def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.SpawnedMobs = {} self.hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if self.hellboundLevel < 6: self.startQuestTimer("levelCheckMeg", 60000, None, None, True) megaliths = 6 try: megaliths = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) if megaliths <= 0: HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) if self.hellboundLevel == 6: # spawn the megaliths and hellinark xx2, yy2, zz2 = HellinarkSpawn newHellinark = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Hellinark, xx2, yy2, zz2, 5000, 0) if megaliths > 0: for i in range(megaliths): self.SpawnedMobs[i] = [] xx, yy, zz, headg = MegalithSpawnLocs[i] respawnTime = Rnd.get(90, 180) # between 90 seconds and 3 minutes newMegalith = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Megalith, xx, yy, zz, headg, respawnTime) self.SpawnedMobs[i].append(newMegalith)
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.SpawnedMobs = {} self.hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if self.hellboundLevel < 6: self.startQuestTimer("levelCheckMeg", 60000, None, None, True) megaliths = 6 try: megaliths = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) if megaliths <= 0: HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) if self.hellboundLevel == 6: # spawn the megaliths and hellinark xx2, yy2, zz2 = HellinarkSpawn newHellinark = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( Hellinark, xx2, yy2, zz2, 5000, 0) if megaliths > 0: for i in range(megaliths): self.SpawnedMobs[i] = [] xx, yy, zz, headg = MegalithSpawnLocs[i] respawnTime = Rnd.get( 90, 180) # between 90 seconds and 3 minutes newMegalith = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( Megalith, xx, yy, zz, headg, respawnTime) self.SpawnedMobs[i].append(newMegalith)
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): if event == "levelCheckMeg": hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel > self.hellboundLevel and hellboundLevel == 6: self.hellboundLevel = 6 megaliths = 6 try: megaliths = int( self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) if megaliths <= 0: HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) for i in self.SpawnedMobs.keys(): for n in self.SpawnedMobs[i]: n.stopRespawn() if self.hellboundLevel == 6: self.cancelQuestTimers("levelCheckMeg") xx2, yy2, zz2 = HellinarkSpawn newHellinark = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( Hellinark, xx2, yy2, zz2, 18000, 0) if megaliths > 0: for i in range(megaliths): self.SpawnedMobs[i] = [] xx, yy, zz, headg = MegalithSpawnLocs[i] respawnTime = ( Rnd.get(90, 180) * 1000 ) # between 90 seconds and 3 minutes newMegalith = HellboundManager.getInstance( ).addSpawn(Megalith, xx, yy, zz, headg, respawnTime) self.SpawnedMobs[i].append(newMegalith)
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player) : if event == "levelCheckMeg": hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel > self.hellboundLevel and hellboundLevel == 6: self.hellboundLevel = 6 megaliths = 6 try: megaliths = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) if megaliths <= 0: HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) for i in self.SpawnedMobs.keys(): for n in self.SpawnedMobs[i]: n.stopRespawn() if self.hellboundLevel == 6: self.cancelQuestTimers("levelCheckMeg") xx2, yy2, zz2 = HellinarkSpawn newHellinark = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Hellinark, xx2, yy2, zz2, 18000, 0) if megaliths > 0: for i in range(megaliths): self.SpawnedMobs[i] = [] xx, yy, zz, headg = MegalithSpawnLocs[i] respawnTime = (Rnd.get(90, 180) * 1000) # between 90 seconds and 3 minutes newMegalith = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Megalith, xx, yy, zz, headg, respawnTime) self.SpawnedMobs[i].append(newMegalith)
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.captainState = 0 hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel != 8: return xx, yy, zz = CaptainLoc newCaptain = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( Captain, xx, yy, zz, 36561, 0)
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.captainState = 0 hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel != 8: return xx, yy, zz = CaptainLoc newCaptain = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Captain, xx, yy, zz, 36561, 0)
def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : if event == "CheckTrustP": if self.trustp >= 500000: HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(11) self.trustp = 0 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) self.cancelQuestTimers("CheckTrustP") elif event == "keySpawn1" or event == "keySpawn2": self.startQuestTimer("keySpawn2", 300000, None, None) loc = LOCS[Rnd.get(len(LOCS))] self.keymaster.teleToLocation(loc[0],loc[1],loc[2]) if event == "keySpawn1": self.startQuestTimer("keySpawn2", 300000, None, None) else: self.startQuestTimer("keySpawn1", 300000, None, None) elif event == "decayNpc": npc.decayMe() elif event == "NATIVESay": world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(22450, 0, 22450, "我會...將...全部...打死...!")) npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(22450, 0, 22450, "我會...將...全部...打死...!")) npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(22450, 0, 22450, "我會...將...全部...打死...!")) elif event == "freeprisoner": world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] sayNpc = npc.getObjectId() npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(sayNpc, 0, npc.getNpcId(), "多謝幫助!看守者馬上就要來了快躲起來...")) self.startQuestTimer("decayNpc", 15000, npc, None) chance = Rnd.get(100) if chance <= 30: if not world.guardsSpawned: callGuards(self,npc,player,world) world.guardsSpawned = True npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(22359, 0, 22359, "發.現.入.侵.者...!")) hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel == 10: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(50) self.trustp += 50 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) elif event == "key": world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] if not world.instanceFinished: key = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(KEY); if key != None: world.instanceFinished = True player.destroyItemByItemId("Moonlight Stone", KEY, 1, player, True); instance = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(npc.getInstanceId()) if instance != None: instance.setDuration(30000) instance.setReturnTeleport(ReturnPort[dataIndex][0],ReturnPort[dataIndex][1],ReturnPort[dataIndex][2]) else : return "32343-2.htm" else : return "32343-1.htm" return
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel != 6: return id = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if id == Hellinark: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(10000) HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(7) HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) return #if id in MegalithMinions: if id == Megalith: delNum = 4000 mobsKilled = 0 try: #### add the mobs to the leveling system(points) mobsKilled = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_killed")) except: pass mobsKilled += 1 if mobsKilled >= 500: mobsKilled = 0 # actual number saved will be 1++, when in the array it will be 0++ megaliths = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) delNum = megaliths - 1 for i in self.SpawnedMobs[delNum]: i.stopRespawn() megaliths = megaliths - 1 if megaliths < 0: return self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) megalithCompleted = HellboundManager.getInstance( ).checkMegalithsCompleted() if megalithCompleted: return self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_killed", str(mobsKilled))
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel != 6: return id = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if id == Hellinark: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(10000) HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(7) HellboundManager.getInstance().setMegalithsCompleted(1) return #if id in MegalithMinions: if id == Megalith: delNum = 4000 mobsKilled = 0 try: #### add the mobs to the leveling system(points) mobsKilled = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_killed")) except: pass mobsKilled += 1 if mobsKilled >= 500: mobsKilled = 0 # actual number saved will be 1++, when in the array it will be 0++ megaliths = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals")) delNum = megaliths - 1 for i in self.SpawnedMobs[delNum]: i.stopRespawn() megaliths = megaliths - 1 if megaliths < 0: return self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_portals", str(megaliths)) megalithCompleted = HellboundManager.getInstance().checkMegalithsCompleted() if megalithCompleted : return self.saveGlobalQuestVar("megaliths_killed", str(mobsKilled))
def onTalk (self,npc,player): npcId = npc.getNpcId() hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel <= 10: return "<html><body>塞良:<br>你的實力不適合進去與敵人抗爭,待敵人的實力變弱的時候再來吧。</body></html>" if npcId == 32302 : if not player.getFirstEffect(2357): return "<html><body>塞良:<br>將惡魔溫熱的血液噴灑在全身....!</body></html>" # if content: # content = content.replace("%objectId%", str(player.getTarget().getObjectId())) # npcReply = NpcHtmlMessage(5) # npcReply.setHtml(content) # npcReply.replace("%playername%", player.getName()) # player.sendPacket(npcReply); # return tele = PyObject() tele.x = -19645 tele.y = 277528 tele.z = -15048 instanceId = enterInstance(self, player, "Infinitum.xml", tele) if not instanceId : return if instanceId == 0 : return if self.worlds.has_key(npc.getInstanceId()) : world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] return
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.Slaves = {} self.startQuestTimer("SpawnSlaves", 10000, None, None) self.rescued = 0 try: self.rescued = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("rescued_slaves")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_slaves", str(self.rescued)) if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() > 5: return for i in range(17): master, xx, yy, zz, headg = QuarryMastersSpawns[i] newMaster = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(master, xx, yy, zz, headg, 170) for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz, headg = QuarrySlavesSpawns[i] newSlave = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(QuarrySlave, xx, yy, zz, headg, 170)
def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : if event == "levelCheck": hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel == 5 and self.hellboundLevel < hellboundLevel: self.hellboundLevel = hellboundLevel changeNativeSpawn(1, self.corpses, self) else: self.startQuestTimer("levelCheck", 30000, None, None)
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): if event == "levelCheck": hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel == 5 and self.hellboundLevel < hellboundLevel: self.hellboundLevel = hellboundLevel changeNativeSpawn(1, self.corpses, self) else: self.startQuestTimer("levelCheck", 30000, None, None)
def onTalk(self, npc, player): npcId = npc.getNpcId() st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player) hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel < 10: return "<html><body>卡納夫:<br>你是誰?...<br>快滾開,我不想和你說話!</body></html>" if npcId == KANAF : party = player.getParty() if not party: return "32346-0.htm" if not checkCondition(player): return else : tele = PyObject() tele.x = 14205 tele.y = 255451 tele.z = -2025 instanceId = getExistingInstanceId(player) if instanceId == 0: instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance("HBTown.xml") if not self.worlds.has_key(instanceId): world = PyObject() world.rewarded=[] world.instanceId = instanceId world.instanceFinished = False world.guardsSpawned = False self.worlds[instanceId] = world self.world_ids.append(instanceId) self.currentWorld = instanceId print "地獄舊市區:使用即時地區:" +str(instanceId) + " 創造玩家:" + str(player.getName()) KLOC = KLOCS[Rnd.get(len(KLOCS))] newKeymaster = self.addSpawn(KEYMASTER,KLOC[0],KLOC[1],KLOC[2],KLOC[3],False,0,False,world.instanceId) self.keymaster = newKeymaster self.keymasterattacked = False newAmaskari = self.addSpawn(AMASKARI,19496,253125,-2030,0,False,0,False,world.instanceId) self.amaskari = newAmaskari self.amaskariattacked = False tele.instanceId = instanceId teleportPlayer(self,player,tele) party = player.getParty() if party != None: for partyMember in party.getPartyMembers().toArray(): teleportPlayer(self,partyMember,tele) else: for worldid in self.world_ids: if worldid == instanceId: foundworld = True if not worldid == instanceId: foundworld = False if not foundworld: player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString("你的隊員已進入其它的即時地區。")) return tele.instanceId = instanceId teleportPlayer(self,player,tele) return
def onFirstTalk (self, npc, player): npcId = npc.getNpcId() hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if npcId == Insurgents: if hellboundLevel <= 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界反抗軍:<br>我們的同胞很難存活,現在他們遭受的創傷和食品短缺。我們需要幫助!</body></html>" if hellboundLevel > 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界反抗軍:<br>感謝您的幫忙。<br>我十分瞭解同胞們的憤慨,但我們的力量微弱到還不足以面對鋼鐵之城。但是這微不足道的力量若能在擊倒惡魔時幫得上忙,那我們樂於效勞。</body></html>" if npcId == Natives: if hellboundLevel <= 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界原住民:<br>呃...呃...吃的...給點吃的吧...</body></html>" if hellboundLevel > 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界原住民:<br>歡迎你們!<br>多虧你們好不容易才能從吝嗇的那些商隊得到足夠的糧食,總算可以放心了。現在我們得同心協力,讓鋼鐵之城的那些傢伙瞧瞧我們的厲害!</body></html>" return
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() self.hellboundLevel = hellboundLevel self.corpses = [] # if the level of hellbound is below level 5, this replaces # the natives with native corpses if hellboundLevel < 5: self.startQuestTimer("levelCheck", 30000, None, None) self.corpses = changeNativeSpawn(0, None, self)
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): id = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() xx, yy, zz = SlaveWalkTo if id in SlaveMasters: try: if self.Slaves[objId][0] != "noSlaves": for i in self.Slaves[objId]: try: i.setIsInvul(1) i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, L2CharPosition(xx, yy, zz, 3500)) timerName = "Delete" + str(i.getObjectId()) self.startQuestTimer(timerName, 3000, i, None) except: pass self.Slaves[objId] = [] except: pass if id == QuarrySlave: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(-10) self.rescued -= 1 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_Slaves", str(self.rescued))
def onFirstTalk (self, npc, player): st = player.getQuestState("Native_Quarry_Slaves") hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if not st: st = self.newQuestState(player) npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId == QuarrySlave: if hellboundLevel != 5: return "<html><body>採石場奴隸:<br>是來救我們的人嗎?求求你,救救我們吧!!!<br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest\">任務</a></body></html>" else: htmltext = "<html><body>採石場奴隸:<br>" htmltext += "誰...誰?<br><br>" htmltext += "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest Native_Quarry_Slaves FollowMe\">說跟著我走吧</a>" htmltext += "</body></html>" return htmltext
def onFirstTalk(self, npc, player): npcId = npc.getNpcId() hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if npcId == Insurgents: if hellboundLevel <= 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界反抗軍:<br>我們的同胞很難存活,現在他們遭受的創傷和食品短缺。我們需要幫助!</body></html>" if hellboundLevel > 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界反抗軍:<br>感謝您的幫忙。<br>我十分瞭解同胞們的憤慨,但我們的力量微弱到還不足以面對鋼鐵之城。但是這微不足道的力量若能在擊倒惡魔時幫得上忙,那我們樂於效勞。</body></html>" if npcId == Natives: if hellboundLevel <= 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界原住民:<br>呃...呃...吃的...給點吃的吧...</body></html>" if hellboundLevel > 5: return "<html><body>地獄邊界原住民:<br>歡迎你們!<br>多虧你們好不容易才能從吝嗇的那些商隊得到足夠的糧食,總算可以放心了。現在我們得同心協力,讓鋼鐵之城的那些傢伙瞧瞧我們的厲害!</body></html>" return
def changeBoxesSpawnState(booleanValue): worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() for i in worldObjects: npcId = i.getNpcid() if npcId == 32361: # 商隊支援糧食 xx, yy, zz = i.getLocx(), i.getLocy(), i.getLocz() if booleanValue == 0: i.stopRespawn() curNpc = i.getLastSpawn() curNpc.onDecay() if booleanValue == 1: respTime = i.getRespawnDelay() headg = i.getHeading() newNpc = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(npcId, xx, yy, zz, headg, respTime) return
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.worlds = {} self.world_ids = [] self.Slaves = {} self.currentWorld = 0 self.Lock = 0 self.NATIVELock = 0 self.hellboundLevel = 0 self.trustp = 0 try: self.trustp = int(self.loadGlobalQuestVar("trust10p")) except: pass self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 10: self.startQuestTimer("CheckTrustP", 60000, None, None, True)
def onSpawn(self, npc): npcId = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if npcId in SlaveMasters: self.Slaves[objId] = [] self.Slaves[objId].append("noSlaves") if int(hellboundLevel) >= 5:return xx, yy, zz = npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ() self.Slaves[objId] = [] offsetX = xx + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) offsetY = yy + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) newSlave = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[0], offsetX, offsetY, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave1 = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[1], offsetX + 20, offsetY + 10, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, npc) newSlave1.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, npc) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave1)
def onTalk (self,npc,player): htmltext = "<html><body>目前沒有執行任務,或條件不符合。</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED : htmltext = "<html><body>這是已經完成的任務。</body></html>" elif id == State.CREATED : if npcId == CASIAN and cond == 0 : if HellboundManager.getInstance().isLocked() : if player.getLevel() >= 78 : htmltext = "30612-01.htm" else : htmltext = "30612-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) else : htmltext = "30612-hellbound-locked.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif id == State.STARTED: if npcId == CASIAN : if cond == 1 : htmltext = "30612-03a.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "30612-04.htm" elif cond == 3 : htmltext = "30612-05a.htm" elif npcId == GALATE : if cond == 1 : htmltext = "32292-01.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "32292-03a.htm" elif cond == 3 : if st.getQuestItemsCount(CASIAN_BLUE_CRY) == 1 : htmltext = "32292-04.htm" else : htmltext = "道具不符。" return htmltext
def onTalk(self, npc, player): htmltext = "<html><body>目前沒有執行任務,或條件不符合。</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED: htmltext = "<html><body>這是已經完成的任務。</body></html>" elif id == State.CREATED: if npcId == CASIAN and cond == 0: if not HellboundManager.getInstance().isLocked(): if player.getLevel() >= 78: htmltext = "30612-01.htm" else: htmltext = "30612-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) else: htmltext = "30612-hellbound-locked.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif id == State.STARTED: if npcId == CASIAN: if cond == 1: htmltext = "30612-03a.htm" elif cond == 2: htmltext = "30612-04.htm" elif cond == 3: htmltext = "30612-05a.htm" elif npcId == GALATE: if cond == 1: htmltext = "32292-01.htm" elif cond == 2: htmltext = "32292-03a.htm" elif cond == 3: if st.getQuestItemsCount(CASIAN_BLUE_CRY) == 1: htmltext = "32292-04.htm" else: htmltext = "道具不符。" return htmltext
def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = Quest.getNoQuestMsg(player) if not st: return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED : htmltext = Quest.getAlreadyCompletedMsg(player) elif npcId == CASIAN : if cond == 0 : if not HellboundManager.getInstance().isLocked() : if player.getLevel() >= 78 : htmltext = "30612-01.htm" else : htmltext = "30612-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) else : htmltext = "30612-hellbound-locked.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif cond == 1 : htmltext = "30612-03a.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "30612-04.htm" elif cond == 3 : htmltext = "30612-05a.htm" elif npcId == GALATE : if cond == 1 : htmltext = "32292-01.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "32292-03a.htm" elif cond == 3 : if st.getQuestItemsCount(CASIAN_BLUE_CRY) == 1 : htmltext = "32292-04.htm" else : htmltext = "Incorrect item count." return htmltext
def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>" if not st: return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED : htmltext = "<html><body>This quest has already been completed.</body></html>" elif npcId == CASIAN : if cond == 0 : if not HellboundManager.getInstance().isLocked() : if player.getLevel() >= 78 : htmltext = "30612-01.htm" else : htmltext = "30612-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) else : htmltext = "30612-hellbound-locked.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif cond == 1 : htmltext = "30612-03a.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "30612-04.htm" elif cond == 3 : htmltext = "30612-05a.htm" elif npcId == GALATE : if cond == 1 : htmltext = "32292-01.htm" elif cond == 2 : htmltext = "32292-03a.htm" elif cond == 3 : if st.getQuestItemsCount(CASIAN_BLUE_CRY) == 1 : htmltext = "32292-04.htm" else : htmltext = "Incorrect item count." return htmltext
def onTalk(self, npc, player): htmltext = "<html><body>目前沒有執行任務,或條件不符。</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED: if npcId == MATRAS: htmltext = "<html><body>這是已經完成的任務。</body></html>" elif id == State.CREATED: if npcId == MATRAS and cond == 0: hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel < 9: htmltext = "32245-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if player.getLevel() >= 76: htmltext = "32245-01.htm" else: htmltext = "32245-02.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif id == State.STARTED: if npcId == MATRAS: if cond == 1: htmltext = "32245-04.htm" elif cond == 2: if st.getQuestItemsCount( PRINCESBLUEPRINT) >= 1 and st.getQuestItemsCount( RANKUSBLUEPRINT) >= 1: htmltext = "32245-05.htm" st.takeItems(RANKUSBLUEPRINT, -1) st.takeItems(PRINCESBLUEPRINT, -1) st.set("cond", "3") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif cond == 3: htmltext = "32245-06.htm" return htmltext
def onTalk (self, npc, player) : npcId = npc.getNpcId() st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player) hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel < 10: return "<html><body>卡納夫:<br>你是誰?...<br>快滾開,我不想和你說話!</body></html>" if npcId == 32346 : party = player.getParty() if not party: return "32346-0.htm" else : tele = PyObject() tele.x = 14205 tele.y = 255451 tele.z = -2025 enterInstance(self, player, "HBTown.xml", tele, self) party = player.getParty() if party : for partyMember in party.getPartyMembers().toArray() : st = partyMember.getQuestState(qn) if not st : st = self.newQuestState(partyMember) return
def onTalk (self, npc, player) : htmltext = "<html><body>目前沒有執行任務,或條件不符。</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if id == State.COMPLETED : if npcId == MATRAS : htmltext = "<html><body>這是已經完成的任務。</body></html>" elif id == State.CREATED : if npcId == MATRAS and cond == 0 : hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if hellboundLevel < 9: htmltext="32245-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if player.getLevel() >= 76 : htmltext="32245-01.htm" else : htmltext="32245-02.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif id == State.STARTED : if npcId == MATRAS : if cond == 1 : htmltext = "32245-04.htm" elif cond == 2 : if st.getQuestItemsCount(PRINCESBLUEPRINT) >= 1 and st.getQuestItemsCount(RANKUSBLUEPRINT) >= 1 : htmltext = "32245-05.htm" st.takeItems(RANKUSBLUEPRINT,-1) st.takeItems(PRINCESBLUEPRINT,-1) st.set("cond","3") st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") elif cond == 3 : htmltext = "32245-06.htm" return htmltext
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): id = npc.getNpcId() if id == Captain: HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(9) DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250001).openMe()
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): id = npc.getNpcId() st = player.getQuestState("Leveling_System") if not st: st = self.newQuestState(player) if npc: if id == Keltas: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(100) if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() > 4: return if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 3: respTime = (72 + Rnd.get(144)) * 100000 #between 2 and 4 hours respawn retail-like if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 4: respTime = (288 + Rnd.get(576)) * 100000 #between 8 and 16 hours respawn retail-like self.startQuestTimer("keltasRespawn", respTime, None, None) for i in self.keltasmin: i.deleteMe() if id in self.hellboundMobs.keys(): if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() > 1: return HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(self.hellboundMobs[id]['points']) if id in self.hellboundMobs1.keys(): HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(self.hellboundMobs1[id]['points']) if id == WLGuard: if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 7: worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() for i in worldObjects: if i.getNpcid() == WLGuard: i.stopRespawn()
def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : if npc: npcId = npc.getNpcId() npcObjId = npc.getObjectId() if event == "keltasRespawn": if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: return self.keltasloc = [] xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.keltasmin = [] self.Keltas = 0 for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get(len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn(RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if event == "LevelCheck": HellboundManager.getInstance().checkHellboundLevel() newLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() self.hellboundTrust = HellboundManager.getInstance().getTrust() if newLevel > self.hellboundLevel: self.hellboundLevel = newLevel print "---- Hellbound achieved Level " + str(self.hellboundLevel) announce = "地獄邊界已經達到的等級: " + str(self.hellboundLevel) Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(announce) if newLevel == 1: for i in self.Warpgateloc : i.deleteMe() for i in self.Warpgate1loc : i.deleteMe() newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) if newLevel == 2: newFalk = self.addSpawn(32297, -19904, 250016, -3240, 12288, False, 0) # 福爾克 if newLevel == 3: xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.Keltas = 0 self.keltasmin = [] for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get(len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn(RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if newLevel == 4: newDerek = self.addSpawn(ghostofderek, -28058, 256885, -1934, 0, False, 0) if newLevel == 5: for i in self.buronloc : i.deleteMe() for i in self.kiefloc : i.deleteMe() for i in self.keltasloc : i.deleteMe() for i in self.keltasmin : i.deleteMe() newSolomon = self.addSpawn(Solomon, -28916, 249381, -3472, 0, False, 0) newTraitor = self.addSpawn(Traitor, -27352, 252387, -3520, 5416, False, 0) newKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -28357, 248993, -3472, 16384, False, 0) newBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -28567, 248994, -3472, 16384, False, 0) if newLevel == 6: changeBoxesSpawnState(1) if newLevel == 7: changeChimeraSpawnState(1) LOC = LOCS[Rnd.get(len(LOCS))] CeltrespTime = (18 + Rnd.get(36)) * 100 #between 30m and 1h newCeltus = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(celtus, LOC[0], LOC[1], LOC[2], 0, CeltrespTime) if newLevel == 8: newCaptain = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn(Captain, 4766, 243995, -1928, 36561, 0) if newLevel == 9: newWarpgate = self.addSpawn(32319, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) newWarpgate = self.addSpawn(32319, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(19250001).openMe() DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(19250002).openMe() if self.hellboundLevel < 7: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250002).closeMe() if self.hellboundLevel >= 7: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250002).openMe() if self.hellboundLevel < 9: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250001).closeMe() if self.hellboundLevel >= 9: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250001).openMe()
def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if npc: npcId = npc.getNpcId() npcObjId = npc.getObjectId() if "Delete" in event and npc: try: npc.setIsInvul(0) npc.deleteMe() except: pass if "followCheck" in event and npc: if npc.isDead(): return newObjId = npc.getObjectId() timerName = "followCheck" + str(newObjId) self.startQuestTimer(timerName, 1000, npc, None) xx, yy, zz, headg = npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), npc.getHeading() npc.getKnownList().removeAllKnownObjects() npcKnownObjects = L2World.getInstance().getVisibleObjects(npc, 2000) if npcKnownObjects > 0: for i in npcKnownObjects: npc.getKnownList().addKnownObject(i) npcKnownPlayers = npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values() #npcKnownObjects = npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharacers() #npc.getTaget().sendMessage("X:"+str(xx)+" Y:"+str(yy)) if yy in range(249000, 249880) and xx in range(-6230, -5230): try: chat = CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, "採石場奴隸", "謝謝您的相助,這是小小的心意。") npc.broadcastPacket(chat) aa = Rnd.get(3) for i in range(aa): xx1 = xx + (35 - Rnd.get(70)) yy1 = yy + (35 - Rnd.get(70)) ditem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("Gift", QuarryDropItems[Rnd.get(len(QuarryDropItems))], 1, None, None) ditem.dropMe(npc, xx1, yy1, zz) except: pass try: npc.doDie(npc) npc.decayMe() except: pass HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(10) self.rescued += 1 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_Slaves", str(self.rescued)) if self.rescued >= 1000: HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(6) self.rescued = 0 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_Slaves", str(self.rescued)) return minX = xx - 170 maxX = xx + 170 minY = yy - 170 maxY = yy + 170 for neighbor in npcKnownObjects: if not neighbor in npcKnownPlayers: if neighbor.getX() in range(minX, maxX): if neighbor.getY() in range(minY, maxY): try: if neighbor.getNpcId() in QuarryMasters: neighbor.setTarget(npc) neighbor.addDamageHate(npc, 0, 999) neighbor.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, npc) neighbor.setRunning() return except: pass if event == "FollowMe": npcSlave = player.getTarget() #npcSlave.setIsFollowingMaster(1) npcSlave.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, player) newObjId = npcSlave.getObjectId() timerName = "followCheck" + str(newObjId) self.startQuestTimer(timerName, 1000, npcSlave, None) if event == "SpawnSlaves": worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() for i in worldObjects: if i.getNpcid() in SlaveMasters: curNpc = i.getLastSpawn() objId = curNpc.getObjectId() self.Slaves[objId] = [] self.Slaves[objId].append("noSlaves") if int(hellboundLevel) >= 5: return xx, yy, zz = i.getLocx(), i.getLocy(), i.getLocz() self.Slaves[objId] = [] offsetX = xx + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) offsetY = yy + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) newSlave = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[0], offsetX, offsetY, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave1 = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[1], offsetX + 20, offsetY + 10, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, curNpc) newSlave1.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, curNpc) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave1)
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.hellboundTrust = 0 self.hellboundLevel = 0 self.hellboundMobs = { 22320: {'points':10}, 22321: {'points':10}, 22324: {'points':1}, 22325: {'points':1}, 22327: {'points':3}, 22328: {'points':3}, 22329: {'points':3}, } self.hellboundMobs1 = { 22322: {'points':-10}, 22323: {'points':-10}, 22342: {'points':3}, 22343: {'points':3}, 22361: {'points':20}, 22449: {'points':50}, 22450: {'points':-10}, 25536: {'points':200} } self.Warpgateloc = [] self.Warpgate1loc = [] self.buronloc = [] self.kiefloc = [] self.keltasmin = [] self.keltasloc = [] self.Keltas = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() trigger = con.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM hellbound WHERE dummy=0") trigger1 = trigger.executeQuery() ZoneName = 100 while ( ZoneName = trigger1.getInt("name") try: con.close() except: pass if ZoneName != 8000: con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() insertion = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO hellbound (name,trustLevel,zonesLevel,unlocked,dummy) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)") insertion.setInt(1, 8000) insertion.setInt(2, 0) insertion.setInt(3, 0) insertion.setInt(4, 0) insertion.setInt(5, 0) insertion.executeUpdate() insertion.close(); try: con.close() except: pass self.hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() self.hellboundTrust = HellboundManager.getInstance().getTrust() if self.hellboundLevel == 0: self.Warpgateloc = [] self.Warpgate1loc = [] oldWarpgate = self.addSpawn(Warpgate, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) oldWarpgate1 = self.addSpawn(Warpgate, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) self.Warpgateloc.append(oldWarpgate) self.Warpgate1loc.append(oldWarpgate1) if self.hellboundLevel >= 1: newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 2: newFalk = self.addSpawn(32297, -19904, 250016, -3240, 12288, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 3 and self.hellboundLevel < 5: self.keltasloc = [] xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.keltasmin = [] for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get(len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn(RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if self.hellboundLevel == 4: newDerek = self.addSpawn(ghostofderek, -28058, 256885, -1934, 0, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel < 5: self.buronloc = [] self.kiefloc = [] oldKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -21271, 250238, -3314, 16384, False, 0) oldBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -11173, 236537, -3236, 41760, False, 0) self.buronloc.append(oldBuron) self.kiefloc.append(oldKief) if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: newSolomon = self.addSpawn(Solomon, -28916, 249381, -3472, 0, False, 0) newTraitor = self.addSpawn(Traitor, -27352, 252387, -3520, 5416, False, 0) newKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -28357, 248993, -3472, 16384, False, 0) newBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -28567, 248994, -3472, 16384, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel < 6: changeBoxesSpawnState(0) if self.hellboundLevel < 7: changeChimeraSpawnState(0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 7: worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() for i in worldObjects: npcId = i.getNpcid() if npcId == WLGuard: xx, yy, zz = i.getLocx(), i.getLocy(), i.getLocz() i.stopRespawn() curNpc = i.getLastSpawn() curNpc.onDecay() self.startQuestTimer("LevelCheck", 60000, None, None, True)
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() if npc: npcId = npc.getNpcId() npcObjId = npc.getObjectId() if "Delete" in event and npc: try: npc.setIsInvul(0) npc.deleteMe() except: pass if "followCheck" in event and npc: if npc.isDead(): return newObjId = npc.getObjectId() timerName = "followCheck" + str(newObjId) self.startQuestTimer(timerName, 1000, npc, None) xx, yy, zz, headg = npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ( ), npc.getHeading() npc.getKnownList().removeAllKnownObjects() npcKnownObjects = L2World.getInstance().getVisibleObjects( npc, 2000) if npcKnownObjects > 0: for i in npcKnownObjects: npc.getKnownList().addKnownObject(i) npcKnownPlayers = npc.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values() #npcKnownObjects = npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharacers() #npc.getTaget().sendMessage("X:"+str(xx)+" Y:"+str(yy)) if yy in range(249000, 249880) and xx in range(-6230, -5230): try: chat = CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, "採石場奴隸", "謝謝您的相助,這是小小的心意。") npc.broadcastPacket(chat) aa = Rnd.get(3) for i in range(aa): xx1 = xx + (35 - Rnd.get(70)) yy1 = yy + (35 - Rnd.get(70)) ditem = ItemTable.getInstance().createItem( "Gift", QuarryDropItems[Rnd.get(len(QuarryDropItems))], 1, None, None) ditem.dropMe(npc, xx1, yy1, zz) except: pass try: npc.doDie(npc) npc.decayMe() except: pass HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(10) self.rescued += 1 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_Slaves", str(self.rescued)) if self.rescued >= 1000: HellboundManager.getInstance().changeLevel(6) self.rescued = 0 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("rescued_Slaves", str(self.rescued)) return minX = xx - 170 maxX = xx + 170 minY = yy - 170 maxY = yy + 170 for neighbor in npcKnownObjects: if not neighbor in npcKnownPlayers: if neighbor.getX() in range(minX, maxX): if neighbor.getY() in range(minY, maxY): try: if neighbor.getNpcId() in QuarryMasters: neighbor.setTarget(npc) neighbor.addDamageHate(npc, 0, 999) neighbor.getAI().setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, npc) neighbor.setRunning() return except: pass if event == "FollowMe": npcSlave = player.getTarget() #npcSlave.setIsFollowingMaster(1) npcSlave.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, player) newObjId = npcSlave.getObjectId() timerName = "followCheck" + str(newObjId) self.startQuestTimer(timerName, 1000, npcSlave, None) if event == "SpawnSlaves": worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() for i in worldObjects: if i.getNpcid() in SlaveMasters: curNpc = i.getLastSpawn() objId = curNpc.getObjectId() self.Slaves[objId] = [] self.Slaves[objId].append("noSlaves") if int(hellboundLevel) >= 5: return xx, yy, zz = i.getLocx(), i.getLocy(), i.getLocz() self.Slaves[objId] = [] offsetX = xx + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) offsetY = yy + (50 - Rnd.get(100)) newSlave = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[0], offsetX, offsetY, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave1 = self.addSpawn(NativeSlave[1], offsetX + 20, offsetY + 10, zz, 0, False, 0, 0) newSlave.getAI().setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, curNpc) newSlave1.getAI().setIntention( CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, curNpc) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave) self.Slaves[objId].append(newSlave1)
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): id = npc.getNpcId() st = player.getQuestState("Leveling_System") if not st: st = self.newQuestState(player) if npc: if id == Keltas: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(100) if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() > 4: return if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 3: respTime = ( 72 + Rnd.get(144) ) * 100000 #between 2 and 4 hours respawn retail-like if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 4: respTime = ( 288 + Rnd.get(576) ) * 100000 #between 8 and 16 hours respawn retail-like self.startQuestTimer("keltasRespawn", respTime, None, None) for i in self.keltasmin: i.deleteMe() if id in self.hellboundMobs.keys(): if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() > 1: return HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust( self.hellboundMobs[id]['points']) if id in self.hellboundMobs1.keys(): HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust( self.hellboundMobs1[id]['points']) if id == WLGuard: if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() == 7: #worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable() for i in worldObjects: if i.getNpcid() == WLGuard: i.stopRespawn()
def onAdvEvent(self, event, npc, player): if npc: npcId = npc.getNpcId() npcObjId = npc.getObjectId() if event == "keltasRespawn": if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: return self.keltasloc = [] xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.keltasmin = [] self.Keltas = 0 for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get(len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn(RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if event == "LevelCheck": HellboundManager.getInstance().checkHellboundLevel() newLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() self.hellboundTrust = HellboundManager.getInstance().getTrust() if newLevel > self.hellboundLevel: self.hellboundLevel = newLevel print "---- Hellbound achieved Level " + str( self.hellboundLevel) announce = "地獄邊界已經達到的階段: " + str(self.hellboundLevel) Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(announce) if newLevel == 1: for i in self.Warpgateloc: i.deleteMe() for i in self.Warpgate1loc: i.deleteMe() newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) if newLevel == 2: newFalk = self.addSpawn(32297, -19904, 250016, -3240, 12288, False, 0) # 福爾克 if newLevel == 3: xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.Keltas = 0 self.keltasmin = [] for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get( len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn( RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if newLevel == 4: newDerek = self.addSpawn(ghostofderek, -28058, 256885, -1934, 0, False, 0) if newLevel == 5: for i in self.buronloc: i.deleteMe() for i in self.kiefloc: i.deleteMe() for i in self.keltasloc: i.deleteMe() for i in self.keltasmin: i.deleteMe() newSolomon = self.addSpawn(Solomon, -28916, 249381, -3472, 0, False, 0) newTraitor = self.addSpawn(Traitor, -27352, 252387, -3520, 5416, False, 0) newKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -28357, 248993, -3472, 16384, False, 0) newBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -28567, 248994, -3472, 16384, False, 0) if newLevel == 6: changeBoxesSpawnState(1) if newLevel == 7: changeChimeraSpawnState(1) LOC = LOCS[Rnd.get(len(LOCS))] CeltrespTime = (18 + Rnd.get(36)) * 100 #between 30m and 1h newCeltus = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( celtus, LOC[0], LOC[1], LOC[2], 0, CeltrespTime) if newLevel == 8: newCaptain = HellboundManager.getInstance().addSpawn( Captain, 4766, 243995, -1928, 36561, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(19250001).openMe() DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(19250002).openMe() if self.hellboundLevel < 7: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250002).closeMe() if self.hellboundLevel >= 7: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250002).openMe() if self.hellboundLevel < 9: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250001).closeMe() if self.hellboundLevel >= 9: DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(20250001).openMe()
def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) self.hellboundTrust = 0 self.hellboundLevel = 0 self.hellboundMobs = { 22320: { 'points': 10 }, 22321: { 'points': 10 }, 22324: { 'points': 1 }, 22325: { 'points': 1 }, 22327: { 'points': 3 }, 22328: { 'points': 3 }, 22329: { 'points': 3 }, } self.hellboundMobs1 = { 22322: { 'points': -10 }, 22323: { 'points': -10 }, 22342: { 'points': 3 }, 22343: { 'points': 3 }, 22361: { 'points': 20 }, 22449: { 'points': 50 }, 22450: { 'points': -10 }, 25536: { 'points': 200 } } self.Warpgateloc = [] self.Warpgate1loc = [] self.buronloc = [] self.kiefloc = [] self.keltasmin = [] self.keltasloc = [] self.Keltas = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() trigger = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT name FROM hellbound WHERE dummy=0") trigger1 = trigger.executeQuery() ZoneName = 100 while ( ZoneName = trigger1.getInt("name") try: con.close() except: pass if ZoneName != 8000: con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() insertion = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO hellbound (name,trustLevel,zonesLevel,unlocked,dummy) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)" ) insertion.setInt(1, 8000) insertion.setInt(2, 0) insertion.setInt(3, 0) insertion.setInt(4, 0) insertion.setInt(5, 0) insertion.executeUpdate() insertion.close() try: con.close() except: pass self.hellboundLevel = HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() self.hellboundTrust = HellboundManager.getInstance().getTrust() if self.hellboundLevel == 0: self.Warpgateloc = [] self.Warpgate1loc = [] oldWarpgate = self.addSpawn(Warpgate, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) oldWarpgate1 = self.addSpawn(Warpgate, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) self.Warpgateloc.append(oldWarpgate) self.Warpgate1loc.append(oldWarpgate1) if self.hellboundLevel >= 1: newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, 112080, 219568, -3664, 0, False, 0) newWarpgate6 = self.addSpawn(32319, -16899, 209827, -3640, 0, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 2: newFalk = self.addSpawn(32297, -19904, 250016, -3240, 12288, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 3 and self.hellboundLevel < 5: self.keltasloc = [] xx, yy, zz = KeltasSpawn newKeltas = self.addSpawn(Keltas, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasloc.append(newKeltas) self.keltasmin = [] for i in range(31): xx, yy, zz = KeltasMinionsSpawns[i] RndMobSpawn = KeltasMinions[Rnd.get(len(KeltasMinions))] newKeltasMinion = self.addSpawn(RndMobSpawn, xx, yy, zz, 0, False, 0) self.keltasmin.append(newKeltasMinion) if self.hellboundLevel == 4: newDerek = self.addSpawn(ghostofderek, -28058, 256885, -1934, 0, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel < 5: self.buronloc = [] self.kiefloc = [] oldKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -21271, 250238, -3314, 16384, False, 0) oldBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -11173, 236537, -3236, 41760, False, 0) self.buronloc.append(oldBuron) self.kiefloc.append(oldKief) if self.hellboundLevel >= 5: newSolomon = self.addSpawn(Solomon, -28916, 249381, -3472, 0, False, 0) newTraitor = self.addSpawn(Traitor, -27352, 252387, -3520, 5416, False, 0) newKief = self.addSpawn(Kief, -28357, 248993, -3472, 16384, False, 0) newBuron = self.addSpawn(Buron, -28567, 248994, -3472, 16384, False, 0) if self.hellboundLevel < 6: changeBoxesSpawnState(0) if self.hellboundLevel < 7: changeChimeraSpawnState(0) if self.hellboundLevel >= 7: #worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable().values() worldObjects = SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable() for i in worldObjects: npcId = i.getNpcid() if npcId == WLGuard: xx, yy, zz = i.getLocx(), i.getLocy(), i.getLocz() i.stopRespawn() curNpc = i.getLastSpawn() curNpc.onDecay() self.startQuestTimer("LevelCheck", 60000, None, None, True)
def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() objId = npc.getObjectId() if npcId == KEYMASTER: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(250) self.trustp += 250 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) chance = Rnd.get(100) if chance <= 75: npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(objId, 0, npc.getNpcId(), "我的天呀!我.的..鑰...匙.......")) dropItem(player,npc,9714,1) else: npc.broadcastPacket(NpcSay(objId, 0, npc.getNpcId(), "你永遠都不能得到我的..鑰匙!")) elif npcId == AMASKARI: if HellboundManager.getInstance().getLevel() <= 11: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(500) self.trustp += 500 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) try: if self.Slaves[objId][0] != "noSlaves": for i in self.Slaves[objId]: try: i.setIsInvul(1) i.broadcastPacket(CreatureSay(i.getObjectId(), 0, i.getName(), "謝謝你救我!")) i.decayMe() except: pass self.Slaves[objId] = [] except: pass elif npcId == NATIVE: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(-10) self.trustp -= 10 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) elif npcId == PRISONER: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(-10) self.trustp -= 10 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) elif npcId in LIST: HellboundManager.getInstance().increaseTrust(20) self.trustp += 20 self.saveGlobalQuestVar("trust10p", str(self.trustp)) if self.worlds.has_key(npc.getInstanceId()): world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] return