예제 #1
def edit():
    POST /comic/edit/:id

    Updates comic details.

    comic = get_or_404(db.comic, request.args(0))

    # Ensure the user owns this comic
    if not comic_helpers.user_can_edit(db, comic.id, auth.user.id):
        flash_and_redirect_back('danger', 'You cannot edit a comic you did not create.')

    form = ComicForm(comic)

    if form.process().accepted:
        flash('info', 'Comic updated successfully.', comic.url)
    elif form.form.errors:
        flash('danger', 'Form has errors.')

    return {
        'form': form.form,
        'comic': comic,
        'owner': auth.user,
예제 #2
def view():
    GET /comic/view/:id

    Views the details for a specific comic.

    comic = get_or_404(db.comic, request.args(0))

    # Ensure that the user either owns the comic or that it belongs to a public box
    user_id = auth.user.id if auth.is_logged_in() else 0
    if not comic_helpers.user_can_view(db, comic.id, user_id):
        raise HTTP(404)

    available_boxes = db(db.box.owner == user_id).select()

    return {
        'comic': comic,
        'boxes': db(db.comicbox.comic == comic.id)(db.box.id == db.comicbox.box)(
            (db.box.private == False) | (db.box.owner == user_id)).select(db.box.ALL),
        'artists': db(db.comicartist.comic == comic.id)(db.artist.id == db.comicartist.artist).select(db.artist.ALL),
        'writers': db(db.comicwriter.comic == comic.id)(db.writer.id == db.comicwriter.writer).select(db.writer.ALL),
        'owner': db(db.comicbox.comic == comic.id)(db.box.id == db.comicbox.box)(
            db.auth_user.id == db.box.owner).select(db.auth_user.ALL).first(),
        'can_edit': comic_helpers.user_can_edit(db, comic.id, user_id),
        'available_boxes': available_boxes
예제 #3
def delete():
    POST /comic/delete/:id

    Deletes a comic.
    comic = get_or_404(db.comic, request.args(0))

    if not comic_helpers.user_can_edit(db, comic.id, auth.user.id):
        flash_and_redirect_back('danger', 'You cannot delete a comic you did not create.')

    flash_and_redirect_back('info', 'Deleted %s.' % comic.full_name,
                            default=URL('collection', 'view', args=[auth.user.id]),