def __makeResponse(self): from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.decode import FileIn from gov.noaa.nws.ncep.edex.uengine.output import GridOut response = ArrayList() size = self.queryResults.size() for i in range(size): currentQuery = self.queryResults.get(i) # # grid coverage # if self.pluginName == 'grib': gridNavInfo = GempakConvert.getGridNavigationContent( currentQuery.getSpatialObject()).split(";") elif self.pluginName == 'ncgrib': gridNavInfo = GempakConvert.getNcgridNavigationContent( currentQuery.getSpatialObject()).split(";") nx = gridNavInfo[1] ny = gridNavInfo[2] # # Call FileIn constructor # fileIn = FileIn(self.plugin, currentQuery) # # Call the execute method, getting back the data record # record = fileIn.execute() self.nxStr = "%s" % nx self.nyStr = "%s" % ny fileOut = GridOut(record.getDataObject(), self.format, self.nxStr, self.nyStr) # # Execute method of FileOut class stores the data # in a file in uEngineProducts directory with the extension # contained in the string self.format # writeFile = fileOut.execute() # # Separate the file name from the complete path and store in content # content = ( "%s" % writeFile).split("/")[len(("%s" % writeFile).split("/")) - 1] # # # import socket hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[2][0] # # Return content wrapped in a generic XML message # response.add(ResponseMessageGeneric(hostname + "|" + content)) return response
def __makeImageResponse(self): from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.decode import FileIn from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.process import ColorMapImage, ReprojectImage, ImageOut from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.output import FileOut from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.response import MakeResponseUri from com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial import MapUtil response = ArrayList() size = self.queryResults.size() for i in range(size): currentQuery = self.queryResults.get(i) geom = MapUtil.getGridGeometry(currentQuery.getSpatialObject()) crs = geom.getCoordinateReferenceSystem() fileIn = FileIn(self.plugin, currentQuery) record = fileIn.execute() colorMap = ColorMapImage(self.__colormap, record.getDataObject(), geom) imageOut = None if self.__reproject: reproject = ReprojectImage(colorMap.execute(), geom, crs) reprojectedImage = reproject.execute() imageOut = ImageOut(reprojectedImage, self.__format, reproject.getGridGeometry()) else: imageOut = ImageOut(colorMap.execute(), self.__format, geom) fileOut = FileOut(imageOut.execute(), self.__format) writeFile = fileOut.execute() makeResponse = MakeResponseUri(writeFile, None, currentQuery.getIdentifier(), self.__format) response.add(makeResponse.execute()) if self.__kml: from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.output import KmlImage kmlImage = KmlImage(writeFile, geom) kmlFile = kmlImage.execute() kmlResponse = MakeResponseUri(kmlFile, None, None, "kml") response.add(kmlResponse.execute()) return response
def __makeResponse(self): from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.decode import FileIn from gov.noaa.nws.ncep.edex.uengine.output import GridOut response = ArrayList() size = self.queryResults.size() for i in range(size): currentQuery = self.queryResults.get(i) # # grid coverage # if self.pluginName == 'grib': gridNavInfo = GempakConvert.getGridNavigationContent(currentQuery.getSpatialObject()).split(";") elif self.pluginName == 'ncgrib': gridNavInfo = GempakConvert.getNcgridNavigationContent(currentQuery.getSpatialObject()).split(";") nx = gridNavInfo[1] ny = gridNavInfo[2] # # Call FileIn constructor # fileIn = FileIn(self.plugin, currentQuery) # # Call the execute method, getting back the data record # record = fileIn.execute() self.nxStr = "%s" % nx self.nyStr = "%s" % ny fileOut = GridOut(record.getDataObject(), self.format, self.nxStr, self.nyStr) # # Execute method of FileOut class stores the data # in a file in uEngineProducts directory with the extension # contained in the string self.format # writeFile = fileOut.execute() # # Separate the file name from the complete path and store in content # content = ("%s" % writeFile).split("/")[len(("%s" % writeFile).split("/") ) - 1] # # # import socket hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[2][0] # # Return content wrapped in a generic XML message # response.add(ResponseMessageGeneric(hostname+"|"+content)) return response
def __makeResponse(self): from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.decode import FileIn from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.output import FileOut response = ArrayList() size = self.queryResults.size() for i in range(size): currentQuery = self.queryResults.get(i) # # Call FileIn constructor # fileIn = FileIn(self.plugin, currentQuery) # # Call the execute method, getting back the data record # record = fileIn.execute() fileOut = FileOut(record.getDataObject(), self.format) # # Execute method of FileOut class stores the data # in a file in uEngineProducts directory with the extension # contained in the string self.format # writeFile = fileOut.execute() # # Separate the file name from the complete path and store in content # content = ( "%s" % writeFile).split("/")[len(("%s" % writeFile).split("/")) - 1] # # Return content wrapped in a generic XML message # response.add(ResponseMessageGeneric(content)) return response
def __makeResponse(self): from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.decode import FileIn from com.raytheon.edex.uengine.tasks.output import FileOut response = ArrayList() size = self.queryResults.size() for i in range(size): currentQuery = self.queryResults.get(i) # # Call FileIn constructor # fileIn = FileIn(self.plugin, currentQuery) # # Call the execute method, getting back the data record # record = fileIn.execute() fileOut = FileOut(record.getDataObject(), self.format) # # Execute method of FileOut class stores the data # in a file in uEngineProducts directory with the extension # contained in the string self.format # writeFile = fileOut.execute() # # Separate the file name from the complete path and store in content # content = ("%s" % writeFile).split("/")[len(("%s" % writeFile).split("/") ) - 1] # # Return content wrapped in a generic XML message # response.add(ResponseMessageGeneric(content)) return response