def mosaic(input_dir, output_dir, header=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8, background_match=False, imglist=None, combine="mean", exact_size=False, cleanup=True, bitpix=-32, level_only=True, work_dir=None): if not combine in ['mean', 'median', 'count']: raise Exception("combine should be one of mean/median/count") # Check that there are files in the input directory if len(glob.glob('%s/*' % input_dir)) == 0: raise Exception("No files in input directory") # Find path to input and output directory input_dir = os.path.abspath(input_dir) + "/" output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) + "/" # Make work directory if work_dir: work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) + '/' if os.path.exists(work_dir): raise Exception("Work directory already exists") os.mkdir(work_dir) else: work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/' images_raw_all_tbl = work_dir + 'images_raw_all.tbl' images_raw_tbl = work_dir + 'images_raw.tbl' images_projected_tbl = work_dir + 'images_projected.tbl' images_corrected_tbl = work_dir + 'images_corrected.tbl' corrections_tbl = work_dir + 'corrections.tbl' diffs_tbl = work_dir + 'diffs.tbl' stats_tbl = work_dir + 'stats.tbl' fits_tbl = work_dir + 'fits.tbl' raw_dir = work_dir + 'raw' projected_dir = work_dir + 'projected' corrected_dir = work_dir + 'corrected' diffs_dir = work_dir + 'diffs' header_hdr = work_dir + 'header.hdr' # Find path to header file if specified if header: header = os.path.abspath(header) # Find path to image list if specified if imglist: imglist = os.path.abspath(imglist) # Create output dir if os.path.exists(output_dir): raise Exception("Output directory already exists") else: os.mkdir(output_dir) # Create symbolic links os.symlink(input_dir, raw_dir) if header: os.symlink(header, header_hdr) # Create temporary directories for Montage os.mkdir(projected_dir) if background_match: os.mkdir(diffs_dir) os.mkdir(corrected_dir) # List frames to mosaic print "Listing raw frames" m.mImgtbl(raw_dir, images_raw_all_tbl, img_list=imglist, corners=True) # Compute header if needed if not header: print "Computing optimal header" m.mMakeHdr(images_raw_all_tbl, header_hdr) images_raw_tbl = images_raw_all_tbl else: print "Checking for coverage" m.mCoverageCheck(images_raw_all_tbl, images_raw_tbl, mode='header', header=header_hdr) # Projecting raw frames print "Projecting raw frames" m.mProjExec(images_raw_tbl, header_hdr, projected_dir, stats_tbl, raw_dir=raw_dir, mpi=mpi, n_proc=n_proc, exact=exact_size) # List projected frames m.mImgtbl(projected_dir, images_projected_tbl) if background_match: # Modeling background print "Modeling background" m.mOverlaps(images_projected_tbl, diffs_tbl) m.mDiffExec(diffs_tbl, header_hdr, diffs_dir, proj_dir=projected_dir, mpi=mpi, n_proc=n_proc) m.mFitExec(diffs_tbl, fits_tbl, diffs_dir) m.mBgModel(images_projected_tbl, fits_tbl, corrections_tbl, n_iter=32767, level_only=level_only) # Matching background print "Matching background" m.mBgExec(images_projected_tbl, corrections_tbl, corrected_dir, proj_dir=projected_dir) sh.copy(corrections_tbl, output_dir) # Mosaicking frames print "Mosaicking frames" m.mImgtbl(corrected_dir, images_corrected_tbl) m.mAdd(images_corrected_tbl, header_hdr, output_dir + 'mosaic64.fits', img_dir=corrected_dir, type=combine, exact=exact_size) sh.copy(images_projected_tbl, output_dir) sh.copy(images_corrected_tbl, output_dir) else: # Mosaicking frames print "Mosaicking frames" m.mAdd(images_projected_tbl, header_hdr, output_dir + 'mosaic64.fits', img_dir=projected_dir, type=combine, exact=exact_size) sh.copy(images_projected_tbl, output_dir) m.mConvert(output_dir + 'mosaic64.fits', output_dir + 'mosaic.fits', bitpix=bitpix) m.mConvert(output_dir + 'mosaic64_area.fits', output_dir + 'mosaic_area.fits', bitpix=bitpix) os.remove(output_dir + "mosaic64.fits") os.remove(output_dir + "mosaic64_area.fits") _finalize(cleanup, work_dir) return
def reproject(in_images, out_images, header=None, bitpix=None, north_aligned=False, system=None, equinox=None, factor=None, common=False, exact_size=False, cleanup=True, silent_cleanup=False): ''' General-purpose reprojection routine. If one input/output image is specified, and the header argument is set, the routine is equivalent to using mProject or mProjectPP. If header= is not set, a new header is computed by taking into account the north_aligned, system, and equinox arguments (if set). If tuples of input/output images are specified, the tuples need to have the same number of elements. If header= is specified, all images are projected to this common projection. If header= is not specified, then a new header is computed a new header is computed by taking into account the north_aligned, system, and equinox arguments (if set). If common=False, then a header is computed for each individual image, whereas if common=True, an optimal header is computed for all images. Required Arguments *in_images* [ string | tuple or list of strings ] Path(s) of input FITS file(s) to be reprojected. *out_images* [ string | tuple or list of strings ] Path(s) of output FITS file(s) to be created. Optional Arguments *header* [ string ] Path to the header file to use for re-projection. *bitpix* [ value ] BITPIX value for the ouput FITS file (default is -64). Possible values are: 8 (character or unsigned binary integer), 16 (16-bit integer), 32 (32-bit integer), -32 (single precision floating point), -64 (double precision floating point). *north_aligned* [ True | False ] Align the pixel y-axis with North *system* [ value ] Specifies the coordinate system Possible values are: EQUJ EQUB ECLJ ECLB GAL SGAL *equinox* [ value ] If a coordinate system is specified, the equinox can also be given in the form YYYY. Default is J2000. *factor* [ value ] Drizzle factor (see mProject) *exact_size* [ True | False ] Whether to reproject the image(s) to the exact header specified (i.e. whether cropping is unacceptable). *silent_cleanup* [ True | False ] (default False) Hide messages related to tmp directory removal Optional Arguments (multiple files only) *common* [ string ] Compute a common optimal header for all images (only used if header=None) ''' if type(in_images) == str and type(out_images) == str: in_images = (in_images, ) out_images = (out_images, ) elif type(in_images) in [tuple, list] and type(out_images) in [tuple, list]: pass else: raise Exception("Inconsistent type for in_images (%s) and out_images (%s)" % (type(in_images), type(out_images))) if header: if north_aligned or system or equinox: warnings.warn("header= is set, so north_aligned=, system=, and equinox= will be ignored") if common and len(in_images) == 1: warnings.warn("only one image is being reprojected, so common= will be ignored") # Find path to input and output file in_images = [os.path.abspath(in_image) for in_image in in_images] out_images = [os.path.abspath(out_image) for out_image in out_images] if len(in_images) > 1 and not header and not common: for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): reproject(in_images[i], out_images[i], bitpix=bitpix, north_aligned=north_aligned, system=system, equinox=equinox, factor=factor, exact_size=exact_size, cleanup=cleanup, silent_cleanup=silent_cleanup) return # Make work directory work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/' # Set paths raw_dir = work_dir + 'raw/' final_dir = work_dir + 'final/' if header: header_hdr = os.path.abspath(header) else: header_hdr = work_dir + 'header.hdr' images_raw_tbl = work_dir + 'images_raw.tbl' images_tmp_tbl = work_dir + 'images_tmp.tbl' # Create raw directory os.mkdir(raw_dir) os.mkdir(final_dir) # Link to images for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): os.mkdir(raw_dir + '%i' % i) os.symlink(in_image, raw_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i) # Make image table m.mImgtbl(raw_dir, images_raw_tbl, corners=True, recursive=True) # Make new header if not header: m.mMakeHdr(images_raw_tbl, header_hdr, north_aligned=north_aligned, system=system, equinox=equinox) for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): os.mkdir(final_dir + '%i' % i) mProject_auto(in_images[i], final_dir + '%i/image_tmp.fits' % i, header_hdr) if exact_size: m.mImgtbl(final_dir + '%i' % i, images_tmp_tbl, corners=True) m.mAdd(images_tmp_tbl, header_hdr, final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i, img_dir=final_dir + '%i' % i, exact=True) else: os.symlink(final_dir + '%i/image_tmp.fits' % i, final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i) m.mConvert(final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i, out_images[i], bitpix=bitpix) _finalize(cleanup, work_dir, silence=silent_cleanup) return
def reproject(in_images, out_images, header=None, bitpix=None, north_aligned=False, system=None, equinox=None, factor=None, common=False, exact_size=False, hdu=None, cleanup=True, silent_cleanup=False): ''' General-purpose reprojection routine. If one input/output image is specified, and the header argument is set, the routine is equivalent to using mProject or mProjectPP. If header= is not set, a new header is computed by taking into account the north_aligned, system, and equinox arguments (if set). If tuples of input/output images are specified, the tuples need to have the same number of elements. If header= is specified, all images are projected to this common projection. If header= is not specified, then a new header is computed a new header is computed by taking into account the north_aligned, system, and equinox arguments (if set). If common=False, then a header is computed for each individual image, whereas if common=True, an optimal header is computed for all images. Required Arguments *in_images* [ string | tuple or list of strings ] Path(s) of input FITS file(s) to be reprojected. *out_images* [ string | tuple or list of strings ] Path(s) of output FITS file(s) to be created. Optional Arguments *header* [ string ] Path to the header file to use for re-projection. *bitpix* [ value ] BITPIX value for the ouput FITS file (default is -64). Possible values are: 8 (character or unsigned binary integer), 16 (16-bit integer), 32 (32-bit integer), -32 (single precision floating point), -64 (double precision floating point). *north_aligned* [ True | False ] Align the pixel y-axis with North *system* [ value ] Specifies the coordinate system Possible values are: EQUJ EQUB ECLJ ECLB GAL SGAL *equinox* [ value ] If a coordinate system is specified, the equinox can also be given in the form YYYY. Default is J2000. *factor* [ value ] Drizzle factor (see mProject) *exact_size* [ True | False ] Whether to reproject the image(s) to the exact header specified (i.e. whether cropping is unacceptable). *hdu* [ value ] The HDU to use in the file(s) *silent_cleanup* [ True | False ] (default False) Hide messages related to tmp directory removal Optional Arguments (multiple files only) *common* [ string ] Compute a common optimal header for all images (only used if header=None) ''' if type(in_images) == str and type(out_images) == str: in_images = (in_images, ) out_images = (out_images, ) elif type(in_images) in [tuple, list ] and type(out_images) in [tuple, list]: pass else: raise Exception( "Inconsistent type for in_images (%s) and out_images (%s)" % (type(in_images), type(out_images))) if header: if north_aligned or system or equinox: warnings.warn( "header= is set, so north_aligned=, system=, and equinox= will be ignored" ) if common and len(in_images) == 1: warnings.warn( "only one image is being reprojected, so common= will be ignored") # Find path to input and output file in_images = [os.path.abspath(in_image) for in_image in in_images] out_images = [os.path.abspath(out_image) for out_image in out_images] if len(in_images) > 1 and not header and not common: for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): reproject(in_images[i], out_images[i], bitpix=bitpix, north_aligned=north_aligned, system=system, equinox=equinox, factor=factor, exact_size=exact_size, cleanup=cleanup, silent_cleanup=silent_cleanup) return # Make work directory work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/' # Set paths raw_dir = work_dir + 'raw/' final_dir = work_dir + 'final/' if header: header_hdr = os.path.abspath(header) else: header_hdr = work_dir + 'header.hdr' images_raw_tbl = work_dir + 'images_raw.tbl' images_tmp_tbl = work_dir + 'images_tmp.tbl' # Create raw directory os.mkdir(raw_dir) os.mkdir(final_dir) # Link to images for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): os.mkdir(raw_dir + '%i' % i) os.symlink(in_image, raw_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i) # Make image table m.mImgtbl(raw_dir, images_raw_tbl, corners=True, recursive=True) # Make new header if not header: m.mMakeHdr(images_raw_tbl, header_hdr, north_aligned=north_aligned, system=system, equinox=equinox) for i, in_image in enumerate(in_images): os.mkdir(final_dir + '%i' % i) mProject_auto(in_images[i], final_dir + '%i/image_tmp.fits' % i, header_hdr, hdu=hdu) if exact_size: m.mImgtbl(final_dir + '%i' % i, images_tmp_tbl, corners=True) m.mAdd(images_tmp_tbl, header_hdr, final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i, img_dir=final_dir + '%i' % i, exact=True) else: os.symlink(final_dir + '%i/image_tmp.fits' % i, final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i) m.mConvert(final_dir + '%i/image.fits' % i, out_images[i], bitpix=bitpix) _finalize(cleanup, work_dir, silence=silent_cleanup) return