def playkey(pitch, duration, instrument): # Create and play the note self.key_dict[key] = CSoundNote( onset=0, pitch=pitch, amplitude=volume, pan=0.5, duration=duration, trackId=track, instrumentId=instrument.instrumentId, reverbSend=self.reverb, tied=True, mode='mini')[key], 0.3) if self.getPlayState(): recOnset = int(self.csnd.loopGetTick()) self.onset_dict[key] = recOnset self.recording( CSoundNote(onset=recOnset, pitch=pitch, amplitude=volume, pan=0.5, duration=100, trackId=0, decay=.1, instrumentId=instrument.instrumentId, reverbSend=self.reverb, tied=False, mode='mini'))
def addMetronome(self, page, period): self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack([page], [1]) baseCS = CSoundNote( 0, # onset 36, # pitch 0.2, # amplitude 0.5, # pan 100, # duration 1, # track self.instrumentDB.instNamed["drum1hatpedal"].instrumentId, reverbSend=0.5, tied=True, mode='mini') stream = [] offset = 0 for b in range(self.noteDB.getPage(page).beats): cs = baseCS.clone() cs.instrumentId = \ self.instrumentDB.instNamed["drum1hatshoulder"].instrumentId cs.amplitude = 0.5 cs.onset += offset stream.append(cs) onset = period while onset < Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT: cs = baseCS.clone() cs.onset = onset + offset stream.append(cs) onset += period offset += Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.noteDB.addNotes([page, 1, len(stream)] + stream + [-1])
def send_note(self, inst, pitch, duration, vol, gy=-1): if not hasCSound: return if gy == -1: tid = 0 else: tid = self.get_available_track() self.track_map[gy] = tid pitch = self.shift_pitch(inst, pitch) csnote = CSoundNote(0, pitch, vol * self.global_vol, 0.5, duration, tid, inst) csnote.decay = 0.5 csnote, 1) # sec per tick = 1, so the unit for duration/decay becomes sec
def send_tied_note_off(self, inst, pitch, duration, decay, vol): if not hasCSound: return tid = self.query_pitch_and_recycle_tid(pitch) if tid == -1: return #print "pitch(" + str(pitch) + ") removed from track " + str(tid) pitch = self.shift_pitch(inst, pitch) csnote = CSoundNote(0, pitch, vol * self.global_vol, 0.5, duration, tid, inst) csnote.decay = decay csnote.tied = False csnote.mode = "mini", 1)
def send_tied_note_on( self, inst, pitch, vol ): # tied note generates a pair of note_on/off event, in note_on, duration = -1 (open note) if not hasCSound: return tid = self.get_available_track() self.track_map[pitch] = tid #print "pitch(" + str(pitch) + ") on track " + str(tid) pitch = self.shift_pitch(inst, pitch) csnote = CSoundNote(0, pitch, vol * self.global_vol, 0.5, -1, tid, inst) csnote.tied = True csnote.mode = "mini", 1)
def send_loop_note(self, inst, pitch, time, duration, vol, lid): if not hasCSound: return #generate a CSoundNote: (onset_time (ticks), pitch (MIDI #), vol, pan, duration (ticks), track_id, inst_id) pitch = self.shift_pitch(inst, pitch) csnote = CSoundNote(time, pitch, vol * self.global_vol, 0.5, duration, 0, inst) if inst < 5: # sustain piano sound for 0.15 sec csnote.duration = duration + self.time2tick(0.36) #elif inst == 141: # csnote.duration = -1 csnote.decay = self.time2tick( 0.75) # apply a decay for all instruments #wrap it in a Note before adding to the loop Note(page_id, track_id, note_id, csnote) n = Note(0, csnote.trackId, self.get_nid(), csnote) self.csound.loopPlay(n, 1, loopId=lid)
def playInstrumentNote(self, instrument, secs_per_tick=0.025): if not self.muteInst: CSoundNote(onset=0, pitch=36, amplitude=1, pan=0.5, duration=20, trackId=1, instrumentId=self.instrumentDB. instNamed[instrument].instrumentId, reverbSend=self.reverb, tied=False, mode='mini'), secs_per_tick)
def note_add(self, argv): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'note_add', argv nid = int(argv[0]) page =[int(argv[1])] track = int(argv[2]) instId = self.noteDB.getPage(page).instruments[track] cs = CSoundNote(int(argv[3]), int(argv[4]), float(argv[5]), float(argv[6]), float(argv[7]), int(argv[8]), instId, float(argv[10]), float(argv[11]), float(argv[12]), float(argv[13]), float(argv[14]), bool(argv[15]), argv[16]) self.noteDB.addNote(-1, page, track, cs)
def pageGenerate( regularity, drumPitch ): barLength = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * nbeats #print 'pageGenerate drumPitch[0] ', drumPitch[0] currentInstrument = instrumentDB.instNamed[ instrument ].kit[ drumPitch[0] ] rythmSequence = makeRythm.drumRythmSequence(currentInstrument, nbeats, density, regularity) pitchSequence = makePitchSequence(len(rythmSequence), drumPitch ) gainSequence = makeGainSequence(rythmSequence) trackNotes = [] list = range(len(rythmSequence)) for i in list: trackNotes.append( CSoundNote( rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, noteDuration, trackId, instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument].instrumentId, attack, decay, reverbSend, filterType, filterCutoff, tied, mode)) return trackNotes
def createCsNote(self, i, instrument, reverb): onset = i[0] pitch = i[1] gain = i[2]*self.volume duration = i[3] if self.instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument].kit != None: if GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH.has_key(pitch): pitch = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[pitch] instrument = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[ instrument ].kit[pitch].name pitch = 36 return CSoundNote( onset = onset, pitch = pitch, amplitude = gain, pan = 0.5, duration = duration, trackId = 0, instrumentId = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument].instrumentId, reverbSend = reverb, tied = False, mode = 'mini')
def _playNote(self, key, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration, instrumentId, reverb): self.key_dict[key] = CSoundNote( # onset 0, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration, self.nextTrack, instrumentId, reverbSend=reverb, tied=True, mode='mini') self.nextTrack += 1 if self.nextTrack > 8: self.nextTrack = 2[key], 0.3) return self.key_dict[key]
def pageGenerate(parameters, trackId, pageId, trackOfNotes, drumPitch=None): trackNotes = trackOfNotes if drumPitch: currentInstrument = instrumentDB.instNamed[ instrument[pageId][trackId]].kit[drumPitch[0]] rythmSequence = makeRythm.drumRythmSequence( parameters, currentInstrument, barLength) pitchSequence = makePitch.drumPitchSequence( len(rythmSequence), parameters, drumPitch, table_pitch) else: currentInstrument = instrument[pageId][trackId] rythmSequence = makeRythm.celluleRythmSequence( parameters, barLength, trackId, currentInstrument) pitchSequence = makePitch.drunkPitchSequence( len(rythmSequence), parameters, table_pitch, trackId) gainSequence = makeGainSequence(rythmSequence) durationSequence = makeDurationSequence(rythmSequence, parameters, table_duration, barLength, currentInstrument) numOfNotes = range(len(rythmSequence)) rand = random.random append = trackNotes.append pan = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_PAN instrument_id = instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument[pageId] [trackId]].instrumentId for i in numOfNotes: if drumPitch: if (rand() * fillDrum) > (parameters.silence[0] * .5): if fillDrum != 1: if rythmSequence[i] not in trackOnsets or pitchSequence[ i] not in trackPitchs: append( CSoundNote(rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.098, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit')) else: append( CSoundNote(rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.098, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit')) else: if rand() > parameters.silence[trackId]: append( CSoundNote(rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit')) trackDictionary[trackId][pageId] = trackNotes