예제 #1
 def __call__(self, path, py="", refresh=None, update=None):
     Site.__call__(self, path) # updates self._path/_route
     this = self._route[-1]
     name = self._path[-1]
     if update:
         this = self._route[-1] = eval (py)
         setattr (self._route[-2], name, this)
     yield "<h3>%s %s of %s:</h3>" % (
         type(this).__name__, name, path2module (self._path[:-1]))
     yield htmlStr (this)
     if type(this) is ClassType \
     or this.__class__.__doc__ != this.__doc__: 
         yield "<div align=left><pre>%s</pre></div>" % (this.__doc__ or "")
     yield "<form action=%s method=post>" % name
     yield "<p>Python representation:</p>"
     yield "<input type=text name=py value=%s></p>" % repr (repr (this))
     yield "<p><input type=submit name=refresh value=Refresh>"
     yield "<input type=submit name=update value=Update></p>"
     yield "</form>"
예제 #2
 def __call__(self, path, ** options):
     /, /index:
         Ask for module to author (unless other content has been 
         Prepare route to module and add __main__ author below it with a
         unique workspace on the publisher. Return link to this __main__.
         Execute py script within the __main__ author's workspace on the
         publisher. Ask for new script to execute.
         Update or call item using py expression.
         Yield info about item and ask for update or call.
         Copy item to parent of __main__ using name in publish, or ask for
         name (default is same name) to publish it with on the module.
         Yield the item.
         If module has a __main__, delete item from it if withdraw, or ask
         to withdraw it. 
     print self.__call__, path, options
     if path == ['index']:
         self._path = path
         self._route = [self, self.index]
         yield self.index
     elif path == ['login']:
         self._path = path
         self._route = [self, None]
         module = options.get ('module', "com.iit.guests")
         target = self
         for i, m in enumerate (module.split ('.')):
             if not hasattr (target, m):
                 setattr (target, m, Module ())
             target = getattr (target, m)
         print "Now connecting to workspace %s on" % module, self.publisher
         target.__main__ = Author (module, str (self.publisher))
         route = module.replace ('.', '/')
         yield "Click to author module <a href=%s/__main__ >%s</a>" % (route, module)
     elif path[-1] == '__main__':
         author = Site.__call__(self, path)
         py = options.get ('py', "").replace ("\r\n", "\n")
         print "Executing", repr (py), "in", path2module (self._path)
         if py: author.do (py)
         yield """
             <form action=__main__ method=get>
             <p>You may enter python code to modify your module here.</p>
             <i>One statement at a time only, due to a limitation in spiroserver.</i>
             <textarea rows=28 cols=80 name=py>%s</textarea></p>
             <p><input type=submit value=Execute></p>
             """ % py
     elif "__main__" in path:
         publish = options.pop ('publish', "")
         yield htmlStr (Remotable.__call__(self, path, ** options))
         for p in range (3, len (path) + 1):
             if path[1-p] == "__main__": break
         this = self._route[-1]
         target = self._route[-p]
         name = path2module (path[2-p:])
         module = path2module (path[:1-p])
         if publish:
             setattr (target, publish, this)
             yield "<form action=%s method=post>" % name
             yield "<input type=submit value=Publish> as"
             yield "<input type=text name=publish value=%s>" % repr (name)
             yield "in module %s" % module
             yield "</form>"
         print options
         yield Site.__call__(self, path)
         if hasattr (self._route[-2], "__main__"):
             if options.get ('withdraw', False):
                 delattr (self._route[-2], path[-1])
                 yield "<H1>DELETED!</H1>"
                 yield "<form action=%s method=post>" % path[-1]
                 yield "<input type=submit name=withdraw value=Withdraw>"
                 yield "</form>"