(self, e):
                console.log("Hello from the python sample script")
                MessageBox.showInformation(self.pi.mainWindow.frame, "Hello from the python sample script")