예제 #1
 def createEntityListFromResponse(self, response, detail=False):
     Creates list of server objects from response to list command sent
     to API
     theList = []
     data = response["servers"]
     for jsonObj in data:
         srv = Server("")
     return EntityList(theList, detail, self)
def testPersonality():
    s = Server(name="test", imageId=3, flavorId=1)
    p = Personality()
    f1 = File('/usr/local/personality1', \
              'this is a test.  if it is legible, the test failed')
    f2 = File('/usr/local/personality2', \
              'this is another test.  if it is legible, the test failed')
    p.files = [f1, f2]
    s.personality = p
    print "personality: ", s.personality
    print "files:"
    for file in p.files:
        print file.path, ' ', file.contents
    print "personality in server object:"
    print s.asJSON
    print "no personality in server object:"
    s.personality = None
    print s.asJSON