def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.Logger self.ui_util = InterfaceUtil() = Security()
def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.logger self.mySqlUtil = MysqlUtil(self.logger) self.repConn = self.mySqlUtil.getRepDBConnection()
def __init__(self, logger=None): self.util = Utility() self.globals = Global() #self.env = Environment() self.dbResponse = self.util.getACopy( self.globals.Template['DBResponse']) self.infra = RestInfra() self.encryptKey = self.infra._Infra__bootStrapData['Main']['Key'] if logger: self.logger = logger else: print('no logger is available, can not store logging information') self.logger = None
def __init__(self): try: #print('initializing env 1') self.env = Environment() self.globals = Global() self.util = Utility() #self.logging = Logging() self.configLoc = self.env.appCfgLoc self.bootStrapFile = os.path.join(self.configLoc, self.globals.bootStrapFile) if not self.bootStrapFile: print('error: port8-infra10001, bootstrap error !!!') sys.exit(-1) self.dbConfigData = {} self.daemonConfifData = {} self.schedulerConfigData = {} self.restApiConfigData = {} self.agentConfigData = {} print("Loading bootstrap config....................".ljust(50), end='') self.__loadBootStrapConfig() #self.jsonSchema = JsonRef.replace_refs(self.__bootStrapData['Main']) #self.__loadSchema() #self.jsonSchemaConfigData # ensuring all needed lib is available print("Checking all required libraries................".ljust(50), end='') self.__validateAllLib() print("[infra started with OS pid {pid}]".format( pid=self.util.getMyOsPid())) except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print('Error [{error}], terminating !!!'.format( error=myErrorMessage)) sys.exit(-1)
def __init__(self): try: ''' if not infraType or infraType not in ['REST','SCHEDULE','DAEMON']: print('expectig valid infra type REST/SCHEDULE/DAMEON got {got}, exiting !!!'.format(got = infraType)) sys.exit(-1) ''' self.env = Environment() self.globals = Global() self.util = Utility() self.logging = Logging() self.configLoc = self.env.appCfgLoc #print(self.configLoc) self.bootStrapFile = os.path.join(self.configLog, self.globals.bootStrapFile) if not self.bootStrapFile: print('error: port8-infra10001, bootstrap error !!!') sys.exit(-1) self.dbConfigData = {} self.daemonConfifData = {} self.schedulerConfigData = {} self.restApiConfigData = {} self.agentConfigData = {} #print(self.Env._Env__initData) #print(self.Env._Env__EnvDetails) print("Loading bootstrap config....................".ljust(50),end='') self.__loadBootStrapConfig() self.__loadSchema() # ensuring all needed lib is available print("Checking all required libraries................".ljust(50),end='') self.__validateAllLib() ''' self.Logger = \ self.logging.buildLoggingInfra(\ self.loggingConfigData,\ self.globals.LoggerName[infraType]['LogFile'], self.globals.LoggerName[infraType]['Name'] ) ''' #self.Logger.debug('this is test from Infrastructure') # ensure db is up and repository is abvailable #print("Validating database............................".ljust(50),end='') #self.__validateDb(infraType) #self.db = self.__getNewConnection() # loading DB schema # populating json schema for database ''' commenting follwoing line, will revisit later to implement jsonref for db self.__loadDbJsonSchema() ''' #print("Loading logging config.........................".ljust(50),end='') #self.logger = Logging(self.loggingConfigData) #logger print("[infra started with OS pid {pid}]".format(pid=self.getMyOsPid())) #self.db_dyna_sql = self.jsonSchema.get('Main').get('db_dyna_sql_call') ('Infrastructure started with os pid [{pid}]'.format(pid=os.getpid())) except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print ('Error [{error}], terminating !!!'.format(error=myErrorMessage)) sys.exit(-1)
class Infra(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): try: ''' if not infraType or infraType not in ['REST','SCHEDULE','DAEMON']: print('expectig valid infra type REST/SCHEDULE/DAMEON got {got}, exiting !!!'.format(got = infraType)) sys.exit(-1) ''' self.env = Environment() self.globals = Global() self.util = Utility() self.logging = Logging() self.configLoc = self.env.appCfgLoc #print(self.configLoc) self.bootStrapFile = os.path.join(self.configLog, self.globals.bootStrapFile) if not self.bootStrapFile: print('error: port8-infra10001, bootstrap error !!!') sys.exit(-1) self.dbConfigData = {} self.daemonConfifData = {} self.schedulerConfigData = {} self.restApiConfigData = {} self.agentConfigData = {} #print(self.Env._Env__initData) #print(self.Env._Env__EnvDetails) print("Loading bootstrap config....................".ljust(50),end='') self.__loadBootStrapConfig() self.__loadSchema() # ensuring all needed lib is available print("Checking all required libraries................".ljust(50),end='') self.__validateAllLib() ''' self.Logger = \ self.logging.buildLoggingInfra(\ self.loggingConfigData,\ self.globals.LoggerName[infraType]['LogFile'], self.globals.LoggerName[infraType]['Name'] ) ''' #self.Logger.debug('this is test from Infrastructure') # ensure db is up and repository is abvailable #print("Validating database............................".ljust(50),end='') #self.__validateDb(infraType) #self.db = self.__getNewConnection() # loading DB schema # populating json schema for database ''' commenting follwoing line, will revisit later to implement jsonref for db self.__loadDbJsonSchema() ''' #print("Loading logging config.........................".ljust(50),end='') #self.logger = Logging(self.loggingConfigData) #logger print("[infra started with OS pid {pid}]".format(pid=self.getMyOsPid())) #self.db_dyna_sql = self.jsonSchema.get('Main').get('db_dyna_sql_call') ('Infrastructure started with os pid [{pid}]'.format(pid=os.getpid())) except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print ('Error [{error}], terminating !!!'.format(error=myErrorMessage)) sys.exit(-1) def __loadBootStrapConfig(self): # read bootstrap cnfig file try: self.__bootStrapData = json.load(open(self.bootStrapFile)) if not self.__bootStrapData: print("Empty bootstrap data, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) # validating if all modules config data is available myMissingModule = self.util.findMissingKeyInDict(self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules'], list(self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules'].keys())) if myMissingModule: print('Missing config information for module {0}'.format(myMissingModule)) sys.exit(-1) #extracting module config information if self.env.environment not in self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['DB']['REPOSITORY']: print('[Error]\n unable to find repository information for environment >> {env}'.format(env = self.env.environment)) sys.exit(-1) if not self.env.environment in self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['DB']['REPOSITORY']: print('invalid environment >>> {env}'.format(env=self.env.Environment)) sys.exit(-1) self.repConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['DB']['REPOSITORY'][self.env.environment] self.dbConfigData = { 'user' : self.repConfigData['User'], 'password' : self.repConfigData['enc'], 'host' : self.repConfigData['Host'], 'port' : self.repConfigData['Port'], 'database' : self.repConfigData['Name'] } self.schedulerConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['Scheduler'] self.loggingConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['Logging'] self.restApiConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['RestAPI'] self.daemonConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['Daemon'] self.jsonSchemaConfigData = self.__bootStrapData['Main']['JsonSchema'] if (not self.repConfigData): print('Repository DB Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) if (not self.schedulerConfigData): print('Scheduler Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) if (not self.loggingConfigData): print('Loggine Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) if (not self.restApiConfigData): print('RestApi Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) if (not self.restApiConfigData): print('Daemon Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) if (not self.jsonSchemaConfigData): print('Json Schema Configuration is empty') sys.exit(-1) print("[OK]") except Exception as err: myErrorMessage = sys.exc_info()[1:],traceback.format_exc(limit=2) #myErrorMessage = self.Utility.extractError() print(myErrorMessage) #print("Error [{err}] loading bootstrap config data".format(err=err)) sys.exit(-1) def __loadSchema(self): # load json schema data and resolve the reference if used, this will be needed to validate user data #print(self.configLoc) configFile = self.util.buildFileWPath(self.configLoc, self.jsonSchemaConfigData['ConfigFile']) if not self.util.isFileExist(configFile): print('Json Schema Configuration file {file} is missing !!!'.format(file=os.path.join(self.configLoc,self.jsonSchemaConfigData['ConfigFile']))) sys.exit(-1) #loading json schema file and resolving references if used in schema try: self.jsonSchema = JsonRef.replace_refs(json.load(open(configFile))) #print(self.jsonSchema) except Exception as err: myErrorMessage = sys.exc_info()[1:],traceback.format_exc(limit=2) print (myErrorMessage) sys.exit(-1) def __validateAllLib(self): # Ensuring all required library as specified in bootStrap.json is installed try: for lib in self.__bootStrapData['Main']['libraries']: if not self.util.isPackageInstalled(lib): #self.myModuleLogger.error('Lib {frmtLib} is not installed, Pls install it using <pip install {frmtLib}>'.format(frmtLib=lib)) print("[missing library {frmtLib}]".format(frmtLib=lib)) sys.exit(-1) print("[OK]") except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print('[Failed {err}]'.format(err=myErrorMessage)) sys.exit(-1) def isValidBootStrapData(self): if self.__bootStrapData: return True else: return False def isValidLogger(self): if self.myModuleLogger: return True else: return False def getBootStrapFile(self): #print(self.env._Environment__bootStrapFileKey) #print (self.env._Environment__initData) return self.env._Environment__initData[self.env._Environment__bootStrapFileKey] #mybootStrapFile = os.getEnv[self.Env._Environment__bootStrapKey] def getAppName(self): return os.Environ['APP_NAME'] def getMyOsPid(self): # returns current OS pid return os.getpid() def getInfraLogger(self, infraArg): if infraArg == 'Scheduler': return self.SchedLogger elif infraArg == 'Daemon': return self.DaemonLogger elif infraArg == 'Rest': return self.RestLogger def isModuleInstalled(self, argLib): # returns existence of a library passed as an argument try: __import__('imp').find_module(argLib) return True except ImportError: #print('Missing library {lib}'.format(lib=argLib)) return False #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # method for DB #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def __validateMySqlDB(self): self.dbLib = importlib.import_module('mysql.connector') # validate the db config file try: # connecting to database to ensure db is up db = self.dbLib.connect(host = self.dbConfigData['host'], port = self.dbConfigData['port'], user = self.dbConfigData['user'], password = self.util.decrypt(self.repConfigData['key'], self.dbConfigData['password']), database = self.dbConfigData['database']) # connection is successful, closing the connection db.close() # connection is successful except self.dbLib.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("something is wrong with your user name or password, exiting !!!") sys.exit(-1) elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist, exiting !!!") sys.exit(-1) else: print(err) ''' except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print('[Failed {err}]'.format(err=myErrorMessage)) sys.exit(-1) ''' def __validateDb(self,infraType): #print(self.repConfigData) if infraType == 'REST': if self.repConfigData['Vendor'] == "mysql" : self.__validateMySqlDB() else: print('unsuported database for repository') sys.exit(-1) else: pass print("[OK]") def __loadDbJsonSchema(self): #self.dbSchema = self.jsonSchema.get('Main').get('db_schema').get(self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['DB']['REPOSITORY']) self.dbSchema = self.jsonSchema.get('Main').get('db_schema').get(self.__bootStrapData['Main']['Modules']['DB']['REPOSITORY'][self.env.environment]) def __getNewConnection(self): try: #print('db config',self.dbConfigData) db = self.dbLib.connect(host = self.dbConfigData['host'], port = self.dbConfigData['port'], user = self.dbConfigData['user'], password = self.util.decrypt(self.repConfigData['key'], self.dbConfigData['password']), database = self.dbConfigData['database']) #dbCursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True) #dbCursor = db.cursor(buffered=True) return db except Exception as err: self.logger.critical('Error obtaining db connection using {}'.format(self.dbConfigData)) raise err def __closeConnection(self, conn): if conn: conn.close() def isConnectionOpen(self, conn): try: dbCur = conn.cursor() dbCur.execute('select now()') return True except Exception as err: return False
def __init__(self): self.env = Environment() self.Global = Global() self.Utility = Utility()
class Logging(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.env = Environment() self.Global = Global() self.Utility = Utility() #myLogger = self.__buildLoggingInfra(logging_cfg = loggingCfgData, logger = logger) #return myLogger #return myLogger #def __buildLoggingInfra(self, loggingCfg, logFile = None , logger = 'Default'): def buildLoggingInfra(self, loggingCfgData, logFile, logger): ''' Logging utility, constructing dictionary object to be used by native logging module Arguments: loggingCfgData: Logging configuration logFile: LogFile need to be written logger: name of logger Level: ++++++++++++++++++++ CRITICAL 50 ERROR 40 WARNING 30 INFO 20 DEBUG 10 NOTSET 0 ++++++++++++++++++++ ''' try: #validating parameter if (not loggingCfgData): print("missing logging configuraton data !!!") sys.exit(-1) #fi #myLogPath = self.env. #print('LogPath',myLogPath) #myConfigFile = os.path.join(self.env.getConfigLocation(), os.path.basename(argCfgFile)) # check if logging config file is available #if not self.env.isFileExists(myConfigFile): # print("could not locate Logging Config file {cfgFile}, terminating !!!".format(cfgFile=myConfigFile)) # sys.exit(-1) #fi # reading current config file myLoggingConfig = self.Utility.getACopy(loggingCfgData) # checking if we got valid logger name, if not will use default logger name "Console" if logger not in myLoggingConfig['loggers']: myLogger = self.Global.LoggerName[ self.Global.DefaultInfra]['Name'] else: myLogger = logger #fi # will override logfile if passed as an argument also, set the directory as defined in LOG_LOC env variable if logFile: # will use the path as specified in LOG_PATH environment variable, any path specified in argument will be ignored myLogFile = os.path.basename(logFile) myLogFileWPath = os.path.join(self.env.appLogLoc, myLogFile) else: myLogFileWPath = os.path.join( self.env.appLogLoc, os.path.basename( myLoggingConfig['handlers']['file']['filename'])) #fi if not (myLogger == self.Global.DefaultInfra): myLoggingConfig['handlers']['file'][ 'filename'] = myLogFileWPath # Loading current configuration to logger's config file logging.config.dictConfig(myLoggingConfig) #print('Logger',myLogger) return logging.getLogger(myLogger) except Exception as err: print("\n") exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() myErrorMessage = repr( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) print( "Error [{err}] builidng logging infra using config [{cfg}], terminating !!!" .format(err=myErrorMessage, cfg=myLoggingConfig)) sys.exit(-1)
def __init__(self): self.Global = Global() self.util = Utility() if not self.util.isEnvSet('ENVIRONMENT'): raise ValueError('ENVIORNMENT key is not set') if not self.util.isEnvSet('ENVIRONMENT'): print('environment is not set, exiting !!!') sys.exit(-1) self.environment = self.util.getEnv('ENVIRONMENT') print('setting environment >> {env}'.format(env=self.environment)) # need to set environments specific variables dev, test and production self.lPad = 50 self.rPad = 1 self.__initFile = self.Global.InitFile self.__initKeys = self.Global.InitKeys self.__bootStrapKey = self.Global.BootStrapKey self.__bootStrapFileKey = self.Global.BootStrapFileKey self.__logLocKey = self.Global.LogLocKey self.__envDetails={} self.invalidAppDir = list() self.invalidAppFile = list() if not self.util.isEnvSet('PYTHONPATH'): print('missing PYTHONPATH environment variable, terminating !!!') sys.exit(-1) else: self.__envDetails.update({'PYTHONPATH' : self.util.getEnv('PYTHONPATH')}) #fi print('Current OS : [{os}]'.format(os=self.util.getUname())) print ("Initializing ...") # searching init file # 1. search in current directory, 2. search in pythonpath, 3. search in APP_CONFIG dir print('searching init file') # searching file in current dir if not self.util.isFileExist(self.__initFile): # searching file in PYTHONPATH if not(self.util.isFileExist(self.util.buildFileWPath(self.__envDetails['PYTHONPATH'],self.__initFile))): if self.util.isEnvSet('APP_CONFIG'): # searching file in APP_CONFIG dir if not(self.util.isFileExist(self.util.buildFileWPath(self.util.getEnv('APP_CONFIG'),self.__initFile))): print("Bootstrap error; missing init.json, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) else: self.__initFile = self.util.buildFileWPath(self.util.getEnv('APP_CONFIG'),self.__initFile) print('init file [{file}] found'.format(file=self.__initFile)) else: print("Bootstrap error; Exhasuted searching couldn\'t find init file, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) else: self.__initFile = self.util.buildFileWPath(self.__envDetails['PYTHONPATH'],self.__initFile) print('init file [{file}] found'.format(file=self.__initFile)) # Loading init file self.__initData = json.load(open(self.__initFile)) if not self.__initData: print('Bootstra error, could not load init file >>> {file}'.format(file = self.__initFile)) sys.exit(-1) # ensure all required key found in int file if not all (key in self.__initData.keys() for key in self.__initKeys): print("Missing required keys in init file, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) # Set all environment variable if not set if not all (self.util.isEnvSet(env) for env in self.__envDetails.keys()): print("app environment key is not set, building ...") #print("Setting environment...........................".ljust(self.lPad),end='') # app home self.setInitEnv() # validating required app directories/files >>> allAppDir = [dir[key] for index, key in enumerate(self.__initData)] #print(self.__initData) self.validateAppDir(self.__initData['VALIDATE_DIR_LIST']) self.validateAppFile(self.__initData['VALIDATE_FILE_LIST']) self.validateLogDir(self.__initData['APP_LOG']) # validating app log, create if we are missing self.appCfgLoc = self.__initData['APP_CONFIG'] self.appLogLoc = self.__initData['APP_LOG']
class Environment(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.Global = Global() self.util = Utility() if not self.util.isEnvSet('ENVIRONMENT'): raise ValueError('ENVIORNMENT key is not set') if not self.util.isEnvSet('ENVIRONMENT'): print('environment is not set, exiting !!!') sys.exit(-1) self.environment = self.util.getEnv('ENVIRONMENT') print('setting environment >> {env}'.format(env=self.environment)) # need to set environments specific variables dev, test and production self.lPad = 50 self.rPad = 1 self.__initFile = self.Global.InitFile self.__initKeys = self.Global.InitKeys self.__bootStrapKey = self.Global.BootStrapKey self.__bootStrapFileKey = self.Global.BootStrapFileKey self.__logLocKey = self.Global.LogLocKey self.__envDetails={} self.invalidAppDir = list() self.invalidAppFile = list() if not self.util.isEnvSet('PYTHONPATH'): print('missing PYTHONPATH environment variable, terminating !!!') sys.exit(-1) else: self.__envDetails.update({'PYTHONPATH' : self.util.getEnv('PYTHONPATH')}) #fi print('Current OS : [{os}]'.format(os=self.util.getUname())) print ("Initializing ...") # searching init file # 1. search in current directory, 2. search in pythonpath, 3. search in APP_CONFIG dir print('searching init file') # searching file in current dir if not self.util.isFileExist(self.__initFile): # searching file in PYTHONPATH if not(self.util.isFileExist(self.util.buildFileWPath(self.__envDetails['PYTHONPATH'],self.__initFile))): if self.util.isEnvSet('APP_CONFIG'): # searching file in APP_CONFIG dir if not(self.util.isFileExist(self.util.buildFileWPath(self.util.getEnv('APP_CONFIG'),self.__initFile))): print("Bootstrap error; missing init.json, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) else: self.__initFile = self.util.buildFileWPath(self.util.getEnv('APP_CONFIG'),self.__initFile) print('init file [{file}] found'.format(file=self.__initFile)) else: print("Bootstrap error; Exhasuted searching couldn\'t find init file, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) else: self.__initFile = self.util.buildFileWPath(self.__envDetails['PYTHONPATH'],self.__initFile) print('init file [{file}] found'.format(file=self.__initFile)) # Loading init file self.__initData = json.load(open(self.__initFile)) if not self.__initData: print('Bootstra error, could not load init file >>> {file}'.format(file = self.__initFile)) sys.exit(-1) # ensure all required key found in int file if not all (key in self.__initData.keys() for key in self.__initKeys): print("Missing required keys in init file, terminating !!!") sys.exit(-1) # Set all environment variable if not set if not all (self.util.isEnvSet(env) for env in self.__envDetails.keys()): print("app environment key is not set, building ...") #print("Setting environment...........................".ljust(self.lPad),end='') # app home self.setInitEnv() # validating required app directories/files >>> allAppDir = [dir[key] for index, key in enumerate(self.__initData)] #print(self.__initData) self.validateAppDir(self.__initData['VALIDATE_DIR_LIST']) self.validateAppFile(self.__initData['VALIDATE_FILE_LIST']) self.validateLogDir(self.__initData['APP_LOG']) # validating app log, create if we are missing self.appCfgLoc = self.__initData['APP_CONFIG'] self.appLogLoc = self.__initData['APP_LOG'] def setInitEnv(self): # set all missing env key for envKey in self.__envDetails: if not self.util.isEnvSet(envKey): self.util.setEnv(envKey,self.__envDetails[envKey]) #fi #end for def validateAppDir(self, dirList): ''' Description: Validate all system dir stored in init.json, if dir name not found will exit ''' isMissing = False missingAppDir = list() for dirKeyVal in (dirList): # we are expecting dict stored in list, will check the 1st key from dict to get the dir key name if not self.util.isDirExist(dirKeyVal[next(iter(dirKeyVal))]): missingAppDir.append(dirKeyVal) if not isMissing: isMissing = True if isMissing: print('system dir is missing >>> {missing}'.format(missing = str(missingAppDir))) sys.exit(-1) def validateAppFile(self, fileList): ''' Description: Validate all system file stored in init.json, if file name not found will exit ''' isMissing = False missingAppFile = list() for fileKeyVal in fileList: # we are expecting dict stored in list, will check the 1st key from dict to get the dir key name #print(fileKeyVal) if not self.util.isFileExist(fileKeyVal[next(iter(fileKeyVal))]): missingAppFile.append(fileKeyVal) if not isMissing: isMissing = True if isMissing: print('system file(s) is missing >>> {missing}'.format(missing = str(missingAppFile))) sys.exit(-1) def validateLogDir(self, logDir): #if not os.path.isdir(os.environ[self.__logLocKey]): if not self.util.isDirExist(logDir): print('creating app log dir >>> {log}'.format(log = logDir)) self.util.makeDir(self.util.getEnv(self.logDir)) ''' def getEnv(self,argEnvName): return os.getenv(argEnvName) def setEnv(self,argEnvName, argEnvVal): try: os.environ[argEnvName] = argEnvVal except Exception as err: sys.exit(-1) def isEnvSet(self,argEnvName): if self.util.getEnv(argEnvName): return True else: return False #fi ''' #def getConfigLocation(self): # #print(os.getenv(''.join([self.util.getEnv('APP_NAME'),'_CONFIG']))) # return self.util.getEnv('APP_CONFIG') #def getLogLocation(self): # return self.util.getEnv(self.Global.LogLocKey) #end getLogLocation '''
def __init__(self): self.util = Utility()
class Interface(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.Logger self.repDB = MysqlUtil(self.logger) self.repConn = self.repDB.getRepDBConnection() def getScanOverview(self, request): try: #we are expecting security key as request # Average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.avgScoreSql, SqlArgs=None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All location average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allLocAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllLocAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All host average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allHostScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllHostAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All host tenant score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allHostTenantScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllHostTenantScore = dbResult[ 'Data'] # we need to add this in formating # All tenant average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allTenantAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllTenantAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All location tenant average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allLocTenantAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllLocTenantAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # Building response myResponse = self.utility.buildSummScanResponse( myAvgScore[0], myAllLocAvgScore, myAllHostAvgScore, myAllTenantAvgScore, myAllLocTenantAvgScore) return myResponse except Exception as e: raise e def getAllHost(self, request): ''' dc_info = 'data center' os = 'RHEL/ms/oel' os_ver = 'version' location = 'location' ''' try: myReqdArgs = [] self.utility.validateArgs(request) except Exception as error: raise error def getAllTenants(self, request): try: pass except Exception as error: raise e def getTenantScan(self, **kwargs): pass def getScanScore(self, **kwargs): pass def getTenantConfig(self, **kwargs): pass def getHostConfig(self, **kwargs): pass def addCtrlException(self, **kwargs): pass def addCtrlExclusion(self, **kwargs): pass
class MysqlUtil(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self, logger=None): self.util = Utility() self.globals = Global() #self.env = Environment() self.dbResponse = self.util.getACopy( self.globals.Template['DBResponse']) self.infra = RestInfra() self.encryptKey = self.infra._Infra__bootStrapData['Main']['Key'] if logger: self.logger = logger else: print('no logger is available, can not store logging information') self.logger = None # select @@port; # show variables where variable_name = 'port' # select user(); # insert json in mysql # insert into temp values(json_array(json_object('id',1001,'when','2015-01-01 10:00:00','score',35), json_object('id',1002,'when','2015-02-01 10:00:00','score',45)) ); def makeConnection(self, host, port, username, encryptPass, dbName, tzone=None): try: #print('pass',self.util.decrypt(self.env.encryptPass)) conn = connect(host=host, port=port, user=username, password=self.util.decrypt(self.encryptKey, encryptPass), database=dbName) #print(conn) # we need to set the timezone as requested for this connection if tzone: conn.time_zone = '+00:00' return conn except errors.Error as error: #return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) raise except Exception as error: raise #return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) def getRepDBConnection(self): try: #print('pass',self.util.decrypt(self.env.encryptPass)) conn = self.makeConnection(\ self.infra.dbConfigData['host'], \ self.infra.dbConfigData['port'], \ self.infra.dbConfigData['user'], \ self.infra.dbConfigData['password'], \ self.infra.dbConfigData['database']) return conn except Exception as error: raise #return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) def execSelectSql(self, **args): ''' Description: Execute Select statement Arguments: Key word arguments Conn : Connection handler SqlText : Sql to be executed SqlArgs : Arguments need to be passed to sql (optional), default = None (SqlArgs should be in dict) SqlOutput : Sqloutput Dict/Touple (optional), default = Touple Usage : execSelectSql(<connection>, <sql>, <sql args (optional)>, <sql output Dict/Touple (optional)> ) Return : Array internal --> #mySqlArgs = ','.join(list(map(lambda x: '%s', args))) ''' try: myRequiredArgs = ['Conn', 'SqlText'] #Validating arguments myArgValResult = self.util.valArguments(myRequiredArgs, args) if myArgValResult['Status'] == self.globals.UnSuccess: raise InvalidArguments(myArgValResult['Message']) #extracting arguments myDBConn = args['Conn'] mySqlText = args['SqlText'] if not mySqlText.upper().startswith( ('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE')): raise InvalidArguments( 'SQL statement can be SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE only') mySqlArgs = args['SqlArgs'] if 'SqlArgs' in args else None mySqlOutput = args[ 'SqlOutput'] if 'SqlOutput' in args else self.globals.SqlOutput[ 'Default'] if mySqlOutput not in self.globals.SqlOutput['All']: mySqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Default'] # executing sql print('Executing sql >>>', mySqlText, mySqlArgs) myDBcur = myDBConn.cursor(buffered=True) totalRows = myDBcur.execute(mySqlText, mySqlArgs) if mySqlText.upper().startswith('SELECT'): if myDBcur.with_rows: # if we got any data myTotalRows = myDBcur.rowcount #myCurDesc = myDBcur.description myAllColumns = myDBcur.column_names myRawData = myDBcur.fetchall() # build the sqloutput if mySqlOutput == self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']: #myAllColumns = [column[0] for column in myCurDesc] myData = [ dict(zip(myAllColumns, row)) for row in myRawData ] else: myData = myRawData else: myData = None elif mySqlText.upper().startswith(('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE')): pass myDBcur.close() return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Success, myData, myTotalRows) except errors.Error as error: #return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) raise except Exception as error: self.util.logError() raise #return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) def commitTrans(self, dbConn): try: dbConn.commit() except errors.Error as error: return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) except Exception as error: return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) def rollbackTrans(self, dbConn): try: dbConn.rollback() except errors.Error as error: return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) except Exception as error: return self.util.buildDBResponse(self.globals.Error, None, None, error) def buildMarkerForSql(self, sqlText, argList, marker): sqlArgMarker = ', '.join(list(map(lambda x: marker, args))) return sqlText % sqlArgMarker def buildDynaSql(self, colList, tableList, criteria): if colList: mySql = colList # adding tables to sql for indx, table in enumerate(tableList): if indx > 0: # found more than one table, we need to add ',' in from clause to seperate tables mySql = ''.join([mySql, ' , ', table]) else: mySql = ''.join([mySql, ' from ', table]) # adding where clause if criteria: mySql = ''.join([mySql, ' where ', criteria]) return mySql
class InterfaceUtil(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.Logger self.repDB = MysqlUtil(self.logger) self.repConn = self.repDB.getRepDBConnection() def getAvgScore(self): ''' Description: Returns overall average CIS scan score Return: <average_score> ''' try: # Average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.avgScoreSql, SqlArgs=None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = float() if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: myData = round(dbResult['Data'][0]['AVG_SCORE'], 2) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def getAvgLocScore(self): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for each location Return: [{"<LOCATION>" : <average_score>}] ''' try: # Average location score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.locAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for loc in dbResult['Data']: myData.append( {loc['LOCATION']: round(loc['AVG_SCORE'], 2)}) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def getAvgHostScore(self): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all host Return: [{"<HOST>" : <average_score>, "LOCATION" : <location>}] ''' try: # Average location score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.hostScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = list() if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for host in dbResult['Data']: myData.append({ host['HOST']: round(host['AVG_SCORE'], 2), "Location": host['LOCATION'], "LastScan": host["LAST_SCAN"], "LastScanTime": host["LAST_SCAN_TIME"] }) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def getAvgVendorScore(self): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all Venodr and its product Return: [{"<vendor>" : {<product> : <score>} }] ''' try: # Average location score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.vendorProdAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = list() if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for vendorProdList in dbResult['Data']: #checking if vendor exists vendor = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if vendorProdList['VENDOR'] in val.keys() ] if not vendor: # vendor doesnt exist, adding new vendor and product myData.append({ vendorProdList['VENDOR']: [{ vendorProdList['PRODUCT']: round(vendorProdList['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }] }) else: # vendor exist, adding product myData[vendor[0]][vendorProdList['VENDOR']].append({ vendorProdList['PRODUCT']: round(vendorProdList['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def getAvgLocVendorScore(self): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all Venodr and its product Return: [{"<location>" : {<vendor> : {<product> : <score> }}}] ''' try: # Average location score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.locVendorAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = list() if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for locVendor in dbResult['Data']: #checking if Location exisit location = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if locVendor['LOCATION'] in val.keys() ] if not location: # Location does not exist, will add new record #print('location not found', locVendor) myData.append({ locVendor['LOCATION']: [{ locVendor['VENDOR']: [{ locVendor['PRODUCT']: round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }] }] }) #print('location not found', myData) else: location = location[0] #print('location found',locVendor['LOCATION']) # we found location, will check if vendor exists #print('location:',locVendor['LOCATION']) #print('mydata:',myData) #print('location indx:',location) #print('mydata loc:',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) #print('before finding vendor',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) vendor = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData[location][ locVendor['LOCATION']]) if locVendor['VENDOR'] in val.keys() ] if not vendor: #vendor not found for this location, will add new vendor #print('vendor not found',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']].append({ locVendor['VENDOR']: [{ locVendor['PRODUCT']: round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }] }) else: vendor = vendor[0] #print('vendor found',location,locVendor['LOCATION'],vendor,myData) # vendor for this location found, add product to this vendor myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']][vendor][ locVendor['VENDOR']].append({ locVendor['PRODUCT']: round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def getTenantScan(self, TenantId, ScanId='Latest'): ''' Description: Get latest tenant scan for a tenant id Args: TenantId : TenantId ScanId : optional (default is 'Latest') ''' try: if scanId == self.globals.latest: latestScan = self.getLatestTenantScan(TenantId) if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: if dbResult['Data']: myScanId = dbResult['Data']['SCAN_ID'] myScanSeqId = dbResult['Data']['SEQ_ID'] else: raise ValueError('') myScanId = dbResult['Data']['ScanId'] else: myScanId = scanId dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql( self.repConn, self.globals.getTenantScanSummarySql) except Exception as e: raise e def getLastTenantScan(self, TenantId): ''' Description: Get latest scan id for a tenant Args: TenantId : TenantId ScanId : optional (default is 'Latest') Returns: last scan id and scan seq id ''' try: mySqlArgs = {'TenantId': TenantId} dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.getLatestTenantScansSql, SqlArgs = TenantId, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: # if we got data, we need to extract dict from tuple if dbResult['Data']: dbResult['Data'] = dbResult['Data'][0] return dbResult except Exception as e: raise e '''
from flask import Flask, flash, session, redirect, url_for, escape, request, jsonify, json from datetime import timedelta from com.port8.core.singleton import Singleton from com.port8.bpm.factory import Factory from com.port8.core.utility import Utility from com.port8.core.infrastructure import RestInfra from flask_cors import CORS import logging #'\x95\x8d\xe3\xab\x18\xc2\xc6\xeb\xd4+\x11H<\xdc\xd8m\xaf\xae0\xcfb\xdc\x84\x92\xc5\xb2\xado\x98\xc5\x08\xa9\xbb/\x95\xe9/\xda\x10\xaa\x1f\xb7k\x956SLCIj\r7v\xdbm\\\x1e\xdc\xf3M&$\xb0\xce\xdb\x18\xd6\xa3\x13\x85\xd0m\r\x1a]\xbe\xf8\xd8Q\xcf\xed\xaf\x0b\x827TB\xb7' myLogger = logging.getLogger('uConnect') util = Utility() factory = Factory() rest = RestInfra() app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) app.secret_key = '\x95\x8d\xe3\xab\x18\xc2\xc6\xeb\xd4+\x11H<\xdc\xd8m\xaf\xae0\xcfb\xdc\x84\x92\xc5\xb2\xado\x98\xc5\x08\xa9\xbb/\x95\xe9/\xda\x10\xaa\x1f\xb7k\x956SLCIj\r7v\xdbm\\\x1e\xdc\xf3M&$\xb0\xce\xdb\x18\xd6\xa3\x13\x85\xd0m\r\x1a]\xbe\xf8\xd8Q\xcf\xed\xaf\x0b\x827TB\xb7' #session = {} @app.before_request def make_session_permanent(): myModuleLogger = logging.getLogger('uConnect.' + str(__name__)) myModuleLogger.debug("initializing session information ...") session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=5) @app.route('/port8', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def __init__(self): #self.util = Utility.Instance() self.globals = Global() self.util = Utility() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.logger
class Factory(object, metaclass=Singleton): ''' This is Factory class, this will execute a BO process as mapped in config/FactoryMetadata.json ''' def __init__(self): #self.util = Utility.Instance() self.globals = Global() self.util = Utility() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.logger #self.myClass = self.__class__.__name__ def processRequest(self, argRequestDict): ''' Description: Update key in dictDocument for a given collection, this is a private method argCollection: Collection name argDictDocument:Dict documents usage: <processRequest(argRequestDict) ''' try: self.logger.debug( "arg received [{args}]".format(args=argRequestDict)) myMainArgData = self.util.getACopy(argRequestDict) ''' Validating argumemt received ''' isValidRequest = self.util.isValidRestRequest(myMainArgData) if not (isValidRequest): raise com.port8.core.error.InvalidArguments( "Arg validation error {arg}".format(arg=myMainArgData)) else: self.logger.debug( 'validated request, its a valid request >>> {req}'.format( req=str(argRequestDict))) #fi myPageId = myMainArgData['Page'] myActionId = myMainArgData['Action'] myArguments = myMainArgData['Arguments'] myResult = self.__findBPSProcess(myPageId, myActionId) if myResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: myBPMProcess = myResult['Data'] else: # we did not find BPM process, returing result return myResult # extracting tuple value returned from above method #myLibrary, myClass, myMethod = bpsProcessVal if myBPMProcess: self.logger.debug("found, bpm process [{bpmproc}]".format( bpmproc=myBPMProcess)) myResponse = self.__executeBPSPRocess(myBPMProcess['lib'], myBPMProcess['cls'], myBPMProcess['method'], myArguments) #myRquestStatus = self.util.getRequestStatus(self.globals.Success) else: self.logger.debug("did not find mapped bpm process") myRquestStatus = self.util.getRequestStatus(\ self.globals.UnSuccess,'Invalid Page [{page}] Action [{action}]'.format(page=myPageId, action=myActionId)) myResponse = self.util.buildResponseData( myRquestStatus, 'Error') self.logger.debug( 'myResponse data >>> {response}'.format(response=myResponse)) return myResponse except Exception as err: myRequestStatus = self.util.logError() myResponse = self.util.buildResponseData(myRequestStatus, 'Error') return myResponse def __findBPSProcess(self, argPageId, argActionId): ''' Description:This is private methd called internally in Factry class; Find BMP method call for a given request (pageid, actionid) Arguments: pageid and action id (pageid, actionid) Usage: <__findBPSProcess(<pageid>,<actionid>)> Return: BPM_CALL_JSON dict {'cls': <class>, lib : <library>, method : <mehtod>, args : <arguments needed>} ''' try: self.logger.debug("arg received [{page},{action}]".format( page=argPageId, action=argActionId)) page = [ page for page in self.infra.factoryMetadata if page['PAGE_ID'] == argPageId and page['PAGE_STATUS'] == 'ACTIVE' ] # if we found multiple page, will log the details if len(page) > 1: self.logger.ERROR( 'Expecting 1 entry per page, found {found}, Factory metadata >> {factoryData}' .format(found=len(page), factoryData=self.infra.factoryData)) myResponse = self.util.buildResponse(\ self.globals.UnSuccess, 'Metadata is corrupted (found [{cnt}] occurrance of page [{page}]'\ .format(cnt = len(page), page=argPageId)) return myResponse if len(page) == 0: # we did not find page self.logger.debug( 'did not find requested page >>> {page}'.format( page=argPageId)) myResponse = self.util.buildResponse(\ self.globals.UnSuccess, 'Missing requested page in metadata >>> {page}'.format(page=argPageId)) return myResponse # we found one page, get the 1st item from list self.logger.debug( 'found matching page [{page}] in factory metdata'.format( page=argPageId)) page = page[0] pageActions = page['ACTIONS'] if pageActions: actionIndx = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(pageActions) if pageActions[indx]['ACTION_ID'] == argActionId ] #print("found ??? >>>",actionIndx, pageActions) if actionIndx: self.logger.debug( 'found matching action [{action}] on page [{page}] in factory metdata' .format(action=argActionId, page=argPageId)) if isinstance(actionIndx, list): actionIndx = actionIndx[0] #myBPMCallJson = self.infra.factoryMetadata[argPageId][actionIndx][argActionId] #print("found action >>>",actionIndx, pageActions, pageActions[actionIndx] ) myBPMCallJson = pageActions[actionIndx]['BPM_CALL_JSON'] self.logger.debug('BPM Json call found >>> {bpm}'.format( bpm=str(myBPMCallJson))) myResponse = self.util.buildResponse(\ self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success,myBPMCallJson) return myResponse #return myBPMCallJson else: self.logger.debug( 'action [{action}] not found for page [{page}] in factory metdata' .format(action=argActionId, page=argPageId)) myResponse = self.util.buildResponse(\ self.globals.UnSuccess, 'Missing requested action [{action}] for page >>> {page}'.format(action = argActionId, page=argPageId)) return myResponse else: myResponse = self.util.buildResponse(\ self.globals.UnSuccess, 'Empty actions for page in metadata >>> {page}'.format(page=argPageId)) return myResponse except Exception as err: #myRequestStatus = self.util.extractLogError() raise def __executeBPSPRocess(self, argLib, argCls, argMethod, arguments): ''' Description:Private method, internally called in Factory method, execute Factory bpm process Arguments: lib, class, method, arguments usage: <__executeBPSPRocess(<lib>,<cls>,<method>,<arguments>) > Return: Return results in array ''' try: self.logger.debug( "arg received [{lib},{cls},{method},{args}]".format( lib=argLib, cls=argCls, method=argMethod, args=arguments)) myModule = importlib.import_module(argLib) myClass = getattr(myModule, argCls) # if singleton, get an instance else instantiate the class if hasattr(myModule, 'Singleton') and hasattr(myClass, 'Instance'): myCallableClass = myClass.Instance() else: myCallableClass = myClass() # get the method from this class myMethod = getattr(myCallableClass, argMethod) ''' Only MainArg need to be passed ''' #myMainArg = {'MainArg':self.util.extMainArgFromReq(argReqJsonDict)} ''' need to mark that this response is external ''' #myMainArg['MainArg'].update({'ResponseMode':self.globalInstance._Global__ExternalRequest}) # execute the method if arguments: "executing method with arguments >>>[{lib}.{cls}.{method} {args}]" .format(lib=argLib, cls=argCls, method=argMethod, args=arguments)) myResults = myMethod(arguments) else: "executing method w/o arguments >>>[{lib}.{cls}.{method}]". format(lib=argLib, cls=argCls, method=argMethod)) myResults = myMethod() self.logger.debug('results after execution >>> {data}'.format( data=str(myResults))) return (myResults) except Exception as err: #myRequestStatus = self.util.extractLogError() #myResponse = self.util.buildResponseData(myMainArgData['ResponseMode'], myRequestStatus, 'Error') raise
class Interface(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.Logger self.ui_util = InterfaceUtil() = Security() def getLandingPageData(self): ''' Description: Returns data for landing page, this method should be called after credential authentication Arguments: Security key Returns: Response ... { "Status" : "", "Message" : "", "Data" : [ "AvgScore" : 75.00, "LocAvgScore" : [], "LocVendorScore" : [], "LocHostTenant" : [], "LocHostTenant" : [] ] } ''' try: # initialize myLandingPageData = self.utility.getACopy(self.globals.Template['LandingPage']) # Get all the data #Avg overall Score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: # build error response and return return else: avgScore = dbResult['Data'] #Avg loc score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgLocScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: # build error response and return return else: avgLocScore = dbResult['Data'] #Avg Vendor score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgVendorScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return else: avgVendorScore = dbResult['Data'] #Avg Loc Vendor score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgLocVendorScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return else: avgLocVendorScore = dbResult['Data'] #Avg Host score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgHostScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: # build error response and return return else: avgHostScore = dbResult['Data'] #Host tenant score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAllTenantScore() if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: # build error response and return return else: hostTenantScore = dbResult['Data'] # Rearrange the data myLandingPageData['AvgScore'] = avgScore myLandingPageData['Location'] = avgLocScore myLandingPageData['Vendor'] = avgVendorScore #print('Location >>>', avgLocScore) #print('Vendor >>>', avgVendorScore) myLandingPageData['Vendor'] = avgVendorScore myLandingPageData['LocVendor'] = avgLocVendorScore myLandingPageData['LocHost'] = avgHostScore myLandingPageData['HostTenant'] = hostTenantScore #print('LocVendor >>>',avgLocVendorScore) #print('Host >>>',avgHostScore) return myLandingPageData except Exception as error: raise error def getOverallAvgScore(self, args): try: #validating security credential myScore = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgScore(args) return myScore except Exception as error: raise error def getLocAvgScore(self, args): try: #validating security credential dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgLocScore(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getVendorAvgScore(self, args): try: #validating security credential #Avg Vendor score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgVendorScore(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getLocVendorAvgScore(self, args): try: #validating security credential #Avg Loc Vendor score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgLocVendorScore(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getHostInfo(self, args): try: #validating security credential #Avg Host score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgHostInfo(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getHostAvgScore(self, args): try: #validating security credential #Avg Host score dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getAvgHostScore(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getHostInfo(self, args): try: #validating security credential #get host information dbResult = self.ui_util._InterfaceUtil__getHostInfo(args) return dbResult except Exception as error: raise error def getScanOverview(self, request): try: #we are expecting security key as request # Average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.avgScoreSql, SqlArgs=None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All location average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allLocAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllLocAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All host average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allHostScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllHostAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All host tenant score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allHostTenantScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllHostTenantScore = dbResult['Data'] # we need to add this in formating # All tenant average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allTenantAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllTenantAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # All location tenant average score dbResult = self.repDB.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.allLocTenantAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] != self.globals.Success: return dbResult myAllLocTenantAvgScore = dbResult['Data'] # Building response myResponse = self.utility.buildSummScanResponse(myAvgScore[0], myAllLocAvgScore, myAllHostAvgScore, myAllTenantAvgScore, myAllLocTenantAvgScore) return myResponse except Exception as e: raise e def getAllHost(self, request): ''' dc_info = 'data center' os = 'RHEL/ms/oel' os_ver = 'version' location = 'location' ''' try: myReqdArgs = [] self.utility.validateArgs(request) except Exception as error: raise error def getAllTenants(self, request): try: pass except Exception as error: raise e def getTenantScan(self, **kwargs): pass def getScanScore(self, **kwargs): pass def getTenantConfig(self, **kwargs): pass def getHostConfig(self, **kwargs): pass def addCtrlException(self, **kwargs): pass def addCtrlExclusion(self, **kwargs): pass
class InterfaceUtil(object, metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): self.utility = Utility() self.globals = Global() self.infra = RestInfra() self.logger = self.infra.logger self.mySqlUtil = MysqlUtil(self.logger) self.repConn = self.mySqlUtil.getRepDBConnection() def __getAvgScore(self, args): ''' Description: Returns overall average CIS scan score Return: <average_score> ''' try: # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] # Validaring arguments myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(args, myMandatoryArgs) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse # Average score dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.avgScoreSql, SqlArgs=None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myScore = float() if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: myScore = round(dbResult['Data'][0]['AVG_SCORE'], 2) myData = [{'AvgScore': myScore}] myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getAvgLocScore(self, args): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for each location Return: [{"<LOCATION>" : <average_score>}] ''' try: # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] myOptionalArgs = ["Location"] # Validaring arguments myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(args, myMandatoryArgs) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse #raise InvalidArguments(myValResult[2]) if not ('Location' in args): dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.getAllLocAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = args, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) else: # will pass args dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.getALocAvgScoreSql, SqlArgs = args, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for loc in dbResult['Data']: myData.append({ 'Location': loc['LOCATION'], 'AvgScore': round(loc['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getHostInfo(self, args): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all host Arguments: Optional; HostName, HostId,OS, PhysicalMem, Location # OS = [], 0 --> OS name, 1--> os ver # PhysMemory [] --> 0 --> Operator, 1--> Value # Location Return: [{"<HOST>" : <average_score>, "LOCATION" : <location>}] ''' try: # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] myOptionalArgs = [ "Location", "VendorId", "HostId", "HostName", "OS", "PhysMemory" ] myCriteria = myDynaSql = myDynaSqlWhereClause = myDynaSqlGroupByClause = myDynaSqlOrderByClause = "" # Validaring arguments myArguments = self.utility.removeEmptyKeyFromDict(args) myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(myArguments, myMandatoryArgs) print('arg recvd', myArguments) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse mySelectColList = self.globals.getHostDetailsCol mySelectTabList = self.globals.getHostDetailsFromClause if self.utility.isKeyInDict(myArguments, 'HostId') or self.utility.isKeyInDict( myArguments, 'HostName'): #if 'HostName' or 'HostId' in myArguments: if 'HostName' in myArguments: myCriteria = ''.join([' host_name = %(HostName)s']) elif 'HostId' in myArguments: myCriteria = ''.join([' host_id = %(HostId)s']) else: print( 'Host arg is not found, looking for other arguments ..., table list >>>', mySelectTabList) # building dynamic sql (adding table and column to main sql as argument passed) if 'VendorId' in myArguments: if not self.utility.getValCntInList( mySelectTabList, 'p$ht_tenant tenant'): mySelectTabList.append('p$ht_tenant tenant') mySelectColList = ''.join([ mySelectColList, ', tenant.tenant_version TENANT_VERSION, \ tenant.tenant_name TENANT_NAME, tenant.tenant_vendor TENANT_VENDOR, tenant.vendor_prod_name VENDOR_PRODUCT' ]) myCriteria = ''.join( [' tenant.tenant_vendor = %(VendorId)s']) # Vendor product criteria if 'Product' in myArguments: if not self.utility.getValCntInList( mySelectTabList, 'p$ht_tenant tenant'): mySelectTabList.append('p$ht_tenant tenant') mySelectColList = ''.join([ mySelectColList, ', tenant.tenant_version TENANT_VERSION, \ tenant.tenant_name TENANT_NAME, tenant.tenant_vendor TENANT_VENDOR, tenant.vendor_prod_name VENDOR_PRODUCT' ]) if myCriteria: myCriteria = ''.join([ myCriteria, ' and ', ' tenant.vendor_prod_name = %(Product)s' ]) else: myCriteria = ''.join([ myCriteria, ' tenant.vendor_prod_name = %(Product)s' ]) # Location/DC_INFO criteria if 'Location' in myArguments: if myCriteria: myCriteria = ''.join( [myCriteria, ' and ', 'dc_info = %(Location)s']) else: myCriteria = ''.join(['dc_info = %(Location)s']) #myArguments.update({'Location' : myArguments['Location']}) #OS criteria if 'OS' in myArguments: myOS = myOSVer = None if (isinstance(myArguments['OS'], list) or isinstance(myArguments['OS'], tuple)) and len( myArguments['OS'] == 2): myOS = myArguments['OS'][0] myOSVer = myArguments['OS'][1] myArguments.update({'OS': myOS, 'OSVersion': myOSVer}) elif (isinstance(myArguments['OS'], list) or isinstance(myArguments['OS'], tuple)) and len( myArguments['OS'] == 1): myOS = myArguments['OS'][0] myArguments.update({'OS': myOS}) else: myOS = myArguments['OS'] myArguments.update({'OS': myOS}) if myCriteria: if myOS: myCriteria = ''.join( [myCriteria, ' and ', 'OS = %(OS)s']) if myOSVer: myCriteria = ''.join([ myCriteria, ' and ', 'OSVersion = %(OSVersion)s' ]) else: if myOS: myCriteria = ''.join(['OS = %(OS)s']) if myOSVer: myCriteria = ''.join([ myCriteria, ' and ', 'OSVersion = %(OSVersion)s' ]) if 'PhysicalMem' in myArguments: myPhysMem = myPhysMemOper = None if len(myArguments['PhysicalMem'] == 2): myPhysMem = myArguments['PhysicalMem'][0] myPhysMemOper = myArguments['OS'][1] elif len(myArguments['OS'] == 1): myPhysMem = myArguments['OS'][0] myPhysMemOper = ' = ' else: myPhysMem = myArguments['OS'] myPhysMemOper = ' = ' myArguments.update({'PhyscialMem': myPhysMem}) if myCriteria: myCriteria = ''.join([ myCriteria, ' and ', 'physical_memory_mb ', myPhysMemOper, ' %(PhysicalMem)s' ]) else: myCriteria = ''.join([ 'physical_memory_mb ', myPhysMemOper, ' %(PhysicalMem)s' ]) print('Criteria >>>', myCriteria) myDynaSql = self.mySqlUtil.buildDynaSql(mySelectColList, mySelectTabList, myCriteria) print('dynamic sql', myDynaSql, myArguments) dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = myDynaSql, SqlArgs = myArguments, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myHostData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for host in dbResult['Data']: myData = { 'HostId': host['HOST_ID'], 'Host': host['HOST'], "Location": host['LOCATION'], "PhysicalLoc": host['PHYSICAL_LOC'], "OS": host['OS'], "OSVersion": host['OSVersion'], "OSRelease": host['OS_RELEASE'], "PhysicalMemMB": host['PHYSICAL_MEMORY_MB'], "SwapMemMB": host['SWAP_MEMORY_MB'], "IPAddress": host['IP_ADDRESSES'], 'AvgScore': round(host['AVG_SCORE'], 2), "LastScan": host["LAST_SCAN"], "LastScanTime": host["LAST_SCAN_TIME"] } if 'TENANT_VENDOR' in host: myData.update({'TenantVendor': host['TENANT_VENDOR']}) if 'VENDOR_PRODUCT' in host: myData.update( {'VendorProduct': host['VENDOR_PRODUCT']}) if 'TENANT_NAME' in host: myData.update({'TenantName': host['TENANT_NAME']}) if 'TENANT_VERSION' in host: myData.update( {'TenantVersion': host['TENANT_VERSION']}) myHostData.append(myData) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myHostData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise finally: del myMandatoryArgs del myOptionalArgs del myCriteria del myDynaSql del myDynaSqlWhereClause del myDynaSqlGroupByClause del myDynaSqlOrderByClause del myArguments del myValResult del myResponse del mySelectColList del mySelectTabList def __getAvgHostScore(self, args): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all host Arguments: Optional; HostId, Location, VendorId Return: [{"<HOST>" : <average_score>, "LOCATION" : <location>}] ''' try: # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] myOptionalArgs = ["Location", "VendorId", "HostId"] # Validaring arguments myArguments = self.utility.removeEmptyKeyFromDict(args) myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(myArguments, myMandatoryArgs) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse Location = Vendor = host = '' if 'HostId' in myArguments: # get host avg scroe for a host print('Host id passed, ignoring rest of criteria') mySql = self.globals.getAHostScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) elif 'Location' in myArguments and 'VendorId' in myArguments: print('Loc/Venodr id passed, ignoring rest of criteria') mySql = self.globals.getLocVendorHostScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) elif 'Location' in myArguments: print('Loc id passed, ignoring rest of criteria') mySql = self.globals.getLocHostScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) elif 'VendorId' in myArguments: print('Vendor id passed, ignoring rest of criteria') mySql = self.globals.getVendorHostScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) else: # no argument passed, returning all hosts print('No arguments passed, getting all host') mySql = self.globals.getAllHostScoreSql myArguments = None print('Sql, args >>> ', mySql, myArguments) dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = mySql, SqlArgs = myArguments, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myHostData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for host in dbResult['Data']: myData = { 'HostId': host['HOST_ID'], 'Host': host['HOST'], 'AvgScore': round(host['AVG_SCORE'], 2), "Location": host['LOCATION'], "LastScan": host["LAST_SCAN"], "LastScanTime": host["LAST_SCAN_TIME"] } if 'VENDOR' in host: myData.update({"Vendor": host['VENDOR']}) if 'VENDOR_PRODUCT' in host: myData.update( {"VendorProduct": host['VENDOR_PRODUCT']}) myHostData.append(myData) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myHostData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getAllTenantScore(self): try: # Average location score dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.hostTenantScoreSql, SqlArgs = None, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = list() #print(dbResult['Data']) if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for tenant in dbResult['Data']: #checking if this is new venodr host = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if tenant['HOST'] in val.keys() ] if not host: # vendor doesnt exist, adding new vendor and product myData.append({ tenant['HOST']: [{ tenant['TENANT_NAME']: round(tenant['LAST_SCORE'], 2), "TYPE": tenant["TYPE"], "VENDOR": tenant["VENDOR"], "PRODUCT": tenant["PRODUCT"], "VERSION": tenant["VERSION"] }] }) else: # vendor exist, adding product myData[host[0]][tenant['HOST']].append({ tenant['TENANT_NAME']: round(tenant['LAST_SCORE'], 2), "TYPE": tenant["TYPE"], "VENDOR": tenant["VENDOR"], "PRODUCT": tenant["PRODUCT"], "VERSION": tenant["VERSION"] }) #myData[host[0]][tenant['HOST']].append({tenant['HOST'] : [{tenant['TENANT_NAME'] : round(tenant['LAST_SCORE'],2)}, "TYPE" : tenant["TYPE"], "VENDOR" : tenant["VENDOR"], "PRODUCT" : tenant["PRODUCT"], "VERSION" : tenant["VERSION"]]} ) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) #print(myResponse) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getAvgVendorScore(self, args): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all Venodr and its product Return: [{"<vendor>" : {<product> : <score>} }] ''' try: # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] myOptionalArgs = ["VendorId"] # Validaring arguments myArguments = self.utility.removeEmptyKeyFromDict(args) myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(myArguments, myMandatoryArgs) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse if 'VendorId' in myArguments: #found vendor, will return score for this vendor mySql = self.globals.getAVendorProdAvgScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(args) else: # will return score for all vendor mySql = self.globals.getAllVendorProdAvgScoreSql myArguments = None dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = mySql, SqlArgs = myArguments, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for vendorProdList in dbResult['Data']: #checking if vendor exists #vendor = [indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if vendorProdList['VENDOR'] in val.keys()] vendorIndx = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if myData[indx]['Vendor'] == vendorProdList['VENDOR'] ] if not vendorIndx: # vendor doesnt exist, adding new vendor and product myData.append({ 'Vendor': vendorProdList['VENDOR'], 'Products': [{ 'Product': vendorProdList['PRODUCT'], 'AvgScore': round(vendorProdList['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }] }) else: # vendor exist, adding product #print('Vendor >>> ',myData) vendorIndx = vendorIndx[0] myData[vendorIndx]['Products'].append({ 'Product': vendorProdList['PRODUCT'], 'AvgScore': round(vendorProdList['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }) myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getAvgLocVendorScore(self, args): ''' Description: Returns average CIS scan score for all Venodr and its product Return: [{"<location>" : {<vendor> : {<product> : <score> }}}] ''' try: # Average location score # initializing myMandatoryArgs = ["SecurityToken"] myOptionalArgs = ["Location", "VendorId"] # Validaring arguments myArguments = self.utility.removeEmptyKeyFromDict(args) myValResult = self.utility.valRequiredArg(args, myMandatoryArgs) if myValResult[0] == self.globals.UnSuccess: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, myValResult[2]) return myResponse if 'Location' in myArguments and 'VendorId' in myArguments: mySql = self.globals.getALocAVendorAvgScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) elif 'Location' in myArguments: mySql = self.globals.getALocAllVendorAvgScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) elif 'VendorId' in myArguments: mySql = self.globals.getAllLocAVendorAvgScoreSql #myArgs = self.utility.getACopy(myArguments) else: mySql = self.globals.getAllLocVendorAvgScoreSql myArguments = None dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = mySql, SqlArgs = myArguments, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) myData = [] if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: for locVendor in dbResult['Data']: #checking if Location exisit locIndx = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData) if locVendor['LOCATION'] == myData[indx]['Location'] ] if not locIndx: # Location does not exist, will add new record #print('location not found', locVendor) myData.append({ 'Location': locVendor['LOCATION'], 'Vendors': [{ 'Vendor': locVendor['VENDOR'], 'Products': [{ 'Product': locVendor['PRODUCT'], 'AvgScore': round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE'], 2) }] }] }) #print('location not found', myData) else: locIndx = locIndx[0] #print('location found',locVendor['LOCATION']) # we found location, will check if vendor exists #print('location:',locVendor['LOCATION']) #print('mydata:',myData) #print('location indx:',location) #print('mydata loc:',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) #print('before finding vendor',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) vendorIndx = [ indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData[locIndx] ['Vendors']) if locVendor['VENDOR'] == myData[locIndx] ['Vendors'][indx]['Vendor'] ] if not vendorIndx: #vendor not found for this location, will add new vendor along with its 1st product #print('vendor not found',myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']]) myData[locIndx]['Vendors'].append({ 'Vendor': locVendor['VENDOR'], 'Products': [{ 'Product': locVendor['PRODUCT'], 'AvgScore': round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }] }) else: # vendor found, will add the product to this vendor vendorIndx = vendorIndx[0] myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx][ 'Products'].append({ 'Product': locVendor['PRODUCT'], 'AvgScore': round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }) ''' #print('vendor found',location,locVendor['LOCATION'],vendor,myData) # vendor for this location found, add product to this vendor prodIndx = [indx for indx, val in enumerate(myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx]['Products']) if locVendor['PRODUCT'] == myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx][indx]['Product'] ] if not prodIndx: # product not found, will add product to current vendor myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx].update({'Products' : [{ 'Product' : locVendor['Product'], 'AvgScore' : round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }] }) else: prodIndx = prodIndx[0] myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx]['Products'].append({ 'Product' : locVendor['Product'], 'AvgScore' : round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE']) }) myData[location][locVendor['LOCATION']][vendor][locVendor['VENDOR']].append({locVendor['PRODUCT'] : round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE'])}) myData[locIndx]['Vendors'][vendorIndx][vendor][locVendor['VENDOR']].append({locVendor['PRODUCT'] : round(locVendor['AVG_SCORE'])}) ''' myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.Success, self.globals.Success, myData) else: myResponse = self.utility.buildResponse( self.globals.UnSuccess, dbResult['Data']) return myResponse except Exception as error: raise def __getTenantScan(self, TenantId, ScanId='Latest'): ''' Description: Get latest tenant scan for a tenant id Args: TenantId : TenantId ScanId : optional (default is 'Latest') ''' try: if ScanId == self.globals.latest: dbResult = self.__getLastTenantScan(TenantId) if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: if dbResult['Data']: myScanId = dbResult['Data']['SCAN_ID'] myScanSeqId = dbResult['Data']['SEQ_ID'] else: raise ValueError('') myScanId = dbResult['Data']['ScanId'] else: myScanId = ScanId dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql( self.repConn, self.globals.getTenantScanSummarySql) except Exception as e: raise e def __getLastTenantScan(self, TenantId): ''' Description: Get latest scan id for a tenant Args: TenantId : TenantId ScanId : optional (default is 'Latest') Returns: last scan id and scan seq id ''' try: mySqlArgs = {'TenantId': TenantId} dbResult = self.mySqlUtil.execSelectSql(\ Conn = self.repConn, SqlText = self.globals.getLatestTenantScansSql, SqlArgs = TenantId, SqlOutput = self.globals.SqlOutput['Dict']) if dbResult['Status'] == self.globals.Success: # if we got data, we need to extract dict from tuple if dbResult['Data']: dbResult['Data'] = dbResult['Data'][0] return dbResult except Exception as e: raise e
import os from flask import Flask, flash, session, redirect, url_for, escape, request, jsonify, json from datetime import timedelta #from com.port8.core.singleton import Singleton from com.port8.bpm.factory import Factory from com.port8.core.utility import Utility from com.port8.core.infrastructure import RestInfra from flask_cors import CORS import logging #print("Hello") util = Utility() factory = Factory() infra = RestInfra() #print(os.environ['APP_SETTINGS']) app = Flask(__name__) app.env = 'DEVELOPMENT' app.config.from_object(os.environ['APP_SETTINGS']) #print('1st',app.config) CORS(app) #session = {} @app.before_request def make_session_permanent(): session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=5)