def checkEnvState(thisDict): for i in thisDict.keys(): instance = thisDict[i].__dict__ hostname = instance['public_dns_name'].encode('ascii') #quick check to make sure everything is up and running x = execute(i, hostname, 'root', cfg.EC2.east_key, cfg.EC2.east_keyName) if not x.connectionSuccessful: exit(-1) print(x.rc('hostname'))
if __name__ == '__main__': if cfg.MAIN.environment == 'ec2': thisEnv = list(myenv) dict = startInstances(thisEnv) ## wait for instance and check ssh print('wait for instances to boot for 130 seconds') time.sleep(float(cfg.EC2.sleepForInstance)) print('done waiting for instances to boot') checkEnvState(dict) rhuiEnv = {} clientEnv = {} if 'RHUA' in thisEnv: rhua = dict['RHUA'].__dict__ rhuaCMD = execute('RHUA', rhua['public_dns_name'].encode('ascii'), 'root', cfg.EC2.east_key, cfg.EC2.east_keyName) rhuiEnv['rhua'] = rhua rhuiEnv['rhuaCMD'] = rhuaCMD rhua['ent_cert'] = cfg.ENT_CERTS.cert if 'CDS1' in thisEnv: cds1 = dict['CDS1'].__dict__ cds1CMD = execute('CDS1', cds1['public_dns_name'].encode('ascii'), 'root', cfg.EC2.east_key, cfg.EC2.east_keyName) rhuiEnv['cds1'] = cds1 rhuiEnv['cds1CMD'] = cds1CMD if 'CDS2' in thisEnv: cds2 = dict['CDS2'].__dict__ cds2CMD = execute('CDS2', cds2['public_dns_name'].encode('ascii'), 'root', cfg.EC2.east_key, cfg.EC2.east_keyName)