예제 #1
 def _determine_comment_style(self):
     # I'm not exactly sure why this function needs a point.  It seems to
     # return the same value regardless of location for the stuff I've
     # tried.
     (self._lc, self._bc) = comment.build_comment_data(self.view, 0)
     if (u'//', False) in self._lc:
         # Doxygen-style comment blocks
         self._lc = [('/// ', False), ('///', False),
                     ('//! ', False), ('//!', False)] + self._lc
예제 #2
    def get_comment_settings(self):
        """Determines the appropriate block comment characters for the currently selected syntax."""
        lineComments, blockComments = comment.build_comment_data(self.view, 0)
        lang = self.get_language_descriptor()
        overrideLanguages = self.settings.get(constants.SETTING_LANGUAGES_USE_LINE_COMMENTS)

        if len(lineComments) == 0 and len(blockComments) == 0:
            self.firstLine = '# '
            self.middleLine = '# '
            self.lastLine = '# '
        elif lang in overrideLanguages or (len(blockComments) == 0 and len(lineComments) > 0):
            self.firstLine = lineComments[0][0]
            self.middleLine = lineComments[0][0]
            self.lastLine = lineComments[0][0]
            self.firstLine = blockComments[0][0]
            self.middleLine = ''
            self.lastLine = blockComments[0][1]
예제 #3
	def makeSeparator( self, size ):
		view = sublime.active_window().active_view()
		global comment
		lineComment = "//"
		line_comments = comment.build_comment_data( view, view.sel()[0].a )[0]
		if len(line_comments) > 0:
			lineComment = line_comments[0][0].strip()
		ret = []
		separatorTypes = self.getSeparatorTypes()
		for i in range( 0, len( separatorTypes ) ):
			addComment = lineComment + separatorTypes[i] * size
			ret.append( addComment )
		return ret
예제 #4
def expand_to_paragraph(view, tp):
    sr = view.full_line(tp)
    if is_paragraph_separating_line(view, sr):
        return sublime.Region(tp, tp)

    required_prefix = None

    # If the current line starts with a comment, only select lines that are also
    # commented
    (line_comments, block_comments) = comment.build_comment_data(view, tp)
    dataStart = comment.advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(
        view, sr.begin())
    for c in line_comments:
        (start, disable_indent) = c
        comment_region = sublime.Region(dataStart, dataStart + len(start))
        if view.substr(comment_region) == start:
            required_prefix = view.substr(
                sublime.Region(sr.begin(), comment_region.end()))

    first = sr.begin()
    prev = sr
    while True:
        prev = previous_line(view, prev)
        if (prev == None or is_paragraph_separating_line(view, prev)
                or not has_prefix(view, prev, required_prefix)):
            first = prev.begin()

    last = sr.end()
    next = sr
    while True:
        next = next_line(view, next)
        if (next == None or is_paragraph_separating_line(view, next)
                or not has_prefix(view, next, required_prefix)):
            last = next.end()

    return sublime.Region(first, last)
예제 #5
def expand_to_paragraph(view, tp):
    sr = view.full_line(tp)
    if is_paragraph_separating_line(view, sr):
        return sublime.Region(tp, tp)

    required_prefix = None

    # If the current line starts with a comment, only select lines that are also
    # commented
    (line_comments, block_comments) = comment.build_comment_data(view, tp)
    dataStart = comment.advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(view, sr.begin())
    for c in line_comments:
        (start, disable_indent) = c
        comment_region = sublime.Region(dataStart,
            dataStart + len(start))
        if view.substr(comment_region) == start:
            required_prefix = view.substr(sublime.Region(sr.begin(), comment_region.end()))

    first = sr.begin()
    prev = sr
    while True:
        prev = previous_line(view, prev)
        if (prev == None or is_paragraph_separating_line(view, prev) or
                not has_prefix(view, prev, required_prefix)):
            first = prev.begin()

    last = sr.end()
    next = sr
    while True:
        next = next_line(view, next)
        if (next == None or is_paragraph_separating_line(view, next) or
                not has_prefix(view, next, required_prefix)):
            last = next.end()

    return sublime.Region(first, last)
	def decorate( self, edit, currentSelection ):
		lineComments, blockComments = comment.build_comment_data(self.view, 0)
		self.firstLine = blockComments[0][0]
		self.lastLine = blockComments[0][1]

		# Convert the input range to a string, this represents the original selection.
		original = self.view.substr( currentSelection );
		# Construct a local path to the fonts directory.
		fontsDir = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'ASCII Decorator', 'pyfiglet', 'fonts')
		# Convert the input string to ASCII Art.
		settings = sublime.load_settings('ASCII Decorator.sublime-settings')
		f = Figlet( dir=fontsDir, font=settings.get('ascii_decorator_font') )
		output = f.renderText( original );

		# Normalize line endings based on settings.
		output = self.normalize_line_endings( output )
		# Normalize whitespace based on settings.
		output = self.fix_whitespace( original, output, currentSelection )

		self.view.replace( edit, currentSelection, self.firstLine + "\n" + output + "\n" + self.lastLine )

		return sublime.Region( currentSelection.begin(), currentSelection.begin() + len(output) )
예제 #7
 def _determine_comment_style(self):
     # I'm not exactly sure why this function needs a point.  It seems to
     # return the same value regardless of location for the stuff I've
     # tried.
     (self._lc, self._bc) = comment.build_comment_data(self.view, 0)
예제 #8
 def _determine_comment_style(self):
     # I'm not exactly sure why this function needs a point.  It seems to
     # return the same value regardless of location for the stuff I've
     # tried.
     (self._lc, self._bc) = comment.build_comment_data(self.view, 0)
예제 #9
	def onDoneSelector( self, default, index ):
		if index < 0:
		view = sublime.active_window().active_view() if sublime.active_window() else None
		if view is None:
		# select index. 
		items = self.makeQuickPanelItem(default)
		separatorTypeIndex = -1
		mode = "None"
		match = re.search( "^([0-9rz]+)", items[index] )
		if match:
			if match.group(1) == "z":
				separatorTypeIndex = len(items) - 2
				mode = "undo"
			elif match.group(1) == "r":
				separatorTypeIndex = len(items) - 1
				mode = "redo"
				separatorTypeIndex = int( match.group(1) )
				mode = "comment"
		# process
		if mode == "undo":
			# undo.
			view.window().run_command( "undo" )
		elif mode == "redo":
			# redo.
			view.window().run_command( "redo" )
		elif separatorTypeIndex >= 0:
			# insert separator.
			r, c = view.rowcol( view.sel()[0].begin() )
			linehead = view.text_point( r, 0 )
			indentString = view.substr( sublime.Region( linehead, view.sel()[0].begin() ) )
			tabSize = view.settings().get( "tab_size" )
			tab = tabSize
			indentLength = 0
			for char in indentString:
				if char == "\t":
					indentLength += tab
					tab = tabSize
					indentLength += 1
					tab -= 1
					if tab <= 0:
						tab = tabSize
			global comment
			commentLength = 2
			line_comments = comment.build_comment_data( view, view.sel()[0].a )[0]
			if len(line_comments) > 0:
				commentLength = len( line_comments[0][0].strip() )
			separatorLength = 80
			if view.settings().has( "separator_length" ):
				separatorLength = view.settings().get( "separator_length" )
			expandLength = separatorLength - commentLength - indentLength
			separatorMultiByteCount = count_zenkaku( self.getSeparatorTypes()[separatorTypeIndex].decode( "utf-8" ) )
			separatorSingleByteCount = len( self.getSeparatorTypes()[separatorTypeIndex].decode( "UTF-8" ) ) - separatorMultiByteCount
			separatorDefineLength = separatorMultiByteCount * 2 + separatorSingleByteCount
			separators = self.makeSeparator( expandLength / separatorDefineLength )
			addString = separators[separatorTypeIndex] + "\n" + indentString
			edit = view.begin_edit( "separator", None )
			view.insert( edit, view.sel()[0].begin(), addString )
			view.end_edit( edit )
		# continue process.
		self.openSelector( separatorTypeIndex )